Showing posts with label Weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight. Show all posts

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Rob Kardashian, I"m Gonna Lose the Weight and Get My Life Back

Rob Kardashian is hellbent on making a comeback following his breakup with Blac Chyna and what’s motivating him this time is another gal … his daughter Dream. If you recall … Rob started to get back in shape and healthy again when he began…


Rob Kardashian, I"m Gonna Lose the Weight and Get My Life Back

Rob Kardashian is hellbent on making a comeback following his breakup with Blac Chyna and what’s motivating him this time is another gal … his daughter Dream. If you recall … Rob started to get back in shape and healthy again when he began…


Saturday, September 2, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Using Plastic Surgery to Lose Baby Weight?!

Kailyn Lowry, as we all know, gave birth to a precious little baby boy nearly a month ago.

It must be such a special time for her, right?

From what we’ve seen on her social media, she’s really been loving becoming a mother for the third time — we’ve seen all sorts of sweet baby snuggles, and it’s been lovely.

But while Kailyn is obviously super focused on her children right now, she’s also  an individual with certain wants and expectations, you know?

And so, like many women who have just given birth, she’s reportedly been putting quite a bit of thought into snapping back to her pre-baby body.

As a source explains to Hollywood Life, she “can’t wait” for that snap back, and “she’s really excited about getting back in the gym.”

Which is true — earlier this week she tweeted that next week, she’d be all cleared to start working out again.

“She feels like this time around it’s going to be a lot easier to lose the weight because she knows so much more about nutrition than she did before.”

At the moment, and probably for the foreseeable future, she’s breastfeeding little Baby Lo, “so she doesn’t want to do anything crazy and go on some crash diet.”

However, “she is planning to get on a good meal plan that will give her exactly what she needs for her and her baby to be the healthiest!”

The Kailyn insider adds that “At first she’s just going to focus on moving her body again,” and “she’s actually looking forward to working out again, which is something she never thought she’d say.”

Relatable AF.

But since she’s had a little bit of plastic surgery before, would she be willing to get some more to help her bounce back?

“Kailyn is planning to get her body back the all-natural way,” the source says, “but never say never when it comes to surgery.”

“She had such a great experience with Dr. Miami and doesn’t regret her surgeries at all.”

Right now, “her goal is to do it all on her own, but there are certain things, like getting a perfect stomach, that are borderline impossible after three kids.”

“She’s going to see what she can do all on her own, but if she can’t get to a place she’s happy with then she’s definitely open to getting a little help.”

And honestly, more power to her.

Gossip is fun, and so is all that shade-throwing the kids enjoy so much, but in reality, Kailyn can do whatever she likes with her own body.

Obviously, right?

And if a little bit of surgical tweaking makes her feel better about herself, then good for her.

We’re sure Dr. Miami is waiting for her with open arms.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Beauty Queen Asked to Lose Weight, Hands in Crown Instead!

With all the tragedy that’s been going on in the world lately, it feels like it’s high time for a nice, uplifting story, right?

And drop dead gorgeous beauty queen Zoiey Smale has just the thing!

That’s Zoiey. She’s really, really beautiful — and she’s also a size 10.

A size 10 in her native United Kingdom, that is. In U.S. sizes, she’s about a 6.

But why are we even talking about her dress size? Because, after winning a UK beauty pageant called Miss United Continents, she was informed that she needed to lose weight.

No, really. Someone actually looked at her and then told her that.

Not that that sort of body-shaming is OK anyway, but for real, look at this girl. In what universe does she need to lose weight?

As Zoiey explained in an interview with the Daily Mail, she won the UK title, but was expected to go on to compete for the international Miss United Continents title in Ecuador this month.

In July, the national pageant director called her up and told her that she had some “feedback” for her from the international director.

“She said to me ‘They want you to go on a diet plan and they want you to lose as much weight as possible for the finals.’ I was like, ‘Pardon?"”

“It was one of those things, in the 21st century you don’t actually expect people to be that blunt,” she added.

“I’m not big at all, I’m just bang on average. I just think to be told to lose as much weight as possible for a competition, why would people say that?” she continued.

