Showing posts with label feel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feel. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2017

Bethenny Frankel: I Feel Really Badly for Luann de Lesseps!

Now that we’ve had a few hours to process the news that LuAnn de Lesseps and Tom D’Agostino are finally over, we can circle back to Bethenny Frankel’s appearance on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen on Tuesday night. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you will know that Bethenny has made it her mission in the past to drive a wedge between the couple, and part of that was down to the multitude of cheating allegations that surrounded the relationship. 

It became an obsession for Bethenny to bring the relationship to a close before it was too late for Luann. Bethenny knows all about toxic relationships, so it seemed like she was trying to save Luann from embarrassment. 

Bethenny’s chat with Andy came just one day before the big divorce announcement that shocked nobody. The topic of conversation was whether De Lesseps physically assaulted D’Agostino. 

The alleged altercation took place at a restaurant in New York in July, but we have no idea whether the incident did occur and if so, what caused it. 

“Didn’t she say that it was a love tap or something? Yeah, that’s what I heard,” the reality TV personality and entrepreneur said, defending her longtime pal. 

“I really feel badly for her because she’s living this totally out loud and I think, ‘you know, it’s personal.’ They got married, and I decided to stay out of it after that.”

Frankel then confirmed that after telling Luann of Tom’s infidelity on the Bravo show last season, that was her time to leave the situation in the past. 

“I decided once I had Miami [and] that happened about Tom, when she decided that she was marrying him, I’m out.”

We won’t be surprised if Bethenny is secretly parading around New York chanting that she was right because everyone loves to be right. 

It was definitely a good move for her friendship with Luann. They have been mostly united this season on the series, and it’s been rather refreshing. 

Despite Luann quashing the rumors that she hit her husband, people continued to question the state of the relationship. 

Rumors of unrest in the home were confirmed yesterday when Luann hit up Twitter to confirm the news that her marriage was coming to a close after just seven months. 

“It’s with great sadness that Tom & I agreed to divorce,” she tweeted.

“We care for each other very much, hope you respect our privacy during this sad time!”  

Dorinda Medley chimed in with some words of wisdom to US Weekly in the aftermath of the divorce announcement. 

“It’s always a sad thing when a marriage doesn’t work, and I hope everyone respects their privacy during this sad time,” she told Us Weekly. 

“I wish them both the best.”

What do you think of the divorce announcement?

Sound off below!


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Gina Rodriguez: I Used to Feel SO Guilty for Masturbating!

Self-described “horny motherf—er” Kendra Wilkinson isn’t the only person being very direct about sex talk these days.

Jane The Virgin star Gina Rodriguez has captivated audiences and fans because she’s honestly just wonderful. We get excited whenever she has something to say.

And she’s really not mincing words about her own sexual history.

So, Gina Rodriguez is talented and beautiful and such a sweetheart.

She’s the cover story for the August/September issue of Bust magazine.

(Which is not as boobacious as it sounds)

Gina Rodriguez does, however, talk about sex and sexuality.

Specifically, about masturbation.

And guilt.

“In all honesty, I used to feel guilty for masturbating.”

No, she doesn’t mean, like, “oh, why did I spend so much time masturbating! I’ve still got to shower and I’m going to be late meeting my friends for dinner!”

She also doesn’t mean: “In retrospect, I really shouldn’t have been jackin’ it to a fanfic with such a problematic pairing.”

She means it in more of a “oh no I did something sinful” way. We’ll get to that in a moment.

“Oh, my God, this extreme guilt! And that lasted way too long.”

Some people grow out of feeling needless guilt faster than others.

Poor Gina.

“Or maybe I masturbated too much!”

Unless she was injuring herself or other aspects of her life suffered, is there really any such thing?

“It’s OK to look back in retrospect and be like, it wasn’t good that I felt bad about touching myself.”

It’s good that she’s talking about this.

She’s a role model and this could help other people, especially girls — who may have a similar background to her — feel less weird about normal bodily functions.

Giving yourself an orgasm is basically just part of everyday maintenance, you know?

She also mentions that she’s free of senseless guilt over another aspect of sexuality.

“And it isn’t bad that I want to share my love with my boyfriend. I’m 32 years old, I’m an adult, I can do that!”

She’s absolutely right.

Gina’s been dating hunky boyfriend Joe LoCicero for almost a year, now.

