Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Jessica Simpson: I Love My Boobs & So Does My Husband!

Jessica Simpson covers the new issue of Women’s Health, and inside the mag she talks about what seems to be her favorite topics:

That topic, of course, is Jessica Simpson’s boobs.

We know that Jessica loves her boobs because she’s told us so on several occasions.

There was a time when rumors of that Jessica would undergo a breast reduction struck fear in the hearts of men across the land.

Fortunately, Jessica knows that with great boobs comes great responsibility, so she’s putting our minds at ease by once again assuring fans that Jessica Simpson’s boobs are here to stay.

“My boobs just have their own life, they have a way of making themselves present. I thought I was going to get a breast reduction. After having kids, I look at myself, and I’m like, ‘You know what, my boobs are actually really big, but I like how they are,"” Jessica told Women’s Health. 

“They’re an asset, and Eric loves them still,” she added, stating the painfully obvious.

Weirdly, this isn’t the first time that Jessica has gone into specifics about why she’s not getting a breast reduction.

“Been getting lots of questions about this alleged breast reduction… not to worry… I LOVE MY BOOBIES!! They aren’t going anywhere!” she tweeted in 2011.

All these years later she’s singing the same tune.

At this point, she should really just take out billboards in the nation’s biggest cities assuring commuters that her boobs ain’t going nowhere.

Not only would it free her up from having to talk about it in future interviews, but wouldn’t your drive to work be improved by the sight of Jessica Simpson’s boobs?

We thought so.