Monday, August 15, 2016

Blake Shelton: SLAMMED For Racist, Homophobic Tweets

There’s an old adage that goes, “Never tweet.”

It’s a great rule for public figures to follow, especially if they have a fondness for jokes that some (or in this case all) would consider tasteless or offensive.

Today, Blake Shelton is learning the hard way that he should make “never tweet” his personal mantra and chant it to himself as he endures hours of early morning, Gwen Stefani-mandated hot yoga.

If you follow Shelton on Twitter, you know that he enjoys entertaining his millions of followers with nuggets of homespun wisdom and 140-character one-liners.

Unfortunately, before he was the media-trained star of a network TV show, Shelton was just a hard-boozin’ country singer and amateur comic who enjoyed sharing some of his edgier material on social media.

Warning: This stuff isn’t your typical “2016, everyone’s offended by everything PC culture” stuff… 

No, this is genuine article old-school offensive.

Blake jokes about wanting to have sex with a 16-year-old, makes a shockingly bigoted comment about suspecting a Middle Eastern man of being a terrorist, and calls his ex a “fat, ugly b–ch.”

Yeah, like we said, not the most pleasant side of Blake.

Shelton recently denied endorsing Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, but many close to the singer say that despite “going Hollywood,” he still harbors some extreme right-wing views.

Does that create friction between Shelton and his SoCal liberal girlfriend.

Obviously, we have no way of knowing what goes on behind closed doors with these two.

But we wouldn’t be surprised if his casual racism, homophobia and misogyny occasionally make Gwen think twice about accepting Blake’s televised proposal.