Showing posts with label LIAR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIAR. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Amber Portwood: Matt Baier is a Thief and a Liar!

OK, so Matt Baier is just a really terrible person with no redeemable qualities whatsoever, right?

You know it, we know it, everybody knows it.

We still don’t know exactly how many children he has, but we do know that he has at least a handful that he doesn’t help support. He’s very manipulative, and we’re not convinced he feels feelings like the average human.

Also, on a more superficial note, he’s like really greasy? For no reason?

On the last season of Teen Mom OG, Matt really began showing his true, awful colors by doing things like trying to guilt Amber into marrying him in Las Vegas when she really wasn’t into it, then trashing her behind her back to MTV cameras.

Later, he offered a Xanax to Catelynn Lowell, which was not a great move since, you know, that’s illegal, and also because Amber’s dealt with addiction in the past, so having a boyfriend peddling pills isn’t ideal.

In last season’s finale, she had suspicions that he was cheating on her, so he took a lie detector test. He was shown to have lied on a question about making sexual advances towards a woman, and she lost it.

In real life, that last bit happened back in May. It took another month or so (and a season of Marriage Boot Camp!) for Amber to kick him to the curb for good.

We’re seeing that slow, agonizing breakup on the current season … and it’s been rough.

On the season premiere, things were very tense between them, and at the end of the episode, Amber seemed to call off not only their wedding, which was scheduled for October, but their engagement, too.

We don’t blame her one bit — on top of the possible cheating and the manipulation and the grease, he’s been stealing from her, too.

In last night’s episode, Amber spoke to her family about her issues with Matt, telling them that “He told me that we could separate our bank accounts if it makes me feel good.”

They should have been separate from the beginning, considering the fact that she makes a huge salary and also the fact that he obviously cannot be trusted.

But sure, that’s a nice gesture or whatever.

Then Amber said that “Within the last three years we’ve been together, tallying everything up, it’s been $ 120,000 that I have no clue where it’s went.”

“We’re not engaged and I feel like he’s a pathological liar.”

She did clarify that she does know where some money went — to one or more of Matt’s countless kids.

“I just realized he’s sending his daughter money that’s not even his money!” she exclaimed.

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard that Matt stole money from her — who could forget last season’s reunion show, when Matt explained that he had thousands of her dollars in a backpack in Las Vegas?

“I’ve given Matt more chances than I’ve given any man,” Amber told a producer later on the show. “Back in the day, I would’ve broken up with your ass.”

So why hadn’t she broken up with his ass at that point, after everything he put her through?

“I think it’s because I’ve invested so much time into it,” she said. “I just feel like I got caught up in a relationship where I lost all my sense of independence.”

“I stopped believing that I knew what I was talking about because I kept being told I was wrong, but I knew I was right! That’s my fault, for letting my guard down.”

Nah, girl, it’s his fault for being trash, actually.

Thankfully, she did say that she was “almost done” with Matt in that moment because “I have too much ahead of me for this sh-t.”

She was right, too — she’s with a brand new guy now, Andrew Glennon, and they’re expecting their first child together!

Of course, there’s a high chance that this new relationship may turn out to be an even bigger train wreck than her relationship with Matt was.

We haven’t heard her accuse him of anything (yet), but we do know that a couple of ex-girlfriends of his have filed restraining orders against him for stalking and other concerning behaviors.

Guess we’ll just have to keep watching Teen Mom OG to see how this one turns out!


Monday, December 4, 2017

Wendy Williams: Meghan Markle is a Scheming Liar!!

As the world knows, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are engaged. It"s officially announced and everything.

As you can imagine, Wendy Williams has some definite opinions on all of this, including on Meghan Markle herself. (To be fair, that is literally Wendy Williams" job)

But some think that, in the video below, she"s going way too far by straight-up calling Meghan Markle a fame-seeking liar.

It was barely over a month ago that Wendy Williams collapsed on live television and came back, apparently unharmed.

Wendy Williams sits down before her almost unbelievably adoring audience.

"Prince Harry and Meghan Markle – with a sparkle. They might be having some unwanted guests as the wedding."

The audience goes "ooooh!"

"Okay, so, Meghan has got this nephew who"s 26 who owns a Domino"s pizza in California."

Okay, sure.

"He"s gay. He"s comfortable; he"s gay. And he says that he"s going to the wedding, even if he"s not invited."

Surely he was joking … right?

"Well, I"m like: then why are you talking about it? I understand the whole thing about wanting to crash the wedding and stuff, but now you"re gonna be stopped at the airport."

Again, the bad plan suggests to our minds that he"s not actually planning some sort of epic wedding-crash.

"When your last name is Markle, son, they"re not going to let you out of the airport. They"re going to put you right back on the plane and turn you right back around."

Wendy was clearly only getting warmed up, however.

