Showing posts with label Piece. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piece. Show all posts

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Blac Chyna"s Side Piece Returns $135k of Gifts, Rob Was Right About Her

Rob Kardashian’s brutal rants against Blac Chyna showed her side piece the light — and now Ferrari is kicking her to the curb too, and saving himself more than 100 grand in the process. Sources connected to the rapper, tell us Ferrari…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Blac Chyna"s Side Piece Says Rob"s a Good Guy, Ask Her About Everything Else

Blac Chyna’s side piece — the guy posting pics of them naked together in bed to get back at Rob — has a surprising response to all the drama … a compliment. Ferrari, a rapper, was outside Capitol Records in Hollywood Thursday … and…


Blac Chyna"s Side Piece Says Rob"s a Good Guy, Ask Her About Everything Else

Blac Chyna’s side piece — the guy posting pics of them naked together in bed to get back at Rob — has a surprising response to all the drama … a compliment. Ferrari, a rapper, was outside Capitol Records in Hollywood Thursday … and…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Blac Chyna"s Side Piece Fires Back at Rob Kardashian with More Naked Pics

Blac Chyna’s side piece, Ferrari, is fighting fire with fire by posting more semi-naked photos of him in bed with Rob’s baby mama. In both pics, Ferrari and Chyna both appear to be naked under the covers in the bed where Rob insists he and Chyna…


Friday, May 12, 2017

Austin Rivers Says Breaking Up Clippers Would Be "Idiotic," We"re Just a Piece Away

Austin Rivers feels VERY strongly that the L.A. Clippers should do everything in their power to keep the core players for another season … telling TMZ Sports they’re just “a piece away” from being champs.  The rumors are swirling that Doc…


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Tom Brady Hand-Feeds David Blaine a Piece of GLASS!! (VIDEO)

Tom Brady had David Blaine over for dinner Wednesday and it was a healthy, carb-free meal — GLASS!!


Tom Brady Hand-Feeds David Blaine a Piece of GLASS!! (VIDEO)

Tom Brady had David Blaine over for dinner Wednesday and it was a healthy, carb-free meal — GLASS!!


Friday, March 31, 2017

Uber Driver Picks Up BF"s Side Piece, Crazy Encounter Ensues

You never know who you"ll pick up when you drive for Uber.

You also never know where you"ll be headed to next.

In the case of the woman featured in the following story, the answers to these two questions during a recent ride ended up being:

  • Her boyfriend"s side piece.

  • Her boyfriend"s apartment, where said said side piece and boyfriend were planning to have sex.

For real, people!

Scroll down to read the entire account, from the driver"s very own Twitter account…

1. When a Dick Appointment Goes Bad…

When a dick appointment goes bad

It all started as one woman trying to help out her fellow female.

2. It Couldn’t Have Been My Man!

It couldnt have been my man

Because he said he was going out of town, for a very sweet reason…

3. He Actually Drove Away!

He actually drove away

This A-Hole is good.

4. An Hour Later…

An hour later

I pick up this passenger. She tells me to drive to an apartment complex. Sure thing, girl!

5. She Loves Her Man

She loves her man

And she misses her man and, whatever, this driver’s man is out of town.

6. Wait, Wasn’t She Told the Address Right Away?

Wait wasnt she told the address right away

Nope, just the apartment complex. So the driver assumed it was just a coincidence that this woman’s man lived near her man.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Mickey Rourke Gunning for Boxing Comeback ... "I"m Like a Cold Piece of Steel" (VIDEO)

64-year-old Mickey Rourke says his boxing career ain’t over yet — he wants TWO bouts in 2017 … telling TMZ Sports he’s definitely still in fighting shape.  Rourke hasn’t fought since 2014 — when the “Iron Man 2” actor beat Elliot Seymour…


Monday, December 12, 2016

Sherri Shepherd"s Ex-Hubby Wants Bigger Piece of Her Money Pie

Sherri Shepherd’s ex-husband and baby daddy says the comedian is making a lot more cash, and he’s asking for a bigger chunk of that change for child support payments.  Lamar Sally — who has a 2-year-old son with Shepherd — just filed docs in…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Rihanna: Hoping to Be Brad Pitt"s Rebound Piece?!

Unless you’ve been shutting out all media in hopes of avoiding any talk of bad hombres and nasty women, you’re probably aware that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt.

