Showing posts with label Accused. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accused. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Rihanna"s Fenty Clothing Brand Accused of Jacking "FU" Trademark

Rihanna’s “Fenty University” gear is a total rip-off — not because that college doesn’t exist, but because it jacked its initials from another clothing brand … so claims that other brand. The singer’s Fenty label through Puma is in hot water with…


Friday, April 20, 2018

Dad Jokes with Daughter, Gets Accused of Pedophilia

Oh, Internet. You never fail to disappoint us.

No, that is not meant as a compliment.

In the following slideshow, you"ll meet a baby, her mother and her father.

And you"ll get to see what happened after the father made what he believed to be an innocent, harmless jokes…

… only for social media users to attack him for being sick, perverted and disgusted.

It all started with one very simply photo — and then it snowballed from there. Scroll down to see what we mean:

1. Look at Me!

Cute kid pic

It all started with this photo. Yes, this simple and adorable photo that a mother snapped of her baby girl. AWWWW, right?

2. Then, Dad Intervened

Cute kid pic2

The little girl’s father jokingly pulled his child’s legs together in response to the first photo, wanting to keep her chaste for as long as possible.

3. Daddy Was Not Having It!

No kid

So joked Mom as a caption on Twitter to these pictures side by side. Pretty funny, right? Wrong, according to many people on the Internet.

4. What a Sicko!


As you can tell by this response, critics are NOT holding back with their opinions. They think this man’s joke was symbolic of a much larger issue.

5. Monitor That Man!

Closely monitored

To be clear, we do actually see where these critiques are coming from. Babies spread their legs all the time. It is sort of weird for one’s mind to even see this pose as anything but innocent — but that doesn’t mean we think the father needs to be “monitored.” Come on, people. Relax.

6. This is a Much Better Point


This man’s reaction may say more about the way society views women than anything else. Yes, his mind went to a certain place… but perhaps because it has been conditioned to do so.

View Slideshow

Zach Roloff: Accused of Endangering Precious Little Jackson

Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff may be the least controversial couple on television.

The Little People, Big World stars seem totally and completely in love, both with each other and with their 11-month old son, Jackson.

Heck, Tori has made a point to say that her Instagram feed will be full of positivity, gratitude and light.

What could there possibly be to criticize about the TLC personalities, right?

Apparently some folks on the Internet have taken this question as a challenge, considering Tori just received some negative feedback on a social media post for the first time we can remember.

Earlier this week, the mother of one does what she does so often:

She posted a very sweet photo of Jackson hanging out with his father.

In this case, however, Zach is sitting on a large riding lawn mower and Jackson is on his lap and a bunch of followers were simply NOT having it.

“Hopefully the lawnmower wasn’t moving. If so, seriously consider a helmet for Jackson,” wrote a user named “harper1965” in response to the picture below.

Other similar comments were also listed alongside the image.

Initially, Tori paid these no mind.

She quoted the movie The Greatest Showman in her original caption, writing at the time of sharing:

It’s everything you ever want. It’s everything you ever need. And it’s here right in front of you. This is where you want to be.

However, upon being made aware that a bit of backlash had built up in regard to Jackson’s safety in this set-up, Tori made the unusual step of returning later on to update her caption.

And this is what she added:


LOL. So there you have it.

Even when folks think they’ve found a reason to drag Tori and Zach, the stars come out and prove these trolls wrong.

Everyone should have known they’d never place Jackson in any sort of danger.

Over the past few weeks instead, Mom and Dad have placed Jackson in nothing but fun situation.

First, as you can see above, Tori gave fans an update on Jackson’s swim lessons.

Then, as you can see below, Tori posted a number of terrific Jackson photos from his very first Easter:

So very precious, right?!?

Jackson turns a year old on May 10 and we simply can’t wait to see what sort of celebration the Roloffs throw for him.

We’re excited to add to the following photo gallery of adorable images.

We started collecting them as soon as Jackson was born and we’re rather proud of how many are included here.

Check them out now!


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Mariah Carey Accused by Ex-Manager of Nudity and Sex Acts

Mariah Carey has faced a number of challenges and setbacks during her life and career. This, however, could cost Mariah her reputation.

Her former manager is gearing up to sue her.

Mariah is accused of sexual harassment … and of just generally being naked all of the time.

This isn’t the first time that Mariah Carey has been accused of inappropriate behavior and inappropriate workplace nudity.

This time, however, it isn’t by a security guard — it’s by her former manager, Stella Stolper.

TMZ reports that she is suing Mariah Carey and accusing the singer of sexual harassment.