"Second of all, you don"t want to be arrested, do you? You don"t wanna have a record like your father, do you?"


Wendy then shows a photo of MegMar"s half-brother, who is white. 

It is clearly a mugshot. (He was arrested for allegedly holding a gun to his girlfriend"s head)

Wendy Williams doesn"t mention his alleged crime, and instead points out that it"s refreshing that the criminal histories are from the white side of Meghan Markle"s family.

All things considered, that"s fair.

She then talks about Meghan Markle"s half-sister, a white woman who is in a wheelchair who had previously criticized MegMar, publicly, for not "helping out" as Meghan was starring on Suits.

"Well, now she"s changed her tune and she will do any interview that she"s asked to do. She probably has a publicist at this point."

Normally, having a publicist is fine. But … if you"re only famous because your sibling is famous (in a good way), we have to question whether you need to exploit that for fame.

Wendy then shows an astonishing degree of self-awareness when she self-burns while insulting MegMar"s half-sister Samantha:

"It"s probably just a matter of time before she comes here."

Maybe she realized what she said, maybe she didn"t, but she then pivots to talking about Meghan directly.

"So, the wedding"s going to take place in May. This is shortly after Kate gives birth."

We"ve mentioned Kate Middleton"s due date before.

"Confidentially speaking, I respect Meghan Markle"s hustle, and I respect her game. However, she"s a bit of a wild card."

The fun thing about calling someone a wild card is that you could mean all sorts of things by it.

Wendy Williams does explain what she means. Sort of.

"You know, because she goes from being the Deal Or No Deal girl — oh yes, she opened the suitcases for, what"s his name? Howie Mandel."

That makes sense. A lot of actresses get started off in non-speaking roles.

But, to Wendy"s mind, it makes Meghan … hungry.

"So this is a girl looking for fame, you guys, okay?"

It sounds to us like Meghan Markle is a hard worker who has never been afraid to do honest work as she built up a career.

"And remember the story, here at Wendy. She came here, to Wendy, to find out what she could do here. So she"s been here, she"s been in our buildings; we have her DNA."

That is the creepiest possible way of saying that an actress once tried to get a job on your TV show.

"And then she"s the actress, you know, from Suits, and she"s giving it up. But just keep in mind she"s an act-ress."

Implying, perhaps, that Meghan Markle is pretending to love Prince Harry.

"Unlike Kate, who was, first of all, raised in England, raised to love the Royals, and this girl Meghan, by the way, said she had no idea about the Royals and blah-blah-blah, didn"t know who Harry was. I think that is a lie."

First of all, plenty of folks in the UK are opposed to the monarchy. They don"t wield any power and effectively act as some of the world"s most expensive mascots. 

(Most of their wealth comes from royal investments made with wealth plundered centuries ago, but millions and millions of pounds come from the taxpayers, even in times of austerity)

Second of all, not everybody keeps track of the British Royal Family. Not everybody keeps up with the Kardashians, either.

Wendy tries to summarize her take on MegMar.

"I"m happy for her, I respect her game: a black person is finally in the palace."

That is progress.

"But I"m keeping my eye on her."


"I am! But she"s giving up everything. Which, fine, you give up everything when a prince wants to marry you."

If you want to, sure.

"Except if you"re an opportunist, then you only put up with it for a certain amount of time. Before you flee."

So, is Wendy Williams suggesting that Meghan Markle is a mastermind schemer who decided to seduce and marry Prince Harry … all as a plot to increase her fame.

And then she"ll, what … divorce him and go star in films?

If that were her plan, she could have used the boost from having dated him to get ahead, right?

Wendy williams meghan markle is a scheming liar

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Chuck Liddell: Chael Sonnen is a Damn Liar, I Didn"t Turn Down Crap!

Chuck Liddell says Chael Sonnen’s claim that he turned down multiple offers to fight him is complete and utter BS … and he ain’t gonna let it slide. “I’ve never been offered a fight with him,” Chuck told TMZ Sports. “Never. No one’s…


Friday, November 17, 2017

Ric Flair"s Manager Lashes Back, You"re a "Despicable" Liar

Ric Flair’s management company says the wrestling legend is lying through his teeth in his lawsuit — claiming allegations they stole his “30 for 30” money are “blatant lies.” TMZ Sports broke the story … Flair sued Legacy Talent claiming they hid…


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Nelly"s Accuser Claims Rape Without Condom, His Lawyer Says He Has Proof She"s a Liar

The woman who claims Nelly raped her says she had been partying with him before he forced her to have sex without a condom, but Nelly’s lawyer says he will expose her for what she is … a liar. We’ve learned the 21-year-old Seattle resident claims…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kevin Hart is a Cheater and Liar, Ex-Wife Fumes

Kevin Hart makes a living as a comedian.

