Showing posts with label William. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2018

Prince William Drops MAJOR Hint on Royal Baby"s Gender

With Duchess Kate Middleton ready to give birth in the near future, this royal pregnancy is getting more and more attention.

And it appears that Prince William may have dropped a massive hint about whether they’re expecting a little prince or a little princess.

Is this a major royal gaffe?

Like a large number of people, Prince William is a fan of sports.

Specifically, he enjoys soccer, which is called “football” in … well, outside of the United States, where soccer is popular even among adults.

The Prince is a fan of the Aston Villa Football Club, and celebrated Jack Grealish’s successful and dramatic win for his side when he played against Cardiff City.

In his enthusiasm, it appears that he let something slip about his third child with Kate Middleton.

Referring to Grealish’s skill on the field and accomplishments during that particular game, William told fans:

“I’m going to insist the baby is called Jack.”

After a brief pause, in which he may have realized what he had said, he added:

“…Or Jackie.”

Is this a huge reveal and therefore a major royal gaffe?

It is difficult to tell, but many believe that Prince William accidentally leaked his child’s expected sex.

When one is excited, even a royal who has been schooled from birth to keep things private can have a loosened tongue.

That would certainly shoot down rumors that Kate Middleton is expecting twin girls. (Everyone loves a twin story)

But we should mention that it is also possible that was entirely joking about the name “Jack” and only threw in the “Jackie” line so that people would not jump to conclusions.

Obviously, that did not work out the way that he may have planned.

As for the name itself, well, regardless of the little one’s sex, Prince William is probably joking.

Even regular, non-royal people need to be thoughtful about the names that they give to their children.

If we all just picked the names of people we admire for our children, it could backfire when prospective employers refuse to interview someone named “Magneto” or decline to hire yet another “Carrie Fisher” because they already have a dozen and it’s already creating confusion at the office.

For royals, the pressures when it comes to names are even more intense. 

Look at William’s children’s names: George and Charlotte.

George is a traditional name in his family, and St. George is said to have slain Britain’s last dragon, and is the patron saint of England. 

Charlotte is another name from his family, most notably of Queen Charlotte of Mecklenberg-Strelitz. Also, the name Charlotte has its roots in Charles, the name of William’s father.

So it seems likely that whatever name they choose for this royal baby, it won’t be “Jack.”

(Probably for the best, since when people outside of the UK think of a famous British person by that name, they’re likely to think of Jack the Ripper)

This baby … who seems more and more likely to be a little prince … will probably have a name with a rich royal history.

A name deeply entrenched in British culture.

A name hich, zero offense to anyone named “Jack,” will probably have a less common air to it.

Now is more or less the right time for the couple to introduce a new child into the family.

Princess Charlotte just started preschool, so a new baby will be slightly more manageable.

And the child is also close enough in age to Charlotte and even George that they won’t feel like strangers from different generations.

They may or may not be playmates, but that will have more to do with personality and interests than it has to do with their ages.

We’re all looking forward to the birth of this next royal baby.

Even if it does end up being “Prince Jack.”


Thursday, March 22, 2018

William Shatner Eviscerates Facebook Over Death Hoax: I Will Never Die!!

Did you see an article whose title declared that a legendary Star Trek actor had been found dead?

William Shatner is alive and kicking. In fact, Thursday was his birthday — the beloved actor is now 87 years old.

But he’s furious about fake news being spread about him, and demanding that Facebook take action.

You know how, sometimes, social media platforms experience a surge in popularity?

This is not that time for Facebook. 

In fact, between new revelations that the data of 50 million users was mined to help the Trump campaign in 2016 and intense scrutiny over Russia using Facebook as a divisive weapon against the U.S. …the social media platform is not enjoying a lot of good press.

And we don’t just mean because Jim Carrey dumped his Facebook stock.

Even Snapchat, which has recently been dismissed by Kylie Jenner and blasted by Rihanna and has been massively devalued as a result, is probably thanking their lucky stars that they’re not Facebook right now.

