Showing posts with label Meltdown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meltdown. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2017

Charles Oakley Trashed White People & Police In MSG Meltdown ... Witnesses Say (DOCUMENT)

TMZ Sports has obtained the witness statement in the Charles Oakley incident at MSG — in which Knicks staffers claimed Oakley went on a verbal tear trashing white people, cops and Jimmy Dolan after things got physical with security. According to…


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Mischa Barton"s Meltdown in Play For a Full Year

Mischa Barton was on a downward spiral for nearly a year before it became so bad this week she agreed to check herself into a hospital psych unit. Mischa lives in an apartment building in West Hollywood and neighbors say she’s made it impossible to…


Friday, January 6, 2017

"Keeping Up With Kardashians" New Season Cashing in on Kim"s Robbery & Kanye"s Meltdown (VIDEO)

A tearful Kim Kardashian weeps while recounting her Paris robbery in the new season 13 promo for “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” and the timing is pretty impeccable. Kim returned to social media by posting several images of her family this week…


Monday, December 12, 2016

Rick Ross Says Kanye Faked His "Meltdown" (VIDEO)

Kanye West is a great actor who fooled everyone into thinking he was melting down, at least according to Rick Ross, who’s giving ‘Ye props for pulling off a stunt — but trust us, it’s no stunt. During a NY appearance Sunday night, Rick said…


Friday, November 18, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Has a Total Meltdown Over WHAT?!

Kailyn Lowry is a big fan of feeling her feelings.

Or, to be more accurate, she’s a big fan of feeling her feelings in very passive aggressive ways, usually on social media.

It is what it is, y’all.

Kailyn’s latest vague-tweeting marathon happened just after filming the Teen Mom 2 reunion special and continued on for literal days.

“I guess if there’s no trust there’s nothing,” she began.

She followed that up with a simple “Ok,” and then “It’s cool” with both peace sign and middle finger emojis.

Who hurt you, Kailyn?

She may have cleared up that mystery a little later when she wrote “All my friends are assholes.”

“Nobody is loyal,” she added. “Don’t care.”

It’s a little shocking that she’d say all that the same day as the reunion special, especially considering that she’s so close with her fellow Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska.

The two even posed for several pictures together, looking all happy and friendly.

And, it’s worth noting, Chelsea definitely didn’t look like an asshole.

So we have to imagine that either Kailyn and Chelsea had some kind of falling out immediately after the show was filmed, which seems unlikely, or that Kailyn is just being ungrateful and dramatic.

Yeah, we’re going to have to go with that second one.

Time didn’t heal any wounds at all though, because the next morning Kailyn started up again with “All the feels right now.”

In the past few days, Kailyn’s gone through all these feels and more:

Real friends will support your business and not ask for freebies. I hate that sh-t.

Never been so overwhelmed in my life.

I know I’m not exactly what you’re used to.

I’m just convenient I guess…

You’re not special, he’s still looking for what’s next.

She’s also been making comments about her weight, posting a meme that read “Me: I’m on a diet. Inner Me: You’re fat, just eat it anyway.”

In a tweet revealing that she hasn’t been to the gym in almost a month, she called herself “trash.”

One of her followers rightfully told her that she’s “in her feels” right now, and she acknowledged it, writing “you right. Let me get it together.”

Please do, Kailyn. Please do.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

4-Year Old Cheers for Wrong Team, Has Adorable Meltdown

Kendall Kohler is a dedicated Louisville Cardinals fan.

At least when she remembers to actually cheer for the Louisville Cardinals, that is.

See, Kendall is only four years old.

And it can be hard to keep track of team names and colors sometimes, especially when so many players are on the same football field at once.

So it’s understandable that Kendall recently made a pretty major mistake, cheering for the Kentucky Wildcats by mistake when they played the Cardinals.

Understandable to us, that is.

To Kendall? It was a life-altering, tear-inducing faux pas that left her a pool of emotions in her father’s arms.

