Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Andrea Constand: Bill Cosby Accuser Breaks Silence After Mistrial!

To the world’s horror, Bill Cosby’s sexual assault trial ended in a mistrial, thanks to a deadlocked jury.

Like, surely even Cosby’s lingering supporters were hoping for an acquittal, as if that would exonerate him by association from his 57 other accusers.

The woman whose police report forced him into a courtroom, Andrea Constand, is finally speaking out.

“Thank you for the outpouring of love & kindness & support,” she shared over Twitter.

Honestly, she was a lot more graceful and diplomatic than we would have been in her shoes.

We’d have been directing our ire at Cosby, at society, and whichever juror or, worse, jurors prevented that jury from reaching a verdict.

Instead, she just expressed how much people’s support means to her.

“I am eternally grateful for the messages I have received in recent days.”

Andrea Constand is handling this with so much grace.

Honestly, we can’t imagine the strength of character required to go public about a celebrity with Cosby’s (now former) reputation.

If we were in her shoes and she put herself through reliving this nightmare for a trial only to have at least one juror unconvinced, we’d be posting a six-hour rant on YouTube that would only end when we’d had too much to drink to carry on.

What else can you do in the face of massive injustice?

The middle ground response would just be to say nothing and binge Law & Order instead, but so-called experts claim that “that isn’t therapy” and “isn’t a healthy coping mechanism.”

But maybe one of the things helping Andrea Constand keep it together is the knowledge that the prosecutors intend to retry Cosby.

Most of Cosby’s alleged victims — the ones we know about, anyway — won’t ever get to see their day in court.

This is because of the statute of limitations.

We can’t explain to you why any place would have a statute of limitations on sexual assault.

Except for the obvious — when men have been the ones writing laws for centuries.

In some parts of the US, that limit is as little as 5 years. It’s absurd.

So there’s a lot riding on the trial over Andrea Constand’s assault.

The retrial gives a lot of people hope — likely Andrea Constand included.

Then again, Cosby still has supporters like Keshia Knight Pulliam who insist that the man they know would never do this.

Constand has probably had her doubts about the trial’s success all along.

You don’t want to get your hopes up, right?

And there’s always a chance that Cosby could go through a dozen trials and always have one juror who’s an absolute holdout against conviction.

Celebrity status is a powerful thing.

And so is rape culture.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Corinne Olympios Breaks Silence on Bachelor in Paradise Scandal: I Am a Victim!

There’s still so much that we don’t know, with statements and rumors that seem to be in conflict, and dumb guys saying dumber things instead of telling us what happened.

And now, Corinne Olympios, the woman at the center of the controversial and mysterious scandal that got production suspended on Bachelor in Paradise, has finally broken her silence.

Speaking to TMZ, the one-time “Bachelor Villain” struck a much more serious tone than usual as she discussed the controversy.

“I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened on June 4.”

“Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place, which I understand is why production on the show has now been suspended and a producer on the show has filed a complaint against the production.”

That’s all very … carefully worded and nuanced and exactly what she should be saying, considering the circumstances and the many, many potential legal complications.

But then she gets about as real as she can about what happened.

“As a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality.” 

That’s the grim truth.

There’s a lot that makes this case complex, from questions of who’s culpable for what to questions about exactly what happened.

Unfortunately, it sounds like Corinne is nearly as in the dark as the rest of us.

“As I pursue the details and facts surrounding that night and the immediate days after, I have retained a group of professionals to ensure that what happened on June 4 comes to light and I can continue my life, including hiring an attorney to obtain justice and seeking therapy to begin dealing with the physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening.”

That is … horrifying.

Any situation that looks like a sexual assault is going to be dreadful beyond words, but there’s a unique horror to having to piece together events after the fact along with the rest of the world.

Corinne is not the first member of the Bachelor in Paradise cast to speak out, but, as she herself said, she’s the victim.

We care a lot more about what she has to say about things than we do about a bystander.

To be clear, it looks like DeMario Jackson was nearly as much of a victim in this. 

He’s already stated that the tapes will vindicate him, and Corinne hasn’t been pointing the finger at him, either.

Quite frankly, if they were both drinking all day, and if he was really too drunk to even get an erection, then it looks like the story’s pointing the finger at producers and crew.

Not all of them, obviously, but probably at anyone who let it happen and definitely at anyone who might have deliberately caused the situation.

Maybe we’ll find out.

Ugh, we can already see this becoming a ripped-from-the-headlines episode of Law & Order: SVU, but with a twist, because they love their twists, even when it makes the story completely different from the real headlines.

