Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Farrah Abraham SLAMS Other Teen Moms: They"re Exploiting Their Kids For Fame!

Farrah Abraham saying awful things in interviews is nothing new.

Farrah offering up a hot take on other people’s integrity and parenting skills, however, is at least somewhat unexpected.

We’ve already discussed Farrah’s interview on the Allegedly podcast earlier this week, but the thing is so loaded with WTF?! moments, we’re gonna need to attack it from multiple angles.

After discussing her many, many (many) plastic surgery procedures, Farrah offered up a word salad tossed in Palin’s Own dressing:

“I know how to give passion more into the universe, and I think it lacks it so much that I wouldn’t be happy if I didn’t improve where I was,” she said.

“That’s the kind of soul that I got.” 

If you’re thinking to yourself that it sounds like someone cut up a bunch of bumper stickers, threw them into a bag and pulled them out at random, you’re definitely not alone.

But don’t worry, Farrah quickly set aside the pseudo-spiritual mumbo-jumbo to do what she does best – throw serious shade:

During a discussion about Farrah’s many business ventures, host Theo Vonn asked if she would consider having another kid in order to cash in by raising her public profile.

Farrah responded as only she could:

“That option has been taken by all of my other cast members,” she answered.

“They have really milked the sh-t out of that one.” 

Farrah’s been criticized for her parenting several times in recent weeks, so it’s not unreasonable for her to respond in kind.

However, it is unreasonable for her to suggest that the other women on Teen Mom had kids just to get famous!

Of course, “unreasonable” is pretty much Farrah’s middle name, so there’s very little she could do to surprise us at this point.

The new season of Teen Mom: OG debuts on MTV on August 22.

Watch Teen Mom online at TV Fanatic in order to get caught up in time for the premiere – or to just relive Farrah’s many batsh-t moments.