Showing posts with label Speaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speaks. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

George Clooney Speaks for FIRST Time on Fatherhood!

George Clooney has finally spoken out in public about some rather private news.

Some rather private news that has a nation on the edge of its seat in excitement, that is.

We’re talking, of course, about the fact that Clooney and his wife Amal are expecting twins this year. Yes, twins.


“We are really happy and really excited. It’s going to be an adventure,” the actor said in his interview with Laurent Weil on his French program, Rencontres de Cinema.

The 55-year old seems to be aware that having two babies at once is a pretty big challenge.

But he also sounds like he’s ready for it.

“We’ve sort of embraced it all… with arms wide open,” Clooney added.

This giant piece of unexpected baby news went viral about two weeks ago, with plenty of people on the Internet having their say.

Matt Damon even chimed in about the development, telling Entertainment Tonight that he “almost started crying” when Clooney pulled him aside to pass the news along.

“They’re gonna be great. They’re gonna be awesome parents. Those kids are lucky,” Damon added this month.

Still, the interview referenced above marks the first comments Clooney himself has made on the topic of children and fatherhood.

This is a man, remember, long known for being someone who thoroughly enjoyed his single life, moving from one beautiful woman to another with seemingly no plans to settle down.

But then he was bitten by the love bug. Hard.

The star is aware that he’s a bit older than most men when they become first-time parents.

But he says he drawns inspiration from 89-year-old French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo, who had a child with his second wife, Nathalie Tardivel, when he was 70 years old.

“So, I’m feeling a little better about being 56 by the time [the kids arrive],” Clooney joked.

Hmmm… 56, huh?

Clooney turns that age on May 6. So we now have confirmation that Amal is due some time after that.

Clooney’s mother actually said recently that her grandkids are due to enter the world in June.

She also confessed that one will be a girl and one will be a boy. How perfect, right?!?

“George is excited but nervous,” said a source close to the couple about how Clooney is feeling these days, telling People Magazine:

“He is excited about the kids, but also has the normal amount of nerves that come with being parents.”

Sure. That makes sense. Lots of others have been there.

And the following celebrities will all be there at some point in 2017:

Still. This is George Clooney we’re talking about.

Is there any doubt he’ll slay at this fatherhood thing?

“He’s going to be the best dad,” a second source tells People very simply.

We agree!


Monday, February 13, 2017

Josh Dun Speaks Briefly After Winning Grammy (VIDEO)

Josh Dun either didn’t think Twenty One Pilots would win a Grammy, or he’s just messing with us … but he insists he didn’t give a thought to his underwear when he got dressed for the show. We got Josh at Milk Studios for a big after-party, and he…


Josh Dun Speaks Briefly After Winning Grammy (VIDEO)

Josh Dun either didn’t think Twenty One Pilots would win a Grammy, or he’s just messing with us … but he insists he didn’t give a thought to his underwear when he got dressed for the show. We got Josh at Milk Studios for a big after-party, and he…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Britney Spears Speaks on Niece, Asks Fans to Pray

Britney Spears has spoken out for the first time since her niece got badly injured in an ATV accident.

Over the weekend, Maddie Aldridge, the eight-year old daughter of Jamie Lynn Spears, was involved in a very serious crash while on board one of these off-road vehicles.

According to initial reports, Maddie was submerged under water for several minutes as a result of the incident.

She lost consciousness and was air-lifted to a local hospital in Louisiana.

TMZ had claimed at first that Maddie was on her way back from a hunting expedition at the time, but new information alleges that the little girl was actually driving her own ATV.

She was gifted a vehicle known as a Polaris RZR 170 for her seventh birthday by her mom and sources say she was playing around in it when the accident occurred.

Jamie Lynn was on the scene and frantically tried to unfasten her daughter’s seatbelt after the ATV flipped over and landed a pond.

Paramedics arrived and successfully freed Maddie from her restraints.

She is currently in stable but critical condition.

This discrepancy is likely what a rep for the family was referring to when he released the following statement:

“The details the media are reporting surrounding the incident regarding Jamie Lynn’s daughter Maddie are incorrect.

“Right now the Spears family asks that everyone respect their privacy during this time and appreciates all the prayers and support for their family.”

On Monday, Jamie Lynn and Britney’s dad didn’t offer any new details when speaking to Entertainment Tonight.

“All I can say is pray for our baby Maddie,” Jamie Spears simply said.

And now Britney is saying basically the same thing.

Along with the following photo of adorable Maddie, Britney penned a caption on Instagram that included a heart emoji and read:

“Need all the wishes and prayers for my niece.”

People Magazine writes that the ATV accident took place around 3 p.m. on Sunday and that Britney has flown to be with her family in Louisiana.

