Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts

Friday, February 9, 2018

Tom Brady Breaks Silence On Super Bowl Loss

Tom Brady says he’s done some reflecting after losing to the Eagles in Super Bowl LII — and he’s THANKING them for “bringing out the best in us.” “There are many emotions when you come up short of your goal. And they are all part of learning and…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner Breaks Silence on Kylie Jenner"s Baby

As the world learned this weekend, Kylie Jenner welcomed her baby girl into the world!

It’s wonderful news for her fans, because she finally broke the silence and confirmed what was going on — and shared a lot of secret video of her pregnancy journey.

It’s also great news for her family … right? Now that it’s out in the open, how is Caitlyn responding to her daughter getting pregnant as a teenager?

In an Instagram post, Caitlyn writes:

“My daughter just had a daughter.”

A statement that’s simple and true … but you can feel how profound of a statement that is to her.

“It’s amazing to be by your side through this journey.”

Remember, though Caitlyn totally wrote off the Kardashians, she’s still close with her biological daughters, Kendall and Kylie.

“She’s SO beautiful already. Can’t wait to watch her grow.”

And then Caitlyn includes a special treat.

“Throwback to my baby, as a baby.”

Yes! That is Kylie Jenner when she was just a wee baby and not yet a mother, or makeup mogul, or social media powerhouse.

Is it as exciting as a full photo of Kylie’s baby daughter’s face?

Well … probably not. No offense to Kylie.

(We’re sure that new mother Kylie would not be offended by the suggestion that people want to see her baby’s cute little face)

But it’s a precious throwback nonetheless, and it was very thoughtful and tasteful of Caitlyn to include it.

Kylie’s fans are beyond delighted that Kylie’s returned to the world of social media.

Most are relieved that she didn’t take a break from taking photos of herself, and was able to give her fans a tour — albeit a delayed one — of her pregnancy journey.

That means plenty of pregnancy photos for fans to rave over. It also meant the world’s first glimpse of Kim’s daughter, Chicago West.

Kylie’s daughter was born on February 1st, and weighted 8 pounds and 9 ounces.

It’s no surprise (or is it?) that Caitlyn is overjoyed at the birth of her healthy grandbaby.

It wasn’t always certain that Caitlyn was going to be thrilled at the idea of her daughter’s teen pregnancy.

Initially, reports claimed that Caitlyn felt that Kylie is too young to become a mother.

A lot of people felt that way, whether it was concerns over Kylie’s lack of maturity and experience (for one thing, Kylie’s the youngest sibling, so it’s not like she was a secondary caregiver growing up) or concerns that Kylie would be miserable.

However, then came news about a bit of a change of heart — that Caitlyn was going to support her daughter’s decision to become a mother nearly a year before she’s even old enough to drink.

Neither of those were, you know, official direct statements.

But considering the way that Caitlyn seemed to slam Kylie and Kendall in a recent interview, it wasn’t hard to believe that Cait found Kylie’s pregnancy a tough pill to swallow.

Caitlyn and Kylie have always been close. Kylie keeps in touch with Cait on Father’s Day — or, at least, she always has in the past.

(With Travis Scott as Kylie’s very own baby daddy, we wonder if he’ll start to take precedence)

The world doesn’t yet know the name of Kylie Jenner’s baby, but we can assume that Caitlyn does.

Let’s hope that it’s not as super weird as some fans suspect that it will be. Kylie’s kid deserves a chance at not being a laughing stock.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Oprah Winfrey Breaks Silence: Is She Running for President or What?!?

The Big O has finally answered The Big Question.

Following a Golden Globes acceptance speech (below) that earned her national attention and acclaim, Oprah Winfey has at least addressed the topic on everyone’s mind…

… is she running for President of the United States in 2020 or what?!?

Chatter over this possibility grew strong (like, REALLY strong) after Winfrey was presented with the Cecil B. DeMille Award back on January 7.

While accepting the honor, Oprah stood before thousands in attendance and millions watching at home and addressed topics such as race and sexism, saying at one point:

“I want all the girls watching to know a new day is on the horizon.

“And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure they are the leaders to take us to the time where nobody has to say ‘me too’ again…

“For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dare speak the truth to the power of those men – but their time is up.”

It was truly stirring stuff, as you can see for yourself below:

In response to Oprah’s inspiration, the Internet blew up in the hours and days after this speech with talk that Winfrey ought to challenge Donald Trump in two years.

