Showing posts with label Asks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asks. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Julie Bowen"s Estranged Husband Asks for Spousal Support

Julie Bowen’s estranged husband wants her to pay up in their divorce case. Scott Phillips filed legal docs and said he wants her to pay spousal support. That could be a hefty payout for Scott if he gets it — Julie is reportedly making $ 500k…


Jenelle Evans Could Still Be Fired from Teen Mom 2, Asks MTV for More Money Anyway

Jenelle Evans is not in the best place right now in terms of her career.

Or in terms of her relationships with other people. Or in terms of being a stable human being.

In terms of anything, really.

She’s been sort of spiraling for a while now, so much that it’s honestly difficult to pinpoint an exact moment that things started going so wrong for her again.

There was a time when many people thought she was finally getting her life together, when she got with David Eason (before many people found out about his scary criminal record) and they built their home together.

But then we saw David on the show and began to realize what a creep he was, and we learned that Jenelle had been doing drugs while pregnant with Ensley and all the stuff about the alleged child neglect and abuse …

And it looks like things have just always been a mess.

Still, things have intensified recently, with all the (extremely well-deserved) criticism she’s been getting for doing drugs during her pregnancy and, you know, for standing by a gigantic jackass like David.

Last month, David made some extremely homophobic and transphobic comments on Twitter, and MTV promptly fired him from Teen Mom 2.

Jenelle liked a few of his tweets and she never spoke out against his hateful comments except to say that he simply didn’t understand how Twitter works and that he’d “keep his comments to himself from now on.”

Oh, and she also said that he’s not homophobic because they went to a party once where there were gay people and “he didn’t act in any type of way.”

We’ve heard many reports about the situation, about how she could be fired too, or she could quit.

We’ve also heard that MTV wrapped up filming early down in North Carolina, and there are no plans yet for the crew to return.

But as of now, we haven’t heard anything official about Jenelle’s status on the show.

Don’t go getting too sad about the lack of news though — because we do have a hilarious new report about how she may be handling this situation!

According to a source who spoke with Radar Online, Jenelle has been begging producers to keep her on the show … but she’s been angling for more money at the same time?

“Jenelle hired an entertainment lawyer to negotiate with MTV,” the source claimed, “but the network wasn’t giving in to any of her demands.”

One of her demands, believe it or not, was that the network pay her an additional fee to film on her property.

That’s just … what is she … why would that ever be a thing that would happen?

It kind of sounds like her logic is that MTV and David are at odds, and since her home is also David’s home, they need extra compensation to allow them to film there?

It also sounds like she’s not taking into consideration that all of the cast members have always filmed in their homes, and that it doesn’t make sense at all for Jenelle to receive extra money just because her husband was too dumb to not get fired.

The source said that “MTV shot that down,” of course, and that “no one wanted to film on Jenelle’s property because they were all disgusted by David.”

“And all of the guns are unacceptable too, people are afraid of what David could do.”

In addition to asking for more money, the source said that she also tried to get David back on the show, but MTV refused.

Not only that, but the network “still hasn’t given Jenelle a date for when or even if filming would start with her again.”

And that’s because “she could still be fired from the show.”

If Jenelle is pulling dumb stunts like trying to get a bonus for filming at her own house, and if the crew is legitimately afraid for their lives because of David with his terrible temper and gun collection …

Maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing if she got fired.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Steve Wilkos Asks Judge for Break in DUI Case

Steve Wilkos asked the judge for some leniency in his first court appearance since he was charged with DUI. Wilkos — flanked by his wife, Rachelle — showed up to court Monday in Darien, Conn. and his lawyer asked the judge to place him…


Friday, February 23, 2018

"Martin" Star Tisha Campbell-Martin Asks for Spousal Support in Divorce

“Martin” star Tisha Campbell-Martin wants her husband to pay up in their divorce. Tisha filed divorce docs Thursday in L.A. stating she and Duane Martin separated in December of 2016 after 20 years of marriage. The two have two sons together, 8 and…


Friday, December 29, 2017

Nas Asks Judge for Help in Custody Battle with Kelis

Nas claims Kelis has been anything but accommodating when it comes to giving him time with their 8-year-old son … and he’s asking a judge to help him out. Nas calls Kelis “hostile” in court docs, obtained by TMZ, claiming he’s tried for…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Kylie Jenner Covers LOVE, Internet Asks: Where the Eff is Your Baby Bump?!?

