Showing posts with label Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Report. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Check Into Rehab to Save Marriage (Report)

It looks like more hard times are ahead for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.

According to Radar Online, the Baltierras have checked into an in-patient couple-oriented therapy program in a last-ditch effort to save their marriage.

Catelynn has been to rehab several times over the course of the past two years, and while she"s made progress with her mental health, insiders say she and Tyler both continue to struggle daily.

Now, it seems they"ve decided that in order to make their marriage work, they"ll both need to address their mental health issues with the help of professionals.

Here"s what we know about the situation thus far:

1. Better Days

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

For years, Tyler and Catelynn were the most stable couple in all of the Teen Mom franchise.

2. Hard Times

Catelynn lowell tyler baltierra on instagram

Sadly, a combination of difficult times, past trauma, and latent mental health issues all combined to put the Baltierras’ marriage to the test in a major way.

3. The Domino Effect

The baltierras

Both Tyler and Catelynn have been diagnosed with various mental illnesses that are at least partially the result of their traumatic upbringings.

4. Tragedy Strikes

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

When Catelynn suffered a miscarriage, the tragedy triggered a downward spiral that prompted her to check into rehab multiple times.

5. A Double-Edged Sword

Tyler with catelynn

Tyler did his best to be a supportive spouse, but as is so often the case with this sort of thing, Catelynn’s illness and frequent absences eventually began to take a toll.

6. Stepping Up

Tyler and catelynn post therapy

Tyler took care of the couple’s daughter and visited Catelynn in Arizona as often as possible. But eventually, it all became too much …

View Slideshow

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Stormy Daniels is No Longer Married, According to Arrest Report

Stormy Daniels didn’t file for divorce, as far as we can tell … which makes it all the more intriguing as to why she told Columbus, Ohio vice cops who arrested her she was no longer married. We got a copy of the arrest report when Stormy was…


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley: Police Report Details Their Ugly, Bloody Brawl

Call us crazy, but we’re just gonna go ahead and say it:

We really don’t think Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley are right for each other.

Because they got into a fight weeks ago during which Magro slammed Harley as a cum dumpster and Harley said that Magro was a cokehead?

That was the first sign.

But those were also just words.

On June 24, the tension between this Jersey Shore cast member and his girlfriend (with whom Ronnie shares a three-month old girl named Ariana) boiled over to violence.

As previously reported on The Hollywood Gossip, Harley was arrested on that date for domestic battery after she allegedly beat up Ronnie inside of a car and then dragged him down the road by this same vehicle as he was trying to get out.

The details, as originally described online, were crazy enough.

But now the official police report has been made public and… HOLY FLYING PUNCHES AND BLOODY BRAWLING! It’s nuts.

When police got to the scene on the aforementioned date in Las Vegas, they described Ortiz-Magro as exhibiting “erratic speech, crying, hysterical,” with “irregular breathing.”

There was also “blood all over the center console and inside of the car, as well as smears along the driver side.”

According to Ronnie’s version of events, Harley “hit him in the face with her right fist two-five times.”

The long-time reality star then tried to flee from the vehicle, only for Harley to hit the gas and drag him several feet down the road.

Ronnie “had apparent injuries to his mouth and arms and road rash,” the responding officer says in the report.

Ortiz-Magro proceeded to call Harley to come back and get him, which she did, before Harley pulled over again, taking their three-month-old daughter, Ariana, out of her car seat.

“She explained that she got out of the car asking for help and stated that Ortiz was hitting her in the car,” the report read, adding:

“She explained that she arranged for a friend to come pick up her child before officers arrived.”

What did Harley have to say about all of this?

She told the cops that Ortiz-Magro grabbed the steering wheel while she was behind it, causing her to drive “over the concrete median which flattened the tires on the passenger side.”

The report states that Harley refused medical attention and had a “cut” on her left arm.

She was also “crying [and] hysterical” upon speaking to the officers at the scene.

“Based upon the above facts and circumstances, I have probable cause to believe that a recent mutual battery occurred between both Jennifer Harley and Ronald Ortiz who are in a domestic relationship,” the police report stated.

