Showing posts with label Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Report. Show all posts

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Johnny Manziel Domestic Violence Photos & Report Released

The Dallas Police Dept. has released the entire Johnny Manziel domestic violence case files … complete with witness and victim statements … and photos of the victim’s injuries from the 2016 incident.  Manziel had been indicted for…


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Meghan Markle is a Total Bridezilla: Report

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are getting married one month from today.

Sorry, let us try that again, this time with the proper level of enthusiasm one should muster for such an announcement:


That’s better, don’t you think?

But even though one month is a very small period of time until the Royal Wedding bells ring, those close to Markle reportedly think it’s not small enough.

They wish the wedding were taking place tomorrow.

Because then they’d only have 24 hour left to deal what one source is describing as the ultimate Bridezilla.

Yes, this source is looking at you, Meghan Markle.

Meghan’s driving everyone crazy with her diva demands,” an insider tells Life & Style, adding of the bride-to-be:

“She’s a perfectionist, and she’s trying to control everything going on around her.”

This is the first time we’ve heard of Markle being described as basically anything other than kind, generous, loyal, lovely and loving.

Aside from those racist trolls who gave Meghan and Harry problems early on in their romance due to the former’s mixed heritage, Markle has received nothing but positive reviews for over a year now.

Everyone seems to adore her!

But weddings do have a way of causing such stress and tension for those prominently involved that it’s nearly impossible not to snap on occasion.

And those are just regular weddings; with, like 75 to 100 guests.

Markle and Harry will be getting married in front of thousands of people lining the London streets, as well as millions more watching from home.

According to this tabloid source, the former Suits actress feels a lot of pressure to follow “the rules of royal etiquette” on her big day, but is also “worried about her family being on their best behavior.”

This last part is a bit unusual, however, because we’re under the impression that almost no one from Markle’s family is invited.

Just last week, Markle’s controversial half-sister spoke out and complained about her lack of a wedding invite.

“Humanitarians move forward with love and kindness especially to Family,” Samanha Grant Tweeted about her snub, attempting to shame Markle into extending the invite.

So far, though, it has failed to work.

It is expected that Markle’s parents will be in attendance, with her mom actually walking her down the aisle instead of her dad.

This is because Thomas Markle is famously shy.

He and Meghan’s mother split a long time ago and Thomas now lives a very quiet life in Mexico. Sources have told The Sun that he’s afraid to face the “world’s glare” on May 19.

But face it he will, at least in some capacity.

Just like those complaining about Markle’s recent behavior, we’re guessing Thomas will be happy when the wedding day comes and then goes.

What about YOU?

Are you sick of all this Royal coverage?

Or do you wish there was even more of it?


Josh Duggar Still Controls Anna, Doesn"t Allow Her to Speak With Men (Report)

It’s been almost two years since the public learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls – four of whom were his sisters – while he was still living under his parents’ roof.

And in that time, Josh’s life has completely turned upside-down.

Josh has gone from reality star and high-powered lobbyist to used car lot attendant.

He no longer lives in the same town as his parents or worships at the same church.

In fact, about the only thing that’s remained constant in Josh’s life is his relationship with his long-suffering wife Anna.

Sources say that despite the fact that Anna has had every reason to divorce Josh, she remains steadfastly loyal to her disgraced husband.

Not only that, Josh is still the one who makes the rules in the relationship, and it’s Anna who is allowed little to no privacy.

According to one insider, one of the conditions of Anna being permitted to use Instagram and other social media platforms is that she hand over all of her passwords to Josh.

Yes, despite the fact that he never creates posts of his own, Josh reportedly has full access to Anna’s accounts.

We imagine he reads some pretty scathing messages from Anna fans who are critical of his past behavior.

And that’s just the beginning of Josh’s dictatorial control over his wife’s behavior.

Those who know the couple best say Anna is not allowed access to Josh’s money and must ask his permission before making any kind of purchase.

Duggar women aren’t allowed to hold jobs, but they are typically granted an allowance by their husbands.

Sources say that’s not the case with Anna, who isn’t even allowed to go grocery shopping without Josh’s say-so.

