Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Ben Affleck Takes Vacation With Jennifer Garner to Celebrate Birthday

Ben Affleck turned 44 earlier this month, and while creeping up on the latter half of your middle-age years might be depressing for some folks, Ben has a lot to smile about.

For starters, he’s at an age where most actresses would be frantically auditioning for roles on CSI: Des Moines, but instead of praying   for a sweet syndication deal, Benny is entering the most lucrative phase of his career, with a slate of big budget DC flicks on the horizon.

Even better, it seems Affleck is having his cake and eating it too with regard to his split from Jennifer Garner.

It’s been widely reported that Affleck’s drinking, gambling and infidelity motivated Garner to pull the plug.

But while most guys who brought about the demise of their own marriage are forced to suffer the lonely consequences, Affleck still enjoys the life of both a freewheeling bachelor and a beloved family man.

More than a year after they announced their separation Affleck and Garner still spend time together on a regular basis.

Sometimes the (former?) couple’s three kids are with them.

Sometimes it’s just the two of them.

But at all times, these two seem to be stuck in some kind of half-married, half-divorced relationship purgatory.

Their latest outing together was a week-long vacation in Montana for Ben’s birthday.

This time, the kids joined them and insiders say it was a good time for all.

“The family spent the week together and enjoyed outdoor activities like hiking, biking and swimming,” a source tells People magazine.

“Ben is happiest when he’s spending time with his family. It was a great birthday.” 

Garner has described her relationship with Affleck as a “great friendship” and if that works for them, cool.

Still, we can’t help but think there’s something more going on here.