Showing posts with label Michelle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelle. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Michelle Duggar: Weighing in on Derick Dillard-Jeremy Vuolo Feud?

Michelle Duggar has never been one to speak out of turn or let the creepy Stepford Wife perma-grin vanish from her face.

We don’t know how Michelle would be punished for her sins if she were to defy her husband and express an opinion, but we get the feeling it would involve that Game of Thrones nun with the Shame Bell.

The point is, you know a conflict has gotten serious when Michelle feels the need to throw in her two cents, especially since we’re pretty sure Duggar women aren’t allowed to handle money.

The situation that’s got Michelle’s attention this week involves an alleged feud between Duggar siblings.

Fans noticed last week that Jinger and Jill Duggar do not follow one another on social media.

Equally interesting is that the ladies don’t follow one another’s husbands, and Jeremy Vuolo and Derick Dillard don’t follow Jill and Jinger, respectively.

Clearly, there’s some bad blood between the couples, and some deep-digging Internet sleuths believe they’ve unearthed the cause of the conflict.

Vuolo makes his living as a minister these days (In that way he’s different from the other Duggar husbands, who don’t work at all.), and it seems he has some problems with the showy brand of missionary work that seems to benefit the missionaries more than those they’ve pledged to serve.

In a recent sermon, Vuolo derided such workers as “unqualified, uncalled, unconfirmed, and unsent zealots.”

“They’re just Lone Ranger types running around solo asking churches for money to support them,” Vuolo said.

“They don’t want to work to support themselves, give themselves to study, or give themselves to the necessary abandoning of comfort required to do damage to your flesh.”

The Dillards have been criticized as unqualified for missionary work several times in the past, often from those pointing out that they failed to complete the necessary certification work.

We assume that when his sermon was concluded, Jeremy dropped the mic and strode triumphantly off stage, a la Eminem at the end of 8 Mile.

Add that to the fact that Jill and Derick begged for money from fans last year and were widely castigated as a result, and it’s not hard to see why the whole thing is such a sensitive subject.

In fact, Derick is so touchy on the matter that it looks as though he went ahead and unfollowed Jeremy, leading to a veritable avalanche of social passive-aggression.

The whole thing was enough to prompt Michelle to offer her take on the situation (without naming names, of course) in a blog post entitled “The Root of Bitterness.”

“Having bitterness in our spirit robs us of life’s most beautiful moments. Comparing ourselves to others, envy, and jealousy all lead down to a road of bitterness.”

Michelle concluded by encouraging her son-in-laws to focus on the similarities in their religious beliefs, rather than the differences:

“One thing we must do as Christians is to pray that bitterness finds no place in our hearts. Let’s choose joy!” she wrote.

Pretty good handling of the situation from Michelle.

Maybe Jim Bob should sit back and let her take charge a little more often.

Watch Counting On online for more of Michelle’s Mothering Moments.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Michelle Obama Shows Major Shoulder ... Italian Style (PHOTOS)

Michelle Obama bared enough for pretty much everyone in Tuscany to notice. The former First Lady was out and about in a super revealing top — if shoulders are your thing.   Barack wore a button-down shirt casually with sleeves rolled up as he…


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Michelle Obama Goes Pretty in Pink for Italy (PHOTO GALLERY)

While Barack Obama was hitting the links in Tuscany, Michelle Obama was hitting the sights about 67 miles away … and looking good in pink doing it. The former First Lady was strolling around in Montalcino, Italy this weekend — and she…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Duggar Fans Throw Shade at Michelle, Wish Jana Happy Mother"s Day

If you watch Counting On online, you’re probably aware Jana Duggar is much more than just the oldest sister in her family.

Dubbed “the Cinderella Duggar” by fans, Jana has long played a maternal role to her many younger siblings, and many fans think she does more in terms of day-to-day child-rearing than the family’s actual matriarch, Michelle Duggar.

Jana has committed the unforgivable sin of not being a married baby factory at the age of 27, so under Duggar Law, she’s not allowed to have a social media account.

But yesterday, she was permitted to step away from the kitchen momentarily to wish Michelle a happy Mother’s Day on the Duggars’ official website.

“Mama, we’re so grateful for you and the many years you’ve invested in our lives, from the late night talks to the early mornings getting up and fixing us breakfast,” Jana says in a group video.

“There’s many more things that we appreciate about you, but those are just a few that really stand out.”

