Showing posts with label Almost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almost. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Kate Upton"s Engagement Ring Is Almost As Big As Verlander"s World Series Ring

Justin Verlander won the World Series … Kate Upton is winning at life — if you use giant diamonds to keep score.  The Houston Astros pitcher let his supermodel wife rock his brand new World Series ring — on the same hand as her massive…


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Donald Trump Poses with Almost All-White Class of White House Spring Interns

President Trump would like to proudly introduce you to the 2018 White House spring interns, who — when it comes to diversity — pale in comparison to the last President’s. Trump posed for the pic with about 90 new interns Monday in the East Room of…


Donald Trump Poses with Almost All-White Class of White House Spring Interns

President Trump would like to proudly introduce you to the 2018 White House spring interns, who — when it comes to diversity — pale in comparison to the last President’s. Trump posed for the pic with about 90 new interns Monday in the East Room of…


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett: It Really is Almost Over!

Perhaps we should have believed Kendra Wilkinson all along.

Perhaps we shouldn’t have assumed that she only played up trouble in her relationship because she wanted another season of her reality show.

This is what we wrote a few weeks ago when Wilkinson took the unusual step of blasting reports that claimed her marriage to Hank Baskett was doing just fine.

Taking the opposite approach of most celebrities, Kendra jumped on Instagram to tell the world that she and her husband were having lots of problems, despite rumors to the contrary.

“We are having issues,” she insisted late last month, adding:

“I hope to get back to the fun Kendra you all know. That’s all i want n aim for. I hate drama!!”

If that really is the case, then we appear to have some bad news for the former Girl Next Door:

You’re in for a lot of drama.

Earlier this week, Kendra shared a number of disturbing photos and messages on social media, all of which hinted that a divorce may truly be on tap.

Click around below to see what we mean:

In the wake of these comments and images, multiple celebrity gossip outlets have confirmed that Baskett and Wilkinson are as good as over.

“They’ve been having a really tough time especially over the last three to six months,” a source close to Kendra tells People Magazine, noting that neither Kendra nor Hank is wearing a wedding right now and adding:

“She’s always been someone who wanted to be fully committed, married forever, and was definitely a ‘I’ll never get a divorce’ kind of girl.

“But she really lost trust in her marriage and she’s realized there’s no turning back.”

The couple got married in June of 2009 and have welcomed two kids: an eight-year old son named Hank IV and a three-year old daughter named Alijah.

In 2014, Baskett allegedly had an affair with a transgender model … while Kendra was eight months pregnant.

The stars have been dealing with the fallout ever since, often on national television.

They’ve appeared on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars and have anchored their very own series, Kendra on Top.

It last aired an episode in August of 2017.

Another source tells Us Weekly that the possibility of a split is real.

“She’s been really unhappy and felt uncomfortable in the marriage and they have been fighting a lot,” this tabloid writes.

One look at Kendra’s Instagram would tell a different story, however.

The family photos shared above and below were both posted by the former Playboy centerfold at some point in the last few months.

This could mean one of two things:

Either Hank and Kendra are still faking it, spreading word that they are nearing a divorce in order to remain relevant…

… or they are putting on a brave face for their kids and trying to remain on very amicable terms, despite their ongoing issues.

If a divorce filing is actually made in the next few days, we’ll have our answer.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Mike Tyson Accidentally Punched UFC Star Fabricio Werdum, "Almost Broke My Nose"

Things got a little TOO real on a Mike Tyson’s movie set — when the 51-year-old accidentally socked UFC star Fabricio Werdum with a REAL punch … and it almost shattered his nose!  Mike and Werdum were shooting a fight scene…


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Rampage Jackson Almost Got Manager a Crappy Used Car, Dropped $130k Instead!