“I actually cheered on the Cats on accident!” a distraught Kendall told her father, Scotty, whose efforts to console his child go to waste in the above video.

“She accidentally said ‘Go Kentucky’ during whatever game it was that they was playing in her room,” Kohler told Buzzfeed News of the incident, adding that Kendall wasn’t even watching football when this happened.

Scotty told his wife to record the moment because he “wanted to have this video for her when she got older.”

“I was the only one who understood what she said [at first] and I understood how trivial it was and that it definitely was nothing to be that upset about.

“That was the comical aspect of it,” he explained.

sad Louisville fan

The video we’ve shared above didn’t take long to go viral, with many users feeling horrible for the distraught toddler.

support for kendall

cute tweet

So it looks like Kendall has accomplished something extremely rare here:

She has brought the Internet together in a show of compassion.

She may have done it “on accident,” but she still ought to be proud.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Lindsay Lohan in Full Meltdown Mode at LOHAN Night Club

Lindsay Lohan can’t catch a break – or even the attention of “fans” at the newly-opened Greek night club, LOHAN. 

Watch in horror as Lindsay attempts to settle the crowd as the crowd just crows and laughs. 

Oh man, so embarrassing, right? 

Is Lindsay’s star fading after her worst year of troubles since going entirely off the rails and losing most of the enamel off her teeth? 

We think perhaps. 

In the video, Lohan can clearly be heard, pleading with the crowd. 

Initially, she asked the crowd for a moment of quiet so she could speak. 

When the crowd completely blew her off, she got a little more vulgar. 

She said – repeatedly – “Shut the f–k up,” though nobody listened to her admonishments.  

“This is a a really important thing,” she continued. 

“I just want everyone to …” she trailed off. 

“Shut the f–k up!” she then yelled. 

It got worse from there. 

You’d think being told by a former international superstar to “shut the f–k up,” the crowd might listen. 

Oh hell no. 

“No, seriously, please,” she begged. 

“Just stop talking and listen for a second.” 

“I’m not going to speak until you stop,” she whined. 

The crowd only continued laughing and jeering, and did not give Lohan the quiet moment she begged for. 

After she realized that the crowd didn’t give a flying rat’s ass about what she had to say, she ordered the DJ to shut the music down. 

“Turn it off,” she said. “Turn the whole thing off.” 

Too sad, as this has easily been the worst year of Lindsay’s life in a long time 

After suffering through an embarrassing, abusive relationship with her ex, Egor Tarabasov – who she claimed tried to kill her – she nearly lost her finger in a freak accident. 

Donald Trump even publicly shat on Lindsay’s terrible 2016 by claiming that he wanted to sex her up in the worst way. 

If that didn’t cap off her crap year as it were, this latest night club debacle surely put the nail in 2016’s coffin. 

Thank heavens that the year is nearly over, and some of us – ahem – can start afresh, right? 


Friday, October 7, 2016

Britney Spears -- Infamous Umbrella Meltdown Recreated ... with a Few Kinks (VIDEO)

The new Britney Spears biopic for Lifetime is shooting in Vancouver, and fans have already noticed they screwed up one major scene — the umbrella meltdown. It was a pivotal moment during that period leading up to Britney’s mental breakdown, and…


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Amber Heard: I Did Not Release Johnny Depp Meltdown Video!

Amber Heard would like to make something abundantly clear:

She is not behind the leak of a damning Johnny Depp video that went public late last week.

The actress, who is in the middle of a legal dispute with her estranged husband over his alleged abuse of her during their 15-month marriage, has released a statement just one day after ugly footage of Depp went viral.

In the video (below), Depp is clearly agitated.

He’s upset. He’s angry. He’s pouring himself a large glass of red wine and he’s screaming at Heard.

The footage was filmed several months ago and it features Heard trying to understand what has Depp in such a state.

They aren’t in the middle of a fight, Heard tells him, asking her husband how much he’s had to drink.

“Did something happen to you this morning?” Depp responds, while violently shutting cabinet doors and breaking glasses.

