Showing posts with label Losing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Losing. Show all posts

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Adam Lind: Losing Custody of His Daughter?!

Could it really be true? Is it actually happening?

At long last, has someone finally had the sense to realize that Adam Lind has absolutely no business parenting a child, or being anywhere near one?

Praise be.

In light of a series of court documents that have come to light, we’ve realized that Adam is somehow way worse than we ever imagined.

Which is impressive, because we already imagined him to be significantly terrible.

According to the documents, Adam failed a drug test — he had a “substantial” amount of meth in his system.

Wouldn’t a substantial amount of meth be any amount of meth? It doesn’t exactly seem to be one of those substances that’s OK to use in moderation.

It’s also worth pointing out that meth leaves the system quickly, so for Adam to test positive at all, much less for a large amount, indicates that he was doing a whole, whole lot of meth.

Oh, and that drug test he failed? It was done right before he was scheduled to have Paislee, his youngest daughter, for the weekend.

And you’d think that after all this talk of meth, that would be enough to send the guy off to rehab and take away his custody, right?

But there’s more!

Taylor Halbur, Adam’s ex and the mother of Paislee, filed documents in regards to their custody case, and her claims were also pretty scandalous.

She called him a “dangerous person,” and says that his life has “spun out of control” in recent years.

We can see it.

Taylor claimed that Adam suffers from “serious anger issues,” and that when they were still together, he killed two of her puppies.

She also said that he uses steroids, and that once he knocked her to the ground when she was holding little baby Paislee.

Take all that information, throw in Adam’s numerous DUIs and his appalling behavior on Teen Mom 2

He’s an awful human being, that much is obvious.

And now we’re learning that, thanks to all of that, the court has made the decision to suspend all of his rights — his custodial rights and his rights to visitation.

Which means that, as of now, at least, he no longer has custody of Paislee!

As far as we know, he still has the same deal he’s always had with Aubree, his daughter with Chelsea Houska — supervised visitation with his parents.

It’s probably because there are slightly different circumstances in regards to Paislee.

Taylor has claimed that he was violent in her presence, and his failed drug test happened right before a visit with her, not Aubree.

Taylor also says that Paislee is now having some behavioral problems that require counseling, which is absolutely heartbreaking.

It also seems like it would be a bad idea to have her around a person like Adam in that state.

But still, hopefully this move will make it easier for Chelsea to do the same for Aubree.

And then, after that glorious day, we’d never have to hear from Adam Lind again.

We can dream, right?


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer Losing Custody of Son Over Ryan Edwards" Drug Use?!

As we learned on the latest episode of Teen Mom OG, things aren’t going so well for Ryan Edwards.

And apparently they haven’t been going well for a long, long time.

For a while now, Ryan, ex-boyfriend of Maci Bookout and father of Bentley, has been acting a bit off.

Every time we see him, his eyes are bugging out of his head, and we’ve seen him disappear from home for hours at a time to, as his family claims, “go to the bank.”

He rarely speaks, he doesn’t act anything like he used to, and also there was a moment in time where he killed a bunch of cats.

Fans of the the show have theorized that drugs are to blame for his bizarre behavior, and as Maci explained, those fans are right.

During their Puerto Rico vacation, the topic of Ryan came up, and Amber Portwood told her that, based on personal experience, she can tell that Ryan has been “f-cked up” lately.

And Maci agreed.

“I talk to Taylor about it like, ‘I wonder if today’s going to be the day that Ryan does something that he can’t come back from?"” she said through tears.

“I’m just sick of cleaning up his mess. I get tired of dealing with the sh-t. Just being the only one that f-cking sees everything and cares.”

It seemed to be weighing heavy on Maci that she’s apparently the only one in Ryan’s life willing to speak out about his problem and try to get him help.

If that’s true, it’s a sad situation, since Ryan has two very involved parents as well as his fiancée, Mackenzie Standifer.

Ryan and Mackenzie haven’t been together all that long: she filed for divorce from her first husband, Zachary Stephens, in July of 2016.

She also shares a three-year-old son named Hudson with Stephens.

And here’s where things start to get a little complicated.

Mackenzie has custody of her son, and she lives with Ryan, which is a little alarming, considering his apparently serious drug problem.

But in April, Mackenzie and her ex-husband went to court, and there was a pretty interesting development.

When their divorce was finalized, Stephens was ordered to pay Mackenzie $ 503 a month in child support.

