Showing posts with label Michelle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelle. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Michelle Obama Meets 2-Year-Old Girl Who Was Awed by Her Portrait

Michelle Obama came face-to-face with the toddler who went viral for staring at the ex-First Lady portrait — and the new dynamic duo had a dance party that deserves to go viral, too. Mrs. Obama met up with 2-year-old Parker Curry … the…


Monday, February 19, 2018

Michelle Duggar: SLAMMED For Negligent Parenting!

Michelle Duggar is a busy woman.

In addition to being the mother of an astonishing twenty children, Michelle is the queen of a multi-million dollar media empire.

Of course, there are times when these two aspects of Michelle’s life come into direct conflict with one another, and they collided in a major way last week.

Michelle was invited to address a group of mothers at a religious retreat.

She wrote about the experience on Facebook, and some fans took issue with the reality star’s comments:

“As a busy mom with a growing family through the years, I never imagined me being the one to talk to crowds! My days were filled with all the daily chores of being a mom,” Michelle wrote.

“Yet, I am so thankful for the opportunity to share our story with others and encourage moms in their faith, their marriages and raising their children.”

Seems innocent enough, right?

Unfortunately for Michelle, pretty much nothing she does is above criticism.

The issue this time is that many fans believe the Duggar matriarch is not as busy as she claims.

Michelle is known for having her older kids assist with parenting duties.

It’s a controversial method that she calls the buddy system.

So in addition to their extensive lists of chores the older Duggar kids who are still at home are each assigned one younger child to look after.

Jana Duggar seems to have been burdened with the majority of the house

“I love the show but let’s face it you couldn’t have raised such a big family without the older girls who did so much of the work,” wrote one fan.

“It is not a child’s job to be a mom for the younger siblings,” another remarked.

“A child should do chores, have fun and go to school, homework is their job, not to be a mom’s replacement just because the parents were so selfish that they decided to have child after child.”

“Wow I absolutely do not agree that a baby at 6 [months] should be weaned and then you work on its replacement,” a third remarked, adding: 

“Having older daughters help is one thing but to just basically adopt out your infant is ridiculous.”

Obviously, Michelle hasn’t responded to the backlash, and as Duggar controversies go, this one is pretty minor.

Still, it points to a growing trend that’s likely got the whole family feeling a little uneasy these days.

With just days to go until the premiere of Counting On Season 7, fans are not as forgiving of the Duggars flaws as they once were.

That could mean trouble for a family whose livelihood depends on their reputation.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for what may well be the show’s final season.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Offer Can"t Miss Marriage Advice

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have been married for even more years than the number of children they"ve produced.

Thirty-three, to be exact.

Yes, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have been married for 33 years, most of which came long before they were reality TV stars.

And while their lives are not without controversy (here is a look at the latest scandal), the bond between them has never been questioned.

Seriously, of ALL the stories and all the issues surrounding the Duggars, how many times have we heard that this marriage is in trouble?

Okay, quite a few, but unlike many Duggar scandals, everyone knows those are bogus. Michelle and Jim Bob aren"t going anywhere.

What is their secret to a long-lasting relationship? Say what you will about them, and their belief system, but they certainly have one.

In honor of Valentine"s Day 2018, Jim Bob and Michelle are happy to share their keys to making marriage work. Such as …

1. An Instagram Tribute

An instagram tribute

“On Valentine’s Day everyone is thinking about LOVE and finding ways to express their love. I am so thankful for Michelle,” Jim captioned a photo of the couple on Instagram, prior to delving into specifics about his wife and their relationship.

2. He Continued:

He continued

“Not only is she a wonderful wife; caring, selfless, kind and compassionate but her beauty continues to radiate from the inside out and I genuinely love her more today than ever.”

3. And He Concluded:

And he concluded

“One of the things we’ve learned as a couple is that no matter how many children you have, or how busy you get, you have to continue to place a high priority on your marriage. Don’t neglect it. Don’t take it for granted. I always tell husbands, ‘Continue to date and romance your wife. Make sure she knows how special she is.’ Love you Michelle!”

4. What Else Can They Tell Us?

Michelle and jim bob wedding

Jim Bob included a link to the Duggar Family website at the end of this loving post, specifically to an article he and Michelle wrote about not only their marriage… but marriages in general.

5. What is Their Advice for Marital Success?

Jim bob duggar and michelle duggar on vacation

“We love each other more today than the day we married. Our love has grown richer & deeper with each passing year. Here are a few things we will share from our experience!” they wrote to open this helpful list.

