Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Matt Baier: Hitting on Farrah Abraham & Jenelle Evans Before Amber Portwood!

Matt Baier is a Teen Mom superfan-stalker. Seriously.

On last night’s Season 3 opener, Amber Portwood‘s fiance admitted hitting on Farrah Abraham and Jenelle Evans before he met her.

We knew going into the premiere that Amber Portwood’s wedding is off, but MTV buried the lede when it came to the underlying reason.

That, or perhaps there were just too many ledes to do justice to every possible angle in the lead-up to the much-anticipated episode. 

In any case, a bombshell was dropped in a big way on Baier, as you know if you watch Teen Mom OG online, and there was fallout.

Yes, Matt Baier has between five and nine kids.

Yes, Matt’s been accused of being a deadbeat dad or absentee dad, depending on how friendly you want to be with your word choice.

Yes, he has battled addiction in his life as well.

All of this is quite well-documented, and while the warning signs are obvious, Amber has defended him publicly and stood by his side.

However …

Last night on MTV’s Teen Mom Season 3 Episode 1 and Teen Mom Season 3 Episode 2 double-feature, some other s–t hit the fan.

Farrah style.

Amazingly, and unexpectedly, the long-rumored topic of Matt hitting on Abraham – as well as Teen Mom 2’s Jenelle Evans – was addressed.

It was Matt’s pre-Amber tweeting at these other franchise fixtures that really got to Portwood, and nearly ended the couple’s engagement.

Abraham’s mother Debra read the Tweets from 2014 to her: “@F1abraham thanks for the follow. I’m a big fan and u r very beautiful.”

Just fanboying out? That would be weird, but somewhat easier to explain away … but no, he actually went and asked Farrah for a date.

“@F1abraham Farrah forget online dating. I’d be honored to take u out,” Baier wrote, angling for a date with Farrah over Twitter.

Her response?

“What a f–king weirdo,” Abraham said. “I just hope [Amber Portwood] dates better people than that. I’d cancel that wedding that’s for sure.” 

Abraham’s ex-boyfriend Simon Saran then read this tweet Baier wrote to Evans: “I am a huge fan and think u r stunningly beautiful.”

“How about a follow?” Matt asked the Carolina Hurricane of Teen Mom 2 fame, promising, “U will make a crappy Saturday good #please.”

Just … wow.

Taking her concerns to the next level, Abraham then texted Portwood about this drama, advising her to “make changes in your relationship.”

Although Baier called the reports “bulls–t,” Portwood revealed Baier admitted to hitting on writing the above messages to the two girls.

“I asked him about it and he was like, ‘Listen that was a long time ago. I was just telling them they’re beautiful,’” Portwood told Farrah.

Then she caught Matt lying again about it, though: “I said, ‘You told me when we first met you didn’t know anything about Teen Mom OG.”

“And you didn’t know anything about me, Farrah or Maci, but you knew about Teen Mom 2 so what the f–k is the truth? It’s lying.”

“I think I’m getting sick of everything.”

Basically, between this and Matt’s nine kids (seven, eight, five, whatever), Portwood needed a breather and she postponed their wedding.

“I’m at the point where I told him we’re not getting married in October and I don’t know when we’re getting married now,” Ambs said.

“We’re still engaged, but I called off the wedding.”

Odds that these two will actually walk down the aisle later this winter? Next spring? At all? Very much unclear, especially at this rate.

Guy’s closet has more skeletons than … we’d ever think would be found in a person’s closet, even someone on Teen Mom: OG. It’s nuts.

In March of this year, Jeanette Reedy told Radar that Baier is the father of her 7-year-old daughter, his seventh (alleged) child in all.

“He was great at first, but our marriage became a nightmare,” Reedy, who claims he hasn’t paid child support, told the celebrity site.

Will things turn out better for Portwood?

Obviously, we hope she finds happiness and don’t want to judge a guy based on his past, but how many more red flags can there be?