The police confirm that the crash took place on Jamie Lynn’s property and that her husband, Jamie Watson, also tried to rescue Maddie from the pond.

After steering the vehicle to avoid running over a nearby drainage ditch, the young girl took a hard right and “overcorrected, causing the ATV to enter the pond,” states the police report, which adds:

“The ATV and child were instantly submerged in the water right before their eyes.”

Continues the report:

“Within seconds the child’s mother, stepfather and other family members reached the pond, dove in and attempted to rescue the child to no avai.

“The child was trapped and secured by the seatbelt and the ATV’s safety netting.

“Within two minutes, Acadian Ambulance Services arrived and assisted in freeing the child from the cold waters.”

It concludes:

“This is an extremely tragic accident. The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office is asking you to keep this family in your constant prayers as they try to cope with this horrible incident.

“We ask that you respect their privacy during this time of need.”

Please join us in doing so.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Aaron Rodgers" Father Speaks on Family Feud: Fame Changed Him!

Aaron Rodgers led the Green Bay Packers to a tremendous win over the Dallas Cowboys Sunday, further cementing his living legend status.

As the NFL star’s legacy grows and his heroics shine, though, Rodgers’ strained relationship with his family continues to make headlines.

A rift in the Rodgers family became public, of course, when Aaron’s younger brother, Jordan, appeared as a contestant on The Bachelorette.

While romancing star JoJo Fletcher, Jordan told her that she would not be meeting his NFL QB sibling on a coming visit to his hometown.

The Green Bay signal-caller, he explained, had distanced himself from his kin; Jordan Rodgers did not offer much beyond vague explanations.

So what went on between these all-American boys?

Their father Ed, who appeared on The Bachelorette and also spoke (vaguely) about this family feud, spoke to the N.Y. Times this weekend.

“One in the news is enough for us,” Ed said.

“Fame can change things.”

Ed’s comment was in response to Jordan winning The Bachelorette in August and detailing his tense relationship with Aaron on TV.

Aaron, 33, allegedly stopped talking to his family members at the end of 2014, shortly after he began dating model-actress Olivia Munn.

“Airing public laundry is not what I would have chosen,” Ed said, adding that it “hard to tell” if there had been a thaw in the chilly relationship.

On Sunday, before he led Green Bay to victory over the Cowboys, Aaron said he was not sure if Jordan would make it to the game.

Jordan Rodgers and JoJo Fletcher live in Dallas, The Bachelorette star’s hometown, a fact that further rekindled interest in this story.

“I just don’t think it’s appropriate talking about family stuff publicly,” he said at the Packers’ practice facility, declining to delve into this.

The circumstances in which the family’s private business became a national story were “weird,” Ed acknowledged, but he’s not upset.

“It’s good to have it all come out,” in a sense, he said, after The Bachelorette episode in which the family’s home, and life, were in focus.

The show even went so far as to dramatize a family dinner in which two empty chairs were set aside for Aaron Rodgers and Olivia Munn.

“It’s complicated,” Ed Rodgers said regarding responding to people who inquire about his estranged son. “We’re all hoping for the best.”

Meanwhile, Jordan has moved in with JoJo and describes himself as “happier than ever” since the reality show’s finale aired last summer.

“With all the craziness that comes along with the media and the show,” he said, “it would have been much harder to do it not living together.”

Jordan, a former college quarterback at Vanderbilt who never found pro success like his brother, will always live in Aaron’s shadow.

That’s inevitable in any situation like this, but it still doesn’t explain why the brothers aren’t on speaking terms, or completely estranged.

One theory is the relationship between Munn, Aaron’s actress girlfriend, and Brittany Farrar, her friend who used to date Jordan Rodgers.

Farrar does not have kind words for Jordan, and as a result, Aaron and Olivia iced Jordan out … or so the speculation would indicate.

Truthfully, we have no idea, because the siblings have one thing in common: Aaron and Jordan are both too polite to really go there.

Even as it became a storyline of Jordan’s reality TV tenure, he seemed reluctant to get into it, and still hasn’t offered many specifics.

Don’t expect that to change anytime soon.


Friday, December 30, 2016

Miles Teller Speaks About His Car Wreck (VIDEO)

Miles Teller is fine and dandy after a scary car crash that flipped his beloved Ford Bronco … but unfortunately, the same can’t be said for his ride.  Teller was at LAX Friday and asked how his “baby” was (dude loves his SUV) … but Miles,…


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ariana Grande Speaks Out Against Slut Shaming, Is A Total Queen

How great is Ariana Grande? The greatest, right?

Sure, she’s had her problems — who could forget the great donut-licking scandal, or her general diva shenanigans?