And yes, right now, it’s Warner Bros that’s carrying out the investigation, which is a little odd. They’re probably looking for liability issues and at who needs to get fired.

But it sounds like a police investigation is almost inevitable. We’d fully expect Warner Bros to hand over names and evidence to police, even if just to prove that they’re cooperating fully.

Maybe, once their investigation makes more headway, we’ll all know more.

Corinne Olympios, at least, deserves to know the full story of what happened to her.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Chris Harrison Breaks Silence on Bachelor in Paradise Scandal, Pushes for Patience

Chris Harrison understands why the Internet can’t stop talking about what allegedly transpired south of the border during the taping of Bachelor in Paradise last week.

But he’d really like it if everyone could take a deep breath at least.

Throughout the day on Monday, news continued to break in regard to something that happened between Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson while they filmed Season 4.

According to various outlets, the reality stars got very drunk and then started to hook up.

Clothes came off. Spit was swapped. There was a lot of “rubbing” and “fingering,” sources close to Jackson claim.

But a producer went to executives shortly after Olympios and Jackson got together, arguing that the former was too drunk to give her consent.

Once allegations of any sort of sexual assault were leveled, production was shut down and cast members were sent home.

Many questions remain when it comes to this disturbing incident:

Did Jackson take advantage of a wasted Olympios? (No, according to certain insiders, who say Jackson himself was so drunk that he couldn’t get an erection and who say that Corinne and DeMario are on solid terms right now.)

Did this producer actually witness the hook-up?

Why did she not step in as it was happening?

Will any charges actually be filed?

Will Bachelor in Paradise ever air another episode?

All we can say for sure right now is that an investigation is underway to uncover more details.

While we wait, however, numerous blogs and websites are speculating about this aspect of the scandal or that report and Harrison gets it, of course.

But he’d love the world to take a chill pill.

“By now, no doubt, you have heard that we have suspended production on this season’s Bachelor in Paradise. I can confirm to you that this is sadly the case,” Harrison said today to open a lengthy statement.

“Out of respect to all involved, there’s only so much I can and will say at this time.

“Normally with a situation like this I would not say anything until the incident is fully resolved, but with all the rumors and misinformation being put out there, I don’t find that to be possible anymore.”

Harrison did not get into specifics.

He likely doesn’t even know at this point whether or not Corinne gave her consent to DeMario, who the aggressor was in this situation or who witnessed it take place.

That’s why he’s preaching patience, while also driving an important point home as best he can.

“Let me start by saying the safety and care of the cast and crew of our show is of the utmost importance to us.

“It is with this thought in mind that we made the decision to suspend filming.

“An investigation into the situation was started immediately. Warner Bros. is handling the details of that investigation.

“They’re moving quickly to gather all the facts, and once that’s done, a clear, concise decision can be made about where we go from here.”

Continues The Bachelor and The Bachelorette host:

“There are a lot of competing details in the various press accounts of the incident. And there’s a lot of misinformation out there too.

“We urge everyone to be patient until the investigation is complete.”

Harrison doesn’t know when this will be. He isn’t saying whether the series will premiere on August 8 as originally scheduled, but that seems impossible to believe at this point.

It seems very unlikely Season 4 will air at any point at all, especially if franchise expert Reality Steve is to be believed.

As privy to information about this series as anyone on the outside can be, he Tweeted the following late Monday:

steve tweets

Concludes Harrison in his statement:

“I know in this day and age we want – and even expect – immediate answers, but in this case, it’s just not possible.

“So again, I urge you to please be patient and respect the privacy of the parties involved. I will keep you as informed and up to date as I possibly can.

“We’re sorry for any inconvenience and disappointment this may have caused the cast, the crew and our loyal fans.

“It is my sincere hope that we can come to a quick resolution on this and get back to work very soon.”

A source tells People Magazine that law enforcement is NOT involved in the investigation.

But Warner Bros. made it clear on Sunday that enough suspicions have been raised over Corinne and DeMario’s interaction that filming simply had to be stopped.

We have become aware of allegations of misconduct on the set of Bachelor in Paradise in Mexico.