But some fans of the Duggar clan apparently don’t share Jana’s views on Michelle.

In fact, it seems a lot of the family’s social media followers believe Jana is the one who deserves praise 

“Happy Mothers Day Jana! You have done more child-rearing than your mother ever has,” wrote one fan on the Duggars’ Facebook page.

“Everyone gives Meechelle the credit but all she ever did was push them out and then hand them over for someone else to raise.”

“Actually a super sweet video, but for realllz where is Jana’s shoutout?!” commented another.

“She practically raised those kids! Happy Mother’s Day Jana!”

More than one fan pointed out that Jana appears to be carrying on her maternal role for a whole new generation today, as she’s reportedly indispensable in helping her sister Jessa Duggar with the raising of two young children.

Michelle, meanwhile, often seems more concerned with ensuring the continued success of the family media empire than with raising her youngest children and grandchildren.

Clearly, Duggar obsessives have reason to believe that Jana is da real MVP.

But if they think Jana will ever join them in seeing things that way, they’re sadly mistaken.

You don’t get the nickname “Cinderella” by sitting around and reflecting on how awesome you are.

Of course, these days, Jana is reportedly courting Jonathan Hartono, so she finally has someone to sing her praises in real life – and not on social media where she’ll never see it.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Michelle Rodriguez is Tired of Insecure Action Stars, Wants More Women in Action Movies (VIDEO)

Michelle Rodriguez is gunning for a female revolution in action movies, and is looking for men who are secure enough with their sexuality to share the screen with badass chicks. We got the “Fate of the Furious” star out in Beverly Hills ……


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Barack Obama Didn"t Date Black Women Until Michelle, Author Says (VIDEO)

Barack Obama seriously dated several women before meeting Michelle, and none of them were African-American, according to the author of one of the definitive books about the former president. Christopher Andersen, who wrote “Barack and…


Barack Obama Proposed to Another Woman, Sheila Jager, Before Michelle, New Book Claims

Barack Obama proposed to a woman who rejected him not once but twice … before he met Michelle — this according to a new biography. The woman is Sheila Miyoshi Jager. David Garrow, author of the new book, “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama,”…


Friday, April 28, 2017

Josh Duggar: Depressed, Unkempt, Living with Jim Bob & Michelle?

We recently learned that Anna Duggar didn’t have sex with her disgraced, cheating husband for nearly a year after he checked into rehab.

Turns out his family won’t touch him either (so to speak).

While it may seem like Josh Duggar is being slowly re-introduced into public life, everyone is clearly still wary of any association with him.

The Duggars are in Big Sandy, Texas, attending a week-long convention for Christian families who adhere to a common set of beliefs.

(Follow this link for our recent breakdown answering the question what religion are the Duggars and what those beliefs entail.)

They announced that the “whole family (minus Jill and Derick) is heading to Big Sandy for their homeschool conference for the week!”

Yes, including Josh … not that you’d know.

In photos from the event, the expectant couple has been carefully avoided, though their two-year-old daughter Meredith was spotted.

Josh and Anna did appear in one picture of a large family gathering, though they are MIA from any solo shots or other group images.

Beyond the fact that his sex scandals have made Josh into a human third rail, criticism directed at Anna may also give the family pause.

Currently pregnant with her fifth child, Anna has been criticized by many for standing by her man (she can’t win either way with fans).

In any case, the silence can be deafening.

When the world first learned that Anna was expecting for the fifth time, she and Josh revealed the news on the family Facebook page.

While they are always congratulating their younger siblings on similar life milestones, Jill and Jessa Duggar were radio silent this time.

And then there were the hilarious lengths TLC went to keep him out of Jinger Duggar’s wedding episode, despite his front row seat:

Naturally, the family’s efforts to keep Joshua away from the public eye has not prevented fans and critics from speculating about him.

In fact, it may only increase the scrutiny.

The impression is that every public appearance or social media mention of him is carefully crafted and unavoidable. Almost involuntary. 

Discussion of where the scandals left Josh Duggar’s net worth, or what he’s doing to make a living now, are extremely common online.

There’s also debate over where he’s living or whether he’s become so depressed that he can’t function as an equal parent with Anna.

This image of Josh, posted by Pickles 4 Truth, shows him with an unkempt appearance at the Creation Museum in Kentucky last month:

Josh is looking a little worse for the wear.

Moreover, a hot photo of Jana Duggar holding Meredith at Big Sandy drew attention, and not just due to how beautiful “Cinderella” is.