But when push comes to shove, when it really matters, Ariana can come through with some real loveliness.

And that’s what she’s doing now.

Yesterday, we talked about this sad story Ariana told about how she was objectified by some fan of her boyfriend, Mac Miller.

She said that Mac’s fan, some “young boy,” saw them while they were out and he followed them to their car.

“I thought all of this was cute and exciting,” she recalled, “until he said ‘Ariana is sexy as hell man, I see you, I see you hitting that!!!!"”

Poor Ariana admitted that her ordeal might not be “a big deal” to some, but that she felt “sick and objectified.”

“I’ve felt really quiet and hurt since that moment,” she said. “Things like that happen all the time and are the kind of moments that contribute to women’s sense of fear and inadequacy.”

Queen Ariana declared that she’s not “a piece of meat that a man gets to utilize for his pleasure,” and that she’s sad that so many people have such an easy time objectifying women.

“I felt like speaking out about this one experience tonight because I know very well that most women know the sensation of being spoken about in an uncomfortable way publicly by a man,” she said.

“We need to talk about these moments openly because they are harmful and they live on inside us as shame.”

“We need to share and be vocal when something makes us feel uncomfortable because if we don’t, it will just continue.”

“We are not objects or prizes,” she concluded. “We are QUEENS.”

Like we said, she’s the greatest.

Unfortunately, not everyone can be as wise as Ariana on this subject. When she posted her story, she got flooded with comments about how she dresses provocatively, she can get kind of racy, so what happened is her fault.

What a bunch of nonsense, right? But don’t worry, because our girl shut that mess down QUICK.

She hopped back on Twitter to explain that “Women expressing sexuality is often mistaken for ‘hi come disrespect me!!!!’ .. & that’s just not the case.”

“Women (and men) can express themselves however they’d like !!! even loving sex!! this is not an invitation to be disrespected.”

When asked how Mac Miller reacted to the guy, she said “Although this isn’t about his reaction, he drove the f-ck away !! he is a sweet bear & I am falling asleep feeling safe & loved.”

But then she really took us to church.

“Seeing a lot of ‘but look how you portray yourself in videos and in your music! you’re so sexual!"” she wrote. “Please hold .. next tweet… I repeat …”

“Expressing sexuality in art is not an invitation for disrespect !!! just like wearing a short skirt is not asking for assault.”

“Women’s choice.  our bodies, our clothing, our music, our personalities….. sexy, flirty, fun. it is not. an open. invitation.”

“You are literally saying that if we look a certain way, we are yours to take. But we are not !!! It’s our right to express ourselves.”

What did we ever do to deserve such a glorious, truth-telling lady?


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Jared Fogle: Ex-Wife Speaks Out, Details Worst Year of Her Life

The ex-wife of convicted sex offender Jared Fogle has opened up in a new interview with CBS This Morning.

In a sit-down with the news outlet, Katie McLaughlin says she had no idea that the man who fathered her two children was a pedophile.

She found out in the most dramatic, stunning way possible.

“You could look up every word in a dictionary or thesaurus for ‘horrible’ and none of them describe what this year has been like,” McLaughlin told Anna Werner.

She was married to Fogle for five years and is the mother of a five-year old and a three-year old she had with Fogle.

When did she know that Fogle was in trouble with the law? When did she learn about the heinous allegations against him?

When FBI agents knocked on the door of her home in July of last year, that’s when.

“I knew nothing about his involvement in anything. … They just walk in and you’re just in shock,” she says.

“I didn’t understand any of it to be honest. I mean, you just – you float out of yourself because the FBI shouldn’t be in your house.”

Fogle, the former Subway spokesperson, was sentenced to 15 years behind bars in November for ogling photos of underage children online and for soliciting sex from them.

In a new lawsuit filed against Subway by McLaughlin, she claims that the fast food chain was aware of Fogle’s illegal and disgusting activities while Fogle worked for it.

“As early as 2004, Subway’s then Senior Vice President of Marketing received a complaint that Jared had approached a young girl at a promotional event for a Las Vegas Subway franchise for a sex act,” reads a portion of the legal document, obtained by Radar Online.

It continues:

“Subway exploited his family despite knowing of allegations that Jared was a pedophile and failing to properly investigate those allegations.”

As part of this lawsuit, it came out that Fogle allegedly had sex with girls as young as nine years old.

Yes, nine years old.

A professor at the University of Ottawa in Canada who studied the ex-Subway spokesperson testified that his conclusion was Fogle suffered from mild pedophilia, hypersexuality and alcohol abuse and dependency, according to the Associated Press.

“I can’t even think about him at this point in my life,” McLaughlin told CBS when asked if she still loves the father of her kids.