We have suspended production and we are conducting a thorough investigation of these allegations. Once the investigation is complete, we will take appropriate responsive action.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Derek Fisher Breaks Silence After DUI Crash, "Glad No One Was Hurt" (VIDEO)

Derek Fisher says he’s grateful no one was seriously injured in his DUI crash over the weekend — and is adamant the situation will NEVER happen again.  The ex-NBA star was leaving Leo & Lily restaurant in L.A. with his…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Manchester United Holds Moment of Silence During Practice For Attack Victims (PHOTO)

Manchester United held a moment of silence for the victims of the arena attack during practice Tuesday … and have vowed to help emergency services “in any way that may be required.” Wayne Rooney, Paul Pogba and the rest of the club paused for…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Billy Bush Breaks Silence on Infamous Access Hollywood Video

Back in October, footage of Billy Bush talking to Donald Trump about the latter’s proclivity for touching and kissing women he barely knows went viral.

In response, Bush was fired by NBC.

And Trump was hired as President of the United States.

The infamous video was filmed in 2005 while Bush was working for Access Hollywood and Trump was being interviewed about his guest-starring role on Days of Our Lives.

Speaking of actress Arianne Zucker, who was meeting the duo on set, Trump said at the time:

“I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her.

“You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful – I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it.

“You can do anything.”

In case you somehow forgot about the video, which included Trump saying how he likes to grab women by the pussy, click PLAY below:

Bush egged Trump on during this wildly inappropriate rant, agreeing back then that Zucker was “hot as sh-t” and laughing about how Trump can do “whatever [he] want[s]” to members of the opposite sex.

Within days after this clip hit the Internet, Bush was fired from The Today Show.

And while Trump mostly brushed off the exchange as “locker room banter,” Bush did issue an apologetic statement that read as follows:

“Obviously I’m embarrassed and ashamed. It’s no excuse, but this happened eleven years ago – I was younger, less mature, and acted foolishly in playing along.

“I’m very sorry.”

That was the last we heard from him on the topic. Until now.

“I wish I had changed the topic,” Bush tells The Hollywood Reporter, adding:

“I wish I had said: ‘Does anyone want water?’ or ‘It looks like it’s gonna rain.’ He liked TV and competition. I could’ve said, ‘Can you believe the ratings on whatever?’

“I didn’t have the strength of character to do it.”

In his first extended interview since the scandal that has placed his career on hold, Bush didn’t make any excuses.

But he did try to offer an explanation.

“I could not put two thoughts together. Things were happening way too fast.”

What about Trump’s description of the back-and-forth? Does Bush agree this is simply how guys talk when by themselves?


“I’m in a lot of locker rooms, I am an athlete, and no, that is not the type of conversation that goes on or that I’ve participated in,” he told THR.

Bush also says he didn’t really take Trump seriously at the time.

Many, many women have since come forward and accused Trump of sexual misconduct.

But Bush dismissed those comments in 2005 as mere words, as something Trump said to get a laugh or to garner approval.

“Almost like Andrew Dice Clay, the stand-up comedian: Does he really do the things that he’s saying or is that his act?” Bush said to THR.

“And in Donald’s case, I equated it that way. When he said what he said, I’d like to think if I had thought for a minute that there was a grown man detailing his sexual assault strategy to me, I’d have called the FBI.”

Bush says he has not spoken to Trump since the tape went public.

Describing the last seven months as a “roller coaster,” Bush says he’s committed to be being a “better, fuller man.”

He won’t say much about a new series he has in the works, but he does say that he’s doing everything in his power to learn from this incident.

“I am not grateful for the moment,” he says. “But I’m grateful for what I’ve gotten out of it. I’m grateful that it hit me all the way to my core.”

As for Trump?

He’s the most powerful man on the planet and most American citizens long for the days when his main controversies centered around the mere utterance of a few words.


Friday, May 19, 2017

Ben Higgins Breaks Silence on "Tough" Lauren Bushnell Split

In speaking about his recent break-up from Lauren Bushnell, Ben Higgins went ahead this week and channeled his inner Boyz II Men.

Despite constant chatter over the state of his relationship with his chosen suitor, the ex-Bachelor said on a podcast Wednesday that it’s so very hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

In a clip from the podcast obtained by People Magazine, Higgins delved into the end of his romance with Bushnell and explained that both sides simply knew it was time to call it quits.

“Just to be as politically correct as possible but to also be as truthful as possible, Lauren will always be one of my best friends,” said Higgins.

He continued:

“It’s tough.

“It’s hard to say goodbye to somebody that you spent so much time with and it’s hard to say goodbye to somebody that you really did believe was the one for you.”

Just how strongly did Higgins believe Bushnell was the one for him?

He called off the couple’s relationship engagement during an episode of their Freeform reality show last summer.

Higgins made Bushnell cry at the time, but insisted he was still dedicated to her in the long run.

But this is no longer the case.

“I’m sad. I’m a little confused, a little lost, but I’m doing alright,” Higgins told fellow Bachelor alumnus Ashley Iaconetti on the podcast.

