Showing posts with label Sister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sister. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Jenelle Evans vs. David Eason"s Sister: The Trashy Feud is Over!

Jenelle Evans sure has been busy lately, huh?

But in between planning a wedding later this year, caring for her brand new baby girl, and fighting her mother for custody of her oldest son, she still managed to get into a fight.

And with David Eason’s sister, Jessica Eason, no less.

Thankfully, no mason jars were thrown at anyone’s head this time, and no one got arrested.

And that’s because the fight took place over social media.

The whole thing started when Jenelle heard that Jessica had met up with one of David’s exes. She allegedly texted Jessica to let her know that that wasn’t cool.

Jessica began talking trash on Facebook, and after that, it was all over.

Both ladies made some outrageous but not necessarily unbelievable claims about each other — Jessica said Jenelle smoked weed while pregnant, for instance.

Jenelle made a Facebook post about how Jessica’s husband smokes crack and how they both “pop xanax all day and lay around the house.”

Jessica claimed that Jenelle used David’s daughter’s toothbrush to clean a toilet, and that the little girl is miserable around her.

She also repeatedly referred to Jenelle as “mud duck.”

It’s been a wild ride, but now, according to Jessica, it’s all over.

In a new Facebook post, she wrote “So Im getting publicity now for NOT speaking on it. Look, the damage is done. But it’s really causing conflict within our family.”

Yeah, if you publicly state that your brother’s fiancée is a lying, manipulative drug addict, it can cause some tension — who knew?!

“My entire family means the world to me,” Jessica continued. “So yes if i can fix it i will, no matter what it takes. Sometimes u have to put things to rest and drop it.”

“Like I said, i would rather my family be alright then to keep fighting. The beef isnt important. My family’s happiness is important.”

Not one to pass up a chance for sass, she added “Now to take that into your little groups and toss it around like a ball.”

“Be mad that i stopped the hate but im trying to please my parents and the rest of my family!”

She finished with the hashtag “family first,” because of course she did.

In another post, Jessica wrote “Sometimes it isn’t about who’s right or wrong, or who did what first. Let go and Love! We aren’t promised another day.”

While it sounds wonderful and all that David’s sister is trying to be the bigger woman here, it’s worth mentioning that this is hardly the first time she’s tried to end the feud.

Every few days she’ll post something about ending things for her family’s sake, but before you know it, we’re hearing some new dirt about the Mud Duck.

When it comes to this feud, as awful as Jenelle can be, it really seems like neither of them have the high ground.

It’s all just way, way too messy — and we’re betting it’s not even close to over.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Meghan Markle: Sister Slams Pippa Middleton HARD for Wedding Invite Diss!

Poor Meghan Markle.

Not only did she miss out on attending Pippa Middleton’s big fancy wedding, but she also has what could very likely be the shadiest sibling of all time.

It’s a good thing she has the hot prince to soothe her during these trying times, right?

And tons of money, tons of beauty, the prestige of being on Suits …

So things aren’t too bad.

But still, people have been talking about what happened last Saturday with Pippa Middleton’s wedding, and they don’t seem too keen to stop talking anytime soon.

As we’ve heard, though Prince Harry is widely rumored to be on the brink of proposing to Meghan, Pippa wouldn’t allow him to bring her to the wedding ceremony.

Instead, she came with him to the reception — a nice compromise, we think.

After all, Pippa isn’t dumb, she knows that if Meghan were to show up to the church, all eyes would be on her. It’s not wrong for her to want to be the center of attention on her most special of days.

But even though it all makes sense and we’re sure Meghan wasn’t spending Saturday morning crying tears of heartache and loneliness, her creepy sister Samantha is still trying to make a big deal about it.

Remember Samantha? She’s Meghan’s estranged sister who’s apparently seen her once in the past two decades.

When Meghan began dating Harry, Samantha saw a chance for fame, and so she began going after Meghan on social media, telling everyone who would listen about how awful she is.

She’s also working on a tell-all, tentatively titled The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister.

And now she’s giving interviews — and oddly enough, this time she seems to be defending Meghan.

Samantha spoke to Radar Online, and she really got into the Pippa wedding drama, saying “For the royal family to exclude her from the wedding is in very poor taste.”

Pippa isn’t “the royal family” by any means, but sure, we’re listening.

“To ignore Meghan at the ceremony and for photographs is pure snobbery,” she went on. “She should have been there. She’s classy, and her dress was designed as a one-off.”