“It’s horrible and it made me feel so rubbish about myself for a long, long time.”

Which is terribly sad, because obviously she’s not the one with the problem in this story.

She said that she hung up with the director and took time to consider how exactly to respond, because “I was so angry I didn’t just want to throw out insults.”

Eventually, “I said to my director, who was really supportive, that I don’t think someone should say that to girls, it’s awful and it’s horrible and it’s wrong.”

“I don’t think to be a good role model you have to be stick thin and I explained my reasoning that way.”

Finally, “I handed my title back because I’m not going to support a competition that can do that to people, I just think it’s so, so wrong.”

“People wonder why there’s a stigma behind beauty pageants and this is not really helping the matter.”

When she did the first part of the competition, the part for the UK title, she said that there was an emphasis on charity work, but things changed.

“This one took completely away from promoting giving,” she said. “It’s more you’ve got to be as stick thin as possible because that’s what the guys want to see.”

“So I just handed my title back and I just shut that door.”

Absolutely amazing.

Zoiey may no longer be the queen of this particular pageant, but we’re going to go ahead and say it …

She may have just landed a new title as the queen of our hearts.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Criticized For Weight Loss on Instagram!

If you follow the various members of the Duggar family on Instagram, you know there’s not much they can do that won’t ignite some sort of controversy.

The daughters of Jim Bob and Michelle aren’t permitted to use social media until after they’re engaged, so the amount of negativity they receive online must come as something of a rude awakening.

To be fair, there are many times when the trash-talk is well deserved, such as when Jill Duggar solicited donations from fans in order to fund her travels to Central America, even though she’s not a licensed missionary and comes from a wealthy family.

But there are just as many occasions in which the hate is complelely unwarranted.

Take the constant scrutiny of every photo that Jinger Duggar posts.

For every fan that applauds Jinger for wearing pants in open defiance of her parents’ archaic dress code, there are just as many body-shaming her or otherwise putting her down.

In recent months, many of the comments have surrounded the rumors that Jinger is pregnant with her first child.

With her latest photo, however, fans are obsessing over Jinger’s body for a very different reason.

Jinger posted the above photo of herself with husband Jeremy Vuolo earlier this week.

Fans immediately pounced on what they claimed is evidence of Jinger losing a dangerous amount of weight.

Frankly, we don’t see it at all, but fans were predictably ruthless in their admonitions.

One user aptly pointed out that if Jinger is rapidly losing weight, it may have something to do with the constant pregnancy talk she’s subjected to.

“Maybe the poor girl feels insecure about her weight since so many people say that she’s preggo,” the commenter wrote.

“How would you feel if people told you that [you looked pregnant] and you weren’t? You’d probably think, ‘Wow, am I so fat that people always see a baby bump? Maybe I need to lose some weight.’”

It’s a valid point.

Of course, this is the internet in 2017, so the valid point was ignored, and the angry mob proceeded with their outrage.

Don’t get us wrong, there’s a whole lot to dislike about the Duggar family.

But when young women are being told they look both too fat and too skinny in the space of a single week, it says more about our society than it does about their photos.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sarah Stage, the Six Pack Mom, Reveals Her Pregnancy Weight!

Some women gain weight during pregnancy and never seem to be able to shake it — because pregnancy literally restructures your body, some more than others, all depending on your biological predispositions.

And then there’s Sarah Stage, the “Six Pack Mom” herself, a fitness model who looks the part — even 31 weeks into her pregnancy.

Would you care to guess how much she weighs while pregnant? Because you don’t actually have to guess.

Sarah Stage isn’t the only “fit mom” out there.

What we have to remember is that genetic predispositions from both parents are at play with pregnancies.

In many ways, how a pregnant person’s body is impacted by pregnancy has less to do with their own fitness and more to do with the demands that their fetus makes upon their body.

(Seriously, human pregnancies give way more power to the fetus than the pregnancies of many other mammals, but that’s a whole other conversation)

Some people swell up, gaining a huge amount of weight in their torsos and faces.

That weight may or may not go away after they give birth.

(Sometimes, even with exercise, it doesn’t go away — some physical changes that take place during pregnnacy are basically permanent)

Others barely see any changes in their bodies, and just look like they’re smuggling a basketball under their clothes.