Now, Facebook has drawn the ire of an acting legend … by sharing a death hoax advertisement.

Shatner Death Hoax Tweet 01

There is a difference between a clickbait headline, which summarizes an article or poses a question that’s designed to draw a reader’s attention, and a bold-faced lie.

Announcing that a living actor has been found dead is, at best, a hoax in extremely poor taste.

A fan tweeted at William Shatner:

“I thought you might want to know you’re dead.” Accompanying those words was a screencap of a Facebook ad.

The Star Trek actor was not amused.

Shatner Death Hoax Tweet 02

Shatner quoted the tweet, writing: 

“Hey @facebook isn’t this your messenger app? What’s up with you allowing this Acocet Retail Sales ad to pass your muster? Thought you were doing something about this?”

By “doing something about this,” he of course means that Facebook has announced that they’re taking steps to combat the spread of 

He got a reply to his tweet:

“Hi, I’m from Facebook. Thanks for letting us know about this. We have removed this ad and Page from Facebook.”

Shatner then quoted that tweet with a message of his own:


Shatner Death Hoax Tweet 03

“Thank you. I’m not planning on dying so please continue to block those kinds of ads.”

(Honestly, the part about not planning on dying is, as the youths would say, a big mood)

Article titles are designed to be interesting and enticing, but a number of actors are continuously plagued by ads claiming that they’re dead.

Some argue that these titles are all in good fun and have no agenda beyond eliciting clicks.

Others, however, point out that these articles can send fans into a panic and can be extremely hurtful to the still-living stars themselves.

Especially when, like Shatner, they are advanced in years. The fact that this went down on Twitter on the day before his birthday cannot have been fun.

Despite his age, William Shatner has surprised many with his social media savvy.

A few years ago, he began livetweeting The 100, as he considered it the last hope of science fiction fans.

This was before the Syfy channel’s de-rebranding, when they came back with shows like Dark MatterKilljoys, and The Expanse.

Since then, of course, Star Trek: Discovery has come out, and more and more networks and streaming platforms are realizing that high-quality science fiction television is worth the sometimes hefty price.

Shatner’s legacy lives on. And so does he.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Meghan Markle! Kate Middleton! Prince William! Prince Harry! All on Stage... Together!

A royally awesome and historic event took place in Great Britain on Wednesday morning.

As documented below, Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ALL took the stage as a foursome for the first time at the inaugural Royal Foundation Forum.

The charity organization was initially set up by the two princes and Middleton, but after Markle officially joins the family on her wedding day, she will be a patron as well.

The only other time we’ve seen all four of these very famous people in the same place together was when they made their way to church on Christmas day.

The royals (and the one gorgeous royal-to-be) used this event to lay out various hopes and plans for their current and future work under the charitable umbrella of the Royal Foundation.

Audience members on hand got to hear them talk about why the foundation was set up, the projects they are working on right now and other ones in the pipeline.

“Ten years ago Harry and I were still serving full-time in the military, but we were starting to look to the next stages of our lives,” William explained in stage, elaborating as follows:

“As we discussed together the best way to set out on our official work, we looked to the values our family had instilled in us.”

He said he was “particularly happy” that Markle had joined the efforts and added:

“Both our parents had provided for us an example of diligence, compassion and duty in all they did.

“Our grandparents, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh, had made support for charity central to their decades of service to the nation and the Commonwealth.”

After her husband said he wanted to “celebrate this spirit of togetherness” with others around the world, Middleton took the stage to talk about Heads Together.

This is a campaign meant to break the stigma around mental health and promote conversation around the issue, something Middleton has admirably been on the forefront of for years.

“The campaign set out to change the national conversation on mental health,” she said.

“We are all so proud of the work we did with our partners; to challenge the stigma which has prevented so many people from speaking openly about their mental wellbeing…

“I am sure you will agree that the mental health of children and adults is one area where a longterm view will make a huge difference to generations in the future.”

