Showing posts with label London. Show all posts
Showing posts with label London. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2017

Simon Cowell Producing Charity Single for London Tower Fire

For Simon Cowell, the devastating London tower fire struck too close to home, and it’s motivated him to to do something to help the victims. The music mogul announced he will produce a track that “will raise some money for the many people…


Janet Jackson and Estranged Husband Leave Court in London After Divorce Hearing

Janet Jackson and her estranged husband were together again this week … in a courtroom to begin divorce proceedings. Janet and Wissam Al Mana were spotted leaving the Royal Courts of Justice in London Thursday afternoon after the apparent first…


Sunday, June 11, 2017

London Bridge Terrorists Wore Fake Suicide Belts That Looked Real (PHOTO)

London police have released photos of the fake suicide belts worn by the London Bridge terrorists. The belts were strapped to the 3 men as they mowed down pedestrians on the Bridge, then went to nearby restaurant and stabbed numerous people. All 3…


Thursday, June 8, 2017

London Terror Footage Shows Cops Gunning Down Attackers

British police gunned down the London Bridge terrorists as they attacked an innocent bystander at Borough Market … and the whole incident was captured by city surveillance cameras. The new footage shows cops pulling up to the scene just as the…


Phil Collins Head Cut Open in Hotel Fall, Cancels London Shows

Phil Collins suffered a “severe gash on his head close to his eye” … forcing the cancellation of his final 2 shows in London. The singer says he took the nasty spill in his hotel room while walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night.…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Dean Cain Woulda Beat London Bridge Terrorists with Baseball Bat (VIDEO)

Dean Cain would not have gone Superman on the London Bridge terrorists … he would have Babe Ruthed them and “swung for the fences.” We got Dean out in Malibu Tuesday and turns out he was in London during Saturday night’s attack. He deflects…


James Corden Opens London Show with Special Address

On far too many occasions this year, James Corden has opened The Late Late Show with a few words about a terrorist attack in Great Britain.

He was forced to do so after five people were killed and 40 injured after a heinous car and knife attack outside U.K. Parliament that afternoon.

And then he was forced to do so late last month after 22 people were killed and many more injured in a suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.

But Tuesday night was different.

The comedian didn"t just address the latest attack on London on Tuesday evening…

… he did so FROM London itself.

Just days after a terrorist attack killed seven people and injured 48 others, Corden and his staff took their talk show to the comedian’s native city for a few days.

Walking the streets of London, Corden addressed the incident and his decision as follows:

"I think about all the times since I took this job that I had to open our show talking about such atrocities. Trying to find the right words to say is impossible because there are none."

Corden then explained that he and his crew members were staying at a hotel just two minutes from where the attacks took place last week, adding that some folks might think it"s strange timing to do a variety show from the British capital in the wake of this incident.

"I couldn"t disagree more," he said, referencing Britain"s upcoming election for a new prime minister.

He also pointed out the Houses of Parliament during his walking monologue, saying that is "represents democracy, something that the people who carried out this attack hate."

Therefore, in conclusion…

"We"re going to bring you the silliest, stupidest, most fun-packed shows we"ve ever made for you to celebrate London, and Britain, and everything it has to offer.

And you know what?

"The people who carried out that attack, they would hate that too. I"m so proud to be broadcasting here from my hometown. I"m proud to show off its beauty, its diversity and its stoic British determination to let nothing or anybody stand in our way.

"This is not a country that feels afraid."

So well said.

We could not admire London residents any more for the way they"re responded to this attack.

Watch Corden"s full monologue below and join us in saluting the star:

James corden addresses london terrorist attack from scene of the

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Patti Wilkinson to Kendra: Ava London Gave Hank Hand Relief & I"m Gonna Tell the World!

Just when Kendra Wilkinson thought that her husband’s cheating scandal was finally behind them, her own mother is stirring the pot. 

Hardcore. Nothing soft about this.

