Showing posts with label Sexually. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexually. Show all posts

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sylvester Stallone Accused of Sexually Assaulting Teen

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sex scandals, it seems not a day goes by without a Hollywood or D.C. power player being accused of some appalling act of sexual misconduct.

Today alone, two universally recognized and widely beloved men have faced allegations of sexual assault and harassment.

First, Senator Al Franken was accused of groping a female colleague and now, film icon Sylvester Stallone is 

According to a police report uncovered by CBS’ Los Angeles affiliate, a 16-year-old girl claimed that she was forced into sex with both Stallone and his now-deceased bodyguard, Michael DeLuca, back in 1986.

The girl says she was staying at the same hotel as Stallone, who was traveling in promotion of his film Over the Top.

DeLuca reportedly gave the girl a key to Stallone’s room and instructed her to visit the actor that evening.

When the girl arrived at Stallone’s suite, DeLuca reportedly “took her into a bedroom, where they had sex, while De Luca waited in the bathroom.”

The victim claims that Stallone then asked her if she’d ever had a threesome and invited DeLuca into the room.

Stallone, who would have been 40 at the time, then allegedly forced the girl to perform oral sex on both men.

The victim says Stallone then told her that he would “beat her head in” if she told anyone about the attack.

According to the police report, the girl elected not to press charges for fear of retribution.

“She indicated that if the sexual encounter had only been with Stallone, she would not pursue this matter,” the report states, “but due to the fact that (De Luca) became involved in the sexual incident, she didn’t know what she wanted to do.” 

The victim says Stallone, who was married at the time, was aware of her age, as he remarked on her youth one day prior while flirting with her in the hotel lobby.

She says she informed him that she was only 16, and the actor replied by asking “how she got such a build.”

The victim claims she laughed off the question and was surprised when Stallone proceeded to kiss her.

“He replied that he would give her a kiss at a later date that she would not forget,” the report reads.

Stallone has not yet commented on these allegations.

We will have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Sylvester Stallone Denies Allegation He Sexually Assaulted a 16-Year-Old in 1986

Sylvester Stallone is vehemently denying an allegation he sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl back in 1986 while he was in Las Vegas. The claim is based on a police report in which the alleged victim said Stallone, who was 40 at the time,…


Friday, November 10, 2017

Aly Raisman: Olympic Gymnast Reveals She Was Sexually Assaulted By Team Doctor

Olympic medalist Aly Raisman has become the latest member of the Us Women’s Gymnastics team to accuse Dr. Larry Nassar of sexual abuse.

The disgraced Nassar served as the team’s primary physician for several years.

He first treated Raisman when she was just 15 years old.

Raisman’s former teammate, McKayla Maroney, accused Nassar of sexual assault last month, 

In an interview with 60 Minutes that’s set to air on Sunday night, Raisman describes her abuse and the ways in which she feels the US Gymnastics program failed Nassar’s victims:

“Why are we looking at why didn’t the girls speak up?” Raisman said in a clip released by CBS today.

“Why not look at what about the culture? What did USA Gymnastics do, and Larry Nassar do, to manipulate these girls so much that they are so afraid to speak up?”

Asked if she’s angry about the way she and her teammates have been treated, Raisman replied:

“I am angry. I’m really upset because it’s been — I care a lot, you know, when I see these young girls that come up to me, and they ask for pictures or autographs, whatever it is, I just — I can’t — every time I look at them, every time I see them smiling, I just think — I just want to create change so that they never, ever have to go through this.”

Now 23, Raisman achieved fame as a member of the “Fierce Five” team of American gymnasts that wowed audiences with their dominant performance at the 2012 Olympics.

Raisman competed again in the 2016 games, bringing her career medal count to six.

On October 18, Maroney first revealed the abuse she had suffered at Nassar’s hands in response to the trending “#MeToo” hashtag.

“It seemed whenever and wherever this man could find the chance, I was ‘treated.’ It happened in London before my team and I won the gold medal, and it happened before I won my silver,” Maroney said at the time.

She went on to describe one encounter with Nassar as “the scariest night of my life.”

Dozens of women have accused Nassar of sexual misconduct, and he is currently awaiting trial on 33 criminal charges, ranging from rape to possession of child pornography.

