Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

J.J. Watt Goes "Social Media" Public with Soccer Star Girlfriend (PHOTO)

Big step for J.J. Watt … the NFL superstar FINALLY went public with his relationship with his pro soccer star girlfriend — by posting a couply picture on Instagram! Obviously, this is a big deal. Watt and pro soccer star Kealia Ohai have…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Homophobia Controversy Erupts on Social Media

If you watched Vanderpump Rules last night, you known that the highlight of the episode was unquestionably the roast of Jax Taylor.

For the most part, the cast showed some surprising comedic chops in skewering the West Coast’s answer to The Situation

Unfortunately, as is often the case at this sort of event, someone crossed the line into decidedly “not cool” territory – and surprisingly, it was a member of the audience.

As fans of the show know, rumors about Jax being gay have been circulating for years.

At this point, it’s sort of a running gag amongst the group of frenemies, and while there may be problematic undertones, it seems that the humor isn’t rooted in homophobia, but rather in the notion that Jax used to exchange sexual favors for rent money.

But that’s not the way Brittany Cartwright’s mother sees it.

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, then you’re aware that Brittany’s mom, Cherrie, is an ultra-conservative, deeply religious woman who’s less than thrilled about her daughter’s choice of suitor.

Remarkably, however, she was unconcerned about the allegations that Jax loves cocaine, cheated on every girlfriend he’s ever had, and has served time behind bars on numerous occasions.

What did bother her, however, was what she described as the “homosexual stuff.”

Jax’s alleged past as a male escort made its way into the night’s stand-up routines, and each time, Cherrie made no effort to conceal her chagrin.

“He’s slept with many, many women,” Tom Schwartz joked about Jax at one point. “And a few men!”

Cherrie grimaced as her daughter jokingly (we think) covered her ears.

Several cast members and producer Andy Cohen have defended Cherrie, claiming that she was simply upset by the idea that her possible future son-in-law might be attracted to other 

But in addition to being rooted in a dangerous stereotype about bisexual men, that excuse doesn’t hold water for two reasons:

Cherrie wasn’t upset about the many anecdotes regarding Jax’s infidelity with other women, and she was also outraged by the jokes about Brittany hooking up with Kristen.

Taking place, as it does, in West Hollywood, and featuring as one of its stars the owner of a prominent area gay club, Vanderpump is usually a pretty progressive, liberal-minded show.

(Though the cast rightfully took some flak for reacting to the Orlando nightclub shooting for turning up and dancing on top of bars.)

So fans were upset not only by Cherrie’s homophobic views, but the cast’s defense of her comments.

“Britt & her mom are HUGE #LGBTQ activists,” Stassi Schroeder tweeted during the show.

“Any mom would be concerned if she heard her daughter’s bf might not be ‘into her."”

As we’re reminded every time we see some jackass with a Pepe the Frog meme as his avatar, there is still a lot of hate in America, and some of us are forced to confront it within our own homes or social circles.

Except for in extreme cases, that doesn’t mean that we have to condemn the bigoted parties and sever ties.

But it also doesn’t mean that we have to defend them or make excuses on their behalf.

The way forward is to acknowledge hate and backward ideas and try to help our prejudiced pals see the error of their ways.

Considering Jax and Brittany just landed a spinoff, we get the sense that this a position Mr. Taylor (who’s actually shown himself to be admirably right-minded on this particular issue) will find himself in more often in the years to come.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Jenelle Evans-Farrah Abraham Feud Heats Up on Social Media!

Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham are the two stars of the Teen Mom franchise that fans most love to hate.

One would think that as the villains of their respective series, Jenelle and Farrah would have a lot to bond over, and for a while, it seems like that was the case.

Farrah and Jenelle met for the first time just last year, when they partied in Miami for Jenelle’s birthday.

They appeared to get along, and expressed mutual admiration for one another.

Prior to this selfie-heavy Yalta conference, however, these two took every opportunity to attack one in the press and on social media.

Jenelle has repeatedly slammed Farrah as “Miss Pornstar” (not the most creative nickname, but it gets the point across) and attacked her allegedly negligent parenting in interviews.