Kylie Jenner is alive and well, folks.

The 20-year old reality star, who rarely lets a day go by without sharing a new photo on Instagram, has been largely absent from the social media platform over the past few weeks. 

Moreover, Kylie is nowhere to be found on the latest Kardashian Christmas card.

Following weeks of teaser images released by the famous family, most followers assumed the card’s photo shoot would culminate in the reveal that Jenner is, indeed, pregnant.

Alas, it did not.

But Kylie did make a separate appearance this week, as she shared the cover of the latest LOVE magazine on her aforementioned Instagram page.

She included with it a caption that reads:

“Merry Christmas! Thank you @thelovemagazine @kegrand for this special cover shot by @kendalljenner & interview by @krisjenner #love19.”

Yes, sister Kendall snapped this picture and mother Kris conducted the featured interview.

It’s pretty clear at this point that Kylie is being as careful as possible about who she lets into her inner circle while she’s expecting.

Which is totally fine, of course.

Kylie is very much allowed to announce her pregnancy on her own terms, whenever and however she pleases.

But she has to understand that her 100 million-plus social media followers are growing anxious, especially because they’re used to Jenner sharing every aspect of her life with them…

… and also because Khloe Kardashian has confirmed her pregnancy.

When will Kylie finally do so?!?

At least one fan is banking on this week.

“ok bet. new year, new baby has got to be kylie… can’t go out with a better bang than revealing your hidden pregnancy as the ball drops,” Tweeted @donniedarkhoee, adding:

“couldn’t imagine anything more extra considering they played us so hard on christmas. she’s about to claim a whole new year.”

Others, meanwhile, think the child has already been born. HA!


As mentioned previously, we can’t blame or judge Kylie for how she handles her pregnancy.

At the same time, we also can’t blame fans for giving her a hard time.

When you’re someone such as Kylie Jenner – whose best known attribute is simply sharing private news and photos with the public – you have to expect some backlash when you choose to go silent over such a significant issue.

The only conclusion we can draw from her silence is that Jenner isn’t excited to be a mother.

There’s no way she and Travis Scott planned this, right?

Or… wait… might Kylie be FAKING the pregnancy?!?

There are a few clues that could back up this likely misguided theory. To wit:


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Scheana Marie Asks Fans: Should I Get a Boob Job?!

If a pretty woman posts photos of herself on social media, a lot of people are going to come out of the woodwork and give her their opinions on her boobs. It’s not fair, but that’s how it is.

It’s rare, however, for a woman to actually ask for the opinions that random strangers might have about her breasts.

But that’s what Vanderpump Rules star Scheana Marie is doing — asking if her fans think that she should get a boobjob.

One would think that Scheana Marie, if she really needs opinions on her breasts, would just ask Robert Valletta.

After all, they’re broken up but they’re still banging.

You don’t have to crowdsource your boob assessments when you can pick the brain of somebody with plenty of hands-on experience.

But, for whatever the reason, Scheana decided to poll her fans.

Posting the photo that you’ll see below, in which she models lingerie, Scheana poses a question for her followers:

“To get boobs or not? That is the question …”

She followed that by a contemplative or thinking face emoji, a woman emoji, and a woman symbol (Venus) emoji.

And here’s the photo that she selected to accompany her query:

She looks gorgeous, of course.

But we’d point out that she’s not exactly posed in a way that would emphasize her breasts.

They’re very apparently there but we all know that torso features are minimized when you lay back and arch your back.

Honestly, you get a better look at her bust in the video where she strips down for PETA wearing only body paint.

Getting painted to look like an orca obscures a lot, but it sure doesn’t hide much.

Interestingly, Scheana has been accused in the past of having gotten a boob job.

During a 2015 appearance on Watch What Happens Live, Scheana looked particularly busty, and rumors started flying that she’d gotten breast implants.

Scheana tweeted her response to the rumor at the time:

“I’m not against it whatsoever I just don’t have them lol. If I did I’d say I did.”

