Showing posts with label Magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magazine. Show all posts

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Demi Lovato Slams Time Magazine for Honoring Donald Trump

Demi Lovato has a few questions for Time Magazine.

But the singer’s issues with the publication can best be summed up by a single inquiry, one comprised of three letters:


On Wednesday, Time editors declared their Person of the Year to actually be a bunch of brave people.

Referring to the countless women who have comprised the ongoing #MeToo movement, Time recognized the “Silence Breakers” that have spoken out against sexual assault and harassment.

These “Silent Breakers” include stars such as Taylor Swift and Ashley Judd, along with lesser known victims around the country.

Said editor-in-chief Edward   in explaining why his magazine made this selection:

“This is the fastest moving social change that we’ve seen in decades and it began with individual acts of courage of hundreds of women, and some men, too, who came forward to tell their own stories of sexual harassment and assault.”

We totally agree.

It’s nearly impossible to find fault in this decision, right?

But here’s the thing:

Donald Trump was named runner-up.

The President (who took home the distinction in 2016) clearly made a huge impact on the world over the past 12 months… but he’s also been accused of sexual assault himself.

But over a dozen women.

So Lovato is curious how and why Time honored victims of sexual misconduct, while also honoring a man who likely committed an assortment of similar crimes.

“I’ve become less vocal about my distain for certain people over the past year because it only divides our country even more but this is worth speaking up about,” Lovato explained in the first of three Tweets on the topic, adding:

“@TIME mag – very disappointed in your hypocrisy and disrespect toward the women on your cover…

“To be named POTY by @TIME it should be for doing something positive or brave LIKE the women on the cover. It’s annoying that it’s just about impact on the news…

“Time mag highlights brave women coming forward against sexual assault on the cover but names a man with sexual assault allegations against him runner up to person of the year..

“Really @TIME? #hypocrites.”

demi tweet mesages

Felsenthal did actually address his reasoning for why Trump earned the number-two spot on his list.

He told Today yesterday morning:

“He’s No. 2 on our list because he has changed the very nature of the presidency and the way the White House functions.

“He is on the verge of a first major legislative victory, he’s reshaping the judiciary [system], and aggressively rolling back regulations. The tweet that he sent wasn’t correct.

“In fact, we did the photo shoot for the reveal we’re about to [show] five days before the tweet. We didn’t say ‘probably,’ but you know how it goes.”

Ah, yes, the Tweet.

Late last month, Trump brought up the Person of the Year debate and Tweeted that the magazine told him he was “probably” going to win.

“But I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot,” he added. “I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway.”

The President was roundly mocked for this lie statement.


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Meghan Markle: Racy Magazine Photos Surface; Will They Cause a Royal Uproar?

Now that Meghan Markle is officially a global celebrity, the Internet is hard at work digging up old photos of the future Mrs. Prince Harry.

There was this throwback picture of Markle as a student at Northwestern, one that is clear evidence she doesn’t ever age.

And now there’s another intriguing image making the rounds, one that is clear evidence Harry is marrying a hottie!

TMZ has uncovered a trio of photos of Markle that were snapped back in 2013 for a spread in a Canadian magazine called Sharp.

Which is apt.

Because the following snapshot puts Markle’s beauty in sharp focus, wouldn’t you say?

Markle, of course, has worked as an actress for years.

So it’s only natural that she has a history of revealing photo shoots and/or certain scenes that Queen Elizabeth likely wishes did not exist.

She did pretend to give a fellow 90210 character a blow job several years ago, remember:

We’re passing no judgment on the magazine spread or the scene above, of course. That would be a silly and misguided thing to do.

But it’s impossible not to wonder if there will be any sort of uproar in Great Britain over these pictures, considering the prim and proper traditions of the Royal Family.

Markle is set to officially join in May.

She and Harry have confirmed they’ll be wed this spring at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

The exciting news was announced two days after Kensington Palace also announced the actual news of Harry and Markle getting engaged, doing so via the following statement:

“His Royal Highness and Ms. Markle became engaged in London earlier this month. Prince Harry has informed Her Majesty The Queen and other close members of his family.

“Prince Harry has also sought and received the blessing of Ms. Markle’s parents.”

