Showing posts with label Baltierra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baltierra. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Tyler Baltierra SLAMS Father: Butch Was a Horrible Dad!

Longtime fans of Teen Mom will know that Tyler Baltierra never had the most stable of families.

And that was, in large part, thanks to his father, Butch.

See, Butch struggles with some pretty severe addiction issues, issues that are so bad that, at one point, Butch straight up told Tyler that he loved cocaine more than he loved him.

Butch was in and out of prison for Tyler’s entire life, but during one stretch on the outside, he married Catelynn Lowell’s mother, April, making for a strange family dynamic.

To say the least.

Tyler has said that he’s struggled so much with his relationship with his father that he tried to hang himself when he was just 12 years old.

It’s an absolutely heartbreaking story, and it’s not over yet.

In 2015, Butch was released from prison after serving four years for larceny and breaking and entering charges. He managed to make it to Tyler and Catelynn’s wedding, and everything was looking up.

But after a year of sobriety, he went back to jail after violating his parole.

He violated his parole because he relapsed.

Butch is a free man again these days, and he and Tyler are trying to rebuild whatever’s left of their father-son bond.

And, well, at least Tyler is trying to be positive about this mess of a situation.

On Twitter, someone wrote a message to him, saying “It’s so amazing to see the kind of father you are even though yours was so in and out of your life.”

Tyler responded with “I always said he taught me what NOT to do as a father, so he still taught me something lol.”

And isn’t that sweet?

Kind of, but it’s also ridiculously depressing.

Tyler, of course, is father to two-year-old Nova, the daughter he shares with Catelynn. And remember, Catelynn didn’t exactly have a stable upbringing either.

So these are two people with two not-so-great families, just trying their best to raise a happy, healthy kid.

And unfortunately, they’ve already gotten some pretty harsh criticism on their parenting choices.

In last week’s episode of Teen Mom OG, we saw them leave little Nova alone with Butch while they went on their vacation to Puerto Rico.

Butch had just relapsed, he was fresh out a prison, and they left their daughter alone with him for a week.

If you’ll remember, the first (and only) thing Butch asked them before they left was how much cash they’d left him. Not a super encouraging thing to hear from the drug addict you’re leaving your kid with.

But still, Tyler seems to be an infinitely better father than Butch was to him, and we’re hoping that he just keeps moving forward from his tragic childhood.

You got this, Tyler.


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Respond to Backlash Over Fake Pregnancy Joke: Get a Sense of Humor, People!

Earlier today, we reported on one of the stranger Teen Mom social media controversies in recent memory.

It all began when Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra began discussing their desire to have a third child on Twitter.

It’s anyone’s guess as to why a married couple would need to have such a conversation on social media rather than, ya know, face-to-face, but while the parental figures of the Teen Mom franchise love ‘em some free publicity, we doubt the Baltierras expected this:

Things started out innocently enough, with Catelynn tweeting:

“Wahhh I’m ready for another baby @TylerBaltierra.”

Tyler (or T-Balz, as we like to call him) wrote back, “Me too babe.”

That’s when Catelynn made the (arguably unfortunate) decision to tweet the following photo:

She captioned the image:

“Proud to announce a new baby Baltierra @tylerbaltierramtv.”

Clearly it was a joke, but if you’ve looked at a calendar recently, you know that it’s 2017, and 2017 is the year in which everyone gets pissed off about everything.

A number of fans didn’t think the joke was funny for a number of reasons.

Some thought Lowell was really pregnant and … felt let down, we guess?

Others thought the joke was insensitive to those who struggled with infertility.

Still others blamed Tyler and Catelynn for that Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial.

Okay, we’re joking about that last part, but in all seriousness, a good number of fans were legitimately outraged, and Tyler responded by basically informing them that he’d run out of f–ks to give long, long ago:

“Apparently the world can’t take jokes anymore…don’t worry #TeenMomOG will be back on the air soon so we can disappoint you some more,” Tyler tweeted.

“I actually love all of those critics. The fake profile pics & repetitive insults based on the lack of creativity…they just crack me up.”