Then, in April — soon after Maci discovered the truth about Ryan — things were changed so that Mackenzie now pays Stephens $ 245 a month in child support.

Does that mean that she lost custody of her son, either full or partial? And could it have anything to do with her choice to house her son with a drug addict?

According to a statement Mackenzie made on Instagram this week, she has “full custody” of the little boy.

… Then why would she pay child support?

It doesn’t make much sense, but then again nothing Mackenzie has been saying this week makes much sense.

Remember, when someone asked her on Twitter if she’s “ready to spend the rest of your life wondering if [Ryan] is high,” she said “Well I am ready to spend the rest of my life not worrying about ignorant comments.”

Like, chill, honey, you’re the one marrying a creep like Ryan Edwards.


Friday, May 12, 2017

Pentatonix Losing a Member, Continuing Summer Tour

And then there were four … Five-person a capella group Pentatonix is about to lose Avi Kaplan … who announced his departure Friday morning in video posted on the group’s Facebook page.  Avi says he’d been struggling to keep up…


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Rob Kardashian Breaks Down Over Losing Blac Chyna on Keeping Up with the Kardashians

Remember back in December when Blac Chyna cleaned out the house she shared with Rob Kardashian, taking baby Dream and leaving Rob left with nothing but a broken heart?

Of course you do. How could you ever forget?

Chyna took everything from Dream"s nursery and ran after certain messages were leaked on her Instagram account.

Those messages were all about Rob — about how she planned on getting herself that Kardashian name, a handful of Kardashian money, and if "lazy, fat, insecure" Rob didn"t get it together within a year, she"d just leave.

At the time, Rob documented what happened on Snapchat, but you know those Keeping Up with the Kardashians cameras were there, too.

And now we"re seeing some of the footage of what happened after Chyna left.

Fair warning: it"s pretty darn pitiful.

In this new sneak peek from Sunday"s new episode of the show, Kim Kardashian and Corey Gamble go visit Rob to check on him, since he seemed pretty down about losing his fiancee and his newborn baby.

Corey explains to Rob that people were concerned because they believed he was suicidal, but Rob says that he just wanted people to know that Chyna hurt him.

"The fact that you say "if he doesn"t have his sh-t together in a year I"ma drop him," he says. "Like, who are you to say "I"ma drop you"?"

He says this to Corey and Kim, who are both paying attention to their phones and not to Rob.

Klassic Kardashians.

Corey warns him not to get back with Chyna because it never works out — "she tries, but she just can"t do it," he tells him.

Meanwhile, Kim reminds Rob that she and Chyna go way back (remember, they used to be good friends years ago), but that "just seeing the motives is what"s hurtful."

Rob agrees, but feels that he needs to hear about Chyna"s motives from her, in person, but Kim says that she"d never say any of that to his face.

To be fair to Chyna, it would be kind of difficult to sit down with the man you"d been dating for the past year, the man you"d just had a baby with, and tell him that you"re just with him for money and fame.

In a confessional, Kim tells us that Rob and Chyna"s relationship has never been healthy, and that Rob has to take responsibility for his part in that. 

"This just like all has to stop," she says, voicing exactly what we"ve been thinking for the past year now.

"It"s so clear what this relationship is," she adds, "and that they"re just not meant to be with each other."

But still, Rob insists that if Chyna can agree to marry him and have a baby with him, those feelings can"t be fake.

The clip ends with Kim reminding him that in this relationship, he"s the one who has the power — apparently since he"s the one who has the things Chyna wants.

Really, the whole thing is just kind of tragic to see.

Watch the whole thing go down for yourself in the clip below:

Rob breaks down over losing blac chyna on keeping up with the ka

Friday, April 7, 2017

UFC"s Daniel Cormier Makes Weight After Losing 1.2 Pounds in 2 Minutes! (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

How the hell did Daniel Cormier lose 1.2 pounds in 2 minutes??!? Huge dump? Big puke? Quick sweat session?? That’s the question everyone is asking after the UFC star miraculously made weight for his UFC 210 fight after a nearly missing the cut at…


UFC"s Daniel Cormier Makes Weight After Losing 1.2 Pounds in 2 Minutes! (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

How the hell did Daniel Cormier lose 1.2 pounds in 2 minutes??!? Huge dump? Big puke? Quick sweat session?? That’s the question everyone is asking after the UFC star miraculously made weight for his UFC 210 fight after a nearly missing the cut at…


Friday, March 31, 2017

Brad Pitt: Losing Weight, Worrying Fans Following Divorce

It’s been seven months since Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, and despite some turbulent months, sources close to Pitt say the actor is holding up as well as can be expected.