Threatening to blow the lid off his affair in a bombshell tell-all, Patti Wilkinson is out to set the record straight … for reasons unknown.

In the upcoming season of Kendra On Top, which is apparently still a show that is on the air, the mother-daughter feud begins anew.

The older Wilkinson rips the wound open again, as seen in the trailer above, by declaring that she is GOING TO EXPOSE her daughter.

K-Dubs is not happy.

“You would have to write about Hank and the scandal and me,” Kendra screams. “You can have your family back or you can write this book!”

Patti is undeterred by this threat, defiantly telling the reality star that, “First of all, I don’t give a s–t what [Hank] thinks! The truth hurts!”

“The truth hurts!”

Those familiar with Kendra and Patti Wilkinson know that they’ve had a strained relationship through the years, to say the very least

But this?

Again, it’s unclear why Patti is hung up on Hank Baskett, Ava London and whatever happened between them, but it looks ugly. Ugly.

The celebrity couple survived a brief separation, and three years later, remain together as a family … at least until Patti has her say.

This is not the kind of scandal that you move on from easily, assuming what’s reported by celebrity gossip outlets is even half accurate.

On Kendra On Top and Marriage Boot Camp, this played out in epic fashion in 2014-15, and Hank could barely hold himself together.

There was one memorable (televised, obviously) exchange in whichKendra asked him once and for all to confess his infidelity sins.

In graphic, cringe-worthy detail.

Did her spouse really receive a hand job from Ava London, a transgender model he discovered and became infatuated with on YouTube?

Did Hank try to pay her off afterward, making ATM withdrawals and dropping off cash (which obviously wasn’t enough to make her zip it)?

Or, was he looking to smoke some weed with a friend, only to end up being briefly fondled over his shorts by London against his will?

In an excruciating scene, Kendra made him describe whether or not London’s hand made his way over or under his shorts at that moment.

Baskett’s non-committal answers made the whole thing even weirder, while Ava London claimed, in no uncertain terms, that she got him off.

And vice versa. Talking mutual orgasms here.

London has made this affair sound very much like … well, an affair in which bodily fluids were excreted after energetic manual stimulation.

Hank has tried to dance around this with varying degrees of effectiveness, clearly feeling guilty about … whatever the hell he achieved.

Bottom line: Hank and Ava had some sort of interaction, because if he didn’t know her or never touched her, he would just state this.

He never stated this.

Nevertheless, whatever he told Kendra on camera and behind closed doors, she found it in her heart (or self interest) to forgive him.

She Tweeted that she loves Baskett, she forgives Baskett and that critics should f–k with her and her definition of love at their peril.

Deep stuff right there.

We’ll see if Patti’s forthcoming memoir threatens that marital tranquility once more, as she seems determined to get her hands dirty (sorry).


Sunday, June 4, 2017

London Bridge Terror Attack Aftermath Shows Chaos (VIDEO)

Dashcam video of the London Bridge provides a glimpse into the terror when 3 men mowed down scores of people on the famous landmark. People on the bridge scrambled for safety as London police told them to run as fast as they could.   22 people…


Ariana Grande Manchester Benefit Concert Moving Forward Despite London Terror Attack

Ariana Grande is moving forward with her benefit concert in Manchester Sunday … despite another terror attack in neighboring London the night before.  Ariana’s manager, Scotter Braun, said early Sunday morning that Ariana and co. feel an…


Saturday, June 3, 2017

London Bridge Shut Down After Van Reportedly Hits Pedestrians

The London Bridge has been closed after a white van drove off the road and plowed into pedestrians. According to early reports … the van was being driven by a man traveling around 50 mph, and at least 5 people are being treated for injuries after…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

James Corden Performs as Mary Poppins for Crosswalk Musical in London (VIDEO)

James Corden did the most British thing ever — besides high tea with the Queen — when he dressed up as Mary Poppins and paraded across a London street singing her greatest hits. Corden’s late night show is shooting a few episodes across the pond…


