Showing posts with label Peek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peek. Show all posts

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Justin Timberlake Super Bowl Performance Sneak Peek (SPOILER ALERT)

Justin Timberlake’s been rehearsing his ass off for the Super Bowl LII halftime show, and TMZ has the first video … which gives you a sneak peek of what’s about to go down. Sooo, HERE’S YOUR LAST WARNING … SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Sources inside…


Monday, January 29, 2018

The Bachelor Sneak Peek: I"m F--king Done!

The Bachelor has narrowed the field to 12 women after four episodes, and some of the surviving dozen are cracking under the pressure.

With an epic twist still to come (according to The Bachelor spoilers), you can cut the tension with a knife on the ABC hit lately.

According to the network"s official synopsis, Chelsea (above) receives the first one-on-one date this evening in Ft. Lauderdale.

A luxury yacht awaits, but will her suspect past doom her chances of walking back onto shore with a rose and continuing her journey?

Meanwhile, eleven women split into two teams for a day of competitive bowling – and a private after-party awaiting the champion.

Chelsea Roy, as we know, is a single mother who has told Arie Luyendyk Jr. about her son. That part shouldn"t faze him at all.

However, during dinner, she"ll share an emotional story with Arie about her past that might change the equation quite a bit.

The other one-on-one date goes to Tia Booth – a major contender, Bachelor spoiler insiders maintain – at the Sawtooth Park Reserve.

There, in the Florida swamps, she too reveals something daunting about her past which could torpedo the duo"s romance right there.

Later, the women decide to confront one of the women about her behavior at the cocktail party. It"s a pretty easy guess who.

Krystal Nielson reportedly boycotts the cocktail party in favor of "throwing a fit in her room," which doesn"t go over too well. 

Arie spoke to Krystal about her struggles last week, during which we learned that she"s insecure and feeling bullied on set.

We"ll see if she survives another week. 

Ditto Arie"s youngest competitor. Last week, we learned that Bekah is so damn young, Arie thought about ending it right there.

He didn"t, but the age factor isn"t going away, and you can bet that she will be among those particularly on edge this evening.

With three more women set to go home, and a trip to Paris on the line following this rose ceremony, there"s no room for error.

Check out a sneak preview of this evening"s show below for a glimpse of some of the fireworks that await Bachelor Nation:

The bachelor sneak peek im f king done

Monday, September 18, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar Goes Cake Tasting in Boring New Sneak Peek!

Delicious. That"s all we can say about this new clip from Counting On featuring Joy-Anna Duggar and her future husband Austin Forsyth.

Only literally, though.

In this evening"s installment of TLC’s hit series, the reality star, 19, and her then-fiance, 23, sat down for a pre-wedding rite of passage:

Wedding cake tasting.

That"s right, a major segment of tonight"s show is devoted to Austin and Joy picking out the cake they wanted for their nuptials.

Joy-Anna and Austin got hitched in Rogers, Arkansas, on May 26, just two months after getting engaged, and right after she got pregnant.

Just kidding. (Maybe.)

Anyway, in the sneak peek below, young Duggar talks with the baker and expresses her desire for a three or four-tiered cake.

One that is off-white and “really simple,” she says, though “I’m open to a lot of ideas. I don’t know if I’m going to go more simple or more fancy."

"I’m going to just wait and see,” she added, while Forsyth – expressionless as drywall on his best day – can barely contain his antipathy.

You can hear him yawning all the way from the Natural State … and understand why execs may actually bring back Josh and Anna.

Austin said he was really surprised at how many little details go into every decision for the big day … and not an excited kind of surprised.

“Being engaged and planning our wedding, there are a lot of decisions that have to be made that I never thought of,” he said, adding:

“It was a little more than I ever thought about.”

In that sense, reality stars really are just like us. Any guy who"s ever gotten married has likely been in his shoes in this kind of setting.

Of course, most guys who have gotten married have hugged a woman chest to chest first, but that"s neither here nor there.

Following the big day, which resulted in Joy-Anna Duggar"s baby bump just three months later, they enjoyed a honeymoon in Switzerland.

"Saying our vows and saying "I do" and committing our lives to each other is so incredible," the teen bride gushed at the time.

"I am so blessed to be married to him."  

Forsyth added, ”I’m just looking forward to getting to share my life, its good time and its challenges, with my best friend.”

