Showing posts with label Told. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Told. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Jennifer Lawrence Told to Get Naked, Shed 15 Pounds for Role

Jennifer Lawrence did not get personally assaulted or harassed by Harvey Weinstein.

But that doesn’t mean the actress can’t relate to those who allegedly and unfortunately did undergo this horrible experience.

As has been well documented over the past several days, Weinstein is accused of paying off eight women over the years in exchange for their silence over his sexual misconduct.

But countless others have spoken out and claimed the movie producer either treated them inappropriately or even raped them.

The sordid situation has is made even worse by the apparent fact that many Hollywood insiders (from actors… to directors… to writers…) were well aware of Weinstein’s behavior.

They just chose to ignore it.

In response to the ongoing situation, actresses are admirably sharing their own stories of abuse.

Reese Witherspoon, for example, says she was assaulted by a director at the age of 16.

America Ferrera says she was assaulted by a much older man at the age of 9.

And Lawrence detailed an example of the pressures young actresses face in the industry while speaking last night at an Elle’s Women in Hollywood event.

“When I was much younger and starting out, I was told by producers of a film to lose 15 pounds in two weeks,” Lawrence said, prior to revealing something even more heinous about the audition.

“During this time a female producer had me do a nude line-up with about five women who were much, much, thinner than me. We are stood side-by-side with only tape on covering our privates…

“After that degrading and humiliating line-up, the female producer told me I should use the naked photos of myself as inspiration for my diet.”

Yes, this really happened.

And we’re sure many other female stars have similar stories.

Lawrence went on to say she tried to stand up for herself, telling another producer she thought the weight loss demands were not appropriate.

“He said he didn’t know why everyone thought I was so fat, he thought I was ‘perfectly f-ckable.”

This is what the person told Lawrence in her defense.

Lawrence did not identity the people involved.

But she said she felt “trapped” by the ordeal.

“I let myself get treated a certain way because I felt like I had to for my career,” she continued.

“I was young and walking that fine line of sticking up for myself without being called difficult, which they did call me, but I believe the word they used was ‘nightmare."”

“Every human being, no matter how successful they are, should have the power to be treated with respect because they’re human…

“In a dream world, everyone is treated with the exact same level of respect, but until we reach that goal, I will lend my ear, I will lend my voice to any boy, girl, man or woman who does not feel like they can protect themselves.”

After the Weinstein story came to light, Lawrence also released the following statement:

“I was deeply disturbed to hear the news about Harvey Weinstein’s behavior,” she said. “I worked with Harvey five years ago and I did not experience any form of harassment personally, nor did I know about any of these allegations.

“This kind of abuse is inexcusable and absolutely upsetting.”

“My heart goes out to all of the women affected by these gross actions. And I want to thank them for their bravery to come forward.”


Monday, October 16, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Told Howard Stern Producers Don"t Get Sex Like the Old Days

Howard Stern asked Harvey Weinstein a question about having sex with Hollywood actresses that was eerily dead-on … and Weinstein lied right to his face. Howard pulled up the 2014 interview Monday morning on his show. In the clip Howard…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

"Twin Peaks" Actor Jeremy Lindholm 911 Call, GF Told Cops "Bring Tasers and Tranquilizers"

‘Twin Peaks’ actor Jeremy Lindholm’s girlfriend says she’d just escaped his house, and days of beatings, when he came after her with a bat … according to her frantic 911 call. TMZ obtained audio of the call she made last month from a…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Nathan Griffith: David Eason Told My Son I"m Gay!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you might be aware that Jenelle Evans isn’t always the easiest person to get along with.

Of course, she has a tendency to surround herself with unhinged rage-oholics like herself, so iher life has become a kind of perfect storm of insanity.

Currently, Jenelle is involved in an ongoing custody battle with Nathan Griffith, and like every other conflict in her life, it seems to keep getting uglier.