On Friday, meanwhile, the newly engaged stars stepped out together holding hands on Friday in Nottingham, England at the Terrence Higgins Trust World AIDS Day charity fair.

Not counting the photo shoot below, it was their first public appearance as two people who have agreed to marry.

The 36-year old actress was greeted with a very warm welcome by all who saw her at the event.

The palace noted in a statement that Harry has been extremely vocal about his passion in raising awareness for HIV/AIDS and was “looking forward to introducing Ms. Markle to a community that has become very special to him.”

Markle, it should be said, has also been deeply involved in humanitarian work for years, which is a major reason why the two hit it off last July after they were set up on a blind date.

Harry and Meghan are both very attractive. That probably also helped with the initial attraction.

Click through precious pictures of the gorgeous couple below and then join us in wishing them a long and very happy life together.


Friday, December 1, 2017

LOVE Magazine Reveals Advent Calendar with Gigi, Bella, Teyana and More

Y’know it’s the holiday season when LOVE magazine enlists the planet’s hottest models to do lingerie workouts while smacking their own asses. Welcome to Christmas! The good folks at LOVE just dropped this trailer for their traditional extravaganza…


Meghan Markle: Did a Magazine Make Her Look White?

While it’s bad news for fans of the hit USA network series, Meghan Markle is leaving Suits for the best possible reason: she’s engaged to Prince Harry. For real, this time.

Now, as she prepares to formally join the British Royal Family, her visibility is on the rise. Her photos are going to be everywhere.

But … did a magazine cover whitewash away her racial features?

Meghan Markle is a successful actress. She’s beautiful. She’s American.

And, through her mother, she’s black.

While American women marrying into British nobility is nothing new (it was actually something of a trend, a hundred years or so ago, as noble families found themselves short on cash and sought wealthy American brides for their male heirs), Meghan Markle’s mixed-race status is a milestone for the British Royal family.

Honestly, the fact that her (white) father is partially of Irish descent might have ruffled some feathers in the not-so-distant past. And that’s not even a racism issue, that’s just standard Europeans-hating-each-other-out-of-habit.

For anyone who managed to believe that racism was somehow over, the last couple of years — Nazis marching openly in the streets in the US and in Europe, Brexit, the election of Trump — have made it abundantly clear that racism is alive and well.

But not all racism takes the form of obvious hatred. Sometimes, it’s our beauty values and cultural norms that are more informed by white supremacy than any of us would like to believe.

The sorts of noses that people like, the types of hairstyles, the eye shapes, the lips — for centuries, the entire Western world’s beauty values have come from European standards. A lot of traits associated with people of color have been considered less desirable, or even “ugly.”

So, when people noticed that Meghan Markle looks a little different on this Elle cover, they had to ask: did someone airbrush away to make her look “less ethnic?”

It’s easy to immediately recognize that something about the soon-to-be Duchess looks different here than in other pictures.

And no, we don’t just mean that her hair is up.

Her skin tone looks the same as usual, which is good — because so often using airbrushing to “whitewash” a person of color includes digitally lightening their skin.

Her lips, her nose, her eyes, all look how we’re accustomed to them looking.

It took a little while, but we were finally able to put our finger on what’s different:

Her freckles appear to be gone.

Either the makeup for the photoshoot or some airbrushing after-the-fact (but probably both) erased her freckles.

The good news is that this was probably not racially motivated. Magazines usually remove blemishes, and it’s very often that freckles get caught up in the mix.

Meghan Markle is gorgeous with or without her freckles, so it wasn’t immediately apparent. There are some actresses who would be almost unrecognizable without their freckles, but Markle’s distinctive beauty is unmistakable.

The bad news is that this will probably happen again, which is not going to be encouraging to young women — and particularly young women of color — who have freckles and are excited about a “princess” (she’s marrying a prince, folks, even if the title will technically be duchess) who also has them.

And it might be a little sad that we’re feeling relieved that nobody radically transformed her appearance.

But we’ve seen world-famous black women whitewashed. Dark-skinned black women made to look light-skinned. Light-skinned black women made to look white.

Maybe the fashion world and the publishing world are making progress.

Or … maybe they’re just extra careful with how they edit the photos of a woman who is about to become royalty.

We cannot tell you how heartwarming it has been to see black women on our social media timelines celebrating Meghan Markle’s engagement.