The most shocking rule that Anna is forced to follow, however, has to do with her interactions with the opposite sex.

Insiders claim that Anna is not allowed to converse with men outside of her extended family.

She is reportedly permitted to speak with Josh’s father and brothers, and that’s it.

Ironically, it seems this rule went into effect after Josh was caught cheating on his wife using the Ashley Madison dating website.

The situation is shocking, but it makes perfect sense, given the strictly patriarchal world in which the Duggars live.

Fans have urged Anna to run for the hills, but it seems that’s the last thing on her mind these days.

It’s easy for those of us on the outside to offer counsel, but it’s important to bear in mind that for Anna and her sisters-in-law, this is the only world they’ve ever known.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Goes Into Labor Amidst Tristan Thompson Cheating Scandal (Report)

It’s been quite a roller coaster 24 hours for Khloe Kardashian.

Last night, several media outlets reported that Cleveland Cavaliers forward Tristan Thompson cheated on Khloe on multiple occasions over the past six months.

Khloe is currently pregnant with her first child, and TMZ reported moments ago that she’s experiencing contractions and is now headed to a Cleveland hospital to give birth.

The outlet reports that Khloe’s due date is sometime in late April, but her family and medical team believe the baby could arrive as early as this afternoon.

TMZ is also confirming that Khloe’s mother and sisters are currently headed to Cleveland in preparation for the birth.

Kris Jenner has reportedly been shuttling back and forth between Cleveland and Los Angeles all week in order to keep tabs on Khloe’s progress.

As for Tristan, he’s scheduled to help his team close out their regular season at home against the New York Knicks tonight.

We’re guessing he’ll skip the game, however, if Khloe goes into labor.

We’re also guessing the Kards aren’t too thrilled about the fact that Khloe relocated to Cleveland for Tristan.

Sources say the entire family is outraged over the allegations against Tristan, particularly the rumors that Thompson impregnated one of his mistresses.

“They are heartbroken for Khloé. They didn’t realize how deceptive Tristan could really be,” a source tells People.

Of course, Khloe is a Kardashian, which means many on social media are skeptical about the timing of all this high drama.

“Soooooo that video of Tristan Thompson cheating on Khloe is from October but it just now comes out while khloe is due to give birth any day and they’re shooting another season of KUWTK the devil works hard but not harder than Kris Jenner,” one Twitter user joked.

We understand the skepticism, but we doubt even Kris and company would go so far as to fabricate this sad situation.

Drama might be their bread and butter, but this is the stuff of soap operas.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Friday, April 6, 2018

UFC"s Michael Chiesa Files Police Report Against Conor McGregor After Bus Attack

One of the UFC fighters Conor McGregor injured during his window-smashin’ bus attack at the Barclays Center has filed a police report against the Irishman … TMZ Sports has learned.  Our sources say Michael Chiesa — who was…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Ex-NFL Player Dimitri Patterson Tackled Cop, Police Report Says

ESPN ain’t sweatin’ the $ 50 million defamation lawsuit filed by ex-NFL player Dimitri Patterson … because the police report obtained by TMZ Sports essentially confirms their story about Patterson’s insane courtroom arrest.  Patterson sued…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Ed Westwick: Fourth Accuser Files Sexual Assault Report with Police

Last year, actress Kristina Cohen shared her #MeToo story, and accused Ed Westwick of rape.

Then another woman came forward. And then another. And then another. Each story about Westwick was horrifying.

The fourth woman to accuse him, Haley Freedman, has taken the next step and filed a police report.

Haley Freedman was the fourth to come forward about Ed Westwick.

Us Weekly reports that they can confirm that Freedman has now filed a report with police.

A statement that they received from a representative for Freedman states:

“I can confirm Haley filed a police report on Wednesday, regarding allegations that Ed Westwick raped her.”

The statement goes on to describe the next step in her quest for justice.

“She will be meeting with the district attorney next week.”

Kristina Cohen accused Ed Westwick of rape.

In addition to reporting it to police, Cohen bravely came forward with her story of napping in his guest room during a social visit … only to wake up with him on top of her.