“Diana would be appalled to see how Harry’s true love was treated.”

Bringing in Princess Diana to defend the honor of “Harry’s true love” … you know Samantha is very serious about this.

You’re probably also noticing that this is quite a change in tune for her — she’s calling Meghan “Princess Pushy” in a book title, she’s not exactly a fan.

But, as Samantha explains, “I haven’t always agreed with some of the things my sister has done but she’s a victim here.”

Sure, honey. Whatever you say.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Ben Simmons" Sister Calls On Bro to Destroy Lonzo Ball (PHOTO)

Ben Simmons may be a quiet guy … but his SISTER is firing shots at Lonzo and LaVar Ball.  Olivia Simmons is clearly fed up with the media circus surrounding the Big Baller Brand family … and called upon her Philadelphia 76ers star brother…


Jenelle Evans: Feud With David Eason"s Sister Heats Up!

Over the past week, we’ve been keeping you updated on the Jenelle Evans and David Eason’s sister, Jessica.

Both ladies leveled some pretty serious charges (domestic violence, drug use while pregnant, etc.) at one another, but there was a day or two when it looked as though things had settled down … or at least like they had decided to settle the matter privately.

Fortunately for fans of bonkers social media beefs, Jenelle got back to slamming Jessica online earlier this week, and the situation escalated rapidly.

Jessica posted what sounded a lengthy parting shot on Facebook, writing:

I’ve gotta leave with one last note since my BLOOD BROTHER and his tomfoolery gf are acting up over me seeing my nephew and it made Jenelle jealous:

Whitney Johnson is David’s ex wife.. She is my 2nd BFF, she loves me and I love her. Olivia Leedham David ex is also my friend. I could keep naming but ill stop.

When someone has hurt u but they have a change of heart and they act like they have some sense, u can forgive and love them.

I’ve never had this type of beef w his women so what’s wrong w this puzzle? Never had beef w jamies women either! Amanda Diaz! I love u too booboo

Little did we know all Jessica was doing was switching venues to Twitter, where she continued to rant about some trash talk from Jenelle.

Though in fairness, it was some pretty severe trash talk:

“She fist fought a kid while 7 months pregnant and now her son has cerebral palsy,” Jenelle wrote in  status update last week.

“She needs to stop being such an angry person and stay sober. Drugs make everyone so angry it’s crazy.”

For some reason, it took Jessica days to respond to that remark – on a different social media platform:

“That comment alone is gonna cost her dearly.. dearly!” Jessica wrote.

“How dare she say that about me and my innocent son.. She is a BIG fat liar and a FAKE It shows her evil character. . or lack there of! Ive always been respectful to this girl. She really showed her true self.”

After claiming that David is in the dark about the true nature of his fiancee’s character Jessica hit Jenelle with this zinger:

“U know i will see u again right? U better bring a flat full of mason jars with u where ever u go!”

It’s a reference to the fact that Jenelle allegedly threw a mason jar at the girlfriend of her second baby daddy, Nathan Griffith, and was arrested for assault.

“One more effin word to p!ss me off @PBandJenelley_1 & i PROMISE U i will tell every tiny detail of ur pathetic fake world,” Jessica added.

She went on to accuse Evans of being “jealous” of Eason’s daughter, Maryssa.

Jenelle seems unsure of how to play this one.

Clearly, she wants to go off in true Carolina Hurricane fashion, but at the same time, it’s a future in-law she’s dealing with.

So she keeps dropping bombs like this one …

… then deleting them, presumably on David’s behest.

For her part, Jessica tweeted and deleted an accusation about someone (presumably a child) eating one of Jenelle’s weed gummy bears, and seemed to sense that she’d gone too far.

“Im stopping this on my end,” she wrote shortly thereafter.

“It is making me sick.. I dont wanna bash my bro or his woman bc i know its hurting him. Im stopping for him.”

She proceeded to argue with a random tweeter who accused of her bening afraid of legal action over the gummy bear tweet.

Folks, we’re guessing this thing is far from over.


Monday, May 15, 2017

Jenelle Evans Continues to Slam David Eason"s Sister on Facebook!

Last week, we reported on the bizarre and very public feud between Jenelle Evans and the sister of David Eason.

David, of course, is Jenelle’s fiance and the father of her third child.