6. Rule #1

Rule number 1

Early on in our relationship, we committed to never put each down or to call each other names (except sweetie, honey, etc…).

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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

John Legend Says Stop Hating on Barack and Michelle Obama Portraits

John Legend’s always a gentleman, so ya gotta read between the lines of what he’s saying to all the haters of Barack and Michelle Obama’s freshly unveiled portraits — essentially it’s, go kick rocks.  We got the singer at LAX Monday…


Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: Ties to Child Abuse Scandal Exposed?!

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar hold a number of controversial views.

In fact, the parents of 20 are almost as well-known for their eccentric worldview as for their love of procreation.

Many of the Duggars’ most hotly debated ideas have to do with their unusual take on child-rearing.

In addition to the famous Duggar courtship rules, Jim Bob and Michelle advocate a number of controversial corporal punishment techniques.

Back in 2015, Michelle was criticized for her espousal of “blanket training,” a practice in which children as young as six months old are instructed to remain seated on a blanket and struck if they refuse to comply.

Blanket training was originally devised by Michael and Debi Pearl, authors of the bestselling parenting book To Train Up a Child.

Critics of the Pearls accuse them of advocating some of the most brutal forms of child abuse and neglect.

The New York Times reports that in 2011, their book was found in the homes of three children who had died from child abuse.

The Duggars effectively distanced themselves from the Pearls following the blanket training scandal, but now it appears they’ve decided its safe to get back in their old friends’ corner.

Last week, their daughter Joy-Anna Duggar’s ties to the Pearls were revealed when she promoted a speaking engagement of theirs that’s scheduled to take place at a facility owned by her in-laws.

On Monday, Jim Bob and Michelle also promoted the appearance on their Facebook page.

“This makes me so sad,” one user wrote on the post. “The Pearls literally promote hitting babies, actual babies. They are child abusers. Why you would promote their evil and cruel practices is mind boggling

“Why are you promoting child abuse?” another remarked.

“I hope every single one of you participating in the Pearls’ abusive ways are arrested and spend significant time in prison. Those poor Duggar children.”

In an impassioned interview with Radar Online, Michael Pearl defended his views and teachings:

“The book has sold well over 1 million copies,” he told the outlet.

“A lot of families are being blessed by the content. They say it’s the best thing that ever happened to their family, including grown people who were raised with the principles in that book.

“Those adults are now training their children.”

Pearl added:

“I teach not to punish your children. It’s a whole comprehensive approach to child training. Physical discipline is a small part of it.”

It seems unlikely, of course, that anyone who believes the Pearls’ are responsible for the deaths of several small children will be persuaded by that argument.

At this time, the post promoting the Pearls’ appearance in Arkansas has not been removed from the Duggars’ Facebook page.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Michelle Duggar: Her Life Before Jim Bob Exposed!

These days Michelle Duggar is the very picture of peity and domesticity.

But the mother of twenty"s past isn"t as squeaky clean as you might expect.

Sources say Michelle has cut ties with the family that raised her and is doing her best to distance herself form her upbringing.

But it"s hard to keep anything a secret when your one of reality TV"s mst famous moms…

1. Jim Bob’s Bride

Michelle and jim bob 1984

These days, Michelle lives a life of quiet domesticity. But her past wasn’t always quite so peaceful.

2. Michelle the Cheerleader

Michelle duggar in high school

Michelle was the one who decided her daughters should only wear below-the-knee skirts. Interestingly, she didn’t always follow such a strict dress code herself.

3. She Wore What?!

Jim bob duggar and michelle duggar on vacation

And it wasn’t just while she was cheerleading that Michelle refused to cover up. “The neighbors used to complain because she would mow the lawn in her bikini and wear short skirts,” a neighbor tells Star magazine.

4. The Rebel

Jim bob and michelle duggar kitchen hug

It seems Michelle’s parents were no fans of her fashion sense. “They were always trying to get her to cover up her legs,” says the source. So THAT’S where she gets it!

5. The Protesant Reformation

Michelle duggar and jim bob duggar photo

Michelle has changed so much since marrying Jim Bob that those who knew her growing up say they can hardly believe it. “I’ve seen commercials for the show, but I never in a million years would’ve believed that’s Michelle,” says former classmate Joe Roblee.