Throughout the past few months, the couple had been plagued by breakup rumors.

Where did it all go wrong for Bushnell and Higgins? Why did the end finally arrive?

Bushnell moved to Denver to be with Higgins and many insiders have said she lost her identity in doing so.

She doesn’t really have a job and hasn’t had a direction in life since uprooting everything for her now-ex-fiance.

“I know that they have struggled with the show and then kind of continuing on and doing their reality show and kind of where the show stopped and then where life began,” Chris Harrison told People in his remarks about the split.

Our favorite host human being added:

“They were fighting through a bunch of stuff. But I don’t know. I’ll reach out to them. I’m very sorry to hear that because I do care about them very much.”

What does Higgins have to say about the past several weeks?

“I think, mutually, Lauren and I saw that life was getting more difficult,” he tried to explain on the podcast, expounding as follows:

“I would say the joy that we felt toward our relationship at the beginning was – for some reason – slipping away, and we were both working very hard to bring that joy back.

“And it just never seemed to get there. So it was a long time coming, but it wasn’t necessarily like we dragged it out.”

Here is what Higgins and Bushnell said in a joint statement upon confirming their split:

It is with heavy hearts that we announce our decision to go our separate ways.

We feel fortunate for all the time that we had together, and we will remain friends with much love and respect for one another.

We wish nothing but the best for each other, and ask for your support and understanding at this time.

In conclusion, however, Higgins sees a positive future for both himself and his former lover.

“I believe that Lauren and I both will come out of this with a whole new season that is going to be very good for the both of us,” he said on the podcast.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Porsha Williams Breaks Silence on Real Housewives Drama, Phaedra Parks Betrayal

Porsha Williams has some things to say about Phaedra Parks.

Even if Porsha Williams hasn’t actually said very much to Phaedra Parks over the past several weeks.

On Sunday night, Bravo viewers were treated to an especially memorable reunion special, with The Real Housewives of Atlanta needing to air a fourth installment of this kind of episode.

Why the need for the quartet when most of these franchises only run three reunion specials each season?

Because there was just that much drama to work out between the main cast members.

Most of that drama centered around Parks having told Williams early in the season that Kandi Burruss and her husband had schemed to drug her and take advantage of her sexually.

Even for a Real Housewives storyline, this allegation was particularly shocking and disturbing.

Burruss has denied any such plans to rape Porsha, coming to verbal blows with Parks on part four over the charge, while Williams was left in tears of the situation.

She said on stage that she felt like a “pawn” in some crazy game Parks was playing.

Phaedra eventually admitted that she heard of this drugging/raping rumor from some third source; NOT from Burruss herself, as she had stated a few weeks ago.

She apologized for her key role in this ongoing scandal, but the damage had already been done.

Then, on Monday, Bravo fired Parks from The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

On Tuesday, speaking to Dish Nation, Williams shared that she has not spoken to Parks since the reunion was filmed.

“You know, my uncle passed a couple of weeks ago and [Parks] did text me and offer her condolences,” Williams said. “Besides that, I haven’t talked to her.”

It hasn’t been easy for Porsha, either, considering how close she was to Parks for so many years.

“[Parks] was like my best friend,” Williams said, adding of her now-ex–co-star:

“[She was] someone I talked to on the phone every single day. And for me to feel like she had betrayed me like that, and the fact that I was sitting right there and watched her continue to lie on me about it, that’s the part I can’t get past and I don’t know if I ever will.

“Right now, I just can’t talk to her.”

Burruss has said she’s considering a lawsuit against Parks.

Williams, however, did not go there in this interview.

Trying to remain calm and mature, Porsha said that she’ll always have a “soft spot for Phaedra, [but] it’s where you don’t want to be manipulated anymore.

“I just don’t want to hear anymore of it right now.”

Prior to this blowout, Williams had been known as “Frick” to Parks’ “Frack.” The two were like peas in some kind of tight pod.

“I may get to the point where I’m strong enough to where I can talk to her and maybe we can work it out,” Williams concluded.

But right now?

“It’s still so new to me. I haven’t even talked to the other girls.”

Last October, before this mess was ever a thing, Parks spoke to Entertainment Tonight about Williams.

“I love Porsha,” she said many months ago, continuing as follows:

“Our relationship is such a fun relationship, because she’s happy in her own skin. She makes me feel so young and vibrant, and we just have a good time playing off each other.

“You know, she doesn’t take herself seriously. She lets me see the lighter side of myself. We have a good time together. I love that girl.”