But many fans remain concerned about Brad’s emotional health in the wake of one of the most high-profile breakups in Hollywood history.

Much of the concern has to do with rumors surrounding Pitt’s recent weight loss.

After Brad skipped the Oscars last month, there were reports that part of the reason he decided to lay low throughout much of awards season is that he’d shed some serious pounds in recent months.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that fans who saw Brad out and about in Los Angeles recently were shocked by the screen icon’s gaunt appearance.

“To be honest, I wasn’t even sure that it was him,” one onlooker tells the site. “He looked so thin.”

“I was shocked at the sight of him really,” says another.

Apparently fans were surprised not only by Brad’s weight loss, but also by what they interpreted as his downbeat demeanor:

“I thought that he looked really solemn,” one witness says.

“Also the way he was walking, he was kind of skulking, just an odd mysterious shuffling. It didn’t seem like he was happy, kind of down on his luck and upset.”

Though Pitt maintained a low profile and was rumored to be struggling with severe depression in the early days of his divorce, those closest to the actor say there’s been an upswing in his mood recently.

Insiders say the turnaround is due in part to the fact that Brad and Angelina are on speaking terms again after several months of communicating only through their lawyers.

Early on, Pitt and Jolie’s custody agreement had Brad seeing the kids only in supervised visitations that were scheduled by Angelina.

Now, they’ve reportedly reached an agreement that’s more amenable to both parties.

So it’s strange that rumors about Pitt losing a dramatic amount of weight are surfacing just as thigs seem to be leveling out in her personal life.

Of course, it’s possibly Pitt may be trimming down for a role.

The actor has always kept a tight lid on his personal life and he seems to be more secretive than ever as a newly single man.


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Kodak Black"s Losing Fortune and Golden Oreos While Sitting in Jail

Kodak Black’s watching stacks of cash disappear while he’s stuck in jail — every canceled show is a $ 50k hit to his wallet. The rapper’s been forced to postpone or cancel 4 concerts since getting locked up Tuesday for violating house arrest, and…


Friday, February 24, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian: Miserable Over Losing Scott Disick?!

Few couples can fit so much needless drama into such little time as Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick.

It’s actually kind of impressive when you think about it.

Kourtney and Scott have been making their relationship turmoil stretch for years and years now — Scott will go on a booze-fueled bender or a dozen, Kourtney will make ultimatums, the cameras will catch it all for Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Wash, rinse, repeat. Forever.

Of course, back in 2015 Scott crossed a line when he was photographed cozying up to a woman that wasn’t Kourtney, and he promptly got dumped. For real dumped, not just dumped for reality TV.

He spent a few months being perhaps in the worse shape he’s ever been in, but he managed to pull his life together, and it seemed for a while there that he and Kourtney were actually going to make it.

But old habits die hard. So, so hard.

Last month, Scott accompanied Kourtney on a family vacation to Costa Rica. They had some quality family time, but it didn’t last because Scott reportedly had brought some girl along with him and was hiding her from Kourtney and Ko.

After a nasty little fight, Scott left the vacation early to jet off to Miami, where he was spotted with numerous girls in numerous compromising positions.

And when he finally made his way back to L.A., he didn’t receive the warmest of welcomes.

According to an insider, “Kourtney told Scott that she doesn’t want anything to do with him right now. She wouldn’t even let him in their house.”

So yeah, it’s safe to say that things aren’t going so well between them.

Things are so bad, in fact, that a source tells Radar that Kourtney is caught in a downward spiral of her own.

“Kourtney has been really down since Scott and her split again and she is starting to isolate,” the source says.

“Kourtney is trying to pretend she doesn’t care but she does. Scott will always be the love of her life.”

Things are so bad that “Her friends think that Kourtney is in self-destruct move because she is drinking a lot and has started shutting everyone out.”

“When Scott goes off on a bender, Kourtney is stuck playing the role of both parents and it is just really starting to take a toll on her.”

Sad, right?

And it gets even worse: on Wednesday night, Kourtney was photographed leaving church with none other than Justin Bieber, her old rebound.

Ideally Scott will realize the mistakes he’s making and get back on a good path, but at the very least, we hope Kourtney can come to terms with his issues and avoid following in his footsteps.


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Javi Marroquin Breaks Down Over Losing Kailyn Lowry: Watch

If we"ve said it once, we"ve said it a million times …

Poor Javi.