“Of course there is anger there … he had two lives going on. He was home with the kids and I in one life, and he was out on the road in a different life. … He was able to keep them very separate in a way I can’t even fathom.”

Concluded McLaughlin in this interview:

“[He ruined] my ability to trust, my ability to think that things will be OK.

“I think I was always a pretty happy person who thought if everyone puts in their hard work, things will end up OK. And now I’m not so sure about that.”


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Brock Turner Rape Victim Speaks Out, Declares: I"m a Survivor

For the first time since Brock Turner was freed from prison, the woman he raped has released a public statement.

Turner, of course, is the Stanford University student who was convicted of rape this past spring, only for a judge to sentence him to a mere six months behind bars.

The case made national news after Turner’s victim, who preferred to remain anonymous, addressed her attacker in court.

Within four days, her statement had been viewed 11 million times; was read aloud on CNN; and also on the floor of Congress.

It also made national news because Turner was found guilty of assaulting this woman behind a dumpster in an alley… and yet his father dismissed the action as nothing more than a drunken mistake.

His mother said the same thing and Turner himself blamed both his alcohol intake and even that of his victim for his actions.

Turner was released from jail after just three months and was forced to register as a sex offender.

But that was a pretty small price to pay for that he did.

Now, Glamour has named Emily Doe its Woman of the Year and has given her a platform to share her thoughts on Turner, his conviction, his sentencing, his release and, of course, her role in this sad tale.

Out of respect for the victim, we are simply going to run her statement to Glamour in its entirety below.

She deserves to tell her story in full, without any commentary or editorializing from our staff…

From the beginning, I was told I was a best case scenario.

I had forensic evidence, sober un­biased witnesses, a slurred voice mail, police at the scene. I had everything, and I was still told it was not a slam dunk. I thought, if this is what having it good looks like, what other hells are survivors living? 

I’m barely getting through this but I am being told I’m the lucky one, some sort of VIP. It was like being checked into a hotel room for a year with stained sheets, rancid water, and a bucket with an attendant saying, No this is great! Most rooms don’t even have a bucket.

After the trial I was relieved thinking the hardest part was over, and all that was left was the sentencing. I was excited to finally be given a chance to read my statement and declare, I am here. I am not that floppy thing you found behind the garbage, speaking melted words.

I am here, I can stand upright, I can speak clearly, I’ve been listening and am painfully aware of all the hurt you’ve been trying to justify.

I yelled half of my statement. So when it was quickly announced that he’d be receiving six months, I was struck silent. Immediately I felt embarrassed for trying, for being led to believe I had any influence. The violation of my body and my being added up to a few months out of his summer.

The judge would release him back to his life, back to the 40 people who had written him letters from Ohio. I began to panic; I thought, this can’t be the best case ­scenario. If this case was meant to set the bar, the bar had been set on the floor.

The morning after the sentencing, my phone screen was stacked with texts and I turned it over saying, not today, on this day I deserve to sleep. My phone kept ringing and I learned that BuzzFeed was waiting for my permission to publish my court statement in full.

As soon as it was posted, I remember thinking, what have I done, making myself exposed and vulnerable again. I texted my sister when it hit 20,000 views, thinking that was it, the comments were actually quite nice, and I closed my computer.

I started getting e-mails forwarded to me from Botswana to Ireland to India. I received watercolor paintings of lighthouses and bicycle earrings. A woman who plucked a picture of her young daughter from the inside of her cubicle wrote, This is who you’re saving.

When I received an e-mail that Joe Biden had written me a letter I was sitting in my pajamas eating some cantaloupe. You are a warrior. I looked around my room, who is he talking to. You have a steel spine, I touched my spine. I printed his letter out and ran around the house flapping it in the air.

There was, of course, the wee sprinkle of trolls. Some photos of me leaked and someone said, “She’s not pretty enough to have been raped.” In response I say, damn I wish the world could see me. I wish you could see my big, beautiful head and huge eyes. Perhaps now you are at home imagining me looking like some sort of bloated owl. That’s all right.

When Ashleigh Banfield read my letter on the news I sat stunned watching her speak my words, imagining them being spoken on every television set in the nation. Watching women and men at Gracie Mansion, on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, girls in their rooms, gathered together to read each segment, holding my words in their voices.

My body seemed too small to hold what I felt.

In the very beginning of it all in 2015, one comment managed to lodge harmfully inside me: Sad. I hope my daughter never ends up like her.

I absorbed that statement. Ends up. As if we end somewhere, as if what was done to me marked the completion of my story. Instead of being a role model to be looked up to, I was a sad example to learn from, a story that caused you to shield your daughter’s eyes and shake your heads with pity.

But when my letter was published, no one turned away. No one said I’d rather not look, it’s too much, or too sad.

