Showing posts with label Won't. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Won't. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2018

Jerry Jones Won"t Fire Jason Garrett, Says He Can Lead Cowboys To A Super Bowl!

Sorry, Cowboys fans … looks like you’re stuck with Jason Garrett — ‘cause Jerry Jones just went to bat for the embattled head coach, saying he won’t fire him!!!! “Jason Garrett is absolutely the real deal,” the Cowboys owner said on 105.3 The…


Friday, October 5, 2018

Kim Kardashian on Instagram: Gaze Upon My Vagina, Won"t You?

The sight of Kim Kardashian naked or in a partial state of undress is not an uncommon one.

But if the popularity of modern superhero movies has taught us anything, it’s that people want nothing more than to see the same exact thing over and over again.

And in the case of naked Kim, at least it’s free and doesn’t eat up three hours of your afternoon.

As you can see, Kim is wearing a bikini in her latest selfie.

But it’s not just any bikini, mind you.

For one thing, it’s Chanel, and probably custom, which means it also probably costs about as much as your college education.

On top of that, this particular piece of swimwear holds the distinction of being the World’s Tiniest Bikini.

And whenever a fancy designer label is combined with an opportunity for partial nudity, Kim just appears, like Beetlejuice with giant boobs.

Kim captioned the photo:

“Chanel vintage, lets please be specific,” which is a reference to the Metro Boomin song “Chanel Vintage.”

But you came here for boobs, not esoteric allusions to 4-year-old hip hop songs.

Although at this point, what’s really left to be said about Kim Kardashian’s boobs?

Well, quite a lot actually.

For one thing, they look remarkable, especially for a woman who’s birthed and breastfed (we think) two children.

And while she’s rumored to have undergone a lift or two, as far as we know, Kim has never received implants.

Of course, she appears to be lying on her back here, so despite the amount of flesh that’s exposed, it’s not easy to determine exactly what’s going on with Kim’s breasts these days.

Obviously, Mrs. Kardashian-West is in the best shape of her life, and she deserves credit for the amount of work that she puts into hair removal.

Although, to be fair, once you achieve that level of wealth, we’re sure someone does the pube-plucking for you.

We’re speaking figuratively, of course.

You can be sure a pair of tweezers hasn’t entered the vicinity of Kim’s vagina in quite some time.

These days, she probably undergoes some new technique involving magical incantations that the rest of us haven’t even heard of yet.

This has been your daily installment of us creepily spending far too much time rumination on Kim Kardashian’s body.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: The REAL Reason They Won"t Get Married!

Since the two started dating back in 2015 in a whirlwind romance that no one saw coming, marriage rumors have followed Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton.

Recently we reported on a rumor that the two had secretly married more than six months ago. But their ring fingers remain bare.

Now, Blake himself is opening up about the real reason for which he and Gwen aren’t married yet.

On NBC’s Sunday TODAY with Willie Geist, Blake Shelton opened up about why he and Gwen keep putting off marriage.

“I think if Gwen and I were being honest right now, talking about this,” Blake began.

You always know that a celebrity’s going to say something interest if they preface their words so carefully.

“I think in the back of our mind, that we both kind of thought, this is a rebound deal,” Blake admitted.

That is refreshingly honest.

They had both just undergone breakups — divorces, in fact.

Blake explained that they were both antsy about their new relationship “because we’re both coming out of a low spot in our lives.”

It is good to be self-aware of what is motivating you at any given point.

“And,” Blake said. “We’re kind of clinging to each other to get through this.”

But that was in 2015.

“But now, here we are, going on three years later,” Blake said.

He’s right.

If this were just a rebound relationship, we have to imagine that it would have fallen apart before 2017.

Instead, it looks like Gwen and Blake will still be going strong in 2019.

“And every day that goes by,” Blake gushed. “It just feels like a stronger bond between the two of us.”

Gwen and Blake seem to do everything together.

Blake has even stepped into a paternal role with Gwen’s children, though of course they also spend time with their father, Gavin Rossdale.

Blake loves his relationship, “and it constantly feels like it’s going to the next level.”