In a statement issued today, the US Gymnastics program praised Raisman for coming forward with her own account of Nassar’s abuse:

“In the last year, Aly has become an advocate for many issues, and sharing her personal experience of abuse takes great courage,” the statement reads.

“We are appalled by the conduct of which Larry Nassar is accused, and we are very sorry that any athlete has been harmed during her or his gymnastics career.”

The organization concluded:

“Aly’s passion and concern for athlete safety is shared by USA Gymnastics.”

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Lucy Faust, I Was Sexually Harassed by Hollywood Director

Lucy Faust says she was also a victim of sexual harassment early on in her career, and the incident clearly evokes strong emotion to this day. Lucy was at the Chinese Theatre Thursday for her new movie, “Mudbound,” when she told TooFab about a…


Corey Haim"s Mother Denies Charlie Sheen Sexually Assaulted Her Son

Corey Haim’s mother says her son was an open book with her, and while she claims someone did abuse Corey … she knows it wasn’t Charlie Sheen. Tomorrow, Corey Haim’s mom, Judy, talks allegations that her son was sexually assaulted by Charlie Sheen…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Joan Collins Says She was Constantly Sexually Harassed in Hollywood

Joan Collins has seen it all and says she’s been a repeated victim of sexual harassment over the years, and she names the worst offender. The 84-year-old went to dinner Tuesday night at Craig’s in WeHo, and told our photog it’s a mistake to only…


Kevin Spacey, Former TV Anchor Says 18-Year-Old Family Member "Sexually Assaulted"

A former Boston TV news anchor is about to hold a news conference, pointing the finger at Kevin Spacey for allegedly sexually assaulting an 18-year-old family member. Heather Unruh’s story is different because of the timing.  We’ve learned the…


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Reese Witherspoon: I Was Sexually Assaulted By a Director at 16

If there is any silver lining at all to the horrifying reports of sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein over the course of decades, it is that the discussion and pressure might make it easier for more women — and men — to come forward with their own grim stories of sexual harassment and assault.

If you’ve been on Twitter or Facebook for the last few days, you’ve probably seen a solid chunk of your female acquaintances write “Me Too.” Many people, celebrities included, are speaking out — even if they’re not naming names.

Reese Witherspoon is revealing her own story, of when she was sexually assaulted by a director when she was just 16.

We’ve seen women from all walks of life post “Me Too,” whether as part of the hashtag on Twitter or in a simple post on Facebook.

These are women from rural areas and from major cities. Women young and old. Women with top-notch careers and women who were stay-at-home moms.

Not all shared more than “me too.”

While it may matter to them and the course of their lives whether their experiences are with sexual harassment or with sexual assault, the point of the “me too” posts was to show other women that they’re not alone and to show men that, yes, literally everyone knows women who have been through this.

Many, many women.

However, some women are telling their stories. Whether naming names or not, they’re talking about the sorts of gendered harassment and violence they’ve experienced during their lives.

Both close calls and times when they didn’t escape.

Now Reese Witherspoon is adding her voice to the chorus.

Last night, Reese Witherspoon gave a speech at the Elle Women in Hollywood event sponsored by Calvin Klein and L’Oréal Paris.

As reported by People, Reese spoke about her first sexual assault — and revealed that it was sadly not her last.

“This has been a really hard week for women in Hollywood, for women all over the world, and a lot of situations and a lot of industries are forced to remember and relive a lot of ugly truths.”

Remember, this discussion might be good for women in the long run, but for survivors, it also means reliving their trauma.

If you’ve never had a traumatic flashback, think of those times when you relive an awkward or humiliating moment that you had as a child. You cringe, right?

Now imagine that instead of an embarrassing moment that only you remember, it’s a vivid recollection of the worst moments of your life.

“I have my own experiences that have come back to me very vividly and I find it really hard to sleep, hard to think, hard to communicate a lot of the feelings that I’ve been having about anxiety, honest, the guilt for not speaking up earlier.”

Those sound like classic PTSD symptoms.

And Reese tells you exactly why:

“[I feel] true disgust at the director who assaulted me when I was 16 years old and anger at the agents and the producers who made me feel that silence was a condition of my employment.”