And then there’s Sarah Stage and her tiny baby bump.

She’s in a whole other league of women who are typically fitness models.

She’s so physically fit that she’s been body-shamed, in 2015 and also this year with this pregnancy, over her visible abs and how little she’s “showing” of her pregnancy.

To be clear, just as a woman who puts on dozens and dozens and dozens of pounds while pregnant doesn’t deserve to be body-shamed, a woman who gains only a little weight doesn’t, either.

Different bodies work in different ways, folks.

(And those same women gaining or not gaining weight without being pregnant should also be free from criticism because their weight is none of anyone’s business, of course)

But we can still be amazed and perhaps a little shocked at this report on Sarah Stage’s weight, shared over Instagram:

Don’t worry, she’s not going to make you do math — she’s not a monster.

Sarah Stage weighs 137 pounds, which is not much at all, especially for such a muscular woman.

Especially for a pregnant muscular woman.

So far, throughout this entire pregnancy, the Six Pack Mom has only gained 18 pounds.

That’s only three pounds for each of her six abs, though obviously the weight is a little more, you know, baby-oriented.

Honestly, some people have mild pregnancies like that.

(Off of the top of my head, I know that my grandmother’s pregnancies were almost that mild)

Some look at this and worry if she’s malnourishing her baby or something, but … that’s a huge leap to make.

18 pounds is enough for a baby of a healthy weight, plus a placenta and amniotic fluid.

It doesn’t leave a lot of room for error or whatever, but unlike humanity’s ancestors, people in modern times don’t need to pack on weight in case food suddenly becomes scarce.

We’re not dependent upon the migration patterns of bison for our meals. Grocery stores exist.

We’re not suggesting that anybody try to emulate Sarah Stage’s physique, pregnant or otherwise.

Like most things, it’s not for everyone.

But please don’t freak out or, worse, mom-shame someone for looking like themselves even when they’re about to pop out a tiny human.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Shannon Beador: My Weight Gain Is A Struggle!

We think it’s fair to say Shannon Beador had a terrible time of it during The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11. 

She was bickering with Vicki Gunvalson on a weekly basis, and there were some crazy rumors flying around that that Shannon’s husband, David Beador was abusing her. 

These stories, of course, came from Vicki, who was intent on causing a lot of drama for her co-stars. It made for first-class reality TV, but it took its toll on Shannon. 

So much so that she has gained around forty pounds from last season. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you will already know that she felt some of the blame had to go on Vicki. 

“I knew an allegation was put out there about my husband,” she said on the show’s Season 12 premiere. Yes, it’s crazy to think the show has been on the air for so long. 

However, it looks like the drama is showing no signs of fatigue, so we’re all strapped in and ready for another wild ride with these crazy ladies. 

Shannon continued to open up about her weight gain on the premiere.

“That stress caused me to eat more, caused me to drink more and that’s a huge part of why I gained my weight.” It’s such a horrible situation to be in, and we feel for Shannon. 

If the rumors are fiction, then it’s such an awful thing for her. Her husband’s name is being dragged through the mud, and she’s helpless. We can’t even begin to imagine how David feels about the whole thing. 

Shannon has even been opening up about her weight gain on Instagram, and you can tell she’s really hurting. 

She released the following statement just a few days ago:

So let’s just get to it. Yes, I have gained weight. A lot of weight. About 40 pounds to be exact. I have not had plastic surgery or fillers, it’s just plain and simple weight gain.

There are multiple factors that have contributed to my size and it will be addressed this season on the show. To those people who intend to write cruel or derogatory comments to me, I want to let you know you will be blocked and the comment deleted.

Gaining weight and trying to take it off is a struggle that most women will face at some point in their lives. I am hopeful that my fans and viewers of the show will be supportive of my journey.

I am very grateful and thankful to those people that have already reached out to me with their kind thoughts. ❤️ Let the season begin…

She also shared a before, and after picture in which it was visible, she had gained some weight. However, she still looks very healthy. 

“Five years ago almost to the day. Same cabana. Same amazing friend. Not the same body,” she captioned. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Biggest Loser: CANCELED By NBC Over Weight Loss Drug Scandal!