We believe that — if Scheana gets breast implants, she’ll tell us all. She’s, well, not a shy person.

Her perceived bustiness on WWHL was probably makeup (the right cleavage airbrushing can make mountains out of molehills, if you catch our meaning) or a really effective bra.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not Scheana should get breast implants can’t be answered by fans or boyfriend or exes or followers.

Only Scheana can answer that question. It’s her body, and she’s the one who lives in it.

Now, if she’s asking if she needs implants … of course not.

If Scheana wants them, that’s fine, but she obviously looks great just the way that she is. Some people like large boobs or small boobs or medium boobs, and, for anyone, getting implants (or a reduction) is likely to deter just as many people as it will attract.

For what it’s worth, most comments encouraged the Vanderpump Rules star to embrace her body for how it is, though there were a few who very vocally wanted to see her look a little more “top-heavy.”

Scheana should do whatever will make her the happiest. Just like when she split from Mike Shay.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Hospitalized Kid Asks LeBron to Dunk on Lonzo Ball for Christmas

“Can you dunk on Lonzo for me?” That’s the cutest and savagest Christmas wish we’ve ever heard … courtesy of a brave hospitalized kid that LeBron James visited at the Cleveland Clinic yesterday. When Santa Bron stopped in to see Andrew, a young…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Daughter Asks Mom for Bread Recipe, Immediately Regrets It

Krista Ball just wanted to bake something delicious for her family this holiday season.

The Newfoundland, Canada native sent what she believed was a simple text message request to her mother recently, asking how to make her mother"s beloved bread for her own immediate family.

What followed, however, was anything but simple.

Try to follow along below, as Ball attempts to remain calm and collected in the face of her mother"s less-than-detailed description…

1. Homemade Bread is Delicious

Homemade bread is delicious

We’ll start with that simple statement. It’s easy to buy at the store, but sometimes it can be worth putting in the time at home.

2. So That Brings Us to Krista

So that brings us to krista

She reached out and asked her mom for a bread recipe. And it started out easy enough. Six loaves is a lot, but sure, right?

3. You Need a Big Bag

You need a big bag

But not TOO big. And not too small, either, just so we’re clear.

4. Where is "That Place?"

Where is that place

Alberta. Now that this is settled, let’s move on, shall we?

5. The Pan Must Be Big

The pan must be big

Let me make that as clear and as repetitive as I can. We’re talking a BIG pan here, Krista.

6. This Doesn’t Seem Very Technical

This doesnt seem very technical

But great cooks sort of improvise, right? We’re still following along… so far.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Katy Perry Asks Warren Buffett for Stock Market Advice

Katy Perry didn’t need to hear Warren Buffett’s roar … a whisper did just fine. Katy met Warren at his famous Berkshire Hathaway office in Nebraska. She definitely fangirl’d out, which totally makes sense. Tons of celebs make the…


Friday, November 17, 2017

David Otunga Asks Judge to Throw Out Jennifer Hudson"s Restraining Order

Jennifer Hudson played super dirty by sneaking into court to get an order of protection against baby daddy David Otunga to get a leg up in their custody dispute … so claims Otunga’s lawyer. Attorney Tracy Rizzo just filed legal docs asking…


Monday, November 13, 2017

Donald Trump Asks China for Help with UCLA, LiAngelo Ball Situation

The UCLA shoplifting situation has been escalated to the White House — with President Donald Trump calling Chinese President Xi Jinping to ask for help. Trump spoke with President Jinping about the issue while in Beijing last week — one day after…


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Mandalay Bay CEO Asks Guests to Comfort Hotel Staff

The tragic Vegas shooting has traumatized everyone, including the folks who work at Mandalay Bay, and the guy who runs it is asking guests to give some emotional support to his staff. President and COO Chuck Bowling penned a letter that every guest…


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

John Salley Asks NBA Commish to Smoke Weed Together

NBA Commish Adam Silver needs to take David Stern’s advice and pull marijuana off the league’s banned list — and then smoke with John Salley immediately … so says John Salley.  “You’ve been the man so far. Just take…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Dan Bilzerian Asks Cop For His Gun During Vegas Shooting in Insane Video

On Sunday night, 59 people were killed and hundreds more were injured in the deadliest mass shooting in American history.