As for their impending baby, which was announced August 30, she said, "Every child is such a precious gift from God."

"I’m most looking forward to watching Austin as a dad and raising children together with him," Joy-Anna said of her man.

Not to fall asleep along with Austin Forsyth as you watch Counting On online tonight … the sneak peek appears below:

Joy anna duggar austin forsyth go take tasting in counting on sn

Friday, July 28, 2017

Kendra On Top Sneak Peek: Kendra Wilkinson Betrayed by Her Mother!

Kendra Wilkinson announced that she"s a "horny motherf—er," speaking openly about her sex life and masturbatory habits, so you might think that this is a woman with no secrets.

But everybody has some things that they want kept private. Just like no one, Kendra included, wants their mother to write a tell-all book about them. For a few blissful moments, it looked like Kendra"s mother was going to choose family over writing her book.

Clearly, as you"ll see in the Kendra On Top sneak peek below, that is not the case.

Patti Wilkinson has been threatening to tell the world about Hank Baskett"s alleged affair for ages … even though we kind of know everything already, right?

That"s a garbage way for a mother to behave, but we never thought much of Kendra"s mom to begin with.

Naturally, Kendra wants her mom to stop talking about her in public.

It was less than a week ago that a Kendra On Top clip made it really sound like Patti had decided to back off.

Because Patti told Hank Baskett directly that she was no longer planning to write the book.

Of course, when Kendra asked Hank if he believed Patti when she said that … Hank said that he did not.

Smart man.

So, in this Kendra On Top sneak peek clip that we have for you below, Colin receives a package.

Colin, as you may remember, is Kendra Wilkinson"s brother.

Their relationship has had its ups and downs and they"ve even been estranged from each other.

But Colin and Kendra are clearly in agreement that Patti should not write a tell-all book about her family.

That could only hurt them and their relationships with each other, right?

The package — which contains the first chapter from the book that Patti had promised that she wasn"t going to write — comes by way of Patti"s friend, Pattie.

Yes, Patti"s friend is named Pattie. With an E.

Life is confusing as hell.

Anyway, it"s pretty clear that Pattie With An E has been encouraging Patti to defy her children"s wishes and write, because it"ll let her "tell her story" for some sort of weird life-fulfillment purpose or something.

Translation: Kendra"s fame as a celebrity and the promise of exposing details about Kendra"s life would help Patti"s book sell well.

(It"s possible that Pattie With An E or even Patti herself believe that this is important for her personal life journey or whatever, but is that really more important than her children?)

And Patti"s gone ahead and written the first chapter, which Pattie With An E says is about Kendra and Colin"s father.

As you can imagine, Colin isn"t too thrilled.

In fact, he feels positively betrayed.

Sounds like the nasty mama drama is living up to its promise, huh?

We all know what Kendra Wilkinson is like, and we know her … somewhat volatile emotional state.

(We"re not trying to be mean, but Kendra goes off)

Colin is clearly pissed that his mom is going ahead with the book.

Especially after she"d told Hank that she wasn"t.

We can only imagine how Kendra is going to respond to this latest betrayal.

And that"s what makes this such an effective teaser.

Kendra on top sneak peek kendra wilkinson betrayed by her mother

Monday, July 10, 2017

The Bachelorette Sneak Peek: Some Scary Conversations!

Rachel Lindsay is narrowing down her field of suitors, which means the conversations are getting more and more serious on The Bachelorette.

So serious, it"s even scary sometimes.

Apparently, Bryan Abasolo – a frontrunner to say the least, according to The Bachelorette spoilers – is living up to his billing these days.

Maybe even too well, if that"s possible.

In a teaser for tonight"s episode, Rachel voices a surprising concern, admitting, "He is such a catch. He is such an amazing person."

"That"s the part that scares me."

Being 37 years old, she has to wonder of him, "I don"t understand why he"s still single. This is why I think Bryan is too good to be true."

Interestingly, this happened after he expressed his own concerns, referencing a recent romance he was involved in with someone else.

"It was eerily similar to what we have going on," he said of this relationship. "It was passionate, hot and heavy in a short amount of time."

"Looking back on it, it was maybe a little too much, too early. Hence my fear a little bit of what we have going on," Bryan added.

"That"s why I"m scared going into [hometown dates]. The last time I introduced somebody I felt as strongly for, we broke up shortly thereafter."

"Literally this could happen again," Abasolo lamented. "It"s something that"s in the back of my mind and scares me a little bit."