He seems to be implying that he has every right to be in this mood because something bad happened to him and she just doesn’t understand.

This obviously isn’t proof of the abuse alleged by Heard, but it doesn’t paint Depp in a very positive light, either:

There’s no doubt that Heard filmed the encounter.

Depp even comes across her cell phone in “Record” mode toward the end of the footage.

But Heard has now told E! News that she isn’t the only who released this video online.

“I am not responsible for the release of the video. It was not what I wanted and I am doing what I can to force the media to take it off the internet,” Heard says.

“I underestimated the toll that this difficult few months have taken on me, emotionally and physically, and the efforts made by the media to intimidate and discredit me.”

She continued:

“It is for that reason, and my desire to make the healthiest choice for myself, and hopefully for Johnny, that I am attempting to resolve this matter in the most private way possible.”

Insiders close to Depp have told TMZ that the video in question is “heavily edited,” claiming there are portions where Amber is smiling and “egging [Depp] on.”

Earlier this month, Heard said she had proof that Depp hit her, a startling allegation she first made to the world on May 21 of this year.

A judge recently postponed a scheduled divorce/domestic violence hearing between the stars until Wednesday in order to allow both sides more time to finish their depositions.

If the case does end up going to trial, E! News reports that Heard’s witness list includes seven people, including close pals Raquel Pennington and iO Tillet Wright.

Meanwhile, Depp’s list consists of 23 people, including his long-time girlfriend Vanessa Paradis, who is also the mother of his two kids.

Heard and Depp met on the set of The Rum Diary in 2011.

They got married in February of 2015.

While sparks flew immediately between the actress and the actor, a source told People Magazine that there was always something “toxic” about their relationship.

On May 27, Heard entered a Los Angeles courthouse with a black eye and filed for a temporary restraining order against the actor.

She claimed at the time that he had been both “verbally and physically abusive” to her throughout the “entirety” of their relationship.

The same source mentioned above explained to People that Heard’s independent side and Depp’s insecurities led to jealousy and serious dysfunction during their marriage.

“Johnny tends to get moody and difficult and go into himself when things aren’t right in a relationship,” this insider said.

“When he gets like that, he can act nasty. It doesn’t made for a good marriage.”

That seems to be clear. But did it make for a violent marriage?

That question may soon be answered once and for all.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Bradley Cooper Attends DNC, Causes Republican Meltdown

So Bradley Cooper attended the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night.

This really should not have been a noteworthy occurrence, considering the vast number of celebrities who vote Liberal and who are supporting Hillary Clinton this year.

But… see… Cooper portrayed Chris Kyle in the 2014 movie American Sniper, a war hero who is held in very high estimation by many Republicans. 

As a result, Twitter users on the Right took Cooper"s DNC attendance as a major slap in the face, seeming to somehow believe that he is Chris Kyle and that he committed an act of treason against the party.

(And here we were this entire time, thinking Cooper was really a space raccoon.)

This confusing led to some harsh words from Republicans on social media, followed by some mocking words from Democrats in response. It was beautiful.

See what we mean below:

1. Meryl Streep Actually Spoke at the Convention…

Meryl streep actually spoke at the convention

… but she never played a famous Republican, we guess. So she’s spared this wrath.

2. Disappointed AND Appalled!

Disappointed and appalled

Just a mixture of emotions, really. All of them bad.

3. You’re All Sheep!

Youre all sheep

And Cooper is the sheep-iest of them all!



And may I also add: ick.

5. Stupid Celebrity’s

Stupid celebritys

Also, stupid spelling and grammar. Who needs those things when Bradley Cooper is betraying his country?!?

6. The Democrats Respond

The democrats respond

First, with Crying Michael Jordan, of course.

View Slideshow

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Bethenny Frankel Has Huge Meltdown: Find Out Why!

Bethenny Frankel hasn’t had the best of seasons on The Real Housewives of New York City. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you’ll know that she’s been at the center of several arguments with her co-stars, while battling with several health issues. 