One would think that Jenelle would do her damnedest to stay on his family’s good side – at least until the wedding – but Jenlle’s never been one to avoid setting fire to her own life.

So in a situation where sane, rational adults who are currently in the process of trying to win back custody of their eldest son might have eased up on the hate (or at least kept it off social media) Jenelle doubled down.

The folks over at Starcasm have been watching the situation closely, and it seems that things died down for a while – until, of course, Jenelle decided to fire a shot out of nowhere.

Over the weekend, David’s other sister, April, wrote a lengthy Facebook post about the importance of family. 

Jenelle being Jenelle, she took the opportunity to trash-talk her rival, Jessica:

“Think about your actions wisely before losing your entire family,” Jenelle wrote on Facebook.

“#FamilyFirst not #FamilySecond … there’s a huge difference.”

As much as people usually love being threatened with the loss of their entire family, Jenelle’s comment didn’t go over well:

“Does this makes sense to anyone?” Jessica shot back.

“We have our family. April David Amber and Jamie are our family. And Ensley is my niece. Youre the one losing Jen!”

After being egged on by some commenters, Jessica went on:

“Girl I could say some stuff but ima back off the Lil ho for now.. But if I see another negative word out that things mouth or finger tips.. It will be #onlikedonkeykong”

She added:

“Did she think MY sister April Marie was gonna say something nice to her? Hahahaha”

Believe it or not, Jessica didn’t stop there, and she’s on the verge of doing the impossible: making Jenelle look like the sane one in a conflict.

Jessica posted the above status, presumably just in case anyone still wasn’t clear about her feelings toward Jenelle.

Urban Dictionary provides this helpful definition of “mud duck”:

“An atrocious-looking female. This girl has to be so horrible that she doesn’t even qualify as a duck.”

Jessica went on to remind us of what really started all of this – her continued friendship with David’s first baby mama, Olivia:

“Olivia and Kaden (my nephew and his mom) came to visit and Jenelle got so jealous she’s on oxygen but seriously. Then in retaliation she begins posting a bunch of weird sh*t!”

Amazingly, all of this time, Jenelle was playing it relatively cool, clapping back passive-aggressively by posting an unflattering article about Jessica with a caption reading, “I’m done.”

But, of course, she wasn’t done:

“She’s always wanted to be “on tv”. Maybe that’s why she’s mad,” Jenelle wrote.

“Davids brother and her have been asking david when they can film and they should have their own show. Her saying this doesn’t even surprise me.”

She added:

“She must be on xanax being as angry as she was in my voicemail lmfao.”

Yes, Jenelle has decided to take this thing into “she’s on drugs” territory.

She went on to accuse Jessica of repeatedly calling and threatening her, writing:

“I have kids and she has 5 kids like damn just stop already. She fist fought a kid while 7 months pregnant and now her son has cerebral palsy. She needs to stop being such an angry person and stay sober. Drugs make everyone so angry it’s crazy.”

She added that unless she publicly apologizes, Jessica won’t be invited to her and David’s wedding.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like that apology is forthcoming:

“All she has to do is bow down and call me the queen and I might forgive her. Maybee,” Jessica wrote.

Stock up on popcorn, folks.

This one may go on a while.

We’ll have further updates as this thing develops.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Jenelle’s most bonkers moments.


Friday, May 5, 2017

Neymar"s Model Sister Dating Brazil Teammate Gabriel Barbosa (PHOTO)

Neymar’s international teammate, Gabriel Barbosa, just scored big time … with his hot model sister. 21-year-old Rafaella — who has been rumored to have a thing with the Inter Milan star for several weeks — pretty much confirmed the…


Thursday, April 27, 2017

NFL Prospect Corey Davis Might Buy Sister Ass Implants with Draft Money (VIDEO)

This is the best video of the day — the sister of top NFL draft prospect Corey Davis says she’s SOOOO happy her bro is about to become rich … and hopes he’ll kick her over some cash for ass implants! Corey’s sister, LaToya Davis, is out in…


Monday, April 24, 2017

Javi Marroquin: Hooking Up With Briana DeJesus" Sister?!

When it was first announced that Briana DeJesus would be joining the cast of Teen Mom 2, both fans of the show and DeJesus’ future co-stars reacted with a combination of irritation and befuddlement.

They reasoned that the show already featured plenty of drama, and the addition of a fifth full-time cast member would result in a feeling of overkill.