Everyone pushed through the hard parts, saw me fully to the end, and embraced every feeling.

If you think the answer is that women need to be more sober, more civil, more upright, that girls must be better at exercising fear, must wear more layers with eyes open wider, we will go nowhere. When Judge Aaron Persky mutes the word justice, when Brock Turner serves one month for every felony, we go nowhere.

When we all make it a priority to avoid harming or violating another human being, and when we hold accountable those who do, when the campaign to recall this judge declares that survivors deserve better, then we are going somewhere.

So now to the one who said, I hope my daughter never ends up like her, I am learning to say, I hope you end up like me, meaning, I hope you end up like me strong. I hope you end up like me proud of who I’m becoming. I hope you don’t “end up,” I hope you keep going.

And I hope you grow up knowing that the world will no longer stand for this. Victims are not victims, not some fragile, sorrowful aftermath. Victims are survivors, and survivors are going to be doing a hell of a lot more than surviving.


Friday, September 2, 2016

Luke Pell Speaks on Bachelor Snub: ABC Screwed Me!

Okay, so maybe Luke Pell isn’t taking the whole Bachelor casting snub thing very well after all…

On Tuesday night, ABC stunned viewers by passing over Pell (the presumed favorite) in favor of Nick Viall as the next Bachelor.

Starting this spring with new episodes of the reality series, Viall will be given his fourth shot to find contrived love, following a pair of runner-up finishes on The Bachelorette and his current gig on Bachelor in Paradise.

The selection came as a shock to those who watch The Bachelor online and who follow this franchise closely.

At first, however, Pell seemed to take the rejection in stride.

Just consider the following meme and message:

Pell and God

“Thanks for all the love and support over the past few months, sometimes in life we are faced with unexpected changes,” Pell wrote on Instagram.

A tad bit extreme, considering this “unexpected challenge” and this reference to God having a plan in centered on anchoring The Bachelor?

Some might say.

But it at least proven that Pell was handling the surprising selection very well.

Now, however, Pell has come out and told Us Weekly that he was closer than folks could have possibly imagined to being named The Bachelor.

And then it was taken away from him.

“We were all satisfied, had agreed to the contracts and everything was moving forward,” Pell explains to Us Weekly.

“I was checked in to my flight to come to L.A. I got a call from producers Sunday night at about 10 p.m. They said ABC had decided to quote-unquote go in a different direction.

“I was supposed to fly out Monday morning at 9 a.m. I had my bags packed and everything.”

And the Winner is?

Nick Viall will be The Bachelor in the spring of 2017. But would you prefer to have seen Luke Pell picked for this position? View Poll »

Pell became a fan favorite this past season on The Bachelorette while he was competing to be JoJo Fletcher’s husband.

ABC executives have admitted that Viall was chosen at the last minute, but we didn’t realize it really was at the very last minute.

According to Pell, far more than just an airline ticket had been purchased.

“We had planned for intro filming and had planned to have my sister come on for a date and give advice as part of the show,” he says of how far into negotiations he got with the network.

“I met with the wardrobe guys. Everything was moving forward. Everyone on the production level was expecting it to be me, as well.”

Is Pell bitter over the way things went?

Yes, clearly. Sort of at least.

But he’s an alum of West Point. He’s come to “accept the decision,” he says, pointing to his military background in his response.

“From all my years in the military, I’ve learned that some things are out of my control,” he told Us Weekly, adding:

“I put it in the past, and I’m moving forward. It was a huge surprise, but the element of surprise and unexpected decisions is what the show thrives off of.”

That’s very true.

Would he do The Bachelor some time down the line if asked? Probably not.

For now, Pell is home in Nashville and says he’s focused on being “an entrepreneur and a songwriter.”

He’s also still focused on finding a wife. If you’re interested, here is what he’s looking for in a soulmate:

“I love somebody that is excited about life and has goals and dreams/

“I love independence. I love confidence. I love somebody that loves family and loves to have fun and who is completely comfortable in their own skin.”

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Chris Brown Drops New Music, Speaks About Arrest

Chris Brown has had a very busy week.  

First, he was involved in a long stand-off with police at his home.

Then he was arrested.

And then, he released a new single.

So, really, not a total wash of a week.

Brown dropped his newest single, "What Would You Do" on Wednesday and made an Instagram video for fans introducing the tune.

“All this bulls–t, everything going on man, I’m just gonna turn the other cheek,” he said, addressing the arrest for the first time.

Brown was released on $ 250,000 bail after 11 p.m. Tuesday night after being arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, which is a felony crime.

The singer"s lawyer, Mark Geragos updated fans on his client"s status, happy to report that he was out of the clink.

"Thanks to everyone for their support and well wishes," Geragos tweeted.