Video and photographs from the attack chronicle an unimaginably horrifying scene with victims falling in the street and heroes dragging the wounded to safety.

But one video that"s gained a tremendous amount of traction on social media focuses neither on the shooter nor the innocent civilians who were gunned down, but instead reveals the unexpected involvement of a controversial internet celebrity.

Dan Bilzerian"s Instagram page has nearly 23 million followers thanks to the 36-year-old"s talent for presenting a lifestyle that reflects an archetypal male fantasy.

Based on his social media uploads, it appears that Bilzerian spends most of his time hanging out with scantily clad models and firing off massive guns.

Bilzerian"s weapon arsenal is the stuff of legend, but it seems the professional poker player found himself unarmed and off-guard when Stephen Paddock opened fire on the crowd at a country music festival earlier this week.

Previous video of Bilzerian at the shooting seemed to show him fleeing the scene and resulted in widespread criticism.

Bristol Palin"s husband Dakota Meyer slammed Bilzerian as a "coward" in a scathing social media post.

Now, however, new video has emerged that shows Bilzerian running toward the scene of the attack and attempting to assist police in bizarre fashion.

Without question, it was foolish of Bilzerian to interfere with police attempting to bring down an active shooter, and we"re sure many will argue that the interaction captured on video was nothing more than a publicity stunt from a man who"s made a living marketing himself as a gun-toting badass.

That theory may never be proven or disproven, but the video below does seem to verify Bilzerian"s argument that he wasn"t as blindly concerned with his own safety as Meyer and others claimed.

Check it out:

Dan bilzerian asks cop for gun during vegas shooting in insane v

Monday, September 25, 2017

Gay Teen Asks BFF"s Mom for a Sleepover, Receives Perfect Reply

It"s time to meet Mason Brian Barclay.

And, perhaps even more importantly, to meet the mother of Mason Brian Barclay"s best friend.

In an exchange and story that has gone viral, Mason texted the parent of his close pal (who"s a female) because he wanted to join her all-girls sleepover.

Did we mention that Mason is extremely gay? Don"t worry, he"s about to remind you of that fact…

1. This is Mason

This is mason

He’s gay. And his best friend in the whole world is a female named Houston Shelton.

2. Houston Was Having a Sleepover and Mason Wanted to Go

Houston was having a sleepover and mason wanted to go

So he explained the situation to Houston’s mother.

3. This is What Mason Wrote

This is what mason wrote

Pitch perfect, right?

4. And This is What She Wrote Back

And this is what she wrote back

Even more perfect, right?

5. The Internet Approves!

The internet approves

Mason’s story has gone viral, with many Internet users applauding his honesty and the mother’s response.

6. HA!


No more gays allowed, but not for the reasons you may think, LOL.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Audrey Roloff Asks Fans for Maternity Advice: How Do You Do It?

September 1st is right around the corner, folks! That’s not just the day that students return to Hogwarts — it’s also Audrey Roloff’s due date! Childbirth doesn’t always happen as expected, but … that baby’s coming soon, regardless.

Audrey’s been preparing for this for ages, so she’s got this, right?

But Audrey has one question for other moms in situations like hers, and she’s actually asking fans and followers for advice.

Audrey Roloff has shared some adorable pregnancy details over the past few months.

In fact, she really hasn’t been shy at all about her experiences, and she’s shared her hopes and fears about her child (she’s expecting a daughter) and motherhood.

Now, though, she’s asking for advice about balancing two very important parts of her life:

“Attention momapreneurs… how do you do it?!”

That’s vague and we personally would have said momtrapreneurs, but she explains.

“I think the thing I am most nervous for post labor/delivery is learning to balance being a mom while running my businesses.”

A balance between work and life is something that most people strive to achieve, because that’s the key to being a happy but also functional person.

It’s extra challenging for working moms.

It turns into a real-life puzzle when you are your own boss.

“I know that my priorities will need to take a shift, and I know that I won’t be able to give as much as I once could to @beating50 and @shopalwaysmore barre3, and writing, but I want to find that sweet spot.”

There are clearly two levels to what she’s describing.