Coupled with reports that he doesn’t help Anna at all, Duggar obsessives are wondering how dependent Josh has become on his family.

Some have even wondered if they’ve moved in with Jim Bob. One fan asked: “Are the Duggar family raising Josh and Anna’s children?”

At the very least, they’re believed to be living close to the family compound in Arkansas, where he toils away doing whatever it is he does.

If we’ve learned one thing over the past two years, it’s not to expect the Duggars to offer updates on Josh unless they have no choice.


Monday, April 10, 2017

UFC"s Michelle Waterson Weighs In On Breast Implant Rules

UFC strawweight Michelle Waterson — aka the Karate Hottie — doesn’t like that fellow UFC fighter Pearl Gonzalez had to jump through hoops to get cleared to fight with breast implants … and says all women with fake boobs should be allowed to…


Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: Slammed For Photo of Youngest Daughters!

Another day, another Duggar controversy.

Fortunately, this one is far more innocuous than the various scandals involving Josh Duggar.

But while today’s dispute may not rank among the family’s biggest public image crises, it still serves as a reminder of the Duggars’ troubling attitude toward women.

Jim Bob and Michelle posted the above photo to their Facebook page over the weekend, and as with just about everything the Duggars do, their was immediate disagreement between fans and detractors.

Many pointed out that the children weren’t wearing helmets in the photo.

“No helmets? Serious falls can occur in dirt roads as well,” wrote one follower.

“Looks great! Looks like they forgot their helmets though,” commented another.

Other Facebook users voiced a different safety concern, pointing out that there may be good reason why the girls in the photo are standing beside their bikes instead of riding them.

“Normally I’d agree that they’d be fine without helmets if some weren’t also riding in flip flops and a dress. I think those long dresses are more of a hazard than the lack of helmets,” reads one comment.

“I’m more concerned about a long dress hindering their ability to petal, and the material getting stuck or wound up in the chain,” wrote another critic.

The reason, of course, that the girls are wearing such unusual attire for an afternoon of bike riding is that the Duggars religious beliefs require them to dress that way.

The family belongs to the controversial Quiverfull movement, which teaches that women are to dress in a fashion that will not entice the men they encounter.

This means lots of layers, thick fabric, and floor-length skirts, even in childhood.

The dress code has been a source of controversy recently, thanks to an upcoming event at which Jessa Duggar will teach young women how to “cover up” properly.

Jessa, of course, was molested by Josh Duggar as a child.

Homeschool teaching materials circulated by the Quiverfull movement and published by Gawker in 2015 show that children are taught from a young age that women are to blame for sexual assaults if they dress in what leaders consider a provocative fashion.

Michelle Duggar revealed that she designed the family’s very specific dress code (floor-length denim skirts, atrocious hair) after receiving a message from God shortly after marrying Jim Bob.

“After I was born again and became a Christian, I really began to cover up,” Michelle wrote in a blog post on the family’s website.

“I felt like the Lord was saying to me, you know what, you probably shouldn’t be wearing that. It’s a little bit low cut, or a little bit too high, you know.”

Yes, the family has some very strange and very strong beliefs when it comes to attire.

Fortunately, there are indications that not all of Michelle’s daughters share her incredibly old fashioned ideas regarding clothing.

Last month, Jinger Duggar was photographed wearing shorts in bold defiance of her mother’s dress code.

It’s not much, but it’s a bare-legged step in the right direction.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Michelle Rodriguez Says Fake Penis Made Her Feel More Like a Woman (VIDEO)

Michelle Rodriguez got a strange feeling from a prosthetic penis. To be clear, she was wearing it for her new movie, “The Assignment.” She plays a transgender female hitman (if that makes sense) and the role called for her own “Boogie Nights”…


Monday, April 3, 2017

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: Blaming Anna For Josh"s Cheating?!

Shortly after the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls when he was in his teens, the Duggars were beset by yet another scandal involving their eldest son’s sexual impropriety.

When the infidelity-facilitating website Ashley Madison was hacked in August of 2015, Josh was revealed to be its most high-profile client.

We still don’t know if Josh succeeded in his efforts to cheat on his wife, Anna, but we do know what his intentions were.

In the wake of Josh’s second scandal, the Duggars went into damage control mode.

Josh was sent to rehab to undergo a “faith-based” course of treatment for his sex addiction, and when he returned home six months later, his family basically kept him hidden from sight.