"Chris is out and well. The allegations against him are demonstrably false #TeamBreezy."

The victim, Baylee Curran claims that she was admiring someone"s necklace at Brown"s house when he and his friends flipped out on her, at which point Brown allegedly pulled a gun on her.


"Chris came in, pulled out his gun and said, "I"m getting so sick of you people," pointed the gun at me, (and told me) to get the f—- out of the house," Curran told Extra.

After Curran called 911, police arrived at Brown"s home but the singer refused to come out.  Instead, he threw a bag containing weapons and drugs at them from his second story window, yelling "come and get me!"


Police couldn"t enter the house without a search warrant, which they were working to get while they dealt with Brown.

Lyrics from the song include:

I got some questions, questions for you

I need some answers, answers from you, oh

What do you do fighting for your life

And no one"s on your side, yeah baby

I can"t stand to lose you, see you"re in too deep

And know nowhere to hide

Give the song a listen below.

Chris brown drops new music speaks about arrest

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Burke Ramsey Speaks on JonBenet Ramsey Murder

The JonBenet Ramsey murder case may be 20 years old.

But it refuses to go away.

In fact, it will be front and center in a couple of different ways over the next few months.

As previously announced, CBS will air a miniseries that explores the mysterious disappearance of this child beauty queen.

You can watch a trailer for it here:

But truly significant buzz surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey case centers on the victim"s brother, Burke Ramsey.

He"s the only member of his immediate family who has never spoken to the press, but he will touch on the sad topic of his sister"s death in an interview with Dr. Phil on September 12.

For those unaware of these details, Ramsey was killed in December of 1996.

But the killer was never found and Ramsey"s parents were long believed to have been the culprits.

Many people out there still suspects JonBenet"s parents of committing this heinous crime, while also pointing a finger at Burke.

He"s now 29 years old and he tells Dr. Phil that he"s aware those allegations persist.

"I remember my mom searching my room that night saying, "Where"s my baby? Where"s my baby?"" Burke tells the talk show host in the three-part season premiere.

We"ve posted the first trailer for it below.

"Has it ever occurred to you that your parents actually thought you did this and didn"t ask you because they didn"t want to know?" Dr. Phil asks Burke in the sit-down.

"I know people think I did it; that my parents did it. I know that we were suspects," he responds, adding:

"I want to honor her memory by doing this interview. I don"t want anyone to forget."

Since the young beauty queen’s death, JonBenet"s mother passed away from ovarian cancer and her father has remarried.

Despite moving forward with their lives as best they can, the family members haven"t forgotten the past.

"I remember the viewing," Burke says. "The casket was small. Her eyes were closed."

JonBenet was discovered beaten and strangled in her Colorado home"s basement on December 26, 1996.

There have been more than 140 suspects and more than 1,400 pieces of evidence reviewed. No one was ever arrested for the crime.

Back in 1996, John and Patsy Ramsey made the initial call to police, saying they found a note demanding ransom for their daughter of $ 118,000.

John later came across his daughter"s body hours after police completed a search of the residence.

In 2008, they were officially cleared of any wrongdoing.

The three-part Dr. Phil season premiere begins Monday, September 12 and continues Tuesday, September 13 and Monday, September 19 on CBS.

Watch the first trailer now:

Burke ramsey speaks on jonbenet ramsey murder

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Scott Eastwood Speaks on Death of Girlfriend

Scott Eastwood has opened up about his personal life.

In a recent interview with GQ Australia, the actor opened up about the last time he cried. 

It paved the way for a heartfelt interview that shed some light on the death of his girlfriend.

“I dated a girl a couple of years ago who died in a car accident…The f*cked up thing is, it was a fender bender, and there was a recall on airbags,” he explained.  

“Her airbag exploded. It shot a projectile through her body. It split her spine, and um… I’ve never told anybody that.”

It’s tragic to think that could happen to someone you know, never mind love. 

He then spoke about how much the death affected him. 

“I’ve lost friends before; I’ve lost some great friends. But, I had never lost someone I had been really intimate with, you know, like in that way, in a relationship.”

“I think that really affected me in a way that… I don’t know. Maybe it’s made it harder for me to date…I still never called her father. I still haven’t found the right words.”

Losing a loved one would change anyone. It’s not something you would just get over in an instant. 

It’s nice that Eastwood is at a stage of his life in which he can speak about it. 

It would have been a horrific ordeal for anyone to go through. 

A hot topic of the interview was the time Scott’s father, Clint Eastwood, punched him.

“I had taken my younger sister, who was, like, 14, to this party. I left, maybe to go get beer with the guys. And I left her and I didn’t think about it at the time. Later, Dad found out that I’d left her there.”