The Biggest Loser has been canceled by NBC, according to multiple media reports and none other than the hit show’s resident doctor.  

An incredible 17-season run for TBL on the network has ended following a weight loss drug scandal, the origins of which go back years.

TBL Logo Big

According to Dr. Robert Huizenga, this can be traced back to a former contestant who alleged that participants were given drugs on set.

Ones to make them lose weight, if that wasn’t obvious.

The bombshell revelation was made in court documents in which the doctor accuses a participant of bringing bad publicity to the show.

Last year, Huizenga sued Joelle Gwynn, who appeared on the show in 2008, and the New York Post, over an article implicating him.

Both sources claim the doctor was behind giving participants illegal weight loss pills, and he wasn’t the only player involved, allegedly.

Gwynn also accused the show’s trainer Bob Harper of supplying contestants with Adderall, a drug prescribed to patients with ADHD.

TBL Logo Again

Adderall is also known to suppress appetite; Harper also supplied, allegedly, pills containing ephedra extract, which is banned by the FDA.

She told the New York Post that the pills left her “jittery and hyper” and alleged that he approved the distribution of the pills on the show.

Gwynn, along with other past contestants, also claimed they were encouraged to lie about their calorie intake during the NBC program.

As a result, multiple reality stars have said that after the competition, they quickly gained back all the weight as a result of the regimen.

Gwynn told the newspaper last year:

“People chastise Bill Cosby for allegedly offering meds to women, but it’s acceptable to do to fat people to make them lose weight.”

“I feel like we got raped, too.”

Gwynn pix

For his part, Huizenga has denied all allegations and has filed a lawsuit stating the story was “fabricated, fictitious and outright libelous.”

“Nothing could be further from the truth,” he says.

He calls himself “a world-renowned health expert and esteemed sports doctor who advocates for safe and effective weight loss methods.” 

Gwynn fired back, reaffirming her statements on the record, and demanded his suit be thrown out and that the doctor pay her legal fees.

In new court documents, Huizenga demands that Gwynn’s motion be denied, by virtue of her public comments getting the show axed.

Gwynn’s “outrageous” accusations, his lawyer says, “resulted in the cancelation of The Biggest Loser” and other opportunities for him.

Dr. Rob

This is particularly egregious for Dr. Huizenga (above), he says, because of his “strict life-long anti-drug beliefs and strict anti-drug policy.”

On The Biggest Loser, he wouldn’t even allow contestants to take “caffeine pills or drink more than one cup of coffee, much less illegal drugs.”

Though Gwynn never named names, his legal team claims that a “defamed person need not be named in the defamatory words” necessarily.

If the statements are enough to identify him, it’s all academic, he says, and it was enough to cost him multiple other TV show opportunities.

Season 17 of the show aired last year, after which NBC did not publicly announce a decision on future installments of The Biggest Loser.

NBC has yet to formally announce the cancelation.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Adam Lind Shows Off Major Weight Loss: Is It Drug-Related?

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you’re no doubt well aware that Adam Lind is a deeply troubled soul who routinely makes life more difficult for those around him.

Part of the problem, of course, is Lind’s long history of substance abuse.

Recent court documents reveal that Lind tested positive for methamphetamines, a development that could cost him custody of his youngest daughter.

Now, a new photo of the reality star has fans concerned that Lind’s hard drug use may be even more habitual and problematic than previously thought.

As you can see, the former body builder appears to have lost a dramatic amount of weight in recent weeks.

In the comments, fans have described Lind’s appearance as “scary skinny” and expressed concerns that his attenuated appearance might be tied to his substance abuse.

The girl in the photo is Lind’s daughter with Chelsea Houska, 7-year-old Aubree.

At this time, it doesn’t appear that Houska intends to fight to change her custody or visitation arrangements with Lind.

However, his second baby mama, Taylor Halbur, is fighting tooth and nail to ensure that Lind is not permitted to spend any time with their daughter.

The meth allegations come from court documents filed by Halbur in an effort to have Lind legally prohibitted from seeing his youngest daughter.