But there’s nothing funny about the situation in which the movie star now finds himself.

The actor recorded an apologetic video late last week in which he appeared to acknowledge that he really did cheat on his wife, Eniko.

Hart never referred to the exact actions for which he was sorry, but he addressed his wife and his kids in the video and said the following:

“I made a bad error in judgment and I put myself in a bad environment where only bad things can happen and they did.”

The A-Lister made this statement in light of a woman threatening to release sexually explicit footage of herself and Hart … unless the actor paid her a large amount of money.

Hart has refused to do so, choosing instead to admit to his affair and hope his wife and family forgives him.

“It’s a sh-tty moment. It’s a sh-tty moment when you know you’re wrong and there’s no excuses for your wrong behavior,” Hart added, emphasizing that he isn’t “perfect” and concluding:

‘At the end of the day, man, I just simply gotta do better.”

Along these lines, Hart has reportedly sworn off strip clubs.

Talk about a major step!

The comedian’s ex-wife, however, says the father of her two kids actually hasn’t taken any significant steps at all.

He’s always been a cheater!

“When I met him, he was selling sneakers,” Torrei Hart tells Inside Edition. “He starts to get fame and I’m feeling, okay, well, a little left behind. We grew apart.”

Torrei and Kevin divorced in 2011 and he went on to marry his second wife, Eniko Parrish, in 2016.

But did he get involved with the latter while he was still involved with the former?

Hart’s ex-wife accuses him in this interview of “lies and infidelity,” charges that Hart himself admitted to during a candid/cruel 2013 stand-up routine.

“Yes, people, I cheated. Am I ashamed of it? No, no I’m not,” Hart said during Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain, adding:

“Do I wish I could take it back? No, no I don’t.”

OUCH, right?

Torrei said it was difficult to “ensure” this public admission from her ex.

But things got worse after Eniko Hart shared a photo from her wedding on Instagram, writing that she and Hart had marked eight years together and one year married.

The thing is, Torrei and Kevin got divorced six years ago.

Do the math and that means Kevin and Eniko were sleeping together when the star was married to Torrei.

However, Eniko claims that the couple was separated and living in separate homes when she began dating Hart and that she was “never a secret.”

What does Torrei say to this assertion?

“That’s a lie. We were very much not separated.”

Eniko is seven months pregnant and allegedly has no plans to leave her husband.

The LAPD and FBI are investigating the extortion plot against Hart, trying to gather enough information to see if they should charge his supposed mistress with a crime.

Until then, Torrei suggests that Eniko stop living in denial when it comes to her man and Hart’s curious penis.

“All I can say is if it happened to me, it could happen to anyone.”


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Amber Tamblyn Pens Open Letter to James Woods: I"m Not a Liar!

James Woods got roasted for unbelievable hypocrisy after trying to bash a critically acclaimed gay film. He’d claimed that it, or Hollywood, or whoever, was “chipping away at decency.”

He was then immediately on the receiving end of what we can only describe as some brutal and well-deserved clapback. Multiple women came forward with stories of James Woods hitting on them when they were teenagers.

Amber Tamblyn, whose tweet was the first of many accusations, took the opportunity and penned an open letter to James Woods.

First, a quick refresher.

James Woods has done some incredible voicework over the years, which makes it all the more painful for many of his fans that he’s turned out to be so aggressively offensive.

It’s not just that he tweets support for Donald Trump or that he holds conservative viewpoints.

James Woods seems to actively court controversy to a point that would make Lena Dunham blush.

Earlier this summer, James Woods posted a photo of a gender creative child and his supportive parents at Pride, suggesting that the kid would grow up to be a deranged serial killer.

That was disgusting and transphobic, obviously.

James Woods defended himself by saying that he has gay friends, and couldn’t possibly be homophobic.

One, some people aren’t homophobic but are transphobic. There’s a lot of types of gross bigots in the world.

Two, isn’t that the “how can I be racist when I have black friends?” defense? Amazing that bigots are still trying to pull that in 2017.

Well, now he bashed a gay romance film because the ages are different.

Set in Italy where, like the vast majority of the Western world, a 17-year-old is considered adult enough to consent to sex, the film Call Me By Your Name details a relationship between a 17-year-old young man and a 24-year-old man.

We won’t get into the whole age-of-consent politics, but suffice to say that the characters break no laws and that the older man isn’t, like, the younger man’s teacher or priest or any other sort of authority figure.

But James Woods apparently figured that it was a great opportunity to dredge up old anti-gay arguments that deliberately conflate gay men with pedophiles.

He tweeted: “As they quietly chip away the last barriers of decency. #NAMBLA”

James Woods’ tweet, which name-dropped an infamous pedophilia organization from the ’90s that hasn’t existed for more than a decade, earned him some serious callouts.