Scott quickly realized the error of his ways when Clint gave him some tips.

“He popped me and said, ‘You don’t ever leave your sister at a party. EVER.’ And it was very old-school, very old-school of him. He wasn’t afraid. None of this new-age bullshit where you can’t even smack the kid because everyone’s afraid of being judged or whatever.”

“That wasn’t the way that shit went down in that family… If you did something wrong, you were going to get punished. I learnt quickly – you don’t do that.”

There you have it. Scott was punched by his father for leaving his sister at a party. 

What do you think of all this?

Hit the comments.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Scott Schwab Speaks on Tragic Death of Son at Water Park

Scott Schwab has spoken out on every parents’ worst nightmare:

The death of his child.

Last Sunday, 10-year old Caleb Schwab was killed while riding what has been deemed the world’s tallest water slide at Schlitterbahn Water Park in Kansas City, Kansas.

The structure stands 168 feet and seven inches tall.

It has been under controversy in the past for questionable safety regulations, with its opening delayed several years ago as a result.

Caleb was the son of Kansas lawmaker Scott Schwab, who has issued a new statement in response to the horrific tragedy.

“While we try to step forward into the new normal of life without Caleb in our presence, we find hope with the current investigation into the incident to provide answers and assurances that such tragedy will not strike again,” Schwab wrote.

Schwab was writing on behalf of his wife and three surviving sons.

They were all of at the water park that afternoon for a family outing and Schwab wanted to pass along their gratitude for the outpouring of support.

Caleb Thomas Schwab

“Words will never convey the appreciation Michele, the boys, and I have for all those who expressed their love and support the last week and a half,” he wrote.

“‘Thank You’ seems so inadequate to express our appreciation, but it is the only phrase we have. So, from the depths of our hearts, we thank you.”

A couple days after Caleb’s passing, grisly details of his death were made public.

Officials, for instance, have confirmed that the boy was decapitated by the slide.

A witness named Esteban Castaneda explained to ABC News soon after the incident that he heard a “boom” emanating from the ride … and then he saw a raft come through with a “body” on it.

There were also two women on this raft and they were covered in blood.

water park

“It looked like he must have somehow been ejected from his seat, bounced around between the netting and the slide and just slid down,” another onlooker told People Magazine.

“He would have fallen down without the raft. It’s kind of like a tube.”

The 168-foot water slide posed problems for the park early on. Its 2014 opening was twice delayed, on one occasion because rafts flew off and into the air.

A spokesperson for the water park says it is committed to finding “answers to the tragedy,” while a Schwab family attorney, Michael C. Rader, says park is cooperating with the investigation.

“I can say that my firm and I along with our team of experts are doing everything in our power to ensure that all questions surrounding the cause of this tragedy are fully answered,” Rader wrote in a statement.

Early last week, meanwhile, Scott Schwab and his wife responded to the death of this son as follows:

Since the day he was born, he brought abundant joy to our family and all those he came in contact with.

As we try to mend our home with him no longer with us, we are comforted knowing he believed in our Savior Jesus, and they are forever together now.

We will see him another day.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Thomas Gibson Speaks on Criminal Minds Firing

In the most stunning piece of TV news this month, Thomas Gibson is out of a job.

The veteran Criminal Minds star got suspended for two weeks after kicking a writer on the set of his hit show…

… and then, BOOM!

A day after this information went public, Thomas Gibson got fired.

CBS executives released a short, terse statement this afternoon in which they relieved Gibson of his duties as BAU Agent Aaron Hotcher, saying:

“Thomas Gibson has been dismissed from Criminal Minds.

“Creative details for how the character’s exit will be addressed in the show will be announced at a later date.”

Was it simply a matter of Gibson getting into the aforementioned dispute with a producer named Virgil Williams?

No, it doesn’t sound that way.

An earlier report alleged that Gibson also shoved an assistant director back in 2010 (the same year he was pulled over for drunk driving, FWIW) and was told to attend anger management classes as a result.

The actor appears to have a history of violence on the Criminal Minds set.

We can’t say for certain, but it’s therefore safe to assume that there may have been other incidents in between these two that have not yet been made public.

Due to this influx of inappropriate actions, CBS felt that it had no choice but to let Gibson go.

A couple hours after he was ousted from a job he held since 2005, Gibson released a statement to TV Line.

“I love Criminal Minds and have put my heart and soul into it for the last 12 years,” it reads.

“I had hoped to see it through to the end, but that won’t be possible now.

“I would just like to say thank you to the writers, producers, actors, our amazing crew, and, most importantly, the best fans that a show could ever hope to have.”

Gibson is the lead of the show. So fans will no doubt be wondering:

How is this going to work?!?