But producers clearly feel that Briana has what it takes to bring the Teen Mom turmoil to the next level – and she’s already proving them right without having filmed a single scene.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you know that the show gets a lot of mileage out of the tension between Javi Marroquin and Kailyn Lowry, exes who have failed miserably in their attempts to form an amicable co-parenting relationship.

In the months since their divorce, Kailyn has gotten pregnant for a third time (by a man whose identity she’s keeping secret), while Javi appears to be making the most of life as a young, single pseudo-celebrity.

And it seems that these days, the 24-year-old is mainly interested in bedding fellow reality stars.

Last month, Javi briefly dated Madison Channing Walls.

Now, he appears to be involved with Briana’s sister, Brittany DeJesus.

As Radar Online reported today, Javi and Brittany hung out in Los Angeles over the weekend, and Javi documented the trip on Snapchat.

The soon-to-be-co-stars (Brittany is expected to figure prominently in Briana’s storyline) enjoyed a night on the town and appeared to be very friendly with one another.

Naturally, speculation that Javi and Brittany are more than just friends started circulating as soon as Javi began posting pics.

But it wasn’t until the next morning that the rumors really started flying in response to this pic:

As you can see, Javi snapped a photo of Brittany in bed, which led many fans to the conclusion that the TM2 stars spent the night together.

Javi didn’t offer much in the way of details, but when asked by Radar if he and Brittany are dating, he made it clear that they are not currently involved in a relationship:

“Absolutely not,” Marroquin told the site.

“We had some business in LA together.”

Throwing the DeJesus family into the mix is clearly already paying off for MTV execs, who reportedly hired Briana not only to ramp up the drama, but also to send a message to the other cast members that they’re not as indispensable as they think:

“Some of the girls are unreliable with filming and others just are no longer bringing the drama viewers want to see,” a source told Radar. “They needed to spice it up.”


Thursday, April 13, 2017

8-Year Old Boy Drives (Yes, Drives!) Little Sister to McDonald"s

Kids these days, huh?

They throw tantrums in front of The Queen… they steal The Pope’s hat… and they don’t believe the number four exists.

Oh, and they also steal their parents’ car and drive their little sister to McDonald’s because they crave some fast food.

At eight years old.

According to the Ohio Police Department, a young boy grabbed the keys to his family’s car after both his parents fell asleep this week.

He also grabbed his four-year old sister, who was totally down with eating some cheeseburgers, and used the lessons he had learned on YouTube to successfully drive all the way to his local McDonald’s.

Really, that may be the most amazing part of this hilarious story;

The child maintained the speed limit and executed a perfect left turn into the drive-thru lane, where he came to a stop at the window and actually placed his order.

“It was remarkable,” East Palestine Police Officer Jacob Koehler told Inside Edition on Wednesday.

“He got him and his sister to McDonald’s without hitting anything or running any red lights.”

The unnamed eight-year old apparently took money from his piggy bank to finance the fast-food adventure.

According to The Morning Journal, employees at the restaurant thought they were victims of a prank when they saw the boy behind the wheel and then listened as he calmly asked for his food.

Police officers say they receiver two calls from pedestrians about a little boy driving a big van, Koehler explained.

The cops arrived at the McDonald’s around 8 p.m. Sunday, just as the boy was pulling up to the drive-thru window.

“He said he and his sister looked up how to drive on YouTube,” Koehler said. “They waited until mom fell asleep and grabbed her keys.”

Not wanting to actually place children of this age inside a cruiser, the police allowed the boy and his sister to wait inside the restaurant for their grandparents to pick them up and take them to the police station.

They gobbled down on a cheeseburger, chicken nuggets and fries during this time.

The parents then retrieved their kids from the station and no charges were filed in the incident.

Still, Koehler remained most stunned that such a little boy was able to handle such a large vehicle.

“This was a one-ton work van,” the officer said. “This thing was huge.”

He added:

“I was expecting to get call after call about mailboxes being knocked over, stupid stuff like that. But he didn’t hit a single thing.”

We bet those burgers sure hit the spot, though!


As you can see immediately above, this is somehow only the second weirdest story about a trip to McDonald’s we’ve written about on the site.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Mel B"s Sister Rips Stephen Belafonte As "Sorry Excuse of a Man"

Stephen Belafonte tormented Mel B’s family, saying they’d be cut off from her again … according to Melanie’s sister, who’s now dancing on Stephen’s metaphorical grave. Danielle Brown says “8 years of abusive calls me and my mum have had stating we…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Meghan Markle on Shady Sister: She"s Just Trying to Cash In!