Apparently realizing that she’s met her match, Farrah has remained uncharacteristically quiet in the wake of Jenelle’s comments, and it seems like she’ll take the high road again following Jenelle’s most recent trash talk.

In case you can’t tell, that’s a photo of some port-a-potties.

“Got some Port-A-Johns for the MTV crew,” Jenelle wrote, scrawling “j/k” on the pic to make it clear that she doesn’t actually force the MTV crew to use outdoor toilets when they’re filming at her home.

The pic is a reference to rumors that Farrah won’t allow Teen Mom staff to use her bathroom while during shooting.

Fans tweeted the pic to Farrah and encouraged her to respond, but thus far … nothing.

It’s more than a little surprising, as if you know Farrah, you know that she lives for petty drama.

Meanwhile, Jenelle is getting a lot of mileage out of her latest snap, retweeting fans who gave her props for her shade-throwing ability.

We’re guessing Farrah is planning something big, and for the first time ever, she’s actually taking the time to craft a response made up of coherent sentences.

But maybe she’s just decided she has too much beef on her plate these days, and she’s choosing to focus on her feud with Amber Portwood.

Still, another possibility is that Farrah simply knows when she’s outmatched.

Farrah might be crazy, but the Carolina Hurricane is ca-raaaaazy!

Perhaps even Farrah is smart enough to when to back away from certain fights.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Jeremy Calvert: Teen Mom 2 Editing is Bulls--t! MTV Ruins Lives Through Social Engineering!

Teen Mom 2’s Jeremy Calvert, Leah Messer’s ex, has had it with what he considers unfair editing on the popular MTV reality show.

Biting the hand that made him a quasi-celebrity, you might say? Jer doesn’t see it that way. Rather, he considers the charade a detriment:

Calvert took to his Instagram page to deliver a short but pointed video rant in which he accused the network of manipulating storylines.

Taking issue with a deleted scene from the premiere, he promised that he wouldn’t allow MTV’s portrayal of him to be unfairly one-sided:

“This season of Teen Mom 2 when s–t’s not edited and portrayed correctly as it took place in real time,” Jeremy promised his followers:

“Now that this clip has come to my attention, you’re gonna hear my own statement and my own side of s–t of how it’s not edited correctly.”

“So stay tuned.” 

Grammatical imperfections aside, Jeremy makes a point he has raised before – and he continued his diatribe in the video’s caption.

Jeremy wrote:

“Large media corporations have a tendency to socially engineer viewers to instill an emotion on viewers which is most lucrative for their stakeholders.”

“Holding no regard for the impact they can have on my life, and the life of my family,” he continued, the network exploits him … for now.

Be on notice:

“As a repercussion for deceitful editing, I will address each scene with what really happened. I appreciate all of your support over the years.”

In the clip he’s referring to, Leah Messer was driving in the car with their daughter Adalynn after picking her up from a visit with Jeremy.

During the car ride, Leah talked about Jeremy’s engagement to Brooke Wehr, his longtime girlfriend. Here’s what MTV put on its website:

“I guess he got engaged on his vacation,” Leah said. “I mean, he was like, ‘Yeah, I got engaged.’ But then he was like, ‘It’s just engaged."”

“‘It’s not that serious.’”

Leah’s implication was that she was cool with it, but that Jeremy may not be excited about being engaged to Wehr, at the end of the day.

“I just hope that this is serious and something that you really want for the sake of our child,” she said, and Jeremy was none too pleased. 

Somewhat ironically, one person who might share his opinion on the producers not treating the cast fairly regarding editing is … Messer.

Leah has made this view clear before, and even said that worrying about editing gives her anxiety and adversely impacts her parenting.

That said …

She still had a full-on “panic attack” when she lost her keys before her twins’ tee-ball game on the Season 8 premiere of the show January 2.

“I’m going to be super late. I cannot be late for their game. Every time MTV is here something like this has to happen,” Messer said.

Fans slammed Messer – who, in the past, has criticized Jeremy for not being there for Addie –  for blaming MTV for her parenting struggles.

“Oh look, Leah hasn’t changed a bit,” one follower said.

Another viewer reacted incredulously: “Leah only functions like a hot wreck when MTV is there? Does all the crayon on the wall say LIAR?”

