Showing posts with label Sarah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah. Show all posts

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Jim Carrey Shares Portrait of "Monstrous" Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Jim Carrey has apparently broken into the theme park caricature painting game — and his latest creation is quite the monstrosity … Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The actor shared a photo this weekend of a portrait he painted of President Trump’s Press…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Kim Cattrall vs Sarah Jessica Parker: Andy Cohen Says It"s Not a Catfight

What began as a missing person"s case has ended in tragedy. Kim Cattrall"s brother has died at 55

When Kim"s former costar, Sarah Jessica Parker, reached out with her condolences, Kim Cattrall shot her down. 

As you can hear below, no one is more flabbergasted at this than Andy Cohen, who has waded into this feud to defend Sarah Jessica Parker.

Kim cattrall

After Sex and the City actress Kim Cattrall"s missing brother"s body was discovered, she shared the crushing news on Instagram.

Among the flurry of sympathetic responses was a comment from Sarah Jessica Parker.

"Dearest Kim, my love and condolensces to you and yours and Godspeed to your beloved brother. xx"

Kim"s reply was … intense.

"I don’t need your love or support at this tragic time @sarahjessicaparker."

The message, a full post on Instagram, continued, and Kim Cattrall made herself every clear.

"Let me make this VERY clear. (If I haven’t already) You are not my family. You are not my friend."

That"s … extremely harsh.

"So I’m writing to tell you one last time to stop exploiting our tragedy in order to restore your ‘nice girl’ persona."

While Kim Cattrall is certainly grieving, the level of enmity here is palpable. And it"s also nothing new.

This is where Andy Cohen comes in, speaking on his SiriusXM channel, Radio Andy.

"I thought it was fake. I was like, ‘There’s no way Kim Cattrall has posted this on her Instagram.’ This is a women who is in the middle of grieving the loss of her brother, which is tragic and sad."

It is a crushing loss. But Kim really did post that on Instagram.

"She accused SJP of exploiting a tragedy … She follows Kim on Instagram, Kim posted about her brother dying, and she expressed her condolences on the post … She posted it in a comment!"

Posting it in a comment, which is quickly buried under other comments and doesn"t draw people to your own page, is generally seen as more respectful if you"re walking on eggshells and don"t want to be accused of exploiting a situation.

Andy Cohen goes on and continues to express his bewilderment.

"I would not call that ‘exploiting a tragedy.’ What was she supposed to do? Say something bad? I mean, I don’t understand."

Most people are lucky enough to not understand what Kim Cattrall is going through, but that doesn"t necessarily excuse an entire post dedicated to blasting a former friend over condolences.

"I also don’t like it that people are characterizing this as a catfight."

The way that Andy sees things, it takes two to tango, this thing — whatever it is — seems to be very one-sided.

"There’s only one person fighting here … I even kind of, admittedly, didn’t try to stir it up on Watch What Happens Live when Sarah was on, but I was like, ‘What do you think?’ Sarah only said the nicest things about her … It’s a catfight of one from where I see it."

Admittedly, we"re inclined to feel the same way as Andy does — rudeness and hostility on this level is shocking.

At the same time, if someone"s made it clear that they don"t want you in any way to be part of your life, it"s good to respect that, even if you find it hurtful or unfair.

Even so — one wonders what sorts of things people would say about Sarah Jessica Parker if it became known that she had said nothing about Kim"s loss. It"s a no-win situation.

Listen to the rest of Andy"s comments and decide for yourself if you agree with his characterizations.

Kim cattrall vs sarah jessica parker andy cohen says its not a c

Chris Noth Is Bigger Person in Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall Fight

Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker might want to follow their old co-star Chris Noth’s lead when it comes to the next step in their bitter feud. We got Chris — who played SJP’s “Sex and the City” BF — Monday night in…


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Kim Cattrall Sends VERY Clear Message to Sarah Jessica Parker

Kim Cattrall was known on Sex and the City for portraying a character who always spoke her mind.

And it’s now evident that that the role of Samantha Jones was a bit of type-casting, considering the simple and direct share Cattrall just hurled in the direction of a former co-star.

In a very straightforward Instagram message shared on Saturday morning, for ex-HBO star addressed Sarah Jessica Parker, the former lead on the series that made both women very rich and very famous.

“My Mom asked me today “When will that @sarahjessicaparker, that hypocrite, leave you alone?” opened Cattrall on social media.

She then set her sights specifically on Parker and wrote:

“Your continuous reaching out is a painful reminder of how cruel you really were then and now. Let me make this VERY clear. (If I haven’t already):

You are not my family. You are not my friend.

“So I’m writing to tell you one last time to stop exploiting our tragedy in order to restore your ‘nice girl’ persona.”