First, Armie Hammer tweeted a reminder to him that he had once dated a 19-year-old when he was 60.

Then Amber Tamblyn tweeted, accusing James Woods of trying to pick her and her friend up and take them to Vegas when they were just 16.

She says that when they informed James Woods of their ages, he replied: “Even better.”

Since then, other women have taken to Twitter to share their alleged experiences with James Woods hitting on them when they were young.

One person tweeted a question at James Woods:

“What makes a 24yo/17yo gay relationship inherently indecent but skeevy old guys trying to pick up a pair of 16 year old girls is okay?”

James Woods replied that the first is illegal (again … that’s not universally true, and certainly not true in Italy). He claims that the second, the accusation that Amber Tamblyn made against him, is a lie.

Amber Tamblyn penned an open letter to James Woods, published in Teen Vogue.

“What you are experiencing is called a teachable moment. … The hope being that through this experience, you can change. You can redefine the man who will come after this moment and this man who came before.”

We won’t hold our breath, though.

“Since you’ve now called me a liar, I will now call you a silencer. I see your gaslight and now will raise you a scorched earth.”

“Upon leaving the restaurant we were stopped by you and your friend, who both seemed very nice. At one point you suggested we should all go to Las Vegas together. ‘It’s such a great place, have you ever been?’ You tried to make it sound innocent.”

It sounds like Amber has encountered other predatory men during her life.

“This is something predatory men like to do, I’ve noticed. Make it sound innocent. Just a dollop of insinuation. Just a hair of persuasion. Just a pinch of suggestion. ‘It will be so much fun, I promise you. Nothing has to happen, we will just have a good time together."”

But she was 16.

“I told you my age, kindly and with no judgment or aggression. I told you my age because I thought you would be immediately horrified and take back your offer. You laughed and said, ‘Even better. We’ll have so much fun, I promise."”

See, a normal person would have apologized. Not a teen and maybe not a 20-year-old, but a grown-ass adult would have. And old man certainly should have.

“At that time I was not a public persona. I had done a couple years on a soap opera as an actress, but you wouldn’t know me from Adam. I’m sure you’ve racked your brain trying to remember how you could’ve possibly hit on the actress Amber Tamblyn at a diner almost two decades ago.”

We wonder if her letter — if he reads it — will jog his memory.

“You think, it’s not possible, there’s no way I would’ve been so stupid as to hit on a 16-year-old known actress. But I wasn’t known then, James. I was just a girl.”

Clearly, Amber saw some of those tweets from other women who say that they had similar teenage encounters with James Woods.

“And I’m going to wager that there have been many girls who were just girls or women who were just women who you’ve done this to because you can get away with it.”

That’s heavy stuff.

She finishes by imploring James Woods to consider what sort of man he is and to face the truth.

Amber clearly hopes that he can change.

We doubt that he will. So many of his political opinions seem to be based upon a total lack of self-examination.

James Woods has characterized these accusations as personal attacks, as the last resort of his political opponents.

Controversies aside, we don’t think that he’s enough of a political figure to warrant some contrived character assassination.

It looks like Amber just saw his controversial, deeply offensive tweet and figured that he needed a reminder that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Cavs" Jeff Green: Isaiah Thomas" Hip Is Fine, He"s No Liar!

Newly acquired Cavs player Jeff Green says he’s hip to Isaiah Thomas’ hip — telling TMZ Sports he’s convinced IT’s good to go … because Isiah says so.  Green says he’s excited for Thomas to come to Cleveland — not just so they can…


Monday, August 21, 2017

Joss Whedon is a LIAR and a CHEAT, Ex-Wife Fumes

Joss Whedon is likely as respected a writer as there is in Hollywood.

But there’s one woman who does not think highly of the producer and director; one woman who thinks his entire reputation is built on lies and deception:

His ex-wife.

Kai Cole, an architect and producer, has written a very personal and pointed essay for The Wrap, one in which she accuses Whedon of engaging in a multitude of affairs over the course of their 16-year marriage.

Moreover, she says the Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator tried to use his feminist credentials as a way to shield himself from criticism.

After explaining how the pair met in 1991 and how she encouraged him to make the TV show that made him famous, Cole wrote:

“There were times in our relationship that I was uncomfortable with the attention Joss paid other women. He always had a lot of female friends, but he told me it was because his mother raised him as a feminist, so he just liked women better.

“He said he admired and respected females, he didn’t lust after them. I believed him and trusted him.

“On the set of Buffy, Joss decided to have his first secret affair.”

It wasn’t until the couple’s marriage was over that Cole says Whedon came clean, confessing having lied “two lives.”

She writes:

“Joss admitted that for the next decade and a half, he hid multiple affairs and a number of inappropriate emotional ones that he had with his actresses, co-workers, fans and friends, while he stayed married to me.”