Aurelee Wynn is a former actress. She was a friend of a girl who was dating Westwick’s roommate at the time, and she was invited over.

Though she included fewer graphic details than Cohen did, Wynn’s accusation against Ed Westwick involved him allegedly holding her down and tearing the one-piece that she was wearing in order to assault her.

And then there’s the story of former executive assistant Rachel Eck, who accused the Gossip Girl actor of assaulting her before the 2014 Academy Awards.

She says that he was pawing at her and trying to kiss her whenever her ex boyfriend left the room at a social gathering, and that he ignored her efforts to brush him off.

Eck says that he later lured her away in an effort to apologize to her, which is when he allegedly forced her onto the bed and violently groped her.

Fortunately, Eck says that she was eventually able to shove him off and leave.

Haley Freedman is a former stylist who accuses Westwick of making her his sex slave by refusing to allow her to leave.

She says that what began as consensual sex escalated when he asked her to treat him violently, because she refused.

When she declined to choke and spit on him, he allegedly became violent with her, giving her that treatment.

Though she says that she wanted to escape, she says that he detained her, delaying her departure so that he could continue to use her for sex.

It’s a horrifying, stomach-churching accusation.

And, again, this is the fourth woman to accuse Westwick of the unforgivable.

However, a source close to Freedman revealed to Us Weekly that, in her quest for justice, she went to the police “prepared with evidence including personal medication information from her doctors to back up her claims against Ed Westwick.”

We can only speculate as to what form that evidence might take, but sexual assault cases often lack physical evidence — which is why so many rapists avoid convictions or even prosecutions.

For those who hope to see Westwick answer for these allegations, this is good news.

“The police report will remain confidential since there is private medical information that Haley handed over.”

The source continues, saying:

“Haley plans on meeting with prosecutors next week and is fully cooperating with authorities.”

Ed Westwick has posted now-deleted denials about these alleged incidents of rape and sexual assault, saying things like:

“I have never forced myself in any manner, on any woman. I certainly have never committed rape.”

He has since deleted this message from social media.

The reason for that deletion is almost certainly on advice from his attorney, Blair Berk. 

(This isn’t a traffic violation, folks, so let’s not make any Chuck and Blair jokes, please)

Attorneys rarely want their clients making any statements on social media.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Prince Toxicology Report: New Death Details Emerge

We’re coming up on the two-year anniversary of Prince passing away.

It still seems impossible to believe, but the legendary musician died at the age of 57 in April of 2016.

Music fans around the world are still mourning his demise.

We learned several weeks after Prince left us that he died of an opiod overdose.

Following a few days in the hospital due to flu-like symptoms at the time, the singer was released to his home in Minnesota that spring…

… where he was eventually found unconscious in the elevator of his famous Paisley Park mansion.

The DEA found prescription bottles in Prince’s possession shortly after his death, with information later coming out that revealed Prince was prescribed heavy doses of Oxycodone just six days before he died.

In addition to the medication found in a suitcase of the artist’s, investigators also discovered opioids in various parts of Paisley Park; and also stored in containers other than pill vials, including vitamin bottles.

Simply put, there were drugs EVERYwhere inside of Prince’s home.

And now we actually have new information about the drug that most likely, most directly led to Prince passing away.

The Associated Press has made public a toxicology report that details the levels of fentanyl flowing through the star’s body on the day he died.

According to this report, the concentration of fentanyl in Prince’s blood was 67.8 micrograms per liter.

What does this mean, exactly? Just how far above the norm is this figure?

The document notes others have died from as little as three micrograms per liter; and as high as 58.

So you don’t need to be a medical expert in order to understand that this was an extreme overdose.

However, the Associated Press did talk to a medical expert – Dr. Lewis Nelson of Rutgers New Jersey Medical School – who referred to the level of fentanyl in Prince’s blood “exceedingly high.”

This would be true even a patient in chronic pain.

Indeed, it is not believed that Prince committed suicide.

It is believed that he simply took far too much medication to deal with whatever health issues had been plaguing him at the time.

(For the record: Fentanyl is an opioid that is used as a pain medication, typically together with other medications, for anesthesia. It has a rapid onset and effects generally last less than an hour or two.