Harley was considered the aggresor, however, hence her booking for battery.

The Clark County District Attorney’s Office later confirmed to Us Weekly, however, that Harley would not face charges following the altercation “due to insufficient evidence.”

And just in case this doesn’t all sound insane enough, consider:

Jen and Ronnie spent July Fourth together!

We’re glad things have calmed down. We’re glad Ariana’s parents are on decent terms again.

But it’s only a matter of time until things blow up again, let’s be honest.

Ronnie and Jen need to come to an agreement and co-parent Ariana as best they can, without actually being together.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Kate Middleton Trash-Talks Meghan Markle Daily (Report)

Ever since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, there have been rumors about the former actress struggling to fit in with the royals.

These reports were inevitable of course, but they’ve been somewhat more vicious and persistent than we anticipated.

Insiders (or people purporting to be insiders, or tabloid columnists writing as imaginary insiders) claim that Meghan has breached royal protocol several times in her six weeks as a Duchess.

Naturally, these folks insist that the Queen is not happy with Meg’s performance thus far.

Kate Middleton, on the other hand, is reportedly loving every minute of it.

A source tells the never-reliable Star magazine that Kate has been “gleefully watching Meghan’s blunders from the sidelines.” 

Those blunders include such egregious offenses as wearing a dress that didn’t cover her shoulders.

Oh, and let’s not forget the time that Meghan tried to hold Harry’s hand in public!

We’re still clutching our pearls over that one.

Apparently, Kate is supposed to be helping Meghan out with all this confusing nonsense, but when the time came to lend her fellow lapsed peasant a hand, she was all like, nah:

“You’d think that as a fellow commoner, she’d be sympathetic to how Meghan is struggling, but Kate feels threatened by Meghan’s popularity,” the insider reveals.

“Kate takes potshots at Meghan every chance she gets and makes a point to tell the queen about all the things Meghan is doing wrong.”

Oh, what we would give to hear Kate flex that stiff upper lip to spit some royal zingers.

“Ay bish, you used to be on Suits but you couldn’t find a tailor for that baggy-ass wedding dress?”

“I heard you were a model on Deal on No Deal. Maybe you should’ve said no deal to that fugly hat.”

And so forth.

Anyway, it all sounds very far-fetched, but this isn’t the first report we’ve heard that Kate and Meg aren’t exactly beasties:

“Kate feels like Meghan has barely made any effort with her and is more interested in impressing [Queen Elizabeth],” a source recently told some tabloid called Closer Weekly.

“Kate feels left out. She spent years working on her image as ‘the perfect royal,’ and Meghan is stealing her thunder,” 

Yes, a real feud might be taking place among the duchesses.

If only we could convince them to star in a reality show about their beef.


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Johnny Depp"s Son Has a "Serious" Health Problem: Report

For several weeks now, fans have been concerned about Johnny Depp.

Based on multiple photos that depict the actor in a seemingly malnourished state, they’re feared the worst when it comes to Depp’s health.

It turns out, however, that these supporters were focused on the wrong member of the Depp family.

According to the French outlet Public, actress Vanessa Paradis recently missed the Paris premiere of her film A Knife in the Heart due to concern over her son Jack’s well-being.

Jack is 16 years old and Paradis shares the teenager with Depp.

“Unfortunately, Vanessa Paradis was not able to join us tonight, she had to be absent because of her son’s serious health problems,” the aforementioned movie’s director, Yann Gonzalez, told this outlet.

No one from either Depp’s camp nor Paradis’ camp has responded to this report.

Paradis and Depp dated from 1998 to 2012 and had two children during this time: 19-year-old Lily-Rose Depp and Jack, whose real name is John Christopher Depp III.

The actor does not play a prominent role in the lives of his kids.

This unfortunate news come as Depp is currently in Europe touring with his band The Hollywood Vampires.

The group, which includes music legends Joe Perry of Aerosmith fame, and Alice Cooper, has been globetrotting with stops in Russia and Germany.

It also comes about a week after Rolling Stone published an in-depth, personal and disturbing interview with the Pirates of the Caribbean star, in which Depp opened up about being “as low as I could have been” during the past couple of years.