The arguments with the other housewives didn’t exactly show the 45-year-old in a good light and that’s what apparently pushed the star to the edge

During a 12-hour shoot of the reunion show for the most recent season of the Bravo smash, Frankel was said to have had an “epiphany” about the way she was portrayed. 

“She was genuinely upset by how she came across onscreen,” the insider explains.

“Often, she doesn’t realize how she comes across.”

She clashed with the likes of LuAnn de Lesseps, Sonja Morgan and Jules Wainstein. That’s probably the reason producers fought so hard to get her back on the show. 

Frankel is a slam dunk if you want controversy. She leads an interesting life and is not afraid to open her mouth if there’s opportunity for an argument.

She always comes across as tough as nails, so she must be genuinely shocked by her behavior. 

It was bad, but not THAT bad. All of the arguments were caused by petty things. 

What could have sent her down her path to breaking point?

“Bethenny was sobbing,” the source confirmed. They then went one step further to declare, “she had a complete meltdown.”

The reality star could have still been in shock at her divorce from Jason Hoppy finally happening after three years. 

Yeah, that’s a pretty long time to try and end a link to someone. Right?!

Frankel must be ecstatic that chapter is officially over.

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Selma Blair is Mortified Over Plane Meltdown

Selma Blair is very embarrassed.

She is also very sorry.

On Monday afternoon, the actress was flying back from Cancun with her four-year old son and ex-husband when she suffered what can only be described as a total meltdown.

A total, complete and utter meltdown, really.

According to TMZ, which broke the story, Blair was sipping a glass of wine in first class when she started to bawl and talk about fears regarding an unidentified man.

At one point, various passengers on board confirmed that Blair cried out:

“He burns my private parts. He won’t let me eat or drink. He beats me. He’s going to kill me.”

Scary stuff, for sure.

We have no clarification at the moment on just who Blair was talking about.

But two nurses attended to Blair on the plane and then paramedics were called by the pilot to meet the vehicle on the ground.

Once the flight touched down, Blair was removed via stretcher and taken to a nearby hospital.

She has now spoken out about the incident.

“I made a big mistake yesterday,” she told Vanity Fair, adding:

“After a lovely trip with my son and his Dad, I mixed alcohol with medication, and that caused me to black out and led me to say and do things that I deeply regret.”

The woman who played Kris Jenner in a recent FX miniseries about the O.J. Simpson murder case in 1994 concluded:

“My son was with his Dad asleep with his headphones on, so there is that saving grace. I take this very seriously, and I apologize to all of the passengers and crew that I disturbed and am thankful to all of the people who helped me in the aftermath.

“I am a flawed human being who makes mistakes and am filled with shame over this incident. I am truly very sorry.”

The unfortunate outburst took place after what appeared to be a very enjoyable weekend away at the Hard Rock Hotel Rivera Maya, where Blair had a massage and played with her son.

“This is truly out of character,” a source close to Blair tells People Magazine.

“She’s a devoted mom with a sharp sense of humor. She’s super outgoing, smart and funny – a put-together person. She’s also a proud mom and she loves talking about her kid.”

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Selma Blair Suffers Mid-Flight Meltdown, Gets Taken Off Plane on Stretcher

Selma Blair suffered some kind of breakdown and was removed from a Delta plane on a stretcher yesterday.

Read on for the scary details…

According to TMZ insiders, Blair was traveling back from Cancun to Los Angeles with her four-year old son when she had an outburst mid-flight that necessitated employees to call in paramedics.

“It looks like she had taken a combination of prescription medication with alcohol,” a source says.

“We don’t know what sort of prescription medications.”

Blair was reportedly sitting in first place, drinking wine.

A witness claims he or she saw Blair place something in her drink, prior to the actress bursting out and crying:

“He burns my private parts. He won’t let me eat or drink. He beats me. He’s going to kill me.”

Very weird. Very disturbing.

Blair, who most recently starred on FX’s The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story as Kris Jenner, was tended to by a pair of nurses on board the plane.