Wow. Maybe she and Jer should form a support group.


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Kim Kardashian"s Back On Social Media And The Numbers Are Huge

Kim Kardashian is up and running again on social media — and her numbers are pretty astonishing. Kim jumped back on all platforms Tuesday, blasting out pics, tweets and messages. Our Snapchat sources say in just 24 hours Kim’s snaps had 42.8…


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Kendall Jenner Returns To Instagram, Social Media Break Is OVER!

Could you imagine a world without Kendall Jenner updating you on what she gets up to?

Kendall Jenner couldn’t imagine one. 

The 21-year-old Keeping Up with the Kardashians star has returned to social media just seven days after taking a break from it. 

Yes, it’s hard to imagine any Kardashian family member ditching social media for good. Part of why they are everywhere is due to them keeping their fans updated with what’s going on in their lives. 

There are a lot of fans of the family. This evidenced by just how many followers they have on their social media accounts. 

Kendall returning to the place where she can share selfies with her fans and just generally show how much better her life was comes as no shock. 

Speaking to Ellen DeGeneres earlier this week, Jenner revealed the reason why she was taking a break

“I just wanted to detox,” Jenner told DeGeneres. “I just wanted a little bit of a break. I would wake up in the morning and look at it first thing, I would go to bed and it would be the last thing I looked at. I felt a little too dependent on it so I wanted to take a minute.”

It’s understandable that being on social media can become cumbersome for some, but we can only imagine the amount of notifications Jenner was getting. 

Her return to Instagram, however, didn’t mean she was sharing some pictures of herself. 

Instead she opted to share some pictures of some of her friends. 

Have a look below:

A photo posted by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on

A photo posted by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on

A photo posted by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on

They were hardly worth the wait. Right?

What do you think of all of this?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Air New Zealand Suspends Employee for Lewd Social Media Pics

Come fly the friendly skies?

Not so fast, claim a few rogue Air New Zealand employees.

Air New Zealand

The company has been forced to respond to a handful of lewd images that were posted last year by a select number of pilots and flight attendants, but have only first gone viral now.

They include a blow-up doll in the cockpit and video of a stewardess saying she wishes she could spit all over some customers.

In response to these photos, which we’ve sprinkled throughout this article, Air New Zealand executives say they are “shocked and appalled.”

An employment attorney says the images could bring the airline into “disrepute”, and could amount to serious misconduct.

“We expect the highest standards of behavior and respect from all our staff,” an Air New Zealand spokeswoman says, adding that an internal investigation is underway.

It’s unclear what took the airline so long to pounce on this story.

The same spokeswoman says the Snapchat video (from which we’ve screen-capped a photo) was shared four years ago, while the blow-up doll pics (hehe) are about a year old.

“One of the staff members concerned no longer works for Air New Zealand and the other two have been removed from duties pending the outcome of our investigation,” the woman said in a statement, adding:

“It goes without saying that this is a situation we are treating with extreme seriousness – and our obvious concern is that the behavior displayed is a clear breach of not just our code of conduct but basic decency.”

Air New Zealand is a carrier often praised for its passenger-friendly service and amenities.

And who’s to say that some passengers wouldn’t like the idea of a blow-up doll sitting in the cockpit?

Still, you can understand why the airline would not be receptive to these messages and pictures.

The aforementioned attorney also says these sorts of social media posts could be ground for dismissal.

“Particularly in a situation where they are in full uniform, it would be difficult to argue that they would not bring the company into disrepute by virtue of those photographs,” he says.

Context would matter, employment lawyer Fraser Wood states, making us wonder what context there could be for these sex doll images

Perhaps they were being used as auto pilots, like in the movie Airplane?

At the end of the day, Wood had a simple message to pass along to those who wish to keep their jobs:

“Don’t post anything you don’t want your parents or employers to see,” he warns.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Ivanka Trump Pisses Social Media Off With Tweet About Unpaid Interns

Throughout her father’s campaign for the presidency, Ivanka Trump has played important roles as both organizer and mediator.

When Trump’s campaign appeared slapdash and disorderly, Ivanka reportedly spearheaded the effort to convince the real estate mogul to work with proven, experienced strategists.