The piece depicted Depp as a nearly-broke recluse who stays up all night (every night) and who is basically never not drinking wine or taking drugs.

“I was as low as I believe I could have gotten,” Depp told the publication, thinking back his emotional state in the middle of his failed marriage to Amber Heard, along with his floundering financial situation.

Depp has been accused on numerous occasions of abusing Heard.

There’s VIDEO FOOTAGE out there of the star shattering a wine glass in his then-wife’s presence and verbally berating her.

In his Rolling Stone interview, Depp admits that he thought he would die at various points over the last couple years.

He notes his split from Heard and subsequent monetary difficulties and says:

“The next step was, ‘You’re going to arrive somewhere with your eyes open and you’re going to leave with your eyes closed.’

“I couldn’t take the pain every day.”

Of course, it’s hard to feel too much sympathy for someone who allegedly spends $ 30,000 per month on wine and who owns 14 homes around the world.

Photographs such as the one directly above are what have led to speculation over Depp’s own health.

He appears frail and gaunt and, by his own admission, often drunk and/or high.

Based on this revealing Rolling Stone article, he doesn’t seem too anxious to make any changes, either.

Still, though, we naturally wish the very best to the actor’s son and hope he makes a full recovery.


Friday, June 22, 2018

Anthony Bourdain Toxicology Report: What Does It Reveal?

We have an update on the tragic suicide of Anthony Bourdain.

The celebrity chef and author, as you likely know by now, was hanged himself in his hotel room in Kaysersberg, France on June 8.

He was in the country filming an upcoming episode of CNN’s Parts Unknown at the time and his corpse was discovered by his close friend, French-born chef Eric Ripert. 

Bourdain left behind one daughter and was 61 years old.

With the entertainment and culinary world still in mourning over this shocking development, a new and critical piece of information has been made official.

A completed toxicology report for Bourdain has revealed that he had no narcotics in his system at the time of his death, a French judicial official told the New York Times on Friday afternoon.

The report states that the only thing found in the Peabody Award winner’s body was a trace of a non-narcotic medicine in a therapeutic dose.

Will this be comforting to those who knew Bourdain best? It’s hard to say.

On one hand, it may be helpful to know that he didn’t take his life due to some sort of drug-induced impulse.

On the other hand, this basically means he truly, legitimately, consciously wanted to die.

Earlier this week, Bourdain’s body was cremated in France, with this same newspaper writing that his remains and travel belongings were sent to Christopher, his younger brother and only sibling.

“He would want as little fuss as possible,” Bourdain’s mother, Gladys, said, adding that Bourdain’s relatives will likely gather together for a smaller, more private ceremony of their own at some point.

Gladys had previously revealed that she learned of Anthony’s death via a phone call from Christopher.

The late star had been open over the years about his history with substance abuse.

In the 1980s, Bourdain went from job to job at restaurants in New York City while struggling with a serious drug addiction, at one point even skimming his carpet for paint chips and smoking them, hoping they were remnants of crack, he told The New Yorker in a famous profile.

Bourdain entered rehab and eventually got clean in the early 1990s, yet continued to drink alcohol both on and off screen with no issues, he said.

“I was a heroin addict, for sure, and I was a cocaine addict, for sure, but I never stopped drinking,” he told People Magazine just this past February, adding:

“I never was a person who needed a drink. I’ve never felt the urge to. When I’m home it would never occur to me to sit at my house and drink beer, or pour myself a cocktail.”

Bourdain is survived by his girlfriend, Asia Argento, and his 11-year-old daughter, Ariane, whom he shared with his first ex-wife, Ottavia Busia.

Both Argento and Busia have issued statements in the wake of Bourdain’s suicide.

“Anthony gave all of himself in everything that he did,” said Asia on Twitter, concluding:

“His brilliant, fearless spirit touched and inspired so many, and his generosity knew no bounds. He was my love, my rock, my protector. I am beyond devastated.

“My thoughts are with his family. I would ask that you respect their privacy and mine.”