6. A Modest Wedding

Jim bob and michelle duggar wedding pics

Of course, Michelle put all that behind her when she met Jim Bob. The two were married on July 21, 1984 after just a few months of dating. But as much as she’s tried to leave her past behind her, reminders of her former life still pop up from time to time.

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Barack & Michelle Obama Portraits Stir Sentiment, Controversy

Barack and Michelle Obama returned to the public eye on Monday, February 12.

Both the real-life versions of these stars and two pieces of artwork based on them, as the Smithsonian"s National Portrait Gallery unveiled its two latest additions to its presidential portraits collection.

The paintings of the 44th President of the United States and his First Lady were completed by world famous artists Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald, respectively, and each drew quite a reaction on social media.

Some users looked at these portraits and longed for the days when there was a sense of sanity and intelligence in the White House.

Others, meanwhile, looked at Michelle"s in particular and wondered: WTH is that?!?

Scroll down for a look at the paintings and for some of the most prominent reactions online to them…

1. Barack Obama

Barack obama portrait

Simple. Elegant. Beautiful. There weren’t many negative responses to this depiction of former President Obama.

2. Michelle Obama

Michelle obama portrait

A thing of beauty or a thing of controversy? The Internet is split on this official Michelle Obama portrait.

3. How Appropriate

How appropriate

Two African-American artists for the first African-American couple in the White House. Makes sense, right?

4. We Feel Ya, Little Girl

We feel ya little girl

These portraits are gorgeous, they just take us back and give us ALL the feels.

5. We’re Not Entirely Sure What This Means

Were not entirely sure what this means

But it still sounds about right to us.

6. The Future Seems Bright

The future seems bright

It only SEEMS that way upon portrait glance, that is. In reality, let’s remember who is President.

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Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Pay Birthday Tribute to Son Tyler: We Didn"t Forget This Time!

There are many challenges that come with raising 20 children.

You have to feed and clothe a small army, you have to yell out the right name when you’re angry, which is often a challenge even for parents with regular-sized families…

… and of course, you have to remember 20 different birthdays.

Lately, that last task has proven a considerable challenge for Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.

Yes, despite their claims of being the planet’s foremost super parents, the Duggars have been forgetting birthdays lately.

But don’t worry, they’ve been doing their damnedest to cover their tracks.

First, they spaced on Jordyn Duggars’ birthday, and hastily threw together a last-minute celebration.

Shortly thereafter, Joseph Duggar turned 23, and his parents obviously forgot about his big day entirely.

They compensated by posting a video with a Jay Leno impersonator they’d just happened to run into, which sounds like something only the drunkest of stepdads would attempt to get away with.

Needless to say, the Duggars took quite a bit of flak, for their recent lapses in memory.

So it should come as no surprise that they’ve taken steps to ensure that no such errors occur again.

After all, forgetting your kids’ birthdays is one thing – being called out as anything other than models of perfect parenting is quite another.

Many fans of the family aren’t even aware of this, but back in 2016, the Duggars adopted a 20th child.

His name is Tyler Duggar and he celebrated his 10th birthday over the weekend.

Newly self-conscious about assuring the world that they remember the dates all their kids were born, the Duggars took to social media to pay tribute to Tyler.

The Duggars posted the above photo on Facebook, along with a caption praising the newest addition to their massive brood:

“Happy 10th birthday Tyler, a whole decade now!” Michelle and Jim Bob wrote.

“You are such a joy and a delight! We are so thankful for you! We wish you a happy birthday and look forward to another great year!!” 

Comments on the post served as a reminder that many fans were not aware of Tyler’s existence:

“Happy Birthday young man…Tyler. But, who is Tyler? All Duggar names start with a J,” one fan wrote.

“Who is Tyler? I thought all there [sic] kids’ names started with a J? Did they adopt?” another remarked.

So it looks like the Duggars haven’t been very good about celebrating all things Tyler on social media.

But hey, at least they remembered his birthday!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Barack and Michelle Obama"s Portrait Unveiled at Smithsonian

Barack Obama’s still as smooth as ever … hailing 2 women — including his wife — with a single breath. Barack and Michelle Obama were at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery Monday in D.C. for the unveiling of their portraits. The…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Michelle & Jim Bob Duggar: Slammed For "Ditching" Kids For Couples Vacation

This may come as a surprise, but in the Duggar family, Valentine’s Day is a very big deal.