Asked if he could see how some might have thought the joke was insensitive, Tyler responded:

“Yes, I’m the lowest piece of s–t, insensitive, entitled, asshole & a sorry excuse of a human being & I shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.”

Man, when that guy does sarcasm, he does sarcasm.

For her part, Catelynn responded in a very different and much, much more confusing way:

“Why don’t u just go back to ur real family?” she tweeted.

“Not like we have mattered anyways.. to u it’s just the thought that mattered”

Uh … we really have no idea as to what that might mean.

We’re thinking Catelynn meant to subtweet someone, but instead she just tossed that bad boy out there with no context.

Of course, we think it’s safe to say she wasn’t in a great mood when she wrote it, so you can be sure it will lead to more rumors about Catelynn and Tyler getting divorced.

This has been Teen Mom Twitter Theater.

Tune in the next time something pops off, which should be in 20 minutes or so.


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Showered in Gifts by Tyler Baltierra Amidst Cheating Scandal!

For about a month now, we’ve been hearing persistent rumors that the unthinkable has happened.

We’ve been hearing that Tyler Baltierra has been cheating on Catelynn Lowell.

It seems crazy to even think about, doesn’t it? Catelynn and Tyler have been together since they were preteens, and though they’ve been through some rough times, they’ve always seemed deeply in love.

But still, a Teen Mom blind item about how “the MTV cameras have turned a blind eye to the cheating by this significant other of an OG Teen Mom because it doesn’t fit the storyline” was revealed to be about them.

And it’s been chaos ever since.

But now we’ve got a new piece of possible evidence that Tyler really may have cheated.

Check out this killer ring he recently gave Catelynn:

In the caption of this photo, Catelynn wrote “My husband is so sweet. A limited edition Beauty and the Beast ring. For real how did I get so lucky?!?!?”

It seems to be a pretty common custom for cheating cheaters to give their significant others fancy, special gifts as an apology for their adulterous ways.

But it’s also worth noting that Catelynn celebrated a birthday last weekend, and in her post about the ring she thanked Tyler for “the best birthday ever.”

So we can consider this mystery solved, right? But there are more just around the corner!

Because after posting the photo of the ring, Catelynn shared this meme:

Aaaaand we’re back to the cheating jokes.

Catelynn and Tyler both seem to be having a ball with the cheating rumors, making joke after joke (after joke after joke after …) about how he’s sleeping around and about how she’s the jilted wife.

This latest one is particularly disgusting — sorry if your appetite was ruined forever — but it fits right in with their new tradition of joking forever about one blind item.

Of course they’re free to make as many jokes as they want to, and they can handle rumors about themselves how they see fit, but it kind of seems like they’re dragging this whole thing out, right?

At this point, they’re fueling the rumors themselves.

But hey, maybe they like the attention, and that’s fair.

Goodness knows we like analyzing the hell out of each and every move this Teen Mom couple makes.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: Showing Signs Their Marriage Is in Trouble?

Last month, reports that Tyler Baltierra was cheating on Catelynn Lowell began to circulate on social media.

Sometimes, it’s difficult to determine the starting point of such rumors, but in this case it all started with Tyler himself.

Baltierra joked that he and Catelynn cheat on each other, but since sarcasm goes over on the Internet about as well as climate science at a Trump rally, the remark was not well received.

Fans either missed the joke or accused him of being insensitive for making it.

The former group apparently thought that Baltierra actually chose to first come clean about his own infidelity and then accuse his wife of cheating – all on Twitter.

The latter group understands that Tyler is joking, but thinks it’s insensitive, considering Catelynn recently left rehab after being treated for various emotional and psychological issues.

Yes, they’re actually telling him what sort of jokes he’s allowed to make with his wife.

Anyway, both groups are now scrutinizing the couple’s every move in search of signs of trouble, and they believe they’ve found one in this Instagram photo uploaded today by Amber Portwood:

As you can see, the Baltierras aren’t posed quite as affectionately as the other couples.

