Showing posts with label Baier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baier. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Andrew Glennon: Amber Portwood"s Boyfriend SLAMS Matt Baier!

If you follow her on social media, then you’re probably aware that Amber Portwood is dating Andrew Glennon.

She frequently gushes about her new dude, and at first, fans seemed genuinely happy for her.

Now, however, there are fears that Amber may be repeating the mistakes of her past.

News of Glennon’s sketchy past, which includes two restraining orders requested by recent ex-girlfriends, has fans worried that Amber has found herself another possessive, controlling, untrustworthy boyfriend.

It’s a list of traits that brings to mind Amber’s ill-fated relationship with Matt Baier.

Understandably, Glennon is less than thrilled to find himself compared to widely-hated deadbeat dad who cheated on Amber and lied about his drug use.

In a recent interview, Glennon opened up about his relationship and feelings on being likened to Amber’s awful ex:

“I am in no way another Matt Baier,” Glennon told Radar Online.

“I don’t want any monetary gain or material possessions that she has. I just want to make her smile and experience things together that we both wanted to experience with our exes but couldn’t.”

Glennon acknowledged that his behavior in past relationships was less than exemplary, but he bristles at the notion that fans have reason to be concerned he’ll mistreat Amber:

“This makes her look like she has terrible taste in men,” he said.

“I am not a flawless man. The past is the past, we learn from it, hold onto the best moments, and burn the rest. Amber has a past I’m still learning about, but it doesn’t phase me.”

He told Radar that Amber is still struggling with the recent revelations about his past, but added that he’s confident their relationship will endure.

“I’m giving her space to process,” he said.

“She’s read the statements made by my exes, but still hasn’t spoken to me about it. No one is perfect, but we can always do better. I am willing to share every experience I’ve had, good and bad, because I am not the only one with a past.”

In the past, Amber has proven to be a very forgiving woman.

(Many would argue she’s much too forgiving.)

But her obsessive fans aren’t as easy to win over, and Andrew is in the doghouse early on.

We’re not saying he’s guaranteed to join the lengthy list of horrendous Teen Mom boyfriends, but he’s certainly not off to a great start.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive all of Amber’s terrible life choices.


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Amber Portwood: My New Boyfriend is NOTHING Like Matt Baier!

Is anyone else a little alarmed by how fast Amber Portwood’s new relationship is moving?

Because you really, really should be.

Sure, this new guy, Andrew Glennon, seems nice enough, and at least he has a job.

Plus, as far as we know, he doesn’t have a slew of secret children he refuses to support.

What we’re saying is that at this point, he seems miles better than Matt Baier, and that’s definitely a good thing.

But the fact remains that Amber has never, ever been in a healthy relationship. Not ever.

She was with Gary Shirley for a while, and they may win the crown for the most toxic relationship in Teen Mom history.

After that, she dated that guy she met at the Walmart who later, on their first date, revealed that he’d just been released from prison and that meeting her was the best day of his life.

She missed out on dating for a little while when she went to jail herself, but after she was released, she promptly began dating Matt.

It’s all bad, and honestly, we kind of have to automatically question any guy who would think dating her right now would be a good idea.

So sorry about it, Andrew.

Luckily for us and our hobby of boyfriend judging, Amber and Andrew just did their first interview together as a couple.

So let’s check it out and figure out what’s wrong with this guy!

To start, Amber confirmed what we already knew: they met earlier this summer while she and Matt were filming a new season of Marriage Boot Camp.

“He didn’t really know who I was and we didn’t talk on the show because, you know, he would get in trouble, and I would have gotten in trouble,” she explains.

“But I didn’t even know that he even liked me! It just simply was he had a little crush on me.”

Red flag number one: because seriously, can you imagine how much of a hot mess Amber must have been on Marriage Boot Camp? And he developed a crush then?

Amber says that two weeks after they finished filming — so mid-July — he reached out to her.

“We decided that we wanted to be friends at first because we were just having so much fun talking with each other and, you know, then when he came out to hang out, we just had even more fun together, so that’s just kind of how it started.”

Red flag number two: this is exactly how Matt worked his claws into her. He came to “hang out” and never left.

Andrew says that when he came to Indiana to see her, “It was definitely butterflies there, but again, as we started talking, strangely I felt so comfortable, which was amazing.”

Amber claims that “We’re going slow and we’re just trying to be smart about everything, which is good to find somebody on your level like that.”

