Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Blake Shelton Apologizes for Homophobic, Racist Tweets

Blake Shelton clearly never thought his tweets would be under the highest form of scrutiny. 

A common occurrence among celebrities is that in the days before they knew they were going to be huge, they would leave an online footprint of some less than savory comments. 

That’s exactly what’s happened to Blake Shelton, but it’s pretty surprising that the crazy tweets we recently reported about took so long to become public knowledge. 

Maybe people thought he’d know better than to say such nasty things online

There’s also the possibility that one of his fans just went a little too far back on his tweets and they found some stuff that just didn’t seem like the country singer. 

If you’re a fan of The Voice, then you’re probably pretty shocked about the tweets.

Have a look at them below. They’re pretty out there. 

Blake comes across as such a genuine guy, so these are probably shocking to pretty much anyone. 

There was a time when Blake just wasn’t as big as is today and sent the tweets without thinking about the ramifications they could have for his career down the line. 

Shelton released a statement to Twitter addressing the tweets publicly. 

“Everyone knows comedy has been a major part of my career and it’s always been out there for anyone to see. That said anyone that knows me also knows I have no tolerance for hate of any kind or form.”

It all sounds pretty genuine, but then the next part will no doubt have alarm bells ringing for you .

“Can my humor at times be inappropriate and immature? Yes. Hateful? Never. That said I deeply apologize to anybody who may have been offended.”

Playing all of this off as a joke probably won’t sit well with most of the people who have had the displeasure of reading the tweets. 

The comment he says about him never being hateful is a bit hypocritical because his tweets were hateful. 

There really is no sugarcoating it. If you’re going to apologize for something, at least make a solid attempt and be genuine about it. 

Blake has been in a whirlwind relationship with Gwen Stefani. There’s new details every other day about their relationship. 

They’re a cute couple. 

How will Gwen be feeling about these tweets right about now?