Monday, August 1, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 12 Recap: Fear & Loathing in Cuba

Sunday on E!’s Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 12, the family journeyed to the formerly restricted country of Cuba.

Why did they travel there specifically, and what transpired in the controversial nation so few Americans have ever laid eyes upon in person?

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you don’t need a reminder that seeing these people abroad can be a little … well …

Let’s just say that you wouldn’t necessarily pick them as ambassadors if you wanted to project the best image of America to the world.

That being said, ​Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 12 was the great mindless entertainment we’ve come to expect.

In retrospect, anyway. At the time, Kourtney Kardashian was pretty stressed about contracting the Zika virus, the scourge of the tropics.

“I don’t mess with real bug spray, but I’m not taking a chance,” she said. “We, like, doused ourselves because I don’t wanna get the Zika.”

For her part, Khloe seemed resigned to her fate, or something, saying. “I’ve already been bitten and I have Zikia or whatever the f–k it is.”

Okay then. Good to know.

Life-threatening diseases and all, Khloe had a great time in Cuba, despite her ever-present stressed-out state regarding Lamar Odom.

When this was filmed – before Lamar was back on crack and possibly homeless – he was recovering from OD’ing and dependent on her.

Khloe was especially distraught over the fact that he had asked for money, fearing that he would simply use any funds to “run away.”

Or buy crack. Either/or.

“Every time I’d leave town when we were married this would happen,” she said, which is likely why you shouldn’t marry after a month.

Malika Haqq’s advice?

“You can’t control him. You wanna try to do the best, but, honey, if he wants to run himself back into the gutter, he’s gonna do just that.”

Pretty much.

Later, Khloe talked to Kanye and Kim about how Lamar’s life started going downhill after he stopped playing for the Los Angeles Clippers.

It’s an interesting theory, as it would be the first time in recorded history that anyone’s life has gotten worse since leaving the Clippers.

In any case, Kim was worried about her sister, saying, “I wish she wouldn’t put that much weight of this whole situation on her shoulders.”

“It just breaks my heart because it’s the same cycle all over again. It just really sucks,” she added, echoing what we’re all thinking here.

On a lighter note, Kanye revealed that he has a personal cameraman to the world, a random young guy hired to film him at all times.

Best. Internship. Ever.

“Kanye always has his eye out for a young generation of really creative people,” his loyal wife Kimberly explained to the E! audience.

As a result of that important mission, “Kanye’s been working with this young filmmaker who is videoing everything that Kanye is doing.”

In other ‘Ye news, he accused Kourtney of talking to him like a child … however, “that’s the way I like to be communicated with, anyway.”

The more you know.