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Prince William Gets Water Bottle Splash to the Face During London Marathon (PHOTO)

Prince William might be royalty, but he’s not above a good squirt in the face … especially when he’s on the front lines of a marathon handing out H2O. William and Kate were at the London Marathon Sunday, being good citizens and handing out…


Friday, March 24, 2017

Katherine Jackson Tells The Judge, Trent"s So Bad I"m Hiding Out in London

Katherine Jackson — or someone claiming to be Katherine Jackson — has doubled down in the family war, claiming again Michael’s cousin, Trent, has been stealing from and bullying the matriarch.  Katherine has been MIA for months after…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

James Corden Turns Serious, Addresses London Attack

James Corden put the jokes on hold to open The Late Late Show on Wednesday night.

The comedian recorded his latest episode just a couple hours after London police confirmed that five people were killed and 40 injured after a heinous car and knife attack outside U.K. Parliament that afternoon.

The murderer drove a car through one of the most active and most parts of Great Britain’s capital about 2:40 p.m. local time, slamming into dozens of pedestrians prior to crashing into the gate outside the Palace of Westminster during Prime Minister’s Questions time.

The assailant then got out the vehicle and fatally stabbed police officer.

Truly awful stuff.

“There was a terror attack today in my hometown, the city of London in Westminster,” Corden said on air.

“While we’re filming this, it’s still unknown what the motives were. What we do know at this point is that people have lost their lives and many, many more have been injured.”

Corden proceeded to send his thoughts to all affected by the terrorist attack, adding:

"Watching the news today, I felt a really long, long way from home. And it’s funny when something like that happens in your hometown, you don’t have a feeling of being glad that you’re so far away.

"What you feel is that you wish you could be there with loved ones to stand alongside them.”

The popular host wasn"t the only British celebrity to speak out on the awful incident, either. To wit:


Concluded Corden, in a clip you can watch below:

"London is a diverse and proud and brilliant city, and one thing is for sure: if this act of terrorism was supposed to divide the people of London, I know for a fact that all something like this does is bring them closer together as one.

"Tonight we send our heartfelt thoughts to everybody in Britain. Stay safe everybody, please."

James corden turns serious addresses london terrorist attack

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

London Club Calls BS On Mark Ingram ... You Brought Too Many DUDES to the Club!

A London nightclub says Mark Ingram is LYING about why he was turned away Monday night — saying it wasn’t about RACE, he simply brought TOO MANY GUYS to the party. A rep for Cirque le Soir says Ingram and his NFL black friends were absolutely NOT…


Saints" Mark Ingram: I Was Denied from London Nightclub ... "Too Urban" (PHOTO)

New Orleans Saints running back Mark Ingram says he and some of his NFL teammates were TURNED AWAY from a nightclub in London Monday night because they were “too urban.” Ingram says he rolled up to Cirque le Soir along with Sterling Moore, Vonn…


Saints" Mark Ingram: I Was Denied from London Nightclub ... "Too Urban" (PHOTO)

New Orleans Saints running back Mark Ingram says he and some of his NFL teammates were TURNED AWAY from a nightclub in London Monday night because they were “too urban.” Ingram says he rolled up to Cirque le Soir along with Sterling Moore, Vonn…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Kendall Jenner Rocks Gold Grill for London Fashion Week (PHOTO)

Kendall Jenner was all smiles Monday night in London because that’s the only way people could see her double cap gold grill. Kenny hit up the Love and Burberry party at Annabel’s Club. It’s London Fashion Week over there, so anything…


Friday, February 17, 2017

Drake Surprise Gigs All Over London On His Day Off (PHOTO GALLERY)

Drake dropped a huge surprise on a relatively small group of people Thursday night in London when he put in some work … on what was supposed to be his day off. Drake’s been over there for a bunch of shows — including a 2 night sold-out run…