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Rachel Maddow Cries, Can"t Finish Report on Immigrant Kids

Rachel Maddow tried.

She really did.

Toward the end of her program on Tuesday night, the MSNBC commentator tried to read a breaking news update about the immigration crisis in America.

But the pundit grew overwhelmed by emotion while reading a report about how babies and toddlers were being taken away from their parents and placed by the government in special holding areas/shelters.

"This is incredible," Maddow said to open this segment, quickly reading a news update from the Associated Press and then relaying it ti viewers as follows:

"Trump administration officials have been sending babies and other young children…"

She could not maintain her composure, however, not in the face of the latest atrocity committed by this administration.

"Oh, hold on," she said midway through her sentence.

Maddow attempted to continue, but she ended up concluding her show and introducing the host of the following program, Lawrence O"Donnell, who was live in Brownsville, Texas.

After the emotional footage webt viral, Maddow took to Twitter to apologize for the breakdown and share an outline of what she intended to say during the broadcast.

"Ugh, I"m sorry," she wrote in a series of tweets, adding:

"If nothing else, it is my job to actually be able to speak while I"m on TV. What I was trying to do– when I suddenly couldn"t say/do anything  –  was read this lede."

Maddow then shared the entire story with her followers.

"Again, I apologize for losing it there for a moment.  Not the way I intended that to go, not by a mile," Maddow said to wrap up her mea culpa.

As you might expect, the incident has drawn sympathy from Liberals and mockery from Conservatives.

Some believe Maddow was being sincere and can absolutely relate to the heartache she is experiencing while learning that young kids are being torn away from their parents at the U.S. border…

… while others are scoffing at her waterworks and using them as an example of how lame bleeding-heart Democrats can be.

We"re not here to judge, really. Just to pass the clip along because it"s now a part of the national discourse.

Check it out for yourself above.

Rachel maddow breaks down on air cant finish report on immigrant

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Khloe Kardashian & Tristan Thompson: "Fighting Constantly," Finally Separating (Report)

From the moment the world learned that Tristan Thompson cheated on Khloe Kardashian, fans have been fervently imploring the new mom to kick her no-good baby daddy to the curb.

Remarkably, however, Khloe made the decision to try and work things out — and it’s playing out about as well as you might expect.

Khloe remained in Cleveland after welcoming daughter True Thompson, but that didn’t mean Tristan was fully forgiven.

Throughout his team’s playoff run Tristan resided in a hotel, while Khloe lived alone in his mansion.

Now the couple is cohabiting once again — but apparently, that won’t be the case for much longer.

“They’re both leaving Cleveland and heading to LA, but they’re going to live apart. They’ve been fighting nonstop,” a source close to the situation tells Life & Style.

They can’t get through one conversation without it turning into a huge argument.”

The insider says that despite her best efforts, Khloe simply can’t over Tristan’s betrayal:

“She can’t stop being angry at Tristan,” the source claims.

“Not living together is a clear sign that things aren’t going well.”

For his part, Tristan will reportedly follow Khloe to LA to be closer to his daughter and to try and make things work with Khloe.

But he’s apparently not too optimistic on that latter score.

Further complicating the situation is the fact that a subset of idiotic Cavs fans blame both Tristan and Khloe for the team’s defeat in the NBA finals:

“He’s been under a lot of fire from several different camps, accusing him of allowing his personal life to overwhelm his professional one, and although he’s tried to deny it, he really has to face up to the reality of it now,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“Tristan’s aware that as an athlete, especially one that plays at the level he does, he can not afford to lose his focus when he’s on court, but he did—he dropped the ball, figuratively, and literally, and now he’s paying the price for it.”

Yes, all season, Cav fans were concerned about the possibility of the “Kardashian Kurse” negatively impacting their beloved team.

Despite the fact that the Cavs went all the way to the finals while Tristan was dating Khloe, that foolishness has persisted.

Imagine being cheated on while pregnant and being told that you’re the one who brought bad luck on your partner.