It’s more than a little counter-intuitive – after all, one doesn’t think of a family that bans all forms of premarital physical contact as being big on romance.

But the Duggars have their own take on the original Hallmark holiday.

Instead of viewing it as a celebration of love between a man and a woman, they view it as a time to renew their relationship with God.

Of course, the Duggars basically see everything as a time to renew their relationship with God, so we guess that should come as no surprise.

Anyway, the whole family usually gets together to celebrate Valentine’s Day on the Duggar compound.

But it seems this year, Michelle and Jim Bob will be breaking with tradition and getting away just the two of them.

It’s probably the most normal thing they’ve ever done.

So naturally, fans are all freaked out about it.

Yes, it seems JB and Michelle will be jetting off to beautiful St. Johns Michigan for an exotic “date night” on the shores of Lake … oh, it seems St. Johns is right in the center of the state.

Um … maybe they’ll spot a moose?

Anyway, the couple shared their plans on their website today, because just as they see every special occasion as a religious rite in disguise, they also see every holiday as a money-making opportunity.

The Duggars will apparently be speaking at a church in the area, and as with all of their speaking engagements, tickets are going fast.

“You don’t want to miss this great event!” an ad on their website teases.

In the past, the Duggars not only celebrated V-Day as a family, they also threw a banquet for single moms, which is actually a really nice gesture.

“It’s a really special time with the whole family getting around the table and spending time together,” Michelle wrote of the holiday in a 2010 blog post.

“It was our way of expressing our gratefulness and our love for each other and the family, and celebrating how much family means to us,” she added.

“It’s so important to nurture that relationship.”

Emphasis on “was,” we guess.

For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, there was a rumor circulating that this year, the family would announce that Jana Duggar is courting.

She has been spending a lot of time with Caleb Williams lately, but we’re not sure why Duggar obsessives thought her family would break the big news on Valentine’s Day.

Guess they’ll just have to wait another year for that relationship confirmation.

Unless, of course, Jana and Celeb decide to just announce their relationship whenever, which would make perfect sense.

Watch Counting On online for more bizarre Duggar traditions.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

TMZ Live: Mark Wahlberg & Michelle Williams: Wage War Over New Film

ON TODAY’S SHOW Oprah Winfrey’s Presidential Background James Franco: Grilled Over New Allegations Floyd Mayweather: What Is #MeToo? Kim Kardashian: Inspires NFL Star To Give Back 


Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams Agents Defend Pay Disparity for "All the Money in the World"

Michelle Williams was not betrayed by anyone when she agreed to do reshoots for free when her male counterpart raked in $ 1.5 million … so claims sources connected to her own agent. As we reported, when producers asked Michelle to do reshoots for…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Sarah Michelle Gellar Accused of "Abuse" by Trolliest of Trolls

To quote Jerry Seinfeld from an episode of his beloved sitcom:

People. They"re the worst.

At least some people on some occasions, that is.

Sarah Michelle Gellar recently found this out the unfortunate way after sharing what seemed like a cute and harmless photo of her son on Instagram.

As you"re about to find out below, however, this is not how some social media trolls interpreted the picture…

1. The Actress Has Two Children

The actress has two children

Sarah Michelle Gellar has two kids with husband Freddie Prince Jr., a daughter named Charlotte and a son named Rocky. This sad story centers on the latter five-year old.

2. How Dare She?!?

How dare she

Gellar shared some images on Snapchat of Rocky getting his nails done. What a fun thing to do with his mother, right?!? Wrong, according to Internet critics.

3. They Match!

They match

The former Buffy the Vampire Slayer star and her son got a matching color. But these trolls weren’t exactly focused on that cute fact.

4. Look at Me!

Look at me

Rocky seemed pretty happy about his nails. But, again, certain sections of the Internet do not care about a child’s happiness, only about their warped ideas of right and wrong.

5. Here Comes the Hate…

Here comes the hate

Yup, Gellar was totally “brainwashing” her son. This was part of a larger, evil plan; not simply a fun mother/son outing.

6. Yes, Outlawed

Yes outlawed

This individual wants to make it ILLEGAL for a mother to take her son to the nail salon. THIS, of all things, is apparently “child abuse.”