Perhaps Phaedra should have remembered that before spreading her salacious story.

It’s always very difficult to remain friends with someone after you tell them another pal had been thinking of drugging and raping them, without any evidence to back up your claim.

That’s something for all readers out there to remember.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Phaedra Parks Breaks Silence, Reacts to The Real Housewives of Atlanta Firing

Phaedra Parks is ready to move on.

The reality star has no real say in the matter, of course, having been fired as a cast member on The Real Housewives of Atlanta this week.

The bombshell was dropped on fans of the franchise yesterday, following a fiery fourth installment of the show’s ninth season reunion special on Sunday evening.

During the taping, Parks confessed to telling Porsha Williams that Kandi Burruss and Burruss’ husband, Todd Tucker, had planned on drugging Williams and taking her back to their place for some sex.

Did she base this wild accusation on something Burruss and Tucker actually told her, as she previously claimed?

Did she pass it along to Williams based on first-hand information?

No, Parks finally admitted at the reunion.

“I repeated it because I heard it,” Parks explained. “Something was brought to me. I just repeated it. I repeated what someone told me. I’m not saying I didn’t say it. I’m saying I repeated it.”

That’s a pretty fine line.

And, even for a Real Housewives storyline, it’s also a pretty insane topic to broach.

As Kandi cried and insisted that Phaedra essentially accused her of rape, other cast members at the reunion sat in shock.

Kenya Moore couldn’t believe that Parks could make such a reveal and then remain stone-faced, while Porsha fought back tears and replied:

“Oh, Phaedra, that’s awful. Oh God, that’s so awful. I swear to God, Kandi, I would never ever say something like that to you if it wasn’t told to me in truth and confidence.”

Parks did end up muttering an apology on set, acknowledging that she “shouldn’t have repeated it.”

But Williams wasn’t having it.

“I feel betrayed … and completely taken advantage of,” she said, adding on stage:

“[Our friendship] was a lie and I was the pawn used to hurt Kandi. I don’t know if I’ll be able to move past this.”

In the end, producers weren’t able to move past the rape allegations; according to TMZ, they gave Parks her walking papers shortly after this explosive reunion special aired on Bravo.

You can use the video below to watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online and see this utter craziness go down:

How is Parks feeling about the ordeal?

What does she have planned next?

We can’t say for certain, but the controversial star shared the following message on Instagram in the wake of this scandal.

“New day, new week! Have a magnificent #Monday! #letsgo,” Parks  wrote alongside the poster below, which read: “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.”

Parks tweet

In other words:

The past is the past and Parks is ready to see what the future has in store for her.

Toward the end of the reunion, host Andy Cohen put Parks in her place, telling her directly:

“You got caught in a megawatt lie. I don’t know that you’ve completely copped to it.”

She apologized again at this point, adding: “I’m sorry that it hurt Kandi as well.”

Speaking later to Us Weekly, Cohen expressed surprise that Parks was so calm about the incident. She didn’t express much remorse or emotion on stage.

“She seemed kind of withdrawn about it,” Cohen told the tabloid.

The Watch What Happens Live also said he’s “spoken a few times” with Parks since the reunion taping, but “I don’t get the sense that she has [talked to the other Housewives].”

This is not shocking.

As for whether she can repair her friendships, Cohen has his doubts.

“It seems a little precarious,” he says.

We agree.

Once you accuse a friend of planning to drug and rape another friend, there’s almost never any going back from that.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Brad Pitt Breaks Silence on Angelina Jolie, Admits to Drinking Problem

Brad Pitt has finally spoken out on his divorce from Angelina Jolie.

Following various statements here and there from his lawyers or representatives, the actor himself sat down with GQ Style for its latest issue and delved deeply into a number of personal issues.

For starters, Pitt touched on the accusation that he assaulted 15-year old son Maddox on board a private plane in September.

Just four days after this alleged incident, Jolie filed for divorce.

Pitt was then investigated by Child Services and even the FBI, although no evidence ever turned up that proved this allegation true. No charges were ever pressed.

“I was really on my back and chained to a system when Child Services was called,” Pitt tells GQ Style, adding him and his estranged wife:

“After that, we’ve been able to work together to sort this out. We’re both doing our best. I heard one lawyer say, ‘No one wins in court — it’s just a matter of who gets hurt worse.’

“And it seems to be true, you spend a year just focused on building a case to prove your point and why you’re right and why they’re wrong, and it’s just an investment in vitriolic hatred.”

Throughout the interview, Pitt only mentions Jolie by name on one occasion.