It is 50 times more powerful than heroin.)

No one has been charged in Prince’s death just yet, not the doctor(s) who prescribed the drug or anyone who may have worked for the singer who helped him obtain the medication.

Last week, the lead prosecutor in the county where Prince died said in a statement that he was reviewing law enforcement reports and would make a decision on whether to charge anyone “in the near future.”

May the artist continue to rest in peace.


Prince"s Confidential Toxicology Report Shows High Levels of Fentanyl at Time of Death

Prince had “exceedingly high” levels of fentanyl in his system at the time of his death, according to a new toxicology report obtained by the Associated Press. The report — which is said to have been confidential — gives a glimpse into just how…


Prince"s Confidential Toxicology Report Shows High Levels of Fentanyl at Time of Death

Prince had “exceedingly high” levels of fentanyl in his system at the time of his death, according to a new toxicology report obtained by the Associated Press. The report — which is said to have been confidential — gives a glimpse into just how…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Vanessa Trump FLIPPED OUT at Aubrey O"Day: Report

According to multiple recent reports, Aubrey O’Day often lay down for Donald Trump Jr.

That is, the singer carried on a months-long affair with the businessman between 2011 and 2012.

Now, however, a new report alleges that Vanessa Trump did NOT just lie down and cower when confronted with this news about her husband.

Quite the opposite, Us Weekly writes: she fought back!

The magazine alleges that Vanessa discovered a number of emails between Donald Jr. and O’Day that led her to believe the pair were sleeping together behind her back.

Upon learning this troubling information, she actually called up O’Day and confronted the artist, telling her to leave her husband alone.

But that’s not all:

“She called Aubrey with her kids on the phone,” an insider actually says, explaining that Vanessa’s intent was to shame O’Day away from Donald Jr.

Adds another source:

“Vanessa went crazy and was super jealous.”

If this report is true, and if our timeline is accurate, then Vanessa called Aubrey with two kids on the phone because she was pregnant with her third at the time.

Neither O’Day nor either of the Trumps has spoken out on the strong rumor of this affair.

But the story went viral just a few days after Vanessa filed for divorce from Donald Trump Jr.

The son of President Donald Trump, Junior served as an “Adviser” on Season 5 of Celebrity Apprentice, which is where and how he met O’Day.

Don Jr. “pursued [Aubrey]. It was him who chased her,” an insider told The New York Post this week, adding:

“He told her that his marriage was already in the process of dissolving.”

This same newspaper wrote that the affair finally ended after The Donald himself told his son, very simply, to knock it the heck off.

Again, no one involved in this scandal has confirmed or denied its existence.

HOWEVER, O’Day actually released a song in 2013 titled “DJT.”

Those are Donald Trump’s initials.

Moreover, the lyrics read very much like someone scorned about a former romance, with the hook, for example, going as follows:

I hate me for loving you, hate you for letting our love die.

Take a listen below:

Speaking on the romance to Us Weekly, another source says:

“When it started, he and Aubrey were very serious all of a sudden. He told her it was over with his wife, that they were separated and he didn’t love her – all of that stuff.”

And the former Danity Kane singer bought in, hook, line, sinker, heart and penis.

“Aubrey fell for him hard,” adds this insider. “She thought they were going to be together for real.”

That would explain the bitter single above, we guess.

Following her separation from Trump, Vanessa has only said the following, as part of a joint statement with her estranged shady husband:

After 12 years of marriage, we have decided to go our separate ways.

We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families. We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority.

We ask for your privacy during this time.


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Jodie Sweetin Files Police Report After Security Chases Man on Roof

Jodie Sweetin’s real-life home nearly turned into a full-blown house of horrors after she heard footsteps on the roof — but her security saved the day … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us … Jodie called cops last week after her…


Saturday, March 3, 2018

LaVar Ball Calls Out Donald Trump Over Report the President Didn"t Help LiAngelo in China

LaVar Ball’s taking a shot at 45 once again … this time over the report that Donald Trump didn’t really do anything to free his son in China after he got caught shoplifting. As TMZ Sports reported … LaVar refused to thank the Prez back in…


LaVar Ball Calls Out Donald Trump Over Report the President Didn"t Help LiAngelo in China

LaVar Ball’s taking a shot at 45 once again … this time over the report that Donald Trump didn’t really do anything to free his son in China after he got caught shoplifting. As TMZ Sports reported … LaVar refused to thank the Prez back in…


Friday, February 23, 2018

Josh Duggar: Still a Pervert, Still Making Anna Miserable (Report)

It’s been almost three years since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters.