When the GOP establishment wondered aloud how Trump would be able to convince women and working Americans that he understood their struggles, Ivanka stepped up to act as a go-between and interpreter of sorts, most visibly in her speech at the RNC last month:

Unfortunately, Ivanka’s days as the Trump campaign’s most valuable asset may have come to an end.

For starters, it appears that her father is no longer following her advice, hiring firebrands such as Steve Bannon and laughingstocks like Kellyanne Conway to help him close the widening poll gap between himself and Hillary Clinton.

Even worse, it appears that Ivanka has become almost as gaffe-prone as her dad.

Earlier today, Ivanka tweeted a link to an article she had posted on her website entitled “How to Survive as an Unpaid Intern.”

To accompany to the tweet, she posted this Emoji collage:

It’s one of those situations that are so problematic it’s hard to know where to begin.

But we’ll give it a go anyway:

For starters, unpaid internships have been widely criticized as a means by which the rich get richer and the poor stay oppressed.

Rich kids get ahead because they can afford to take these internships, while poor kids are forced to get paying jobs.

In addition, CEOs and business owners frequently exploit unpaid interns as sources of free labor.

But Ivanka thinks you should suck it up, stop complaining, and, in her words, find a way to “make it work.”

Especially if you’re a woman of color.

Yes, the Internet was none too pleased with the Emojis that Ivanka chose for her tweet, and they made their feelings crystal clear:

“PS: This meme of a Black Woman w/ Cash & a Light Bulb linked to a post about working 4 free is frankly BULLSHIT,” commented one Twitter user.

“What the hell do you know about being an unpaid intern? Or making it work? Why all your emojis black women??” wrote another.

Needless to say, Ivanka probably regrets this tweet, but she has yet to delete it.

We guess that’s not too surprising.

She wasn’t raised by a man who’s known for admitting his mistakes.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Qandeel Baloch, Pakistani Social Media Star, Murdered by Own Brother

An unspeakable crime has taken place in Pakistan.

Qandeel Baloch – an actress, model and strong social media presence in that country – was found dead on Friday in her family’s home in the city of Multan.

According to CNN soon after news of the incident broke, Baloch’s father, Muhammad Azeem, reported his own son, Waseem Azeem, to the authorities as the culprit.

Waseem was unable to be found at the time, but police eventually tracked him down and arrested him for the heinous crime.

At a press conference on Saturday, Waseem then admitted to murdering his sister.

Speaking with his face covered, Waseem told reporters that he “killed for honor” and had “no regrets” about murdering his younger sibling.

Waseem, who was one one of Baloch’s six brothers, told cops that he strangled Qandeel after giving her a sedative.

He then fled the house before being taken into custody.

“Girls are born only to stay at home and to bring honor to the family by following family traditions, but Qandeel had never done that,” Waseem said. 

Baloch (whose real name was Fauzia Azeem) was a popular and controversial figure on social media; some even dubbed her Pakistan’s answer to Kim Kardashian.

The blogger dared to show off her body and speak out about female empowerment in Pakistan, an especially conservative country.

Baloch would share videos with her 750,000-plus Facebook followers that featured her making faces at the camera, talking about her famous crushes and playing around with different hairstyle.

Last month, Baloch made headlines for her video with Muslim cleric Abdul Qavi in which she donned his cap and snapped selfies.

This was a big deal in Pakistan.

In that nation, approximately 1,000 women die every year as a result of “honor killings,” with many of them murdered by male relatives for bringing dishonor to their family.

“I am a drug addict, but I was in my senses when I murdered her and I accept it with pride,” Waseem said of the murder, adding:

“Now everybody will remember me with honor that I have provided relief to my parents and brothers who were suffering for the last two decades because of her.

“I have no regrets.”

A day before she was killed, Baloch addressed her critics, likely unaware that her own brother would end up taking her life:

“No matter how many times I will be pushed down under… but I’m a fighter, I will bounce back,” one of her last Facebook posts read.

“Qandeel Baloch is a one-woman army. Qandeel Baloch is an inspiration to those ladies who are treated badly and dominated by the society. I will keep on achieving and I know you will keep on hating.