Horrible. The assault itself, and the cover-up that ensued.

“And I wish that I could tell you that was an isolated incident in my career, but sadly it wasn’t. I’ve had multiple experiences of harassment and sexual assault and I don’t speak about them very often.”

We’ve heard it said, by survivors, that they feared that they were more likely to be assaulted again. Because predators might realize that they were victims before, but also because their bodies freeze up as a defense mechanism.

Reese Witherspoon goes on to explain why she felt inspired to speak up.

“But after hearing all the stories these past few days and hearing these brave women speak up tonight about things that we’re kind of told to sweep under the rug and not to talk about, it’s made me want to speak up and speak up loudly because I actually felt less alone this week than I have ever felt in my entire career.”

That is inspiring but sad at the same time.

“I have just spoken to so many actresses and writers, particularly women, who have had similar experiences and many of them have bravely gone public with their stories. That truth is very encouraging to me and everyone out there in the world because you can only heal by telling the truth.”

Just as Evan Rachel Wood says, there is strength in numbers, and women know that.

“I feel really, really encouraged that there will be a new normal. For the young women in this room, life is going to be different because we’re with you, we have your back and it makes me feel better. It makes me so sad to talk about these issues, but I would be remiss not to.”

We absolutely hope that Reese Witherspoon’s optimism about a changing culture will be justified.

We’re not going to hold our breath for Harvey Weinstein to face justice. Sure he got fired from his own company, but that’s just business — not justice.

The Motion Picture Academy may have booted him out, but they still have Bill Cosby and Woody Allen in their ranks. Clearly, people in power aren’t going to make changes unless they’re forced to do so.

There are plenty of predators in Hollywood and elsewhere who are happy to condemn Weinstein … and are just waiting for the public attention to die down.

But every moment of even incremental change is a step towards a better world. Reese Witherspoon, sharing her story, is part of that.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Terry Crews: I Was Sexually Molested, Too

Over the past several days, Hollywood has been rocked by an ever-growing scandal centered around Harvey Weinstein.

The long-time movie producer was revealed by The New York Times last week to be a serial sexual harasser, as the newspaper revealed eight past instances in which Weinstein paid off alleged victims in exchange for the silence.

Since then, Weinstein has basically admitted to many of the charges… issued a bizarre apology… been fired by the company he helped build…

… and been accused of rape by seven different women.

It’s an ugly, ugly, UGLY situation.

However, if any silver lining can come out of this controversy, it’s the exposure of sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry and how so many women have disgusting stories to tell.

Numerous actresses have been coming forward of late with statements about their own sordid past with Weinstein and/or with some other high-powered male who put them in an awkward (at best) circumstance.

Enough of this behavior is enough – and perhaps this bombshell of a report will help curb such gross behavior.

But Terry Crews wants the public to know that women aren’t the only victims.

He was once groped by a Hollywood executive.

“This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME,” the Brooklyn 99 star wrote as the first of many Tweets outlining what happened to him.

We’ll just let the actor take it from here.

We’ll let Crews tell his own awful story…

My wife n I were at a Hollywood function last year n a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates. (2/cont.)

Jumping back I said What are you doing?! My wife saw everything n we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk. (3/cont.) 

I was going to kick his ass right then— but I thought twice about how the whole thing would appear. (4/cont.)

crews tweet1

“240 lbs. Black Man stomps out Hollywood Honcho” would be the headline the next day. (5/cont.)

Only I probably wouldn’t have been able to read it because I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL. So we left. (6/cont.)

That night and the next day I love what I do. But it’s a shame and the height of disappointment when someone tries to takes advantage of that. (12/cont.)I talked to everyone I knew that worked with him about what happened. (7/cont.)

He called me the next day with an apology but never really explained why he did what he did. (8/cont.)


I decided not 2 take it further becuz I didn’t want 2b ostracized— par 4 the course when the predator has power n influence. (9/cont.)

I let it go. And I understand why many women who this happens to let it go. (10/cont.)

Who’s going 2 believe you? ( few) What r the repercussions?(many) Do u want 2 work again? (Yes) R you prepared 2b ostracized?(No)(11/cont.)