Yesterday, we reported that Meghan Markle’s half-sister, Samantha Markle (who recently, shadily changed her name from Samantha Grant), is planning to write a damning tell-all in which she’ll reportedly expose Meghan as a social-climbing fraud.

As royal-watchers have been eager for a reason to revile Meghan ever since it was first revealed that she’s dating Prince Harry, Samantha has had no trouble finding an audience for her slander.

In fact, the worst of the Meghan-haters have been happy to ignore the fact that Meghan and Samantha grew up under completely different circumstances and have had no relationship with one another as adults.

One would think this would seriously undermine Samantha’s credibility as the world’s foremost expert on all things MegMar, but it hasn’t prevented her from expanding her social media following and scoring a lucrative book deal.

Thus far, there’s been no official word on the book from either Meghan or the Royals, and there probably never will be.

After all, why offer up free publicity that the erstwhile Ms. Grant would probably kill for?

But just because a dude with pointy slippers and a scroll of parchment hasn’t renounced the book as a dodgy load of rubbish, that doesn’t mean Harry and Meghan aren’t making their opinions known.

“Insiders” have been offering up their two cents to E! News, and as this isn’t the first Meghan-related exclusive that the outlet has published in recent weeks, it’s safe to assume the source here is either or someone in Meghan’s camp … or Meghan herself.

“Samantha Grant doesn’t have a relationship with Meghan Markle and she never has,” the insider says.

“As they were 17 years apart, they were never raised in the same house. Meghan was raised an only child by her loving parents.”

The source (who pretty much has to be Meghan, right?) goes on to claim that Meghan has a long history of lying and manipulating others in order to get what she wants:

“This woman who she hardly knows, who has had a lifelong history of lying and manipulation is setting her sights on her for no reason,” Meghan the insider says.

“In their very limited contact, Meghan has never been anything but nice to her and for the majority of those interactions, Meghan was just a little girl.”

The source adds:

“This is an old, jealous woman (she is in her 50s! who does this in their 50s?) doing anything she can to take advantage of the situation to sell lies for money and fame. Meghan has never done anything to her and continues to take the high road.”

Woof. Tell us what you really think, source.

Oh, you’re not done yet? Well, please proceed:

“Recently Samantha changed her name from Samantha Grant to Samantha Markle. If she hates Meghan so much, why is she suddenly trying to share an identity with her?” the tipster inquires.

She adds:

“Meghan was raised as an only child and split her time between her parents’ homes. Her parents were divorced when she was 1-and-a-half years old and she largely lived with her mom though her parents had an extremely amicable relationship and co-parented often, having Sunday supper and taking vacations together.”

“Samantha was not a part of that life and in no way shape or form did Samantha raise Meghan until she was 12.”

In case her point wasn’t already crystal clear, the insider goes on to claim that Meghan and Samantha have seen each other exactly once in the past 23 years.

Samantha’s justifications for why she’s an authority on Meghan are getting flimsier by the day, but none of the recent revelations have stopped her from feverishly promoting The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister (Yes, that’s actual working title.) on social media:

“Believing everything you read in tabloids is dangerous. Keep your minds and hearts open. Look for goodness to extrapolate.”

Yes, because nothing says “extrapolating goodness” like tearing down a half-sister you barely know for having the audacity to enter a romantic relationship.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Recap: Stripper Sister Wives, ATL Style!

Did Rasheeda stand by embattled husband Kirk Frost after word of his alleged dalliances with Jasmine Washington spread like wildfire?

VH1’s Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta Season 6 Episode 3 set out to answer that, as Rasheeda turned to Jasmine personally for answers.

If you watch Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta online, you’re aware of the drama that has been percolating between Rasheeda, Kirk and Jasmine.

Still, nothing prepared us for this level of ridiculousness.

Just ask Mimi Faust, who introduces viewers to the “Stripper Sister Wives,” a.k.a. Rod Bullock’s two dancers Keanna and (yes) Jasmine.

They live together, and moreover, Jasmine Washington is supposedly raising Kirk’s baby with Rod and Keanna … who also says she boned Kirk.

Regardless of whether this is true, partially true or completely invented for the show, it’s pretty incredible even for Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta.

All we know for sure is that Rasheeda is the victim here.