Of course, since the first episode of the season when Bryan received the First Impression Rose, he"s been a frontrunner for a reason.

It"s hard to see a hometown date going poorly.

"Meeting somebody"s family is very, very serious. I feel like I need to understand him more and where he comes from," Rachel said.

"What his family is like, what they"re going to think of me, will they be accepting of me. I have some important questions before I can hand out that rose."

As for another top-tier contender, Peter Kraus (who was seen throwing shade at Bryan Abasolo in a deleted scene last week)?

In another sneak peek, he promises Lindsay that if he decides she"s not right for him, he"d let her know. Classy, right? Well …

"His honesty scares me," Lindsay says.

"He"s somebody that I can see a future with so what if he"s the one standing at the end and then he doesn"t want to get down on one knee?"

"That"s scary. I don"t know what to do."

Check out The Bachelorette spoilers to see who the last man standing purportedly is, then watch the scene in question below …

The bachelorette sneak peek scary conversations

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Teen Mom 2 Sneak Peek: Babies! Proposals! New Cast Members!

If MTV learned anything from the fist-pumping phenomenon that was Jersey Shore, it’s that reality TV sensations don’t last forever.

As such, the network isn’t wasting any time in cranking out new seasons of its current wildly-popular franchise, Teen Mom.

Last night, another season of Teen Mom: OG came to a close, and the network took the occasion to announce that the long anticipated ninth season of Teen Mom 2 will be debuting July 17!

(Officially, it’s the show’s eighth season, as the most recent installment was referred to as season 7B for legal reasons, but we all know that’s a load of crap.)

Given the amount of drama that’s transpired in the months since the show last wrapped filming, we’re half wondering how producers will cram it all in …

… especially since this season will see the addition of a fifth mom.

Yes, Briana DeJesus will join the cast following a one-season stint on the ill-fated Teen Mom 3.

It’s curious timing, as the show has a whole lot to address as it is.

Here’s what the rest of the girls will be coping with in the season to come:

Jenelle Evans: You might want to start wearing hats on your feet, folks, because we are truly living in an upside-down opposite world where nothing makes sense.

Jenelle recently got engaged to David Eason; she’s welcomed a third child; and sources say she’s committed herself to creating a stable home life.

She’s basically Martha Stewart with just slightly less time behind bars.

Yes, the occasional social media feud with Eason’s sister aside, Jenelle appears to have found genuine domestic contentment.

We hope Satan is a hockey fan.

Kailyn Lowry: We’re guessing producers didn’t have to do much brainstorming to come up with a storyline here.

Kail’s life has been non-stop drama since the cameras stopped rolling on Season 8 (or 7B, if you must. Sigh).

In case you somehow missed it, Kailyn is pregnant with her third child, and the whole thing has been so eventful that she probably could’ve supported a spin-off season all by herself.

We finally learned the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy after months of secrecy, but that’s just one of the many shocking developments on As the Baby Bump Turns.

Leah Messer: Unlike in years past, Leah has actually kept something of a low profile between seasons.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Hot Messer’s storyline will revolve around her efforts to launch a life-coaching business.

Yes, Leah has had her sh-t together for like seven or eight months now, so she apparently believed it’s time to help others do the same.

Hey, whatever makes her happy.

Interestingly, The Ashley also says that Leah’s second baby daddy, Jeremy Calvert, will be returning to the show, despite earlier promises to quit.

Chelsea Houska: Chelsea would probably beat out Jenelle for the title of Most Stable Teen Mom, were it not for one thing:

Her douche-tastic baby daddy Adam Lind is still a factor in Chelsea’s life, and these days, he’s more ridiculous thn ever.

Lind tested positive for meth recently, and it looks as though he’s soon to lose custody of his daughter with Taylor Halbur.

It remains to be seen if Chelsea will pursue similar legal action against her ex.

Fortunately, her life at home with new husband Cole DeBoer, son Watson, and daughter Aubree remains picture perfect.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online in order to get caught up in what promises to be a doozy of a season … however you choose to number it.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Counting On Sneak Peek: Is Jinger Duggar Pregnant or Nah!?

Pregnancy rumors have been swirling around Jinger Duggar for weeks. Months. Pretty much since the moment she wed Jeremy Vuolo.

Even her sisters are getting in on the speculation.

"Is Jinger Duggar pregnant?"