Initially, it looked as though the scandal would bring an end to the Duggars’ wildly lucrative media empire, especially after Josh was caught cheating on his wife using an online account he created solely for that purpose.

In that time, the rest of Josh’s family has gone to great pains to distance themselves from the disgraced former lobbyist.

He rarely appears on any of his siblings’ social media pages, and the Duggars have gone to such great lengths to keep Josh off their popular reality show that he was once digitally erased from a scene in Counting On.

These days, Josh works on a used car lot owned by his father, and while he’s still invited to family functions, sources say he’s mostly cut off from his siblings and parents.

Along with his wife and five children, Josh lives in a separate town, attends a separate church, and has little involvement in the day-to-day lives of his more famous family members.

Josh’s parents helped him to avoid criminal prosecution, but there’s a modicum of comfort in knowing he has at least paid some small price for his deplorable actions.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that Josh’s exile had led him to change his ways.

In a recent discussion on Reddit, one verified user described himself thusly:

“I live in Springdale and my uncle and aunt go to the same home church as the Duggars. They’ve attended my church multiple times and I’ve hung out with them at family camps and home school retreats a lot.

“There seems to be a huge misconception that they’re insane (I grew up around this so my definition is probably different than yours) but if you have any questions I can try to clear anything up to the best of my ability.”

He encouraged other users to ask him questions about the Duggars’ lifestyle and not surprisingly, it wasn’t long before the conversation turned to Josh.

Asked if the family seems hapy despite the tumultuous events of the past three years, the Springdale resident had this to say:

“Honestly, yes, the only one who seems like she’s miserable is Anna. And as someone who has met Josh multiple times, he’s not someone who seems like he’d be a whole lot of fun to be married too.”

He elaborated:

“[Josh] just stares at every girl he meets like she is an object for him to do something with.”

“Most of the Duggar boys are very respectful and are good at keeping their eyes up — Josh never has been, and I know he was reprimanded a lot for his wandering eyes as a kid,” the source adds.

Obviousy, it’s disturbing to think that Josh’s parents may have ignored early warning signs of potentially deviant behavior.

But it’s even more disturbing to think the father of five may not have changed his ways. 

Sadly, with the wall of secrecy the Duggars have built up around themselves, it seems extremely unlikely that any further misconduct from Josh would ever become public knowledge.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Mark Cuban Fined $600k for Tanking After Harassment Report

Mark Cuban was just fined $ 600k by the NBA for openly admitting to tanking … less than 24 hours after a bombshell report was released exposing “predatory sexual behavior” in the Mavs’ workplace. “Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has been fined…


Mark Cuban "Embarrassed" After Report Slams Mavericks Office, "Corrosive, Misogynistic"

Mark Cuban says he’s already begun firing and suspending Dallas Mavericks front office employees over a Sports Illustrated article that paints the company as a nightmare place for female employees.  The article came out late Tuesday and…


Monday, February 19, 2018

President Trump Blasts "Insecure" Oprah"s "60 Minutes" Report, Hopes She Runs Against Him

President Trump is ripping Oprah the journalist — for her report on his first year in office — but says he’s looking forward to defeating Oprah the candidate. Trump, apparently, changed the channel on his TV Sunday night just long enough to catch…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Paul Marciano Alleged Victim Files Report With NYPD

A model claiming Guess co-founder Paul Marciano sexually harassed her and passed her off to Mohamed Hadid who allegedly date raped her has filed a report with NYPD … TMZ has confirmed. We’re told Miranda Vee met with NYPD detectives…


Monday, February 12, 2018

August Ames Toxicology Report: Late Porn Star Had Cocaine, Other Drugs in Her System

In early December of 2017, porn actress August Ames committed suicide following a series of controversial tweets that nearly tore the porn industry in half.