MMA star Rampage Jackson says he came thiiiiis close to getting his manager, Tiki, a hoopty Range Rover at the used car lot … before deciding to be a boss and drop a small fortune! “I was thinking about going the cheap route … you almost had a…


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Amber Tamblyn and Her Baby Almost Got Hit by a Van in NYC

Amber Tamblyn and her 1-year-old daughter were almost mowed down by a man driving a van in NYC Sunday … this according to Amber herself. The “General Hospital” actress tweeted the scary news late Sunday morning saying a man driving a grey van in…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Kim Zolciak: I"m Almost 40 & I"m Not Wearing Makeup

Kim Zolciak is a wife, a mother of six, and a reality star.

She’s also nearly 40 years old, if you can believe it.

Check out her makeup-free selfie below.

There’s the reality star without makeup!

We don’t mean for this to be a backhanded compliment at all, but Kim Zolciak looks beautiful for a woman who is very nearly 40.

She also looks beautiful, period.

A lot of reality stars like to only show their most carefully manicured selves for the camera — their appearances are key to their brands, folks.

But while that’s absolutely their right, it’s refreshing to be reminded of how gorgeous they can look without makeup.

For contrast, here’s a look at Kim Zolciak, all made up for an interview.

Kim shared this behind-the-scenes photo with an explanatory caption, reflecting upon her life.

“Interview days — my favorite actually! I can’t believe I have been on [television emoji] 10 yrs! WOW”

That’s a whole decade of branding, folks. Most reality stars don’t last that long.

“It’s been so incredible! I’ve learned so much about me, met the love of my entire life, had babies on TV, …”

She contonues her list, including some low points.

“Had surgeries on TV, cried on TV, laughed on TV, got married on TV, moved 3 times on TV, had my first baby graduate on TV, my second baby be sneaky on TV …”

That list of milestones turned into something of a callout post for Ariana Biermann, huh?

No, but that really is an incredible list.

(Here we see Kim Zolciak topless at the beach on Instagram, which is notably absent from her list of milestones but sitll worth mentioning)

Kim Zolciak then goes on to say that everything has transpired exactly as she foresaw as a teenager.

“I wrote my story in my teens in my journal and it said exactly what I have done for these last 10 [years]!”

Very few people can say the same.

The mother of six then goes on to share what she believes to be the secret (or maybe The Secret) to her success.

“What you think you create. What you believe you receive! The power of our words is really something magnificent. Try it!!”

That’s … helpful from a personal motivation perspective, but kind of a bold claim.

“Negative self talk is still talk, what you speak comes back to you 10 folds like a boomerang! Try it!!! Speak something you dream of into existence!”

Say what you will about that being New Age nonsense or about how you’ve been dreaming of world domination since you were 4 years old but have yet to become the benevolent despot you know you were born to be, but … things tend to work out for Kim.

Obviously, her life isn’t perfect — her young son Kash survived a(n accidental) dog bite last year that sent the family and fans into a panic.

And she’s been sidelined recently on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, reduced to a mere “friend of the Housewives.”

Reports had her allegedly begging to be a real Real Housewife again.

(She still had Don’t Be Tardy, but that doesn’t have the audience reach or the major paychecks of the Real Housewives franchise)

But maybe there’s something to Kim Zolciak’s whole “speak things into being” thing, because she’s reportedly replacing Kenya Moore.

We’ll see.

Kim Zolciak was born on May 19th, 1978.

This May, she will be 40.

TV career aside, she’s accomplished a lot — she has six children, and her oldest daughter just turned 21.

(Brielle got a gun for her birthday, which was awkward af for a lot of reasons, but Brielle knows that)

How much more will she have done — with her family and her career — by the time that she turns 50? She might be a grandmother by then (zero pressure to Brielle or Ariana, though).

Good odds are that Kim will still look like a total MILF, with or without makeup, in a decade. Just like she does right now.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Paris Jackson Almost Died; Is She On a Downward Spiral?

Despite the happy reports that Paris Jackson and Cara Delevingne may be dating or at least have hooked up, some are worried about Paris.

Recently, she partied so hard on a rooftop that, in her words, she almost died.

Some ask if she’s on a downward spiral that could put her back in the hospital. Is she?

RadarOnline reports that Paris Jackson was recently partying so hard that she allegedly nearly fell from a New York City rooftop.