It wasn’t just the act of her husband allegedly sleeping with other women that grates at Cole, however.

It’s that Whedon is considered one of the most progressive and feminist figures in entertainment.

“He never conceded the hypocrisy of being out in the world preaching feminist ideals, while at the same time, taking away my right to make choices for my life and my body based on the truth,” she says, adding in detail:

He deceived me for 15 years, so he could have everything he wanted. I believed, everyone believed, that he was one of the good guys, committed to fighting for women’s rights, committed to our marriage, and to the women he worked with.

But I now see how he used his relationship with me as a shield, both during and after our marriage, so no one would question his relationships with other women or scrutinize his writing as anything other than feminist.

In a scathing conclusion, Cole says of Whedon:

“I want to let women know that he is not who he pretends to be. I want the people who worship him to know he is human, and the organizations giving him awards for his feminist work, to think twice in the future about honoring a man who does not practice what he preaches.

“But no matter what happens, or how people interpret this statement, I no longer have to carry the burden of Joss’ long-term deceit and confessions.

“I am free.”

In a statement to The Wrap, a spokesperson for Whedon replies as follows:

“While this account includes inaccuracies and misrepresentations which can be harmful to their family, Joss is not commenting, out of concern for his children and out of respect for his ex-wife.”


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Rob Kardashian GOES OFF on Blac Chyna: You"re a Cheater! And a Liar! And a Drug User!

Look below.

This is a very cute photo of Rob Kardashian and his daughter, Dream:

We just wanted you to have a pleasant image in your head before we delved into the ugliest feud to date between Dream’s parents, Rob and Blac Chyna.

Which is saying A LOT if you’re even remotely familiar with the history of these controversial reality stars…

The latest, most contentious round of fighting between Rob and Chyna appears to have started on July Fourth.

Instead of grilling some hot dogs with her baby daddy, Chyna apparently sent Kardashian footage of some guy who had just placed his hot dog in her bun (if you know what we mean!), rubbing in her ex-boyfriend’s face that she was getting some at that exact moment.

Wrote Rob as an affiliated message to the video below, which he shared on his Instagram page:

Hahahaha Chyna just sent me this video saying happy 4th of July what a crazy person. Come spend time with your daughter instead of fucking me and then this dude right after.

U need help.

Just two weeks ago, sources claimed that Rob and Chyna were back to having sex… a report that Rob backed up in his many (MANY!) subsequent Instagram photos and captions following his unveiling of this scandalous video.

“That’s crazy u let me cum inside u and then another man do the same in the same bed and the same robe and everything in the house where I pay 16K rent. Sheesh,” Rob wrote on Wednesday morning.

“And so u know she had her butt reduced but I know it still looks wild.”

Kardashian initially included photos of Chyna’s rear end and boobs, along with a picture he claimed to be of her exposed vagina, telling readers that she sent him the latter as a way to entice him into bed.

He later deleted these racy images, but he continued to hammer Chyna for her cheating, lying and many instances of plastic surgery.

The man who is basically eating Chyna’s face in the above video is named Ferrari. (NOTE: Probably not his real name.)

He claims on his Instagram page to be a “Musician/Icon/Brand Ambassador/Entrepreneur” and Rob claims that Ferrari has been texting him with requests for money because Chyna now wants Ferrari to act as her sugar daddy.

He says he can’t afford to foot any of Chyna’s bills, while Rob goes on to say he’s been paying for his ex-girlfriend for several months now.

And supposedly Ferrari wants to team up with Rob to cash in on… how they’ve both slept with Chyna? We guess?

“This is the dude Chyna got caught cheating on me with for a minute now,” Rob wrote alongside texts he swears were sent to him by Chyna’s new play thing.

“Look he texted me asking for help and said he needed money cuz he can’t afford to pay Chyna’s bill so that’s why I pay her bills.

“More receipts are coming. Just yesterday Chyna sent me her pussy and everything and said she gonna come fuck me … wait for it.

“Never once have I cheated on Chyna and I remained loyal to her even after all the cheating she been doing and the multiple men she been fucking including me.”

Rob says he’s probably spent about a million dollars on Chyna since they met. He says he’s paid $ 90,000 for her necklaces and another $ 70,000 for a watch.

Not to mention the $ 100,000 he doled out to help Chyna lose weight after she gave birth to Dream last November.

Late last month, Rob and Chyna took their daughter to Disneyland.

All has seemed relatively calm between the stars for awhile now actually.

We’d typically speculate over the legitimacy of heated words such as the ones Rob has fired off today.

We’d wonder whether this was all scripted and presume it was all a way for Kardashian and Chyna to garner attention and perhaps even tease a new reality series of some kind.

But that is most definitely a video of Chyna macking it big time with some other dude.