Javi Marroquin, save for a few jealous tendencies, has always seemed like great guy — one of the best fathers on all of Teen Mom for sure.

And in the latest season of Teen Mom 2, what with his and Kailyn"s divorce and all the sadness that entails, it"s just been heartbreaking to see him struggle with his new life.

And make no mistake, he is definitely struggling.

In this sneak peek from next week"s episode of the show, Javi is off on a beach trip with his brother and a couple of cousins, and as they"re kicking back, having some drinks, they ask him about Kailyn.

And that was the wrong thing to do.

Javi explains that he"s been sad on the trip because he and Kailyn used to take the kids to the same beach.

And then he starts crying. For real.

He says "I"m sad because I don"t have my family anymore," and that "it just sucks" to go home to an empty house, with new things and no one there.

As for Kailyn and whatever mysterious thing brought on the divorce, his brother tells him "We all saw it coming, but we didn"t say sh-t because it wasn"t our place."

But that"s of little comfort to Javi, who continues crying.

Check out the heartbreaking clip below:

Javi marroquin breaks down over losing kailyn lowry watch

Monday, January 30, 2017

Uber Losing More Than Customers, Some Drivers Bailing Too

Uber drivers are quitting because they’re pissed about the company’s response to the ‘Muslim ban,’ and about the CEO’s relationship with President Trump – and they’re fleeing to the competition. Drivers in California, New York,…


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Promoter Sues Talent Agency for Losing Out On Lil Wayne, Chris Brown

Lil Wayne, Chris Brown and other big names were booked to perform at several concerts … that is, if you believe the promoter, but a new lawsuit claims it was all a scam. Roberto Warnert just filed suit against Red Entertainment Group for allegedly…


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Oakland Rave Fire -- Art Commune Leader Whining About Losing Stuff ... Internet Lashing Out

There’s a new wave of outrage in Oakland’s tragic warehouse fire, and it’s against Derick Ion — the guy who ran the art commune that turned into a death trap … and TMZ has learned he’s already had legal troubles. Ion wrote a Facebook post saying…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Insane Bodybuilder -- SLAPS JUDGE IN FACE ... After Losing Competition (VIDEO)

What did the 5 overly-tanned fingers say to the face? SLAP!!!  Greek bodybuilder Giannis Magos went all Rick James, Zsa Zsa Gabor on a judge at a weightlifting competition this weekend … delivering an open hand power slap after losing the…


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Corey Dillon -- Bengals Need Coaching Change ... Too Talented To Keep Losing (VIDEO)

Ex-Bengals star Corey Dillon says it’s time for the Bengals to move on from coach Marvin Lewis … ‘cause the roster is WAY too talented to continue comin’ up short year after year. TMZ Sports spoke with Dillon — a 4x Pro Bowler — about the…


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton -- Wining for Losing! Leftover Merch Selling Out (PHOTOS)

Hillary Clinton said goodbye to her presidential hopes Wednesday, but the silver lining is her campaign merchandise is selling like crazy. A source at the official Hillary for America online store tells TMZ … she’s been flooded all morning with…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Chad Johnson -- Pizza, Donuts & a Losing Streak ... In Latest FIFA House Crashing (PHOTO GALLERY)

Chad Johnson’s quest to dominate the video game world in FIFA continued Monday night … except for one thing … he kinda got dominated by a random dude in Queens. Ochocinco happened to be in NY last night — and sent out a challenge to his…


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Jon Hamm on Losing Virginity: My Big D Wasn"t Ready!

Jon Hamm – very, very well-endowed Mad Men actor – wasn’t ready to lose his virginity. 

His story – a common one – is pretty cringeworthy, too. 

During an interview with Elle, Hamm was asked about what he’d do differently about losing his all-important V-card. 

His response? 

Approximately the same response from any number of people who could be polled. 

“I don’t know,” he laughed. “Everything.” 

“There’s no version of it that’s not awkward.” 

“Let’s put it this way: as much as I had practiced, I was still not quite ready for game time.”

Been there, Hammdong. 

He went on to admit that he didn’t lose his virginity at a young age, like many of his contemporaries.  

“I was in college,” he revealed. 

“I was 19 [years old].”

As for his current love life, Hamm broke up with his long-time ex, Jennifer Westfeldt a year ago.

However, he has been linked to January Jones (AKA She of the Icicle Vadge) several times, so that might contribute to his awkwardness in talking about sex. 