When Kirk owns up to cheating to her face (he says he was drunk and doesn’t mention the whole baby issue), she takes off her ring.

After Rasheeda bombards him with some harsh words, he admits he lied at first because he didn’t want to hurt her. How nice of him.

‘Sheeda opens up to Tammy Rivera as Mimi and her friend Melissa are at a loss for words when Rod tells them about the two strippers.

Regarding Tammy, you may recall that she broke up with Waka Flocka Flame for cheating on her … well, now he’s trying to win her back!

And move back in. He brought a suitcase. That’s one way to force the issue. As for Tommie, he forgave Karlie for sleeping with Lil Scrappy.

Even though that happened before he went to prison, he’s willing to move forward. Of course, he refuses to do her any favors, either.

Looks like prison didn’t change the old Tommie.

Once upon a time, Karlie was trying to get back with YungJoc, but he’s still single and seems to be loving life that way, so there’s that.

Finally, Joseline stole Stevie J’s underwear, put it in a zip-loc bag and took it for a DNA test to establish paternity of her unborn child.

Since Stevie J didn’t submit the sample, this wouldn’t be admissible in court under any stretch of the legal imagination, but whatever.

That said, Stevie J told Mimi he thinks he may be the dad and would take a DNA test; Mimi just doesn’t want Joseline around their kid.

Clearly, we are seeing a thaw in relations between Stevie and his pregnant longtime partner since their epic blowups of last summer.

Yes, despite Joseline calling Stevie a deadbeat child molester and saying she passed a lie detector test proving Stevie J watches gay porn.


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Alex Rodriguez"s Sister Called Jennifer Lopez Her Sister-In-law

It seems Alex Rodriguez’s sister has already decided Jennifer Lopez is the one for him … cuz she posted a pic with the singer and claimed her as a member of the family.  A-Rod’s sis Susy Dunand posted a couple pics with J-Lo…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sister Wives Lesbian Bombshell: Mariah Brown Dating Audrey Kriss!

Mariah Brown came out as a lesbian on an emotional January Sister Wives episode, and now she’s going public with Audrey Kriss!

Her relationship is Instagram official. She writes:

“When your girlfriend is an artist, so you pretend to art for a day just for her, alongside a glowing photo of herself with a pretty brunette.”

Yup, girlfriend. It’s also Facebook official.

Both halves of the couple announced their relationship status on their respective profile pages, leaving no doubt that this is the real thing.

She even took to Twitter for the social media trifecta, identifying her by name: “Shoutout to Audrey Kriss for literally changing my life.”

Kriss, 21, a fellow student of the Sister Wives star at Utah’s Westminster College, showed Mariah “that who I am is perfectly okay.”

It’s great to see Mariah so happy now.

Mariah Brown coming out was just part of a tough year that also saw her family grapple with Meri Brown’s catfishing scandal and infidelity.

Meri, Mariah’s 46-year-old mom, fell in love with an online profile named Samuel Cooper who was really a woman named Jackie Overton.

The drama played out on TV, with Meri and husband Kody Brown struggling to repair the damage to their marriage and family since.

In early 2017, it was Mariah’s turn to deliver a shocker, coming out of the closet even as she admitted being gay was her biggest fear once.

The family had no clue it was coming.

“No one thought that Mariah coming out as gay was going to be the announcement,” a family source said of her now-famous sit-down.

“Especially considering Mariah was one of the children who said would practice polygamy when she married,” said the source at the time.

Mom Meri was floored by it.

“I didn’t see this coming, I thought I knew my daughter … I didn’t,” she said, while a show insider claims the cast and crew were in the dark:

“No one knew what Mariah coming out was going to be filmed. Robyn, Christine, Janelle, and Kody were all also genuinely blindsided.”

The family’s church, the Apostolic United Brethren, espouses that homosexuality is a sin, and Meri and Kody have struggled with this.

Just the same, Mariah’s family – her siblings, parents and “sister moms” – has been overwhelmingly supportive after the big news sank in.

“We’re just happy she’s figured out who she is,” Janelle said.

“It’s tremendous when you see a kid do that.” 

Kody Brown, for his part, was candid about his thoughts on having a homosexual child, which he admits was difficult in a sense.

“You come from an Old Testament religion, you are not excited that your child comes out,” Kody explained after Mariah’s news.

However, the father of 18 said he decided a long time back that if this scenario ever occurred, he would not stand in the way:

“I thought about this years ago, and I made a decision.”