I love what I do. But it’s a shame and the height of disappointment when someone tries to takes advantage of that. (12/cont.)


He knows who he is. But sumtimes Uhav2 wait & compare notes w/ others who’ve been victimized in order 2gain a position of strength. (13cont)

I understand and empathize with those who have remained silent. But Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator. (14/cont.)

Hollywood is not the only business we’re this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior— you are not alone. (15/cont.)

Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless. (16/end)



We admire Terry Crews for coming out with this story. Bravo, sir.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rob Schneider Says He Was Sexually Harassed by Director, Harvey Weinstein"s Not Only One

Rob Schneider wants to make one thing clear about Harvey Weinstein – the mogul is no lone wolf, and Rob knows it because he too was sexually harassed by a director. While Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Massage Envy Sued by Woman Who Claims Therapist Sexually Assaulted Her and Others

Massage Envy kept a male therapist on staff with a history of sexual assaults, and he ended up ruining another woman’s life because of it … according to a new lawsuit. A married Washington D.C. woman — who’s filed as Jane Doe — claims she…


Thursday, September 21, 2017

$338M Powerball Winner Charged with Sexually Assaulting a Minor

The guy who scored a $ 338 million Powerball jackpot has been busted for sex crimes involving an underage girl. Prosecutors charged Pedro Quezada with multiple counts of aggravated sexual assault of a minor Wednesday in Passaic, NJ.…


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Kevin Hart Victim of Multi-Million Dollar Extortion Demand in Sexually Suggestive Video

Kevin Hart was the victim in an extortion attempt to the tune of millions of dollars, and we’re told the FBI is on the case and has a suspect. Law enforcement sources tell us … an anonymous person contacted Kevin’s camp and provided the video TMZ…


Kevin Hart Apologizes to Wife, Kids for "Failed Extortion Attempt" Over Sexually Suggestive Video

Kevin Hart is getting out in front of a messy situation by apologizing publicly to his wife and kids, and TMZ has learned it’s all over a video that looks like he’s cheating. Kevin profusely apologized to his wife and kids on Instagram Saturday ……


Friday, June 9, 2017

Sandra Bullock Gets New Restraining Order Against Stalker Who Planned to Sexually Assault Her

Sandra Bullock just got another restraining order against the man who broke into her home and made his way to her bedroom door with her inside … and now we know his intention was to sexually assault her. Sandra’s lawyer, Ed McPherson, beelined it…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Ashley Graham: I Was Sexually Harassed at Work ... at 17!

Workplace sexual harassment is never acceptable.

But it is even worse when it’s targeted at a 17-year-old.

Honestly, this harrowing story that Ashley Graham’s shared sounds like it came seconds away from being a case of assault.

We all know Ashley Graham as a stunningly gorgeous supermodel, but there was a time when she wasn’t so famous, or even an adult.

She’s never shared this sexual harassment story before.

“There was an incident on set of a campaign job when I was 17 years old … and there was a photo assistant who was into me.”

That would sound like an innocent enough beginning if she hadn’t been a minor at the time.

“He was like, ‘Hey, come here,’ and he led me into a closet. And I was like, ‘What?’ I thought he was going to show me something.”

One of the reasons that people are so protective of minors is because their lack of world experience gives them a disadvantage when dealing with people who are older.

Ashley Graham was basically an adult at 17, but clearly less experienced than this photo assistant.

That’s probably why he targeted her.

“And he pulled me in, and he pulled his penis out.”

Whoa, there. That goes beyond inappropriate comments — also unacceptable — and goes into flasher-in-the-park territory.

Except that flashers in parks are easier to avoid than coworkers.

“And he was like, “Grab it.” And I was like, ‘No! That’s disgusting.’ I freaked out. And thank God I was closer to the door, and I just bolted out.”

All things considered, particularly the fact that they were alone in a closet at the time, it’s a very good thing that she got out.

She says that she never told anyone, but that’s not at all uncommon.

Society pressures women to not “cause problems,” for a man, as if harassers aren’t the problem — just the people who report them.

There are always fears that it might impact someone’s career.

And of course the endless victim-blaming.

Ashley Graham’s career has flourished, but we’d have totally understood if that encounter had caused her to quit the industry.