Maybe the “Kardashian Kurse” should come to refer to Khloe and her sisters’ misfortune in choosing suitable male partners.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Nev Schulman Accuser Files Police Report Over Alleged Sexual Misconduct

Back in may, Catfish host Nev Schulman was accused of sexual misconduct.

The woman who brought forward her #MeToo story had appeared on the show, and says that she worried that he might do the same with other women.

Now, she has revealed that she filed her report about the alleged incident with the police.

Ayissha Morgan

Ayissha Morgan tells The Blast that she officially filed two police reports related to her allegations of sexual misconduct that she leveled towards Nev Schulman.

She says that both reports were filed on May 25.

The reports, filed with the Houston Police Department, were made “for what happened during my participation on the show.”

She accuses a production assistant of having plied her with alcohol in order to take advantage of her.

She also accuses Schulman, the host of Catfish, of having sexually harassed her.

(Though sexual harassment is never okay, it is important to note that Ayissha is openly gay, which adds another upsetting layer to the alleged harassment)

Speaking to The Blast, Ayissha explains what that process of speaking to the police was like.

“I have provided them with my statement and detailed accounts of what I went through.”

She has a general message for readers who are curious about her life — from her appearance on Catfish a few years ago and from her new accusations.

“I ask that you please respect my privacy moving forward.”

Of course.

She does not want to answer any more particular questions, in case it interfere with the police as they look into the matter.

“And allow those who are handling the investigation do so without interference.”

Of course. Investigators prefer to be the only ones asking questions.

When Ayissha published her accusations, she did so with a great deal of thought, and included a note, writing:

“I don’t want attention or money.”

So many accuse the accusers of hoping to somehow turn their accusations into fame and fortune, even though most of what accusers face is ridicule.

“Help me spread awareness.”

She admits that she feels tormented by the idea that Schulman may have harassed other women while she has remained silent.

“This is a serious topic that I would never lie about.”

Allegations of sexual misconduct is about as serious as it gets.

“That would be disgusting for me to lie about something as serious as this. Please understand.”

Schulman is said to have repeatedly verbally harassed Ayissha while the two were not on camera.

At one point, he allegedly told her:

“I have a big d–k. I would tear your a– up.”

There are situations in which that is an okay thing to say to a person. When you are a TV host and your guest is very much not interested is not one of those times.

Nev Schulman has denied the allegations.

MTV is making sure that Catfish does not have any further incidents by suspending production on the current season.

It is always smart to play it safe for many reasons, in terms of ethics, public image, and even potential liability issues.

Unfortunately, sexual misconduct is both extremely difficult to prove or disprove.

Ayissha Morgan may need to find a corroborating witness — perhaps she already has one — or at least an outcry witness in order for police to be able to build a case from her report.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Kate Spade Left a Suicide Note for Her Daughter: Report

A handful of new details have emerged in regard to the shocking and tragic death of Kate Spade.

As previously reported, the fashion icon seemingly committed suicide inside her Manhattan apartment on Tuesday morning, with Spade’s housekeeper finding her boss’s body around 10:20 a.m.

Spade was 55 years old.

The veteran handbag maker reportedly used a scarf tied to a bedroom door knob to take her own life.

She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Shortly after this horrible news went public, Kate Spade New York released the following statement via its official Twitter account:

Kate Spade, the visionary founder of our brand, has passed.

Our thoughts are with her family at this incredibly heartbreaking time. We honor all the beauty she brought into this world.

We can also now confirm that Spade’s husband was at the apartment when his wife’s body was discovered.

spade note

Spade was one of the world’s most famous fashion designers.

She was specifically known and respected for creating a line of handbags and jewelry in the 1990s… which blossomed into a fashion enterprise with over 140 retail stores across the United States.

Kate got her start in the 1980s, working for women’s magazine “Mademoiselle” in Manhattan.

Together with husband Andy (the brother of actor David Space), Spade launched Kate Spade Handbags in 1993; it eventually turned into a full-scale clothing and jewelry line.

Spade sold her company in 2007 and took some time off to raise her daughter.

However,  Kate then got back in the fashion game in 2016 by launching a new brand called Frances Valentine … named after her daughter, who’s now 13 years old.