You may also be aware that Pitt is rather popular among the ladies and probably won’t be sleeping alone for very long.

Pitt has probably already rebounded more times than Wilt Chamberlain, which is an analogy that works on multiple levels.

Even so, there’s no shortage of famous women who want to be the special lady to help Brad get over his messy split with Jolie.

Jennifer Garner joked about dating Brad, and Kate Hudson openly said she’d be DTF if Brad gave her a call.

Now, according to Star magazine, Rihanna is the latest female celeb to enter the race for the Pitt Dong.

In an article hilariously titled, “Rihanna Hot To Trot With Brad!” the tabloid claims RiRi has had her eye on Brad for years.

(Hilariously, the piece is sub-titled, “She’s offering Angie’s ex a sexy shoulder to cry on!” Sexy shoulder! HA!)

“You look at Brad Pitt and it’s like, ‘Damn!’” Rihanna allegedly said to a friend, sounding very much like a middle-aged tabloid writer attempting to approximate the dialect of the “urban youth.”

“Now that Angelina Jolie’s kicked Brad to the curb and filed for divorce, RiRi’s romantic fantasies can finally become a reality,” says one insider.

“She’s wanted to get it on with him for years.”

(Ed. note: “Get it on!” Despite appearances to the contrary, these quotes are not taken from an Onion piece parodying celebrity journalism.)

Naturally, the piece goes on to point out that Rihanna recently broke up with Drake, because its operating under the assumption that all single celebrities are within minuted of having sex with one another.

Star claims that Pitt and RiRi nearly hooked up at a benefit concert in New Orleans in 2012, causing Angie to fly into a rage.

“Stay away from that woman!” pissed-Jolie reportedly exclaimed.

“Rihanna’s been a thorn in Angie’s side for years,” says a source.

“She’ll explode if she finds out Brad rebounded into Rihanna’s arms!”

So if there’s any truth to this story (there isn’t) Rihanna would get to bang Brad Pitt and have revenge on a rival at the same time?

That might earn her an embossed thank you letter from Jennifer Aniston.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Ivanka Trump: My Dad is Allowed to Call Me a Piece of Ass!

It’s hard to imagine a more disastrous week for a presidential candidate than the seven days that Donald Trump just endured.

A succession of PR nightmares was topped off by yet another heavily criticized debate performance, and prognosticators like Nate Silver are now declaring that a Hillary Clinton victory in November is a virtual certainty.

Republicans across the country openly condemned Trump following the release of footage in which he appears to boast about acts of sexual assault, and several party leaders have called for the real estate mogul to drop out of the race for the White House.

Not surprisingly, Trump says he would never consider such a move, even as his support base continues to dwindle.

Of course, Trump famously bragged that he could shoot a man in broad daylight without alienating his key demographic, and indeed, it seems that many of his supporters will stand by him no matter how egregious his words or actions.

Naturally, that group includes Trump’s children, the eldest three of whom are in the unenviable position of attempting to explain away their father’s increasingly bizarre scandals.

While it didn’t grab as many headlines as Trump’s 2005 conversation with Billy Bush, a remark that Trump made in a 2004 interview with Howard Stern resurfaced over the weekend and caused many to shake their heads in disbelief at the fact that this man is in the running for the highest office in the land.

In response to Stern’s description of Trump’s daughter Ivanka as “a piece of ass,” the Donald replied simply, “Yeah.”

Trump’s band of apologists made the rounds on social media and the Sunday morning talk shows in an effort to justify the remark, and Ivanka herself made a subtle but downright baffling move on Twitter.

The 34-year-old appears to have “favorited” a tweet from the Huffington Post that accused her father of claiming that “it’s OK” to refer to his daughter as “a piece of ass.”

We can only guess at what would prompt Ivanka to publicly express her approval of such a damaging article, but it’s a rare misstep from the most media savvy member of the Trump family.

Ivanka Trump Tweet

Interestingly, she’s not the only Trump daughter who’s garnered hesadlines for her strange relationship with her father in the past 24 hours.

Last night’s debate concluded with this awkward encounter between Donald and his youngest daughter, 22-year-old Tiffany Trump.

Naturally, the Internet had a field day with Trump’s affections being publicly rejected by his daughter.

But if you’re Donald Trump, such a snub doesn’t even make the top ten list for your most embarrassing moments of the week.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Donald Trump: My Daughter Is A Piece of Ass!