Which apparently has some people worry that she’s caught in a downward spiral.

“It was terrifying! For a split second, we thought she would perish.”

(Perish is a fine word, but who uses it that way in a sentence? Or was this source one of Cara’s British friends?)

“Paris has been completely out of control, but there’s nothing the family can do.”

Here’s the photo — Paris herself shared the image of her “near death” experience. She literally just danced on a rooftop and almost fell towards the roof.

So … it’s probably not as dramatic or dire as it sounds. We hope.

Paris Jackson

RadarOnline mentions how Cara and Paris were spotted sneaking out of a trendy East London bar at 3 in the morning, holding hands, and heading off to the same hotel.

“Paris feels free, crazy, and uninhibited around her female companions — especially Cara.”

That sounds like a good thing, right?

“Paris can’t be talked to sensibly, and everybody is bracing themselves for a dreadful phone call.”

Though Paris did attempt suicide five years ago, that was five years ago when she was a young teenager with a lot on her plate.

So why are they so worried now, exactly?

Sadly, we think that we know what Paris’ family’s “concerns” are really about.

As we mentioned when we discussed reports about Paris’ alleged relationship with gal pal Cara Delevingne, it sounds like Paris’ older and more conservative relatives are having a hard time dealing with who Paris is.

“Katherine and Joe are not big fans of being openly bisexual.”

That … sounds an awful lot like bigotry. Best case scenario, like they’re worried that her life will be harder when people know that she isn’t straight.

“She has been outspoken about her bisexuality and this is no surprise to anyone who knows her.”

It’s no surprise to any of her fans — the majority of whom are celebrating reports of her alleged relationship with Cara.

“But her family is having a hard time accepting it.”

That sounds like their problem, doesn’t it?

Unfortunately, it sounds like members of Paris’ own family hold some appalling beliefs about her.

“Katherine and Joe are so religious and they believe that Paris’ desire for women will lead to a life in hell for her.”

In religious terms, people can believe whatever they like. But they don’t need to make their beliefs any of Paris’ business.

“Katherine was always trying to steer her away from the ladies.”

That’s so sad to hear. Many LGBT youths experience the same thing, but it’s a shame that not even celebrities are always free to be themselves around family.

“She was really hoping that this was just a phase Paris was going through.”

Well, a partner might be a phase, but sexuality isn’t.

Paris Jackson’s mental health may have led her to a dark place when she was 15.

Now, though, she seems to be doing so much better.

Most people don’t view dancing with friends on a rooftop as part of a downward spiral. Most people call that being a rich and beautiful 19-year-old who’s living her best life.

Obviously, we all hope that Paris is more careful in the future. But we’re also sure that she will be.

As for “concerns” over Paris’ sexuality … we hope that Paris isn’t hurt by her family’s alleged views. She deserves to get to be herself.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Serena Williams: I Almost Died After Giving Birth

Serena Williams says she “almost died” after giving birth to her daughter, Alexis Olympia — if not for a team of super doctors who removed a large hematoma from her abdomen.  The tennis star says her daughter was born by an emergency…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Weinstein, Toback and Ratner Cases Almost Ready for D.A. Review

LAPD detectives will be sitting down with the L.A. County District Attorney next month to go over a huge number of files involving alleged sexual misconduct … and there are 3 famous people who will be at the top of the pile based on the number of…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Audrey Roloff Explains Why Her "Mom Guilt" Almost Ruined Christmas

Audrey Roloff still has a lot to learn as a new mother.

Heck, every single woman on the planet who recently gave birth has a lot to learn as a new mother.

This whole parenting thing is not easy.

The Little People, Big World star is well aware of this fact, of course, having opened up last fall about the challenges she faced early on breastfeeding.

Roloff even admitted to showing signs of postpartum depression.

But the reality star and husband Jeremy have seemingly come a long way over the past couple months, sharing endless photos of daughter Ember Jean and gushing over her on Instagram.

In her latest blog, however, Audrey opens up yet again about a parenting obstacle.

And how it nearly ruined her very first Christmas with Ember.