Just because her title won’t actually be “princess” doesn’t preclude anyone from getting excited about the “black princess.” 

(Incidentally, though interracial relationships and marriages are on the rise in the UK, they’re still less common than in the US, where nearly 20 percent of recent newlywed couples are interracial)

And it doesn’t hurt that she’s from the US.

So as we all look forward to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding date, we should remember that they’re also making history. In a way that still matters to a lot of people.

And let’s keep a close eye on how Markle is photographed and discussed.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Friday, September 8, 2017

Selena Gomez Graces Time Magazine: I Think Strength is Being Vulnerable

Unlike, say, a certain reality star-turned-President who keeps fake Time covers of himself posted in frames at his resorts — a move that sounds like a parody even though it’s real, Selena Gomez’s Time cover is the real deal.

The actress and singer, though she’s produced some of the greatest music in human history, isn’t on the cover for her art. Not directly, anyway.

Selena made the cover of Time Firsts. In her interview, she talks about how she got to where she is — and about the struggles that young people are facing today.

Seriously, she’s in great company: Madeleine Albright, Gabby Douglas, Shonda Rhimes, Candis Cayne, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Barbara Walters … the list goes on.

And they’re in great company, too. Because Selena Gomez is extraordinary.

Selena’s reason for making Time‘s list of Firsts is that she is the first person, in the world, to reach 100 million followers on Instagram.

She is actually well beyond that — currently at about 126 million followers.

(Her sheer volume of followers is probably why she made such an appealing target for her account to be hacked when old Bieber nudes were posted)

How Selena manages that isn’t clear.

She’s not especially controversial but she gets people’s attention.

She’s always relevant but never overexposed.

She’s beautiful but none of her posts seem like a plea for attention.

Whatever her exact recipe for social media success, it’s worked, and Time sat down to interview her.

Time interviewed Selena Gomez, of course.

One of the things that the 25-year-old singer discussed was how social media creates new challenges for young people.

“I think it’s really hard to be a kid now, especially with social media.”

That’s true. As useful of a tool as it can be, it can be a huge source of misery for kids who might already feel isolated.

“I can’t imagine what it would be like to grow up with that. It’s already difficult to get up every day and just feel good about yourself without seeing the highlights of everyone else’s life.”

But part of Selena’s social media strategy is remaining aware of this.

“That’s why I like being vulnerable with my fans on social media. I like that they’ve seen my mistakes. I try to use that as a way to connect with them.”

She’s so good, you guys.

“Strength doesn’t mean that you have to put on a facade. I think strength is being vulnerable.”

That’s one form of strength, absolutely.

As for Selena’s career, she credits her mother for helping her to become her current, magnificent self.

““When I started working, my mom was the person in my life that helped guide me through most of that.”


“She was 16 so we kind of grew up together. Everything that I am has kind of become a little bit of what my mom’s gone through.”

When you reach the ages that your respective parents were when you were born, you realize how much they were just making it up as they go along, because there’s no magical age at which adulthood suddenly comes naturally.

(You fake it ‘til you make it)

Having a child at 16 is even more dramatic.

But it looks like Selena’s mother did an extraordinary job.

“She made me feel like I was capable of doing anything I wanted.”

And she is. To paraphrase Selena’s “Stars Dance,” we’d say that she can do anything she puts her mind to.

Selena took to Instagram, of course, to announce her Time Firsts cover.

“Sometimes it’s incredibly difficult to wake up every day knowing there is so much going on in the world. At times I feel selfish, I ask why, I ask how can this change? Will it actually ever change?”

We all hope so. Even if it’s little-by-little.

“I try to contribute my heart before anything because it can be so easy to lose the desire to have hope when sometimes all I want to be is angry.”

That’s relatable.

“When I read about the beautiful women who wake up consciously every day to make a change, it inspires me to want to do so much more.”

Women like the other names that share her cover.

“Not really sure how I got so lucky @time but thank you for highlighting the power of what we can and will always strive to be.”

She didn’t just get lucky — she’s amazing.

“I believe in the goodness in the land of the living. I hope this is just the beginning of more change.”

She’s so poetic, you know?

Every day, since that fateful day in January 2010 when I was visiting my mother and a random On Demand channel in an otherwise empty room happened to play “Naturally” right when I walked in, I have been thankful for Selena Gomez.