This is especially relevant and sad at the moment because The New York Post reports that Kate did, in fact, leave a suicide note.

It mainly addressed her daughter, telling Frances that her suicide was NOT the teenager’s fault.

A police source, meanwhile, told this same newspaper that the suicide was due to “relationship problems.” We don’t feel comfortable speculating beyond that.

In response to this news, a number of celebrities have expressed their sadness and surprise on Twitter. Take fellow designer Liz Lange, for instance:

The nicest woman, the first person to compliment me on Liz Lange Maternity when I first started. And the creator of the most iconic brand. I am heart broken by this news.

And Chelsea Clinton:

My grandmother gave me my first Kate Spade bag when I was in college. I still have it. Holding Kate’s family, friends and loved ones in my heart.

And Tess Holliday:

Kate Spade & her brand have always been so kind to me the past couple years & I’m crushed to hear about her passing. Suicide isn’t ‘the easy way out’ and shouldn’t be mocked. My heart goes out to her family & team today.

And Ivanka Trump:

Kate Spade’s tragic passing is a painful reminder that we never truly know another’s pain or the burden they carry. If you are struggling with depression and contemplating suicide, please, please seek help.

If you or someone you know is in emotional distress or considering suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).


Jennifer Aniston Is PREGNANT WITH BRAD PITT"S BABY!!! (According to Ridiculous Tabloid Report)

These days, Jennifer Aniston is on the market, having recently ended her marriage to Justin Theroux.

Brad Pitt is not single, and is currently dating Neri Oxman, but will the internet let a few pesky facts interfere with news so fake it still stinks of the beluga and Smirnoff they serve for lunch at the Kremlin?

We think you know the answer to that question.

Yes, word on the social media street today is that Aniston is pregnant with Pitt’s baby.

While it’s fun to joke about every single nonsensical rumor originating in Moscow, it seems this report comes to us from Down Under.

Specifically, we can thank the Aussie tabloid Woman’s Day, which recently claimed that Brad and Jen are married, and has been pushing the “pregnant Jen” fan fiction since the days when Ross and Rachel were on a break.

This time, the report has picked up some added legitimacy thanks to OK! magazine, which made the baffling decision to run with the story.

“Jen: Yes I’m Pregnant — With Brad’s Baby!” exclaims the tabloid’s latest issue.

The piece itself uses the international language of BS to “report” on the story without ever stating a single fact.

“Sources are buzzing,” OK! claims, insisting that Aniston and Pitt are “finally on their way to becoming a family” while offering nothing in the way of evidence.

“During one of their romantic get-togethers that Jen surprised Brad with a proposal — to have a baby with her,” an “insider” contends.

“Of course he agreed.” 

Note that at no point does the source actually claim that Jen is pregnant.

The best OK! could do was find someone willing to claim that Pitt and Aniston talked about having a baby at one point.

The source went on to claim that the actors are “blissfully, if quietly, happy and planning next steps,” which doesn’t mean anything, and is not how people talk.

It might seem like we’re going particularly hard on OK! for doing what tabloids have done since time immemorial, but we’ve really reached the point where this particular rumor needs to be put to bed.

We know the tabloid media has a long history of pairing up celebs who have zero interest in one another romantically, but this magazine is particularly shameless when it comes to playing … OK! Cupid.

We’ll show ourselves out.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Mario Batali Under Criminal Investigation for Sexual Misconduct: Report

Mario Batali is reportedly being investigated by the NYPD for sexual misconduct after a woman came forward on ’60 Minutes’ to claim he’d sexually assaulted her.  Anderson Cooper spoke to a handful of women Sunday, one of whom anonymously…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Meghan Markle to Make "Bold Feminist Statement" at Royal Wedding (Report)

Well, folks, we’re just hours away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Predictions for what you can expect as the global media continues to foam at the mouth include:

Yet another rundown of how terrible Meghan’s family is; talking head-types pretending anyone actually watched the show Suits; and of course, painstaking second-by-second breakdowns of how the actual ceremony will play out, as though you’ve never seen a freakin’ wedding before.