They went through her bags for pills and then the pilot called ahead to tell those on the ground that a passenger had dangerously mixed medication with alcohol.

Based on her Instagram account, Blair had been down south with her son for a tropical Father’s Day celebration with her ex, Jason Bleick, the  child’s father.

As their flight took off, Blair shared the above picture of herself and Arthur on Instagram, playing with toy planes.

“We’re leaving on a jet plane. Dad is already asleep,” she captioned the snapshot. “Not for long. Bwahahaha. #fathersdayweekend

Bleick, meanwhile, posted the following image on his own social media account.

plane ride

Blair was taken to a local hospital and we hope she’s doing alright.

Her rep is yet to respond to a request for comment.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Kris Jenner Has "Epic Meltdown" Over Rob Kardashian"s Refusal to Get a Prenup

If there’s one thing Kris Jenner loves, it’s money.

And her kids. Yeah, she totally loves her kids, too.

So when her kids’ money is threatened? Whoa, Nelly.

The momager is reportedly beside herself fretting because Rob Kardashian refuses to make his fiance Blac Chyna sign a prenup.

“He refuses to get a prenuptial agreement with Blac and it infuriates Kris so much that she had an epic meltdown,” a source tells HollywoodLife.

“She shed tears for Rob, and for herself,” continued the insider. “All her daughters have her wit, her business smarts, and common sense.”

“Rob, on the other hand, doesn’t. And Kris blames herself.”

We’re not sure why she’s taking all the blame, but we can’t fault her for her concern.

Rob and Blac have been together for less than a year, and while everything may be rosy for them now, thinking it will remain perfect is naive AF. 

“She doesn’t want him to get hurt, and she sure as hell doesn’t want him to be shelling out millions to Blac should something go awry in their relationship,” added the source.

“They have a child on the way and Kris only wants her son to grow a pair and get smart fast.”

Funnily enough, last year Blac seemingly suggested Kylie Jenner throw a prenup at her then-bae Tyga (who, of course, is Blac’s baby daddy). 

Wonder what Blac thinks of the idea of a prenup now?

Kim Kardashian reportedly advised her brother on the necessity of a prenup as well, but rebellious Rob just laughed it off.

“She told him that if he’s going to get married, at least get a prenup,” a source revealed.

“He just mocked her like a child and taunted over and over ‘I’m not gonna get a prenup.’ The way he was saying it incensed her.”

At this rate, it appears that whatever his mom and sisters want for him, Rob is dead set on doing the opposite.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Kris Jenner Hates Kanye West, Loves His Meltdown, Source Claims

As you probably, know Kanye West has employed an unusual marketing strategy for the promotion of his seventh studio album.

Basically, the man who calls himself Yeezus has decided to drum up some free publicity by going from eccentric weirdo to full-blown, batsh-t crazy person right before our eyes.

It’s a neat trick, and it’s definitely succeeded in earning West the (mostly negative) attention of the press, but not surprisingly, the whole thing has taken a bit of a toll on the rapper’s personal life.

In recent weeks we’ve heard rumors of Kim Kardashian hiring a divorce attorney and planning a future as a single mom because of Kanye’s antics.

Kim’s sisters have encouraged her to dump Kanye, and while the entire family is reportedly sick of Kanye’s crap, at least one member of Kim’s inner circle can see the upside:

“Kris doesn’t believe in the concept of bad publicity,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. “Especially when all Kanye’s crazy behavior draws sympathy for poor Kim and the rest of the family.”

Yes, the insider says that while there’s “zero doubt she’s soured” on Kanye, Kris is loving the attention her family is receiving from his antics.

“She’s always had this attitude that the girls come first and if these guys can’t keep up then it’s on them,” the source said, referencing Kris’ attitude toward the parade of troubled men that seem to come in and out of her daughters’ lives.

But while she’s enjoying the publicity she receives from West, make no mistake that Kris is tired of his BS.