It might feel like that, even though they’ve avoided actually getting married.

But a lack of nuptials hasn’t lessened their bond.

“That’s the only way I think either one of us would probably describe it,” Blake concludes.

That makes a lot of sense.

It’s not just that they began dating right after some very messy, painful splits.

They actively bonded over their shared breakups. It was what brought them together.

Gwen had split with Gavin Rossdale after he was allegedly exposed banging the nanny.

And Blake has accused self-described homewrecker Miranda Lambert of cheating on him during their marriage.

Fast forward about three years, however, and whether or not this was a rebound, it’s worked.

It’s odd. Gwen Stefani is one of the most well known and successful pop stars on the planet.

Blake is very successful within the Country Music scene.

Culturally, they seem to come from different worlds. But they make it work.

And while they may not be married, exactly, they seem to spend their time like a family.

Source close to the couple have revealed that marriage just isn’t a priority for them.

It’s sort of funny — the stereotype is that Millennials put off marriage until they’re sure, while older generations are hell-bent on a wedding.

Overall, that stereotype is rooted in reality.

But look at Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin, Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson, and Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra.

Those are all Millennials and they’re all engaged after dating for relatively short stretches of time.

Meanwhile, Gwen and Blake are the ones who don’t need a piece of paper or a pair of rings to certify their happiness.

Not yet, anyway.

Since Gwen thinks about marrying Blake all the time, we won’t exactly be shocked when they actually do tie the knot.


Saturday, September 22, 2018

"Melrose Place" Star Jamie Luner Won"t Be Charged in Sexual Assault Case

“Melrose Place” star Jamie Luner will not face charges for the alleged sexual assault she was accused of committing on a then-16-year-old boy … TMZ has learned. The L.A. County District Attorney’s Office declined to file charges against Luner…


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Ray Mancini Says "Roids Scandal Won"t Hurt Canelo"s Legacy

Former boxing champ Ray Mancini says Canelo Alvarez ain’t like Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire and Ben Johnson … cause unlike those guys, PED’s won’t hurt Alvarez’s legacy. Canelo is set to take on GGG Saturday in the biggest fight…


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Jaden Smith Loves Colin Kaepernick, But Still Won"t Buy Nike

Jaden Smith loves Colin Kaepernick and the movement he’s leading … but his new ad isn’t gonna make Jaden go on a Nike shopping spree any time soon. We got Jaden at LAX Tuesday and asked him about the “Just Do It” push with Kaep. At first, Jaden…


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Demi Lovato"s Drug Dealer Won"t Be Investigated for Her OD

The guy who supplied Demi Lovato with drugs, got high with her, and openly talked about the hours leading up to her OD … will not be arrested or even investigated by the LAPD.  Brandon Johnson spoke with our camera last week — detailing the…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Champ Bailey On Hall of Fame, I Won"t Pull a Terrell Owens

Champ Bailey thinks he’s no doubt a first-ballot Hall of Famer … but the ex-NFL corner says he won’t pull a Terrell Owens if he doesn’t get in on the first try. The legendary Broncos DB joined the Talk of Fame Network and revealed there’s just no…


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Won"t Guarantee Trump Didn"t Say N-Word on Tape

Sarah Huckabee Sanders can’t say for sure there isn’t a recording of President Trump saying the n-word. The White House Press Sec. was bombarded Tuesday with questions about Omarosa’s many secret recordings … during the campaign…


Friday, August 10, 2018

Marilyn Manson and A$AP Bari Won"t Be Charged in Rape Cases

Marilyn Manson will not be charged with rape after previously unknown allegations have surfaced. Legal docs — obtained by TMZ — show Manson was recently accused of raping a woman back in October 2011. Exact details of the incident are unclear ……


Kanye West Won"t Let His Daughters Stop Him From Watching Porn

There’s nothing in this world that can stop Kanye West from watching porn … not even his 2 daughters or his smoking hot wife. Kanye made no bones about it … Ye proudly revealed on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ that he still watches X-rated films. …