Naturally, the Dr. Phil/Sherlock Holmes hybrids of the Internet took it upon themselves to offer some unsolicited couples counseling based on this single image:

“Weird Tyler doesn’t touch his wife,” one fan commented.

“It’s sad really. He seems like, ‘I’m stuck with her’ attitude lately,” wrote another.

Some fans claimed their beliefe that Tyler and Catelynn are headed for divorce was based not only on this photo, but also on their recent social media interactions.

Again, we can’t stress enough that the exchanged fans went nuts over were clearly made in jest.

Here’s a sample quote from Tyler:

“Well it goes both ways. Sometimes I booze while she cheats, sometimes she’ll booze while I cheat. It just depends on the day of the week.”

That’s not a tweet from a guy who’s marriage is in trouble.

That’s a tweet from a guy who’s having some fun f–king with fans.

We can’t say we blame him.

Watch Teen Mom online at TV Fanatic to relive all the ups and downs of the Baltierras’ marriage.

Just maybe keep your psychological insights to yourself.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Tyler Baltierra: Hey, Catelynn Lowell Cheats on Me, Too!

When we first heard the rumors that Tyler Baltierra had cheated on Catelynn Lowell, we were floored.

Surely it couldn’t be true, right? Those two have been together for years and years, they’re in it for the long haul — if they split, does true love even exist?

It was a tough pill to swallow — the toughest, even.

The rumors started with a blind item published last August, one that read “The MTV cameras have turned a blind eye to the cheating by this significant other of an OG Teen Mom because it doesn’t fit in the storyline.”

And then, a couple of weeks ago, it was officially revealed that the blind item was supposed to be about Catelynn and Tyler.

But before our hearts could break too badly, these Teen Mom favorites hopped on Twitter to joke about the rumor.

“Well since it’s out in the open @TylerBaltierra did cheat on me,” Catelynn joked. “He’s busted.”

Tyler added “Damn it! We really tried keeping that a secret too! Well I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist her/him … idk it was dark and I was drunk.”

Funny, right? They’re obviously joking because the idea that Tyler would cheat is so ludicrous. Case closed.

… Except there’s more.

Several days ago, Catelynn shared a photo of cocktail on Instagram and wrote “Whelp since he’s out cheating.”

More jokes! Cool! But that’s all, right?

Nope. Not by a long shot.

Someone tweeted that Tyler is “a cheat” and “his wife is boozing her sorrows away,” and of course he couldn’t let that lie.

“Well, it goes both ways,” he wrote in response. “Sometimes I booze while she cheats, sometimes she’ll booze while I cheat. It just depends on the day of the week.”

A fan urged Tyler and Catelynn to “be multi-taskers” and to drink and cheat at the same time, and Tyler replied with “Oh trust me, it’s been done lmao.”

He also said that you have to have a good attitude “when your life is displayed on TV for the world to dissect, ridicule, & judge” because “if you don’t, you won’t survive lol,” but still, something seems a little off here.

Mostly this: why can’t they just let the rumor go?

We get making a joke or two about the situation, but to bring it up over and over and over seems a little suspicious, honestly.

And let’s not forget that if Tyler was supposed to be cheating on Catelynn during the last season of Teen Mom OG, well, it wouldn’t exactly be unbelievable.

All throughout the last season, Catelynn struggled with her mental health, and Tyler struggled with Catelynn’s struggles.

Things were so bad between them that at one point, Tyler told her “You better figure something out. Listen if you go into this thing again I got to check out.”

I can’t do this forever, there is no way,” he said. “Not like this.”

Last season was also when Tyler made his now-infamous fat-shaming comments — “I don’t want no heifer for a wife” was an actual comment he made to Catelynn.

So did he cheat? Obviously we can’t say, we weren’t there.

We’re just saying that it would be pretty cool if they would both just cut the jokes now.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Amber Portwood, Javi Marroquin React to Tyler Baltierra Cheating Rumors

Yesterday, we learned that some Teen Mom 2 fans aren’t great at understanding sarcasm and a mini-scandal erupted on social media as a result.