And this excerpt from Kardashian’s rant is definitely a reference to Chyna being a drug addict, which is a rather serious accusation to merely toss around because you want E! to give you another show:

“The saddest part is I knew about all this and didn’t say a word or speak on anything because I actually Love Chyna genuinely until she just sent me a video of her and this man kissing in her bed with my daughter and her son in the house,” wrote Rob toward the end of his postings today.

He continued:

“The same day she sent me pic of her pussy and saying i can come fuck her soon. The same exact day I had 250K of jeweler dropped off to the house. I never been so disrespected by a Woman and I support everything she does until this stuff.

“Just sloppy and messy and the disrespect.

“Thank God for my daughter but I will never allow my daughter over to that house that I pay for with all the drugs and alcohol that goes on. I got receipts for days and I’m gonna keep going and I don’t give a fuck.

“The girl told me today she gonna have a third baby daddy and she also told me today she wants to have more kids next year in June. And she sending me videos of her and other man with our babies in the house.

“And then this thirsty ass dude posting selfies in the house I pay for and bed I made my baby in damn shame.”

Whoa there: Did Rob just threaten to take Dream away from her mother?

Like we said: this $ hit is getting serious.

We’re way beyond Blac Chyna simply taking her kids to Legoland without Rob here.

Look for Blac to fire back against Rob at any moment now – and look out for Dream to be just wandering down the street alone one of these days, while her parents continue to blow up at each other over social media.

That poor child.

UPDATE: Chyna responded to Kardashian’s allegations on Snapchat, alleging that he hit her.

“On my kids but I’m supposed to be quiet because you’re a Kardashian,” she wrote in a post that has since been deleted. “The light will come to the light.”


Friday, June 16, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Destiney Bleu is a Liar!

Khloe Kardashian is not a pushover. The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star is ready to go after the woman who is accusing her of stealing her designs. 

In case you’ve been living under a rock, we at The Hollywood Gossip will give you a refresher on the matter at hand. A fashion designer named Destiney Bleu has been public about her claims that Khloe copied her designs

“When someone buys 1 of everything on your site, has you make them custom @dbleudazzled work, never posts it or wears it, then copies it,” the independent fashion designer tweeted earlier this month. 

If you’re wondering who the heck Bleu is, Beyonce and Serena Williams have worn her clothing in the past, so she’s no slouch when it comes to A-list celebrities. Not that we’re saying Khloe is an A-lister, of course. 

Bleu’s lawyer then sent a 27-page letter, claiming that she was in contact with Khloe’s then-stylist, Monica Rose, and assistant, Alexa Okyle. There were text messages and emails included in the letter to prove Destiney’s cause. 

Now, Khloe’s team is not denying there was any contact. They are firmly trying to establish why Destiney is saying Khloe ripped off designs when Khloe feels like she’s being defamed. Marty Singer has joined forces with Khloe and has sent a letter calling the fashion designer out. 

“In order for your client Destiney Bleu to get her 15 minutes of fame, you and your client outrageously defamed Good American and Mr. Kardashian by falsely stating that my clients stole or copied your client’s bodysuit designs,” Singer writes in the letter obtained by PEOPLE.

“Your client has also brazenly misappropriated Ms. Kardashian’s name and photograph — including photographs she has taken from Mr. Kardashian’s Instagram account without authorization which your client freely admits as generated ‘a ton of sales.’”

Singer even goes on to claim that garment sent to Khloe’s team was a catsuit that looked completely different, and claimed Bleu was trying to deceive the public by using an image that did not resemble the one she sent. 

“Although, the stylist Monica Rose requested catsuits from your client for Ms. Kardashian on December 2016, the catsuits that were provided to Mrs. Rose for Ms. Kardashian are completely different from the catsuit deputized in you client’s June 2, 2017 Tweet which she falsely claims was copied by Good American,” the letter from Singer states.

“The catsuits requested are full-bodied, long-sleeved and lined with crystals distributed evenly all over the garments.”

Singer concludes that Bleu’s “brazen commercial exploitation of Ms. Kardashian’s name and photograph on her social media accounts in order to create publicity and generate sales of her merchandise expose her to substantial liability for misappropriation of Ms. Kardashian’s valuable rights of publicity.”

“Accordingly, we demand your client immediately delete the false and defamatory statements about my clients from her social media posts and that she issue a retraction and a sincere apology to my clients.”

“Should she refuse to do so, my clients intent to take all necessary and appropriate actions to enforce their frights. If this matter is not resolved to my clients’ satisfaction, then your clients proceed at their peril.”

Obviously, we have no clue which party is in the right, but Singer also revealed that he has no qualms about taking the star to court because of the whole defaming a Kardashian. Only internet trolls are allowed to do that, apparently. 

“We may absolutely take them to court because she absolutely defamed Khloé. She actually said she stole it from me. She ripped us off. And Khloé had no idea.”