With regard to his college days, though, it wasn’t just the sex that was bad. 

Hamm was arrested for a frat hazing, which left its victim “brutally beaten and molested.” 

The victim was said to have endured a paddling to his genitals (OMG NO) more than 30 times and “suffered great pain.” 

As for Hamm’s part, he reportedly “hooked a claw hammer under the pledge’s genitals. 

Then he lit the victim’s pant leg on fire, and refused the pledge to put the fire out.  

In 2015, prior to his breakup with Westfeldt, Hamm completed a 30-day stint in rehab for alcohol addiction. 

About rehab, Hamm released a statement, which read “With the support of his long-time partner, Jennifer Westfeldt,” John Hamm recently completed treatment for his alcohol addiction.” 

Hamm had been candid in the past about his “chronic” struggle with depression, which could have led to his substance abuse issues. 

About his depression, Hamm said, “I struggled with chronic depression.”

“I was in bad shape.” 

“Anti-depressants help!” he said.

“if you can change your brain chemistry enough to think, ‘I want to get up in the morning; I don’t want to sleep until four in the afternoon. I want to get up and go do my s–t and go to work.’ “

Good to see Hammdong’s working through his demons.  

Now if we could just see more of him … both literally and figuratively. 


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Eva Mendes Describes Losing Brother, Then Giving Birth All In One Week

Sometimes, when a loved one passes, in their place they leave the gift of new life.

Eva Mendes experienced this in May, when she suffered the loss of her older brother, Carlos, then gave birth to her second child, a girl just days later.

“Losing my brother brought our family closer, and we were already close to begin with,” Mendes told the September issue of Latina.

“So to just see everybody be there for one another and show up, I feel so lucky to have them.”

They were right next to the actress for significant moment, when she had daughter Amada (dad is Mendes’ partner, Ryan Gosling).

“We had a funeral service for [Carlos] and that same week I had the baby. So it was really, really intense and obviously beyond heartbreaking, but also kind of beautiful.”

Understandably, Mendes isn’t at the point where she’s let such an extreme high and an extreme low sink in.

“Being totally honest, I don’t feel like I’ve really processed that yet.”

Mendes, 42 and Gosling are already parents to Esmerelda, 22 months.  

The couple selected the name Amanda for the newborn after Mendes’ grandmother.  

“It was an emotional time with the passing of my brother,” Mendes recalled. “We thought how beautiful to go with what made us emotional and with what felt like her. When we looked at her, we thought, ‘Aww, Amadita.’”

Though she will star in 2017’s Fast 8, Mendes is putting the focus on motherhood at the moment.

“Right now it’s really about surviving those nights and trying to enjoy this time as much as possible with them, and start the bond between Esmeralda and Amada.”

Mendes realizes how lucky she is to be selective when it comes to work.

“Right now I feel very fortunate to be home with my kids. I feel so lucky, and I’m just taking advantage of that,” she said.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Leah Messer: Daughter Losing Too Much Weight?

This season alone, fans have slammed Leah Messer a multitude of times for bad parenting.

And we"re feeling another strike coming on.

In a preview clip for Teen Mom 2, Corey Simms brings up concerns about six-year-old Ali, the daughter he shares with Leah.

Ali, who suffers from muscular dystrophy, is losing too much weight, Corey believes.

"Next time we go to Columbus, if I can"t go, you might want to mention about her diet," Corey tells Leah as she drops off their daughter.

Leah appears perplexed.

"Diet?" she asks, quizzically.

"How she"s not eating," Corey explains. "It takes everything I got to get her to eat."

Leah tells her ex that Ali eats when she"s with her, but Corey doesn"t think it"s sufficient.

"She eats, but she doesn"t eat enough," he says. "She"s been not eating for a while."

"We weighed her and now she"s 34 pounds," he continues.

"I think she"s lost weight because she was almost 40 pounds."

Leah looks concerned, confused and tired, then argues that she thinks Ali hasn"t gained or lost weight, but is just staying the same.

Still, she agrees to make a doctor"s appointment for their daughter to appease Corey.

Earlier this week, Leah was criticized for allowing her other daughter, Adalynn, to eat frosting straight out of the container.

Back in March, she came under fire for failing to feed her kids breakfast before school.

Is it possible Leah doesn"t understand the concept of proper nourishment for children?

Or is she really just the victim of unfair editing, like she has been asserting for the past few months?

You be the judge:

Leah messer daughter losing too much weight