The accusations go beyond inappropriate nudity.

Mariah allegedly did “sexual things” while naked and in the presence of her management. That is, folks, not appropriate behavior in the vast majority of professional environments.

Stella’s team has filed documents alerting Mariah’s people that a lawsuit is in the works.

There is more, beyond the “I love being naked around people whose jobs require them to be near me” issue, which in and of itself matches up with previous accusations levied against her.

Stella will reportedly accuse Mariah of having a substance abuse problem.

One of her issues is allegedly that she doesn’t take her meds for her bipolar disorder.

When you have bipolar disorder, randomly not taking your meds can be dangerous and can lead to disastrous losses of impulse control.

Stella apparently plans to levy more accusations against Mariah that will make these accusations pale in comparison.

Stella’s papers say that Mariah fired her while she was in the middle of a three-year contract.

She says that Mariah still owes her a major payday for that.

It seems like, if Mariah just pays her what she says that she owes her, this lawsuit might never happen.

But it doesn’t sound like Mariah is interested in handling this quietly.

Her rep tells TMZ:

“If this frivolous and baseless claim is filed, we will defend against it vigorously and successfully.”

Previous accusations against Mariah, made by a man who had worked security for her, are hauntingly similar.

He, also, accused her of deliberately exposing herself to him and even instructing him to enter rooms where she was already posed and naked.

Mariah would also allegedly say hateful things to the men employed to protect her.

For example, she would refer to white men on her security team as members of the KKK, or would simply announce that she did not want white people around her but would prefer to be surrounded by black men.

People deserve a basic level of respect, and it doesn’t sound like Mariah was giving that to her security team.

We should mention that these are far from the wildest accusations leveled against Mariah Carey.

Her own (estranged) sister has claimed that Mariah grew up in a Satanic sex cult. She described alleged childhood memories of animal sacrifices and chanting and other visuals from a bad 1980s horror movie.

It is always important to consider which accusations sound credible and which accusations sound like a desperate cry for help by someone who is clearly troubled.

It’s worth noting that everyone accusing Mariah of nudity and sexual misconduct has something to gain — a financial payout that they say that they are contractually owed.

That said, just because someone has something to gain doesn’t mean that they aren’t owed anything.

Is this just another lawsuit … or is this a brand new #MeToo story, being leveled at Mariah Carey?


Monday, April 16, 2018

R. Kelly Accused of Transmitting STD to Underage Woman

R. Kelly’s latest accuser claims he not only held her against her will, but he also plied her with drugs and alcohol … and left her with an STD. The woman claims she was 19 when she met Kelly in Dallas last June. According to her attorney … she…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Jill Duggar Accused of Abusive Parenting Methods

Another day, another Jill Duggar parenting controversy.

If you follow Jill on social media, you know that she’s constantly being critcized for the way she raises her two sons.

Sometimes, the concerns are justified, such as when Jill had her 2-year-old son walk for over an hour alongside a busy highway to get to a Chick-Fil-A location.

On other occasions, it seems as though fans are simply making Jill the target of the anger they feel toward the entire Duggar clan.

See the time that Jill put a tortilla on her son’s head to block him from the sun as an example.

We’ll leave it up to you to determine which category the latest controversy falls into.

Jill posted the photo below on her Instagram page over the weekend.

It may seem innocent enough, and well … it probably is.

But some of Jill’s followers are outraged by what they feel is an endorsement of a much-maligned disciplinary technique.

In the past, the Duggars have expressed their belief in “blanket training,” a practice in which children as young as 6 months old are seated on a blanket and told not to move.

The childcare “experts” who originated blanket training tell parents that they should strike their child with an object if he or she moves from the blanket.

It may be a stretch, but some fans think this photo is Jill’s way of sending the message to like-minded parents that despite the ongoing controversy, she still practices blanket training in her home.

“They were raised to start hitting your baby at 6 months if they go off the blanket they actually say spanking or throwing something at them!” commented one of Jill’s followers.

“Throw something at your 6 month of baby and they also raise their children to be respectful by beating them.”

Other fans believe (quite reasonably) that there’s no reason to believe this photo is an endorsement of any single parenting technique or style.

“That’s not punishment,” countered one such follower. “Some babies like being wrapped up.”

Obviously, this seems like a case of Jill’s photos being nit-picked to death, but it’s a reminder that she comes from a family in which behaviors that would be considered abusive by most parents are still practiced every day.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, April 2, 2018

Jill Duggar: Accused of Stealing Recipes & Passing Them Off as Her Own!