You might be wondering about why she would feel guilty — sure, our sex-negative society is weird about masturbation, but mostly just in public, since just about everybody does it.

Well, she was raised Catholic.

That’s not racist stereotyping on our part or us assuming that everybody who went to a high school with “Saint” in the name is Catholic.

She was raised Catholic and that comes with more than a thousand years of theological teachings.

According to Catholic doctrine, masturbation is absolutely wrong, always.

Not just for girls, not just for people when they’re young, not just when porn is involved.

By Catholic teaching, sex is only supposed to take the form of venereal intercourse between spouses, without any sort of artificial birth-control.

In other words, followers are forbidden from ever having an orgasm that doesn’t involve their spouse in this exact manner.

The vast majority of Catholics are personally fine with masturbation and using condoms, because the more rules that a religious institution has, the more of them people are just going to brush off.

Especially the ones that are almost impossible to follow.

For the record, there are Catholics who absolutely stick to this and have zero pre-marital orgasms.

But … probably the vast majority don’t, because they’re also people.

(Plus, orgasms are just super good for you)

Honestly, we love Gina Rodriguez.

This isn’t the first time that she’s addressed sexuality.

She’s previously made an ambiguous statement that leads us to believe that Gina Rodriguez may be bisexual.

Regardless of her sexual orientation or how much needless guilt she used to feel, she’s an absolute gift to us all.



Monday, June 12, 2017

Demi Lovato: Here"s How I Feel About Wilmer Valderrama!

For a guy whose last name looks like “drama” if you squint at it just right, Wilmer Valderrama seems to be living a drama-free life these days.

But he has his share of exes … and his recent ex, Demi Lovato, is happy to let the world know where they stand.

Demi Lovato is strong and talented and a genuinely good person, but even she uses Instagram stories, which is the most annoying feature that Instagram has implemented since making it impossible to right-click to save photos.

In this instance, she used stories to post a snap of herself with ex-boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama, looking cozy with each other.

Wilmer attended a barbeque that Demi threw to celebrate LA Pride over the weekend, and though it’s been more than a year since they broke off their six-year relationship, they’re clearly anything but stereotypical awkward exes.

Deciding that the photo wasn’t enough, Demi elaborated with a caption:

“Best of friends no matter what.”

She then tagged his Instagram handle. Take a look:

They look as cute as ever.

Yes, it looks like Demi Lovato is joining Mandy Moore — also a talented singer, also Wilmer’s ex — in Mandy’s habit of perennially running into Wilmer and sharing an amicable photo or two.

In Mandy’s case, that took some time, as he’d said some honestly pretty gross stuff about his relationship with Mandy in a Howard Stern interview.

But sometimes time heals some wounds, you know?

For Demi, even though they’d ended a six-year relationship, it never seemed like the end of an epic struggle.

Honestly, Demi had been dating him since she was a teenager — like, he’s 13 years older than she is, and their relationship got plenty of side-eye because of that age gap and because of how young Demi was when it started.

We’ll never know everything that went into their split.

Our feeling is that Demi entered the relationship as a teen and sort of needed to experience being in the world as herself, outside of the context of their relationship.

We can’t help but wonder if Demi was also wondering what dating within her own age group might be like.

Demi has dabbled in dating since then, and so has Wilmer.

But neither have plunged straight into another six-year relationship, which is honestly a good thing.

Long-term relationships don’t need to come back-to-back.

Now, we don’t think that her photo or caption was supposed to be a sign that they’re getting back together.

When they split, Demi said that they’d agreed that they were better off as best friends.

It looks like she’s just affirming that.

Of course, they each have their own lives, but there are different definitions of “best friend.”

Hell, some people use “best friend” as a tier of friendship rather than a position, but that’s its own can of worms.

Honestly? We should all break up on such good terms that we’d happily invite our exes to barbecues with no ulterior motives.

Because no, it doesn’t count if you invite them over hoping for a convenient, familiar hookup.

It extra doesn’t count if you invite your ex-spouse over to introduce them to your charming coworker in the hopes that they’ll hit it off an you won’t have to keep paying alimony.

Also, really either of those would have been a gross misuse of a Pride celebration.