To be fair, tomorrow’s ceremony is sure to be more interesting than royal weddings past, thanks largely to a last-minute curveball thrown by Meghan’s lame-ass dad.

As you may have heard, Thomas Markle will not be attending his daughter’s wedding for reasons that vary depending on whom you ask/believe.

The most likely explanation seems to be that Thomas is embarrassed that he was busted selling staged paparazzi photos to British media outlets, so he’s decided to make the situation worse by bailing on the wedding entirely.

The decision created quite a stir, as Thomas was supposed to symbolically give Meghan away before she joins Harry at the altar.

Fortunately, it wasn’t long before a suitable plan B emerged.

This morning it was reported that Prince Charles would walk Meghan down the aisle, but now it seems that’s only partially true.

CNN is now claiming that Meghan will “make a bold feminist statement” by proceeding down the first stretch of the aisle “unescorted.”

Of course, actual solitude is for peasants, and royals are never really alone, even when they’re “alone.”

So when CNN says “unescorted” they really mean Meghan will be joined by her bridesmaids and page boys, “with a senior church figure walking ahead.”

The Donald’s favorite news network also points out that Charles is no stranger to the task of walking blushing brides down the aisle.

In 2016, he escorted Alexandra Knatchbull during her wedding to Thomas Hooper – and who could forget the famed Knatchbull-Hooper wedding?

Just kidding, we have no idea who these people are.

Anyway, it’s cool that Meghan is using her time on the world’s biggest stage to make a statement that’s sure to inspire other young women.

But our favorite part of this story might be the fact that Harry’s grandfather, 96-year-old Prince Philip, will be in attendance less than two months after undergoing hip surgery.

We’re sure he’ll be there primarily to support his grandson and new granddaughter-in-law.

But we like to think he’s at least partially motivated by a desire to make Thomas Markle look like a little bitch.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

T.I. Came Looking for a Fight with Security Guard According to Police Report

T.I. was ready to fight the security guard who gave him grief when he tried to enter his own gated community … this according to the police report. According to the report, the security guard said T.I. pulled up at around 4 AM Wednesday. The guard…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

NFL"s Christian Kirk May Have Been Coked Up, Cop Says In Police Report

NFL rookie Christian Kirk was showing signs of cocaine use when he was arrested at a golf tournament in Arizona back in February … this according to the police report obtained by TMZ Sports.  Kirk — a 2nd round draft pick by the AZ…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Down to 98 Pounds as Family Begs Her to Stop Dieting (Report)

With all that’s been going on in the lives of Kim and Khloe Kardashian, it’s easy to forget about the comparatively drama-free existence of their eldest sister, Kourtney.

For years, Kourtney’s love life was the stuff of intense public interest, but these days, things have settled down considerably.

She’s still dating Younes Bendjima, and it seems that everything’s going well.

But that doesn’t mean Kourtney’s life doesn’t hold its share of challenges still.

The mother of three turned 39 last month, and those who know Kourtney best say the rapid approach of the big 4-0 is causing her considerable anxiety.

Kourtney has always prided herself on her flawless physique, and it seems she’s now having a hard time maintaining her ideal figure.

Insiders say Kourtney’s enthusiasm for exercise and dieting has developed into a full-blown obsession.

According to a report published today by Radar Online, Kourtney is down to 98 pounds and shows no signs of relenting in her weight loss efforts.

“She’s obsessed with portion control and eating only ‘clean food,"” one source tells the outlet.

The insider says Kourtney also drinks a gallon of water and exercises for three hours every day.

She also holds herself to a strict regimen of supplements, which includes “collagen supplements, daily probiotic shots and apple cider vinegar, which she believes speeds up metabolism, and everything is twice a day.”

This is not the first time that Kourtney’s diet has been a subject of scrutiny, and once again family and friends are deeply concerned about her health.

For his part, Bendjima has reportedly urged Kourtney to ease up on the dieting and exercise.

“Younes tells her she should have more curves, but she’s gone nuts and doesn’t know when to stop,” says the insider.

Well, “you should have more curves” probably isn’t something a person who’s struggling with body image issues needs to hear, but we guess it’s good that someone is urging Kourtney to go easy on herself.