At one point, he suggests to the interviewer that he ought to check out her new movie, First They Killed My Father, saying simply:

“You should see Angie’s film.”

Aside from that reference, Pitt very clearly brings Jolie up often… because how can he not in these circumstances? But not in direct fashion.

Currently residing in what he describes as his “childhood home” in Hollywood Hills with his bulldog, Pitt gets to spend time with his six kids on occasion.

He says he’s intent on keeping the breakup amicable.

“Fortunately my partner in this agrees,” he explains, again mentioning Jolie, but not by name.

“It’s just very, very jarring for the kids, to suddenly have their family ripped apart. If anyone can make sense of it, we have to with great care and delicacy, building everything around that…

“Our focus is that everyone come out stronger and better people – there is no other outcome.

“I see it happen to friends – I see where the one spouse literally can’t tell their own part in it, and it’s still competing with the other in some way and wants to destroy them, and needs vindication by destruction, and just wasting years on that hatred.

“I don’t want to live that way.”

Who would? It sounds terrible.

But some critics out there believe Jolie is responsible for many of the rumors that have spread throughout the Internet, such as Pitt having a drinking problem.

Here, though, Pitt openly acknowledges as much.

“I was boozing too much,” he says. “It’s just become a problem. And I’m really happy it’s been half a year now, which is bittersweet, but I’ve got my feelings in my fingertips again.”

At his best/worst, however?

“I could drink a Russian under the table with his own vodka. I was a professional. I was good.”

Back on September 19, Jolie requested sole physical custody of the ex-couple’s six children: Maddox, 15, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 10, and twins Vivienne and Knox, 8.

In January, though, Pitt and Jolie released a joint statement stating that they reached an agreement to handle their divorce in a private forum.

The split has not yet been legally finalized.

“For me this period has really been about looking at my weaknesses and failures and owning my side of the street,” Pitt admits, seemingly going off on a tangent, while also being honest:

“I’m an asshole when it comes to this need for justice. I don’t know where it comes from, this hollow quest for justice for some perceived slight. I can drill on that for days and years. It’s done me no good whatsoever.

“It’s such a silly idea, the idea that the world is fair. And this is coming from a guy who hit the lottery, I’m well aware of that.

“I hit the lottery, and I still would waste my time on those hollow pursuits.”

Pitt says he’s trying to remain out of the spotlight.

But he’s clearly aware that the gossip mill has been churning for months.

And he fears what this will mean for his kids, both now and down the line.

“I worry about it more for my kids, being subjected to it, and their friends getting ideas from it,” he says of the negative attention and chatter.

“And of course it’s not done with any kind of delicacy or insight – it’s done to sell. And so you know the most sensational sells, and that’s what they’ll be subjected to, and that pains me.”

Pitt was photographed for this issue by Ryan McGinley at notable locations such as the Everglades, the White Sands and Carlsbad Caverns.

There will be multiple covers available.

But we assume most readers will focus on what Pitt has to say for a change, not on how he looks.

“Kids are so delicate. They absorb everything. They need to have their hand held and things explained. They need to be listened to. When I get in that busy work mode, I’m not hearing.

“I want to be better at that.

“I grew up with a Father-knows-best/war mentality – the father is all-powerful, super strong – instead of really knowing the man and his own self-doubt and struggles.

“And it’s hit me smack in the face with our divorce: I gotta be more. I gotta be more for them. I have to show them. And I haven’t been great at it.”


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

"Silence of the Lambs" Director Jonathan Demme Dead at 73

Oscar winning director Jonathan Demme died in New York Wednesday morning. Demme reportedly died after battling esophageal cancer and also suffered complications from heart disease. Demme directed blockbusters like “Silence of the Lambs,”…


Friday, April 14, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Breaks Silence on Sex Tape Rumors

Yesterday, we reported on the possible existence of a Kailyn Lowry sex tape.

The rumored footage is said to feature Kailyn in a threesome with a man and another woman.

Fans have speculated that the other woman in the tape is Kailyn’s long time friend Becky Hayter.

Obviously, none of this has been confirmed by either Lowry or Hayter.

In fact, all day yesterday they were both silent on the subject.

This morning, however, Kailyn finally spoke out about the rumors, and interestingly, she doesn’t deny that the tape exists.

“Y’all aren’t seeing any sex tapes of me. Idk where people come up with these rumors.”

It could be Kailyn’s way of denying the existence of the footage – but it could also be her way of playing coy.

Just because we won’t be seeing the tape, that doesn’t mean it’s not out there.