This is a question we have asked many, many times in the last 6-7 months at The Hollywood Gossip, to the point of annoying ourselves.

She may very well be right now; Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo have expressed a strong desire to have kids, and we take them at their word.

We also can"t see her going on birth control and just enjoying marriage for a few years like some newlywed couples might opt to do.

But it seems clear at this point that when the Counting On sneak preview clip below was filmed, Jinger was not expecting her first child.

A sisterly interrogation occurs via FaceTime, after what started off as an innocent catch-up call with her siblings cut right to the chase.

“Since getting married this is the first time I’ve been able to video chat all my sisters at the same time,” the reality star tells the cameras.

Jinger and Jeremy married in November 2016 at the Cathedral of the Ozarks at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Ark.

Since getting married, she relocated to Laredo, Texas, where Jeremy is a pastor. That"s a bittersweet thing for the 23-year-old Jinger.

Some things about being away from home are great. Jinger Duggar wearing pants would never fly with Jim Bob. But it"s also a challenge.

“I think what I miss most about Arkansas is all my family. Those nights in the girls’ room, staying up late and talking to my sisters,” she says.

Well, they quickly made up for lost time here.

We were all thinking it, and they went there.

Jill Duggar does the honors, asking:

“So are you pregnant?”

Pregnant with her second child herself, Jill put the screws to her little sis straight up, and her response suggests she didn"t see it coming.

“I told them not to ask!” Jessa Duggar, who was also pregnant with her second child (Henry Wilberforce) tells the camera in a confessional.

“In my family though, it’s just a question.“ 

A LOADED question. Check out the teaser clip below and watching Counting On online Monday to learn the much-anticipated answer.

Counting on sneak peek is jinger duggar pregnant or nah

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Lil Yachty Accused of Ripping Off "Peek A Boo" (VIDEO)

Lil Yachty’s new Migos collaboration, “Peek A Boo,” is under attack by another rapper who says the track rips of his shout out to Pokemon. Rapper Memphis Ash dropped his song “Pikachu” last year, which he naturally rhymed with “peekaboo.”…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Bachelor Sneak Peek: Guess Who"s Back!

Nick Viall has officially reached the hometown dates, with his final four ladies exactly who The Bachelor spoilers told us they would be.

No one saw this blast from the past coming, though …

In a sneak peek at Monday night’s episode, we see the man of the hour travel across the country to meet the parents of his top four.

One of whom we know for a fact will be eliminated.

That"s because Rachel Lindsay is The Bachelorette, as ABC surprisingly announced before she was even cut loose from The Bachelor.

Will it be the hometown date that is her last?

“Have you ever dated a black girl?” Rachel’s mother asks the 36-year-old during their sit-down chat. “What is your intention with her?” 

“I just can’t give you my blessing,” the dad of one of the women tells The Bachelor, in a blunt but frankly refreshing display of caution.

Yeah. No one said hometowns were easy.

In addition to being grilled by various moms and dads, and Corinne’s nanny for that matter, he has to grapple with his own feelings.

Oh, and also Ms. Andi Dorfman.

The Bachelorette star, and the first of many women Nick has romanced in hos nearly three years as a franchise staple, is back, baby.

Why? Ratings, we"re guessing.

“Hello Nick,” says Dorfman, who chose Josh Murray over Viall on The Bachelorette finale in 2014, as the door to his hotel room opens.

It remains to be seen what motive Andi would possibly have for flying in to confront Nick at this point in their lives, but hey. Good TV.

For us. He does not look happy.

Check out the sneak peek below and see what you think – and tell us whether Corinne, Raven Gates or Vanessa Grimaldi should win. 

The bachelor sneak peek guess whos back

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Bachelor Sneak Peek: Meet Nick Viall"s Girls!

Nick Viall is back and looking for love, and now we know some of the women he"s got on his radar (see The Bachelor spoilers for specifics).

The Bachelor premieres January 2, and while we won"t learn who Nick Viall picks with his final rose, we"ll see plenty of first impressions.

What kind of women made the casting cut in Season 21?

More so than past seasons, the women appear to be gainfully employed and at least somewhat diverse, neither of which are by accident.

In August, ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey said there was a “need to increase the pool of diverse candidates in the beginning.”

From an "unemployed nurse" to a "travel nurse" to a "doula," there are plenty of women in the medical field (seven to be exact here).