Griffith took to Twitter yesterday to level some accusations at Jenelle and her fiance, David Eason.

Nathan claims David used an anti-gay slur to describe him to his son and mother.

“Because your man friend wants to call me a f***ing queer to my mom and my son without me there, but is always nice to my face,” Griffith tweeted.

“Anyways, DAVID EASON, if you want to man up for once and talk to me like a man, face-to-face, I would love to exchange words like adults.” 

Griffith went on to share a screen shot of texts he recently sent to Jenelle (whom he’s hilariously saved in his phone as “SheDevil):

“Tried to send this to her,” Nathan captioned the pic.

“The green I sent, but she obviously blocked me then unblocked me.”

Griffith insists that he’s trying to raise his son ina loving and emotionally stable environment, which means never speaking ill of the boy’s mother.

And he says he wishes Jenelle would return the favor.

“Seriously? Toddlers about 2-5 are just learning tangible words that can be associated with a physical action or thing. Please stop feeding my child words like ‘mean,"” Griffith says in his text to Jenelle.

“Just last night, we were talking about you and I told Kaiser, ‘Daddy loves mommy because she’s your mom.’ I feed positive stuff to him about you. And I wish you guys would do the same.”

Of course, Griffith isn’t really helping his case by bad-mouthing his ex and airing his dirty laundry on social media.

“Jenelle, you contact me then block me as soon as you get your two cents in, you’re in contempt of court in multiple ways, so please do!” 

It looks like Nathan will get the fight he’s looking for, as Jenelle replied, simply:

“I’m filing to go back to court. You and your mother are ridiculous.”

Like we said, this situation is sure to get a lot uglier before it gets any better.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Venus Williams Told by Police On Scene of Fatal Accident "You Violated His Right of Way"

Venus Williams was told moments after another car T-boned her that she was “at fault” for the accident … this according to the police bodycam footage obtained by TMZ Sports. The video was recorded in the moments after the June 9 accident that…


Venus Williams Told by Police On Scene of Fatal Accident "You Violated His Right of Way"

Venus Williams was told moments after another car T-boned her that she was “at fault” for the accident … this according to the police bodycam footage obtained by TMZ Sports. The video was recorded in the moments after the June 9 accident that…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Peyton Manning: People Told Me Not to Golf with Trump

Peyton Manning says he was pressured to REJECT President Donald Trump’s invitation to golf with him last month … but #18 didn’t listen … saying turning down the POTUS would be “un-American.” The NFL legend appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” and…


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Green Day Responds to Acrobat"s Death, "We Weren"t Told Until After the Show"

Green Day says they didn’t find out that an acrobat died in a performance before their set at a music festival in Spain until AFTER they had left the stage.  Pedro Aunion Monroy fell to his death Saturday at the Mad Cool Music Festival in…


Sunday, June 18, 2017

Corinne Olympios Told BF She Wouldn"t Hook Up On "Bachelor in Paradise" But He Supports Her

Corinne Olympios’ boyfriend knew exactly what he was signing up for when she decided to go on “Bachelor in Paradise” … with one HUGE caveat. Sources close to the couple tell TMZ … Corinne and her BF, Jordan Gielchinsky, agreed she would NOT hook…


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Tiger Woods Told Cops He Popped Xanax Night of DUI

Tiger Woods told arresting officers he’d taken Xanax the night he was pulled over for DUI … which has only now been revealed by an unredacted copy of the police report. In previous police docs, Tiger had copped to 4 other meds — Solarex,…


Friday, May 19, 2017

LeBron James told Ric Flair, "You Kept Me Off the Streets" (VIDEO)

LeBron James told Ric Flair his jet-flying, Rolex-wearing lifestyle inspired him as a kid to stay off the streets and become a world famous superstar. WOOOOO!!! TMZ Sports spoke with The Nature Boy about his relationship with James — he says he’s…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Mackenzie McKee: Instagram Just Told Me I"m Pregnant!