So hey, you know how Donald Trump has proven himself, time and time again, to be an awful, disgusting person?

There’s been this interesting thing going on lately where, as Election Day approaches, all those times Donald has shown us his true colors are being brought up again.

And boy, it’s been a wild and crazy ride.

Just a couple of days ago, a tape was released that featured Donald Trump saying some seriously terrible things back in 2005.

In a conversation with Billy Bush on the set of Days of Our Lives, Donald was telling Bill about a woman (later revealed to be Nancy O’Dell) and how he “moved on her like a bitch.”

“I did try and f-ck her,” he explained. “She was married.”

Donald, who had married wife Melania just months before this conversation was recorded, also told Billy about his methods of seduction.

“Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” he said. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Just process that statement for a minute. That was a statement made by a man who intends to be President.

How depressing is that?

And things are just getting sadder as more and more old Trump quotes come out. Take, for instance, these new statements that are making the rounds, taken from his many appearances on The Howard Stern Show.

In a 2006 interview, Howard commented to Donald that his daughter, Ivanka, was looking very “voluptuous” lately. 

“She’s actually always been very voluptuous,” Trump replied. “She’s tall, she’s almost six feet tall and she’s been … she’s an amazing beauty.”

Kind of creepy, right? It only gets worse.

In a 2004 interview, Trump talked about Ivanka again, saying that she’s “beautiful.” Howard interjected with “Can I say this? A piece of ass.”

And Donald Trump, Father of the Year over here, answered “Yeah.” Yeah, it’s fine, his own daughter is totally a piece of ass.

In 2002, he referred to the moment a woman turns 35 as “check-out time.”

In 2006, Stern asked him about “banging 24-year-olds,” and Trump said that he’d “have no problem” with it, and when asked if he had an age limit on women, he said “No, I have no age — I mean, I have an age limit. I don’t want to be like Congressman Foley, with, you know, 12-year-olds.”

When asked if he’d ever slept with a black woman, he hit back with “Well, it depends on what your definition of black is.”

He also noted that he lost his virginity when he was “about 14” with “a young woman, who was really beautiful, the hot little girl in high school or grammar school or whatever. She was hot.”

In 2005, he was asked about the prospect of one of his beauty pageant contestants propositioning him for sex, and he answered with “It could be a conflict of interest. But, you know, it’s the kind of thing you worry about later, you tend to think about the conflict a little bit later on.”

Trump then revealed that he had a little trick where he’d go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed because “I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it.” He said that “they’re standing there with no clothes … and you see these incredible looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.”

And there you have it, friends. These are all things that our potential president has actually said.

Are you not so completely repulsed?


Donald Trump: My Daughter Is A Piece of Ass!

So hey, you know how Donald Trump has proven himself, time and time again, to be an awful, disgusting person?

There’s been this interesting thing going on lately where, as Election Day approaches, all those times Donald has shown us his true colors are being brought up again.

And boy, it’s been a wild and crazy ride.

Just a couple of days ago, a tape was released that featured Donald Trump saying some seriously terrible things back in 2005.

In a conversation with Billy Bush on the set of Days of Our Lives, Donald was telling Bill about a woman (later revealed to be Nancy O’Dell) and how he “moved on her like a bitch.”

“I did try and f-ck her,” he explained. “She was married.”

Donald, who had married wife Melania just months before this conversation was recorded, also told Billy about his methods of seduction.

“Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” he said. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Just process that statement for a minute. That was a statement made by a man who intends to be President.

How depressing is that?

And things are just getting sadder as more and more old Trump quotes come out. Take, for instance, these new statements that are making the rounds, taken from his many appearances on The Howard Stern Show.

In a 2006 interview, Howard commented to Donald that his daughter, Ivanka, was looking very “voluptuous” lately. 

“She’s actually always been very voluptuous,” Trump replied. “She’s tall, she’s almost six feet tall and she’s been … she’s an amazing beauty.”

Kind of creepy, right? It only gets worse.

In a 2004 interview, Trump talked about Ivanka again, saying that she’s “beautiful.” Howard interjected with “Can I say this? A piece of ass.”

And Donald Trump, Father of the Year over here, answered “Yeah.” Yeah, it’s fine, his own daughter is totally a piece of ass.

In 2002, he referred to the moment a woman turns 35 as “check-out time.”