“Damn, but who cares.”

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Dani Mathers: Playboy Model Body-Shames Stranger, Gets SLAMMED on Social Media

In 2016, most public figures have the sense to keep the douchiest parts of their personalities under wraps.

Sadly, it seems Playboy model and inexplicably mega-popular social media star Dani Mathers can afford neither a PR team nor a sense of basic human decency.

Yesterday Mathers posted a photo of a naked woman in the locker room of her gym, along with a caption reading:

“If I can’t unsee this, neither can you.”

Yes, obviously what Mathers did was more than just plain wrong, it was incredibly tone deaf.

Countless celebrities have spoken out about the serious problem of online body-shaming in recent months, and it’s unimaginable that a young woman with a major web following would think that’s even remotely okay.

That said, Mathers did post a lengthy, and seemingly genuinely contrite apology on Twitter shortly after the image went viral:

I want to acknowledge my post from snapchat earlier. There is no excuse…I understand fully the magnitude of this post and that I have hurt

“This mistake has truly made me realize that something that can seem silly in a private conversation isn’t unnecessary. All I’ve done here is

“Spread negativity and hate when that isn’t who I am. I chose to model because I appreciate women and their bodies, so me of all people,

“[I] should never make light of another woman’s naked body.”

Before deleting her account entirely, Mathers added:

“I’m sorry for what I did… I need to take some time to myself now to reflect on why I did this horrible thing. Goodnight.”

It goes without saying that what Mathers did was deplorable beyond description.

That said, her apology seems genuine, and then online smear campaign against her has turned truly ugly.

If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, think of Cersei Lannister in Season 5.

She did some awful, awful things, but seeing her forced to walk naked through King’s Landing while being pelted with fruit was still incredibly tough to watch.

Think of that next time you’re tempted to eviscerate a stranger online, and if you’re not familiar with the show, just remember this oft-quoted chestnut:

“Let he who has never accidentally posted a nude throw the first shade. – St. Anthony Weiner

Monday, June 27, 2016

Duggar Family Endorses Frozen Yogurt Shop, Gets SLAMMED on Social Media

How hated is the Duggar family these days?

So hated that they can’t even get ice cream without becoming the subjects of unwanted attention on social media.

Okay, so it’s actually frozen yogurt that lured the Jim Bob, Michelle and Jinger out of the Duggar compound over the weekend, but the reaction to the above photo was still downright frigid.

As you can see, the Duggars were joined by Jinger’s new boyfriend, Jeremy Vuolo, when they stopped by Sweet Loring Frozen Yogurt in Laredo, Texas.

No word on what brought the Dugz to the streets of Laredo, but they seem to be more or less constantly on tour these days.

Anyway, the owner of the shop posted the pic on Facebook and Twitter, along with a “huge shoutout” to the Duggar clan.

That’s when all hell broke loose.

Jeremy got his first taste of life as a member of the Duggar clan when social media commenters asked for extra nuts on their two scoops of Duggar hate.

Some choice comments:

“@SweetLoring because everyone is proud to have bigoted cult members who enabled their son to molest 4 of their daughters for 2 years there.”

“@SweetLoring not sure I would brag about this family visiting you. They are not a family to admire.”

“@SweetLoring Obviously your business is anti gay, woman and transgender. No thank you.”

“@SweetLoring Having TLC’s Duggar family promote your place is not a good thing. Over 1,000 advertisers have dropped this family.”

Yes, these days the Duggars can’t step out for slightly healthier ice cream without getting raked over the coals.

And considering a damaged reputation is their only punishment for helping their teenage son molest five young girls, we’re gonna go ahead and say it’s a good thing that the public won’t let them forget about it.

Keep up the good work, Internet.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

14 Times Stars Totally Failed on Social Media

Everybody makes mistakes… even celebrities!

Social Media is an exciting way to keep your followers updated about the latest developments in your life. 

It"s also a huge way to embarrass yourself to the point the whole world is laughing at you. 

The gallery below chronicles celebrities that embarrassed themselves in hilarious fashion.