Jill Duggar is certainly no stranger to scandal.

In fact, it often feels as though Jill has spent the past year leapfrogging from one scandal to the next, often juggling multiple controversies at one time.

Most of these headaches have come courtesy of her husband, Derick Dillard.

As you’ve likely heard, Derick was fired by TLC recently after launching a bizarre transphobic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

For reasons that defy explanation, Jill then quit Counting On as a gesture of solidarity.

In the months since, the Dillards have gone to great lengths to remain relevant and make ends meet.

Some of these attempts have been less successful than others.

For example, Jill and Derick have been forced to promise that they’ll stop begging for money from fans after a public outcry (and probably some stern words from Papa Jim Bob about jeopardizing the family business venture).

But that doesn’t mean the Dillards are done trying to monetize their dwindling fame.

To be fair, they don’t really have much of a choice, as Jill has never held a job, and Derick quit his accounting gig years ago to pursue reality television fame.

These days, Jill is trying to make a name for herself as a sort of fundamentalist Martha Stewart by sharing recipes and offering housekeeping tips on her personal website.

Unfortunately, no one told her that Martha created those recipes herself and didn’t just copy and paste them from elsewhere on the internet.

Yes, Jill has been busted plaigiarizing recipes and passing them off as her own.

As the folks at Romper point out, Jill first got called out when fans noticed that an identical version of “her” stuffed zucchini recipe also appeared on

After that, the floodgates were open, and fans had a field day pointing out the various recipes that Jill had very clearly pilfered from other sources.

Visitors to the website pointed out that Jill’s recipes for slow chicken mole and riguas (which she hilariously claimed to have perfected during her time performing missionary work in Central America) were both lifted from other sites.

Jill is still a Duggar, of course, which means diehard fans will always emerge to defend her. 

“How does one plagiarize a recipe that’s been around for generations? Just curious,” asked one fan.

The answer, of course is simple:

One plagiarizes the recipe by not linking to or at least giving credit to the original source of the recipe.

Fortunately, for every defender, Jill has had at least one detractor:

“It seems most all of her photos & possibly recipes have been lifted from other sources,” wrote one partucularly irate fan.

“I think she may have a lot more work to do than just to fix one post,” the follower continued.

“If I were her, I would shut down the website entirely until it was cleaned up & the original writers & photographers w/notified w/an apology.”

Yes, that would probably be the best course of action.

But like we said, Jill is still a Duggar – and that means she doesn’t really “do” apologies.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

TMZ Live: Mel B Accused Of Brainwashing Daughter By Ex-Husband

ON TODAY’S SHOW Corey Feldman: I Got Stabbed!!! Coachella: Police Train For Possible Massacre Paris Hilton: Reunited With Lost $ 2 Million Ring Jared Fogle: I Need Your Help, Trump!


R. Kelly Accused of Training 14-Year-Old to Be His Sex Slave

When we learn new things about how R. Kelly allegedly keeps women in a sex cult and trains them as “pets,” the new information is never pleasant.

This time, it’s no exception.

One of R. Kelly’s exes has come forward to reveal that, by his own admission, the singer allegedly began “training” at least one woman when she was as young as 14.

R. Kelly is infamous for his long history of reports of sexual misconduct, interest in minors, and the reports that he keeps women in a “sex cult.”

At this point, the fact that he ever makes music is sort of an afterthought

Multiple women have come forward with horror stories about how R. Kelly allegedly grooms and abuses women, sometimes beginning when they are minors.

He offers them money to quit their old lives, using his charisma and fame to seduce them into wanting a life with him.

From there, things get a lot scarier.

R. Kelly reportedly uses physical violence and other abuses, such a the use of starvation as a punishment and cutting off any access to the outside world.

The idea of this happening to adults is a nightmare. But one of the women who has now escaped from R. Kelly’s world says that he begins this treatment on some “pets” when they are still children.

In a new BBC3 documentary, one of R. Kelly’s exes who has bravely come forward with her horrifying story describes how his alleged grooming begins when girls are very young.

The woman, Kitti Jones, describes when she realized this.

“I saw that she was dressed like me, that she was saying the things I’d say, and her mannerisms were like mine.”

She says that there was much more to it than R. Kelly just having a type.

“That’s when it clicked in my head that he had been grooming me to become one of his pets. He calls them his pets.”

Kitti says that R. Kelly had this woman “crawl on the floor towards me and perform oral sex on me, and he said, ‘This is my f–king pet, I trained her.’”