Trump himself even touched on the topic.

But is it actually a topic worthy of debate? Could it actually happen?

Tragically, it doesn’t sound likely.

“I’ve always felt very secure and confident with myself in knowing what I could do and what I could not,” Winfrey tells InStyle editor-in-chief Laura Brown in a new interview, adding:

“And so it’s not something that interests me. I don’t have the DNA for it.”

This makes us sad.

Oprah did acknowledge that she’s aware of the buzz out there.

Well aware of it, in fact.

“Gayle [King] – who knows me as well as I know myself practically – has been calling me regularly and texting me things, like a woman in the airport saying, ‘When’s Oprah going to run?’” she continued in this interview.

“So Gayle sends me these things, and then she’ll go, ‘I know, I know, I know! It wouldn’t be good for you – it would be good for everyone else.’

“I met with someone the other day who said that they would help me with a campaign. That’s not for me.”

The idea of an Oprah for President campaign was further fueled by media inquiries of Hollywood talent over the past couple weeks.

Director Steven Spielberg, for example, has said he would “back her” if she declared herself to be a candidate.

Meryl Streep has said she’s ready to write a donation check.

Heck, so is The Hollywood Gossip! We’d toss a few bucks Oprah’s way.

Would you?

Would you for vote for her for President? Vote below and let us know:

And the Winner is?

The Donald or The Big O? Vote on who would want as President! View Poll »


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Ann Curry Breaks Silence on Matt Lauer Misconduct, Firing

Ann Curry did her best to take the high road on Wednesday.

Sitting down with CBS This Morning to address a number of topics, Curry was asked early on about her former colleague, Matt Lauer.

Despite sharing a desk for many years, it was an open secret that Curry and Lauer never exactly got along well.

When Curry was fired five-plus years ago by NBC, most insiders believed it was Lauer who forced her out – and most viewers noted that she didn’t really acknowledge her co-anchor during her farewell address on air.

Fast forward to November of 2017… and Lauer getting fired under even more scandalous circumstances.

He’s been accused of sexual harassment and misconduct and even rape.

Some people remain shocked by these charges, truly taken aback that Lauer could even do such things.

But Curry is not one of these people.

“I can tell you that I am not surprised by the allegations,” the veteran journalist said flat-out this morning.

“Do you believe that Matt Lauer abused his power?” Norah O’Donnell asked.

Replied Curry, afraid of saying too much:

“Now I’m walking down that road and I’m trying not to hurt people. And I know what it’s like to be publicly humiliated.

“I never did anything wrong to be publicly humiliated and I don’t want to cause that kind of pain to somebody else.”

Fair enough, of course.

Like we said above, she really did try to take the high road.


“I can say that – because you are asking me a very direct question – I can say that I would be surprised if many women did not understand that there was a climate of verbal harassment that existed,” Curry continued.

“I would be surprised if someone said that they didn’t see that. So, it was verbal sexual harassment.”

Matt Lauer and Ann Curry dressed as Prince William and Kate Middleton for Halloween in 2011.

Lauer was let go bt NBC in late November after a colleague accused him of sexual misconduct in the workplace.

At the time, NBC News Chairman Andy Lack sent an email to employees just moments before Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb broke the news on the air.

(Kotb has since replaced Lauer as Guthrie’s permanent co-host.)

Since the initial accusation, multiple reports have been published that alleged Lauer sent underlings sex toys, asked them to perform sex acts and even forced himself on a woman in his office on at least one occasion.

A day after his ousting, Lauer issued the following apology:

There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions. To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry.

As I am writing this I realize the depth of the damage and disappointment I have left behind at home and at NBC.

Some of what is being said about me is untrue or mischaracterized but there is enough truth in these stories to make me feel embarrassed and ashamed.

I regret that my shame is now shared by the people I cherish dearly.

Lauer has said very little since then.

Sources say he’s just hanging out around his home in the Hamptons and spending time with his kids.

We can’t imagine he’s ever hired in the television industry again.

And if this is the case, we’d just like to say one thing:



Friday, January 12, 2018

Stormy Daniels: Donald Trump Allegedly Banged Porn Star, Payed for Silence

Donald Trump has not had a good week. He hasn’t since 2016, honestly, but this week has been particularly bad.

After it came out that Trump called countries with non-white majorities “sh-tholes” and that he thought that diplomats should be given tasks according to their ethnicity, another bombshell dropped.