It’s good to see that she dominates Instagram so thoroughly.

Whether she shares another snap of her resting between appearances or a rare pic of her with The Weeknd, her Instagram account is worth following.

She never floods your timeline but you’re always glad to see her posts.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Justin Trudeau Poses for Magazine Cover with Legs Spread

Justin Trudeau knows what he’s got … clearly. The Canadian P.M. posed for the cover of Delta Airlines Sky Mag … the July issue. The shot is perfectly framed … making his crotch the centerpiece. It’s a little Sharon Stone “Basic Instinct,” a…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

"Love & Hip Hop" Star Milan Christopher Goes Full-Frontal Nude for Paper Magazine

Milan Christopher pulled a Kim Kardashian by going full frontal in the next Paper Magazine, and it begs the question … how does he walk around naked without getting rug burn? The openly gay ex-“Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood” star landed…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Ivanka Trump"s Magazine Cover Gets the Meme Treatment from Twitter

The Trump family might not be making too many people happy these days, but they sure are providing the internet with a lot of entertainment.

This time, it"s Ivanka who"s spawning Twitter memes.

In an almost comical ploy for sympathy and brand distance, Ivanka Trump appeared on the cover of Us Weekly with 

The headline, "Ivanka Takes A Stand: Why I Disagree With My Dad," was a beautifully giftwrapped present that Twitter opened with great alacrity.

Sure, some people just mocked the headline, referring to it as "Daddy, You"re Hurting My Brand!" But others got a little more creative with it.

From reimagined versions of the cover to references to popular culture — particularly when it comes to parent-child conflicts — Twitter had no shortage of fun parodies of Ivanka"s headline.

But first, the original magazine cover.


1. Nice Try, Ivanka

Ivanka us weekly cover

More like “Why My Brand Needs Distance From My Dad,” right?

2. Spot The Difference …

Ivanka us weekly memes 01

This one’s almost the same, but just a bit more honest.

3. Star Wars Reference Number One

Ivanka us weekly memes 02

What’s more quintessentially Star Wars than disagreeing with your dad? And don’t say lightsabers …

4. If She Doesn’t Get What She Wants …

Ivanka us weekly memes 03

This one might actually be TOO accurate. Ugh.

5. Nice Game of Thrones Reference

Ivanka us weekly memes 04

Does this one technically qualify as “potty humor?”

6. Star Wars Reference Number Two

Ivanka us weekly memes 05

A second dose of Star Wars dad-disagreements; this time with Carrie Fisher feels.

View Slideshow

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Bob Marley"s Son Now Part Owner of High Times Magazine!!!

It just makes sense … Bob Marley’s youngest son now has a vested interest in the most famous marijuana publication, High Times. Damian Marley is 1 of 20 new investors in the ownership group that bought controlling interest in the media…


Jennifer Garner (Kindly) Lashes Out at People Magazine, Sets "Record Straight"

Excuse her, celebrity gossip world.

Excuse her, please!

But Jennifer Garner has a few things she would like to say.

The lovely actress and mother of three has remained almost entirely silent ever since she and Ben Affleck started having marital issues.

After a great deal of reported back-and-forth last year that left fans wondering about the true status of their relationship, Garner at last filed for divorce in mid-April.

This marriage of just about a decade is most definitely over… but someone apparently forgot to tell this to People Magazine.

For its latest issue, the publication features Garner on the cover and quotes multiple sources, one of whom talks about the “difficult decision” Garner made to finally split from her famous husband.

Claims one insider, speaking on Garner’s reaction to the break-up:

“She’s certainly not jumping up and down and screaming, ‘I’m single!’ and planning dates. She still says Ben was the love of her life.”

Here’s the thing, though:

While the magazine clearly wants you to believe Garner gave it an exclusive interview and talked openly to a writer about her life these days…

… she actually did no such thing.

Irritated enough by the implication that she spilled any divorce-related beans to People, Garner broke her silence on the state of her marriage in order to make it clear that she hasn’t actually broken her silence on the state of her marriage.

“It has been brought to my attention that there is a People magazine cover and article out today that appear to be coming from me,” Garner wrote on Facebook last night.