The bold up above is our own because thought these words required emphasis.

cattrall message

There had long been rumored tension between Cattrall and Parker, dating back to when the actress co-starred on Sex and the City the TV show.

They put aside their differences for many seasons, however, and then also through a pair of movies.

But everything blew up publicly last fall after Parker told Extra that a script had been penned for Sex and the City 3 and that everyone was on board to film…

… except for Cattrall.

She referred to this hold out as “disappointing.”

Cattrall then took exception to Parker taking her beef public, considering Kim says she was never, ever open to shooting another movie.

She held no bitter feeling. She even encouraged producers to find another actress for Samantha.

She had simply moved on — and here was Parker, taking her to task for simply making a personal and professional decision.

“At this very moment it’s quite extraordinary to get any kind of negative press about something that I’ve been saying for almost a year of ‘no’ that I’m demanding or a diva,” Cattrall told Piers Morgan in an interview last October, adding of Parker in particular:

“And this is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, in that I think she could have been nicer.”

So it was obvious at that time that the stars weren’t very close.

But then Cattrall’s brother went missing and was eventually found dead.

In response to the tragedy, Parker wrote the following on Instagram:

Dearest Kim, my love and condolences to you and yours and Godspeed to your beloved brother. Xx.

sjp note

This appears to be the basis for Cattrall’s latest message.

She feels as though Parker wasn’t being sincere, pretending as if she and Cattrall were good friends when, in reality, they are anything but.

Wrote Cattrall shortly after she learned of her brother’s death:

“It is with great sadness that myself and my family announce the unexpected passing of our son and brother, Chris Cattrall.

“At this time we ask for privacy but we want to thank you all on social media for your outpouring of love and support in this trying time.”

Did Parker mean well with her Instagram reply to this confirmation?

Or was she exploiting the sad situation for PR sake, to make it look like she’s a caring individual when, according to Cattrall, there’s no relationship of any kind about which Parker should care.

It’s clear on which side of this debate Cattrall falls.

And it’s also now VERY clear that there will no Sex and the City 3, not with Cattrall as Jones at least.


Kim Cattrall Attacks Sarah Jessica Parker, "You Are Not My Friend"

One thing in in this crazy world is clear … Kim Cattrall hates Sarah Jessica Parker’s guts. Kim just went on the attack against her “Sex and the City” co-star … this after Parker went on social media and TV to offer condolences to her after the…


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Sarah Silverman Says PETA Should Chill About Grammy Puppy Giveaway

Sarah Silverman rolled her eyes at PETA for pissing on the puppy gag at the Grammys. We got the funny lady Tuesday at LAX and asked about PETA bitching that James Corden handed out pups as a consolation prize. PETA thinks it was…


Friday, January 12, 2018

James Franco Accuser Sarah Tither-Kaplan Wants Apology, "I Still Have Love for Him"

One of James Franco’s accusers is willing to forgive him if he publicly owns up to the sexual misconduct she says she experienced on a movie set. Sarah Tither-Kaplan tells TMZ, “I don’t hate James. I still have love for him.” She’s reacting to…


Sarah Silverman Explains Why She Paid Medial Bills for Befriended Twitter Troll

Sarah Silverman is able to look past the conduct of a man who went on social media and called her a “c***” … she says because the poor guy is suffering with no financial ability to ease the pain.  We got the comedian at LAX Thursday and…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Sarah Michelle Gellar Accused of "Abuse" by Trolliest of Trolls

To quote Jerry Seinfeld from an episode of his beloved sitcom:

People. They"re the worst.

At least some people on some occasions, that is.

Sarah Michelle Gellar recently found this out the unfortunate way after sharing what seemed like a cute and harmless photo of her son on Instagram.

As you"re about to find out below, however, this is not how some social media trolls interpreted the picture…

1. The Actress Has Two Children

The actress has two children

Sarah Michelle Gellar has two kids with husband Freddie Prince Jr., a daughter named Charlotte and a son named Rocky. This sad story centers on the latter five-year old.

2. How Dare She?!?

How dare she

Gellar shared some images on Snapchat of Rocky getting his nails done. What a fun thing to do with his mother, right?!? Wrong, according to Internet critics.

3. They Match!

They match

The former Buffy the Vampire Slayer star and her son got a matching color. But these trolls weren’t exactly focused on that cute fact.

4. Look at Me!

Look at me

Rocky seemed pretty happy about his nails. But, again, certain sections of the Internet do not care about a child’s happiness, only about their warped ideas of right and wrong.

5. Here Comes the Hate…

Here comes the hate

Yup, Gellar was totally “brainwashing” her son. This was part of a larger, evil plan; not simply a fun mother/son outing.

6. Yes, Outlawed

Yes outlawed

This individual wants to make it ILLEGAL for a mother to take her son to the nail salon. THIS, of all things, is apparently “child abuse.”