The first is that she needs to figure out how much to work as a working mom versus how much time to spend with her child.

The second is to figure out what sort of maternity leave situation she should do.

“I’m trying so hard to plan and get organized so that I can take some kind of a ‘maternity leave’ but I feel a little lost…”

Here is where she stops confessing her situation and asks for advice.

“If you’re a mom that works from home, runs your own shop, or started your own business, I would love to hear your advice!”

If there’s one thing that we know for sure about the internet, it’s that people love to give advice to pregnant women.

Let’s hope that the fact that Audrey Roloff is soliciting advice doesn’t deter the people who always have an opinion.

(Or, better yet, that it doesn’t deter the people with actual experience who can offer helpful advice, instead of just telling her to not eat cereal with artificial coloring in it while she’s pregnant or whatever)

“Also, if you follow any rad momapreneurs out there, tag them in the comments! Pc: @jeremyroloff 💗#momapreneur #shopalwaysmore #alwaysmoredevotionals #beating50percent #morethanoils #stayingido #journeyofjerandauj #alwaymore”

Audrey is 26, folks, but she’s willing and eager to benefit from the experiences of others.

And she got some very helpful-sounding comments, too.

“I don’t feel there is such a thing as complete organization when you’re a mother. When they are babies, their demands have to be met no matter what you need to get done or what you were in the middle of. When they get a little older and [are] more mobile, you literally have to watch them every second.”

That same commenter mentions that sometimes the house ends up being a mess.

We would add to that — not all children are the same. Some very young children are naturally very self-sufficient and will happily play alone with minimal supervision (obviously they still need supervision).

Other kids, even if they just wake up before the rest of their family, will get into anything and everything.

Some of these commenters sound like they’re about ready to adopt Audrey.

“PLEASE don’t miss out on taking time to enjoy your baby girl, like just doing nothing but staring at her and enjoying her smell and sounds! The time truly does go by so quickly and you can never get those precious moments back. I took my son back to work with me at three weeks, and I still regret the time I missed with him by choosing work. The work will always wait darlin’, but your little one won’t wait to grow up.”

Audrey Roloff has high hopes for her daughter, and she hopes that she and Jeremy Roloff will have a whole bunch of children.

That said, she hasn’t been any stranger to controversy.

Audrey Roloff said a strangely worded prayer for her daughter that had some people puzzled and others pretty unhappy.

In it, she referred to hoping that her daughter grows up just fine in the “midst of a crooked and twisted generation,” which sounds ominous and people of a couple of generations felt insulted.

Like, what’s the worst thing that Millennials do? Not continue to pour money into businesses that refuse to adapt to the current market? Eat avocado?

And Generation Z isn’t even old enough to have a name — or vote.

We don’t think that Audrey meant that as a jab at either of those generations (Audrey herself is a Millennial, you guys).

Instead, she may have meant “generation” more like it’s used in a lot of Judeo-Christian religious writing, and she may have just been referring to everyone who is alive at the moment.

Because, you know, while the world is overall improving, it’s still pretty effed place right now, and it’s not the ideal geopolitical climate for bringing a child into this world.

But, you know, kids keep on happening, and we’re so looking forward to the birth of Audrey and Jeremy’s little one.

(Whoever she turns out to be, she’s basically guaranteed to have great hair — just look at her parents!)


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sean Kingston Asks Court for Mercy, New Trial in Jewelry Case

Sean Kingston’s begging for mercy — asking a judge to drop a warrant for his arrest and let him try again in a jewelry case … instead of sending him to jail. Here’s the story — Sean was ordered to pay a Florida jeweler $ 44,000 in December but…


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Lady Gaga Asks the Internet: Is Donald Trump Racist?

Donald Trump made it as clear as possible during an impromptu press conference:

He’s basically a Nazi sympathizer.

The President “went rogue,” according to government officials, veering off script about the country’s infrastructure and arguing with journalists in New York City about what transpired in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend.

(A short summary: White Supremacists gathered in town, chanting racial epithets and saying they were fulfilling the promises of Trump himself.

After counter-protesters showed up on the streets, a few arrests were made, things turned violent and one 32-year old woman was run over in a car by a neo-Nazi.)

On Saturday, Trump issues a terse statement that blamed “many sides” for the conflict.

After receiving a great deal of backlash from everyone with a pulse for his failure to specifically call out racism, Nazism or White Supremacy, the Commander-in-Chief followed up with a few short remarks on Monday that referenced these groups.

And then he essentially took it all back yesterday afternoon.

“There are two sides to a story,” Trump said from his podium, referencing both the neo-Nazis and the group that came together in protest of them.

He went on to say there were “a lot of bad people” among the counter-protesters, adding:

“You had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent.”

Forget the “alt-right,” Trump shot back at a reporter, what about the alt-left?

“Do they have any assemblage of guilt?” he asked. “What about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs? Do they have any problem? I think they do.”

The blowback to these stunning (even for Donald Trump) comments was swift and strong on Twitter, where critics slammed the President as “a racist” and accused him of sending a “dog whistle to white supremacists.”

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke praised Trump for being “honest,” while even Fox News turned on him last night.

Kat Timpf said the press conference was “one of the biggest messes I’ve ever seen” and said she was wondering if she was watching “real life” as Trump rambled on about White Supremacy.

“It shouldn’t be some bold statement to say a gathering full of white supremacist Nazis doesn’t have good people in it. Those are all bad people. Period,” she added.

“And the fact that it’s controversial – I don’t know if I should just laugh so, I have too much eye makeup on to start crying right now. It’s disgusting.”

We’re a celebrity gossip website, of course, so here’s a look at what various celebrities said about Trump’s rant:

celebs v. trump

Of all the pointed critiques, however, Lady Gaga’s stands out for its simplicity.

“Do you think @realDonaldTrump @POTUS saying “both sides are to blame” in #Charlottesville makes him a racist supporter? Yes or no?” she asked her millions of followers, including a poll with the question.

She also wrote the following:

For the Black Community, tell us ways the non-racist white community who loves u can do better to help influence the country? #HowWeDoBetter

gaga poll

At this point, it’s almost a fair question to ask.

Donald Trump has been harder on Rosie O’Donnell than on modern day Nazis.

So with the Internet buzzing and Lady Gaga inquiring, we’ll go ahead and do the same.



Monday, August 14, 2017

Ric Flair Undergoes Surgery, Family of Wrestling Star Asks for Prayers

Ric Flair is out of surgery.

But likely not out of the woods just yet.

The legendary wrestler – whose career has spanned decades and who some consider to be the best in-ring performer of all-time – was placed in a medically-induced coma on Monday, according to WWE radio host Peter Rosenberg.

The 68-year-old icon was admitted to the hospital early Saturday morning, although the reason why is unclear at the moment.

All we can say is that the condition worsened over the course of about 48 hours, resulting in a significant procedure earlier today.

CEO of Legacy Talent LLC Melinda Morris Zanoni asked for prayers and support for Flair on Twitter overnight Sunday after her friend was admitted for what Zanoni originally called “routine monitoring.”

However, Flair’s stay in the intensive care unit now appears to have been for something far more serious.

Pro Wrestling Sheet reports that the surgery was heart-related, which makes sense: in his memoir, Flair wrote that he has had alcohol-related issues with this vital organ.

Rory Karpf, who worked on  ESPN’s 30 for 30 documentary on Flair, which is set to premiere in November, also tweeted to ask people to keep the veteran star in their prayers and thoughts.

Known as The Nature Boy, Flair worked over the years for NWA, WCW and WWE. He won a total of 31 championship belts over his career.

His last official match in the WWE took place in 2008, when he lost to Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania XXIV.

Flair was officially inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame the same year.

He has remained in the wrestling spotlight since, however, most recently as a manager for his daughter, Charlotte, who is a four-time WWE RAW Women’s champion.

TMZ reports that Flair is out of surgery and that he is resting comfortably.

At last check, his family members were waiting to talk to the doctors about the results and the next steps.

UPDATE: Zanoni has Tweeted again, saying that the surgery was NOT a heart procecure…

melinda tweet

We’ll keep readers apprised of this unfortunate situation and we’ll keep Flair in our thoughts.

We hope he pulls through and recovers quickly.