“I started the morning off with a champion mom moment,” Audrey writes sarcastically, elaborating as follows:

“I cut Ember’s nail to short and it bleed for a solid hour… I laid in bed with her all morning, refusing to get up and make us Christmas brunch, and wallowing in mom guilt.

“Ember cried for all of 10 seconds, but of course it left my eyes watery and my heart throbbing for the next few hours.

“Lord, why did you have to make babies nails grow so fast?!”

LOL. That’s sort of funny.

And something to which millions of parents can relate.

But it was clearly no laughing matter for Roloff at the time.

“It wasn’t how I wanted Christmas morning to start off,” she continues, explaining:

“I wanted it to be a perfect, cuddly, picturesque, breakfast-in-bed kinda morning. But it wasn’t.

“Does anyone else set too strict or too high of expectations for holidays, birthdays and anniversaries?! I can’t be the only one… but I am learning to let go of this, and not let one wrong turn have such a rock skipping effect.

“Come on Auj, buck up and move on.

“Maybe I’m just a wee more emotional because it was her first Christmas and maybe mom guilt really does make you a little crazy.”

It’s true, right?

But here’s the thing: mom guilt will never really go away.

Right now, it comes out when you cut your loved one’s nails too closely.

In a few years, it will come out when you forget to pack her lunch for first grade or something.

This is just part of being a parent and it’s something all mothers and fathers must deal with. It’s important to remember, however, that such small mistakes really have no impact on one’s son or daughter.

Just provide a loving home and a healthy environment for your children to live in… and do your best on a daily basis with everything else.

That’s all one can realistically ask of oneself.

Thankfully, it’s pretty clear Audrey got over her mistake and the family had an epic time on December 25.

“Ember’s first Christmas brought out the child in us both again,” she concluded on her blog, writing:

“I cannot wait to celebrate the holidays with Ember and our future children in the years to come, it makes everything so much more fun!”

Whoa! Future children?!?

Forget those Jacob Roloff baby rumors. Is Audrey pregnant again?

We can’t imagine so. She just gave birth four months ago!

But will she do so again and is she excited about the possibility? Yes.

And that’s great to hear. We’re glad excessive nail cutting didn’t crush Audrey’s dream of adding to her family someday.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

MMA Star Gabi Garcia: "I Almost Died" Cutting Weight, Had to Stop

Gabi Garcia says she’s got a damn good reason for missing weight in Japan … she literally could’ve killed herself if she kept droppin’ sweat. “I decide not cut weight because I feeling like I almost died,” Gabi told TMZ…


Saturday, December 30, 2017

Kanye West is Almost Smiling in This Family Photo!

Kim Kardashian has shared a new picture on her Instagram and Facebook pages, and it’s worth noting for two reasons:

1. It features Kim, her husband and both of their kids, something we do not see very often.

2. Kanye West is smiling in the snapshot. Or at least smirking! For real!

See for yourself:

Amazing, right?

Kim shared the photo along with a very simple caption that read “Happy Holidays.”

It’s nothing too special or newsworthy, but this is Kim Kardashian and this is social media, so the photo has been Liked over 72,000 times in just a few hours on Facebook.

Kardashian and West have actually lived a mostly quiet life in 2017.

They concluded last year on quite the low note, of course, with Kim getting robbed at gunpoint in Paris and then Kanye suffering a nervous breakdown mere weeks later.

These traumatic events left both stars shaken.

For a few months afterward, divorce rumors plagued Kimye, as multiple outlets and tabloids wrote that these incidents were simply too much for the couple to handle.

Word spread that the pair were drifting apart.

There was even a rumor just this month that Kardashian was ready to file for divorce.

We aren’t buying it, however. Why would we?!?

First of all, Kanye just gifted his wife with over $ 500,000 in stocks, which does not seem like the actions one would take if one were about to get a divorce.

Second, Kanye actually struck some poses for the family Christmas card, as you can see above.

He didn’t make the cut for the final version, which left us a little confused and concerned, but still. There’s one final, very strong reason to believe this romance is doing just fine.