Buckle up, you guys. This one’s going to get interesting. 

The Kardashians sure are being accused of everything these days. Maybe Kris Jenner hired Bleu so there would be a decent storyline on the series. 

What do you think of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Bad Liar Video Features True Shocker: Is That Taylor Swift?!?

Selena Gomez has come out with a new music video and, for once, no one is wondering whether the footage has anything to do with Justin Bieber.

But questions have arisen over a different celebrity with whom Selena is often associated.

Does Taylor Swift make an unexpected cameo toward the end of the footage?

In the following video for "Bad Liar," we follow Gomez as she spends her day in high school.

Throughout various parts of the video, she plays the role of a school teacher, a gym teacher, a guy who grabs his crotch a lot and even her own mother.

(There"s a plot that ties all this together, we swear.)

But fans aren"t too focused on the early portions of the video.

Instead, they"re focused on what comes later, when Selena returns to her bedroom and is suddenly surrounded by… Taylor Swift?!?

Hidden in the 1970s-era decor of her bedroom, there certainly appears to be a Charlie"s Angels poster bedecking her wall that features Swift as one of the titular Angels.

There"s a second poster next to Selena"s bed that also features this same familiar face.

Take a look at the screen capture below to see what we mean:

Should it really come as a shock that Gomez would give a shout-out to her best friend? Not really.

Except that Swift has remained out of the spotlight for almost a year now. We"ve scarcely heard from her and we haven"t seen her in public with Gomez in ages.

But it"s pretty clear the two are on perfectly good terms, if these Easter Eggs are meant to send a message to the fans of both singers.

Check out the video for this new catchy song and keep your eyes peeled for a couple Swift sightings below:


Selena gomez music video features surprise cameo is that taylor

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Khloe Kardashian to Destiney Bleu: You"re a Liar, I Didn"t Steal Your Catsuit!!!

Khloe Kardashian has lashed out at the woman who claims Khloe blatantly stole her design for a catsuit, saying the Kardashian design is a cat of a different color. Khloe’s lawyer, Marty Singer, fired off a threatening letter saying Destiney Bleu has…


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Eddie Cibrian: Brandi Glanville is a Liar, LeAnn Rimes is a Saint!

Isn’t it so weird to think about how LeAnn Rimes, Eddie Cibrian, and Brandi Glanville are all grown adults?

Considering all the nonsense drama they consistenly get into with each other, you’d think they were preteens at best.

But LeAnn is 34 years old, and Brandi and Eddie are both in their 40s — and still, the issues persist.

And as Brandi described in an open letter she shared on Thursday, things are no better than they were when this whole mess began eight long years ago.

In the letter, Brandi wrote that she’s tried her best to “take the higher road with Eddie and LeAnn for the sake of my boys,” but they just make it so difficult.

“During these years,” she claimed, “I’ve dealt with her obsession with me in the form of her copying my life from going to my dentist, dermatologist, plastic surgeon to even attempting to see my trainer of 14 years.”

And while that sounds absurd, there’s been receipts over the years — LeAnn definitely seems to have a Single White Female thing going on.

Brandi said that a couple of things have happened recently to push her over the edge — one being that LeAnn and Eddie had her uninvited from a party they’d also been invited to.

Then, a couple of weeks ago, she says that LeAnn watched her boyfriend’s Snapchats, learned their plans for the day, then “just happened to show up where we said we would be to celebrate step mothers day (a day early).”


Brandi wrote that LeAnn and Eddie sat across the room from her with her children “just to hurt and torment me by using my own children as pawns.”

It was a pretty intense accusation to make, but sadly, it’s not unbelievable.

But still, Eddie Cibrian felt the need to make a statement of his own to defend LeAnn’s honor.

“I normally don’t respond to Brandi’s foolishness,” he told E! News, “but I will not allow false and reverse accusations to go unanswered about my wife.”

“LeAnn is a fantastic stepmom to the boys and is always gracious to their mother. Having to put up with Brandi’s made up drama all the time is extremely frustrating.”

… Eddie does realize that we’ve witnessed LeAnn’s bizarre behavior time and time (and time) again, right? No?

He went on to say that “After eight years we should have one priority, making sure two incredible kids are loved and remain happy and healthy.”

“But every couple of months there is another accusation coming from Brandi in an attempt to drum up drama to stay relevant.”

He said that “LeAnn and I did not nor have we ever ‘shown up’ at places where Brandi will be. Why would we do that? Makes no sense.”

He claimed that he and LeAnn had reservations days before Brandi posted anything about going to that restaurant — he even screenshots as “proof” on Twitter.

The proof is a text between LeAnn and her assistant, but as many of his followers pointed out, texts are easily faked.

Brandi, meanwhile, shared her own screenshots — some from Snapchat that showed LeAnn had viewed her boyfriend’s videos.