According to the site Crazy Days and Nights, where this story originated, Kailyn was briefly concerned that one of the parties involved in the making of the tape was planning to release it publicly.

The issue was reportedly sorted out, and now Kailyn is said to be confident that the racy video will never see the light of day.

So she can now assure fans that they’ll never see her starring in a homemade porn … but that doesn’t mean such footage was never filmed.

Some of Kailyn’s followers have called her out, citing her tweet is evidence that the tape does indeed exist:

“If it wasn’t true, you wouldn’t be trying so hard to deny it,” wrote one fan.

“Why put energy into something that isn’t true? … She’s denied it three times now.”

In all likelihood, Kailyn will be able to quietly put the matter behind her, and we’ll probably never get a definitive answer as to whether or not the rumors were true.

But that doesn’t mean fans will stop putting her sex life under a microscope.

There’s still constant speculation as to the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy, and it seems the only way Kailyn could a stop to it is to reveal the guy’s name.

It looks as though she’s not planning on doing that, so for now at least, the rumors will continue.

We guess that’s just the price of Teen Mom fame.


Monday, April 3, 2017

Michael Irvin to Break Silence In Sex Assault Investigation (VIDEO)

Michael Irvin tells TMZ Sports he will NOT stay quiet as cops continue to investigate the sexual assault allegation against him … and says he will personally make a statement about the case TODAY.  We broke the story … a 27-year-old woman…


Friday, March 31, 2017

Alex Rodriguez Breaks Silence on Jennifer Lopez; Are They Dating?

Alex Rodriguez ended his Major League Baseball career with 696 home runs.

But the controversial former All-Star has very clearly saved his most impressive round-tripper for retirement:

He confirmed on Friday that he has, indeed, circled the sexual bases with Jennifer Lopez.

Asked during an appearance on The View whether he’s dating the Shades of Blue actress, Rodriguez didn’t really beat around the bush or deny the influx of recent reports.

He responded as follows:

“We’ve been having a great time. She’s an amazing, amazing girl. One of the smartest human beings I’ve ever met and also an incredible mother.”

So there you have it.

A. Rod was left with almost no choice but to confirm this romance after he was spotted with Lopez at a spring training baseball game in Florida last weekend.

Prior to that outing, Lopez had shared an intimate photo of herself and Rodriguez in bed, only to quickly delete the Instagram image for some reason.

The retired Bronx Bomber, who now works as a baseball analyst for Fox, also joked that since Lopez is from the Bronx, she is undoubtedly a “big Yankees fan.”

Despite his huge success and global fame, Lopez has always insisted that she’s just a regular gal.

She remains Jenny from the Block, one might even say.

And Rodriguez himself came out and said this during his interview on The View.

“She just likes simple things,” A. Rod told the hosts. “I mean, she’s a very, very simple person. Loves family. Is a great sister. Is a great daughter.”

Also: She’s hot!!!!!

Rodriguez always came across like a pretty big tool during his baseball career, spouting cliches, displaying little personality, often lying and cheating and breaking drug rules.

And yet he’s dated Kate Hudson. And Torrie Wilson. And Cameron Diaz. And now Lopez.

That’s quite the run.

As always, Rodriguez still can’t compete with ex-teammate Derek Jeter and his resume of banging (Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba, Mariah Carey, Minka Kelly, Hannah Davis, etc.)… but still.

What the heck is drawing these beautiful women to Rodriguez?!?

We have no idea, but things between Rodriguez and Lopez seem pretty serious.

He even knows what J. Lo eats when she cheats on her diet, telling The View panelists that the star indulges in chocolate chip cookies and chocolate chip ice cream when she needs to satisfy her sweet tooth.

Lopez shares custody of nine-year-old twins Max and Emme with ex-husband Marc Anthony; the singer divorce in 2014.

Rodriguez, meanwhile, shares daughters Natasha, 12, and Ella, 8, with his ex-wife, Cynthia Scurtis; they were married for six years and split in 2008.

Do you think A. Rod and J. Lo will last?

Given their obvious nickname (J. Rod!), they appear to have a shot.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Casey Affleck Breaks Silence, Addresses Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Casey Affleck has finally spoken out about the sexual harassment charges that have plagued him for months.

For years, really, but these allegations have especially come to the forefront for the actor ever since the release (and subsequent critical acclaim) of his latest film, Manchester by the Sea.

Affleck, of course, was awarded with the Best Actor trophy for his role in this drama on Sunday night at the Oscars.

About seven years ago, however, two women who worked with Affleck on the movie I’m Still Here filed separate lawsuits, both of which accused him of “uninvited and unwelcome sexual advances in the workplace.”