It all started when Tyler Baltierra took to Twitter to “confirm” the rumors that he had been caught cheating on Catelynn Lowell.

Here’s what Tyler had to say:

“Damn it! We really tried keeping that a secret too! Well I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist her/him… idk it was dark and I was drunk.”

He and Catelynn proceeded to joke back and forth, as fans who got the joke praised them as #CoupleGoalsAF while those who didn’t bemoaned the demise of TM2’s most beloved couple.

We guess you can add Javi Marroquin and Amber Portwood to the list of folks who aren’t quite sure if Tyler was joking or making the most bizarre confession in the history of reality stars being way too candid on Twitter.

“I doubt it’s true, those two are madly in love,” Marroquin told Radar Online.

“I hope it’s not, I love those two together!”

No stranger to this sort of controversy, Marroquin has been accused of cheating on Kailyn Lowry on more than one occasion.

He played it a lot more straight than Baltierra, issuing sternly-worded denials a la Bill Clinton.

Amber Portwood seemed more incredulous about the rumors, but still didn’t seem to quite understand that Tyler was joking.

“It’s absolutely not true! That would never happen,” Portwood tweeted.

Of course, despite the fact that Tyler and Catelynn were both able to laugh off the cheating, there is reason to believe the couple might be having legitimate problems.

According to Radar Online, the couple hasn’t been photographed together in three months.

Last year Lowell checked into rehab to be treated for various emotional issues, and many now believe that she’s back in treatment.

That may not sound like a bad thing, but Tyler has expressed his frustrations with her ongoing mental health issues in the past:

“You know what Cate? You better figure something out soon,” he told her on an episode of TM2.

“Listen, if you go into this thing again I got to check out. I’ll get hardened. I’ll close everyone off. It’s safe that way.”

So is Tyler cheating on Catelynn? Almost certainly not.

Is all well in the Lowell household? Well, it’s too soon to go quite that far.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the ups and downs of Catelynn and Tyler’s relationship.


Monday, February 13, 2017

Tyler Baltierra: Caught Cheating on Catelynn Lowell?!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra are the latest Teen Mom cast members to be hit with cheating rumors, thanks to a recent blind item.

Is the “OG” pair on the verge of an infidelity-related split?

A blind item on the site Crazy Days and Nights revealed:

“The MTV cameras have turned a blind eye to the cheating by this significant other of an OG Teen Mom because it doesn’t fit in the storyline.”

While infidelity might make for some incredible ratings and drama elsewhere, for MTV it was not a good fit “for this season for the couple.” 

Eventually, the couple was revealed as “Tyler/Catelynn.”

We knew these two had been going through some tough times, especially lately, but wow. Who would have expected anything like this?

The amazing part of this story is still to come, too …

Lowell responded to the rumor by apparently confirming it: “Well since it’s out in the open @TylerBaltierra did cheat on me. He’s busted.”

Tyler added: “Damn it! We really tried keeping that a secret too! Well I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist her/him … idk it was dark and I was drunk.”

If that sounds like a joke … it is. They’re not serious.

The mom of Novalee, 2, later posted a selfie with the caption, “Much love and a big #F**koff to the haters, but sooo much love for my lovers.”

While the cheating rumor may be overblown or false – it’s not clear how the blind item got planted in the first place – their struggle is real.

Lowell has entered rehab to battle her depression and anxiety, and her husband has come across as less than understanding at times.

“You know what Cate? You better figure something out,” he said. “Listen, if you go into this thing again I got to check out. I’ll get hardened.”

“I’ll close everyone off. It’s safe that way.”

Lowell then cried, “I feel like my mental illness ruins everything!” Tyler’s response to that: “I can’t do this forever, there is no way, not like this.”

Incredibly, the cheating blind item comes on the heels of a separate report this weekend suggesting Catelynn Lowell is pregnant again.

She posted a meme using a classic TV ad featuring old people falling over, with the text “When people ask me when I’m having another baby.”