Thank goodness that it didn’t, of course.

But we all know that there are much shadier moves that people can pull to target young models. It shouldn’t get worse, but it does.

And, just so that we’re clear, even if that tale hadn’t taken place in a workplace closet and involved a minor, it would still have not been okay.

Outside of some very specific sex party-type situations, it’s considered polite to exchange words and even consent before genitals start flopping out into the open.


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Mel B Claims Husband Stephen Belafonte Beat, Sexually Exploited Her (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEO)

Mel B claims estranged husband Stephen Belafonte was a monster, brutally beating her, extorting her into doing 3-ways with other women and threatening to release sex tapes … and now she says she and her children fear for their…


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Aubrey O"Day: Did Donald Trump Sexually Assault Her, Too?!

This is probably the only time in history that we’ll be able to say this, but man, we really feel for Aubrey O’Day.

See, she’s mighty upset about Donald Trump and how he’s going to be our next president … and with good reason.

Well, we all have good reason to be upset about the idea of President Trump. Take, for instance, everything he’s ever said and done.

But it sounds like Aubrey here might have some personal experience that would make it difficult for her to accept Trump as our country’s new leader.

If you’ll remember, Aubrey knew Trump personally: she was on Celebrity Apprentice in 2012.

And during her time with him, he just may have done something inappropriate to her.

If you think that sounds cryptic and creepy, you’re not wrong. Aubrey was very vague with her statement, but we think we got the message.

See, on Election Day, she shared an article about a photo taken at a Trump rally.

The photo featured a whole bunch of white people, mostly, with one of them notably wearing a t-shirt that read “Black Guns Matter.”

A lot of people took Aubrey’s sharing of the article as a slam against Donald, and rightfully so, and one person tried to call her out for it.

“Really?” the person asked. “But you was on trump show!!! Why are you mad that the checks stopped coming!”

And Aubrey’s response?

“No. My story I didn’t tell is worth millions now 😉 …this doesn’t hurt me, it hurts America.”

It’s hard to say what she’s referring to here — it is, after all, a story she didn’t tell — but we have to imagine that the implication here is that Aubrey’s name might be another on the long list of those that Trump sexually assaulted.

She didn’t give any additional details about her story, but when the news broke that Trump had won, she did share her feelings about that.

“I’m heartbroken,” she wrote. “Every beautiful piece of progression that our country could have moved toward is now gone.”

“You can be a lying abusive ignorant piece of trash that is personally and publicly racist, sexist, & homophobic and run our country.”

“I want to say, we all want a voice in this country. Having a voice is important. In order for ur voice to be heard, others have to as well.”

“Unfortunately the voice prominent right now isn’t speaking for progress, but that doesn’t stop your voice from being heard.”

“If u want the majority voice to go away, u would lose yours as well.. then we would be Russia. At least we still have our voices, use them!”

“This was a mistake our country made,” Aubrey wrote, “And those who made it will learn the hard way.”

“To the rest, mistakes & disappointments don’t stop life. Except what u can’t change, as the next 4 yrs we must learn to inspire ourselves!”

Hilariously, she also added “At this point, if a clown invited me into the woods, I would just go.”

Us too, girl. Us too.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Feminist Claims She Was Sexually Assaulted in Virtual Reality

Jordan Belamire has been sexually assaulted three times in her life, she says. Twice in real life, specifically, and once in virtual reality. 

Belamire (an alias) says she was playing a game, QuiVr, on her brother-in-law’s HTC Vive VR system when she was sexually assaulted.

She’s not saying she was assaulted in the room while playing the game, she’s claiming she was violated in the virtual world of the game.

VR Player

According to Belamire, she was shooting zombies with strangers in QuiVr’s multiplayer mode when another player began to rub her chest.

Virtually, but she says it was just as bad as the “real” thing.

“I’ve been groped in real life, once in a Starbucks in broad daylight. I know what it’s like to happen in person,” Belamire, 30, told CNN.

“The shock and disgust I felt was not too far off from that.”

Another user, BigBro442, had caught on that she was a woman because her mic streamed her voice through to the virtual world. 

Belamire yelled “Stop!” as BigBro442 grabbed her.