Sources say she recently kicked Kim and Kanye out of her house, forcing them to move into a rental property while their home is being renovated.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lorne Michaels BREAKS SILENCE on Kanye West SNL Meltdown

The sheer quantity of tantrums, potshots and straight-up delusional proclamations that have exited Kanye West’s mouth this year have become too numerous to count.

Kanye has chosen Twitter as the primary outlet for his word vomit, but a few weeks ago we actually got to hear Kanye in the midst of a meltdown at Saturday Night Live on the night of his performance.

The rapper was upset that the stage design had been changed on him without notice and was understandably upset.

But in his expletive-filled tirade, he called Taylor Swift a “fake ass,” shouted that he was 50 percent more influential than Pablo Picasso and Paul the Apostle and screamed “Don’t f*ck with me!” numerous times.

Lorne Michaels, SNL creator and executive producer, has now broken his silence on the Kanye incident, and his response sounds a lot like the work of a seasoned PR pro.

“That happened in his dressing room,” Michaels told E! News. “Kanye’s been on the show a lot of years, and it’s always different. He’s an artist, you know? A great artist.”

Actually, it sounds like Kanye crafted his response. Guess he’s got Michaels drinking the Kool-Aid, too (or he’s just covering his own butt).

“He just always delivers, and he’s Kanye,” Michaels added.

Let’s all try this at work: throw an uncensored, no-holds-barred, spitting hissy fit, then use the excuse of “I’m an artist, and I’m me” and see how that goes over.

If you’re as crafty as Kanye, your co-workers will be kissing your ass and praising your creativity in no time. Expect a promotion.

Kourtney Kardashian on Kanye"s Meltdown: I Love It!

As you’re probably aware, Kanye West has spent the past few weeks publicly losing his mind, a la Amanda Bynes or Chris Christie.

For most of us, Kanye’s Twitter tantrums have been a sad spectacle to behold, a testament of a once-beloved artist’s tragic unraveling, and an unfortunate reminder that West is every bit as hostile as he is brilliant.

But for sister-in-law Kourtney Kardashian, the whole thing has been a total blast!

“I want everyone to know how much I live for @kanyewest ‘s tweets,” Kourtney tweeted yesterday.

“WANTING Everyone to be as honest as Kanye. WATCHING Kanye shoot his new video. READING Kanye’s tweets.”

Her praise for her brother-in-law’s bullying came in the midst of West lashing out at yet another artist, this time attacking Deadmau5 over the EDM DJ’s stage persona.  

Of course, while Kourtney may find Yeezy’s antics amusing, it seems the rest of her family decidedly does not feel the same.

Sources reported yesterday that Kim Kardashian was “disgusted” by her husband’s recent misogynistic comments toward Taylor Swift, and has demanded that West apologize,

As Kim seems to be the only one who can make Kanye do anything, we hope she’ll put her foot down more often in the future.

As for Kourtney – here’s hoping she’ll take a page from her sister’s book and stop encouraging the dude.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Kim Kardashian Divorce: Imminent After Latest Kanye Meltdown?!

“Kim announced to her mom [Kris Jenner], ‘I have to divorce Kanye,’” a Kardashian family insider claims in this bombshell new report.

“It breaks her heart, but she doesn’t see any other way.”

After months of Twitter tirades and public breakdowns, Kim Kardashian has decided, reportedly, to divorce her husband of two years.

While we hesitate to truly believe anything written in the tabloids about Kimye, this is just the latest in a virtual slew of divorce reports.

The final straw, allegedly, came on a recent NYC trip.

In addition to bashing a respected music producer, and Taylor Swift, and “white” publications, Kanye went OFF at the Waldorf Astoria.

Stumbling into the hotel’s halls at 4 a.m. for reasons unknown, “he caused a huge scene” ranting and raving, a hotel insider revealed.

Again, it’s not clear why, but “he refused to listen to anyone and kept screaming, ‘I am Kanye West and my wife is Kim f–king Kardashian.”

Somehow we can totally picture this, and we’re guessing we aren’t alone. In any case, Kim supposedly didn’t take the meltdown lightly.