Finally, Markle addressed her old profession (entertainment) and the ongoing #MeToo movement and #TimesUp movement that are at least empowering women to speak out.

She wanted to make one point very clear as it pertained to this topic.

“I hear a lot of people speaking about girls’ empowerment and women’s’ empowerment you will hear people saying they are helping women find their voices,” she said.

“I fundamentally disagree with that because women don’t need to find their voices, they need to be empowered to use it and people need to be urged to listen.”

This said, the future Mrs. Prince Harry is thrilled that things are finally changing in Hollywood, and in other work places as well, she hopes.

“I think right now in the climate we’re seeing with so many campaigns, with #MeToo and Time’s Up, there’s no better time than to really continue to shine a light on women feeling empowered and people really helping to support them – men included in that.”

Speaking of men also playing a role in this battle, she said simply:

“It makes such a tremendous difference.”

It really does.

Markle will exchange vows with Harry on May 19 in London.

She is clearly very comfortable already on the world stage, likely helped over the years by the promotional tours she embarked on for the USA Network hit drama Suits.

We cannot wait for her wedding day.

Learn more about it below:


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Prince William Gets Suited Up to Ride Motorcycle in England

Prince William ain’t exactly the “Easy Rider” type, but he’s trying his damnedest to look the part. The Duke of Cambridge suited up Tuesday, hopped on a Triumph motorbike, popped the clutch and zoomed off — but not too far. This was mostly a…


Monday, February 12, 2018

William Shatner"s Home Prowler Returns, Makes Things Creepier

The suspicious man who showed up on William Shatner’s property uninvited a couple weeks ago recently returned to the same spot, and took off once again before cops could talk to him. Law enforcement sources tell us … the same guy who was…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Prince William and Kate Middleton Play Swedish Hockey in Stockholm

Prince William and Kate Middleton slapped around some balls on the ice this week — but don’t call what they’re doing hockey … ‘cause it ain’t quite that. The Prince and the Duchess of Cambridge were seen getting their bandy on Tuesday in Sweden,…


Friday, January 26, 2018

William Shatner, Cops Called to Home to Hunt for Possible Prowler

William Shatner had an unwanted visitor outside his home Thursday night, but when the suspicious man was confronted … he took off at warp speed before cops could catch him. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the ‘Star Trek’ legend was at his San…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Prince William Debuts Shaved Head: Heads-Up Move or Follicle Folly?

With the world eagerly anticipating the Prince Harry-Meghan Markle wedding, that other royal couple has temporarily ceded the spotlight.

And it seems Prince William decided to take advantage of his time away from the spotlight by finally embracing the male pattern baldness that’s been colonizing his noggin since the pre-Kate era.

As you can see, William shaved his head before publicly meeting with military veterans who are working with Britain’s National Health Service.

Perhaps Will thought if he debuted his shiny dome at an event attended mostly by dudes with crew cuts, it wouldn’t be as noticeable.

But since nothing he does goes unnoticed, the British press immediately pounced.

Is the 35-year-old father of two embracing middle-age?

Is he simply trying out a new look before Harry and Meghan get married in May?

These were serious questions posed by actual publications for grownups.

As some royal obsessives have pointed out, this isn’t actually the first time that William has shaved his head.

Apparently, he busted out the royal razor in 2016, but didn’t leave his scalp quite this hairless.

William’s baldness has made him the butt of jokes for quite some time, with even his family roasting the prince for his Costanza cut.

One well-publicized incident took place will Will and Kate Middleton were visiting an alpaca farm back in 2014.

“The prince was interested in the alpaca, and as I showed it to them the princess said he should put it on his head,”  says Lyn Crejan, the farmer who showed the royal couple around.

“[Kate ]said, ‘You need it more than me,’ and pointed to his head and he laughed.”

Yes, times have certainly changed.

Just a few centuries ago, if you made fun of a prince’s head, yours would be in a basket by the end of the day.

In all seriousness, it’s nice to see Will just saying screw it and embrace his baldness.