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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

NBC Sued by Michelle Obama Guest Invited to "The Voice"

A guy who says Michelle Obama invited him to a taping of “The Voice” is suing NBC after claiming the network treated him like a criminal, and now he struggles to find work. Greg Duncan says The Office of the First Lady back in 2016 invited…


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Michelle and Malia Obama Do Yoga During Hawaiian Vacation

Michelle Obama and daughter Malia got some extra R&R during their Hawaiian vacation by hitting up a local yoga studio. The former First Lady Wednesday was spotted at Corepower Yoga in Kailua, Hawaii where the Obamas have been vacationing…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Michelle Duggar Slammed By Fans: Does She Do ANYTHING Around the House?

Michelle Duggar is no stranger to parenting controversies.

In fact, it often seems that every decision made by the mother of 19 becomes a topic of intense scrutiny and heated debate amongst the the internet’s legion of obsessive Duggar fanatics.

This makes sense, of course, as were it not for questionable parenting, the world would have no idea who Michelle is.

Long before the Josh Duggar sex scandals made Michelle and husband Jim Bob the poster children for negligence, many questioned the wisdom of birthing enough children to form two competing baseball teams (with a spare to serve as umpire!).

No one is questioning Michelle and Jim Bob’s love for their children, but we think most parents would agree that it’s logistically impossible to properly care for 19 children.

That is, unless one has plenty of help.

Fortunately for Michelle, she has numerous assistants … and she hasn’t had to shell out a single dime for their services.

Michelle and Jim Bob say they rely on a “buddy system,” in which each of their children is assigned a younger sibling to help care for.

That’s problematic enough on its own, as the Duggar kids are often assigned complex child-rearing tasks at shockingly young ages.

But now, new evidence has suggested that Duggar children as young as 4 or 5 might be performing several hours of household chores each day (without even a small allowance as compensation).

On top of that, fans fear for the health and happiness of Jana Duggar, who has allegedly been discouraged from marrying and starting a family of her own so that she can assist her parents with raising their younger children.

At the center of this controversy, of course, is matriarch Michelle.

And questions about just how much work the 50-year-old does around the Duggar compound came to the forefront in the comments section of a recent Facebook photo:

“Making Chicken and Dumplings with Momma! Love time with my little girls!!” Michelle captioned the photo.

“Does [Michelle Duggar] ever really do anything? She’s always taking pictures and narrating but the kids are doing the work from a young age,” one fan commented on the photo.

“Have you not seen them sweeping and doing hard work at like 2 years old? Have you not seen the little 9-year-olds cooking dinner for 15+people?”

“The show has been on the air for how many seasons, and yet, not once has Michelle cooked a meal,” wrote another.

“It’s always the kids doing it while mom and dad sit around saying ‘I’m hungry where’s dinner’. It’s sad really. Chores are one thing but making a 1-year-old use a vacuum or mop that’s way bigger than them isn’t right.”

Michelle defended her hands-off approach to child-rearing in a recent interview with Parenting magazine.

“Everyone has jurisdictions, or chores, in our house,” Michelle said.

“We all have our areas where we are responsible … They all feel like they are a very important part of life, and that teaches responsibility.”

Fortunately for Michelle, it seems her “jurisdiction” consists primarily of documenting household activities on Facebook.

It’s a tough job, but … actually, no one has to do it,

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Michelle Duggar: Slammed For Violating Her Own Dress Code!

We suppose it was inevitable that the Duggar women would eventually rebel against the uber-strict dress code and draconian rules of conduct that have held them down for decades.

We just didn’t think it would all happen so quickly.

First, Jinger Duggar wore shorts.

(Between Jinge and the NFL protests, this has been a huge year for woke knees!)

Shortly thereafter, we learned that her older sister had also broken her floor-length denim chains, thanks to an Instagram photo that showed Jessa Duggar wearing pants.

From that point on, there was no stopping the Duggar women’s momentum.

Joy-Anna Duggar got pregnant out of wedlock (allegedly) defying the “courtship” rules that have done as much to make her family famous as the sheer size of Michelle and Jim Bob’s brood.

Just yesterday, we bore witness to another bombshell act of defiance in the form of Jill Duggar’s tattoo.

No doubt a deeply-frustrated Jim Bob pounds his fists on a lot of flat surfaces these days, especially since the latest rebel is none other than his wife, Michelle Duggar.

Now, in this case, “rebel” should definitely be in quotes, but in her own small way, Michelle is joining in on her daughters’ efforts to take their power back.

The photo above, which shows Michelle and Jim Bob in what appears to be a throwback vacation photo, was posted to the Duggars’ official Facebook page yesterday.