This tragedy was mourned by both her supporters and her detractors, but some pointed the finger at the online backlash that she had received.

Now, the toxicology report has finally been completed. What light does this shed on her death at 23?

It all started with a tweet, when August Ames shared what she believed was a warning to fellow porn actresses:

“whichever (lady) performer is replacing me tomorrow for @EroticaXNews , you’re shooting with a guy who has shot gay porn, just to let cha know. BS is all I can say? Do agents really not care about who they’re representing? #ladirect I do my homework for my body.”

Yes, she was wrong, and we’ll get into that in a moment. But that does not in any way make her death less tragic.

She went on to defend herself from the backlash.

“NOT homophobic. Most girls don’t shoot with guys who have shot gay porn, for safety. That’s just how it is with me. I’m not putting my body at risk, i don’t know what they do in their private lives.”

It’s no secret that the porn industry can be miserable for women. It sounds like it might not be that fun for bisexual men, either.

“How am I homophobic if I myself am attracted to women? Not wanting to have sex with gay men is not homophobic; they don’t want to have sex with me either. So byeeeee.”

August then tried to slam people, particularly within her own industry, for what she perceived as hypocrisy and mixed messages.

“‘Choose who YOU want to work with’ ‘Don’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable’ ‘Share your thoughts’ Hmm. Well, I did all three, and twitter took a dump on me.”

For the record, though that is all good advise, if the thoughts that you want to share are bigoted or even just appear to be so, it might be a good time to not speak up. But, again, we sincerely wish that she were still alive.

“I don’t have anything to apologize for! Apologizing for taking extra steps to ensue that my body stays safe? F–k you guys attacking me when none of my intentions were malicious. I fucking love the gay community! What the f–k ever! I CHOOSE who I have inside my body. No hate.”

She tweeted something not unusual to see on a porn star’s Twitter, but some wondered if it was how she was coping with the backlash:

“Coffee & weed.”

Finally, August Ames sounded fed up:

“F–k y’all.”

The backlash was intense. Too intense, in fact.

Obviously, everyone has the right to refuse sex to anyone, at any time, for any reason.

But people can also have some truly terrible reasons.

Some porn stars will refuse to film scenes with black men for fear that it will “lower their value” as performers and cause them to get paid less in the future.

(Yeah, it’s horrifying — that’s perhaps less of an indictment of the women who decline than it is of all of society for being racist)

In this case, we’re talking about a bigoted belief that a man who films porn with other men but undergoes the same STI screening that she does — is any more likely than any other porn star to have HIV.

It’s not true — anal sex increases the risk of HIV transmission relative to venereal intercourse, but obviously that doesn’t preclude straight porn stars from getting infected. Particularly those who film anal scenes with women.

At what point does backlash amount to bullying? That can be difficult to determine.

But August Ames’ cause of death was suicide by hanging. It is difficult to look at her tragic death as anything but the consequence of the controversy that preceded it.

Remember when we suggested that her toxicology report might shed further light on her state of mind when she took her own life?

The Blast obtained August Ames’ toxicology report, and her system contained signs that she had taken:

-Sertraline (generic Zoloft, a pretty standard SSRI antidepressant)

-Alprazolam (which is just generic Xanax)



-Seizure medication

Coupled with the knowledge that August Ames had attempted suicide in the past, it appears that the controversy and ensuing backlash were related to her death … but hardly the sole cause.

When someone struggles with suicidal depression, they don’t always need an excuse. One might conclude that the controversy was a catalyst, but that’s a guess at the most.

From that list of drugs, it appears that August was using both prescription and non-prescription means of attempting to combat her anxiety (with alprazolam and marijuana and likely the seizure medication) and to beat a particularly bad depressive episode (the sertraline and cocaine).

We all long for a day when people hold more enlightened views. We also long for a day when people on social media understand nuance and compassion and can show a modicum of chill.

The backlash could have been a discussion. Perhaps then, August Ames wouldn’t have died at 23.