We have it on strong authority that Gibson will appear on the first two episodes of Criminal Minds Season 12.

His character will then be sent off on a special assignment, which coincides with Paget Brewset coming back to reprise the role of Emily Prentiss.

She will assist the BAU on a case, which is a stroke of good fortunate for the drama (this was all planned out before the Gibson situation even arose).

CBS obviously hopes that Brewster’s return will soften the blow of Gibson’s departure.

But there are still many questions that will need to be answered as Season 12 goes along.

Hotcher simply isn’t coming back, which will need to be explained, while viewers wonder if a new male lead will be brought in to take Gibson’s place.


Shemar Moore departed the show as Derek Morgan just prior to Season 11 ending, so Criminal Minds has lost two key players in a matter of months.

How do you feel about this huge casting decision? You’ve gotta figure producers didn’t think they had a choice if they made it so quickly, right?

Will you tune in for the September 28 premiere? Think other Thomas Gibson stories will soon come out?

Should he be replaced as soon as possible? Can you think of another actor you want to take over at the BAU?

AHHH! We have so many questions!

Here’s a look at the sort of company Gibson has now joined:

Friday, July 29, 2016

Khizr Khan Speaks at DNC, Captures Heart of the Nation

Hillary Clinton became the first woman to ever accept a major party"s nomination for President of the United States on Thursday night.

It was a big deal.

And, today, yet many people on the Internet are talking about someone they had never heard of prior to the Democratic National Convention, as opposed to this Presidential hopeful.

Did you catch the speech of Khizr Khan?

Khan"s son, Humayun, was a captain in the U.S. Army.

When a vehicle packed with explosives approached his compound in Iraq in 2004, he told his men to take cover as he ran toward it.

It exploded and killed Khan on the spot, earning him a posthumous Bronze Star.

Fast forward 12 years later and Khizr Khan and his wife taking the stage in Philadelphia.

During a moving speech toward the end of the DNC, Khan paid tribute to his child; gave credit to Hillary Clinton; and offered a stark, brave repudiation of Donald Trump.

"We are honored to stand here as the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan, and as patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country," Khizr Khan said to a standing ovation.

He spoke of his son"s dreams of becoming a military attorney and how Clinton had referred to his son as "the best of America."

And then he went after Trump.

"If it was up to Donald Trump, [Humayun] never would have been in America," Khan said.

"Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country."

He continued:

"Donald Trum, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy."

With those words, he pulled a copy of the Constitution from his pocket.

"In this document, look for the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law,"" he said, once again to a raucous ovation.

Earlier this month, Trump promised congressional Republicans that he would defend "Article XII" of the Constitution.

There is no such Article.

"Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery?" Khan said.

"Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing. And no one."

Pretty powerful stuff.

Watch the full speech below:

Khizr khan speaks at dnc captures heart of the nation

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Omar Mateen Gay Lover Speaks Out: He Wanted Revenge!

Miguel, a man who claims to be Orlando mass shooter Omar Mateen’s former lover, said in a new interview that he was out for revenge.

In an interview with Univision Noticias on Tuesday, he spoke about Mateen’s alleged secret life and their “friends with benefits” relationship.

Miguel and Omar supposedly hooked up for two months.

He said that the 29-year-old Omar Mateen was gay “100 percent” and that his wife, Noor Salman, knew about his sexuality to boot.

“I’ve cried like you have no idea,” Miguel said of his reaction after hearing about the Orlando shooting that left dozens dead and injured.

“But the thing that makes me want to tell the truth,” he adds, “is that he didn’t do it for terrorism. In my opinion, he did it for revenge.”

The man, who wore a disguise for the interview, claims he met Mateen last fall after they exchanged messages on the gay dating app Grindr.

Regardless of whether he sent lewd photos to men online, he described the gunman as a “very sweet guy” who was “looking for love.”

“He adored Latinos, gay Latinos, with brown skin, but he felt rejected,” Miguel continued, lamenting his former love’s dark path.

“He felt used by them.”

“There were moments in the Pulse nightclub that made him feel really bad. Guys used him. That really affected him.”

“I believe this crazy horrible thing … that was revenge.”

Revenge for what specifically? We’re getting to that:

According to Miguel, Mateen was angry after one of his alleged partners revealed that he was HIV-positive after they had sex.

“He was terrified that he was infected,” Miguel said.

“I asked him, ‘Did you do a test?’ Yes. He went to the pharmacy and did the test. … It came out negative, but it doesn’t come out right away.”

“It takes four, five months. When I asked him what he was going to do now, his answer was ‘I’m going to make them pay for what they did.’”

The shooting at Pulse, a popular gay nightclub, was officially the deadliest in Untied States history; Mateen was gunned down by police.