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Michael Jai White Says He Won"t Take On Wesley Snipes in Martial Arts Fight

Who needs fighting lessons from Muhammad Ali when you’ve got martial arts legend Michael Jai White? Michael — an actor who owns 8 black belts — wants to teach YOU to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. His instructional video…


Michael Jai White Says He Won"t Take On Wesley Snipes in Martial Arts Fight

Who needs fighting lessons from Muhammad Ali when you’ve got martial arts legend Michael Jai White? Michael — an actor who owns 8 black belts — wants to teach YOU to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. His instructional video…


Monday, August 6, 2018

Jenelle Evans: MTV Won"t Let Me Quit Teen Mom 2!

Jenelle Evans is many things.

She"s obnoxious, irritating, a terrible mother … hell, she might be a full-blown sociopath.

But unfortunately for those who are hoping that she"ll soon go away forever, Jenelle is also a rating s magnet.

It"s for that reason that — despite the many reports of Jenelle being fired from Teen Mom 2 — she continues to have a job at MTV.

However, that may soon change, thanks to a contract dispute that has Mrs. Evans-Eason very publicly biting the hand that feeds her.

Jump into the gallery below to bear witness to Jenelle"s attempts to piss off her bosses so badly that they"ll finally kick her to the curb …

1. Jenelle’s Hell

Jenelley evans

Jenelle says she has lots of other job offers but is unable to take advantage of them due to the fact that she’s stuck in a contract with MTV.

2. Talking Trash

Jenelle evans eye roll

Jenelle is basically begging her bosses to fire her at this point, and she’s being even more difficult than usual in hopes of making that happen.

3. Holding Out

Jenelle evans in glasses

On Sunday, Jenelle informed fans that she’s not currently filming, but is unable to officially part wats with the show due to her contract.

4. Trump Speak

Trump speak

“Have lots of offers from many different people, but you have to turn them down when you’re locked in a contract. #Annoying” she tweeted.

5. Keeping Surprisingly Cool

Jenelle evans instagram pic

When a fan cast doubts on Jenelle’s dubious claims, the Carolina Hurricane responded in surprisingly civil fashion.

6. Keepin’ It Real?

Keepin it real

“Just clarifying rumors,” Evans tweeted. Although there are many who doubt the truthfulness of her claims …

View Slideshow

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Dana White Says UFC Won"t Punish Conor McGregor for Bus Attack

The UFC will not discipline Conor McGregor for the bus attack at Barclay’s Center in New York — with Dana White explaining that his punishment through the legal system is good enough already.  TMZ Sports spoke with the UFC honcho about the…


Dana White Says UFC Won"t Punish Conor McGregor for Bus Attack

The UFC will not discipline Conor McGregor for the bus attack at Barclay’s Center in New York — with Dana White explaining that his punishment through the legal system is good enough already.  TMZ Sports spoke with the UFC honcho about the…


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Les Moonves Won"t Face Charges for Woman"s 1980s Sex Abuse Allegations

Les Moonves won’t face criminal charges for a woman’s claims he sexually abused her in the late ’80s … according to the L.A. County DA’s office. The CBS honcho’s accused of 2 separate incidents of sexual assault — one in 1986 and one in 1988 –…


Sean Gunn Won"t Speculate on Disney Rehiring James After "Guardians" Open Letter

James Gunn’s future in the “Guardians of the Galaxy” franchise is now in the hands of Disney — a future his own brother won’t try to predict after the cast’s public cry of support. We got Sean Gunn at LAX Monday just hours after he and the…


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Donald Trump"s Walk of Fame Star Won"t Be Removed Despite Violence

Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame star has been a lightning rod for violence, but it’s going to weather the storm and stay put because cops and the group that manages the Walk of Fame don’t want it 86’d. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the LAPD has…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Ed Westwick Won"t Be Charged for Sexual Assault in Three Separate Cases

Ed Westwick will not face charges in three different alleged sexual assaults … due to insufficient evidence and in one case, because the alleged victim couldn’t be reached. According to new legal docs — obtained by TMZ — 3 alleged victims…