She says that he eventually bragged to her that he had “trained” this girl since she was just 14.

The shocking accusations about R. Kelly surfaced in 2017, but have so far come from adult women — and from their concerned families.

Abusers and cult leaders alike know that it’s important to isolate their victims from their families as much as possible and to encourage total dependence upon them.

That’s one of many factors, in addition to gradual grooming, that helps them maintain control.

That is precisely what R. Kelly is accused of doing. Unfortunately, sometimes law enforcement feels that their hands are tied when victims are adults, because they are likely to tell police that they’re there of their own free will.

Yes, even if they’re being starved as punishment for some perceived slight.

However, the victimization and sexual exploitation of minors might be easier for law enforcement to address … but, like everything else that R. Kelly is accused of doing to these women, may be very difficult to prove after-the-fact.

But this is not in any way the first stomach-churning story that the world has heard about R. Kelly and underage girls.

R. Kelly illegally married Aaliyah in 1994, when she was only 15. He had met her when she was only 12.

Then, in 2002, a video surfaced that allegedly showed R. Kelly having sex with and then urinating upon an underage girl.

When his property was searched by authorities, they recovered multiple images of an underage girl on a camera that was stashed away.

In at least some of the images, R. Kelly was allegedly engaged in sex acts with this underage girl. It was reported that this young woman was the same who appeared in the video tape that had surfaced.

Ultimately, the charges were dropped, as it was determined that the search warrants had lacked probable cause, rendering all of the findings fruit of the poisonous tree in the eyes of the courts.

And, in the end, R. Kelly was found not guilty over charges from the original video.

Will any of these charges against R. Kelly be proven?

It’s hard to say. The more people who come forward, the better the chances are.

It’s worth noting that when the sex cult accusations first came out during the summer of 2017, this was months before the #MeToo movement.

Perhaps the positive cultural shift against victim-blaming has opened people’s eyes enough that sex monsters can be brought to justice.

But it’s hard to imagine how someone groomed to be a sex slave since she was just 14 years old could ever truly recover.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Meghan McCain Accused of Hypocrisy for David Hogg Criticisms

Over the weekend, millions of teens and others who dislike the constant threat of mass shootings poured out to attend rallies and protests to push for gun control.

March For Our Lives had a number of critics. For example, Rick Santorum says that teens should take CPR classes instead of asking for the government to protect them and their peers.

As you"ll see in the video below, Meghan McCain is also criticizing the movement … because she disapproves of the language being used.

Meghan mccain speaks on the view

We don"t want to just write anyone"s words out of context, so the video of her comments is below, but Meghan McCain said this of Parkland survivor David Hogg"s speech:

"One thing I will say is that you don’t move the narrative when you use language like this."

That line in particular came back to haunt her, but we"ll get to that in a moment.

"He said, ‘It just makes me think what sick blankers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder our children and honestly just get reelected. What type of blanking person does that?""

She continues to quote him, saying:

""They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they don’t take action because all they see are dollar signs.’"

She ends her quote with her final criticism.

"I wish we could have it where the rhetoric isn’t that any of us could ‘have blood splattered on our faces and your life perspective wouldn’t be changed.’ I don’t think it’s productive."

David hogg march for our lives

David Hogg was one of multiple Parkland shooting survivors who gave a speech at the March For Our Lives protest.

Millions came out in support of gun control in an effort to prevent more terrible mass shootings.

The Onion titled one of their satirical articles: "Teens Spend Wild Spring Break in D.C. Begging Lawmakers for Their Lives," which is … pretty accurate, unfortunately.

At the protest, David Hogg spoke up, saying:

"When politicians send their thoughts and prayers with no action, we say, ‘No more.""

He continues, issuing a warning to politicians who continue to drag their feet against the growing demands for gun control.

“And to those politicians supported by the NRA, that allow the continued slaughter of our children and our future, I say, get your resumes ready."

Like many 17-year-olds, Hogg will soon be able to vote.

David hogg and emma gonzalez

David Hogg, seen here with fellow survivor Emma Gonzalez, was not on The View to defend his words to Meghan McCain.

But Whoopi Goldberg spoke up in his defense.

"Well, here’s the thing. These kids are not going to take it."

People who have heard their friends die aren"t going to mince words when they appeal for sensible regulations that have been proven to prevent mass shootings in other Western nations.

"They are sick of waiting for the adults to do it. They are letting you know."

And Whoopi points out that his language choice is really not a problem.

"Whether they’re cussing you out or speaking beautifully. It doesn’t matter."