We love that they’re way more mature about their breakup than a lot of actors who are way older than either of them, though.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Jon Stewart Says Mr. Met"s Getting Screwed, I Feel His Pain! (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart says Mr. Met is maligned — telling TMZ Sports he understands why his favorite team’s mascot would be driven to flip the bird during a game.  Of course, Mr. Met got the ax after video surfaced showing the baseball-headed mascot…


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: I Feel Guilty for Giving Up My Daughter!

Why does Teen Mom insist on constantly breaking our hearts?

To be fair, the show usually has a good balance of heartbreaking content and pure reality show trash, so we guess we’ll get it a pass.

But it seems like lately, Teen Mom OG has just been serving up tragic situation after tragic situation, and we need a break.

The most recent episode showed Maci Bookout seriously concerned over an unnamed issue with her ex, Ryan Edwards, and we also saw Amber Portwood in a very sketchy situation with Matt Baier at a Vegas wedding chapel.

In the first sneak peek for Monday night’s episode, Amber was upset again, this time over the death of her father.

And now, in a brand new clip from tomorrow’s show, we’re seeing the moms get real about postpartum depression.

Amber, Maci, and Catelynn Lowell are still in Puerto Rico will their respective guys, Matt, Taylor McKinney, and Tyler Baltierra, doing some grilling and drinking some beers.

They marvel about being on a vacation without kids, and Catelynn comments that one day, she’ll have more children.

She and Tyler, of course, are parents to little Nova, and they also had another child, Carly, that they placed for adoption.

Maci advises her to have all the kids she wants now to “get it over with,” but Tyler comes back with “Yeah, but listen, postpartum is like …”

Well, we’re not sure exactly what he said because it was too heavily censored, but it’s clear he doesn’t have the warmest feelings for it.

During the last season of Teen Mom OG, we saw Catelynn suffering from postpartum depression, so much that she had to go away to a rehab facility.

It’s clear that she still struggles with it, even now.

Maci reveals that she shared Catelynn’s struggle after she gave birth to her daughter, Jayde, but it was easier for her once she realized it was normal.

Tyler says that it was a little strange having Nova because “The only love we knew was for Carly, who was like, not even with us.”

When Maci tells them they made the right decision in placing Carly for adoption, they agree, but things get a little tense.

“It would’ve been really easy,” Catelynn begins, “I could have been super selfish and brought her home and not gave a f-ck about her future or … ‘cause I just wanted her.”

Tyler, who seems to know what’s coming, says “Oh lord, here it goes,” as Catelynn gets up and walks off by herself.

“She gets bothered about Carly,” he explains to the others when she’s gone. “She tries to be happy, but it bothers her bad.”

“She’s got a lot of guilt,” he continues. “When you’re 16, you’re so scared, you place a child, then you’re 24 and you have one that you actually raise, and you’re like ‘Wow, I could have like a seven-year-old, eight-year-old running around."”

“It just makes you question everything.”

It sounds like an unbelievably difficult situation to be in, and while Catelynn has nothing to feel guilty about, it’s definitely understandable for her to be upset.

Way to bring the tears yet again, Teen Mom.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Jessa Duggar: How Does She Feel About Jinger Wearing Pants?

In most families, wearing pants is not only unremarkable, it’s expected.

In fact, if you had a relative who insisted on only wearing skirts, or mumus, or a chaps-and-loin-cloth combo, or some other non-pant leg covering, it would probably be considered quite weird.

But what’s strange in the rest of the world is the the norm in Duggar Country and for the female members of reality TV’s most pious family, pants are a strict no-no.

If you follow the family closely, by now you;ve probably caught wind of the mini-controversy that ensued when photos of Jinger Duggar wearing shorts surfaced online.

Shortly thereafter, pics of Jinger wearing pants were posted on social media, and the fundamentalist pearl-clutching continued.

Such attire is expressly forbidden by Jinger’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, and the early days of the scandal that we like to call Daughter-gate coincided with the Duggars doubling-down on their love of “modest” attire.

The same week that Jinger shocked her family’s fan base by brazen rocking a pair Dockers, the world learned that her older sister Jessa Duggar would be giving a speech at a women’s retreat in Ohio.

The topic?

How to Cover Every Inch of Flesh Below Your Neck Without Looking Like You’re in the Middle of a Colonial Cosplay Cession.

Okay, so that’s not the actual title of Jessa’s address, but she’ll be instructing a room full of young women and girls on how to dress “modestly” so as not to unwittingly tempt any young men.

