Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Josh Duggar Re-Surfaces on Facebook For First Time Since Sex Scandals

It’s been over a year since the world learned that when he was in his teens, Josh Duggar molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters.

During that time, Josh was involved in a second sex scandal when it was revealed that he used an Ashley Madison account to help him cheat on his wife.

The Duggars shipped Josh off to a faith-based rehab center in Illinois, and they clearly hoped that the press and their detractors would forget that the family had harbored a child molester once he was out of sight. 

To the surprise of no one whose name doesn’t start with “D” and end with “-uggar,” the ploy didn’t work.

Josh is still reviled by many former Duggar fans, and it’s not surprising that his first post-scandal appearance in public (at a freakin’ mini-golf course, no less) did not go well.

(Picture angry villagers chasing Frankenstein into the quick sand with torches and pitchforks, and you’ll have some idea of the reaction.)

But the Duggars remain determined to get fans to forgive (or at least forget) their son’s many indiscretions, and yesterday, they reintroduced him to their social media followers via the first family photo featuring Josh since he was released from rehab:

Yes, that’s the Duggar men at an airshow in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and b’gosh, there’s Josh on the far left, wearing a brown shirt and looking like he’s packed on a few pounds.

“It was such a joy to spend 3 days with my 10 sons and 2 of my grandsons at the 2016 EAA Oshkosh Airshow,” family patriarch Jim Bob captioned the above pic.

“We all love aviation and being together. Thousands of planes flew in, and hundreds of thousands of people will attend. It is amazing!”

Obviously, it looks like the Duggar women weren’t invited, but in this case, that might be for the best.