So it would appear that though he avoided jail time for his adolescent sex crimes, Josh learned a hard lesson about fidelity after getting caught cheating on his wife.

But as we’ve seen before, the Duggars are in object lesson in the many ways in which appearances can be deceiving.

Less than two years after Josh checked into rehab, everything in his life has basically returned to normal.

Josh and Anna are expecting their fifth kid; the rest of the Duggars are back on TV; and while his career as a lobbyist/reality TV star may have come to an end, Josh is reportedly making a fine living for himself as the proprietor of several used car dealerships.

Needless to say, fans are growing concerned that any lessons learned might now be forgotten.

And their worst fears seem to have been confirmed by recent comments from Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar regarding their views on infidelity.

The couple frequently speaks at marriage retreats and in a video uploaded yesterday, Colorado-based pastor Kenny Batson recalled an encounter with Jim Bob and Michelle at such an event.

Addressing his congregation, Batson recollected:

At the marriage retreat — Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar helped us do it, and at the end of it, they were getting ready to go home, and Jim Bob caught me out in the hall and says, ‘You know what,’ he says, ‘I have to go back in here and do a little more teaching.’”

“What they talked about was this matter right here. Intimacy in marriage. And Michelle said something that I’d never thought, I mean I knew of it but I never thought like she put it.

“She said ‘Ladies, your husband can get his laundry done by other women, he can have his meal cooked by other women, he can have all kinds of things done for him by other women, but there’s only one woman who can meet that strong need he has that God put in him, and its you. Only you, lady.’”

In the past, the Duggars have been accused of blaming Anna for Josh’s infidelity, and many fans see these latest comments as Michelle’s way of doubling down on those views.

Michelle seems to be implying that Josh was simply acting on the “strong need that God put in him” and that Anna wasn’t satisfying his needs in the bedroom.

Batson puts an even finer point on it, summing up Michelle’s comments thusly:

“It is one of the greatest sins of women today, is a self-centered narcissistic view of how they are to have control of their bodies. The Bible says your body is not your own, sister. It is your husband’s.”

They may have figured out a way to present themselves to 21st century television audiences in an inoffensive fashion, but the Duggars views on marriage and a woman’s place in the world remain deeply problematic.

The Josh sex scandals briefly brought those views to the surface, and fans were justifiably outraged.

But like Jim Bob and Michelle, the Duggars’ most loyal viewers proved very eager to forget.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Michelle Kwan"s Husband Files for Divorce

Michelle Kwan’s marriage is on ice, because her husband has just filed for divorce. According to legal docs, Clay Pell cites irreconcilable differences for the breakdown of his marriage to the 36-year-old, 5-time world champion figure skater and…


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Michelle Obama Hits SoulCycle (VIDEO)

Michelle Obama put her legs — and possibly those of her Secret Service agent — through the paces Sunday in Washington, DC. We got Michelle on her way out of SoulCycle. Looked like she had a decent workout, but check out the agent covering her. No…


Monday, February 13, 2017

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Publicly Welcome 20th Child!

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, along with the rest of their famous family, took to Facebook over the weekend to welcome their 20th child.

And celebrate the young man’s birthday to boot.

While the news of Jim Bob and Michelle welcoming a 20th child has been circulating for awhile, this is a public confirmation of sorts.

And what better occasion in which to do so?

“Happy 9th Birthday Tyler!” Jim Bob wrote.

“We are so glad to have you in our home and a part of our family! Your bright smile and sweet spirit brings much joy to us all!”

The above picture shows Jim Bob and Michelle out to eat with Tyler, Jackson Duggar, Michelle sister Carol and Jim’s mother Mary.

Tyler, the son of Michelle’s niece Rachel Hutchins, officially became the 20th child of the enormous Duggar family back in November.

Four months earlier, he moved in with them.

When you have 19 kids, some will vary in age by a lot.

As a result, the nine-year-old has found a great new friend (or sibling, if you will) in Jackson, according to the Duggars’ post.

“Jackson loves having a ‘little brother/cousin’ to ride bikes and play with and read your Bibles together,” said the happy family.

“Our prayer is that each day you will seek God’s will for your life, and that God will use your life in a great way,” they added.

“We pray over you that one of your first memory verses from the Bible will be lived out through your life!”

“Love, Aunt Michelle & Uncle Jim Bob.”