The cast of 30 women is largely brunette, which would fit Nick"s type, judging by his epic near-misses with Kaitlyn Bristowe and Andi Dorfman.

Of the 30, the number of women in their 20s is … 27.

Viall is 36 years old, yet only three women are 30 or above. The oldest woman in the cast is 31, and the youngest is 23 (four times over).

Also 14 of the 30 women have tattoos.

In addition to the medical personnel, there"s a model, a wedding videographer, a business owner (and a small business owner, to boot).

There"s a restaurant server (waitress?!), marketing manager, photographer, chef, flight attendant, a pro basketball dancer, and an attorney.

There"s a food truck owner, Pilates instructor, two teachers and an even an aspiring dolphin trainer … "cause you gotta aspire to big things.

Check out the first look below!

The bachelor sneak peek meet nick vialls girls

Monday, November 28, 2016

Farrah Abraham Berates Dad in Absurd Teen Mom OG Sneak Peek

At least Farrah Abraham"s mom, Debra, can take solace in the fact that when her daughter berates her, she treats her dad just as poorly.

In a sneak preview of tonight"s Teen Mom: OG finale, we see the 25-year-old boss around her father as he does manual labor … for her.

Poor Debbo and Michael.

Clad in matching leopard-print yoga pants and sports bra showcasing her ginormous fake breasts, Farrah goes full taskmaster on Mike.

It"s sad, almost.

The guy"s just trying to help her clean up her garage, and she treats him like hired help … except no one would treat hired help as badly.

If you can get over how she looks – which we could spend an eternity discussing – it"s hard to believe the things coming out of her mouth.

Fortunately, by the end, at least she appears pleased with the result. We just hope she thanked Michael or bought him dinner or something.

In a separate sneak peek, we see that Farrah meets her mom"s boyfriend Dr. David in this episode as well, which is even more awkward.

David reveals at one point that he has been known to watch Teen Mom OG online and he is not a fan of how Farrah treats Debra on it.

“She’s been through a bunch of s–t, and she gets all this stuff thrown at her. I’ve watched Teen Mom,” he continues. “It hurts me." 

Buckle up, tonight"s finale is gonna be good.

Farrah abraham berates dad in absurd teen mom og sneak peek

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Jinger Duggar & Jeremy Vuolo: Wedding Sneak Peek Teased By TLC!

You won’t have to wait until next season to see how Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo when you watch Counting On online:

TLC is airing a special installment … next week!

In the sneak peek above, you can see a (brief) glimpse at the highly anticipated event – the most-anticipated of the current season.

Not that the bar was set very high in that regard.

On Counting On: Courting Jinger – the second most exciting TV event in Arkansas last night – TLC confirmed the upcoming wedding special.

The TLC network’s synopsis for “Jinger’s Wedding” is minimal, but it does reveal what the series has been leading up to all season.

After seeing Jinger breaking all the courtship rules on TV for weeks, and Jeremy’s romantic proposal, the duo will head down the aisle.

“After months of anticipation, Jinger and Jeremy’s wedding day has finally arrived!” the synopsis reads, offering a “first look” of the bride.

We only see her from the back, but that will soon change.

As “Jinger walks down the aisle to become Mrs. Jeremy Vuolo,” the TLC cameras were rolling, and we imagine the utter joy that awaits.

The sneak peek gave us a glimpse of Jinger Duggar’s wedding dress and her father Jim Bob Duggar as Jeremy waited for her in tears.

Last Saturday, the proud parents of the bride were the first to confirm the news that the wedding had taken place, posting this video:

Jinger and Jeremy later confirmed the news themselves in a video (also posted above) of their own, gushing over one another as always.

But now that we know the vows have been exchanged, we’re ready for the main event to play out and to see what went on behind the scenes!

The promo says, without exaggerating whatsoever:

“Their love story has unfolded before your eyes.”

“And now the moment we’ve all been waiting for …”

“Jinger and Jeremy’s wedding.”

Indeed. The big moment has already come and gone, but unlike the 2016 election results, you could easily see the TV special coming.

Jinger and Jeremy were married in front of 1,000 (!) people friends at the Cathedral of the Ozarks at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Ark.

Josh and Anna Duggar were so happy to be among them, while her cousin Amy Duggar had to miss the event due to prior commitment.

For Mr. and Mrs. Vuolo, it was the culmination of a whirlwind romance that set the new high water mark for passionate Duggar courtships.