1. Rita Ora’s Retweet Mess

Rita oras retweet mess

In October 2014, Rita Ora posted to Twitter that she would be releasing her new song a few days later if she got 100,000 retweets, but she only had just under 2000 and attempted to delete the tweet. It didn’t go unnoticed with her fans!

2. Scott Disick Being Told What To Do

Scott disick being told what to do

It was pretty damn obvious that Scott Disick wasn’t a fan of Bootea when he blatantly copy and pasted an email that was sent to him, telling him what to do. Yikes.

3. Lindsay’s Fake Butt

Lindsays fake butt

Lindsay Lohan does not want to live a life out of the public eye, so she got creative when she needed a new post for Instagram. The thing is, everyone knew what she up to. FAIL.

4. Khloe’s Door of Disaster

Khloes door of disaster

Khloe thought it would be fun to photoshop a picture of herself, but she failed to how silly the door looked and was called out by fans.

5. Queen B To The Photoshop!

Queen b to the photoshop

Beyonce even tried to photoshop her thighs. Just look at that stair in between them!

6. Kim K Gets Owned!

Kim k gets owned

Kim Kardashian took to Twitter to complain about being on her last bottle, but she had a spelling error!

View Slideshow

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

14 Stars Who Have Tried to Quit Social Media

As previously documented, celebrities have said some very dumb things on Twitter over the years.

Due to these mistakes, or due to a number of other reasons, many stars out there have attempted to quit the social media service.

Some have succeeded, while others have returned shortly after they vowed to leave.

Here"s a look at various celebrities who, at various times, have simply had it with Twitter…

1. Demi Lovato

Demi lovato on gma stage

Demi Lovato left Twitter in way back October 2010, right before she went into rehab. She returned five months later… and then left again in 2012 after going on a Twitter rant about trust. She then returned for a number of years, sharing personal stories about her struggle, only to say goodbye in the summer of 2016 because trolls suck.

2. Lena Dunham

Lena dunham red carpet reaction

After getting in some trouble for some inappropriate Tweets, and receiving loads of backlash as a result, Dunham said Twitter was no longer a “safe space” for her. She left the website in late September 2015.

3. Iggy Azalea

Iggy azalea at the billboard music awards

Iggy Azalea does not always “fancy” the social media service. She tweeted on February 18 that she was taking time away from social media because she “[needs] to be happy and it is too negative and draining.” But she has since returned.

4. Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer love hewitt bikini pic

Jennifer Love Hewitt took a break in 2013 due the negativity people choose to send on Twitter, but she returned just a few months later.

5. Alec Baldwin

Alec baldwin at the sag awards

Alec Baldwin famously vowed in 2013 he would never reopen his Twitter account after he exploded in a expletive-filled Twitter rant directed at a British reporter. He’s since returned, but not under his former personal account.

6. Kanye West

Kanye west shushes

Kanye West said goodbye to Twitter in 2012, deleting his old Tweets and unfollowing everyone except his then-girlfriend Kim Kardashian. But he’s now back to talk about Kim, his fashion line and other topics.

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14 Stars Who Have Tried to Quit Social Media

As previously documented, celebrities have said some very dumb things on Twitter over the years.

Due to these mistakes, or due to a number of other reasons, many stars out there have attempted to quit the social media service.

Some have succeeded, while others have returned shortly after they vowed to leave.

Here"s a look at various celebrities who, at various times, have simply had it with Twitter…

1. Demi Lovato

Demi lovato on gma stage

Demi Lovato left Twitter in way back October 2010, right before she went into rehab. She returned five months later… and then left again in 2012 after going on a Twitter rant about trust. She then returned for a number of years, sharing personal stories about her struggle, only to say goodbye in the summer of 2016 because trolls suck.

2. Lena Dunham

Lena dunham red carpet reaction

After getting in some trouble for some inappropriate Tweets, and receiving loads of backlash as a result, Dunham said Twitter was no longer a “safe space” for her. She left the website in late September 2015.

3. Iggy Azalea

Iggy azalea at the billboard music awards

Iggy Azalea does not always “fancy” the social media service. She tweeted on February 18 that she was taking time away from social media because she “[needs] to be happy and it is too negative and draining.” But she has since returned.

4. Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer love hewitt bikini pic

Jennifer Love Hewitt took a break in 2013 due the negativity people choose to send on Twitter, but she returned just a few months later.