In 2006, Stern asked him about “banging 24-year-olds,” and Trump said that he’d “have no problem” with it, and when asked if he had an age limit on women, he said “No, I have no age — I mean, I have an age limit. I don’t want to be like Congressman Foley, with, you know, 12-year-olds.”

When asked if he’d ever slept with a black woman, he hit back with “Well, it depends on what your definition of black is.”

He also noted that he lost his virginity when he was “about 14” with “a young woman, who was really beautiful, the hot little girl in high school or grammar school or whatever. She was hot.”

In 2005, he was asked about the prospect of one of his beauty pageant contestants propositioning him for sex, and he answered with “It could be a conflict of interest. But, you know, it’s the kind of thing you worry about later, you tend to think about the conflict a little bit later on.”

Trump then revealed that he had a little trick where he’d go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed because “I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it.” He said that “they’re standing there with no clothes … and you see these incredible looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.”

And there you have it, friends. These are all things that our potential president has actually said.

Are you not so completely repulsed?


Monday, April 25, 2016

Rachel Roy Photos: Is This Really Jay Z"s Side Piece?

Rachel Roy may be a fashion designer, but she made headlines in the spring of 2016 less for the clothes she"s designed and more for one man she may have banged.

That man would be Jay Z.

After Beyonce released an album that appeared to take shot after shot at her husband for cheating, Roy then appeared to out herself as the mistress with whom Jay Z dared to cheat.

Roy is the ex-wife of Jay Z"s former business partner, has two daughters… and looks like this.

Check out the following Rachel Roy photos to see what kind of taste Jay Z allegedly has in his side pieces.

1. Rachel Roy

Rachel roy

This is a bikini-clad photo of Rachel Roy. There’s been talk that she carried on an affair with Jay-Z.

2. Rachel Roy and Kim Kardashian

Rachel roy and kim kardashian

Rachel Roy is is actually decent friends with Kim Kardashian. This is a photo of the pals on the night the latter got engaged.

3. Rachel Roy Picture

Rachel roy picture

Rachel Roy is a fashion designer. But she’s far better known for maybe being the woman Jay Z slept with behind Beyonce’s back.

4. Rachel Roy: Smiling for the Camera!

Rachel roy smiling for the camera

Rachel Roy smiles for the camera here while attending LACMA 2015 Art+Film Gala, which paid tribute to James Turrell and Alejandro G Iñárritu.

5. Rachel Roy Red Carpet Photo

Rachel roy red carpet photo

Did Jay Z really cheat on Beyonce with Rachel Roy? That’s the rumor. Do you think he should have done that?

6. Rachel Roy on a Boat

Rachel roy on a boat

Fashion designer Rachel Roy looks out into the sun in this bathing suit-clad photo. Is she thinking about the mistake she made in sleeping with Jay Z?

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion Recap: This Guy is a Filthy Piece of S--t!

A week ago, The Real Housewives of Orange County stars came together and made generally nice on the first half of their Season 10 reunion.

On last night’s The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 21, or part two of the reunion special, did the fit finally hit the shan?

There are certainly plenty of fireworks to look forward to when you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online. We’ll just say that.

Among the topics on deck here in the second inning:

  • Is Jim Edmonds really as big of a d–k as he seems on TV?

  • Has Shannon Beador ever run into David’s mistress?

  • Does Vicki Gunvalson know what a “circle jerk” is?

  • Did Brooks try to show Briana his d–k?!

We’re sensing a certain theme with these people.

Rookie of the Year Meghan King Edmonds’ marriage has been a hot topic this idea, but she revealed that she and former MLB star Jim have a prenup.

That, she says, was entirely her idea.

Meghan didn’t want Jim, or his kids, to ever feel this was about money, or that she was out to take something that was theirs. Pretty big of her really.

Not so big? Jim snapping at her in condescending fashion more than once this season. “I wasn’t really ready for TV to catch everything,” Jim said.

Meghan defended her husband, and their relationship, which was strained by Jim’s post-baseball broadcasting career and its major travel obligations.

She said she doesn’t let him get away with treating her this, and though some of what we saw were low points, on the whole it’s “not our marriage.”

Shannon Beador, meanwhile?

Her own marital troubles – her husband’s affair, their estrangement, attempts at counseling and reconciliation – have played out regularly on camera.

