Thursday, August 4, 2016

Kate Middleton: At War with Future In-Law Spencer Matthews!

Pippa Middleton may have landed her dream man, James Matthews, but the financier comes with a bit of baggage.

That baggage happens to be his younger brother, British reality star Spencer Matthews (Made In Chelsea, The Bachelor, I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!).

Spencer is your typical reality star.  He’s bragged about bedding around 1,000 women by the time he was 27, has admitted to cocaine use and developed an addiction to steroids.

Spencer, 28, is also friends with James Middleton, the youngest brother of Pippa and the Duchess of Cambridge.

Speaking of Her Royal Highness, it’s rumored that she’s a bit weary of Pippa’s new in-law, and fears any association with Spencer with tarnish not only the good Middleton name, but the royal family as well.

“Kate has been complaining to Pippa about Spencer slipping up,” a source allegedly told Life & Style.

“But James [Matthews] has promised that Spencer will keep quiet and Pippa believes her fiancé, so she thinks Kate should keep her opinions to herself.”

The wedding will likely take place sometime next year (some reports claim that it will be held at the Middleton’s Bucklebury home), but Catherine is kind of freaking TFO about what kind of hell Spencer might raise.

“[She] will obviously be friendly, but she hopes she is not expected to pose for photos with Spencer,” a source said of Catherine.

“And William plans to ask that they be seated far from him.”

Spencer is the commoner equivalent of Prince Harry, so William should be used to the idea of a younger sibling who loves ladies and a good time (granted, Prince Harry has never been photographed or admitted to doing drugs aside from pot).

Spencer and his older brother could not be more different from one another, as he explained to me in 2012.

“You know, my brother is an extremely private guy and he just despises any mention of his name in any press,” Spencer revealed.

“He is the opposite of me, although we’re quite good friends.”

Everyone relax.  No one is tarnishing the good name Windsor Middleton.