She also provided the court with printouts from social media, in which Lind boasts about hard drug use.

“Plaintiff failed his third drug test and he tested positive for amphetamines and methamphetamines,” reads a document filed by Halbur’s lawyers and obtained by Radar Online.

“The methamphetamine result in his system was substantial and this was just over 24 hours before he was to have the parties’ minor child.” 

In an interview with the site, Halbur revealed that Lind’s current girlfriend confirmed that he still engages in regular drug use.

“He had showed her cocaine that he has in his possession,” she told Radar.

“She also confirmed that he does engage in steroid use,” she added.

“I understand that Plaintiff will use steroids for muscle growth but will then use methamphetamines to cut weight.”

Looks like Adam’s drug use may soon cost him much more than his hard-earned physique.


Friday, June 16, 2017

June Shannon Weight Loss Spinoff: Who Will It Star?

June Shannon has lost A LOT of weight over the past several months.

But she has not lost her desire to make money off reality television.

The former Here Comes Honey Boo Boo mother disappeared from the spotlight for many years after TLC canceled the series that made her and her family into D-List stars back in the day.

But she popped up again in early 2017 as the anchor of Mama June: From Not to Hot on WEtv.

Although, to be fair, “anchor” may be an unfair word to use here.

The program centered on how Shannon went from weighing over 400 pounds (i.e. NOT) to weighing under 200 pounds (i.e. HOT).

She did so by going on a very strict diet and also by going under the knife on multiple occasions.

In April, Shannon showed off her svelte figure on an episode of her new reality show, blowing away ex-husband Sugar Bear and every viewer who had followed Mama June since her days as… well…

… as an extremely fat person.

We’re not trying to be mean. Shannon was simply overweight and unhealthy by any objective measurement.

Over the course of about six months, however, underwent surgeries that includes:

– The insertion of a gastric sleeve.

– A breast augmentation.

– Skin removal on her “turkey neck,” “bat wings,” and stomach, the latter being area where doctors removed about nine pounds of loose skin.

Shannon now weighs approximately 160 pounds.

It’s a pretty amazing transformation, but it has also created a problem for the star: What does she do now?

Having already gone from “Not” to “Hot,” how does Shannon ride this momentum to another season of reality television?

Easy, according to OK! Weekly: she brings children Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson and Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon into the weight loss picture.

“The girls are up for it, because the show will be all about them, and they’ll have their own big paydays,” a source tells the tabloid, adding that filming is already underway on the untitled spinoff.

Like their mother, Alana and Lauryn both share an enjoyment of junk food, along with “sketti,” a pasta-covered-in-butter-and-ketchup concoction that became famous back during the Here Comes Honey Boo Boo days.

Thankfully, neither young woman will undergo any surgery on this upcoming show.

They will instead stick to a healthy diet and be made to exercise on a frequent basis.

Is there something creepy and seemingly inappropriate about a TV show that focuses on the unflattering bodies of two children? Yes.

But it’s hard to find too much fault helping kids eat well and work out often. 

“I don’t want them to end up like I did at 460 pounds,” June has previously said of her daughters’ health. “Who would want that?”

And if this series rates well, we really may never stop seeing June Shannon on television.

The same tabloid claims a dating show starring the mother of two could be on tap, depending upon the success of this spinoff.

“Mama June loves fame, and audiences love her,” says the insider.


Lena Dunham Poses Completely Nude After Weight Loss!

Lena Dunham is not a shy person.

Not even a little bit. Not even at all.

She’s been naked numerous times on her HBO show, Girls, and she’s always been exceedingly open and honest about her body.

She suffers from endometriosis, and she’s spoken extensively about her many hospitalizations and surgeries — she’s even shared photos of her scars from those surgeries.

Lena’s also discussed her recent weight loss at length, which she’s claimed is, in part, thanks to the “soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness” that came when Trump was elected president.

All this is to say that this woman is extremely open about everything — every last little thing.

So it makes sense that she’d take a nude selfie and throw it up on Instagram.

In the photo, her weight loss is really visible. She looks great, right?

And in the caption she added along with the photo, she shared some typical Lena Dunham words of wisdom.