It is alleged that Trump paid a six-figure settlement to a porn star to buy her silence about a sexual encounter that took place after he married Melania.

On Friday, a damning report by the Wall Street Journal alleges that Donald Trump arranged for porn star Stephanie Clifford, known professionally as Stormy Daniels, to receive $ 130,000 in hush money.


Oh, just one month before the 2016 election.

The two of them, per the report, had an alleged sexual encounter in 2006. 

Clifford was 27 at the time of the consensual encounter at Lake Tahoe.

In case you need a refresher, Trump and Melania married in January of 2006. So this wouldn’t have just been a hook-up with an adult film star, but cheating on Melania shortly after they married.

Michael Cohen, who was an attorney for the Trump Organization at the time, is the one who made the alleged arrangements for a payment.

The $ 130,000 payment was apparently part of a non-disclosure agreement that the adult film star signed.

The White House declined to comment on the alleged six-figure payment, but called the report that Trump had bedded Clifford “old” and “recycled,” mentioning that the reports had been “strongly denied” even before the election.

(Which is interesting, because mentioning that something was publicly denied is not the same thing as denying it yourself)

Cohen, the attorney who is said to have set up the payment, said that Trump “once again vehemently denies” the story that he had any sort of sexual relationship with Stormy Daniels.

Interestingly, like the White House, Cohen also declined to comment on the $ 130,000 payment.

But that’s not to say that Cohen didn’t have anything to say to the Wall Street Journal:

“This is now the second time that you are raising outlandish allegations against my client.”

Is it really outlandish? Even if this isn’t true, it doesn’t sound outlandish in the slightest.

“You have attempted to perpetuate this false narrative for over a year; a narrative that has been consistently denied by all parties since at least 2011.”

Stormy Daniels Denial

He’s right about one thing:

Stephanie Clifford has denied it. She’s denied the sexual tryst and she’s denied the substantial sum of hush money.

Of course, her denial includes the claim that he was a “total gentleman” to her when they met, which just about defies belief.

Clifford does acknowledge that she made some professional appearances for the Trump brand.

For example, she attended the launch of Trump Vodka in 2007, the year after the alleged sexual encounter.

Trump Vodka has, of course, failed like so many of Trump’s business ventures. Production of that shut down in 2011.

But Stormy Daniels’ enduring links to Trump continue.

We’re generally leery of reports, especially when they seem to confirm everything that we suspect about a person we dislike.

But coming from a conservative outlet like the Wall Street Journal, whose sources for this apparently include multiple people in whom Stephanie Clifford confided the story that she publicly denies, it seems to hold water.

Of course, this is Trump. What would be a career-ending scandal for another politician seems to only inspire his most ardent defenders. Spite is making Trump-supporters twist themselves into knots to cover for him.

Maybe, one day, it will all be too much.


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Travis Scott FINALLY Breaks Silence on Kylie Jenner Pregnancy

Travis Scott has done it at last.

He has spoken out on the baby Kylie Jenner is allegedly expecting as a result of the rapper and the reality star having had unprotected sex about six or seven months ago.

But did Scott actually say anything of substance?

Did he reveal his baby mama’s due date? Or the gender of the impending child? Or verify his relationship with Kylie is still going strong?

Or, heck, even acknowledge the 20-year old is pregnant?!?

Simply put: no, no, no and no.

“I don’t want to talk about that. They’re just guesses. Let them keep fishing,” Scott told Billboard this week when asked about becoming a father.

Doesn’t exactly sound like someone excited to welcome a new life into the world, does it?

Yes, the celebrity gossip community is “fishing” for information on Kylie’s pregnancy.

But this just means various rumors are floating around; from wondering whether Jenner is Kim Kardashian’s surrogate…to whether she contemplated an abortion… to whether she’s actually already had the baby.

You would think Scott or Jenner would want to clear this chatter up. To set the record straight.

For whatever reason, they are remaining totally mum on the topic instead.

Is this their right? Absolutely.

Does it make us sound hypocritical, that we’re so often mocking Kylie for being too open with her life… and now we’re giving her a hard time for staying private?

Not really.

Pregnancy is a HUGE deal!

With so many outlets having confirmed this news, no one is wondering any longer whether Kylie will have a baby this spring.

Instead, her silence has simply caused us to wonder just why she’s being silent.

She could release a brief statement and then go into hiding if she so desired.