David hogg selfie

Viewers of The View spoke up on Twitter in opposition to Meghan McCain"s words.

"Come on. These kids want to go to school and have a decent chance to grow up. They"re scared. Do something to help instead of crticize."

"Oh please! Get your priorities straight. Some people only listen when you shock the hell out of them. This fine young man is PASSIONATE. Kids have been blown away & gunned down. You need to focus on the issue. Stop distracting the good these kids R doing."

"Once again @MeghanMcCain misses the point. The words of @davidhogg111 aren’t effective because he cursed? The boy watched his friends die and he’s not allowed to swear? Please."

"You"re wrong Meghan. Own it."

We mentioned that Meghan"s comment about language would come back to bite her.

Her own profile includes the tag "F–kCancer," a reference to her father"s current health battle.

Tweeters did point out that if she feels that "bad" words are acceptable for a cause about which she feels passionate, she shouldn"t hold David Hogg to different standards.

Meghan mccain on the view

We will say, to be fair, that Meghan McCain wasn"t necessarily as focused on David Hogg"s use of "bad" words as many have assumed.

It sounds like she felt that his rhetoric wasn"t really designed to change any hearts and minds. And she"s right.

Hogg"s speech was designed to inspire people who are already big believers in gun control. He wants them to vote out politicians who won"t budge over guns.

Meghan is a conservative, but she"s a moderate conservative, and she and many who feel as she does feel like changing people"s minds should be the goal of speeches like that.

Others — perhaps Hogg included — might counter that anyone who is still opposed to gun control after countless mass shootings, including the one in Parkland, is probably not going to be swayed by Hogg"s words or by anyone else"s.

Here are her comments:

Meghan mccain accused of hypocrisy for david hogg criticisms

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Fred Savage Accused of Intimidating, Harassing Women on Set of "The Grinder"

Fred Savage is getting sued for allegedly assaulting a costumer on his TV show “The Grinder” — but she also claims he regularly tormented female crew members, demanding they don’t make eye contact with him. In the suit, filed Wednesday in L.A.,…


Fred Savage Accused of Intimidating, Harassing Women on Set of "The Grinder"

Fred Savage is getting sued for allegedly assaulting a costumer on his TV show “The Grinder” — but she also claims he regularly tormented female crew members, demanding they don’t make eye contact with him. In the suit, filed Wednesday in L.A.,…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Mom Feeds Toddler Wasabi, Gets Accused of Child Abuse

This (not) just in:

The Internet can be a very mean place.

And a mother on Facebook just found out exactly how and why, first hand.

This woman shared a video on her social media page that has been viewed over 14 million times.

Not each of these viewers likes the video, however, because it depicts the mother asking her young daughter whether she wants to try Wasabi.

The girl at first says no… and then we"re pretty sure she says no again.

But then she simply repeats the word "wasabi" and then the mother places a small portion in front of her nose to smell.

The mother than places this same small portion in the girl"s mouth… and waits for a reaction.

The girl actually handles it pretty well, considering how hot and how spicy wasabi truly is.

Hilariously, she only makes a slightly uncomfortable face while calmly uttering the word "help."

But not every Internet user found this to be hilarious.

Some, in fact, tossed out the A-Word in response to this video. Yup: abuse.

Do you agree with this assessment? Did the mother do anything wrong?

Or is this akin to giving a kid a taste of a lemon, which, come on, EVERY parent out there has done on at least one occasion, right?

Watch the video below and decide for yourself:

Mom feeds toddler wasabi gets accused of child abuse

Monday, March 12, 2018

Jesse Watters Accused of Affair with Much Younger Fox News Employee

Forgive the most obvious pun of all-time, but Fox News anchor Jesse Watters is in some… muddy waters.

The host of Watters World is in the middle of a legal split from his wife Noelle, after the latter filed for divorce in October.

This filing isn’t news.

But what is making news all over the Internet today is the allegation that the filing was triggered by Watters having an affair with a 25-year old Fox News associate producer.

Watters is 39 years old.

He has twin girls with his soon-to-be-ex-wife.

Insiders tell The New York Daily News said that Watters told the network of his adulterous relationship with Emma DiGiovine shortly after Noelle submitted the aforementioned divorce papers.

As a result of this affair, DiGiovine was transferred from Watters’ program to The Ingraham Angle.

Watters is a close confidant of President Donald Trump.

He just dined with the Commander-in-Chief last week and is considered by most folks in media to be modeling himself after Sean Hannity.

(You may take that statement however you would like.)