“I spent so many years loving my body but thinking it wasn’t lovable by others,” she confessed. “It’s sole purpose was to be fodder for jokes.”

“I performed the insult so no one else could.”

“I don’t regret any of it,” she went on, “that’s my art and that was my truth.”

She wrote that now, “having been through hell and back with my health and other people’s perceptions of my physicality,” she feels much more at ease with her body.

Or, as she said, “I feel deeply comfortable with the idea that this pear-shaped pot of honey is equally good for making people laugh and laying out like a Suicide Girl circa 2004.”

“Love it all,” she finished.

And it looks like Lena isn’t alone in loving it all, either.

“Thanks Lena for being so inspiring,” one of her followers wrote, “and for helping me and all the girls out there to be, day by day, more confident and positive about our bodies.”

Another person told her “Your body and your mind are beautiful, the both of them. Keep writing intelligent, witty and socially critical pieces. You are a true inspiration.”

“Glad you’re loving the skin you’re in,” yet another wrote. “You’re giving women permission to do the same and make friends with their own bodies.”

Sure, there were plenty of inappropriate responses — things about “dipping fingers in the honey pot” and general criticism of her body.

But Lena loves herself and the way she looks, and it seems like most other people do, too.

And isn’t that just so special?


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

June Shannon: Where is She on Her Weight Loss Journey?

Yes, that really is a photo of June Shannon down below.

You’d be forgiven if you did a quadruple take upon looking at it, however, considering the formerly obese reality star has gone on a diet, gone under the knife and lost about 300 pounds as a result.

Yes: 300 pounds!

The mother of Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson rose to fame on the WE TV series Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, but she was mostly seen just sitting around the house and giving her kids a hard time on that program.

Fast forward a few years and Shannon signed on for Mama June: From Not to Hot.

About two months ago, she debuted her new, incredibly svelte figure, blowing away her ex-husband and every single viewer in the process.

“I’m in the 160s. I’m probably four or five pounds off from being there,” Shannon told Entertainment Tonight at the time of how she’s dropped down from a high over well over 400 pounds, adding:

“I’m happy that I went through with it and got what I wanted. I’ve been wanting it a long time.”

Last week, Shannon once again showed off her body while attending the premiere of Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta.

She’s on her way to that event in the photo above, posing alongside young Alana, who recently said of her foxy mama:

“She looks great. I’m really proud of her.”

Of course, it hasn’t been a breeze for Shannon.

She underwent skin removal surgery this spring and shared a number of horrifying photos from the experience.

Altogether, the gastric sleeve surgery, a breast augmentation and this skin removal procedure – to get rid of her “bat wings” and her “turkey neck” – cost about $ 100,000.

It’s unclear whether Shannon shelled out all this dough or if WE TV covered the costs, but Shannon is thrilled with the results either way.

“I’ve worked my ass off, working out, getting healthy, and now I feel like becoming the person on the outside that I always felt like on the inside,” she tells E! News.

Will Shannon star on another reality show at some point?

Nothing would surprise us at this point.

Appearing as a guest on The Wendy Williams Show a few weeks ago, however, June seemed more focus on her personal life than her professional life.

“I guess I became what you could call a ‘scale whore,’ because I was constantly kind of beating myself up,” she confessed, adding:

“I hate to say it, but Alana kind of started to be like that [too]. So I had to back off the scale, because she’s been kind of looking [at the scale, too.]”

At her heaviest, Shannon weighed 460 pounds.

She says she grew determined to change her life around make a splash at the wedding of her ex-husband, Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson, to some woman named Jennifer.

She came right out and admitted this on the finale of From Not to Hot.

“My goal when I first started this weight loss journey was to make Sugar Bear kind of jealous,” Shannon told the camera, explaining:

“But it’s no longer about revenge. Doing all the surgeries really took a toll on me – not just physically, but emotionally.”

And yet here she is!