Besides, it won’t be long before that head is covered by a crown, anyway.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Prince William Scrubs Up at London Hospital

No, you’re not watching an episode of “Royal ER” starring Prince William … dude actually scrubbed up and joined surgeons in the operating room of a cancer hospital in London. The future King of England sat in on a robotic surgery at Royal Marsden…


William Hung Says "American Idol" Without Bad Auditions Is a Bad Idea

“American Idol” producers are making a HUGE mistake by cutting bad auditions from the new version of the show … so says the king of bad auditions, William Hung! We spoke to Hung shortly after news dropped of the new format … to go with the…


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Washington Post Heir William Graham Commits Suicide Like Publisher Father

William Graham — one of the heirs to the Washington Post-Graham fortune and son to Phil and Katharine Graham — has died by suicide, much like his father. The Post published Will’s obit Saturday, saying the 69-year-old lawyer died last…


Washington Post Heir William Graham Commits Suicide Like Publisher Father

William Graham — one of the heirs to the Washington Post-Graham fortune and son to Phil and Katharine Graham — has died by suicide, much like his father. The Post published Will’s obit Saturday, saying the 69-year-old lawyer died last…


Monday, December 25, 2017

A Royal Christmas: Meghan! Harry! Kate! William! Together!

Feud between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton?

What feud between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton?!?

In honor of Christmas on Monday, the former USA Network actress Meghan Markle and Prince Harry walked to the Church of St. Mary Magdalene with Prince William and Kate Middleton.

This marked the first time all four have been seen in public since Markle and Harry announced their engagement.

And we"re got the photos to prove it!

1. Royal Foursome

Royal foursome

It’s a sight for eyes that care about the Royal Family: William, Harry and their lovely ladies are on the way into church for Christmas.

2. Off to Church

Off to church

It’s church time for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry on Christmas Day. Good for them!

3. A Very Happy Christmas

A very happy christmas

Awww! Look how happy these Royals look together. We love it.

4. The Mark and the Midd

The mark and the midd

Well done, Harry and William. You have chosen wisely.

5. Fan Favorites

Fan favorites

This Royal quartet was greeted by a throng of fans as they made their way to church services.

6. A Classic Couple

A classic couple

Kate and William have made this walk many times in the past. They have this tradition down, folks.

View Slideshow

Monday, December 18, 2017

Prince William and Kate Middleton Release World"s Most Perfect Christmas Card

It’s the most wonderful time of the year?

Maybe, to some.

But we’d like to make an addendum to this saying:

It’s the most ROYALLY wonderful time of the year!

This is now officially the case because Prince William and Kate Middleton have released their 2017 Christmas card and it featured their two children and it’s just so unbelievable cute and perfect that we want to squeal out loud.

In fact, we can’t help it. We’re going to do so:


Getty photographer Chris Jackson snapped the lovely portrait earlier this year and then posted it on Twitter on Monday, writing the following as he did so:

“Delighted that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen to use this family portrait I shot as their Christmas Card this year.

“Merry Christmas!”

The stunning snapshot depicts Prince George, Princess Charlotte and their parents wearing matching blue outfits.

Check it out here:

It should be noted that Jackson also took Prince George’s fourth birthday photograph this summer.

The Christmas card photograph was probably taken on the same day as Prince George’s birthday picture, considering he’s wearing the same outfit.

See it HERE.

For last year’s Christmas card, the beloved quartet used a candid shot Jackson took during the royal tour of Canada.

It marked the full immediate family’s first overseas trip together.

And, not that it even needs to be said, but the final product was downright precious:

About a year from now, of course, the 2018 version of this card will look very different… because Middleton is pregnant!

Heck, Middleton may even be pregnant with twins.

Whether it’s one additional child or two, however, expect another cute face to be added to this portrait in just a few months.

(Middleton is reportedly due in April; just a short while before Prince Harry marries Meghan Markle. It’s all VERY exciting!)