But is she simply embarrassed by her baby bump? Could she be considering adoption for the child and then pretending that she never even had it?

No one knows.

No one even knows if Scott and Jenner are still together or if they broke up over Christmas, as has been bantered about.

For his part, Scott admitted to Billboard that he sees Kanye West “everyday,” but claimed the two never really talk about romance or parenthood.

He started dating Jenner in early 2017 and she’s supposedly due in February or March.

This would mean Kylie got pregnant just a couple months into the relationship, which makes us believe it was an accident.

This doesn’t mean Jenner won’t love her daughter or that everything won’t turn our great in the end.

But it would explain the awkwardness at play here; Scott is just 25, Kylie is just 20 – and both are focused on their careers.

We somehow doubt they really want a baby right now.

But she’s coming, guys. Pretty soon, in fact.

So you better embrace that fact, get used to talking about it…and prepare to shower that child with all the love in your heart.


Friday, January 5, 2018

Alaskan Bush People: Gabe Brown Breaks Social Media Silence!

Back in late November, we were all warned of an Alaskan Bush People imposter catfishing people as Gabe Brown.

That warning came via his little sister, Rain Brown, who has been acting as the unofficial spokesperson for the Brown family thanks to her powerful social media presence.

Well, after a long absence, Gabe Brown appears to be back on Instagram, folks. The real Gabe. And he has a new photo to prove it.

This selfie was the last that we saw on social media of Alaskan Bush People star Gabe Brown.

Posted back in August of 2017, it was followed by an absence of several months. To be fair, though, his hiatus didn’t come out of nowhere.

In a series of now-deleted Instagram videos, Gabe suggested that he was considering stepping back from the internet while he battled a broken heart.

“I might quit social media altogether the only friend I wanted to follow me in the first place I guess blocked me I do appreciate all the friends I’ve made trying to regain my best one I lost.”

That sounds devastating.

“But after FB it’s just not very fun anymore not good bey just see y’all later keep up the cool posts God bless you all have fun and laugh often your Instagram friend Gabe. Lots of love to everyone.”

In the past, as in this photo, Gabe had made light of romantic misfortune.

This particular image, posted only weeks before his final selfie, was captioned:

“My romantic evening for one I have these too often lol.”

Clearly, though, he found it hard to move on after rejection and we guess that being on social media either no longer held any interest or was simply too painful.

Or, perhaps, both.

Gabe Brown shared this blurry selfie out of nowhere on January 2nd.

He captioned his triumphant return to social media:

“I’m back [grinning emoji] moohaha”

(We think that the bit at the end was supposed to be a gregarious or even playfully sinister laugh, like muahaha or mwahaha, rather than sounding like the laughter of a nefarious cow)

That’s great news!

Fans and followers were quick to welcome Gabe back with open arms, commenting:

“Welcome back I’ve missed talking with you.”

“Nice to see you back on IG we all have hard times but you have the strongest family bond there is.”

Welcome back I would love to chat with you.

“So glad. I’m so sorry about your mom. My mom passed in 2002. I no how hard it can be. Love the show and you.”

Some kept it short, sweet, and purely positive:

“Hi Gabe!! Happy New Year!”

Considering that Rain had clarified that Gabe was going through some tough times when she warned of the imposter, this is good news.

Good news for fans, sure, because they’re happy to get updates on Gabe’s well-being.

But also good news, in that it may be a sign that Gabe’s emotional health is in a better place.

He’s putting himself out there again, and that can only be a good thing, right?

We think so.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Meryl Streep Calls Out Melania & Ivanka Trump for Their Silence During #MeToo Movement

Meryl Streep’s taken a lot of heat in Hollywood for allegedly staying silent about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct, but she thinks the criticism should be aimed elsewhere … to 2 women related to Donald Trump. The famed actress tells The New…


Friday, December 29, 2017

NBA"s Avery Bradley Paid Big Money to Silence Sexual Assault Accuser, Denies Allegation

Detroit Pistons player Avery Bradley entered into a confidentiality agreement with a reality star who accused him of sexual assault earlier this year — and at one point, negotiations got as high as $ 400k, TMZ Sports has learned.  But…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Roy Moore Spokesman Ted Crockett Stunned to Silence by Bible, Law Lesson

Roy Moore’s spokesman was a deer in the headlights when he got into a brief, but epic, debate with CNN’s Jake Tapper about Muslims swearing on Bibles. Ted Crockett was a guest on Tapper’s show Tuesday when Tapper asked him why Moore doesn’t believe…


