Showing posts with label Can't. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Can't. Show all posts

Monday, July 2, 2018

Tekashi69 Says Cristiano Ronaldo Can"t Score on Him

Is Tekashi69 the best soccer goalie to ever live?? Well. Tekashi69 sure as hell thinks he is … telling TMZ Sports NOBODY — including Cristiano Ronaldo — can score a goal on him. And, he’s being 100% serious. We spoke with the “Gotti” rapper…


Tekashi69 Says Cristiano Ronaldo Can"t Score on Him

Is Tekashi69 the best soccer goalie to ever live?? Well. Tekashi69 sure as hell thinks he is … telling TMZ Sports NOBODY — including Cristiano Ronaldo — can score a goal on him. And, he’s being 100% serious. We spoke with the “Gotti” rapper…


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

22 Shows You Can"t Miss This Fall

With summer programming providing fewer shows than ever to watch on the main networks, it"s time to look ahead to the fall. 

With a string of new additions that will either be hits or colossal failures and some returning shows that ended their most recent seasons with a bang, the 2018-19 TV season is shaping up to be one filled with a lot of shows to watch. 

Have a look at the list below of new and returning shows you cannot miss!


1. Riverdale – The CW

A million little things abc

Archie was arrested for murder on Riverdale’s twisty Season 2 finale. Will everyone be able to band together to turn the tables on Hiram Lodge and have the teen released?

Find out when the show returns in the fall.

2. Last Man Standing – Fox

Last man standing photo

In a surprising turn of events, Fox revived Last Man Standing one year after ABC canceled it.

It will air Friday nights.

3. Legacies – The CW

Legacies the cw

Legacies is the highly anticipated sequel to both The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. It takes place in Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and the Gifted. Matt Davis and Danielle Rose Russell will star.

It will air Thursdays at 9/8c.

4. All American – The CW

All american the cw

All American is new football drama about a teenager who is given a free pass to Beverly Hills High after being scouted for the football team.

It sounds like The OC meets Friday Night Lights, and we are so in for it.

It will air Wednesdays at 9/8c.

5. New Amsterdam – NBC

New amsterdam nbc

New Amsterdam is yet another medical drama, but this one is fronted by Ryan Eggold and focuses on the oldest public hospital in the country.

It will air Tuesdays in the fall.

6. Murphy Brown – CBS

Murphy brown cbs

Murphy Brown is returning to the air in the form of a revival.

That means much of the original cast will be back. It will join the CBS Thursday comedy block in 2018.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Rachel Maddow Cries, Can"t Finish Report on Immigrant Kids

Rachel Maddow tried.

She really did.

Toward the end of her program on Tuesday night, the MSNBC commentator tried to read a breaking news update about the immigration crisis in America.

But the pundit grew overwhelmed by emotion while reading a report about how babies and toddlers were being taken away from their parents and placed by the government in special holding areas/shelters.

"This is incredible," Maddow said to open this segment, quickly reading a news update from the Associated Press and then relaying it ti viewers as follows:

"Trump administration officials have been sending babies and other young children…"

She could not maintain her composure, however, not in the face of the latest atrocity committed by this administration.

"Oh, hold on," she said midway through her sentence.

Maddow attempted to continue, but she ended up concluding her show and introducing the host of the following program, Lawrence O"Donnell, who was live in Brownsville, Texas.

After the emotional footage webt viral, Maddow took to Twitter to apologize for the breakdown and share an outline of what she intended to say during the broadcast.

"Ugh, I"m sorry," she wrote in a series of tweets, adding:

"If nothing else, it is my job to actually be able to speak while I"m on TV. What I was trying to do– when I suddenly couldn"t say/do anything  –  was read this lede."

Maddow then shared the entire story with her followers.

"Again, I apologize for losing it there for a moment.  Not the way I intended that to go, not by a mile," Maddow said to wrap up her mea culpa.

As you might expect, the incident has drawn sympathy from Liberals and mockery from Conservatives.

Some believe Maddow was being sincere and can absolutely relate to the heartache she is experiencing while learning that young kids are being torn away from their parents at the U.S. border…

… while others are scoffing at her waterworks and using them as an example of how lame bleeding-heart Democrats can be.

We"re not here to judge, really. Just to pass the clip along because it"s now a part of the national discourse.

Check it out for yourself above.

Rachel maddow breaks down on air cant finish report on immigrant

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Paul George Says Chad Ochocinco Ain"t The FIFA King, "He Can"t Beat Me!"