“My job as a dad is to love and respect, not to judge.”


Friday, February 24, 2017

Kody Brown: Is He Abusing the Sister Wives?!

It seems like at least once a month or so, we hear a new rumor about the Sister Wives.

Specifically about how the Sister Wives are planning on leaving Kody Brown.

It makes sense — Kody does seem pretty unbearable, and even if he was the greatest dude of all time, sharing your husband with three other women doesn’t sound like a great time.

Last we heard, Robyn, Kody’s most recent sister wife, and the only one he’s legally married to, is considering leaving him.

The issue is that Kody is allegedly preparing to take on a fifth wife who is just 24 years old. Robyn’s not that into the idea, so if he follows through, she’s out.

Kody had apparently been struggling with Robyn’s possible departure, so he reportedly began drinking to get through the fights and the panic attacks.

We’d be all “aww, poor guy,” but, you know, it’s Kody.

If he has such a hard time understanding the problems in his marriages, then there’s really no helping him, is there?

But it seems like understanding isn’t Kody’s only issue — not by a long shot.

According to an actual family friend of the Browns, Kody’s been “totally spiraling out of control” lately.

The friend says that Kody is “becoming a hothead, he has no filter and it is freaking Robyn out.” Things are so bad that “she can no longer trust him.”

They used to “fight and yell at each other,” but “now Robyn simply ignores him, which makes him even more infuriated.”

“Kody has a nasty tongue on him,” the friend continues. “Robyn told me how Kody said to her, ‘you would not have any of this if it wasn’t for me."”

“Kody has to be the king of the castle. Robyn used to be Kody’s puppet. Now she’s saying no.”

So it sounds like a miserable situation is getting even worse thanks to Kody’s increasingly bad temper, right? No wonder there are constant reports of his wives leaving him.

And the Browns’ family friend has some words to say on that subject, too.

“Robyn’s always said that if he takes on new wives, she’ll leave,” she says. “Robyn has told friends she is going to divorce Kody.”

“She believes it is her only choice. She says he will be getting a rude awakening soon when he’s served with the papers.”

While it would be wonderful if Robyn left Kody — and if Meri, Janelle, and Christine left him, too — we’ll believe it when we see it.

But dang, this story is getting juicy, huh?


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Honey Boo Boo Says Warns Sister, "Cash Me Ousside" Is Gonna Beat Your Ass (VIDEO)

Kylie Jenner is about to start World War III … between “Cash Me Ousside” girl and Honey Boo Boo’s big sister! HBB and Pumpkin arrived in NYC Tuesday night and a photog asked what they thought about Danielle Bregoli talking major trash…


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sister Wives Stars March to Legalize Polygamy: We"re Family, Not Felons!

Sister Wives is a quality reality show, full of relationship drama, family drama … just all the drama, really.

And the vast, vast majority of that is because of the family"s beliefs: namely the belief that polygamy is the way to be.

Kody Brown has four wives — Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn — and he has children with each of those wives. He"s legally married to Robyn, but he calls the other three his "spiritual wives."

And in Utah, where the family is originally from, that"s against the law.

That"s why all those crazy Browns packed up and moved to Las Vegas a few years ago. If they didn"t, they risked being arrested, simply because of the way they choose to live.

But this weekend, they went back to Utah. And they went for a fight.

See, bigamy has always been illegal, but there"s a bill in Utah that makes it illegal not only to have multiple legal wives, but to have multiple spiritual wives.

On one hand, it makes sense. Many women and children have been abused and mistreated in polygamist families.

But on the other hand, there are families like the Browns. They may be strange, but they"re all consenting adults who"ve made a choice to live a certain way, and should that really be a felony.

A local news station in Utah caught Kody at the march, and he was able to outline his issue with the bill.

Check out Kody do his thing in the video below:

Sister wives stars march to legalize polygamy were family not fe

Monday, January 30, 2017

Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 10 Recap: More Truths Revealed!

Was there hope that the Brown family could put all of their differences aside?

That was questioned on Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 10, which served as the second part of the tell-all special. 

As the episode got underway, it was all about Meri and Kody and their fractured relationship. The previous portion of the tell-all found the pair at odds as they recalled the catfishing scandal that almost tore the family apart. 

Meri felt that there was just so much going on in both of their lives that they needed a time out to cool things off.

She did, however, reveal that nothing Kody was doing was actually helping. 