DiGiovine and Watters are still dating, sources tell The Daily News, while a Fox News spokesperson says the following:

Within 24 hours of Jesse Watters voluntarily reporting to the Chief of Human Resources in November 2017 that he was in a consensual relationship with a woman on his staff, management met with both parties and a decision was made for the woman to be transferred to work on another program on the network where she currently remains.

This is a photo of Emma DiGiovine:

Watters and his alleged mistress did little to hide their romance, according to this report.

They often shared photos of each other on social media, including snapshots from a vacation to the Caribbean.

Lawyers for both Noelle and Jesse Watters did not comment when contacted by the newspaper that published this story.

Watters and his wife, meanwhile, got married in 2009 and welcomed their kids in 2011.

While this relationship is clearly consensual, social media users are abuzz over it being yet another example of a Fox News higher-up wading into troubling waters with women.

Bill O’Reilly, once the most-watched host on cable television, parted ways with the network last year amidst reports that he paid millions of dollars to victims of his sexual harassment in exchange for their silence.

In 2016, Fox News CEO Roger Ailes resigned his position after numerous underlings accused him of acting very inappropriately in their presence in very many occasions.

Ailes passed away about 10 months later.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Accused Oscar Thief, Terry Bryant, Pleads Not Guilty

The man accused of stealing Frances McDormand’s Oscar is looking way rougher around the edges than he did on Oscar night — he made his first court appearance Wednesday, pleading not guilty. Terry Bryant went from tux to jumpsuit for his…


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Accused Oscar Thief"s Spiritual Adviser Says His Story Reflects Society

The man accused of stealing Frances McDormand’s Oscar has quite the support system — including his rabbi, who says the arrest is more about society than a guy allegedly making off with someone’s trophy. Terry Bryant’s arraignment was postponed…


Accused Oscar Thief Terry Bryant Caught on Video Leaving Governors Ball

Ya can’t say Terry Bryant was trying to sneak out with Frances McDormand’s Oscar, because he brazenly hoisted it up — in full view of cameras — as he fled Sunday night. Associated Press cameras set up outside the Governors Ball captured the…


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Emma Stone Accused of White Feminism for Oscars Remark

Sunday night’s Academy Awards were a hit, but they weren’t without their controversies. From Gary Oldman and Kobe Bryant’s Oscar wins to Ryan Seacrest’s presence on the red carpet, there was awkwardness for viewers and for stars.

One interesting moment came when Emma Stone made a political statement that didn’t go over very well.

She’s now being accused of “white feminism.”

Emma Stone won an Academy Award for La La Land, and this year she presented the category of Best Director.

To start things off, she spoke:

“It is the director whose indelible touch is reflected on every frame. It is the director who, shot by shot, scene by scene, day by day, works with every member of the crew to further the story.”

She continues to praise the job that a director does.

“And it is the vision of the director that takes an ordinary movie and turns it into a work of art.”

Then it came time to introduce the nominees.

“These four men and Greta Gerwig created their own masterpieces this year.”

Clearly, Emma Stone was trying to emphasize the fact that, with many skilled directors, the Academy somehow decided that 80% of the ones good enough to be nominees were men.

And perhaps she was trying to recreate Natalie Portman’s “all-male nominees” jab from the Golden Globes.

However, on a night when Jordan Peele was nominated for Get Out and Guillermo Del Toro was nominated for The Shape of Water, Emma Stone’s focus exclusively on gender did not go over well with some viewers.

And people shared their gripes on Twitter:

“Peak white feminism from Emma Stone. Pointing out that 4 of the nominees are men while ignoring that 2 of those men are minorities.”

“She minimized the incredible achievements of a Black man and a Mexican immigrant in the name of white feminism.”

“Ok emma stone being like ‘four male directors and greta gerwig’ or whatever tf she said is exactly what we mean by white feminism. Jordan Peele and Guillermo Del Toro are not white men that had everything easily handed to them and they don’t deserve to be classified as such.”

To be clear, what “white feminism” means is practicing a sort of feminism that focuses only on one’s own experiences, which means that activism is less helpful or even harmful to other individuals.

For example, someone whose push for feminism forgets about people of color, or the LGBT community, or the disabled, because that’s not part of their experience.

Not all white people who are feminists are white feminists and not all white feminists are white, though the term arose from white activists who ignored the experiences of black and brown women.

(This phenomenon exists in any human rights movement — men might push for racial equality from an exclusively male perspective; some advocates for LGBT rights might forget that there are LGBT people of color who experience the world differently)

Emma Stone seems like an especially likely target for this kind of critique, because she starred in La La Land which famously whitewashed the story of jazz.