Take a look back at Shannon’s amazing weight loss journey below and go ahead and marvel. This is very impressive:


Monday, May 15, 2017

Eddie Lacy Gets Fat Bonus Check from Seahawks for Hitting Weight Loss Goal

Eddie Lacy’s off-season diet plan is already paying off HUGE — the NFL star just cashed a $ 55k bonus check from the Seattle Seahawks for hitting a major weight loss milestone. EL’s weight issues are no secret — and when he signed his new deal with…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Demi Lovato Shills For Weight Loss Tea as Self Love, Fans Go Ham

Demi Lovato has become a body-positivity “champion” in recent years, and for good reason. The 24-year-old is a strong role model.

Since announcing her struggles with eating disorders and mental health issues, she’s been renowned for her candor and message.

So what’s the issue?

Lovato is a spokeswoman for the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), and as a noted ED survivor herself, she fits the bill.

Fans were shocked, however, after the singer posted a photo promoting “detox tea” and a vexing message on her vaunted Instagram.

“This year is all about #selflove truly taking care of myself and exercising has changed everything for me,” she captioned the picture.

“@teamiblends has #sponsored my 30 day detox challenge to help get rid of toxins and my bloating for summer,” adds Demi.

“I’m on Day 7 right now and it’s so easy!”

“I just drink their tea every single day in my favorite purple tumbler. I love taking it to shoots and the studio with me.”

“If you are ready to be your best YOU this summer, use my Code: DEMI for 20% off your detox program when you check out!”

“I want all of you to do the challenge!”

The issue, if it wasn’t abundantly clear, is that “detox teas” are 1. fairly unhealthy and 2. usually touted as weight-loss products.

In fairness, Lovato didn’t outright promote the tea for weight loss purposes, but the implication is such that fans were unhappy.

Many believe that even such teas can be triggers for people with eating disorders, as they are often misused as laxatives or purgers.

Moreover, the health community is divided on such drinks in general as it is believed that they can cause a myriad of problems.

Heidi R

Needless to say, Lovato was quickly taken to task for irresponsible promotion by many of her 57 million Instagram followers.

“How has detox tea something to do with self love and eating disorerrecovery?” @heidirecovering wrote in the comments. 

“Self love is about accepting oneself, not detoxing. I used to look up to you, but this is the lowest point ever.”

Fans called her out for pushing such a thing on people who view her as a role model thanks to her own struggles with bulimia.

@thebalanced.babe wrote, “I love you Demi, but please.”

Balanced B

“Ask yourself why would you advertise something so damaging to people struggling with EDs, disordered eating, and more.”

“Impressionable young people to look up to you.”

Others were less harsh, but still un-enthralled.

“Please take this post down Demi, a laxative will NOT make me the best me,” urged another Lovatic, @selenamyqueef.

The guise of “self-love” was what really left her army of followers steamed, and @chooselifewarrior, for one, took her to TASK on Snapchat:


Look, obviously Demi is a very well-meaning girl.

She’s built up a lot of credibility at this point, being open and honest about her body image issues and self-esteem struggles for years.

Those Demi Lovato swimsuit pics she’s been flaunting lately are jaw-dropping, as is the incredible confidence level she’s shown.

There isn’t anything wrong with wanting to change one’s body, or sharing your experiences with others who follow you on social media.

Using questionable products to do so, however?

Especially products potentially harmful for people with eating disorders – many of whom look up to Demi for exactly that reason?

The star and NEDA have yet to comment, but we expect some kind of response soon, given the current backlash against this plug.


Monday, April 24, 2017

Abby Lee Miller Undergoes Dramatic Weight Loss Surgery, Claims Nobody Cares About Her

Abby Lee Miller became a reality TV sensation for her quick-witted responses to her dancers on Dance Moms

Nowadays, Miller’s life is anything but glamorous. She no longer works on the show that made her a household name and is currently awaiting sentencing in the wake of her pleading guilty to bankruptcy fraud. 

The beast of the East is now undergoing dramatic weight loss surgery that could probably give the beast of the South (June Shannon) a run for her money. 

The procedure in question for Abby is a sleeve gastrectomy, which will remove 80 percent of her stomach. We’re sure Abby was probably searching for how to shave 80 percent of her prison sentence, but she probably settled at losing some of her stomach. 

Kidding aside, Abby feels like no one cares about whether something goes wrong during the procedure. In an emotional interview with Entertainment Tonight, she got very upset about the whole thing. 