In her caption, she added “For real tho.”

Lowell has talked about having another, so it wouldn’t be a big stretch … though she also used the hashtags “someday” and “not yet.”

Catelynn turns 25 next month, too, so she and Tyler have plenty of fertile years remaining if they really want to have a bigger family.

They’ve talked about trying for at least one more in hopes of having a boy, and calling it quits after that … or trying again if that fails.

We just hope they’re on steady ground at this point.

Tyler has made no secret that he’s desperate to have a son (after two daughters), but the guy should worry most of all about his marriage.

We hate to say it, but it’s probably a good thing she’s not pregnant right now, given her recent and terrible fight with postpartum depression.

Even after she came home from rehab, she obviously still has issues with mental health, and little Nova requires every ounce of her strength.

That’s a concern, and they’re not out of the woods.

Given everything they’ve been through, dating back to their teen years, it’s amazing Cate and Ty are doing as well as they have been.

Perhaps taking a step back to work on themselves, together and individually, would ensure that we’re still talking about them in 10 years.

We’re pulling for these two.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: Our New House is Garbage!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltiera haven"t been having too great a time lately.

We"ve seen it in basically every single one of their segments in this season of Teen Mom OG — Catelynn"s depression really just seems to be doing a number on their relationship.

Even after she got back from rehab, she still struggled with things like getting out of bed in the mornings and keeping important appointments.

But even though their marriage seems to be a little iffy at the moment, they"re apparently still trucking on together.

Trucking right on into a new house, that is.

Catelynn and Tyler bought a house last year, but it looks like they want to keep on with their real estate hustle, because in this new sneak peek from next week"s episode of Teen Mom OG, they"re looking at another one.

And this one, poor thing, has a good few issues.

In the clip, you can see them check out the new house and all of its problems — at one point, Tyler even calls the house "garbage."

The house business is some fine drama all by itself, but things get real juicy when Catelynn and Tyler start the arguing.

Like we said, their marriage doesn"t seem to be doing too well.

Check out the dramatic clip below:

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra our new house is garbage

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tyler Baltierra Blasts Teen Mom Editing: I"m A Good Father!

Tyler Baltierra has had a tough time of it on Teen Mom OG this season. 

The reality TV star and wife, Catelynn Lowell have been trying to have some normal in their life, but it appears that their marriage was not as rock solid as it once was. 

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you’ll know that Tyler has not exactly been portrayed as the best husband and father recently. 

He’s been blasted by Teen Mom fans for body shaming Catelynn. 

It all started in the season premiere, but that was not the end of it. 

Catelynn has been struggling with anxiety and depression, so the last thing she needs is someone who she looks to for support trashing her appearance. 

The fans were right to air their thoughts on the way he was treating his wife. There’s no denying that Catelynn’s rehab stint had an affect on him as a husband and father. 

However, Catelynn was the one who took the first step to recovery by going to rehab. Tyler shattering her confidence is not going to do them any favors. 

Tyler has now taken aim at the Teen Mom producers for editing him in such a way that the viewers are being manipulated into thinking something different happened. 

It’s sort of what happens on reality TV shows.

A prime example of it in effect is on a recent episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. 

Have a look for yourself below:

Tyler took to Twitter to send out some facts to his followers about the reality TV works. 

Have a look at what he had to say:

It must suck to be portrayed as a less than savory person, but that’s what you can expect when you sign up to appear on a reality TV series. 

Tyler later quipped that he is happy to be the “the POS baby daddy this season, if it helps the ratings.”

Does that mean he’s going to act more outrageous in future episodes?

We’ll have to tune in to find out!

Tyler is not the only member of the Teen Mom family to blast the editing. 

Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer have both threatened to quit the show in the past because of the way they were being portrayed. 

What do you think of all of this?

Hit the comments below!


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: Our Marriage Is Fine!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have always been the cutest couple out of all the Teen Mom couples, and that’s pretty much a fact.

But even the most adorable of couples aren’t immune from problems, as this new season of Teen Mom OG is proving.