Senator Gillibrand Says Trump is Trying to Silence Her with "Sexist Smear" Tweet

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is firing back at President Trump and vowing to keep fighting him … on the heels of him saying she’d “do anything” for campaign cash. We got the U.S. Senator from New York Tuesday morning on Capitol Hill, just a…


Monday, December 11, 2017

OutDaughtered: Adam Busby Breaks Silence on Divorce Rumors!

it’s hard to watch OutDaughtered and not get emotional. You get attached to the adorable children. And plenty of viewers adore the parents, Adam and Danielle Busby.

But has this couple’s marriage been torn apart by fame, six young children, one health crisis after the next, and the normal forces that tear couples apart?

That’s been the rumor. And now, Adam Busby is speaking out.

Adam Busby and Danielle Busby are stars of OutDaughtered.

In addition to an older girl, the two of them are the parents of the only all-girl quintuplets in the US.

Their oldest, Blayke, is a 6-year-old who loves pink.

The quintuplets are two years old.

Ava, the first of the quintuplets, is a quiet but observant little girl who is very attached to her mother (meaning that she would be especially impacted by a split).

Olivia is fun, goofy, loves to dance, and sometimes causes trouble.

Hazel is an adorable redhead who can be very affectionate but also a bit volatile. (Honestly, though, except for hair color, that’s all toddlers)

Riley is assertive and has a particularly close bond with her father, Adam. (Meaning that a split would also be especially taxing on her)

Parker is the most talkative and has the beginnings of leadership qualities — as much as a two-year-old can exhibit, anyway.

So, overall, OutDaughtered‘s premise is basically how Jon & Kate Plus 8 started, but without the dawning realization that the mother is an absolute monster who shouldn’t be allowed near a houseplant.

But … are Adam and Danielle headed down the same path — to splitsville and eternal drama — as the Gosselins?

Rumors have been circulating that the couple was having problems — problems beyond Hazel’s eye condition or Adam’s postpartum depression, we mean.

Marital struggles.

And the kinds of marital issues that could lead the two to split.

It’s not hard for most fans to imagine the sudden leap from one child to six children, all young and five of them with some degree or another of health problems (all of the quintuplets have a heart murmur, which is being treated with meds).

One fan tweeted:

“Why is it that almost every couple that gets a reality show on @TLC end up getting a divorce? If @AdamBuzz and @DanieBuzz decide to get one I’m done with that network!!!”

We’re not sure if that’s a viewer who’s just sick and tired of falling for a TV couple and feeling crushed or if she’s personally affronted by divorce (presumably the former).

But Adam shut down divorce rumors with one simple tweet, which quoted that text:

“Guess you will be a lifelong @TLC viewer. The D word isn’t in our vocabulary. I love my wife more than the day i said ‘I DO.’ We are the real deal.”

Setting aside all jokes about the couple not being allowed to say “dick” or “damn” or whatever your D-word of choice might be … that should be a source of profound reassurance to fans of the couple and of the series.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Time Person of the Year: Who are the "Silence Breakers?"

Time Magazine has confirmed its selection for Person of the Year for 2017…

… and the honor goes to a number of very brave people.

Indeed, editors have chosen the entire #MeToo movement as this year"s recipient, singling out a number of women in particular who have spoken out against sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace.

It has referred to these women as the "Silence Breakers."

Scroll down for a detailed look at each of the individuals featured in the year-end issue and join us in applauding all the victims who have realized over the past few months that they are not alone…

1. The #MeToo Movement

Time person of the year 2017

“This is the fastest-moving social change we’ve seen in decades, and it began with individual acts of courage by hundreds of women, and some men, who came forward to tell their own stories of sexual harassment and assault,” Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal said when making the reveal. “The image you see partially on the cover is of a woman we talked to, a hospital worker in the middle of the country who shared her story with us and some others but doesn’t feel like she can come forward without threatening her livelihood.”

2. Who are the Silence Breakers?

Who are the silence breakers

Women the magazine has singled out for their loud and courageous voices during this unique and important time in America. Let’s meet them…

3. Tarana Burke

Tarana burke

Burke actually began”Me Too” over a decade ago to assist women, “particularly young women of color from low wealth communities,” who have been sexually abused, assaulted, exploited or harassed.