She said she never would have thought she would be the kind of person to stay in a relationship after the other person cheated, but here she is.

For good reason. They’re in a good place, she insists, and Shannon says she will do anything to keep her family together. Not that it’s been easy.

The “other woman” is still in their social circles, apparently. “‘David, look at her and compare, look what you got here,"” she said she told him once.

Finally, after so long defending her relationship with Brooks Ayers, Vicki Gunvalson seemed resigned to letting people think whatever they want.

With Brooks threatening to sue Vicki, she wasn’t about to sell him out – if she even wanted to – but her tone was more somber than we’re used to.

As for why they broke up?

Vicki did not say she thought Ayers was faking cancer or not faking cancer, but admitted daughter Briana Culberson’s disapproval was a big factor.

Culberson then joined the reunion party to recall the story of how Brooks hit on Briana at Gunvalson’s birthday party, back when Culberson was pregnant.

Ayers, allegedly, offered to show Culberson his penis, saying he was nicknamed “Girth Brooks.” (This first came up on the reunion two years ago.)

Brooks, for his part, appeared in a separate interview with host Andy Cohen and accused Briana of manipulating – and mooching from – her mom.

“This guy is a filthy piece of s–t,” Culberson responded after watching that footage, and we have a feeling next week’s part three will be AAB, ATT.

All About Brooks, All The Time.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: Throw That Piece of S--t Scott in Jail!

Keeping Up with the Kardashians revealed Kourtney’s reaction to Scott cheating this week, and offered unwelcome insight into Kris Jenner’s sex life.

“I literally have too much sex. I’m exhausted.” – Kris Jenner

You know Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 10 Episode 17 was eventful when Kim Kardashian’s diabetes confession barely even registers.

Such is the case when her Momager rambles about getting railed by Corey Gamble, her much younger boyfriend, with far too much detail.

“I’ve realized I don’t want to get married, but I have a lot of fun with Corey, and I love being with him,” Kris admitted. “He said, ‘I don’t want kids."”

“I love you, and I feel that way about you."”

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you know that Kris has had no problem traumatizing her daughters over the years.

This took it to a new level, however.

Meanwhile, Khloe and Caitlyn Jenner patched things up after recently butting heads, and Kim made the surprising, aforementioned health confession.

It was all about Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick for the most part, though, as we finally got to see what went down behind the scenes.

Kris Jenner, never one to mince words, called The Lord a “piece of s–t” after photos of Scott Disick and Chloe Bartoli surfaced earlier this summer.

Kourtney didn’t use as much profanity, but said, “When I wake up, I feel sick. I’m just literally on the verge of, like, a mental breakdown.”

“My mind is completely made up. Yeah, no, I mean, I told him that. God just opened my eyes and was like, ‘You need to move on.’ I need it to be done.”

“I can’t do it anymore.”

While Kris wanted to see him in jail (we’re not sure how she planned on doing that), Kourtney feared for his health and safety amid his epic bender:

“Scott seems to just get worse. I wanna be mad, but then I also worry about Scott’s safety. He definitely has a problem that he has to deal with.”

After talking to one of Disick’s close pals, “He just said that he’s hysterically crying and saying ‘I love you’ and just, like, suicidal talk,” Kourt said.

“The guy from the rehab said, ‘Just call 911 if you think something, you know?"” Kardashian added. “You don’t wanna be sorry and have not called 911.”

Fans will get a chance to hear Scott’s side of the story (how Kris Jenner ruined his life, probably) on November 15 when Season 11 premieres on E!

In the meantime, enjoy these photos, Scott, as it sounds like this is as close as you’re gonna get to the gorgeous mother of three you let get away:

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Thirstiest Congressman EVER Gets Piece of the Pope (PHOTO)


0926-pope-brady-getty-ap-01The Pope raised an interesting question in D.C. … can tap water become holy just because he drinks out of it?  Congressman Bob Brady clearly has an answer, because he pilfered the Pontiff’s glass.

After the Pope addressed a joint session of Congress — quenching his thirst with a glass at the ready  – Congressman Brady made a beeline for the podium and flat out stole the glass.

Brady gingerly took the glass out of House Chambers and he and his wife took swigs soon thereafter.  He’s unapologetic, and plans to put the glassware in his curio cabinet at his home.

Hope the Pope takes the keys to the Fiat when he jumps into the crowds.