Affleck denied the allegations and both cases were settled out of court.

In a statement made at the time, a spokesperson for the star said the dispute had “been resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the parties and the lawsuits are being dismissed.”

But questions have remained.

Many folks have been uncomfortable with the recognition (in the form of positive press and many awards) Affleck has received in the wake of his Manchester by the Sea performance.

Brie Larson, for example, presented Affleck with the Academy Award this week… 

… and then stood around on stage, refusing to clap for him.

Affleck has remained entirely silent on this controversial topic ever since the allegations returned to the spotlight last year.

But he finally addressed them in a post-Oscars interview with The Boston Globe.

This is what he said:

I believe that any kind of mistreatment of anyone for any reason is unacceptable and abhorrent, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect in the workplace and anywhere else.

There’s really nothing I can do about it.

Other than live my life the way I know I live it and to speak to what my own values are and how I try to live by them all the time.

The only other time Affleck addressed these charges was in a chat with The New York Times several months ago.

He made the same sort of general, mostly meaningless statement in early November, too.

“It was settled to the satisfaction of all,” he told the paper, adding:

“I was hurt and upset – I am sure all were – but I am over it. It was an unfortunate situation – mostly for the innocent bystanders of the families of those involved.”

Affleck has said that the terms of his settlement with the alleged victims prohibit him from speaking in detail about the lawsuits.

Which is fair.

But he might as well have saved himself a few words and simply released a shrug emoji as his statement in these cases.

That would have said just as much, really.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Ronda Rousey"s Coach Breaks Silence on Ronda & His Haters (VIDEO)

Ronda Rousey’s coach is trying his best to stay positive in the wake of her crushing defeat at UFC 207 … and tells TMZ Sports he’s tuning out the hate.


Ronda Rousey"s Coach Breaks Silence on Ronda & His Haters (VIDEO)

Ronda Rousey’s coach is trying his best to stay positive in the wake of her crushing defeat at UFC 207 … and tells TMZ Sports he’s tuning out the hate.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Billie Lourd Breaks Silence, Thanks Fans for Well Wishes

Billie Lourd has spoken out for the first time since the death of her mother.

And her grandmother.

The child of Carrie Fisher, Lourd stunningly and tragically lost both loved ones over the course of 24 hours last week; first when Fisher passed away from a heart attack and then when Reynolds died from a stroke.

It was a shocking and heartbreaking turn of events.

Fans have been sending their condolences to Lourd ever since, wishing all the best to the Scream Queens 2 star in this impossibly challenging time period.

And now Lourd has acknowledges their messages.

“Receiving all of your prayers and kind words over the past week has given me strength during a time I thought strength could not exist,” Lourd wrote on Instagram.

She added:

“There are no words to express how much I will miss my Abadaba and my own and only Momby. Your love and support means the world to me.”

As you can see below, Lourd included a photo of herself as a child with the post.

It also features younger versions of Fisher and Reynolds:

At 60 years old, Fisher, died unexpectedly on December 27, four days after suffering a heart attack on board an airplane.

Reynolds, her 84-year-old mother, proceeded to pass away the next day after suffering a reported stroke.

According to Reynolds’ son, the veteran actress said she wanted to be “with Carrie” just prior to passing away.

The 24-year-old Lourd, whose father is Hollywood agent Bryan Lourd, appeared opposite her mother in 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

She is not a household name, but all of Hollywood and everyone on Twitter has had Lourd in their thoughts and prayers in the days since these terrible events.

On December 12, Lourd appeared opposite Seth Meyers and talked about life as the daughter of an icon.

She told the talk show that that Fisher and Reynolds originally attempted to dissuade Billie from pursuing acting, yet were overwhelmingly proud of her accomplishments after she decided to take this path.

The young star even said at the time that Reynolds offered a suggestion for how Lourd should be referred to in Hollywood.

“She gets really upset when I get called ‘Carrie Fisher’s daughter,’” Lourd told Meyers.

“She wants people to call me ‘Debbie Reynolds’ granddaughter.’ It’s very offensive to her. She does not like to be cut out — not at all.”

Great stuff.

Also: sad, sad, sad stuff.

Over the past week or so, a great number of of Lourd’s Scream Queens costars have reached out via social media to send their support.

Here’s a look at what celebrities have said in the wake of Fisher’s death:

As previously reported, Fisher and Reynolds will be mourned at a joint funeral later this week.

We continue to send our condolences to Lourd and everyone else so closely touched by these tragic passings.