In addition to sharing their 2017 Christmas card, meanwhile, their Royal Highnesses also shared some exciting news today:

Charlotte will attend the Willcocks Nursery School in London!!!!!!

“We are delighted that The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen the Willcocks Nursery School for Princess Charlotte,” a spokesperson for the school said, adding:

“We look forward to welcoming Charlotte to our nursery in January.”

George, in case you were somehow not aware, is currently enrolled at Thomas’s Battersea in London.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Prince William and Prince Harry Attend "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" Premiere in London

Prince William and Prince Harry were royal guests on the red carpet of Europe’s premiere of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” … and the force looks very strong with these 2. The princes suited up for the London event Tuesday night and cruised past a line…


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Prince William Delivers Prince George"s Christmas List to Santa

Prince William’s now reduced to running errands for the other future King of England, although it’s a very important one — delivering Prince George’s Christmas list to Jolly Ol’ St. Nick! Wills hit up Santa Thursday in Helsinki, Finland…


Prince William Has Hilarious Response to Prince Harry Engagement

Prince William is typically known for one of two things:

1. His dashing good looks.

2. His beautiful and pretty much perfect wife.

The Royal hunk isn’t normally applauded for his sense of humor, although that may need to change in the wake to his latest response to Prince Harry’s engagement.

Yes, in case you somehow missed it, Prince Harry is now engaged to Meghan Markle.

The couple made the news official this week via a statement, a joint photo shoot and an adorable joint interview.

When the announcement was initially made, William and Kate Middleton issued a formal response through Kensington Palace that read as follows:

“We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together.”

Short. Simple. Undoubtedly truthful.

For also…. boooooring!

On the first day of his visit to Finland on Wednesday, however, William was asked by reporters about this exciting piece of family news…

… and he responded in a far funnier manner.

“We’re very excited, delighted for them both. We’re wishing them all the happiness in this very exciting time,” he said, adding:

“Personally, I hope it means he stays out of my fridge and will stop scrounging my food, which he’s done for the last few years!”

HA! There you go. There’s a sign of humanity from the often-buttoned-up Royal family member.

During a special briefing at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, officials revealed that the Harry and Markle will get married May of next year at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

No exact date has been announced yet.

But Middleton is due to give birth to her and William’s third child in April, meaning Great Britain may very well explode in happiness next spring.

We’ll need to keep a close eye on our dear allies.

Markle, meanwhile, has given up her acting career and will be living in London full-time.

We’re sure Middleton has talked to her and will continue to talk to her about the overwhelming changes she’s about to encounter over the following days, weeks, months and years.

Thankfully, Markle has the ideal role model to assist her along the way, as no one could have handled these sorts of changes as well as Middleton has since she married William.

Markle, however, already seems up to the task.

Asked about the harassment she’s received due to her mixed heritage, the now-former actress took a high road in her interview on Monday with Harry.

:At the end of the day I am proud of who I am and where I have come from and we have never put any focus on that,” she said.

“We have just focused on who we are as a couple.”

And who they are as a couple, as you can see below, is two very happy and very in love individuals!


Sunday, November 26, 2017

"The Royals" Star William Moseley Worries About Show"s Fate After Sexual Harassment Scandal

William Moseley lost his wallet Saturday … and he’s worried about losing his show, “The Royals.” We got William at LAX where he was on the hunt for his wallet .. seems he left it on the plane. The actor is reeling from allegations the show’s…


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Prince William and Kate Attend The Royal Variety Performance 2017

Prince William and Kate Middleton hit up the Royal Variety Performance Friday and celebs were out in force to rub elbows with them. It’s an charity annual event … the 2017 installment went down at the Palladium Theatre in London.  The money…


Prince William and Kate Attend The Royal Variety Performance 2017

Prince William and Kate Middleton hit up the Royal Variety Performance Friday and celebs were out in force to rub elbows with them. It’s an charity annual event … the 2017 installment went down at the Palladium Theatre in London.  The money…