“I think we just kind of fell into this groove of really enjoying life with each other for a while, so it’s kind of fun and it’s kind of serious in a way as well, but we’re trying not to put too much pressure on a relationship.”

Red flag number three: what the hell is she talking about, “we’re going slow”?

Last we checked, introducing your daughter to a guy you just really started talking to a month ago isn’t exactly “slow.”

But thankfully, Andrew lives out in Malibu, and he hasn’t moved in with her — yet. So for now, they have a long distance relationship.

Which, according to Amber, has ‘been good because we can give each other space. It balances everything out especially when you first break up with somebody.”

Because, as she says, “you don’t really want to jump right into another situation” immediately after a breakup, but “some men are worth it, some aren’t.”

And Andrew is “definitely worth my time.”

As for the fact that Amber already introduced Andrew to her daughter, she says “Leah sent me a message, like, pretty much she really likes him.”

“I think she just thinks he’s new and different which is a good thing, but like I said, nothing is forced and we’re not trying to jump that part of my life in, so it was very chill, very relaxing.”

She adds that “Leah was very comfortable,” which … sure, OK.

Amber also confirms that Andrew will appear on the next season of Teen Mom OG, because why wouldn’t he?

She then throws in this gem:

“I think the reason why we are where we’re at right now is because we both have kind of let it flow and then it became more serious and then we became committed.”

Again, these two have been dating for one month.

But hey, Amber, you do you.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Amber Portwood to Matt Baier: Leave Me ALONE!

We’ve heard all about it, we’ve seen the proof on social media, it’s official: Amber Portwood has herself a brand new boyfriend.

And while we don’t know too terribly much about this new fella, it’s already clear that he’s miles better than Matt Baier.

Which, to be fair, isn’t exactly a feat.

She’d have to really try to find a guy worse than Matt.

Like, she’d have to start perusing Indiana’s finest crack dens, or she’d have to start up a correspondence with Charles Manson.

But so far — on paper, anyway — this new guy, Andrew Glennon, actually seems to be a big catch for her.

He’s got a long-standing career in television production, he doesn’t have an arrest history, he doesn’t seem to have a slew of children that he fathered and then ghosted.

Basically, Amber and Andrew forever.

But still, even though it’s been a few months now since she dumped Matt, and even though she seems to have a great thing going with Andrew, Matt still can’t seem to let her go.

And, according to a new report from Hollywood Life, she has had it.

“She wishes Matt would just move on and leave her alone,” a source reveals.

“Amber gave Matt opportunity after opportunity to make their relationship work, but he just kept messing up.”

And isn’t that the understatement of the year?

We’d have probably dumped Matt after Farrah Abraham called her to let her known that he tried hooking up with her before he got with Amber.

Or when she found out that he’d lied to her about how many kids he had.

Or, at the very least, after she found out all those terrible things he’d said about her when she refused to marry him that time in Las Vegas.

“The relationship was toxic,” the source continues, “she could never trust him and they were constantly fighting.”

“She finally managed to get the strength to walk away from him for good, but he’s still trying to pull her back in.”

Terrifyingly enough, the source claims that Matt is “constantly calling and texting Amber, begging her to give him another chance, but she’s done with him.”

“He had his chance and he blew it.”

Boy, did he ever.

All this is definitely easy to believe, and not just because Matt is the worst.

Ever since we learned that Amber got herself a new boyfriend, Matt has been giving interview after interview about her to anyone who will listen.

He’s said that he can’t help but to “hold out hope for a reconciliation,” and that he misses her so much because she was his “best friend” and his “family.”

Which is funny, considering that he has multiple children that are his actual family that he doesn’t have anything to do with.

It seems like Matt is having a really hard time letting go of Amber — or at least he’s having a hard time letting go of that sweet Teen Mom gig.

Here’s hoping Amber is able to stay strong, because goodness knows how long it will take for him to finally slither away into oblivion for good.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Matt Baier: Amber Portwood Cheated On Me!

When Amber Portwood confirmed that she’d dumped Matt Baier, there was much rejoicing amongst obsessive Teen Mom: OG fans.

In case you weren’t aware Matt wasn’t considered ideal boyfriend material, what with being a deadbeat dad, cheating on Amber, lying about his drug use, and just generally behaving like a douche-nozzle throughout his time on the show.

Of course, Amber has a history of diving right back into unhealthy relationships, which made it hard for fans to breathe easy at first.

When it was revealed last week that Amber is dating Andrews Glennon, the news was widely taken as an encouraging sign that she’s ready to leave her relationship with Baier in the past.

But Matt’s not quite ready to give up, and Amber remains very much at the forefront of his mind.

In a recent interview, Baier revealed that he still hopes to get back together with Portwood.

Fortunately, he’s also been sabotaging his own chances by trash-talking Amber to friends, who in turn share the details of Matt’s ravings with the media.

Matt reportedly hit the roof when he learned that Amber was dating Andrew, a producer on Marriage Boot Camp whom they both got to know during their time on the show.

Matt left the set ahead of schedule following a fight with Amber, and she says that’s when her relationship with Glennon took off.

But it seems Matt suspects that there was some overlap between the two romances.

“Matt knew she had a new guy, but didn’t know it was Andrew,” a source close to the former couple tells Radar Online.

“Now he is furious and suspects her of cheating on him.”

Amber has yet to respond to the allegations publicly, but the insider says she’s been quick to dismiss them in private:

“Amber thinks Matt is just jealous,” says the source.

In all likelihood, Amber will never respond to Matt’s accusations because she knows him well enough to know that’s just what he wants.

Prior to their relationship, Matt was an obsessive fan of the Teen Mom franchise, and many he felt that he loved the reality star lifestyle more than he ever loved Amber.

You can expect this guy to fight the slow fade into irrelevancy with everything he’s got.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to remind yourself of just how dysfunctional Matt and Amber’s relationship truly was.

It was one of the ugliest we’ve seen on the show, which is really saying something.


Friday, August 18, 2017

Matt Baier on Amber Portwood Breakup: It"s All My Fault!

If you’re a Teen Mom: OG fan, then by now, you’ve probably heard the news that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier have broken up.

Fans have been hoping these two would part ways pretty much from the day they went public with their relationship, and now that Amber has a new boyfriend, it seems it’s safe to say she and Matt are well and truly over. 

But while TMOG viewers may be thrilled by the split, Matt is most definitely not.

The newly single Baier opened up about his split from Amber in a recent interview with E! News:

“I’m trying to do a lot of work on myself because I realize now the downfall of our relationship was my fault,” he explained.

“When you’re thrust into the spotlight like that, it can affect you. My mistake was taking our relationship for granted.” 

Baier says the high-profile nature of the relationship was part of the problem (which is odd, because he never would have met Amber if she weren’t on TV), but he also accepts responsibility for being a less-than-stellar partner:

“What I’ve learned from this is you have to do the work,” he told the outlet.

“You have to make the person you’re with feel loved every single day. I forgot to do that and now I’m paying the price.”

Matt says he’s full of regrets over the way his relationship played out, and if given a second chance, he would change everything about the way he behaved.

“If I got a do-over,” he said, “I would do everything differently. I should have listened to her more.”

The couple was filming a new season of the We TV reality series Marriage Boot Camp at the time of their split.

Matt left the set ahead of schedule and took off for Vegas – where he’s apparently been living ever since.

“I went to Vegas to get my head around the split. Ultimately, my hope was to get a place where Amber could come visit me and we could work on our issues. Obviously, that didn’t happen.”

But despite the fact that Amber is in a new relationship, Matt is still hopeful that she’ll find her way back to him:

“I’ll hold out hope for a reconciliation. But if nothing else, I hope we can stay friends,” Baier says.

“We started off as best friends and that’s what I miss the most from her—her friendship. To not have that is painful. When something happens, my natural instinct still is to call her and tell her everything. She was my family.”

As though that’s not depressing enough, Baier concluded the info with some insights into his day-to-day life post-Amber:

“I’ve been making a living through my [poker] winnings,” he says.

“That said, I’m not really enjoying it. This isn’t the life I want to live.”

Yeesh. Matt may not have been the perfect boyfriend, but here’s hoping he’s able to pull himself out of what sounds like a pretty considerable funk.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive Matt and Amber’s tumultuous relationship.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Amber Portwood Kisses Some Dude, Matt Baier Reacts!

If Amber Portwood still loves Matt Baier, she sure has an unusual way of showing it.

In footage obtained by Radar Online this week, Portwood is seen kissing and canoodling with a new man, mere weeks after her split from Baier.

The video was reportedly filmed on Monday, August 7 and it depicts Amber getting very close and awfully cozy with someone of the opposite sex.

She’s leaning against him while the guy is rubbing her waist with his arm.

Captured at the a marina in Indianapolis, the video culminates in Portwood and this mystery dude leaning in for a kiss.

We don’t know much about the male, except that he’s wearing a brown shirt and white cowboy hat in the clip.

He also appears to be a lot closer in age to Portwood than her former fiance, from whom Amber split in June and who is 46 years old.

Portwood and Baier’s relationship fizzled out a couple months ago after Matt failed a lie detector test in the face of cheating allegations.

For this reason perhaps, because he’s mostly to blame for the ending of their romance, Baier did not react to news of Portwood moving on with what certain Presidents might describe as fire or fury.

Instead, he took the high road.

“All I ever wanted for Amber is for her to be happy and safe,” Baier tells E! News, adding of his Teen Mom OG colleague:

“We spent three years building a life together and they were the three happiest years of my life. I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”

Wait, what? That’s oddly… mature? Reasonable? Drama-free?

What is going on here?!?

“Amber knows if she ever needs me, I’m just a phone call away,” Baier concluded.

Portwood, meanwhile, has yet to comment publicly on this viral, PDA-filled footage … nor has anyone yet identified her kissing partner.

However, an onlooker said MTV cameras were present at the time of the spit swapping, meaning this must be (sort of) serious and meaning we’ll learn more on a future Teen Mom episode.

Said Portwood to Dr. Drew on Marriage Boot Camp, shortly after kicking Baier to the curb:

“I personally am just trying to better myself in a situation that really put me down and a situation that I kind of just lost myself and my independence as a woman, as a person because I was too focused on Matt…

“So I’m trying to find me first before I even think about getting in another relationship. We still talk because love doesn’t just shut off like that.

“That’s not how it works.” 

How very true and profound.

And we can’t rule out a future between Portwood and Baier, not yet, not even after all they’ve said about each other and done to each other.

“She is saying it’s over,” an insider told Radar earlier this summer.

“But they could get back together. They’ve gone through lots of ups and downs.”


Friday, July 21, 2017

Amber Portwood: Faking Matt Baier Drama on Teen Mom OG?!

If you watched the latest season of Teen Mom OG, or even if you just like to keep up with the moms on social media or through gossip sites, you know Amber Portwood hasn’t been having the greatest time.

And that’s largely because she decided, for some unfathomable reason, to invite the evil known as Matt Baier into her life.

It’s also because Amber has several severe mental health issues and a long, long history of bad things, but for now, let’s just focus on Matt.

Thanks to the magic of MTV and their ever-present cameras, we’ve seen several terrible things go down for the doomed couple.

In the last season, we saw Amber become increasingly wary of Matt’s motives, especially when he tried to pressure her into marrying him in Las Vegas.

They went along with some friends of theirs who were getting married, and while they were checking out chapels, Matt asked her if they could have their own wedding.

She was extremely hesitant, but he kept pushing, and eventually she told him that she needed to call her brother and talk it through with him.

When she did, her brother told her that she was an adult and could do as she pleased, but she ultimately decided not to go through with it.

She told him she wanted her family with her when they got married, especially her daughter, and he told her that he understood and that it was fine.

Then, when she wandered off, he told a producer that he would never marry her, and that she wanted to marry her brother, who he referred to as a “f-cking f—–.”

It wasn’t pretty, and things only got uglier from there.

After they returned home from Vegas, Amber began hearing rumors that Matt cheated on her, and she promptly freaked out.

Eventually she had him take a lie detector test, which showed that while he was telling the truth about not cheating on her, he did lie about some sexual advances he made to a certain woman.

She dumped him then, though she would eventually take him back for a little while — that was the season finale.

Oh, and in between those events, he also tried giving out random pills to her co-workers, which was also not cool.

The point is that there have been many, many issues between Amber and Matt this season.

And according to Simon Saran, at least one of those issues was completely fake.

Earlier this week when he went on a big Twitter rant about Farrah Abraham and their latest feud, he also did a quick little question and answer session about Teen Mom in general.

In those tweets, he claimed that one of the show’s executive producers repeatedly makes fun of Gary Shirley’s weight, and that each of the moms make $ 300,000 per season.

He also claimed that “The Amber and Matt wedding scene was fake. It’s been shot more than once.”

We’re assuming he’s talking about the Las Vegas debacle.

We’re also having a hard time believing him.

For one, how does he know what goes on with the other moms? If he made claims about something Farrah filmed, that would make sense, but he and Amber don’t even get along.

And for two, are Amber and Matt really so good at acting that they could fool all the people who watched that scene?

It’s something interesting to think about for sure, but unless more evidence comes up, we’ll just continue on thinking that Matt is the worst for the time being.

Thanks though, Simon.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Amber Portwood: I Still Love Matt Baier!

Amber Portwood and Matt Baier … well, their love story is not one for the faint of heart.

After a few years of manipulation, sketchiness, and theft, Amber finally dumped him after he failed a lie detector test about cheating and tried handing out drugs to her friends.

She went back and forth on her decision for a wihle — after the break up, she reportedly allowed him to continue living with her for a while.

They also filmed a season of Marriage Boot Camp together, which is sure to be a treat.

But as of now, she seems to be really and truly done with him.

Or at least she did.

Just a couple of weeks after instructing him to get a lawyer and mocking him on Twitter, she’s changed her tune in a new interview with Dr. Drew.

And the disappointment is real.

When asked about Matt, Amber explains that “Matt right now is actually in Las Vegas, he’s living there.”

“At this point in time, we are talking, but we’re not talking in a sense where we are getting back together. We argue too much.”

“We are not living together,” she continued, “we have not lived together in over probably two months. I broke up with him before we went on Family Boot camp.”

She claims that she’s “just trying to better myself in a situation that put me down, and a situation where I kind of lost myself, my independence as a woman, as a person, because I was too focused on Matt.”

That’s actually amazing to hear — usually she’s too focused on her pride to admit that Matt really played her.

She adds that she’s trying to “find” herself before she thinks about dating, but she and Matt “still talk, of course, because love doesn’t just shut off like that.”

“That’s not how it works. I just want him to be happy.”

We’d argue that that can definitely be how it works, at least with giant creeps like Matt Baier — cut him loose and never look back.

But thankfully, Amber acknowledges that “everybody’s worried that he’s about to work his way back into my life,” but “I am living my life, I’m alone.”

“I’m focusing on my business and trying to make sure I’m good in the future.”

We just hope she’s telling the truth.

As for “the money situation,” sadly it looks like she’s not going to go after him after all because “I just want everything to be cordial and done if that’s the way it’s gonna be.”

“He is a man, if he makes money and he wants to pay me back, then that’s something on him, but as the type of woman I am … I’d like to have my money back, but I’m good.”

On a happier note, Amber also touches on her time on Marriage Boot Camp in the interview, and it sounds like it’s going to be a delightful season!

She calls the show “horrible,” and says that it all “felt very fake” to her.

She wanted to leave the show because “producers and directors coming up to you and trying to talk in your ear to start things.”

And while she says that she told producers they couldn’t manipulate her like that, she admits that she did get into it with Brandi Glanville.

Amazingly enough, she says “I don’t want people watching that too much because I look crazy on there! I’m too angry on there.”

According to her, the season will most likely air this fall, and you know she just ensured we won’t miss an episode.

And speaking of not missing an episode, Amber also reveals that the upcoming seaon of Teen Mom OG is “pretty hardcore,” and “one of our longest seasons yet.”

Usually, she explains, MTV films them for around six months, but this time they’re going for at least nine months, with a couple of days off every now and then.

So nothing but drama, basically.

And speaking of drama … remember the fantastic feud between Amber and Farrah Abraham?

Yeah, that’s apparently dead now.

“That stuff happened so long ago,” she says of her fight with Farrah. “The way I think of everybody is probably different than how I did a year or so ago.”

“I’m just in the mommy mode, where I just want everybody to be happy, even people who talk crap about me. I want them to move forward and be the women they’re supposed to be.”

If you weren’t shocked enough already, she adds that Farrah “is a human being and deserves to be loved.”

“Even though she was talking all that crap about me, I just want her to be happy. I don’t think she is, I’m sorry. That’s just my opinion.”

Yeah, Amber, it’s your opinion and also the opinion of anyone who has ever watched even a second of Farrah’s antics.

Overall, it sounds like this troubled Teen Mom has really sorted out her feelings lately, and like she’s really healing from her ridiculously toxic relationship with Matt.

Just keep getting better, girl!


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Matt Baier: On a Bender in Vegas Following Split From Amber Portwood?

Matt Baier is a man who has some issues. 

Actually, it might be more accurate to say that Baier has all of the issues.

Baier recently split from Amber Portwood amidst allegations that he freqently used drugs (while claiming to be several years sober), cheated on more than one occasion, and often lost his temper with his fiancee/meal ticket.

Even now that he’s been kicked to the curb, Matt still continues to make tabloid headlines with his bad behavior.

Earlier this week, we learned that Baier was often high while filming episodes of Teen Mom 2.

Now, it seems the troubled reality star has decided to indulge another of his vices now that he’s once again a single man.

Insiders say Baier is gambling again, news that’s likely to alarm those closest to the 46-year-old, as he’s struggled with gambling addiction in the past.

Baier recently posted a photo of himself with another problem gambler, baseball legend Pete Rose, and confirmed the rumors that he’s partying it up in Sin City by tagging his location as Las Vegas.

“Hanging with #baseball’s all time hit leader, Mr. Pete Rose! Not in the #hof, but he definitely should be,” Baier wrote, showing sympathy for his fellow lover of lettin’ it ride.

But what’s even more troubling to members of Matt’s inner circle is the possibility that he might be relapsing while licking his post-relationship wounds.

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, you know that Matt’s last trip to Vegas didn’t go so well.

That was when he lost his mind after his fiancee wouldn’t agree to a quickie wedding, and proceeded to tell producers that he would “never” marry Portwood.

It was later revealed that he had relapsed shortly before the trip.

So it’s not hard to see why Matt’s family and friends are concerned by the fact that he’s alone in Vegas, having recently earned several huge paydays from his time on MTV.

We’d say we’re hoping that Matt isn’t getting into trouble and hanging out with unsavory types, but we already know that’s not possible.

See: Above photo with Pete Rose.

We’ll keep you posted on Matt’s shenanigans.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Teen Mom Reunion Recap: Catelynn Lowell Drops a Baier Bombshell!

On Teen Mom OG Season 4 Episode 14, or part two of this season’s reunion special, Farrah continued feuding with her mom Debra.

Meanwhile, and Catelynn and Tyler opened up about Butch’s relapse, and she also dropped a bombshell about another cast member.

The most interesting segment of Teen Mom OG Season 4 Episode 14, by far, was when Catelynn explained what happened with Xanaxgate.

With daughter Nova attending her first day of preschool, Catelynn was in New York City for press obligations for the MTV show.

Balancing work and life when you’re already prone to depression is difficult, and sure enough, this was a “trigger” for the proud mom.

“I’m having a panic attack. I don’t know what’s going on. It started in the car, then all of a sudden,” she said, Matt Baier gave her Xanax.

“Matt just is like, ‘We’ll just keep this between me and you’ and he just hands me this bar. I stuck it in my hoodie pocket … I didn’t take it.”

Why not? She thought better of it for this reason:

“Because I just turned around and looked at everybody in the room, like … I know about his past and Amber’s past and stuff.”

“I was like, ‘Why the [bleep] does he have this?"”

Soon afterward, Amber Portwood got a sense that Matt was acting differently and confronted her fiance, who said he was just tired.

Then Catelynn, who reiterates that she did not actually take the anti-anxiety medication Baier offered her, notes that it oddly disappeared:

“Well, the funny thing is it was in my hoodie pocket. When I went to go look for it to show Amber, Matt was walking down the hallway.”

“We realized he was in my hoodie,” she said.

“And I think he purposefully took my hoodie and put it on when he realized what was happening and took the evidence.”

Once you get past the humorous imagery of Matt walking around in Cate’s hoodie like it’s totally normal … what a shady dude.

Wow. Matt Baier failed a lie detector test regarding his sexual advances toward women already this year. Now this bombshell?

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you know that he and Amber have been on thin ice for awhile. The ice just got a lot thinner.

Meanwhile, things were so tense between Farrah Abraham, her mother Debra and Deb’s fiance that Farrah can’t even say his name.

Seriously. Abraham simply refers to Dr. David Merz in terms such as a “sad case of events … The person she’s engaged with.”

#FarrahAbraham #WordSalad

Farrah added, “Sadly, I have a lot of f–ked-up people in my past … I don’t like to bring irrelevant people up in my conversations anymore.”

Speaking of irrelevant people, Dr. Drew mentioned Simon Saran and his alleged $ 250,000 demand to appear on the reunion special.

MTV, he said, “turned that down.”

Abraham recoiled, saying, “I don’t need to know that he was supposed to be here,” at which point Dr. Drew noted, “You seem offended.”

“You seem like you don’t want to talk about anything,” he said, at which point the star got up and stormed off the stage. Vintage Farrah.

Eventually, she returned to face the music – specifically, questions about whether she was abusive to her own mother on the series.

Farrah replied that she had been through so much abuse, and when Dr. Drew sat down with Deb and her fiance, he asked about that.

Debra rebutted her claims: “There was no abuse. None of that went on. Everyone in this audience has had something happen to them.”

Is Farrah lying about being raped and/or abused physically, then? Dr. Drew isn’t so sure, citing Debra’s 2010 assault arrest and saying:

“There’s been knives and police reports.”

Debra then clarified a specific incident:

“I sat there for an hour being mentally, emotionally and verbally abused and I asked her repeatedly to stop it and she would not … I went like this.”

Debra made a slapping gesture.

“I didn’t even hit her … I know I hit the seat,” she said, and again insisted that Farrah “got abusive” with her and not the reverse.

As for whether they got “child protective services involved,” as Dr. Drew asked, Deb said she’s not in a position to determine such things.

Whatever that means.

“I haven’t even gotten to see Farrah or Sofia, or talk to her, since April … I have no access to my granddaughter,” she said.  

Drew then said what we were all thinking, when you consider her life: “I feel bad for Farrah … I see a lot of fear and pain.” 


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Matt Baier Was High on Teen Mom!

This current season of Teen Mom OG has been pretty heavy, huh?

From the reveal of Ryan Edwards" drug problem and the scary footage of him driving while high to Matt Baier"s entire existence … it sure hasn"t been pretty.

In one particularly disturbing episode, we saw the moms fly up to New York to do some press for the season — well, the moms plus Matt.

Poor Catelynn Lowell was on the verge of having a panic attack, so Matt handed her a Xanax, which was bad for a number of reasons.

It was illegal, and Matt shouldn"t have Xanax if he"s as sober as her claims to be, to name just a few of those reasons.

Catelynn told Amber about the pills, and Amber got upset, and understandably so.

And even though Matt asked her repeatedly "Do you forgive Daddy?", Amber didn"t forgive Daddy. She called off the wedding, and that was the beginning of the end for them.

After the episode aired, Catelynn clarified on Twitter that she never took the pill, and that she saved it to show Amber proof that Matt was being sketchy.

And now, in a sneak peek for tomorrow night"s Teen Mom reunion special, Catelynn is revealing more about the incident to Dr. Drew.

Spoiler: it"s shadier than we ever could have imagined.

Dr. Drew tells her that he was confused by the incident, and asks her if she was asking for medicine or if he just offered it.

"What happened was," she begins, "and I know of the trigger, it was Nova"s first day of preschool and I wasn"t there with her, Tyler was, so it was a trigger for me, not being there."

"So I was mentioning out loud, like "I"m having a panic attack, I don"t know what"s going on, it started in the car," and then all of a sudden Matt is just like "Well, let"s just keep this between me and you.""

And that"s when she says that "He just hands me this bar, and I stuck it in my hoodie pocket."


"I didn"t take it, I just turned around and looked at everybody, like … I know his past and Amber"s past and stuff, so I was just like "Why the f-ck does he have this?""

Then, and this is where it really starts to get interesting, Catelynn claims that she was going to bring up the issue, but Amber started asking questions first.

Questions like "Why do you look so high?" and "Why are you wobbling around?"

She was asking Matt, obviously, but she was asking him in front of other people, including Catelynn.

Tragically, she says that she then saw Matt start making Amber "second guess herself," which we"ve seen on the show for a while now.

He tried to tell her that he was "just tired," and that"s when Catelynn pulled her aside to tell her the truth.

And that"s why Amber didn"t forgive Daddy on that fateful day in New York.

It all sounds so sketchy, right? And if Amber hadn"t dumped Matt already, we"d be urging her to do it now harder than ever.

Watch Catelynn"s entire story in the video below:

Catelynn lowell matt baier was high on teen mom

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Amber Portwood Goes OFF on Matt Baier: Give Me My Money!

Amazing news for Teen Mom fans, and fans of great big douchebags getting what they deserve …

Amber Portwood has finally dumped Matt Baier! For real this time!

She’s recently claimed that they’d broken up, but it seemed a little suspect — the girl was super wishy-washy about the whole thing.

At one point, she said that she dumped him, but she’d be open to taking him back if he got therapy.

At another point, she called off their October wedding and their engagement, but at the time Matt was still living in her house.

So even though she’s said a few times now that she’s done with him, you can see why we’ve had a hard time believing her.

Until now, that is.

For the past several days, Amber and Matt have been filming for the new season of Marriage Boot Camp, and judging by her tweets, it hasn’t been going that well.

Earlier this week, she wrote “Crazy couple weeks and I’ve taken a few steps back in the progress I’ve made however I’m learning so much about myself through others!”

Then yesterday she tweeted “I need to get out of this house!!! Drunk bimbo with too many opinions!! This isn’t going to end well when I’m done!!! Fake.”

We don’t know who the “drunk bimbo” in question is, but it sounds like Amber’s trashy side is coming out hard in the Marriage Boot Camp environment.

When someone asked if she was OK, she replied “I’m fine but I can’t control my anger with ignorant people.”

She added “BTW I’m a narcissist and an actor supposedly… Love it.”

She’s having such a bad time that she actually said “I wish Farrah was here lol.. I would be much happier!!”

Considering that the last time Amber was in the same room with Farrah she tried to punch her and verbally assaulted her … that’s saying a lot.

“I’ve literally let this house consume me and set my anger off more than I could ever imagine!” she admitted in another tweet.

“I know my limits and I’m at the end!!!”

“I’m doing a show that I should have never agreed to do,” she added. “I’ve been taken out of my element to many times however I’ve learned a lot.”

One of the things she learned, apparently, is that Matt is the worst.

Early this morning, she tweeted at Matt to “Take all my kids pics off your dumb social media and me and you while your at it … thanks have fun at whoever’s house your at.”

She explained that it’s “been 2 days” and Matt “is already posting videos on Instagram of him at someone’s house with 50 bottles of liqueur everywhere.. it’s on.”

Matt’s deleted whatever video she’s referring to, but it seems like she broke up with him, he left the Marriage Boot Camp house two days ago, and now he’s partying somewhere.

When he tweeted about the long weekend for the Fourth of July, she replied “Long weekend of getting dumped,” along with a winky face.

She also told him “I would lawyer up sweetheart… you owe me a little bit of change. I’ll pray for you.”

Amazing, right?

Even though she’s said that they’ve broken up before, she’s never been this vicious towards him, and we are absolutely loving it.

Here’s hoping it’s not just for publicity for the show, and that even though Amber likely won’t get anywhere with any legal action, she tries anyway.

It’s high time Matt got what was coming to him.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Matt Baier Fails Lie Detector Test, Amber Portwood FREAKS

The good news: we got to see Matt Baier take (and fail) a lie detector test in the season finale of Teen Mom OG.

The bad news: Amber Portwood could not take the results of the test and had a complete meltdown on camera.

On the June 26 Teen Mom OG season finale, Amber and Matt sat down for the long-anticipated results of his test.

(Side Note: If your partner is taking a polygraph exam for any reason, it may not be a good sign for your romance.)

As reported earlier, Amber called off her wedding to Matt after an upsetting string of recent events shook her to her core.

One of which was that Baier took a lie detector test while in Los Angeles for the MTV Movie Awards earlier this spring.

How did that come about, you ask?

Following that MTV event, which Amber attended with Kailyn Lowry, she received word from a girl claiming Matt tried to sleep with her.

It"s not clear exactly how the girl in question made contact with Portwood, but naturally, she demanded Baier take a polygraph test, and …

Let"s just say that the results were mixed.

Asked if he has engaged in any sexual activity or communications with anyone other than Amber since October 10, 2014, Matt said no.

He was telling the truth, the test indicated.

The third question, however, is where things fell apart. Matt was asked this: "Did you make any sexual advances toward [bleep]?

He answered no again. But he failed.

Within seconds, Amber stormed out, screaming profanities at Matt, punching an elevator and having to be restrained by producer Kiki.

Take a look at her facial expression immediately upon learning that Matt did apparently make "sexual advances" toward this female.

Says it all right there.

"It"s a very vague question. I passed the direct ones. I"m sorry she"s upset but I didn"t do anything wrong," Matt said, missing the point.

"I didn"t cheat," he insisted. "I never would and when she settles down, she"ll realize that. That"s the important thing. I win. I passed."

Amber wasn"t in the mood for that, though, instead lamenting her choice in men and the impact of this latest bombshell on her daughter.

"Man, my baby. What is she gonna say to me?" Amber said. "I"ve wasted seven years of my life with a man. I wasted three years of my 20s."

"My teenage years and my 20s. I"ve been through so much s–t," she said, referring to both Matt and Gary Shirley. "I just want a break."

Incredibly, she won"t take a permanent one from this train wreck just yet. She recently told E! News they are "working on their issues."

Good luck with that. Watch the scene in question below and follow the link to watch Teen Mom OG online to see the episode in full.

Amber portwood freaks out over matt baier lie detector test