Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ariel Winter Posts Photos of Butt, Encourages Fans to Do the Same

You may want to sit down before you read any further, because we have some news that’s sure to shock you to your core and make you question everything you thought you knew about existence:

Ready? Deep breath: Ariel Winter has a butt.

Yes, we know, if you’ve seen Ariel Winter’s Instagram, then you’re well aware that she has a butt, but believe it or not, there are folks out there who don’t follow the Modern Family actress online.

They just leave her page sitting there like some sort of digital winning lottery ticket that they can’t be bothered to pick up.

Even worse, the all too common breed of anonymous beast known as the Internet Troll frequently pops up on Ariel’s page to shame her for flaunting her awe-inspiring curves for the benefit of her millions of followers.

Fortunately, Ms. Winter has no trouble brushing the dirt off her shoulders:

“I don’t really think I’m telling myself, ‘You should post this, you shouldn’t post that,’ I feel like I’m just having fun,” Winter recently told Entertainment Tonight.

“I like my fans to see what I’m doing.”

She says the butt kerfuffle in particular had her baffled:

“Everybody is so hyped up on the fact that I post photos where my butt’s out. It’s a butt. Everyone has a butt,” Winter says. “I don’t think it’s crazy.

“It’s like, ‘Let me live! I’m enjoying my life, you’re enjoying your life, you should be posting your butt if you like it, too!"”

And she has a simple solution for those who don’t like her epic belfies:

“I’m not going to fight with someone on my Instagram that tells me they don’t like my outfit or I should put my butt away,” she explains. “I’m sorry you think I should put my butt away, but just unfollow me.”

Damn straight, haters.

If you don’t like what you see, smash that “unfollow” button.

Ariel credits one of her curvy co-stars with giving her the strength to share what she wants to share regardless of what others may think:

“I really had the greatest opportunity to have some wonderful role models, especially Sofia Vergara,” Winter shared.

“Working with a curvy beautiful woman that everybody looked up to and loved the way she looked… that was my inspiration to move forward and accept myself because that’s what matters.”

Importantly, in this same interview, Ariel confirms that she’s single, having recently split with boyfriend Claude Gaudette.

“I’ve just kinda like been single for a little while now,” Winter said. “I’ve enjoyed it, and if something happens, it happens.”

So there you have it.

Now, you can enjoy photos of Ariel’s butt and pretend you have a chance with her! Bonus!