Earlier in the season, Catelynn made the decision to deal with her mental health issues by going to a rehab facility. She’s struggled with depression and anxiety for a long time, and it was important to her to get help for herself.

It was a brave decision, but when Catelynn came home after 30 days in treatment, things have seemed a little strained between her and Tyler.

During last week’s episode, Tyler took Catelynn out for Mother’s Day, but then he made comments about how she was eating her dinner.

“You’re really indulging,” he commented, and then a bit later he so charmingly told her “Happy f-cking Mother’s Day.”

But then, during a sneak peek for tomorrow’s new episode, things seemed to come to a head.

You can watch the clip in question above, but basically Tyler confronts Catelynn about “walking through life like a log.”

He tells her “I can’t do this forever, there’s no way,” and that “if you go into this thing again,” meaning her depression, “I gotta check out.”

The clip received a lot of attention because it seemed like Tyler was telling Catelynn that he’d leave her if she didn’t change things. It really was an intense little bit of footage.

But don’t worry, friends. Catelynn and Tyler hopped on Twitter over the past few days to set the record straight.

Yep, this is another case of some Teen Mom cast members accusing MTV of editing their footage for drama.

The humanity.

“It’s funny to me how ppl believe everything they see on tv the sneak peak for next week is nothing how it actually went!!” Catelynn tweeted.

After her followers expressed some confusion about what she meant — the scene in question seemed pretty clear — she followed up with “I’m saying that sometimes when u don’t see a persons face saying it like ‘I’m sick of hearing that’ and it cuts to me, he said that in a previous scene and never once said that to me.”

Tyler jumped in to add his two cents, tweeting “Facts: If you don’t see my face but hear my voice, they pulled it from another scene. She cried because of unaired questions from producer.”

He also said that his line about Catelynn “walking through life like a log” was something he said before Catelynn went to rehab, and that “I guess I can be the POS baby daddy this season, if it helps the ratings lmao.”

And then when Tyler was asked how he’s been dealing with being portrayed as such a jackass this season, he said that he dealt with it “by kissing & holding my wife & child KNOWING what the truth really is & how much love is between us all!”

So this situation seems a little complicated. It’s definitely possible that the network has been splicing little bits of footage together for high drama, but on the other hand, Tyler has definitely been insensitive and rude to Catelynn.

Editing isn’t magic, and it seems like the Teen Mom cast can forget that sometimes.

All we can do is hope for the best for this darling little couple. Oh, and also hope that Tyler learns how to talk to his wife sometime soon. We can certainly hope for that too.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tyler Baltierra: I Want to Quit Teen Mom!

Just about every star of the Teen Mom franchise has complained about the show’s editing at some point.

But fan favorite Tyler Baltierra just took things a step further.

During this week’s episode of Teen Mom, Tyler and his wife, Catelynn Lowell, tweeted that an Easter celebration scene was cobbled together by producers in order to make it look as though they were in the same place.

In reality, it seems the scene was shot while Catelynn was in rehab, being treated for depression and anxiety issues.

Following in the footsteps of disgruntled Teen Moms such as Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer, Catelynn took to social media to inform fans that the episode was misleading:

“Funny thing I WASN’T even there, c how editing can portray false things?” Catelynn tweeted.

Tyler commented:

“Lmao! I did these Easter bunny pics for you while you were in rehab babe. Now you’re magically there on TV…weird.”

It’s not uncommon for reality show cast members to gripe that they’re being portrayed inaccurately, but Tyler proceeded to go further by revealing that he often has second thoughts about his continued involvement with MTV.

Asked by a fan if he’s ever considered quitting Teen Mom, Tyler replied:

“Absolutely! I’m just a pawn for their ratings, which they will manipulate any storyline to get ratings.”

Not surprisingly, several fans replied by expressing their belief that if Baltierra is so fed up with the series that made him rich and famous, he should follow through and actually resign.

“Seriously, then quit the show,” wrote one viewer. “Have some integrity, get an actual job. Until then, stop complaining.”