“Dreaming about warmer days when my love and I were on the beach!” Michelle captioned the pic.

Now, it may seem innocent enough (and it certainly is) but as many fans pointed out, Michelle is violating her own rules in at least two ways in this photo.

For one thing, she’s showing some leg.

While the Duggar girls are only required to wear skirts that extend past their knees, Michelle typically goes the extra mile with legwear that does all the way to the floor.

So the sight of Michelle flashing even a few inches of calf was enough to throw some fans for a loop.’

On top of that, the Duggars typically avoid beaches and public pools, due to the “immodest” attire sported by their fellow swimmers.

“Wait, I thought you didn’t go to the beach,” commented one fan. 

“Scandalous, look at all that leg,” joked another.

“I wish they could wear normal bathing attire,” a third commented. “Those clothes are just going to be hot and heavy and miserable.”

Yes, this isn’t our first glance at Duggar swimwear.

A memorable photo of Jessa Duggar in a swimsuit is often cited as evidence of just how far her family will go in the name of modesty.

Thankfully, it’s a trend that seems to be very slowly dying away.

The Duggar women are serving as their own silence breakers in subtle, but important ways.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Michelle Rodriguez Says the World"s Doomed Without a Woman"s Voice

Michelle Rodriguez channeled her inner James Brown to explain why powerful men are falling like dominoes, and the world feels like it’s in collapse — we’re missing the feminine spirit. We got Michelle outside El Rey Theatre Thursday…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Michelle Waterson Says GSP Is UFC"s Pound-for-Pound Hottest Fighter

Georges St-Pierre isn’t just one of the most badass fighters in the world … he’s the HOTTEST DUDE in the UFC — so says fellow UFC smokeshow Michelle Waterson. We got Michelle out in L.A. … and our guy had the balls to ask who, in her…


Monday, November 27, 2017

Michelle Duggar: Slammed For Having Too Many Children!

If you only know one thing about Michelle Duggar, it’s probably that she has a lot of kids.

After all, it’s Michelle’s proclivity for breeding that earned her family the attention of reality TV producers way back in 2008.

The rest, as they say, is history.

What started as a one-off special soon became 19 Kids and Counting, one of TLC’s highest-rated and most buzzed-about series.

Following the Josh Duggar sex scandals, the show was canceled, but the Duggars soon returned to TV with Counting On, a Josh-free spinoff that originally focused primarily on sisters Jessa and Jill.

After the world learned that Josh had molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters, Michelle and husband Jim Bob were shunned alongside their eldest son.

Accused of ignoring signs of abuse and helping Josh avoid prosecution, Michelle wasn’t exactly in line for any mother of the year awards.

But while a return to television once seemed out of the question, she and Jim Bob have astonishingly been welcomed back by both TLC and Counting On viewers.

That doesn’t mean the scandal is forgotten, of course.

Many see Josh’s sex crimes as symptoms of a larger disease.

For these people, such rampant abuse seems a natural result of the unnatural environment that Michelle and Jim Bob created in their home.

They believe that no parent can attend to the needs of 19 children, and a dangerous level of neglect is inevitable in a family that size.

The debate over whether it’s safe for anyone to raise that many kids raged anew over the holiday weekend, thanks to a photo that appeared on the Duggars official Facebook page:

The family posted the image above on Thanksgiving.

“Back in the day, we could fit everyone at this table,” the caption read.

“Our family is getting bigger by the year! We just love the addition of in-laws and grandbabies.”

In addition to the usual reminders about the family’s scandalous past, there were several comments about the recklessness of birthing 19 children.

“I’m the oldest of 6 and that’s plenty enough,” wrote one follower.

“I feel like kids in huge families tend to get lost in the crowd. There’s no possible way to give them one on one attention to them all. You may think you are but you’re just not.” 

Several fans echoed the sentiment, arguing that it’s impossible for the Duggars to give equal consideration to all of their children.

In the past, Michelle and Jim Bob have essentially conceded that point, informing fans that they employ a “buddy system” of child-rearing, in which the older children are each assigned one younger kid to look after.

Of course, this arrangement unfairly burdens the older kids, many of whom were thrust into the role of caretaker at an appallingly young age.

And given that they were recently at the center of a shocking scandal, Michelle and Jim Bob aren’t really in a position to be doling out parenting tips.

Perhaps they’d argue what the problem with Josh was that he didn’t have any older siblings to keep an eye on him.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.