Chad Ochocinco is more FIFA Prince than FIFA King … ‘cause Paul George OWNS the ex-NFL superstar in the video game — so says the Thunder stud himself. Chad — who’s dubbed himself the “FIFA King” many times over the years — has been obsessed…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Derrick Lewis Says He Can"t Wait to Beat Greg Hardy"s Ass, It"s Personal

UFC star Derrick Lewis says he was genuinely impressed with Greg Hardy’s 57-second knockout … but tells TMZ Sports he’s REALLY HAPPY that it means he’s one step closer to fighting the ex-NFL star.  Remember, Lewis has previously told us he…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Andre Drummond Fired Up for Dwane Casey, "Can"t Wait to Have Him"

Andre Drummond says he’s a HUGE fan of his new head coach, Dwane Casey — and tells TMZ Sports he can’t wait for Casey to join the Pistons so they can kill it next season.  “Love Dwane Casey,” Drummond told us at the Fortnite Pro Am at E3…


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Terrell Owens to Trump, You Can"t Uninvite People Who Turned You Down!

Terrell Owens has some strong words for his former ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ boss … telling Donald Trump when it comes to the Eagles, YOU WERE REJECTED FIRST!  T.O. was leaving Avra Estiatorio in Beverly Hills when we asked the former Eagles WR…


Terrell Owens to Trump, You Can"t Uninvite People Who Turned You Down!

Terrell Owens has some strong words for his former ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ boss … telling Donald Trump when it comes to the Eagles, YOU WERE REJECTED FIRST!  T.O. was leaving Avra Estiatorio in Beverly Hills when we asked the former Eagles WR…


Monday, June 4, 2018

Farrah Abraham Shares Shower Selfie of Daughter, Can"t Stop Failing at Motherhood

Farrah Abraham is … she"s just so … it"s like she"s always …

Look, she"s just a lot, OK? She"s a lot to handle, she"s got a lot going on, and it takes a lot to comprehend how she even exists in this world.

Lately — or, all right, for nearly the entire decade or so that she"s been famous — it seems like she"s really been intent on being the biggest mess she can be, and we appreciate that.

Except her wild and crazy decisions have had quite the impact on her daughter, Sophia … and that"s not so cool.

In the past few months, Farrah"s been making increasingly poor parenting choices, so now seems like as good a time as ever to do a retrospective on her biggest fails, right?

Buckle up, because this one"s going to hurt.

1. The Dream Team

Farrah and sophia abraham new york fashion week

This is Farrah and Sophia. They travel the world together, getting into all sorts of shenanigans. It is weird.

2. Plane Shower!

Sophia shower selfie

Here’s the most recent shenanigan, and the inspiration for this look back on all of Farrah’s fails — our girl actually thought it was a good idea to take a photo of her nine-year-old in the shower and put it on Instagram. For real, she thought that in her head. And then she did it.

3. Juice … or Not?

Sophia abraham drinking juice

Also this month, we saw this photo of Sophia drinking this fancy beverage. It turned out to be juice infused with gold flakes, but you know what most people thought it was? Booze.


Farrah booty

And shortly before THAT, Farrah was with Sophia in France, and Sophia shared this photo on Instagram. With the caption “I love my mamas booty.” Because that’s normal.

5. But Why?

Farrah abraham snapchat image

You might be thinking that that’s a whole lot of weirdness for such a short span of time, but let’s not forget that back in April, Farrah thought that a good mother-daughter activity would be butt injections. She was the only one who got the procedure at least — Sophia just filmed it all for posterity. Still … why does this have to happen at all?

6. Nope Nope Nope

Farrah abraham red hair

Perhaps the most disturbing moment (so far this year, anyway) happened back in February, when Farrah admitted that she and Sophia run around naked together. And they take pictures.

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Jazz Jennings Previews Upcoming Surgery: "I Can"t Believe I’m Gonna Have A Vagina!"

Forgive the rather obvious pun, but…

… Jazz Jennings is rather jazzed about her upcoming surgery.

(We’re very sorry, but the terrible play on words was just sitting right there, you know?)

The TLC reality star, who anchors a series titled “I Am Jazz,” used her personal YouTube account late last week to preview a rather giant procedure currently scheduled for June 26.

It will officially, technically, medically turn her from a male to a female.

“I am so looking forward to it. I have been ready for this my entire life,” the transgender 17-year says in her video, speaking, of course, about gender reassignment.

This has been a major theme on her aforementioned series, which debuted in July of 2015.

In this same video, Jennings explains that she has decided to be open about the surgery in hopes that it will educate people both inside and outside of the transgender community.

And she’s very explicit in talking about what it will entail.

“I’m gonna have new genitalia,” she says. “Like penis to vagina! That’s some serious sh-t, y’all! I can’t believe I’m gonna have a vagina!”

Jennings has long been an advocate in the LGBT community.

She has found herself in the headlines over the past few months because Derick Dillard, who appeared on Counting On but who has since been fired by TLC, has often mocked and slammed Jennings for the way she lives her life.

“I pity Jazz, 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child,” Dillard randomly said last fall, adding at the time:

“It’s sad that ppl would use a juvenile this way. Again, nothing against him, just unfortunate what’s on tv these days.”

Jennings never invited this sort of critique and is certainly not interested in Dillard’s pity.

She’s living her best life, thank you very much!

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality,” Dillard previously said, piling on an entire community of people by adding:

“‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”


But, hey, if Jazz can take the high road and basically ignore Dillard throughout this nonsense, so can we.

We’ll just focus on her latest video and the surgery about which she can’t stop talking.

“I have been looking forward [to the surgery] forever,” Jazz told us. “Even at a young age, I knew.”

She also says she’s excited for the procedure – but, as you might expect, also a bit frightened.

“Because I started the [testosterone] blockers so early that I never went through puberty…basically the blockers block testosterone in my body so I don’t develop as a male and get a beard, a mustache, a deep voice,” Jennings says.

“That’s why I’ve been able to be so feminine. Because of that, it caused me to be so suppressed that I didn’t have growth in ‘that’ region.”

In conclusion, Jazz goes over what’s about to happen in pretty fascinating detail, even if it may gross out some folks out there:

“Because there was a lack of tissue [down there] they didn’t have enough material to construct the entire vagina, so they’re using a special procedure where they extract my peritoneal lining.

“It’s regenerative, so it will regrow and what not.

“They take that out laparoscopically through my belly button or whatever. They use that and harvest that and use that to make the vaginal canal.

“It’s better because it looks like real vagina tissue and it feels more like real vagina tissue.”

Science, huh?

Pretty amazing.

We wish Jazz Jennings the best of luck.


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Jenelle Evans: I Told You! The Show Can"t Go On Without Me!

Jenelle Evans 1, MTV 0.

It appears as if this controversial cable network personality has won her stand-off against producers and executives, following many weeks’ worth of speculation that Evans may be fired from Teen Mom 2.

Such rumors ran wild around the Internet because Jenelle basically initiated her own boycott of the program.

After MTV fired her husband, David Eason, as a result of his many homophobic remarks, Evans refused to film.

She especially took a strong stance against filming the Teen Mom 2 reunion special in New York City last month, refusing to attend unless the network footed the traveling expenses for her and David.

Producers refused. And Evans remained true to her word.

She skipped the taping.

(And, in the process, she missed quite an explosive situation, as Briana DeJesus and/or her sister allegedly brawled on stage with Kailyn Lowry as cameras rolled.)

However, Radar Online now reports that Evans has essentially come out on top in this quasi game of chicken with her bosses:

She WILL be part of the reunion special after all.

How is this possible? Considering the special has already been filmed?

MTV has agreed to send Dr. Drew Pinsky down to North Carolina to film a separate, one-on-one interview with Evans that will be incorporated into the reunion.

The network has stood strong against Eason, though, as he will play no role in this filming.

MTV arranged for Jenelle to film with just Dr. Drew in North Carolina after she threw a temper tantrum and refused to face the other girls without David,” an insider tells Radar, adding of the arrangement:

“She is scheduled to film on Sunday, but David can’t be anywhere near filming.

“So either he has to leave the house or Jenelle will have to go somewhere else to film.”

Either way, it’s hard not to see this as a victory for Jenelle.

The veteran reality star basically went on strike and dared MTV to fire her…

… and the higher-ups responded by actually heading to down to Jenelle’s hometown just to make sure she remained part of the show.

It’s worth noting that her mother, Barbara Evans, and her son, Jace, both traveled and filmed the Teen Mom 2 reunion in The Big Apple the the weekend of May 19, 2018.

And they may very well have some negative things to say about Jenelle.

But she’s also heard it all before. She can likely handle it.