She, a white woman, also played a Hawaiian woman in Aloha for reasons that the world still does not quite understand.

Emma Stone was thinking along lines of gender but forgetting that Jordan Peele and Guillermo Del Toro are men of color who also face numerous obstacles.

Considering that some Oscar voters outright refused to watch Get Out because they didn’t consider it to be a worthy film speaks volumes about how far Hollywood needs to go.

(Though Oscars voters are famously awful — whenever the notes made on their votes comes out anonymously, the world is reminded that there are a lot of terrible people making these decisions)

Whether or not Emma Stone is a white feminist or was just using her very limited time to address one of many problems is … unclear.

But it’s not a cruel accusation. Emma Watson has recently spoken about how being called that years ago helped to open her eyes to becoming a better intersectional feminist.

Fortunately, Best Director went to Guillermo Del Toro, a Mexican director, whose film about about a woman who bangs a fish man is sometimes affectionately referred to as “Grinding Nemo.”

He also won Best Picture.

And Jordan Peele then won Best Original Screenplay for Get Out.

It would be nice to see more women win, but it’s also nice to see men of color make historic wins. There are too few of each, and not for lack of talent or merit.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

David Eason Accused of Assaulting Jenelle Evans, May Lose Custody of Son

Last month, David Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 after unleashing a homophobic tirade on social media.

Even those who were addicted to the drama of the Easons volatile marriage applauded MTV for the move.

And now it seems that the fallout from David’s abhorrent behavior is only just beginning.

According to Radar Online, David’s baby mama Olivia Leedham has launched a custody battle against her ex with the goal of obtaining sole custody of her son, Kaden.

Leedham was awarded sole physical custody of Kaden back in 2014, but she recently agreed to grant visitation rights to David, believing that her troubled ex had turned his life around since marrying Jenelle.

“Defendant and Ms. Evans appeared to be stable in both their own lives and in their relationship,” court documents filed by Leedham stated.

She added that Eason and Evans “appeared to be more focused on their children,” and “the ’drama’ that surrounded their early relationship appears to have subsided and they appear to be happy and to have a happy home.”

Leedham quickly regretted that decision, however, and last week she petitioned the court to once again have Eason stripped of all parental rights.

“[David] is exhibiting erratic and concerning behavior,” Leedham asserts in her latest filing.

She goes on to accuse Kaden’s father of “potential substance abuse issues” and creating “marital strife” with Jenelle.

Leedham also cites Eason’s “recent firing from his employment” as a cause of increased instability in his life.

In the most shocking portion of the filing, Leedham contends that Eason and Evans’ relationship is an unhealthy and often violent one, which makes for an unsafe living situation for children:

“The Defendant is exhibiting erratic and concerning behavior and his life appears to have again deteriorated into chaos,” Leedham’s attorneys write.

Obviously, custody battles are nothing new for Jenelle, but it seems unlikely that she’ll be able to help her husband with his latest legal conflict.

Not only is she still fighting to maintain custody of her two children from previous relationships, she’s being painted as one of David’s many victims in the filing:

“Despite knowing that he is being filmed for a nationally televised reality show [David] has regularly been seen arguing with Ms. Evans on the show,” Olivia writes.

“[David] has allegedly become increasingly controlling of Ms. Evans and has alienated her from her family.”

Obviously, the claim that David is manipulating Jenelle will serve to undermine any statement that she makes in her husband’s defense.

Not that Jenelle tends to not have a whole lot of credibility with judges anyway.

From the sound of it, Leedham will have little trouble convincing a judge that the Easons have failed to provide a safe and stable environment for her son.

And thanks to David’s time on the show, she’ll have many hours of evidence to present to the court.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to be reminded of just how out of control David truly is.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Alaskan Bush People Star Gabe Brown Accused of Seducing Fans, Cheating

Rain Brown posted a sweet Valentine’s Day photo of herself “third-wheeling” while her brother locks lips with a woman in the background.

Instead of sweet responses, the comments filled with outrage by women accusing Gabe of cheating — and, in some cases, of having broken their hearts.

It sounds like more women were catfished by Gabe Brown’s imposter than anyone ever realized.

The Brown family has had one hell of a year.

Ami Brown waged a battle against lung cancer that many described as likely to be terminal. Many — from the Browns themselves to fans of the show — weren’t sure if she was going to make it.

But Ami fought hard and could afford the best treatment. After enduring agonizing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, her cancer, though it had spread to both lungs and to her spine, went into remission.