“Oh, this is crazy,” she said before walking into the operating room. 

“There’s nobody freaking out if something happens to me,” Miller revealed. “I’m scared, I’m nervous.”

It was a mere month ago Miller announced her decision to part ways with Dance Moms in a scathing Instagram rant that took aim at the producers.

It reads as follows:

The majority of children that follow me may be fast asleep, however now is the critical time to make the following statement: I WILL NO LONGER TAKE PART IN DANCE MOMS.



I don’t have a problem working with any kid, I love children and have dedicated my life to making other people’s children successful! I JUST HAVE A PROBLEM WITH BEING MANIPULATED, DISRESPECTED, AND USED – DAY IN AND DAY OUT BY MEN WHO NEVER TOOK A DANCE LESSON IN THEIR LIVES AND TREAT WOMEN LIKE DIRT! #dancemoms #season7 #ALDC #aldcalways #newbeginnings #aldcla #alllovedancecourage

Dancing With the Stars pro, Cheryl Burke has now stepped into the coveted role and has posted nothing but positive images with her new students since. 

Was Abby part of the problem, or was it all down to the producers? Don’t expect an unauthorized Lifetime movie for this one. 


Monday, April 10, 2017

Ric Flair Kicked Out of Bar, Tells Bartender "Lose Some Weight" (VIDEO)

New footage has surfaced showing WWE legend Ric Flair trying to fat shame a bartender during a heated exchange in an Indiana bar … moments before he was booted and banned for life. It all went down at The Deck at the Gas House in Ft. Wayne on…


Friday, April 7, 2017

UFC"s Daniel Cormier Makes Weight After Losing 1.2 Pounds in 2 Minutes! (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

How the hell did Daniel Cormier lose 1.2 pounds in 2 minutes??!? Huge dump? Big puke? Quick sweat session?? That’s the question everyone is asking after the UFC star miraculously made weight for his UFC 210 fight after a nearly missing the cut at…


UFC"s Daniel Cormier Makes Weight After Losing 1.2 Pounds in 2 Minutes! (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

How the hell did Daniel Cormier lose 1.2 pounds in 2 minutes??!? Huge dump? Big puke? Quick sweat session?? That’s the question everyone is asking after the UFC star miraculously made weight for his UFC 210 fight after a nearly missing the cut at…


Lena Dunham Loses Weight While Her "Girls" Character is Pregnant (PHOTOS)

Lena Dunham is not pregnant, certainly by recent appearances, despite her character on “Girls” showing her super preggo. We got this pic of Lena walking an L.A. street Thursday, and if anything she looks like she dropped a lot of weight. She…


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

June Shannon on Weight Loss: My Daughters Will NOT End Up Like Me!

If you"ve been anywhere near social media in the past week, you"ve probably seen some all-caps, exclamatory headlines about June Shannon"s weight loss.

Shannon, of course, is the disgraced former star of TLC"s Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, so you could be forgiven for ignoring those headlines.

After all, not only is Shannon washed up, she"s washed up for good reason, as she was accused of dating the man who was convicted of molesting her daughter after he was released from prison.

So yeah, outside of Duggar Land, it"s hard to find a more revolting reality TV scandal.


Anyway, there are several good reasons that you might choose to ignore any new Mama June-related news.

That said, the woman"s surgically-assisted weight loss is truly astonishing and must be seen to be believed.

Mama June"s final weight loss went viral for good reason.

Despite all the excess baggage she"s carrying in other areas of her life, Mama June is literally half the woman she used to be in terms of her weight.

In the past, she"s been heavily criticized for feeding her daughters a steady diet of disgusting, processed crap, but June says now that she"s experienced the joys of healthier living through surgery, she"ll be making the right decisions for her kids:

“I don’t want them to go through what I went through in school or with surgery,” she says. “I’ve seen them lose and gain weight, but I don’t want them to end up like I did at 460 lbs. Who would want that?”

It"s slightly irritating that she acts like she"s just findng out that having a toddler guzzle Mountain Dew is a bad idea, but at least she"s changing her ways.

Check out the full interview below:


June shannon on weight loss my daughters will not end up like me