Back in August, former Teen Mom 3 star Mackenzie McKee welcomed her third child.

Shortly after the arrival of little Broncs (Yes, she named her child Broncs.), Mackenzie announced that she was closing up shop and “getting these tubes tied.”

So you can imagine her shock when she learned yesterday that she’s pregnant with her fourth child.

Of course, she probably breathed a sigh of relief after realizing that diagnosis came not from a doctor, but from a few dozen nosy Instagram commenters.

After posting the above photo, Mackenzie was flooded with comments informing her that she is several months along and wondering if she’s chosen a name yet.

She took to Twitter to sarcastically set the record straight, writing:

“Thank you Instagram for informing me I’m pregnant with baby number 4… we are so excited!”

This isn’t the first pregnancy rumor that Mackenzie has faced in recent months.

Back in February, a rumor that she was knocked up for the fourth time spread across social media.

When a fan asked her about it directly, McKee replied:

“O goodness sakes no. This girl is spade [sic] all the way.”

Despite the fact that her show got canceled, McKee’s life has remained a constant source of entertainment for drama-loving fans.

Back in January, Mackenzie split from her husband after getting publicly called out for cheating.

(They’ve since managed to work things out.)

In February, video of McKee’s son kissing a dead dog (the family pet had recently passed away) created an uproar online.

Like we said, she’s definitely found a way to keep her fan base engaged online.

Unfortunately, her one-woman social media soap opera has yet to translate to another chance at MTV stardom.

Mackenzie was pissed when Briana DeJesus was chosen to star on Teen Mom 2 after both stars moms were interviewed by the network.

“I’ve been consistent with followers. She deleted her social media once; I helped her get her following back. And here she is on Teen Mom!” McKee griped on social media.

Maybe producers figured Mackenzie wouldn’t be much of a draw, as she’s out there giving away the drama for free on a daily basis.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Joe Mixon Victim Told Cops She Was Punched Because She Rejected His Sexual Advances (VIDEOS)

Joe Mixon’s victim told police the Oklahoma star and his friends were pissed she rejected their catcalls before the incident … and called her a bitch and a whore before things got violent. It’s part of newly released video in the case stemming…


Monday, January 23, 2017

Pacman Jones Arrest Video ... Told Cop "Suck My D***, I Hope You Die" (VIDEO)

TMZ Sports has obtained the Pacman Jones arrest video from his hotel incident on Jan. 3 — in which he GOES OFF on the arresting cops … telling them to “suck my d***” and saying, “I hope you die tomorrow.” The Cincinnati Bengals player was…


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Sharon Tate"s Sister Says She Was Told Charles Manson Would Die Years Ago (VIDEO)

Sharon Tate’s sister, Debra, says more than a decade ago prison officials told her Charles Manson was on the verge of dying. Tate says during a parole hearing while Gray Davis was Governor of California (1999 – 2003) an official from Corcoran State…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Joe Mixon Told Cops "It Felt Like a Dude Hit Me" (VIDEO)

Joe Mixon told police “it felt like a dude hit me” when he was slapped by a female student in 2014 … and that’s why he hit back.


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Jenelle Evans: I TOLD You Nathan Griffith Was Bad News!

Jenelle Evans, in case you haven’t heard, has this terrible habit of getting with guys who have been arrested for domestic assault.

Hey, when you have a type …

During her time on Teen Mom 2, Jenelle’s been engaged to Gary Head, married to Courtland Rogers, engaged to Nathan Griffith, and in a long term relationship with David Eason.

Every single one of those dudes? Yep, arrested for domestic assault.

As a bonus, all of them but David have been arrested for assaulting Jenelle specifically.

The only guy that isn’t on that tragic list is the infamous Kieffer Delp. But don’t worry, he’s been arrested a few times too, but mostly for drug stuff.

He’s also the one who introduced Jenelle to heroin, so yes, he’s still awful.