She went on to reference silly pregnant rumors that she’s learned to easily shrug off, adding:

“It isn’t unusual for me to receive calls from loved ones thinking I forgot to tell them I am pregnant–with twins!–(Geez Louise), but those are so ridiculous they’re easy to ignore.”

This, however?

This is different because People is typically a reliable and respected publication, while editors set up this feature in a way that very much made it appear as if they had Garner’s cooperation.

But they did not.

“This isn’t a tragedy by any measure, but it does affect me and my family and so, before my mom’s garden club lights up her phone, I wanted to set the record straight,” Garner wrote, concluding as follows:

“I did not pose for this cover. I did not participate in or authorize this article. While we are here, for what it’s worth: I have three wonderful kids and my family is complete.

“Have a beautiful day. Love, Jen.”

Yes, this is Jennifer Garner being angry.

What a calm, reasonable, funny human being.

You really messed this one up, Ben. It has to be said.

A spokesperson for the People has responded to Garner and both defended its reputation, while also acknowledging the truth behind what Garner wrote:

“PEOPLE covers Hollywood stars beloved by our audience, and our story on Jennifer Garner is fair and truthful. To be clear, it does not include rumors and does not say she’s pregnant.

‘We wish her well.”

Affleck and Garner announced their separation over a year ago.

Most outlets have reported that the cause of the split was Affleck’s penchant for partying and/or his general lack of interest in settling down as a family man.

But there doesn’t seem to be any bitterness between the estranged spouses, who continue to spend a lot of time together with their kids.

“Jen is a superhero mom. She is an amazing mother and I’m really lucky to have her as a partner to co-parent these kids with,” he shared Affleck told E! News after the break-up, adding:

“We try our best, we put them first and that’s what we do.”

As for whether or not Garner is dating Brad Pitt?!?

We’ll let her reveal the truth behind that rumor.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Javi Marroquin: See His Adorable Magazine Cover with Son Lincoln!

For a good long while now, even before the divorce, Teen Mom 2 fans have been split into two camps: Team Kailyn and Team Javi.

Surprisingly, it seems like the vast majority of people — like, we don’t want to say all, but it might be all — are on Team Javi.

These people have created a “poor Javi” narrative, all about how Kailyn was never kind or warm to him, and when he was overseas, fighting for his country, Kailyn stayed at home and cheated on him and broke his heart.

And to be fair, some of those are some solid points, but even Javi will say that both he and Kailyn contributed to the ultimate destruction of their marriage.

But the point is that when it comes to Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin, most people seem to take Javi’s side.

And those people will be absolutely thrilled to see his latest move.

He landed a magazine cover, y’all!

That’s Javi with little Lincoln on the cover of Posh Kids, looking dapper as dapper as can be.

In the accompanying interview, he revealed quite a bit of information about his split from Kailyn and how he handled it, as we heard yesterday.

When he returned home from his deployment, he said, he was an “angry person,” and “everything was still raw and still so new, and I was in a bad place.”

He seemed to put at least a little bit of blame for the divorce on MTV, explaining that filming “adds stress,” but “MTV doesn’t hold a gun to your head.”

Everything that happens on the show, Javi explained, “it’s what we say, and it’s what we do … I’m not going to attribute the show to the fail of my marriage.”

“I think we both made decisions and some were right, some were wrong and that is what ultimately lead to the end of our marriage.”

So while he says “I think I could have handled it a lot better than what I did,” he still has a ton of people supporting him.

He shared the magazine cover on his Instagram, and the comments were quickly flooded with sweet, positive messages from his fans.

His followers were quick to tell him how gorgeous he was, and how handsome both he and Lincoln look in the photo.

Several women asked if he was single — he just broke up with Real World star Madison Walls, so depending on how fast he moves, there’s a good chance he’s available.

The only issue people had with the cover was that they wished Javi’s former stepson, Isaac, would have been able to be in the photo as well.

And we agree, it would have been nice, but either way, looking good, Javi!


Friday, March 10, 2017

Time Magazine SLAMMED for Sexist Coverage of Amal Clooney

Amal Clooney is expecting twins with George Clooney.

She is also a human rights attorney who gave a speech this week at the UN headquarters, calling on the organization to investigate crimes committed by the Islamic State, including killings, forced conversions and rape.

Not that TIME Magazine cared at all about that latter fact.