After all, she really doesn’t need to lose any weight.

Kourt already shed 160 unwanted pounds when she finally dumped Scott Disick.


Friday, May 4, 2018

Jenelle Evans Almost Got SHOT During Road Rage Incident! (Report)

Earlier this week, reports about a Jenelle Evans road rage incident that nearly led to led to tragedy left Teen Mom 2 fans stunned.

Witnesses say Evans brandished a weapon and threatened to kill the other driver, all while her eldest son, Jace, was in the car with her.

Thankfully, no one was injured, but the incident is likely to carry major legal ramifications for Jenelle, and it looks as though it"ll at least result in the controversial reality star being fired from the series that made her famous.

Now, new details have emerged which confirm that Evans was the aggressor – and that she nearly paid the ultimate price.

1. Jenelle Being Jenelle

Jenelle pointing fingers

Last week, Jenelle was involved in a near-fatal encounter that reportedly began when another driver cut her off. Evans claims the motorist “intentionally” slammed on his brakes in front of her, hoping to cause an accident.

2. A New Level of Insanity

Jenelle evans sunglasses son jace

With her 8-year old son in the car, Jenelle pursued the other driver, eventually chasing him down a dirt road and onto his own property.

3. Flirting With Disaster

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

Now, the other driver is speaking out for the first time and revealing that Jenelle risked not only her life but the life of her son when she drove straight into an ambush situation.

4. Jenelle on the Warpath

Jenelle evans promotes weight loss tea

“She drove down my dirt road, way down in the woods to my house,” the driver tells Radar Online. “I didn’t know who was inside the car at the time. It could have been a carload of guys…the windows were tinted.”

5. It’s a Trap!

Jenelle eason gun photo

We knew from the start that the Jenelle situation got out of hand in a hurry, but what we didn’t know is that Jenelle came frighteningly close to being involved in a violent shootout.

6. Weapons All Around

Jenelle evans gun photo

“We didn’t know and we had to treat it for the worst possible situation,” claims the other driver. “My son was outside waiting in an azalea bush, he was armed, my wife was pulling in, she was armed, my cousin was out there and they were armed.”

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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Kim Kardashian "Wants a Divorce," Shocking Report Claims

Kim Kardashian is putting on a brave face in public.

She"s saying all the right things about Kanye West.

According to Life & Style, however, the reality star is not handling her husband"s apparent breakdown very well.

Far from it, in fact.

With Kanye blabbering on about Donald Trump and slavery and angering nearly everyone with a rational view of the world, Kardashian is reportedly weighing her options.

Could she really file for divorce from the father of her three kids?

Scroll down for a summary of the latest speculation…

1. Sigh. Where Do We Even Start Here?

Kimye ready to kiss

On April 15, Kanye returned to Twitter… and it was instantly weird. “The psychological zombie effect,” read Tweeted early on. “I’m super chaaaaaarged. Bout to take this whole thing to mars.”

2. It Got A LOT Crazier From There

Kanye west tweets about emma gonzalez

Kanye’s Twitter barrage went from sort of cute to scary and annoying when he praised Donald Trump frequently and said that blacks made the “choice” to be slaves.

3. But Still…

Kim kardashian serious on instagram

… Kim stuck by her husband’s side — in public. The media is “so quick to label him as having mental health issues for just being himself when he has always been expressive,” she Tweeted at one point.

4. In Private, However?

Kimye selfie time

We reported that Kim was considering an intervention, desperate to get through to Kanye in any way she possibly could; to help him seek professional assistance. Click on the above headline to read more about this story.

5. Just How Bad Have Things Gotten?

Their party of 5

“Kim is in talks with lawyers about getting a divorce,” a source exclusively tells Life & Style. “Kanye’s acting more unpredictable than ever. Things have gotten so bad that Kim and Kanye sleep in separate rooms.”

6. Peace Out, Kanye!

Kim kardashian on the instagram

This same report claims Kim will take the kids and go stay at Kris Jenner’s house when things get especially bad between the stars.

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