But these days Jenelle is with David, and she likes to say that she’s with a “real man,” because who cares who he’s hit before as long as he’s not hitting her now, right?

And since Jenelle is way up on her domestic violence-free high horse, she feels totally comfortable just bashing the hell out of Nathan Griffith, her former fiance and the father of her second child, two-year-old Kaiser.

Honestly, good for her on that one — Nathan is the worst, and he’s currently wanted by police for assaulting his sometimes-girlfriend, Jessica Henry.

According to Jessica, she and Nathan were talking over the weekend about getting back together, but then they got to an argument. They still ended up going to her home, and that’s when things got physical.

Jessica’s roommate told police that she saw Nathan “pinning the victim down on the bed,” and Jessica herself said that Nathan choked her until she couldn’t breathe, and that she was in “extreme pain.”

(If that sounds familiar, that’s because it is: Nathan’s been arrested for choking this girl once before.)

Jessica and the roommate were able to get him out of the house, and he left before police arrived, hence his “wanted” status.

And while this is obviously horrible for Jessica, Jenelle can probably see the silver lining here: after all, she’s trying to get sole custody of Kaiser, so this will surely help her case, right?

So you know she’s been running her mouth on Twitter about it.

She actually started talking about Nathan just before his latest domestic assault.

When someone on Twitter accused her of keeping Kaiser from Nathan, she stated that “Over and above all my child’s safety is most important. We will leave it at that.”

Over the weekend, another person told Jenelle that Nathan was with the girlfriend and “clearly not worrying about” spending time with his son” — according to their current custody arrangement, Nathan is supposed to have Kaiser three weekends a month.

“Of course,” she responded. “And they aren’t supposed to be around each other. There’s a no contact order and he has pending felony charges from her against him.”

When someone told Jenelle to mind her business, she hit back with “So if Nathan has kai and hanging it with her and he gets arrested… that would be bad right? This is why I care.”

It actually makes sense that Jenelle would be worried about this — and in hindsight, she was obviously correct — but still, people accused her of being too concerned with Nathan’s love life.

“You’re funny if you think he’s on my mind at all lol,” she said. “My son’s safety is, trust me.”

One wise soul brought up the fact that David had been in pretty much the exact same situation as Nathan — arrested for assault, not allowed to see his son — but poor Jenelle wasn’t having it.

“What do u mean?” she asked. “He was found not guilty and his ex wrote him a letter telling him how sorry she was for lying about him in court.”

“There’s soooo much you guys don’t even know it’s funny lol we just don’t post every little thing anymore, no need. My business not yours.”

“There’s actually like 5-15 letters total if you must know,” she added, “so guess she didn’t hate David too bad.”

And then, after someone told her about Nathan’s latest wrongdoings, she wrote “Exactly why I said I need to keep Kaiser safe.”

“Point proven.”

Savor being the good parent while you can, Jenelle. Goodness knows it won’t last too long.


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Rick Fox -- I Told You So ... League of Legends Is Bigger Than NHL (VIDEO)

Rick Fox is serving up a big “I Told You So” to anyone who balked at his prediction League of Legends would outgrow the NHL … and says their recent historic sell out of Staples Center is proof he was right. We had talked to Fox a little while ago…


Monday, November 21, 2016

Donald Trump -- Meeting with TV News Execs ... Olive Branch or "I Told Ya So"

Donald Trump is meeting with his harshest critics Monday and the people who arguably got him elected … the media. Sources in Trump’s camp tell us … he’s meeting with all the network heads Monday at 1 PM ET, and Trump will not hold back. We’re…


Donald Trump -- Meeting with TV News Execs ... Olive Branch or "I Told Ya So"

Donald Trump is meeting with his harshest critics Monday and the people who arguably got him elected … the media. Sources in Trump’s camp tell us … he’s meeting with all the network heads Monday at 1 PM ET, and Trump will not hold back. We’re…