As you"re about to learn below, the publication Tweeted only about Amal"s baby bump while she spoke on the floor of the United Nations, rightfully earning the ire of Internet users in the process.

Scroll down for more…

1. Yes, She Showed it Off

Yes she showed it off

While, you know, speaking out on the atrocities committed by ISIS against women.

2. What Speech?!?

What speech

The tweet linked to an article published in Motto – Time Inc.’s website aimed at younger women – which was titled “Amal Clooney Rocks the Baby Bump Ahead of U.N. Speech.” What a great lesson for these young women.

3. Pssst… Time

Pssst time

In case you were wondering about anything outside of her baby bump.

4. Tell Us, TIME!

Tell us time

We need to know!

5. THIS.


Really, just… this, over and over and over again.

6. Remember International Women’s Day?

Remember international womens day

We can’t blame TIME for forgetting. It was a full day before Amal took to the UN stage.

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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Kristen Stewart: Is That Really Her in V Magazine?!?

Kristen Stewart is featured in the latest issue of V Magazine.

At least we think Kristen Stewart is featured in the latest issue of V Magazine.

Photographed by the legendary Mario Testino in a bright purple and blue Chanel ensemble, flames aloft on the backdrop behind her, Stewart is front and center for the publication’s “Free Spirit” issue.

And she looks almost nothing like herself on the cover:

Among the topics Stewart delves into as part of this cover story is iconic designer Karl Lagerfeld.

The two have worked together for a number of years now.

“Karl has always, from the very beginning, made me feel like being myself was the right thing to do. And in [the fashion] world, that is a rarity,” Stewart explains.

“He’s a compulsive and obsessive artist and it’s contagious. And he’s kind. He is who he is for a reason. I feel so lucky to be in his space so often.”

Stewart will next be seen in the film Personal Shopper, a thriller that is scheduled to hit theaters on March 10 and which centers on our relationship with new forms of communication.

It’s a meaningful theme to the former Twilight Saga star.

“When you speak to someone on the phone, that is a decipherable, understandable exchange,” says Stewart to V.

“But with text and social media, it’s essentially a dialogue with yourself and your interpretation of a shadow. It’s not invalid; it’s a new language.” 

Stewart continues to distance herself more and more from the role of Bella Swan that made her famous.

It made her famous among teenagers around the world, but this star has loftier goals in mind.

She’s hoping to reach a larger audience.

Last month, for example, Stewart won rave reviews for her Saturday Night Live hosting debut, actually cursing in her monologue and taunting Donald Trump.

She openly talked about her ex-boyfriend, Robert Pattinson.

She told the entire world that she’s gay.

She seemed a little nervous and anxious, but she also came across like more of an open book than she ever had before.

“For six years, I’ve just been being a total wuss about it and then I finally was like, at some point, you just have to bite the bullet, you know?” Stewart said of the hosting gig, adding that even if one is to fail…

“It will make you stronger, man.”

This issue of V hits newsstands on March 9.

Pick up a copy to learn more about Stewart and check out a segment from her Saturday Night Live hosting appearance above.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Kendall Jenner: No Pants, All Crazy Snake Tattoo in V Magazine

New year, new fashion statements by members of the Kardashian-Jenner family.

In her first selfie of 2017, for instance, Kim Kardashian showed off a new lip ring, likely in an attempt to distract folks from rumors of her impending divorce.

Now, Kendall Jenner has posed for the January issue of V Magazine with a giant snake tattoo taking up most of her right leg.

We’re not sure what her excuse is.

The 21-year-old reality star/model is one of six beauties to grace various covers of the publication’s January V105 issue, posing for photographer Mario Testino while not wearing much on her famous body.

She is pantless, for obvious starters, wearing only an off-the-shoulder Vera Wang top, Christian Louboutin heels and a lacy Victoria’s Secret thong.

While sharing the racy image on her Instagram account, Kendall simply wrote the following as a caption:

“@Vmagazine’s January issue by @mariotestino.”

As you can see below, Jenner completed her sultry look with black manicured nails… a seriously smokey eye … and a HUGE temporary snake tattoo, designed by artist Jenai Chin.

Yes, it’s temporary.

In her accompanying interview with the magazine – which is known for featuring female celebrities in very revealing outfits – Jenner said she looks up to Rihanna for inspiration because she’s “Queen of the rebels.”