As that chapter closes, their future is just beginning though.

The couple plan to honeymoon in New Zealand and Australia before living and work in Laredo, Texas, where Jeremy currently resides. 

A former soccer pro, the 29-year-old Vuolo is now a pastor; Jinger, 22, immediately expressed willingness to relocate to be with Jeremy.

Congratulations to the happy couple! 


Friday, May 20, 2016

Sister Wives Sneak Peek: Meri vs. Janelle!

I don"t know how these women do it.

Dealing with the emotional ickiness of having to share a husband with three other women is bad enough.

But having to fight over dominance on who gets to plan Thanksgiving?

These are the everyday peccadillos that vex a polygamous family such as the Browns.

In a clip for Sister Wives, the ladies are making preparations for Thanksgiving, but Meri and Janelle are at odds.

"You"ve come empty handed!" Meri exclaims when Janelle walks in the room. "I thought the plan was we had ideas."

Meri was already hard at work, trimming decorations for the dinner, but Janelle had a different perception of their meeting"s goals.

"When I walked into Meri"s I was just surprised how much she bought already," she reveals in her confessional. "Wow… I thought we were still in the planning stages."

"She"s got dishes and she"s got everything. She"s already got it."

The pair bicker over the settings before Janelle admits that she"s "challenged" when it comes to "artsy-craftsy stuff."

Meri explains that there"s a lot of work to do and she needs help, and Janelle tells her she wants to be really hands-on.

"I"m swimming a little bit because I really wanted to be more in on the planning part, but I"m conflicted because I like what she"s chosen," Janelle says to camera.

"It sort of feels like the project"s getting away from me now, like it"s becoming a little bit more Meri"s project."

Meri seems to know that her sister wife lacks the Martha Stewart gene and deems the project "overwhelming" for her.

The scene depicts passive-aggressiveness at its finest.

This episode was shot last year, but in the time since we"re learned a number of developments about the family.

In fact, it sounds like holiday woes are just the tip of the iceberg, because both Meri and Janelle are rumored to be leaving the show – and their "husband" Kody Brown.

Earlier this month, Kody got some bad news when a Utah judge denied his request to make plural marriages legal.

Sounds like the women are cool with that.

Watch the tension unfold below:

Sister wives meri and janelle brown clash over thanksgiving

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 Photos: Take a Peek at Reek!

Unless you got captured by a Dothraki horde and spent the last few months trying to convince them that you"re actually a pretty big deal, you know that Game of Thrones Season 6 premieres on Sunday.

Since the show has officially outpaced the George R.R. Martin novels on which it"s based, the cast and crew have been even more tight-lipped about the plot than in years past.

But that hasn"t stopped us from gathering up every morsel of information on the Internet and cooking it up into a questionable but nourishing bowl of brown worthy of Flea Bottom"s filthiest inn.

So if, like us, you just can"t wait for the premiere, check out our Game of Thrones Season 6 theories by clicking the link, and scroll through a selection of photos from the season premiere in the gallery below.

It may not be as thrilling as the moment you hear the first notes of that familiar theme song, but it"ll hold you over til then:

1. Daenerys and the Dothraki

Daenerys and the dothraki

The Khaleesi is back with the people who first made her a queen. But it’s a different tribe this time, and instead of being hailed as a ruler, she might imprisoned as a slave.

2. Reek and Sansa on the Run

Reek and sansa on the run

Reek and Sansa have good reason to look frightened. Ramsay Bolton is NOT a man you want to piss off.

3. Jaime Lannister Returns to King Landing

Jaime lannister returns to king landing

Jaime has finally returned from King’s Landing. Unfortunately, he’ll have to inform his sister that her beloved daughter died on board the ship after being poisoned in Dorne.

4. Arya Stark: Blind and Alone

Arya stark blind and alone

The Many-Faced God doles out some harsh punishments. Arya is starting the season at what might be her lowest point yet – blind and alone in a strange land.

5. Ramsay Bolton: Still Awful

Ramsay bolton still awful

Yes, Ramsay is back for more evil. Hope you’re ready for another round of horrific nightmares!

6. Cersei Wants Revenge

Cersei wants revenge

Cersei has a rough Season 5 that culminated with the world’s humiliating walk of shame. You can bet she’ll have her revenge in Season 6.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Sneak Peek: Bethenny vs. Dorinda!

