Thursday, August 4, 2016

Jinger Duggar: STILL Not Allowed to Have Her Own Instagram Page?!

As you probably already know, the Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have a pretty strict set of rules when it comes to their kids in general – and their daughters in particular.

The list of things that are banned in the Duggar household is the stuff of legend … assuming that for some reason you’re writing a legend about kids being forced to abide by a bunch of dumb, needlessly oppressive rules.

Basically, it would be like the Harry Potter story if his owl from Hogwarts got lost and he spent seven books living under the Dursley’s  staircase for seven books.

Anyway, one of the most bizarre strictures of the Jim Bob regime is that Duggar daughters are not permitted to use social media until they’re engaged.

We’re guessing the reasoning has to do with the possibility that they’ll end up accepting a friend request from the Devil, who will then bombard them with requests for nudes, as the is the Devil’s wont.

Usually, the Duggar gals take advantage of this freedom the second it becomes available, because, ya know … they’re grown women and it’s 2016.

But Jinger Duggar got engaged to Jeremy Vuolo over a week ago, and still no social media presence.

What gives?

Is Jinger just not the Instagram type?

Doubtful, considering she’s so into fashion and photography that the Duggars once feared she’d move to New York City (where the Devil enjoys sinfully thin-crusted pizza and pays decadently exorbitant rent for a Williamsburg walk-up).

The more likely explanation is that the 22-year-old is being encouraged to keep her wedding plans under wraps, as sources indicate that the upcoming second season of Jill & Jessa Counting on will largely focus on Jinger and Jeremy’s courtship.

So it looks like Jinger is forced to follow not only her father’s rules, but also those of the TV execs who made her family rich.

Hopefully Jeremy will make a chill husband.

This girl is already being pulled in enough different directions.