View Slideshow

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Sarah Silverman Saddened by Al Franken"s Last Day in the Senate

Sarah Silverman is sad Sen. Al Franken was forced to resign, and pissed President Trump hasn’t had the decency to do the same. We got Sarah at LAX Monday and asked her about her old pal who officially stepped down Tuesday…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Sarah Hyland Should"ve Checked Website Before Blasting CVS

Sarah Hyland put CVS on blast for leaving her hanging on crucial meds she needed, but the pharmacy is firing back, saying the mix-up was her own damn fault. Sarah tore into CVS earlier this week after she said a Studio City location never notified…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Track Palin Allegedly Assaulted His Father, Sarah Palin Called Cops

Sarah Palin’s oldest son allegedly broke into his parents’ house and beat his dad bloody until cops showed up and busted him … TMZ has learned. According to an affidavit by the arresting officer, Sarah called police in Wasilla, Alaska Saturday…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Sarah Palin"s Oldest Son, Track Palin, Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges

Sarah Palin’s oldest son has been arrested again on charges of domestic violence … the second time he’s been busted in 2 years. Track Palin was reportedly arrested Saturday in Wasilla, Alaska and arraigned on 3 separate charges — felony…


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sarah Hyland Texts On Disneyland"s Big Thunder Mountain Roller Coaster

Sarah Hyland seemed less than impressed with Big Thunder Mountain. Sarah was celebrating her birthday Saturday at Disneyland with boyfriend Wells Adams.  Wells was having a blast, but Sarah was lost in her iPhone as the car in which she was…


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams Go Urban

Sarah Hyland and new BF Wells Adams hit up Urban Outfitters Friday and found what they were looking for. The freshly minted couple was perusing the isles for clothes and housewares.  The “Modern Family” star and the “Bachelor” contestant have…


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

"Modern Family" Star Sarah Hyland Enjoys Major PDA with "Bachelor" BF

Sarah Hyland and her bf, Wells Adams, had a busy Tuesday … a little PDA, a little chit chat, and lots of pizza stuffin. The “Modern Family” star spent the bulk of her Tuesday all over L.A. with the former ‘Bachelor’ contestant. They…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Mike Huckabee Gushes Over Daughter Sarah Huckabee Sanders Like a Kardashian

Mike Huckabee might be better at cheerleading for his kid than Kris Jenner is for hers … ‘cause he was raving about Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the job she’s doing for Trump. We got the former Arkansas gov. and two-time presidential hopeful…


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Sarah Hyland Rails Against Plastic Surgery Rumors, Makes Surprising Bisexual Admission

Sarah Hyland may make viewers laugh for a living as a series regular on Modern Family.

But there’s something the young actress does not find funny at all.

And that something is this: Chatter around the Internet that she’s undergone plastic surgery.

On Wednesday, the 26-year-old actress went off on an article that featured “plastic surgery experts” weighing in on whether she had work done.

The article was included within the pages of supermarket tabloid Life & Style.

“THIS MAKES ME SO MAD to have [doctors] give their opinion ON MY FACE is absolutely ridiculous and degrading,” she tweeted. “F-ck off.”

Citing medical concerns, just like she did back when she slammed talk that she’s anorexic, Hyland continued to blast the erroneous plastic surgery claim, adding via Twitter:

“I have had the worst medical year of my life and to create an entire article surrounding the question of if I’ve had plastic surgery is the MOST insulting thing.

“Adding insult to injury, you have NO IDEA what I have been through. And I have somewhat addressed these rumors already.”

hyland note

Following this message, the Modern Family star went on to send along numerous videos of herself in a face mask.

“Hey @Life_and_Style. Got some work done tonight. Going for a new look… gonna write about this now?” she joked in one of the captions.

Although we all know there was real vitriol behind this so-called joke.

Later, Hyland used the hashtag “#FakeNews” when sharing another photo of herself in this mask.

sh joke

Prior to defending her face, Hyland also wrote back to a fan who asked about the sexuality of her character, Haley Dunphy, on the aforementioned ABC hit sitcom.

When asked if Haley is bisexual, the actress responded as follows:

“I don’t know what the writers would say? But I confirm.”

Interesting. We’ve never really heard that possibility bantered about before.

It’s sort of a random question to ask and answer, considering Hyland’s Haley has never dated a woman.

Her most prominent relationships over the course of eight-plus seasons have been with Dylan and Andy, both of whom are of the opposite sex.

But perhaps Hyland is teasing a storyline to come on Modern Family Season 9?

Guess we’ll need to tune in to find out.

In real life, meanwhile, Hyland appears to be dating Wells Adams.


Monday, October 30, 2017

Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams: Dating! See Their Stranger Things Costumes!

Early this year, Sarah Hyland and Dominic Sherwood celebrated their second anniversary as a couple. But, like all relationships, it did not last forever.