“He woke up their kids, North and Saint, and she yelled at him to get his own room … and kicked him out,” the inside source continued.

The incident, which reportedly took place February 11, was “nail in the coffin” for the Kim Kardashian divorce many believe is imminent.

Some have put the blame on Kimye’s extensive home repairs, but for her, it’s much deeper: “Kim feels Kanye has given her no alternative.”

“Divorce papers are being drawn up.”

Kardashian recently released the first photo of Saint West in a desperate attempt to thwart attention away from her unhinged husband.

Didn’t work. She also ordered him to enter anger management, also to no avail. At this point, is it just a matter of time until she bolts?

“He’s a ticking time bomb and insufferable to be around,” a source said, and from the sound of it, a secret exit strategy could be in the works.

If Kim does leave ‘Ye, he will join one heck of a famous list of exes linked to the 35-year-old Keeping Up with the Kardashians queen …

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Charlie Sheen Reveals the Cause of His 2011 Meltdown (and It"s Not Cocaine!)

Back in 2011, Charlie Sheen had a meltdown.

We don’t mean he stormed off set one day or lost his temper during an interview. No, Sheen’s tiger blood-fueled media rampage was the stuff of legend, and it’s widely considered to be one of the most baffling and entertaining career suicides in Hollywood history. And now Chuckles is finally what caused the whole thing:

“It was a lot of highs and lows. I was taking a lot of testosterone cream, and I think I went too far with it,” Sheen tells Dr. oz in an interview scheduled to air tomorrow.

“It was kind of like a borderline…not a ’roid rage, but a ’roid disengage.”

“‘Roid disengage.” Not as catchy as “winning,” or even “warlock rockstar from Mars,” but a solid new addition to the dictionary of Sheen-isms, nonetheless.

As you may recall, Sheen paid a visit to Dr. Oz last month, at which time he revealed that he’s no longer taking his HIV medication on the advice of a controversial doctor who claims to have cured the disease.

So it looks like Charlie doesn’t need testosterone cream in order to make really bad decisions.

For other examples, see his recent threat to cut off Denise Richards’ head.

You’re one of a kind, Charlie. And that’s probably a very good thing.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Kanye West: Calls Taylor Swift a FAKE ASS, Goes Ballistic in SNL Meltdown - Listen!

Guys, we really tried to make it through an entire day without reporting on another Kanye West rant, but alas, there is another that just couldn’t be ignored.

This time, it’s in audio form, and you can listen to it below.

In a clip obtained by Page Six, you can hear Kanye call Taylor Swift a “fake ass” and go off on an expletive-filled tirade backstage before his performance last week on Saturday Night Live.

Kanye has received much backlash over a controversial lyric in his new song “Famous,” in which he says he might have sex with Taylor, since he “made that bitch famous.”

“Don’t f*ck with me! Don’t f*ck with me! Don’t f*ck with me!” he screams in the clip, after going on about how he’s 50 percent more influential than notable figures in history including Pablo Picasso, Stanley Kubrick, Pablo Escobar and Paul the Apostle.

We don’t know who did his calculations, but we’ve a feeling they’re a hair off.

But the one who’s truly off – his rocker – is Kanye. Yeezy was so worked up over a problem with the set that he nearly walked out and left the show high and dry with no musical guest.

“Just moments leading into the live show, and during the live show, Kanye had a meltdown and threatened to walk off,” said one production insider. “He freaked out about how the set was arranged.” 

Another source told Page Six that Kanye was heard calling the SNL crew “white motherf**kers.”

Kanye has arguably made himself famous (nevermind Taylor) by acting like a bona fide, screamy nut job, but his latest antics are stirring up even more controversy than usual.

His former co-writer and close friend Rhymefest recently tweeted that ‘Ye was in need of “spiritual and mental” counseling, and that he should “step away from the public & yesmen & heal.”  

Someone close to him, if not a mental health professional, definitely needs to get into this man’s head and tell him to GET A MOTHERLOVING GRIP.

And if you don’t believe us, hear it for yourself: