Showing posts with label Baby's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby's. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ciara Gets Mom-Shamed: You Risked Your Baby"s LIFE!

Uh-oh, the mommy-shamers are after Ciara now!

Ciara posted a fun video (which we have for you, below) of herself on a ride with her newborn daughter, and both Instagram and Twitter got up-in-arms about her, saying that she"d endangered her baby"s life!

Honestly … this is a tough one.

Ciara with baby sienna princess

Ciara captioned the video, which you can watch below, with an innocuous and celebratory message.

"I wish I could put into words how fun this was! Going down in the toboggan at the #GreatWallOfChina with my family."

That sounds fun … and like a little advertising for this ride.

You see her strapped into her ride along with Sienna Princess, her three-month-old baby daughter.

Honestly, we probably wouldn"t advice vacationing with a three-month-old, period.

But that"s another subject and probably overly cautious and, honestly, not what this controversy is about.

It"s the ride, with the potential twists and turns and the possible impact on a developing brain and a not-quite-complete skeletal system (especially that neck and spine), is the source of controversy and outrage.

Ciara and russell wilson shades

Ciara had more than her share of detractors, on both Twitter and Instagram.

Here are just a few examples of the "feedback" that she and her video received:

"Has your attention-seeking narcissism as a couple affected your parenting decisions too? This is ridiculous. She"s 3 months old."

It is 2017 — are we still using narcissistic personality disorder as an insult?

"Isn’t this too dangerous for a newborn? It may be fun but doing this with an infant to your chest is not smart at all."

We"d hope that Ciara would look it up.

Also, she"s 31 — a grown-ass adult.

Sienna isn"t even her first kid.

Some of the criticisms were more nuanced.

"Honestly not trying to shame Ciara, but this was VERY dangerous. What if the thing had malfunctioned? Don"t believe people are trying to say she is a dumb parent, but it was a dumb decision, IMO."

Malfunctions would be dangerous for anyone of any age.

It sounds like that person is opposed to literally all rides.

Cute ciara

Ciara and Russell also had people leap to their defense on Twitter and in Instagram comments.

(This isn"t the first time that Ciara"s fans and haters have clashed on social media)

"I really wish people would think before they speak. Ci and Russ would never put their children in any kind of danger."

That makes sense.

There are a lot of idiot parents in the world, don"t get us wrong.

(Like … a lot)

But, like we said, this isn"t even Ciara"s first baby.

(She shares an adorable two-year-old son with Future)

And, as this defender explains, this isn"t like going on a rollercoaster:

"They are going really slow, they control the speed. And the baby is strapped to her mother, in the carrier… So calm down it"s not that deep."

We love just about any defense that ends with "it"s not that deep."

Ciara and russell wilson on instagram

Still … this does look a bit bumpy for a baby.

Maybe more to the point, if Ciara was keeping it moving slowly to keep baby Sienna safe, wouldn"t that make things less fun for all of the people behind her?

We"re not saying that moms can"t ride rides — they absolutely can.

We"re just saying that there"s a chance that Ciara took an unnecessary risk, here.

(Though not to the degree that the mommy-shamers suggest)

And there"s also a chance that she was being a little selfish when she decided to ride the ride.

Watch the video and decide for yourself if you think that Ciara should have opted out:

Ciara gets mom shamed you risked your babys life

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: The Baby"s On Its Way & I Don"t Have a Name Picked Out!

Well, the big day is almost here.

Kailyn Lowry will welcome her third child sometime in the next couple weeks, and as has been the case throughout her pregnancy, she’s staying tight-lipped about the details.

Initially, Kailyn wouldn’t even reveal the name of her baby daddy, and now she’s keeping mum about her due date and the kid’s gender.

Obviously, it’s her right to decide what information about her personal life is made public, but considering how open she’s been in the past, we suppose it’s not surprising that fans have been caught off guard by Kailyn’s secrecy.

And since this is 2017, it’s equally unsurprising that those same fans are clamoring for information on social media.

Earlier today, Kail reveled that she was gearing up for her final doctor’s appointment before her due date.

“One more appointment today! Getting closer & closer,” Lowry tweeted.

Several of Kail’s followers sensed the opportunity to press her further information and pounced on it.

“You got your names picked out yet? Or will it just be ‘baby’? lol,” one fan tweeted.

“Still no names, baby Lo it is until further notice! Lol,” Lowry replied.

It’s unclear if Kailyn is saying she’s still not ready to reveal the name, or is she’s suggesting she has yet to pick one out.

The latter option is the more salacious, so of course, that’s the one fans seem to be favoring.

As a result, Kailyn is currently awash in suggestions and admonitions from fans who are shocked – shocked! – that she still hasn’t named her unborn child.

At this point, we’re hoping Kail is enjoying all the attention.

In fact, we hope she keeps it going and refuses to reveal the baby’s name and gender until the next season of Teen Mom 2.

Not the one that premieres later this month, mind you.

That one has already wrapped filming.

We’re talking about the season that doesn’t air until 2018.

It would be the ultimate power play, a reminder even though her personal life is integral to her career, she’s under no obligation to share everything with the public.

And, if we’re being honest, it would be fun to see her fans lose their minds.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from the suddenly-secretive Kail.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Janet Jackson and Her Baby"s First Escapade in America

Janet Jackson touched down in New York Monday morning with her 6-month-old son, Eissa, and the little guy is one heck of a cute baby! It’s Eissa’s first trip to the U.S. that we know of. The kid, whose dad is Qatari billionaire Wissam Al…


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Is David Eason REALLY Her Baby"s Father?!

It’s been almost three months since Jenelle Evans welcomed her third child, a girl named Enlsey Jolie.

Remarkably, the Teen Mom 2 star fittingly dubbed the Carolina Hurricane seems to have settled down a bit in that time, and it looks as though she’s finally found the contentment that eluded her with her first two baby daddies.

Of course, this is still Jenelle Evans we’re talking about, which means there’s always some earth-shattering drama lurking right around the corner.

The latest soap opera-worthy development involves the question of little Ensley’s paternity.

Jenelle is engaged to David Eason these days, but there’s a growing contingent of TM2 obsessives who believe Eason is not Ensley’s father, as he’s been led to believe.

Jenelle posted the above photo to her Instagram page last week, and the comments sectin erupted with speculation as to who the real baby daddy might be.

There were varying opinions on the matter, but one name kept coming up more than any other:

“She looks like Jace and Kieffer,” one fan commented.

“She’s not David’s anyone can see she is mixed,” wrote another.

A third added:

“Everyday she looks more like Kieffer. Told him he should ask for a DNA test.”

Yes, it seems a lot of fans are convinced that Ensley’s father is none other than Kieffer Delp, whom long-time Teen Mom 2 fans will remember as one of the most loser-y of Jenelle’s many loser boyfriends.

Evans and Delp broke up way back in 2012, but there have been rumors about them hooking up on the sly in the years since.

Jenelle spoke out about the Kieffer speculation in a recent interview, and not surprisingly, she claims it’s all BS:

“That’s ridiculous,” Evans told The Dirty, adding that there’s a perfectly good explanation for why Ensley appears to be of a darker complexion:

“The filter made her look dark,” she told the site.

Ya know, we started off with the stance that the Kieffer business is probably nonsense.

But now that Jenelle is denying it, we’re not sure what to think.

We tend not to believe anything that comes out of her mouth.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Jill Duggar: Did She Just Reveal Her Unborn Baby"s Name?

It’s been four months since we first learned that Jill Duggar is pregnant with her second child, and while she’s not quite as tight-lipped about her expanding family as her sister, Jessa Duggar, Jill hasn’t offered fans many updates in recent weeks.

Granted, part of the reason for that is the fact that she and her son and husband are currently back in South America performing missionary work, and Internet connections are reportedly hard to come by in their village.

Even so, it seems that Jill is occasionally able to login and fill fans in on the status of her forthcoming bundle of joy.

Jill posted a lengthy blog post to her family’s official website yesterday, and she ended with a surprising reveal.

She started with the sad news that the grandfather of her husband, Derick Dillard, passed away last week.

Jill thanked fans for their support and explained that while the Dillards are enduring a difficult time, there’s a good deal of joy on the horizon:

“Although the past few days have brought sadness to our hearts, we’ve also had reason to celebrate, since Israel turned 2 years old just a few days ago!” Jill wrote.

She went on to offer fans an insight into her pregnancy as she approaches her third trimester:

“Little ‘Samuelito’ (as the locals call him) sometimes wakes mommy up at night now with his active kicking,” Jill wrote.

“We look forward to returning home soon to prepare for the birth (before we can’t fly anymore!).”

The “Samuelito” tidbit has been interpreted by some fans as Jill’s way of revealing that she’s planning on naming her baby Samuel.

It’s a tad traditional for a Duggar baby name, but it’s in keeping with Jill and Derick’s habit of choosing names that reflect their faith.

Their first child, Israel Dillard, was named in commemoration of of the Christian holy land and the country where Derick perfomed his earliest missionary work.

It may seem like a casual way to make such a big reveal, but Jill isn’t as secretive as other members of her family.

Plus, we suppose when you can only access the Internet once a week, you’re not as selective about what you share online.

Watch Counting On online for more from the Dillard clan.


Friday, April 7, 2017

Jenna Jameson Gives Birth; Find Out Her Baby"s Name and Gender!

Jenna Jameson just put her vagina to important use once again.

But in a very different capacity than the way in which this ex-porn star did for so many years.

Inappropriate references aside, the precious point is this:

Jameson is a brand new mother! She just gave birth to a baby girl!!!!!!

Already the other to twin eight-year old boys, Jameson and fiancé Lior Bitton confirmed their exciting news a few hours ago on Instagram.

“Baby arrived momma did amazing job, everyone healthy and happy,” Bitton shared from the hospital on his social media account, adding:

“God bless you @jennacantlose you are a warrior! I love you.”

Jameson later shared the first photo of her daughter online, revealing her unique name in the process: Batel Lu Bitton.

“I am so proud to introduce everyone to my newborn daughter! Her name is Batel Lu Bitton. She was born at 8lbs exactly and 21 inches long,” Jameson captioned the adorable image below.

Added the famous blonde:

“She is so calm and graceful it’s hard to look at her not feel overwhelmed. I had a very long labor (12 hours) and pushed for an intense 22 minutes.

“We are head over heels in love with her welcome to the world little star, Mommy loves you.”

Prior to giving birth, Jameson kept followers well apprised of her pregnancy, often flaunting her impressive baby bump as it grew over the weeks and months.

“I thought my belly had leveled off last week… I was wrong,” she recently wrote online.

“I’m 9 months pregnant, and feeling so blessed because this little one is thriving!

“This time with my twins, I had already delivered, so it feels so good to keep this little star baking!!!!!”

Back in August of last year, Jameson confirmed she was expecting her third child.

Her cute twin boys are the product of her past relationship with MMA fighter Tito Ortiz.

At this point in her life, the star is quite content with the family and friends she keeps close to her.

And that holds especially true for her fiance.

“Wow baby, thank you so much for this mind blowing ‘push present.’ You are such a gift from G-d, I’m blessed I have you @liorbitt,” Jameson wrote on Instagram while showing a new sports can five weeks ago.

“But remember, your generosity isn’t why I love you, you’re the kind of man that I KNOW I can count on, and THAT is worth more than anything.”

Jenna concluded at the time:

“I am so happy I have an amazing husband, phenomenal friends and family, the gift of sobriety and a little angel on the way. Thank you Lior for helping me find my way. #maybach.”

We send our best wishes to this newly-expanded family and to all the other stars who became parents in 2017.

Congrats all around!


Kailyn Lowry: YES, I Know Who My Baby"s Father Is!

Currently, Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child.

Despite constant rumors and fan speculation about the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy, the Teen Mom 2 star has chosen to keep that information to herself, which is, of course, her right.

Unfortunately, that decision has led to some aggressive online sleuthing, and it seems Kailyn is getting fed up with all the prying.

These days, she seems upset about one theory in particular, as some fans have taken to suggesting that Kailyn doesn’t know who her baby’s father is.

Last night, Kailyn responded to an article on The Inquisitr that suggested even she doesn’t know who her baby’s father is.

Needless to say, she was less than pleased by the allegation, and she retweeted the article along with the following comment:

“Why the hell would you tweet something like this? Of course I f-cking know. Damn.”

Yes, Kailyn is pissed, and it’s not hard to see why.

Now, we feel the need to accept a small fraction of the blame and offer an explanation here:

The article that The Inquisitr acknowledged as its original source was published on The Hollywood Gossip on April 1.

It’s important to note that publication date, as the piece that suggested Kailyn was uncertain of the identity of her baby’s father was an April Fools’ joke and clearly identified itself as such.

The Inquisitr even acknowledged “many have chalked up the comment to be an April Fool’s joke,” which we assume is their way of saying the article clearly states that it’s a joke and is not meant to be taken seriously

To be clear: we have never doubted that Kailyn knows who her baby’s father is.

Hell, we know who the father is!

Based on considerable evidence posted (accidentally or otherwise) to social media, it’s safe to say that Kailyn’s baby daddy is Chris Lopez.

We’ve stated on several occasions that we believe this to be the case, and no one who read our April Fools’ Day entry in its entirety could have confused for anything other than a joke.

That said, we apologize for any confusion, and we’d like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to read articles in their entirety before sharing or citing them online.

This is how rumors get started and reality TV stars get elected president, folks!


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: I Don"t Even KNOW Who My Baby"s Father Is!

If you’re a fan of Teen Mom 2, then you Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child, and she’s been less than forthcoming with details regarding the identity of the father.

Social media has been abuzz with theories as to who Kailyn’s baby daddy might be, but no conclusive evidence has emerged.

However, it looks like we now know the reason for all the secretiveness:

You see, Kailyn isn’t quite sure who the father is.

Yes, in a move that stunned fans, the Teen Mom 2 star posted a photo of famed paternity sleuth Maury Povich on Instagram.

Lest we fail to pick up on the symbolism of the cryptic shot, she added a lengthy caption explaining her situation:

“Everyone has been wondering who my baby’s father is, so i decided to finally fill you guys in,” Kailyn wrote.

“It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but I actually don’t have the answer to that question.”

Kailyn says she downloaded Tinder after getting divorced from Javi Marroquin, and she “never quite mastered the art of swiping left.”

“I was planning to wait until the baby arrived to sort it out,” Kailyn wrote.

Explaining that she hadn’t planned to rely on traditional methods of paternity testing, she instead worked out her own method:

“Like, it’s gotta be one of a few dudes, right? I figured if the baby was really good at producing TV segments, I’d just assume it was J.C. Cueva.”

“If he showed an early talent for entering other people’s homes without permission, then that would prove the kid is Javi’s.”

Sounds like iron-clad reasoning to us!

Kailyn says she had her mind made up to just wait it out, but pressure from fans led her to recruit some top talent in order to get to the bottom of the mystery.

“You guys win! I’m sick of everyone taking guesses when I don’t even know the answer myself,” the 25-year-old wrote to fans.

Never one to let a personal obstacle pass without capitalizing on a potential side hustle, Lowry’s making the most of this one.

“So I’ve decided to go on Maury, where I’ll reveal the results of a pre-natal paternity test.”

This sounds like an all-out ratings bonanza waiting to happen, because the potential candidates will reportedly all be on hand.

“All 11 potential dads will be on the show, and they’ve been working on some dope dance routines for when they find out they’re not the dad.”

“Unfortunately, one guy won’t get to show off his moves!”

We’re not really sure how to process this. It’s a lot to take in.

Does Kailyn really not know who the father of her third child is?

Is she actually going on Maury?

Did we just make this whole thing up as an elaborate April Fools’ joke?

We think you know the answer to that last question.



Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Jessa Duggar: See Her New Baby"s Video Debut!!!

Say what you will about the Duggars, but they sure do make some sweet babies.

And we know that because Jessa Duggar just gave birth to her second baby, a precious little boy, two days ago, and we"ve already got an official video of the little guy from TLC!

How do these people have time for things like this? Jessa has a one-year-old and a newborn, how is she functioning this well?

How is she at home and looking this good so soon after having this baby?

We don"t have the answers to all these questions, and honestly, we don"t need them.

Not when we"ve got that adorable little baby to look at!

But we"re not the only ones tearing up over how darling all of this is — obviously, right? How weird would that be?

In Baby Seewald #2"s intro video here, Jessa says that "When the baby was finally born and we got to hold him for the first time, I started crying. And I think Ben had tears in his eyes."

She says that she"s excited to have two little boys so close in age so they can "be best friends" and enjoy playing together.

As for the new kid"s name, they still haven"t decided on one yet.

Ben says that he"s "probably going to have a unique name, sort of like Spurgeon"s," but there"s nothing official yet.

Check out all the info — and that baby! — in the seriously cute video below:

Jessa duggar see her new babys video debut

Monday, January 30, 2017

Jill Duggar Reveals Baby"s Gender: It"s A ...

It’s barely been a month since we learned that Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard are expecting their second child, and now we’ve already learned the gender of the new little baby!

Jill’s due in July, and she’ll be having a …

A boy! A boy! It’s a boy!

How exciting, right? Jill and Derick are already parents to Israel Dillard, who was born in April of 2015, so they’ve got plenty of experience with little boys.

The Dillards revealed the gender exclusively to People with a sweet little photo of the whole family holding up a cute baby boy’s outfit: a blue shirt with orange cargo pants.

At least, that was the reveal to the public: for the family, they set up a scavenger hunt for Jill’s younger siblings.

It’s all so sweet, but then again, we knew that when Jill and Derick first announced the pregnancy.

“We are so excited to be expecting Dillard baby #2!” they said in their statement. “Children really are a wonderful blessing from God.”

“Having Israel has been such a delight to us that we know a second sweet baby will only continue to add joy to our family,” they went on.

“We are thankful to God for this sweet child and we cannot wait to see her or him face to face!”

Maybe they’ll see a “her” next time around with baby number three …

Or number four. Or number five.

You get where we’re going with this — if Jill has even half the amount of children her mother had, she’s bound to see a “her” in there somewhere.

Another bit of sweetness: when Jill’s brand new little boy is born in July, he’ll have a cousin very close in age to play with — Jessa Duggar’s all set to have her second child any minute now!

Over the weekend, Jessa shared a photo of her baby bump and announced that she was 39 weeks pregnant, so in just a couple of weeks at the very most, the Duggar will have one more family member.

Of course, Jessa’s kept quiet on whether she’s having a boy or a girl, so we’ll have to wait a little bit longer on that gender reveal.

But enough about Jessa: let’s all congratulate Jill on her sure-to-be precious baby boy!

Best wishes for her and her growing family.


Friday, January 27, 2017

Duggars Try to Predict Jessa"s Baby"s Gender! Watch!

As fans of her family know, Jessa Duggar is currently pregnant with her second child.

As with her first pregnancy, Jessa and husband Ben Seewald have decided to keep the baby"s gender a secret – even from their own families.

“Ben and I actually know the gender of our baby but we haven’t told anybody,” Jessa says in the clip below.

“We did the same thing with our last baby. We kept it a secret. My family doesn’t really care for it… But we have fun keeping it a surprise.”

Of course, that won"t stop her family from taking their best guesses.

It seems Jessa"s siblings and in-laws are almost universally convinced that she"s having a girl. 

“I’ve said from the beginning I think it’s a girl,” Jana Duggar offers with surprising confidence.

Equally assured is Jinger Duggar"s husband, Jeremy Vuolo, who also believes Jessa is expecting a girl, and points out that he correctly called the gender of her first child, Spurgeon Seewald.

(Although we"re guessing he didn"t predict that name!)

These days, Joy-Anna Duggar is courting, and the man in her life, Austin Forsyth, played things safe with his own prognostication:

“It’s definitely either a boy or a girl,” he tells the interviewer.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard also hedged their bets with Jill saying girl and Derick saying so that they"re "right either way."

Check out all the predictions in the video below:

Duggars try to predict jessas babys gender watch

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Coco"s on the Beach, Baby"s on Her Boobs (PHOTO GALLERY)

Coco’s baby daughter doesn’t need any stinking floaties when she hits the beach … not when she’s got mommy! Coco took 1-year-old Chanel out for a day in the sun Tuesday. We’re not sure if the little girl was thinking safety, or just…


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Stevie J Calls Truce with Joseline for Baby"s Sake (VIDEO)

The greatest miracle of Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez having a baby girl last week could be a full peace treaty between them … and he says they’re both committed to making it happen. We got Stevie out in Atlanta talking about how…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Michael Phelps -- Baby"s 1st Swim Lessons ... 6-Month-Old Hits the Pool (VIDEO)

Only 15-and-a-half more years ‘til the 2032 Olympics … and Michael Phelps is wasting no time getting his 6-month-old son, Boomer, ready for action!  The Olympic hero took his kid to his old training pool in Baltimore — where Boom got a…


Monday, November 7, 2016

Chelsea Houska Reveals Baby"s Gender: I"m Having A...

In 24 hours, Americans will head to their polling places to elect a new president.

No one knows how this wild election will play out, but the results are sure to be historic.

Considering the fact that the expected results are sure to be contested, it may take a while for us to figure out which candidate secured 270 electoral votes, but fortunately, Chelsea Houska is getting America’s back by giving up-to-the-minute results on the question that’s been keeping her fans up nights for weeks:

Yes, we finally know the gender of Chelsea Houska’s second child.

The Teen Mom 2 star made the big reveal over the weekend with a “gender reveal photo” she posted on social media.

Side note: when did revealing your baby’s gender become an American Idol results show?

People used to just tell you what kid of baby they were having, dammit!

Anyway, now that we’ve had out Andy Rooney moment, we can tell you that Chelsea is havin a…

…Boy! Chelsea is having a boy!

Chelsea teased the big announcement with a tweet reading:

“We miiiiight be making an exciting announcement about baby DeBoer tonight.”

Hilariously, her father, Randy Houska, responded with:

“Wait……………………You’re pregnant?”

Oh, that Papa Rand.

As you probably already know (because, ya know – you read this far in an article about her) Chelsea married Cole DeBoer last month,

No Rob and Chyna situation where she held off on getting hitched so she could party at her own wedding.

Chelsea clearly just wanted to make it legal.

(Unlike Chyna, who – let’s be honest – already got what she came for.)

We guess you can take this as an unofficial refutation of the rumor that Chelsea is having twins.

Sure, she could be having TWO boys (she’s not), but it’s hard to believe that she’d make a big, public reveal like this and keep the most interesting part to herself.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from the Housk.


Friday, November 4, 2016

Rob Kardashian -- Baby"s on the Way ... I"m Back in the Gym (VIDEO)

Rob Kardashian’s breakin’ a sweat … and it’s more than just alright.  Rob joined big sisters Kourtney and Khloe for a CrossFit-style workout — with some RiRi in the background for inspiration. Rob was working the middle hard ……


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Nick Young -- Hits Hospital After Lakers Game ... Baby"s On the Way! (VIDEO)

Nick Young had a helluva night … it started with beating the Houston Rockets — and ended with BABY WATCH at an L.A. hospital. Young’s ex-girlfriend, Keonna Green — who already has a 4-year-old with Young — went into labor late Wednesday…


Monday, October 24, 2016

Blac Chyna -- Baby"s Going to Her House ... and So Will Rob, For Now

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian still have separate living arrangements — and that won’t change before their baby arrives — but they’ve got a co-parenting plan in place … TMZ has learned. Our sources say Chyna’s house is going to be home…


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Arizona Reporters Indicted for Abuse After Cocaine Found in Baby"s System

Two former TV personalities in Arizona have been indicted for child abuse after their four-month-old child was found with cocaine in its system, authorities have confirmed to multiple outlets.

According to a public information officer for the Oro Valley Police Department, Krystin Rae Lisaius and Somchai P. Lisaius – both news personalities in the Tucson area – were indicted on June 9 on three felony charges:

  1. Possession of a dangerous drug.

  2. Drug paraphernalia.

  3. Child abuse.

Both halves of the married couple pleaded not guilty in court on Monday; they were released on their own recognizance.

“It would be a gross, gross injustice [with] even the mention of prison time,” the Lisaius’ attorney, Michael Piccarreta, told Tucson News Now.

He added:

“I anticipate they will demonstrate that they have learned a very hard, embarrassing lesson and that this will become a footnote in their life, not a chapter.”

Authorities say they were alerted to the situation after the couple brought the baby to a local hospital because it was showing signs of distress and lethargy.

This hospital visit took place on May 15.

Krystin and Somchai allegedly refused to allow a blood test on the infant, who was then transferred to Diamond Children’s Center at the Banner University Medical Center in Tucson by ambulance.

Once there, a urine test was conducted after mother and father once again supposedly refused a blood test, police said. Toxicology results showed the presence of cocaine. 

Krystin later allegedly told Oro Valley police that she ingested cocaine following a party at the couple’s home.

She allegedly admitted to breastfeeding the baby 12 hours later.

A friend of the couple’s told police that he witnessed Krystin snort cocaine in the couple’s master bedroom; and police claim Somchai has admitted to cocaine use every six weeks or so.

Somchai is an ex-reporter at Tucson News Now, while Krystin previously worked for nearby KGUN 9. She also competed in 2013 for the title of Miss Arizona USA.

A search of the couple’s home produced multiple samples of drug paraphernalia, police said.

The baby is alright and has been placed in the car of its maternal grandmother.

Piccarreta, meanwhile, argues that this was the case of Krystin simply making a mistake because she didn’t know how long it would take for cocaine to leave her system.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Anthony Kiedis Saves a Baby"s Life During Carpool Karaoke

Earlier this week, Red Hot Chili Peppers fans were treated to 15 minutes of song, anecdotes and man wrestling when the band participated in a round of "Carpool Karaoke" with James Corden.

But what we didn"t see was the part where Anthony Kiedis saved a baby"s life.

The front man became a hero during filming, right after a dance-off that was edited out of the final version.

In an interview with the UK"s Radio X, Kiedis recounts the story:

"We had a very interesting unscripted moment. We danced-off, we tied and then we were going to celebrate with some Mexican food on the corner.

"And a woman came out of her house holding a child, saying "my baby, my baby, my baby can"t breathe!"

"We all ran across the street. The lady thrust the baby into my arms. The baby was not breathing." 

Kiedis, who is a father, instinctively tried CPR to try and get the infant breathing again.

"I thought, "I"m going to try and do a little baby CPR real quick to see if I can get some air into this kid. 

"I tried to open the mouth. Shut – locked shut. 

"So I started rubbing the belly, bubbles started coming out of the mouth, the eyes rolled back into place. 

"The ambulance showed up and I handed the baby over who was breathing and fine."

Pretty incredible. Okay, we totally now forgive him for that mustache.

Last month, Kiedis was rushed to the hospital just hours before taking the stage at a concert in Los Angeles, forcing the band to cancel their appearance.

It turned out to be inflammation in the gut, which was complicated by a stomach virus and scar tissue.

Luckily, Kiedis and the baby seem to be doing fine now.

Watch the Chili Peppers" Carpool Karaoke segment below:


Anthony kiedis saves a babys life during carpool karaoke