Call me… never?

On The Real Housewives of New York City this week, Bethenny Frankel will confront Dorinda Medley over her boyfriend, John Mahdessian, and what Frankel deems to be very inappropriate behavior on his part.

How so?

In the following sneak peek, Frankel informs Medley of some of the things Mahdessian has said to her in private, starting with a professional request and moving on to a personal one.

"This summer, in my house in the Hamptons, John comes in and starts pitching me business ideas when you"re not there," Frankel tells Dorinda below.

"When you walk out to the front door, John asks me for my phone number. I"m like, "Ask your girlfriend for my phone number.""

Or maybe… don"t ask for another woman"s number. Period. Full stop.

What does Medley have to say about her boyfriend"s comments?

How does she respond when Bethenny says "you keep selling John to us, and we"re not buying?"

Be sure to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online (or on television, we suppose) to find out this week and check out the tense confrontation now:

The real housewives of new york city sneak peek bethenny vs dori

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Kendall Jenner Flashes Butt on Instagram, Assistants Get a Peek

Kendall Jenner may not be as famous for her derriere as her big sis Kim Kardashian, but the girl ain’t afraid to show us what she’s working with.

Last night, while getting ready for the MTV Movie Awards, Kendall captured a photo of herself and gave us all a gander at what was going on underneath her Balmain dress.

In the pic, two assistants are required to help her into her thigh-high, lace-up stilettos, which, incidentally, looked painful as hell.

Kendall captioned the photo simply “team work.”

As a model, Kendall is used to getting naked and having people dress her, but the photos aren’t usually snapped until the garments are already on.

Nevertheless, Kendall’s been doing a lot of ass-sharing lately.

A couple weeks ago, she posted a pic of her buns catching some sun in a bikini along with a few friends.

Kendall’s look was a hit on the red carpet last night, but noticeably absent was her date.

Last week, the model was seen hanging out with Harry Styles, with whom she had a brief romance a few months ago.

The new photo sparked rumors of a romance rekindling, but whatever their relationship status, it looks like it’s not quite red carpet ready.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Game of Thrones Sneak Peek: Is That Jon Snow?!?

We have two new pieces of information regarding the April 24 return of Game of Thrones:

  1. Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 will be titled "The Red Woman."

  2. Jon Snow will make an appearance on the premiere!

But does this mean he"s alive and well? Not exactly.

Liam Cunningham, who portrays Davos Seaworth on television"s most epic drama, was a guest on Conan this week, first revealing that author George R.R. Martin has told him a major Game of Thrones secret.

But he wasn"t about to spill ot.

Cunningham did, however, bring a clip from the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere along with him.

It depicts Davos about to do battle with the men who killed Jon Snow and, yes, it does give us a glimpse of Jon Snow himself.

But it"s a glimpse of his corpse. GULP.

This, meanwhile, is the official HBO description for the upcoming premiere:

Jon Snow is dead. Daenerys meets a strong man. Cersei sees her daughter again.

The question of whether or not Jon Snow is dead, of course, is the wrong question to ask.

We should be wondering this: Will Jon Snow REMAIN dead?

Check out the following sneak peek and let"s hear your theories on this topic below…

Game of thrones season premiere clip is that jon snow

Game of Thrones Sneak Peek: Is That Jon Snow?!?

We have two new pieces of information regarding the April 24 return of Game of Thrones:

  1. Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 will be titled "The Red Woman."

  2. Jon Snow will make an appearance on the premiere!

But does this mean he"s alive and well? Not exactly.

Liam Cunningham, who portrays Davos Seaworth on television"s most epic drama, was a guest on Conan this week, first revealing that author George R.R. Martin has told him a major Game of Thrones secret.

But he wasn"t about to spill ot.

Cunningham did, however, bring a clip from the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere along with him.

It depicts Davos about to do battle with the men who killed Jon Snow and, yes, it does give us a glimpse of Jon Snow himself.

But it"s a glimpse of his corpse. GULP.

This, meanwhile, is the official HBO description for the upcoming premiere:

Jon Snow is dead. Daenerys meets a strong man. Cersei sees her daughter again.

The question of whether or not Jon Snow is dead, of course, is the wrong question to ask.

We should be wondering this: Will Jon Snow REMAIN dead?

Check out the following sneak peek and let"s hear your theories on this topic below…

Game of thrones season premiere clip is that jon snow