The whole thing is a mess, and sure, they may have had reservations and they may have just coincidentally ended up at the same place as Brandi.

But isn’t it weird how Eddie focused on the restaurant issue in his statement and nothing else?

No denials about LeAnn seeking out Brandi’s doctors, nothing about the harassment Brandi claims she’s faced from LeAnn and her people for years?

But Eddie did comment on another statement Brandi recently made — the one in which the predicted that Eddie would leave LeAnn after their ten year anniversary, when he’d get half of everything.

He called Brandi “sad” and “sick” to “openly predict and hope for the end of our marriage,” and said that “this is not healthy behavior. I’m very concerned.”

Can someone tell Eddie that if he wants to be concerned about sad, unhealthy behavior, he should also look to his wife?


Friday, June 9, 2017

President Trump Fires Back, James Comey"s a Liar and a Leaker!

President Trump broke his silence on James Comey’s testimony … declaring victory over his former FBI Director, and dismissing him as a ‘leaker.’ Fair to say, the Prez was NOT impressed with what he saw and heard during Comey’s Senate Intel…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Kim Kardashian RIPS Caitlyn Jenner: She"s a LIAR!

In case you hadn"t heard, things aren"t going so great between Caitlyn Jenner and the Kardashians right now.

Well, the Kardashians, the other Jenners … it seems like most everyone related to Caitlyn isn"t too pleased with what"s been going on lately.

The bulk of the issues are coming from Caitlyn"s new memoir, The Secrets of My Life, and the many, many claims she makes about Kris Jenner.

For instance, she wrote that Kris always knew that she was transgender, that Kris made her hide all of her women"s clothing and accessories, that Kris controlled her finances.

And that last issue is what"s really upsetting Kim Kardashian in this new Keeping Up with the Kardashians sneak peek.

In the clip, Kim explains to Kourtney that she read Caitlyn"s entire book because she wanted to be "fair."

Kourtney asked her about it, saying that she imagined Kris was "exaggerating" in her reaction to the book, and Kim agrees that that"s what she thought, too.

"She"s so angry at Mom," Kim said. "Like, for no reason."

"It was like, "I didn"t speak to my sister because of Kris, I didn"t see my kids because of Kris." Like, grow up and say "I didn"t call my kids!""

Kim also revealed that "Caitlyn discredits Mom, she said "I didn"t see a dime of my money.""

"She was insinuating that, like, Mom took the check and pocketed it, and like had this huge savings."

But Kim also said that what a lot of people don"t know is that the family struggled a bit for several years before they became famous, and that Kris had to borrow money from her mother and from Kourtney to pay the bills.

And when they did begin to make more money, Kourtney added, it was because of Kris" admittedly amazing business sense.

She said that Kris "hustled" to get Caitlyn jobs as a motivational speaker, and that she "changed Caitlyn"s career."

And we saw all that in early seasons of Keeping Up with the Kardashians — love them or hate them, there"s no doubt that everyone, including Caitlyn, is in the position they"re in because of Kris" hustling.

Kim brings up one more tidbit from the book: the part where Caitlyn wrote that she didn"t mention the Kardashians by name in her famous Diane Sawyer interview.

She wrote that she avoided the family"s name, even though she"d been in their family for decades, because people would think her transition was a publicity stunt.

"And that sounds pathetic," Kourtney said in response.

Watch the tension grow in the video below:

Kim kardashian rips caitlyn jenner shes a liar

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Mel B"s Ex-Nanny Lorraine Gilles Says Singer"s a Liar in Restraining Order Case

Mel B lied to a judge in her legal war with ex-nanny Lorraine Gilles … so claims Gilles in the latest salvo. Gilles’ beef is over the restraining order Mel B got earlier this month, prohibiting the ex-nanny from coming near her for 5 years. The…


Mel B"s Ex-Nanny Lorraine Gilles Says Singer"s a Liar in Restraining Order Case

Mel B lied to a judge in her legal war with ex-nanny Lorraine Gilles … so claims Gilles in the latest salvo. Gilles’ beef is over the restraining order Mel B got earlier this month, prohibiting the ex-nanny from coming near her for 5 years. The…


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Daniel Cormier Says Jon Jones Is a No-Good, Drugged Out Liar

Daniel Cormier just UNLOADED on Jon Jones — saying the guy is a loser of a human being who’s completely delusional if he still considers himself the “real” UFC light heavyweight champ.  It’s no secret these guys hate each other with a passion…


Daniel Cormier Says Jon Jones Is a No-Good, Drugged Out Liar

Daniel Cormier just UNLOADED on Jon Jones — saying the guy is a loser of a human being who’s completely delusional if he still considers himself the “real” UFC light heavyweight champ.  It’s no secret these guys hate each other with a passion…