5. Alec Baldwin

Alec baldwin at the sag awards

Alec Baldwin famously vowed in 2013 he would never reopen his Twitter account after he exploded in a expletive-filled Twitter rant directed at a British reporter. He’s since returned, but not under his former personal account.

6. Kanye West

Kanye west shushes

Kanye West said goodbye to Twitter in 2012, deleting his old Tweets and unfollowing everyone except his then-girlfriend Kim Kardashian. But he’s now back to talk about Kim, his fashion line and other topics.

View Slideshow

Demi Lovato Quits Social Media, Tells Trolls to GTFO

Demi Lovato may be Cool for the Summer.

But she isn’t cool with a lot of the stuff being said about her and to her on social media.

Following a string of insults and negativity on various platforms, Lovato surprised Twitter followers on Monday afternoon when she announced her departure from nearly all of social media.

“Damn I gotta quit sayin s–t. Bye Twitter,” she wrote. “And Insta.”

It’s unclear what, exactly, prompted this decision on Demi’s behalf.

But she added that she will remain on Snapchat and made it clear that online haters have simply made Twitter and Instagram too unpleasant for her these days.

“I like Snapchat cause I don’t have to see what some of y’all say,” she Tweeted. “

“Follow me if you want: theddlovato. But why do people actually give a f–k what I say?? Like if you don’t care the gtfo haha.”

Lovato, who recently split from Wimer Valderrama after six years of dating, is one of our favorite celebrity follows.

She keeps it real. She speaks her mind. She focuses on important issues.

Multiple times in the past, Lovato has spoken out about such personal topics as her former cocaine use, hoping to use her mistakes and life story in order to help others.

In early May, Lovato went on somewhat of a Twitter rant, even referencing her bipolar disorder during the diatribe.

It wasn’t clear at that time, either, exactly what prompted the rant.

Before Demi signed off for good on Monday night, the artist dropped another Twitter message that have fans speculating wildly.

That one time I started my own charity providing mental health care for people who can’t afford it and this is what y’all talk about.

And people wonder what’s wrong with the world. Pay more attention to good than bad.

It’s not really too hard to figure out what happened here.

Lovato wants to assist those with mental illness. She wants to help people overcome their personal insecurities and substance abuse issues.

And idiotic trolls likely just want to make fun of her body.

That’s the Internet far too often for you, isn’t it?

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Duggar Family Launches Social Media Campaign to Save Reality Show From Cancelation

When TLC announced that the Duggars would be returning to television with a full season of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, execs likely assumed they had another hit on their hands.

After all, prior to the Josh Duggar sex scandals that forced its cancelation, 19 Kids and Counting was a reliable ratings juggernaut for ten seasons.

Unfortunately, it seems the folks at TLC underestimated the public’s ongoing outrage over Josh Duggar’s numerous transgressions.

Ratings for Counting On were decent (though they never reached the heights of 19 Kids at its peak), but the show faced a different problem as a result of the ongoing controversy surrounding the Duggar clan.

Advertisers began pulling their support shortly after the first episode aired, with many of them issuing statements publicly condemning TLC and the Duggars.

Now, nearly a month after the show’s first season finale, TLC has yet to renew Counting On, and industry insiders believe the network may have reached the decision that the Duggars are simply not worth the hassle.

Of course, it would be tough to support such a large (and ever-expanding) clan without those sweet reality TV checks rolling in, so the Duggars have enlisted their fans to help them save the family cash cow.

The hashtag “#BringtheDuggarsBack” started popping up on various social media platforms earlier this week, and the campaign to convince TLC to bankroll another season of Counting On was reportedly launched by the Duggars themselves.

It makes sense that Jim Bob and company would be masterminding the whole thing.

After all, is the casual Duggar fan even aware that Counting On is facing cancelation? We doubt it.

Unfortunately for the Duggars, the tag doesn’t seem to be gaining traction.

After several days in circulation, “#BringtheDuggarsBack” has failed to trend on either Twitter or Facebook.

So now it looks like the Duggars may have two major PR problems on their hands:

Angry advertisers – and apathetic fans.