We don’t expect forward-thinking progressivism from the Duggars, but it’s a pretty messed up lesson for Jessa to be teaching, especially since she’s a victim of sexual assault in a community that teaches that rape and incest victims are often to blame for the actions of their attackers.

So how does Jessa feel about Jinger’s bold stance on legwear?

It’s a good question – and one that will probably never be answered.

For years, the Duggar women have claimed that they prefer to wear skirts and that their attire doesn’t hold them back from any sort of physical activity.

But as many fans have been pointing out on Jessa’s social media pages, Jinger changing her preference to pants the second she left the compound really undermines that argument.

At this point, countless fans have asked for Jessa’s opinion on the matter, and not surprisingly, the 24-year-old has been completely mum:

“How is Jessa going to explain why her sister is now wearing shorts and pants? That is not in line with the Duggar modesty rules,” asked one follower.

“So basically the whole ‘we don’t want to wear pants and can do anything in skirts’ is crap! As soon as Jinger got married she started to wear pants,’ commented another.

“I feel that Jessa would also love to wear pants but she doesn’t because she lives too close to her parents house.”

A third added:

I think [Jessa] does need to explain because we all know full well that the family modesty lifestyle rules began with modest clothing, which meant below-the-knee skirts for girls, period.

“I’d love to hear Jessa explain in her own words why it’s OK now for any Duggar (or even former Duggar) girl to wear pants. Or maybe why it’s not OK, and Jinger has already taken heat for it?

Of course, the folks who are demaning answers from Jessa probably aren’t the one who will be shelling out $ 25 to see her talk fundamentalist fashion.

Watch Counting On online to see jessa and company break the record for most yards of denim worn in a single hour of television.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Kehlani Tells Crowd She Needs to Go to Hospital Because "I Feel Crazy" (VIDEO)

Kehlani broke down onstage Monday night and canceled her show — telling fans she felt “crazy” … this after being placed on a 5150 hold last year. The R&B singer was set to perform in Grand Rapids, MI — an early stop on her summer tour –…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Al Pacino Celebrates 77th Birthday with Feel of Girlfriend in Mexico (PHOTOS)

Al Pacino is feeling great at 77, but apparently his hot girlfriend’s boob feels even better. Al was down in Mexico Tuesday celebrating his birthday with gf Lucila Sola … who’s just about 40 years younger than Al. Looks like he’s totally…


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Gabriel Iglesias Is Shedding Pounds, Feel How Hard (VIDEO)

Fluffy to Buffy? Gabriel Iglesias says that’s the plan, and even though he’s boxing to get it done … do NOT call him the Mexican Butterbean! We caught up with the comedian Friday at LAX, where he gave us a weight loss update. Remember,…


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Michelle Rodriguez Says Fake Penis Made Her Feel More Like a Woman (VIDEO)

Michelle Rodriguez got a strange feeling from a prosthetic penis. To be clear, she was wearing it for her new movie, “The Assignment.” She plays a transgender female hitman (if that makes sense) and the role called for her own “Boogie Nights”…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

17 Reasons Why You Should Feel Sorry for The Kardashians

Pity the Kardashians, folks.

Break out the violins for them.

Just consider the kinds of pressing problems this family has faced over the years…

1. No Cell Service!

No cell service

No cell phone service?!? How can Kris Jenner even go on with her life?

2. Losing One’s Diamond Earring

Losing ones diamond earring

NOOO! Kim Kardashian has lost her diamond earrings in the water. Does it get any more tragic?

3. Inappropriate Selfe-Snapping

Inappropriate selfe snapping

Look, Kim Kardashian, there are appropriate times to take selfies and less appropriate times to take selfies.

4. Being Bipolar Over Hair

Being bipolar over hair

Wait… did I make the wrong hair decision? NOO!!! Say it isn’t so.

5. When Makeup Prevents Crying

When makeup prevents crying

Know when you want to cry? But you’re wearing very expensive makeup? Kim Kardashian does.

6. Having Stuff to Do

Having stuff to do

It doesn’t get much worse than this: your friend wants to hang out, but you need to do some stuff.

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Selena Gomez: Instagram Made Me Feel Like $hit!

Selena Gomez is the undisputed Queen of Instagram.

This is not mere opinion.