Once considered the reality franchise’s most stable couple, Tyler and Catelynn have come under fire in recent weeks for a number of reasons.

Some fans believe that the Baltierras are unfairly forcing the couple who adopted their first child to remain in the spotlight, and Tyler was slammed for fat-shaming Catelynn on a recent episode.

It’s true that just about every longtime reality star has complained about how they’re perceived by fans at one point or another.

But no one gripes about the way their show is shot and edited quite as much as the Teen Moms and the men in their lives.

The bizarre part is that unlike on other reality shows, Teen Mom producers frequently appear on camera and interact with the cast. 

In fact, last season, the show made waves as a result of a scene that showed Farrah Abraham hitting a producer during an argument.

It seems whether they like it or not the shows staff are increasingly becoming part of the drama.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Clash With Daughter"s Adoptive Parents

Back in 2009, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra made the difficult decision to put their first child up for adoption.

In the years since, a lot has changed for the Teen Mom franchise’s most stable couple.

Catelynn gave birth to daughter Novalee in January of last year.

A few months later, Tyler and Catelynn got married.

Their lives have steadied out in a way that reminds viewers that not every member of the show’s original cast was driven to the brink by unexpected pregnancies and early fame.

But naturally, there are still difficulties in Tyler and Catelynn’s lives.

For several years, Catelynn and Tyler have enjoyed an “open adoption” arrangement with first-born daughter Carly and her parents.

In the past, this has created problems, as the couples have clashed over what’s best for Carly and the public nature of Catelynn and Tyler’s lives.

In fairness to Carly’s parents, when they adopted her, they couldn’t have predicted that her parents would go on to become full-blown reality stars.

The situation clearly comes to a head on next week’s installment of Teen Mom: OG, as Baltierra fumes about the request from Carly’s parents that he refrain from talking about her on television.

Check out this newly-released preview from the episode:

“It just doesn’t make any sense to me to be told what to say and what not to say,” Tyler says in the clip above.

“I don’t want to live my life like that! I can’t!”

He continues:

“If they say ‘We don’t want you talking about the adoption at all on TV,’ Ohohohoh, then we’re going to have lots of issues. That’s all I’m saying.”

At that point a producer asks for clarification, saying:

“Is what you’re saying that if they tell you that you can’t talk about the adoption on TV that you would still do it and risk the relationship with Carly?”

Tyler angrily replies in the affirmative, which prompts Catelynn to point out that his reasoning is pretty stupid.

“My reasoning is because I have sacrificed enough for you to have a family and that’s fine,” Baltierra replies.

“I’ve come to terms with that and all that’s great. But, I will not sacrifice my voice and what I think and what I can and cannot talk about on my daily life and my personal life — cameras or no cameras.”

Dude. it’s not “cameras or no cameras,” because without the cameras, there would be no problem.

No one’s saying you can’t talk about your Carly, her parents are just requesting that you not do it on TV.

So stop acting like you’re Nelson Mandela, and just shut up about your daughter if you want to have a relationship with her.

Don’t make us take back what we said about you being the show’s most stable couple.

Watch Teen Mom online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for next week’s episode.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Tyler Baltierra Reacts to Outrage Over Catelynn Lowell Fat-Shaming Comments

Last week, a preview for the new season of Teen Mom featured a moment that surprised many fans of the long-running MTV reality series.

In the clip above, Tyler Baltierra fat-shames Catelynn Lowell, slamming his wife over the size of her meal moments after she stated that she’d like to rejoin Weight Watchers.

So it’s not like Catelynn’s weight was a problem and she didn’t realize it.

And considering Catelynn went to rehab for emotional issues shortly after the scene was filmed, it’s not like she was in such a stable place that such hurtful comments rolled right off her back.

Nevertheless, Tyler is reacting to the situation in the fashion beloved by reality stars who have said something stupid on camera:

Basically his response to pissed off fans is, Hey, I know I’ve spent my adult life cashing in on your interest in my personal life, but now that the attention has turned negative, can you stop?