As it turns out, the Modern Family actress has found a new man, and he’s also from television. Specifically, from The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise: Wells Adams.

And they are already rocking some pretty epic couples’ costumes, Stranger Things style.

We’re glad that Sarah Hyland had such a lengthy and presumably healthy relationship with Dominic Sherwood of Shadowhunters.

(Relationships don’t always end in a big blow-up — sometimes people just grow apart, folks)

After her absolutely horrific relationship with Matt Pokop ended with a three-year restraining order against him after he’d allegedly been violently abusive, she deserved good things.

And she still does.

Wells Adams is not dating Danielle Maltby, even though sparks flew between the two of them while Wells was tending bar on Bachelor in Paradise.

(Seriously, those two were acting like main characters in a romance film — but he’s clearly moved on)

Not only are Wells Adams and Sarah Hyland dating, but they are rocking some absolutely incredible costumes for Halloween.

If you don’t watch Stranger Things, Wells Adams is dressed as Eleven.

Sarah Hyland is not dressed as a Pokemon master but, rather, as Dustin.

Wells Adams had recently admitted on his podcast with Brandi Cyrus that he had been spending a lot of time with a special someone in L.A.

Clearly, Sarah Hyland fits the bill.

Us Weekly‘s source reveals that Sarah and Wells have been seeing each other for months.

It seems that they only decided to take things public for Halloween.

And looking at their costumes, how could you blame them?

Squad costume goals, right?

Wells and Sarah had been a little flirty over social media, which caused fans to first suspect that they might be an item.

Just little in-jokes, complete with @-ing each other.

But until we saw them all Instagram-official like this, we knew that they might have just been friends.

(Yes, men and women can absolutely be friends, folks — even celebrities)

We’re glad that they decided to go public so that we can all share in their joy (and appreciate their costumes)

Also, clearly these guys are having fun, because they shared one of their whackier photos.

(We’ll admit to not being completely caught up on Stranger Things yet, but … we don’t think that Wells’ Eleven is particularly in-character)

For anyone worried about their age differences, remember that Sarah Hyland just looks young.

She’s 26 years old.

And while plenty of the guys in the Bachelor franchise tend to be a bit on the older side, Wells Adams isn’t too old at 33, right?

That’s only a 7 year age difference and they’re both adults.

We guess that this means no more Bachelor shows for Wells Adams, since those shows are usually just for the single folks.

But he’s dating the super hot Sarah Hyland.

That sounds like a more than fair trade to us.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sarah Stage Welcomes Baby #2! (Is It a Boy or Girl?!?)

Six-Pack Mom is now a two-time mom.

The California native and Instagram model, who has received backlash during both her pregnancies for sharing photos of her tiny baby bump and well-sculpted body, welcomed another child into the world this week,

Along with husband Kris Jason, Stage is now the parent to a boy named Logan Alexander.


The 33-year-old gave birth on Monday via C-section, E! News has confirmed.

The precious bundle of joy weighed seven pounds two ounces at birth and measured 19 inches in length.

“We are so overjoyed and happy to welcome baby Logan into our family,” Stage and Jason told E! in a statement.

The couple is also parents to a two-and-a-half-year old named James.

Added a rep in a separate statement:

“Sarah, husband Kris and baby Logan are resting. Sarah delivered Logan this afternoon and is resting with new baby per the Doctors orders.

“Her toddler James is with family, has met his baby brother and the family is very excited.

“Sarah and family thanks everyone for their overwhelming amount of support, and promises everyone will get to see baby Logan soon.”

Stage has over 2.3 million followers on Instagram.

She has become a viral sensation and also a source of viral confusion and anger due to the photos she so frequently shares online.

Take the picture at the outset of this article, for example.

Would you believe Stage posed for it a mere FOUR days before becoming a mother?!?

In August, when she was seven months along with her second child, Stage said that she has gained 18 pounds during her pregnancy thus far, weighing 137 pounds.

She even told followers that she “craved In-N-Out” while expecting, yet her fitness routine and/or impressive metabolism enabled Stage to look like this even with many burgers and one baby in her belly: 

“As long as the baby is healthy, I don’t think anything else matters…That should be the most important thing,” she told Good Morning America during her first pregnancy, amidst criticism over her svelte body.

Stage has also clapped back against accusations of Photoshop over the years.

“She shares her images with her audience to embrace all different body types and her pregnancy,” a rep told People Magazine this summer, adding:

“She’s been shamed through both pregnancies. She’s trying to put her journey out there to encourage others.”

We’re not about to judge her, that’s for sure.

We’re just going to send her our hearty congratulations on the baby boy. We can’t wait to see a photo!

In the meantime, take a look below at the many other celebrities who became fathers and mothers in 2017. It’s quite the list…