The singer ended 2016 as the Most-Liked individual on this social media platform, while she was also featured in 8 of the top 10 most popular Instagram photos last year.

Those are quite the impressive accomplishments.

But heavy is the head that wears this crown.

So explains Gomez in the latest issue of Vogue.

“As soon as I became the most followed person on Instagram, I sort of freaked out,” Selena tells the magazine, explaining further:

“It had become so consuming to me. It’s what I woke up to and went to sleep to. I was an addict, and it felt like I was seeing things I didn’t want to see, like it was putting things in my head that I didn’t want to care about.”

Sort of fascinating, right?

And also understandable? How this sort of thing can take over someone’s life?

“I always end up feeling like shit when I look at Instagram,” the 24-year-old admits. “Which is why I’m kind of under the radar, ghosting it a bit.”

How did Selena go about solving this problem and improving her mental health in the process?

She actually deleted the app from her phone and says she doesn’t know the password for her account.

It’s true; her assistant now posts on her behalf.

The decision to step away from the spotlight a bit came after Gomez entered treatment in 2016, which wasn’t for addiction, burnout or an eating disorder.

She sort of just needed a break.

“People so badly wanted me to be authentic, and when that happened, finally, it was a huge release. I’m not different from what I put out there,” she says.

“I’ve been very vulnerable with my fans, and sometimes I say things I shouldn’t. But I have to be honest with them. I feel that’s a huge part of why I’m where I am.”

The artist, who previously spent two weeks at a rehab facility in 2014 for Lupus, chose to seek additional help after canceling her Revival tour last summer.

“Tours are a really lonely place for me,” she tells Vogue.

“My self-esteem was shot. I was depressed, anxious. I started to have panic attacks right before getting onstage, or right after leaving the stage. Basically I felt I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t capable.

“I felt I wasn’t giving my fans anything, and they could see it – which, I think, was a complete distortion.

“I was so used to performing for kids.”

Gomez is back in the news because she’s dating The Weeknd.

But she doesn’t address that romance in this interview.

Here’s a look at other topics she does touch on, however:

The psychiatric treatment she received last year: “You have no idea how incredible it felt to just be with six girls, real people who couldn’t give two shits about who I was, who were fighting for their lives. It was one of the hardest things I’ve done, but it was the best thing I’ve done.”

Dialectical Behavior Therapy: “DBT has completely changed my life. I wish more people would talk about therapy. We girls, we’re taught to be almost too resilient, to be strong and sexy and cool and laid-back, the girl who’s down. We also need to feel allowed to fall apart.”

Her Disney Past: “I worked with Disney for four years. It’s a very controlled machine. They know what they represent, and there was, 100 percent, a way to go about things…

“For a guy there’s a way to rebel that can work for you. But for a woman, that can backfire. It’s hard not to be a cliché, the child star gone wrong. I did respect my fans and what I had, but I was also figuring out what I was passionate about and how far I was willing to go.”

Fame: “I’m a late bloomer. I grew up around adults, but in terms of getting out, having friends. At times I really didn’t know anything but my job… My mom gave up her whole life for me. Where we’re from, you don’t really leave. So when I started gaining all this success, there was a guilt that came with it. I thought, Do I deserve this?”

The Downfalls of Fame: “I think seventeen people have my phone number right now. Maybe two are famous Look, I love what I do, and I’m aware of how lucky I am, but, how can I say this without sounding weird?

“I just really can’t wait for people to forget about me.”


Villanova Coach Jay Wright Talks Pressure To Repeat In NCAA Tourney ... "We Feel Good" (VIDEO)

Repeating as NCAA champs is nearly impossible … so does Villanova have a shot? Jay Wright sure thinks so … telling TMZ Sports his squad has handled everything thrown at them all year. Wright admits there was a “hangover”…


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Remy Ma: I Feel Sorry for Nicki Minaj!

Aren’t you just loving the delightful little feud between Nicki Minaj and Remy Ma?

Of course you are. What’s not to love?!

It started — well, it started a while back, but this latest bit kicked into gear when Remy released “ShETHER,” a seven minute long diss track all about Nicki.

Remy went after Nicki’s alleged plastic surgery, her relationships, her talent (or lack thereof). She even mentioned her brother’s child sexual abuse charges.

It was savage. And it was beautiful.

Remy explained in an interview with Wendy Williams that her issues with Nicki are about her “behind the scenes” behavior.