It’s been a rough life at times so far for the youngster, and whatever you think of the Duggars, they are doing a very good deed here.

An Arkansas judge recently granted a request made by Jim Bob and Michelle to become the permanent guardians of their grand-nephew.

Stating in his ruling that it was in the “best interest” of the child, the judge made permanent an arrangement already borne out of necessity.

The  Duggars took in the boy after his “unemployed and homeless” mother (with Tyler, pictured above) struggled to properly care for him.

“Jim Bob and Michelle have made the child feel right at home. They treat him like their own and he looks up to them as parents,” a source said.

The boy’s mother is also able to have supervised visits with her son at the Duggar’s home; Hutchins supported the Duggars’ bid to adopt.

Rachel has battled addiction and is on probation for three years after being arrested this past April on felony charges of breaking and entering.

Hutchins, pictured above with Jinger Duggar, is “a good person, but she’s made some bad decisions,” an insider previously told In Touch.

Currently engaged to a man named Michael Wright according to her Facebook page, she gave birth to her son as an unwed teenager.

Rachel first gave up custody in August 2015, months before her arrest, to Michelle’s sister Carolyn, who was initially Tyler’s guardian.

Then she suffered a setback in the form of a stroke in 2016.

After Carolyn was unable to care for the boy, the Duggar family – who know Rachel and Tyler well – stepped in to take on the responsibility.

Michelle, having given birth to a stillborn daughter named Jubilee Shalom in December 2011, has long spoken of having a 20th child.

Now, in the most unexpected of ways, she has one.

If the family’s recent scandals were an issue for court when reviewing the request for guardianship, it didn’t derail their efforts ultimately.

That and Josh’s infidelity scandal, which led to myriad Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar divorce rumors, caused the family a lot of heartache.

That all seems to be behind the Duggars these days, with the couple having turned a page in more ways than one over the past year.

A source close to the family reports that with Tyler:

“Jim Bob and Michelle couldn’t be happier now.”


Friday, February 10, 2017

Obamas" Law Professor Says Michelle was Better than Barack (VIDEO)

Charles Ogletree — the man who taught law to Barack and Michelle Obama — says she was the real star. The legendary Harvard constitutional law professor was at LAX Friday when our photog asked who was the better student, and Ogletree didn’t…


Obamas" Law Professor Says Michelle was Better than Barack (VIDEO)

Charles Ogletree — the man who taught law to Barack and Michelle Obama — says she was the real star. The legendary Harvard constitutional law professor was at LAX Friday when our photog asked who was the better student, and Ogletree didn’t…


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Under Fire for Pro-Trump Statement!

During the unbelievably nightmarish, totally traumatic election season …

Sorry, let’s just take a quiet moment to ourselves to practice some breathing exercises and gather ourselves after remembering the election season.

… OK, are we good now? Have we healed?

Let’s move on.

During the unbelievably nightmarish, totally traumatic election season, the Duggars were mostly very quiet about which candidate they were voting for.

Derick Dillard did reveal that he was voting for Donald Trump, but other than that, the family kept their picks for president to themselves.

Normally we’d just go ahead and assume that the Duggars would be voting for the Republican candidate, given their conservative views, but things were a little different this time around.

Mostly because the Republican candidate was a gross, vulgar monster who, despite his many claims, went against everything the Duggars have always said they believed in.

But if the election taught us anything, it was that you can always count on people to surprise you. And not in a good way.

And so judging by this new Facebook post on the Duggar Family Official page, it looks like the family really was on Trump’s side all along.

As Jim Bob and Michelle wrote in the post, “Evangelicals played a huge role in Donald Trump becoming our new President this week. We all know that we need to see our country turn back to God.”

We’ll take another moment here for your head to stop spinning, and if your brain exploded, go ahead and take some time to clean that mess up.

The notion that Donald Trump could turn the U.S. back to God is just so massively wrong in so very many ways, isn’t it?

But still, the Duggars insist that “As a new president takes office, we need to take advantage of this opportunity to teach our kids about God’s grace on our nation.”

And here’s the point of all this mess …

“It’s why Mike Huckabee’s team at Learn Our History created the kids DVD, One Nation Under God, and right now they’re giving it way for free at [insert Duggar propaganda link here].”

The Duggars are pushing these DVDs because “too few children know the story of God’s role in American history,” and the DVDs are free because “every child has a right to know.”

Jim Bob and Michelle call these productions “positive, patriotic and faith-based lessons that your children or grandchildren will learn.”