4. Susan Fowler

Susan fowler

The ex-Uber engineer took a major risk in February when she went public with her story of mistreatment at the company. In a blog entry, Fowler showed screenshots of chat messages in which her direct supervisor “was trying to get me to have sex with him” to human resources.

5. Sara Gelser

Sara gelser

An Oregon state senator, Gelser detailed in an official complaint filed in November a years-long pattern of unwanted touching and sexual harassment by Senator. Jeff Kruse, emphasizing that at least 15 women have similar experiences. The statehouse launched an investigation and relieved Kruse of his committee assignments as a result.

6. Adama Iwu

Adama iwu

A lobbyist for Visa, Iwu said she was groped in front of co-workers and organized an open letter signed by 147 women to call out sexual harassment in California’s state politics. The letter launched a state-senate investigation.

View Slideshow

TIME Person Of The Year, The Silence Breakers in Sexual Harassment Scandal

TIME didn’t pick a person of the year this time around … they picked people who opened the floodgates in America’s sexual harassment awakening. TIME chose “The Silence Breakers,” including Ashley Judd, Taylor Swift — who sued a DJ and won earlier…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Ryan Seacrest Sources Say Accuser Demanded $15 Million for Silence

The lawyer for the woman accusing Ryan Seacrest of demeaning and sexually aggressive behavior demanded 8 figures, and if Seacrest didn’t pay up her attorney vowed to go to the media … sources tell TMZ. The woman — who worked as Seacrest’s stylist…


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Derick Dillard Breaks Silence on TLC Firing

Derick Dillard has something to say about his firing from TLC.

Last week, the now-former Counting On star learned that the cable network wanted no part of him, not after Dillard used multiple Tweets to slam Jazz Jennings.

Jennings is the 17-year anchor of I Am Jazz, a series that chronicles her life as a transgender teenager.

As a supposedly dedicated and devout Christian, Dillard doesn’t support such a lifestyle… and he’s been vocal about this stance on social media.

“I pity Jazz,” Dillard recently Tweeted on the topic, adding:

“4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child.”

This was not Derick’s first time going after Jennings, either.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality,” Dillard, unprompted by anything Jazz did or said, wrote in August.

‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.

In response to one of the faces of Counting On going after another face of its network, TLC released the following statement on November 12:

We want to let our viewers know that Derick Dillard has not participated in Counting On for months.

The network has no plans to feature him in the future.

We want to reiterate that Derick’s personal statements do not reflect the views of the network.

TLC is proud to share the story of Jazz Jennings and her family and will continue to do so.

So that was that.

Following weeks of chatter that TLC was done with Dillard, executives made it official.

And sides were subsequently taken on Twitter:

Now, several days later, Dillard has broken his silence over his official ousting.

“Thank you to all those who have supported us and given us so many words of encouragement recently. God bless you all!”

He also Tweeted a proverb yesterday:

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)”

Derick Dillard tweet

So it sounds like Dillard is refusing to let TLC’s decision, along with its public upbraiding, bring him down.

He’s quoting the bible and also another controversial reality show star to get him through this difficult time.

You remember what Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson once said, don’t you?

Derick apparently lives by these contradictory words; that you can find someone’s lifestyle to be sinful, yet somehow also claim you have nothing against the person living in this manner.

prob tweet

Members of Dillard’s own family don’t exactly agree, however.

“You might not agree with someone or their lifestyle but you SHOULD be compassionate and show God’s love regardless to everyone,” Amy Duggar Tweeted a couple days ago.

It was clear just what – or who, we should say – she was referencing with this message.

To her credit, it should be noted, Jennings hasn’t even said anything this combative in the wake of the Derick Dillard scandal.

“In the face of constant ignorance and hatred I prefer to disregard negative opinions and continue moving forward with love,” she wrote shortly after Derick’s latest insult.

Dillard could learn a lot about the person he thinks is an affront to God.


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Charlie Sheen Breaks Silence on Corey Haim Rape Charge

Charlie Sheen has issued a response to a very troubling allegation.

Earlier this week, The National Enquirer spoke to Dominick Brascia, who was a close friend of Corey Haim’s before Haim passed away in 2010.

Charlie Sheen movie set

And Brascia right came out and accused Sheen of raping Haim when the latter was only 13 years old.

“Haim told me he had sex with Sheen when they filmed Lucas,” Brascia told the tabloid about Haim, who died at the age of 38.