Basically, she claimed that Nicki had been trying to sabotage her career by trying to block her from red carpets and award shows, and by convincing others to give her music bad reviews.

For Remy, Nicki’s been trying to mess with her career, which means messing with her income, which means messing with her ability to provide for her family.

And that’s not OK.

So Remy destroyed Nicki, then Nicki waited a couple of weeks to release a lame song of her on — “No Faults,” with Drake and Lil Wayne.

Though Nicki had some harsh words for Remy — “Heard your p-ssy on yuck, I guess you needed a pap,” she rapped at one point — the general consensus is that Remy came out on top.

And it seems like Remy feels the same way.

According to a source who spoke with Hollywood Life, “Remy’s laughing at Nicki’s so-called response to ‘ShETHER. If that’s the best Nicki can do, then Remy feels sorry for her.”

Ouch, but also YES.

“The track and vocals were weak AF and didn’t even come scratching Remy’s face, let alone kill her like ‘ShETHER’ did,” the source continued.

“Remy thinks Nicki should hop back in the studio and try to come harder.”

As for Nicki’s claims that Remy’s nothing without her, that she wouldn’t be seeing any success or attention without bringing Nicki’s name into it, the source says this:

“Remy’s said it before and she’ll say it again, she don’t care about the numbers or high something charts in mainstream. Her loyalties are to the game and the streets, and both of them don’t respect Nicki.”

Brutal … and true.

So now we just have to wait a month or two for Nicki to formulate her next “too little, too late” response.

We look forward to it!


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Neil Patrick Harris, David Burtka Feel the Heat in St. Barts (PHOTO GALLERY)

Neil Patrick Harris and husband David Burtka have chillin’ in the heat down pat. Neil and David were vacationing on a yacht in St. Barts over the weekend.  What else is there to say? Their weekend was better than yours.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Naomie Harris -- I Won for "Moonlight" But I Feel Bad for "La La Land" (VIDEO)

Naomie Harris was happy enough her movie won Best Picture, but she clearly feels the pain of the “La La Land” cast and crew. We got Naomie leaving the Vanity Fair party Sunday night in Bev Hills, and the luster of winning clearly lost a little of…


Monday, February 13, 2017

Aaron Carter Says Justin Bieber Must Feel Threatened (AUDIO)

Aaron Carter’s now a threat to Justin Bieber … so says Aaron Carter. Aaron’s adamant he not only laid the groundwork for teenage Biebs to become a superstar, but hints his new music should have Justin and his manager, Scooter Braun, feeling…


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Insane Ultimate Warrior Tattoo ... FEEL THE POWER!! (Video)

Holy god … this might be the most realistic, mind-blowing Ultimate Warrior tattoo we’ve ever seen.  The snarl! The facepaint! The hair … ARE YOU SHAKING THE ROPES AND GORILLA PRESSING SOMEONE YET?!!  The genius behind the ink is Steve…


Friday, January 13, 2017

21 Texts to Make You Feel Better About Your Relationship

No relationship is perfect.

But the following text messages are proof that some relationships might have more problems than others.

These are real texts sent by real-life human beings.

And while we don"t want to pass any judgment on those involved in the exchanges, we do want to say how these back-and-forths make us feel:


All of a sudden, the interactions between us and our significant others feel a lot more normal. Thanks, Internet!

1. U’re in Trouble, Dude

Ure in trouble dude

You may want to find someone else, dude. We are just sayin.

2. Love Hurts

Love hurts

In some cases, it hurts A LOT.

3. Tacos are Awesome!

Tacos are awesome

So is sex. But this way, you can have both!

4. Sorry is Really the Only Appropriate Response Here

Sorry is really the only appropriate response here

Well done, man.

5. Not on the Same Page

Not on the same page

We feel you, though, bro.

6. We’re Shocked This Line Didn’t Work

Were shocked this line didnt work

Next time, say that you’re coming home to “make love.”

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Monday, December 12, 2016

Eric Dickerson: "I Don"t Feel Sorry For Jeff Fisher" (AUDIO)

Now that Jeff Fisher has been fired, Eric Dickerson wants to give Rams fans a bit of advice — don’t feel bad for the guy, ‘cuz he’s still filthy rich!! Dickerson talked about the firing on The Eric Dickerson Show on AM 570 L.A. Sports … and it’s…