And that reason is this:

Kim and Kanye will soon welcome child number-three!

As has now been confirmed by Kardashian herself, a surrogate is pregnant with the baby because doctors deemed it too dangerous for Kim to give birth for a third time.

She actually may be due any day now.

Would Kardashian and West really make this plan if there was any doubt about their romance?

If they believed for one second that they weren’t staying together?

We think everyone knows the answers to these questions.

Over the next couple months, meanwhile, Kim and Kanye will welcome their child… Khloe Kardashian will give birth… AND Kylie Jenner will give birth.

So while 2017 was actually pretty tame as far as this famous family goes, it’s already pretty clear that they’ll be back to making headlines of every kind in 2018.

Buckle up.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Jamie Lynn Spears Reflects on Almost Losing Daughter in Tragic Accident

It was been 10 months since Jamie Lynn Spears’ daughter was injured in an ATV accident. Since then, Maddie has made an impressive recovery.

Now, Jamie Lynn is celebrating milestones in her life on social media, and reflecting on Maddie’s recovery and Maddie herself.

This is so heartwarming..

Maddie Aldridge’s tragic ATV accident could have cost the girl her life.

Maddie was driving an ATV — sometimes, that’s what you do when you’re part of a wealthy celebrity family and your aunt is some sort of deity-made-flesh — when it flipped upside-down in the water.

They were initially unable to free Maddie, resulting in her being trapped underwater for a couple of minutes, constrained by her seatbelt and by the protective netting on the vehicle.

It was an absolute nightmare for Maddie and for her parents.

Britney Spears asked for prayers from fans for her niece’s recovery. Initially, things looked grim.

As we all know, prolonged oxygen deprivation can have fatal results. And, even if Maddie survived, there was a chance that she’d lose things — motor skills, speech, memories — because of brain damage.

We are all so thankful that she made a full recovery. Maddie even returned to school less than two weeks later.

Still, it was a frightening time, and one that Maddie — and her family — will never forget.

Jamie Lynn Spears has been celebrating the 12 Days of Jamie Lynn Spears, reflecting upon her life’s major milestones.

She posted this photo (above) with the caption:

“The hardest milestone me and my family have ever faced was almost losing our beautiful Maddie.”

Obviously. It’s heartbreaking just to think about.

“But thanks to God and the two angels in this picture we were able to celebrate Maddie turning 9 years old all together.”

During the two days that it took Maddie to wake up, her parents and other loved ones must have been wondering if Maddie’s 8th birthday would be her last.

“This milestone became a true miracle, and we are forever grateful for that.”

Jamie Lynn Spears also reflected on Maddie’s greater impact in her life.

“Some milestones we never see coming, but I’m so blessed that I­t­ did. Maddie is the biggest blessing in my life so far #12DaysofJLS”

That’s a very cute way of reminding the world that you got pregnant as a minor.

In fact, Maddie was still starring on Nickelodeon’s Zoey 101 at the time when she became pregnant.

We should also point out that she calls Maddie “the biggest blessing in my life so far.

You can just call her your biggest blessing and lat it be understood that she’d be tied with any other children you might have down the line.

(Remember, Jamie Lynn Spears is only 26)

But Jamie Lynn gets points for accuracy.

Don’t worry, folks — not all of Jamie Lynn’s milestones are as dramatic as teen pregnancy or as heartbreaking as her daughter’s brush with death.

She’s also given a shoutout to her engagement, followed by her 2014 marriage, to her sister Britney Spears, and to her time on Zoey 101.

And, lest we forget, she also reminds us that she was on All That.

Gotta love those Nickelodeon classics, right?