“[Rihanna] manages to pull everything off,” Jenner says. “She can do no fashion wrong!”

Rounding out the rest of the covers for this “Forever Yours” issue are the following models:

Joan Smalls, Amber Valletta, Lara Stone, Ellen Rosa and Carolyn Murphy; they are all rocking fake body art like Kendall.

Which cover pose is your favorite?

v covers

As usual, Kendall has been the most quiet of all Kardashians and Jenners over the past several weeks.

Kim has broken her social media silence by releasing a handful of new Facebook and Instagram pictures.

Khloe keeps gushing over Tristan Thompson and saying how she’s happier than ever.

Kourtney might be dealing with both a fourth pregnancy and a baby daddy dilemma.

Kylie can’t stop posing in a bikini.

But then there’s Kendall, building an actual modeling career for herself and not feeling a need to stoop to any desperate-for-PR type level on social media.

She walked the runway of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show last month…

… and now she’s probably off to some other exotic location to star in a new ad campaign.

As long as that tattoo above really is fake, Kendall is on a roll of late.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016

Blac Chyna: Nude in Paper Magazine!!

The pregnant, glowing Blac Chyna poses naked and cradles her growing, tattooed baby bump on the latest cover of Paper magazine.

Yes, the same iconic publication that broke the Internet with nude Kim Kardashian photos showcasing her giant, oiled-up arse in 2014.

Now it’s Chyna’s turn to shed all inhibitions (and clothes) as she assumes her longtime friend’s mantle as the hottest thing on Paper.

Can you think of anything more perfect?

We can’t, and it appears that the Paper legend and Keeping Up with the Kardashians standard-bearer shares that positive assessment.

Channeling her inner goddess, Chyna is the cover girl for Paper’s 1,000 Beautiful People September issue, and Kim was there for her.

Literally. She supported her on set!

The 28-year-old sports long, blonde waves and a sparkly crown, with her tattoos and ridonkulous curves on full display in the spread.

Also visible? The controversial reality star’s massive 7-carat diamond engagement ring from fiance and baby daddy-to-be Rob Kardashian.

Oddly, the star did not do an interview to accompany the photos, saying, “I don’t do interviews, and I haven’t spoken publicly in years.”

She did promise that Rob & Chyna, her upcoming E! reality show, will give the world a chance to see a whole new side of her.

“I’m excited about fans getting to know me as a person and not as a thing or a face,” Chyna said, hyping up the new show.

“I hope when people think about Blac Chyna, they think of a mogul and entrepreneur, a mother and a badass bitch.”

Blac may not be talking to Paper, butmanaging editor Abby Schreiber tells Us Weekly how BFF-turned-rival-turned BFF Kim K. stopped by:

“Kim came by the set to check in with Chyna to see how she was doing,” Schreiber said. “They had a private moment in Chyna’s dressing room.”

“They [caught] up and [FaceTimed] family members. They really seemed to relate to one another like close friends or sisters.”

Kardashian, Schreiber says, “went through the racks and the clothes with Chyna privately in the dressing room and gave her thoughts.”

The pregnant Chyna also brought along her son, 3-year-old King Cairo, whose father of course is Kylie Jenner’s boyfriend Tyga.

“It was really fun seeing her with King,” Schreiber said.

“He had so much energy, and at one point, someone went out to get him a box of Duplo blocks so he could play next to his mom.”

King was there “while she was getting photographed. He didn’t appear in any shots, but he was just a few feet out of the frame the whole time.”

Schreiber said she was “terrific” to work with overall, and not surprisingly, there were no reservations re: photos of Blac Chyna naked:

“She was very comfortable throughout the shoot!”

Chyna and Rob are expecting a baby girl due in October, having gotten engaged in April after just a couple of months of dating. 

Amazingly, things appear to be drama free these days with Blac, Rob and his family members, with whom he was estranged.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online this week, you can see Rob and Khloe bury the hatchet regarding Chyna.

His engagement and the way he handled a lot of things caused the family a lot of stress, but there’s no doubt about this fact:

Ever since Rob and Chyna got together this year, we’ve seen a whole new Rob, and that’s an overwhelmingly positive change.

Saturday, August 13, 2016