And hey, “Whether you choose to place an order or not, please be sure your kids are learning about God’s role in American history.”

So there are a couple of issues with this.

One, the previously mentioned hilariously misguided thought that Trump will somehow turn the U.S. into some theocracy.

And two, the fact that this whole DVD operation seems to be a bit of a scam — it’s one of those “give your credit card information and get something for free, but figure out how to cancel our we’ll charge you forever” deals.

And people are here for none of it.

“If you are hoping Trump will bring the country to God you are going to be disappointed,” one fan wrote. “You need an actual Godly Christian witness to do that, and Trump is a blasphemy of Christ’s teaching.”

“What do you mean, ‘turn back to God"” another asked. “An administration under Trump will NOT teach children to ‘turn back to God.’ He built his campaign on racism, sexism, and violence.”

About those DVDs, one person wrote “It’s awesome. But their dvd has never been free. Wish they were and I’d get one for kids. Wish Christians especially wouldn’t spread falsities like that, cause people trust you.”

The shade of it all!

And the crushing disappointment and the all-encompassing fear. Don’t forget those.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Michelle Obama Tries to Show Sunny"s Not Vicious (VIDEO)

Michelle Obama did some serious doggy spin with Sunny just over a week after the bitch bit the face of a White House guest. FLOTUS posted what we’re guessing is supposed to be an adorable clip of her walking around the White House with Sunny and Bo…


Monday, January 16, 2017

Tila Tequila: Michelle Obama Is a Man & I Control the Universe!

If you were hoping that 2017 would be a year without Tila Tequila, we regret to inform you that the former MySpace celebrity (yes, she’s been around that long) is still posting absolutely batsh-t rants on social media, and they’re simply too insane to ignore.

Tila is a Trump supporter (because of course she is) and these days her psychotic ramblings have taken on a political slant.

And just what kind of alt-right nonsense is Tila currently spewing?

Well, she’s going above and beyond the usual lunacy of the Pepe the Racist Frog crowd, which is no easy feat.

Tila’s psychosis seems to come in spurts, and her current frenzy began on Christmas Day, when she posted this almost-too-bonkers-to-believe tirade on her Facebook page:

It’s almost 2017 and for those of you who are still complaining about Donald Trump you fail to realize that you are no longer living in the same reality that you once knew.

We have merged into an alternate timeline now in an alternate Universe! The truth is stranger than fiction and in this alternative universe sh!t is gonna keep getting weirder so you might as well let go of your previous attachments now.

Next up is time traveling and teleporting. If you are still confused about it all then do not worry for I am the navigator of this Universe! Remember “Teela” in ‘Masters of the Universe?”

Well, that was me! I’ve been hacking timelines and named a cartoon based on myself. Seriously.”

Tila took to the comments to show off her Vladimir Putin impression, adding, “Donald Trump is my puppet.”

And it seems it’s not just world leaders who are under Tila’s control, but also birds. Yes, birds:

“I’ve uncovered a new skill that I have! Yesterday I saw a huge falcon and I was able to control the way it was flying by motioning it with my arms!” Tila recently wrote, seemingly without irony.

“Today I started doing it again and not only did I have all the Ravens follow me but I was able to tell them to go and get more and a huge flock came over! It was so f**king badass! I’m becoming more powerful by the day! #BadassB!tch”

On Saturday, Tila turned her attention back to controlling humanity, declaring that she would manipulate the of the New England Patriots-Houston Texans game in the Texans favor.

New England won the game 34-16, which is making us question wonder if Tila has overstated her powers.

But that very public setback didn’t keep Tila down for long, and she bounced back with some of her finest lunacy to date, this time adding a little transphobic hate speech into the mix:

How many of you have cartoon characters literally named after you? I do because I am obviously the master of the Universe! I time travelled back here to fix where you all f**ked up!

“I hacked it so Trump would win since Obama was the anti-Christ! He fooled you all with his charm and his man of a “wife” Michael aka Michelle Obama!

“You all cheer on a F–king TRANNY as your 1st lady! Time to make all the wrongs right again! Sick of this sh!t! #AllHailTheQueen

Tila also informed her fans that she’s currently on vacation in Jamaica, which is surprising, as not only has she been unemployable for the better part of a decade, she recently launched a Kickstarter in which she begged for rent money.

Just another day in the life of everyone’s favorite Nazi cyborg alien.