Kody felt that he had been trying to get in touch with Meri, but she just did not want to talk to him and it hurt him. Meri claimed that it went both ways, and it seemed like the pair were stuck in a vicious cycle. 

Meri even revealed that as much as she did not like to admit it, she wanted things to be okay between them. She understood that she needed him in her life. 

Meri wanted Kody to focus on what was good for her, instead of putting her to the back of his mind and making things right with the other women. 

Some of the other wives were not impressed with the way Kody could potentially put Meri before them and it made them wonder how they would feel if that became the case. 

However, the others did speak up for Meri because they felt that she had been dealt a rough hand and definitely deserved another chance.

Kody eventually revealed that he should have tried better with Meri to make her feel included in the family. 

We then switched gears to Meri’s relationship with Mariah. As you probably know if you watch Sister Wives online, Mariah recently confirmed her sexuality to her family. 

This was met with praise from everyone, but Meri, who felt Mariah should have turned to her in the first instance. That’s sort of what Meri’s like. 

Mariah was ecstatic about being herself, but she did say that she felt like Meri was hiding some information about the whole catfishing scandal. 

She felt that that’s where the strain in their relationship emerged and that they really needed to take a step back and assess their relationship before trying to make things return to normal. 

Mariah did feel offended by the way her mother acted when she came out the closet. That’s sort of what happens when you cry and make everything about you, Meri. 

Meri revealed that she had a tough time because she never in a million years thought her daughter was gay and apologized for the way she acted. 

After that, Madison and Caleb announced the news that they were three months pregnant. That should be an interesting storyline for the rest of the season, but will Meri calm down?

What did you think of all the drama for the stars?

Sound off below!


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Serena Williams Beats Big Sister Venus for Record Win (PHOTO GALLERY)

Serena Williams is back on top after beating her 36-year-old sister Venus in the Australian Open finals. Serena was gracious as ever in victory, calling her big sis her inspiration. The win is an astonishing accomplishment … it’s Serena’s 23rd…


Monday, January 23, 2017

Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 9 Recap: The Truth

There really is never a dull moment on Sister Wives… the cast seems to think so, too. 

That’s why TLC thought they would surprise us with a special episode that finds the cast revealing how they felt in the aftermath of some of the crazy developments. 

When Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 9 got underway, it became clear that several months had passed since filming of the most recent batch of episodes. 

This gave them ample time to get their feelings in check and bicker some more about them. 

NBC News Correspondent, Andrea Canning wanted to start things off in quiet fashion. Basically, she did not want any of the family bailing on her before she got to the good questions. 

She brought up Maddy’s wedding and we got to see the family in happier times, but it was revealed that the family were not shocked about Kody forgetting about the exchanging of rings. 

Kody owned up to being nervous about the whole thing. Even Maddy was not upset because she knew that was something that could be done later on the day. 

Andrea then questioned the differences between a monogamous and polygamous one. Apparently, polygamists don’t tend to have large weddings because they are scared of being arrested. 

It was also revealed that rings were not part of the ceremony. When quizzed about how they knew how a monogamous wedding would play out, they revealed that they watched a lot of movies to understand how they worked. 

Pretty smart. Right?

We then got some deets on the questions that Kody asked Tony when the latter asked permission to marry Mykelti. Kody then said that he did not care what his grandchildren wanted to do in life and that he only asked the question to understand whether Tony was the right man for Mykelti. 

Kody had no idea whether Tony would be against his lifestyle and if he would restrict potential grandchildren from seeing the family. Additionally, Kody took issue with the engagement coming so soon after Maddie’s wedding. 

When quizzed about pushing the wedding to December, Kody felt that would leave enough time from Madison’s wedding. He was also concerned that Mykelti was only wanting to get married so quickly because she wanted to have sex. 

The younger kids did, however, side with Kody because they respected how blunt he would be in situations and they felt it was better for them. 

After that, the drama surrounding Meri was brought to the forefront. Andrea quizzed Meri about whether she really wanted to leave the family, or if that was all blown out of proportion. 

However, Kody butted in before Meri could get a word in and said the family was not legally together, so if someone wanted out, they could go. 

The other wives were not impressed. As you would have probably expected, Meri was more upset that he did not declare his love for her. 

Yeah, Meri is still complaining… even months later. 

That’s a wrap on the first part of the special. Be with us next Sunday as we recap the second half!

What did you think of all the drama?