On Saturday, Baltierra revealed that he’s in therapy learning how to refrain from making the types of remarks he made, because apparently that’s the sort of thing one has to learn in therapy.

Shortly thereafter, however, Baltierra had a message to fans who were upset by his remarks:

“When your [sic] with someone for over 10 yrs your [sic] able to speak to each other openly & honestly. That’s how we communicate,” Baltierra tweeted.

“We aren’t afraid to hurt each other’s feelings, because we know how strong our love for each other is>”

If that explanation is a bit TL;DR for you, it can basically be summed up as:

“STFU, people who made me famous. That’s how I ‘communicate’ with my wife.”

We initially thought therapy was a bit of an overreaction, but now we’re thinking Tyler could benefit from working on his communication skills.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Tyler Baltierra: In Therapy After Comments About Catelynn Lowell"s Weight

Tyler Baltierra has told fans that he is in therapy after making comments about what his wife, Catelynn Lowell was eating in a preview for the new season of Teen Mom OG.

What’s different about Baltierra’s delivery is that we know he doesn’t mean any harm, since his relationship with Lowell is the kind that most people would kill for.

It all started in a preview for the August 22nd premiere, when Catelynn said that she might start up Weight Watchers again.  

Baltierra was the adorablly clueless husband who thought that straightforward questions wouldn’t translate into a hidden message, and asked if the portion size she was eating adhered to Weight Watchers standards.

Then Baltierra joked about not wanting a “hiefer” for a wife, and the producer off-camera gently teased him to not make fun of a woman’s eating habits.

Baltierra is friggin’ adorable and therefore gets a pass when it comes to almost anything (almost). 

And yet, he admitted to fans on August 19th that he was going through therapy to work on his delivery.

“Currently in therapy to work on my delivery of messages & opinions. Yes I know I’m a prick but I admit it instead of defend it #ImAnAsshole,” he tweeted.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that Baltierra is NOT an asshole, he’s just a lovely guy who might have said the wrong thing to his lady love.  What man hasn’t done this?

Unlike a lot of the other Teen Moms baby daddies, Baltierra’s fanbase was a lot more supportive of Novalee’s dad than, perhaps because Baltierra’s true colors as a kind, honest and compassionate father and partner have shone through over the years.

Lowell went to rehab in March to deal with post natal depression and other mental health issues, with Baltierra supported 100%.

“Still, definitely admiral of you 2 work things out in therapy 2 continue 2B the awesome husband you are for,” one Twitter fan wrote after the clip aired.

Teen Mom OG returns to MTV at 9 p.m. on August 22nd.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Tyler Baltierra to Catelynn Lowell: You"re Not Ready to Be a Mom!

The latest Teen Mom OG trailer contains a number of shocking moments.

We have Amber Portwood excitedly talking about marrying Matt Baier. (Thankfully, the two have since called the wedding off.)

We have Farrah Abraham telling her boyfriend (with a straight face ) that she’s “never crazy.”

We have Taylor McKinney’s surprise proposal to Maci Bookout.

But that’s mostly stuff we’ve seen before.

In fact, you can check out extended footage of all those moments in the slideshow below:

The moment that really has fans buzzing today involves the increasingly strained relationship between Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.

An earlier clip from the forthcoming season showed Baltierra fat-shaming Lowell and criticizing the size of the meal she was eating at the time.

Now, it looks as though the problems between Lowell and Baltierra may go even deeper than previously thought.

Back in March, Lowell checked into rehab to be treated for depression and anxiety issues.

In the clip above, we see for the first time the severity of Catelynn’s emotional anguish in the days before she decided to seek help.

We also see Tyler makes worse in shocking fashion.

Perhaps we was trying to help.

Maybe he just wanted to speak to his spouse as forthrightly as possible.

Whatever the case, many fans were shocked to hear Tyler tell Catelynn that she’s “not ready to be a mother” in the clip above.

As fans of the series know, Tyler and Catelynn put their first child up for adoption.

So the comment is a particularly low-blow coming from Tyler.

Hopefully, the full scene will show him immediately apologizing.