Added Brascia:

“He told me they smoked pot and had sex. He said they had anal sex. Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him.

“When Corey wanted to fool around again, Charlie was not interested.”

Haim and Sheen starred opposite each other in the 1986 film Lucas.

According to Brascia, they had another very personal interaction years after the movie was finished:

“Haim told me he had sex with Sheen again. He claimed he didn’t like it and was finally over Sheen. He said Charlie was a loser.”

Now, in response to this disturbing charge, a spokesperson for Sheen has stated the following:

[Sheen] absolutely denies the claim.

Sheen was diagnosed with HIV in 2015 and has a well-known history of using drugs and sleeping around.

This, of course, does not mean that the allegations related to Haim are automatically true or anything.

This story, however, emerges four years after Corey Feldman made allegations in his 2013 memoir that he and Haim had been sexually abused by some in the entertainment industry.

“There are people that did this to me and Corey that are still working, they’re still out there, and they’re some of the most rich and powerful people in this business,” Feldman said on The View while promoting the book, adding at the time:

“And they do not want what I’m saying right now. They want me dead.”

In this same Enquirer article, a friend of Sheen’s says the actor has admitted to sex with Haim, but told the friend that the intercourse was consensual.

If such an interaction did take place, however, Haim would have been too young in 1986 to give legal consent.

Meanwhile, this is what Feldman wrote in his aforementioned book about Lucas:

“At some point during the filming, [Haim] explained an adult male convinced him it was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the business to have sexual relations, that it was ‘what all guys do."”

Feldman does not mention Sheen by name in the memoir.

Two years before its publication, though, he said in an interview that he’s “not a big fan” of Sheen’s due to the way he’s “affected other people that I know.”


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Colin Kaepernick"s Silence Is Strategic, Says Pastor T.D. Jakes

Colin Kaepernick still hasn’t taken the podium to address the NFL national anthem protests, and that’s OK — so says famous TV pastor T.D. Jakes. Since he’s an expert public speaker, we asked T.D. if now’s the time for Kaep to break his…


Monday, October 2, 2017

Crystal Hefner Breaks Silence, Addresses Husband’s Death

In the wake of Hugh Hefner’s death, nearly everyone that was close to the Playboy founder issued some kind of sorrowful statement.

Nearly everyone except the woman married to him, that is.

But Crystal Hefner has now broken her silence, two days after her famous husband was laid to rest in an intimate funeral attended by close friends and loved ones.

“I haven’t been able to bring myself to write most people back to thank them for their condolences,” Crystal told E! News in a statement, adding simply and sadly:

“I am heartbroken. I am still in disbelief.”

Hefner passed away at the age of 91 last Wednesday.

There had been rumors for several months that the publishing legend was ill, as he had not made any public appearances or posed for any pictures in quite awhile.

Hefner was buried over the weekend alongside Marilyn Monroe, an honor for which he paid $ 75,000 back in 1992.

“He is in the place he was always certain he wanted to spend eternity,” says Crystal.

Only 31 years old, Crystal has always been aware that critics believed she married Hefner purely for his money and lifestyle.

But she didn’t even bother to address those allegations in her chat with E! News. She stopped trying to convince those haters a long time ago.

“He was an American hero. A pioneer. A kind and humble soul who opened up his life and home to the world,” she says, continuing as follows:

“I felt how much he loved me. I loved him so much. I am so grateful. He gave me life.

“He gave me direction. He taught me kindness. I will feel eternally grateful to have been by his side, holding his hand, and telling him how much I love him.”

Concludes the widow:

“He changed my life, he saved my life. He made me feel loved every single day. He was a beacon to the world, a force unlike anything else.

“There never has and never will be another Hugh M. Hefner.”

On that, everyone can likely agree.

Those who attended Hefner’s funeral included Natalie Wood, Florence Henderson, Truman Capote, Eve Arden, Don Knotts, Walter Matthau, Carroll O’Connor and Roy Oribison.

The publisher’s four kids were there, too, of course.

“I join the world in mourning,” Crystal tells E! News. “I thank you for all of your condolences. To the people leaving sentiments at the front gate, we see you and grieve with you.”

Hef’s last will and testament have yet not been made public.

However, according to reports, his fortune, worth between $ 43 million and $ 110 million, is expected to go to his family and charities.

There’s been talk that he left nothing for his wife.


Vegas Shooting: NFL Holding Moment of Silence Before "Monday Night Football"

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