Monday, September 5, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 16 Recap: Love at First Fight

Picking up where we left off last week, Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 16 wasted little time getting down to business:

The business of whether or not Rob Kardashian has a future with Blac Chyna, that is.

For most of this midseason finale, Rob and his pregnant fiancee were not on speaking terms.

If you recall, earlier this summer, Rob deleted all references of Chyna from his Instagram account, prompting fans to wonder if he was about to go underground once again.

He made the same move after bolting early from Kim Kardashian’s wedding to Kanye West a couple years ago.

With Rob’s sisters well aware of how their brother can get when he feels angry or scorned, they felt a need to jump in and try to mend his romance with Chyna on Sunday night.

After Scott Disick confirmed that Rob told him about a “major” fight with Chyna, Khloe grew concerned that her little brother might “go into hiding” or even “go missing.”

Yes, she saw it as that serious.

Fortunately, Kim swooped in and actually called her former close friend, relaying their chat to her siblings as follows:

“[Chyna’s] like, ‘I just need someone to talk to, because it’s really hard to deal with him."”

“She’s like, ‘I just want someone that’s motivated and will get up and do something. … I also said, like, don’t give him false hope if you don’t, like, wanna be with him.”

Eventually, however, Rob stood in the kitchen and opened up to his sisters.

This wasn’t like that other time, he swore. There’s at least one precious reason why he won’t be going anywhere.

“My plan is not to have a kid with somebody and not be with the person, that’s just bizarre to me,” he said.

To help move the reconciliation along, Khloe invited Chyna to her birthday party.

Everyone there clearly had a blast (see the photos below), but the event elicited was about more than just harmless fun.

It ended up being about family.

“It means the world to have my brother at my birthday,” Khloe told the camera. “I can’t remember the last time he was at a family holiday.

“So to have him here, it’s pretty awesome. I am grateful that Chyna came to my birthday party because I think without her, Rob wouldn’t have come here. And it shows me how much Chyna does care about Rob, because that’s an intimidating situation to walk into.”

Elsewhere, those who watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online this week in order to catch up will see Kendall Jenner throwing shade at her mom for harassing her when it comes to eating.

“I could say, ‘Oh my god, my nail broke,’ and you would say, ‘Have you eaten today?” Kendall said to Kris.

This was maybe meant to elicit a laugh, but it’s really not funny.

Kendall is a model and must already be under pressure to remain thin at work.

We really hope she’s receiving support and love in the opposite direction at home (but sort of doubt that she is).

As for Kourtney?

Would she ever get back together with Scott?

This subject was broached and the oldest sibling sounded very indifferent when it comes to doing her three-time baby daddy again.

“I don’t know, I just don’t know what is in God’s plan,” she said. “Some days, I’m like, ‘Never.’ Some days, I’m like, ‘Maybe in the future.’ It’s not in tomorrow’s plan.”

We did at least see Kourtney overcome her fear of public speaking and totally crush it at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards.

However, we will NOT be seeing her or any other family member on E! again any time too soon.

Keeping Up with the Kardashians is on hiatus and will return with new episodes on Sunday, October 23 at 9/8c.