Now Ami Brown is cancer-free, but she’ll need to be vigilant for the rest of her life.

This battle was hard on her. It was also hard on her family, who feared that they might lose their beloved mother.

But that was not the only drama going on in the lives of the Brown family.

Anyone who thinks that Alaskan Bush People is the one show where the family never has that much personal drama clearly isn’t following them on social media.

Last year, and as you can see in the video above, Rain Brown warned of an imposter pretending to be Gabe Brown online.

She issued the catfishing warning and told people that Gabe wasn’t really using his social media at the moment, and that if they received any messages, it wasn’t from him.

There was apparently a woman who even claimed to be his fiancee. Whether this was someone who was catfished or someone who just made it up for attention was always unclear.

Though Gabe just recently broke his social media silence, it was Rain who shared this photo.

That’s Rain, her dog Cupcake, and Gabe with a woman named Raquell Rose.

Rain captioned the pic: “Third wheelin like a pro this V-Day.”

Plenty of the comments were normal — people telling Rain that she’ll date when she’s a little older (she’s barely 15, which is old enough to date in most families, but the lifestyle of the Browns probably makes that hard).

But instead of congratulations towards Gabe’s apparent new relationship, a number of commenters accused Gabe Brown of being a no good dirty cheater.

The comments under that one simple, sweet photo contain about half a year’s drama from any given soap opera.

“How would you feel if a man that you admire and think he’s innocent started to conquer you and enjoyed your company, so you start to feel more beautiful and start to dream be with him and then you see a pic of him kissing someone else maybe a girlfriend?”

This person sounds like they’re describing (in a weird way — “conquer?”) being catfished by Gabe Brown’s imposter.

“And in the same time discovered you were not the only one cause he did it with the other fans too? And you think all of this could be just a joke from him! Just have a little of empathy.”

Another person who had apparently been catfished wrote:

“She never thought it was a relationship! But he messed our feelings, and we didn’t understand why he did it if he had a girlfriend! That’s it!”

More and more people — diehard fans of Alaskan Bush People who apparently missed Rain’s warning about a Fake Gabe (or didn’t believe it, or perhaps it came too late) wrote.

“No, of course I didn’t believe it made a relationship. But when I saw he had a girlfriend and a fan girl commented that he talked things to her I didn’t understand anything in that moment and thought he was a jerk!”

It sounds like that same commenter may believe that Gabe Brown was really flirting with her.

“I felt confuse and disappointed, he’s not that nice guy I thought he was?? Now I can understand him clearly and yes, it’s normal to flirt. Now all this confusion already passed.”

Some people insist that it was really, truly Gabe Brown who stole their hearts.

“People defends him saying we’re all lunatics but the fact is: He was always answering us in a romantic and seductive way and no one can blame us to have hope to think be with him some day. Because he fed this desire on us.”

Again, Rain warned last year that somebody was pretending to be her brother.

“He needs to know which acts lead to consequences, and that having fans is a responsibility. Me as a fan and friend would like him to learn to think more about his actions and then learn to face them.”

Someone else was scandalized that Rain hadn’t deleted the photo out of shame, or something.

“I simply cant believe this is still going on. Or that Rain hasnt deleted it… Or that Gabe hasnt commented at all.”

There were also accusations that Gabe was engaged — he isn’t. Other, more sensible followers, voiced their support.

“Maybe they just started dating?? Still doesn’t mean he owes a bunch of people on the internet any explanation about his private life. That’s all!”

That’s true — not even reality stars owe their fans explanations.

“LOL are you really telling someone on tv that you’ve never met that they owe you an explanation for their lives?”

And others really didn’t like the bonkers accusations that were thrown in Gabe’s direction.

“People assume things too quickly that’s what I don’t like. She could be his girlfriend or she may not, if he wants to say, then he will, I’m personally not worried about it.”

As Rain mentioned last year, Gabe was heartbroken when his relationship didn’t pan out and that’s why he took a break from social media.

It’s wonderful that he’s getting his romantic life back on track.

While it’s tragic that apparently so many women were deceived online, surely Gabe Brown isn’t responsible for the actions of an imposter.

And similarly, he can’t cheat on a fiancee to whom he’s not actually engaged. (No, a rumored photo of two hands wearing rings is not “proof”)

Finally, even if so many people really believe that Gabe is sketchy, is his 15-year-old sister’s Instagram page the place to have this discussion?

It is not.

Rain may be the de facto spokesperson for her family, but her Instagram page is still mostly a place for her to share her thoughts and her photos.