Monday, December 18, 2017

Master P Says He Was Almost Hired To Coach With NBA Team

Master P says his dream of being an NBA coach nearly came true with the New Orleans Pelicans  … telling TMZ Sports he was actually up for a job on the NBA team’s coaching staff this year. P sat down with us to talk about his coaching debut…


Saturday, December 9, 2017

Rudy Tomjanovich Feels Sorry for Kermit Washington, Even Though He Almost Killed Me

Rudy Tomjanovich isn’t taking the most devastating punch in sports history personally anymore, telling TMZ Sports he actually feels sorry for Kermit Washington – the guy who detonated his jaw in 1977. Washington recently pled guilty to fraud…


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Ariana Madix: Brittany Cartwright & Jax Taylor Almost Destroyed My Relationship!

Lisa Vanderpump and all of her messy TV children are back.

Vanderpump Rules‘ season six premiere showed us a lot of drama … including some “troubles” between Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright.

Not to be outdone, Ariana Madix and Tom Sandoval have also been shown to be having relationship struggles. And they’re laying the blame for their issues directly at the feet of Jax and Brittany.

Back when we first heard about Jax Taylor cheating on Brittany Cartwright, Tom Sandoval seemed to try to distance himself from that narrative.

For a quick refresher:

Jax and Brittany have of course been together for ages, but Jax was accused of cheating on her with Faith Stowers.

And then it appeared that Faith Stowers’ period was late — suggesting that she might be pregnant with Jax’s baby.

Both Ariana and Tom expressed disbelief.

As entertaining as most of us find the idea of Jax Taylor, of all people, being happily monogamous for two years, it looks like at least some of his fellow Vanderpump Rules stars believe that he’s remained loyal to Ariana.

But while some believe that Jax has been faithful, others believed that he’d been filling Faith.


To no one’s surprise, Katie Maloney was quick to bash Jax, suggesting that he should just find a girl who won’t mind his alleged cheating.

All caught up?

Well, Ariana Madix and Tom Sandoval were clearly also struggling in their relationship, but we don’t know where that storyline is going, exactly.

In an interview with TooFab, they try to explain a little about that without, you know, spoiling their entire season’s storyline on Vanderpump Rules.

They start off by talking about the drama between Jax and Brittany.

“We can’t obviously give away too much,” Ariana says. “But they are together now, as you can see on social media … it’s a lot.

You can hide a lot from social media, but people can pretty much tell if you’re still together or not.

(Also, and maybe this is a generational thing, but I love when people refer to something as “a lot.” It tells you that something will be intense and probably messy without giving any details)

“So just gird your loins for that one.”

That line could mean anything from “Faith fabricated a pregnancy just to destroy Brittany’s life!” to “Brittany is staying with Jax and has promised to help raise his lovechild once Faith gives birth.”

But, you know, probably something between those extremes.

Ariana then gets into how Jax and Brittany’s problems weren’t limited to each other.

“It’s like a ripple effect.”

That makes sense. 

“Anything that happens with any one couple, somehow ripples into all of the other people.”

When a bunch of people are close, whether they’re friends, family, frenemies, coworkers, or costars, everyone’s lives (and drama) can become interconnected.

And, specifically, Ariana says that she and Tom felt those effects.

“I think you see in the trailer that Tom and I went through some stuff so I’ll go ahead and say that that had something to do with it.”

That is … incredibly vague, Ariana.

But that’s her job.

For a scripted series, actors play characters who aren’t them at all, and are free to divulge almost everything from their personal lives.

For a reality series, though, your personal lives are the storyline. You have to keep personal details under wraps.

It it fair for Ariana and Tom to blame Jax and Brittany and that couple’s “ripple effect” for their own relationship problems?

Perhaps it will all make more sense once we’ve seen a lot more of this season.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Super Bowl 52"s Slapping Slogan on Almost Everything, Including Chicken

Super Bowl 52’s taking its slogan seriously … and it’ll be EVERYWHERE for EVERYONE to see and buy. TMZ Sports obtained docs filed by the Minnesota Super Bowl Host Committee outlining where it wants to place its slogan “Bold North.” There’s…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Pacman Jones "Almost Killed" In Car Wreck Caused By Downed Power Lines

Pacman Jones says he’s lucky to be alive — after power lines fell down Thursday in the middle of the highway near the Bengals practice facility causing multiple cars to crash … including his.  “I’m driving, these power lines just fall…