VR Playa

That only made the bad situation worse, she said, as “he chased me around, making grabbing and pinching motions near my chest.”

“Emboldened, he even shoved his hand toward my virtual crotch and began rubbing,” she wrote in a post that has gone viral online.

Not everyone is buying into her claim that this is assault.

“Please explain how someone can be assaulted in any form in VR. This seems to be someone whining just to whine,” said one commenter.

Belamire temporarily suspended her Twitter as a result. 

Saying she is “more disturbed by the backlash than the VR incident itself,” she says she rejects the idea that this is someone harmless.

“It’s not real, therefore it’s OK; this is the amoral substructure of gaming culture,” wrote sociologist and gaming critic Katherine Cross.

“This, more than anonymity, is the source of much gender and racial harassment on the internet,” she says in her essay, “Ethics for Cyborgs.”

Other women have described similar experiences in VR.

“I still tensed up and felt uncomfortable, and removing the headset didn’t take that feeling away,” says one gamer of her own harassment.

Indeed, Belamire told CNN that the hand that stroked her body felt “very lifelike. You can make the fingers move in really realistic ways.” 

No, it’s not the same thing as real life, but it has an impact, she says, and one that’s severe enough that it should be taken very seriously.

Some industry critics suggest that there needs to be a code of conduct in VR since its psychological effects are still new and unknown.

Do you agree that this problem needs real monitoring?

Or is this much ado about (sorry) virtually nothing?


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Donald Trump Accused of Sexually Assaulting Four Women

More shocking against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump today, as three women have come forward to accuse the candidate of groping and sexually harassing them.

Two of the incidents were reported Wednesday by Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks, who claim that Trump physically violated them in separate incidents that took place months apart.

Leeds, now 74, says that Trump grabbed her breasts and attempted to lift her skirt when she was seated next to him on a flight to New York in the early ’80s.

“He was like an octopus,” Leeds tells the New York Times. “His hands were everywhere.”

She added, “It was an assault.”

The second incident, as described by Crooks, took place at Manhattan Trump Tower while she was working as a receptionist there in 2005.

Crooks says the incident began when she and Trump were wating for an elevator together, and the real estate magnate refused to let go after shaking her hand.

“[Trump] kissed me directly on the mouth,” Crooks told the Times.

“It was so inappropriate. I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that.”

Trump categorically denied the charges, and reportedly became became irate with a Times reporter when asked about them.

“None of this ever took place,” Trump responded when asked about the allegations, adding:

 “You are a disgusting human being,” 

A third woman, Mindy McGillivray, tells the Palm Beach Post that she was working at Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, as an assistant go photographer Ken Davidoff when she was groped by Trump in 2003.

“All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge,” Gillivray recalls.

“I think it’s Ken’s camera bag, that was my first instinct. I turn around and there’s Donald.

“He sort of looked away quickly. I quickly turned back, facing Ray Charles, and I’m stunned.”

She added:

“This was a pretty good nudge. More of a grab,” McGillivray, who also did not press charges, recalled. “It was pretty close to the center of my butt. I was startled. I jumped.”

On Wednesday night, People magazine writer Natasha Stoynoff published a shocking account in which she revealed that she was also accosted by Trump at Mar-a-Lago, just months after the real estate mogul married Melania Knauss.

“He was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat,” Stoynoff writes, adding that she most definitely “did not give consent” for the unwelcome physical contact.

The allegations couldn’t come at a worse time for the Trump campaign.

On Friday, video of Trump boasting about acts of sexual assault was released by the Washington Post:

Since then, numerous reports of Trump objectifying and behaving in a sexually inappropriate manner have occurred.

Trump has been accused of everything from referring to his daughter, Ivanka Trump, as a “piece of ass” to fondling and harassing Apprentice contestants, including Celebrity Apprentice stars Lisa Rinna and Marlee Matlin.

Last night, the world learned that Trump joked about dating a 10-year-old in the presence of the little girl and her parents.

All of this at a time when Hillary Clinton is pulling away from Trump in key battleground states.

While Trump may never face any legal consequences for his alleged aggressions against women, at the moment, it looks like his political comeuppance will indeed come from a female opponent.