Just a few weeks ago, Evans got into serious legal trouble and faced major backlash after reportedly pulling a gun on a driver during a fit of road rage.

Once again, chatter swirled after this incident that the famous teenage mother may get canned.

And, just to be clear, this may still end up happening.

She may very well film her reunion interview and then not have her contract renewed.

But even if this ends up being the case, check out the photo gallery and story below:

Evans and DeJesus are already lining up their post-Teen Mom plans:


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kim Kardashian Meets with Donald Trump (And Twitter Can"t Handle It)

Kim Kardashian took up a cause this week that had nothing to do with scantily-clad Instagram photos or unhealthy weight loss methods.

Instead, the reality star met with President Donald Trump.

She actually got a meeting with the Commander-in-Chief in order to discuss the general topic of prison reform and the specific topic of Alice Marie Johnson, a 62-year old who is serving a lifetime jail sentence for money laundering and drug charges.

Kim thinks this is an example of a system that overly punishes certain non-violent offenders.

And she isn"t alone is thinking so.

But this is Kim Kardashian and this is Donald Trump and even if the former had an admirable reason for visiting with the latter, such a get together was clearly going to drive Twitter insane.

As you can see below, social media users did not disappoint with their reactions…

1. The Photo We Never Thought We’d See

Kim kardashian and donald trump

Kim is making like her husband in this photo alongside President Trump. She doesn’t look thrilled to be there, does she?

2. Check Us Out, Kanye!

Trump on kim

“Great meeting with @KimKardashian today, talked about prison reform and sentencing,” Trump Tweeted along with the image.

3. All for Alice

Kim ontrump

As you can see above, Kim tried to stay on topic with her responses to the meeting. She cited Johnson and her reason for wanting to talk with the President.

4. Best Front Page Ever?


As we said previously, this meeting shouldn’t really have been mocked because prison reform is a legit issue and at least Kim is focusing on something other than weight loss corsets — but we still laughed at this New York Post headline.

5. Hate Her or Despise Her…


… Kardashian has a loyal following. Don’t you want them made aware of this issue?

6. Will the Meeting Accomplish Anything?


Of course not. But if it simply raises awareness of prison reform among young people, then Kim has done her job.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Luann de Lesseps: I Can"t WAIT For You All to See Me Get Arrested!

You don"t normally see people this excited about having been arrested.

But most people aren"t Countess Luann.

The Real Housewves of New York City star is teasing what viewers can expect to see of her arrest, and more.

Luann de lesseps is looking good

In the video that we have included, Luann de Lesseps teases to Entertainment Tonight about everything that fans can look forward to seeing.

"Wait "til you see the trip in the "Bezerkshires.""

The Berkshires estates are located in Massachussetts and Connecticut. 

She even gets specific.

"I mean, the end of the trip."

She expects that the drama will be very entertaining.

Luann de lesseps a selfie

And then, of course, Luann teases something a little more significant.

"And then it"s the holidays, so we all kinda know what happens during the holidays."

In case someone somehow missed her meaning, she adds:

"To me."

On December 24 of 2017, Luann was arrested for allegedly trying to trespass into the wrong hotel room while being drunk and disorderly.

Oh, and she may have, uh, kicked a police officer. And then, while in the car, slipped her cuffs. Like an action hero. Or an assassin.

While Luann"s insane arrest video is already available for public consumption, we are very interested to see how it will be covered on RHONY.

Luann de lesseps mug shot

Of course, Luann"s brief foray into a life of crime is not the only story that she"s teasing.

"There"s always drama."

If there weren"t, the Real Housewives franchise would not be such an amazing success.

She speaks of her costars and how supportive they have been in the wake of her arrest.

"They"ve been great, but there"s definitely shifts."

As we"ve noted for a while, friendships and factions are not a constant.

"You"re gonna see Bethenny and I get closer, and some of us get … not as close."

For example, Carole Radziwill and Bethenny Frankel are no longer friends. In fact, they seem to be enemies.

Luann de lesseps on watch what happens

Entertainment Tonight mentions that, about a month ago, Luann opened up about how she is recovering following the huge wakeup call that was her arrest.

"I think that people are looking at me now and going, ‘Wow. She just, like, fell down the staircase and she got back out and she"s climbing again.’"

She"s making great strides to turn her life around.

"And that"s how I feel about my life."

Within days of her arrest, Luann checked into rehab.

"I feel like I"m taking control of my life again, and unfortunately I had to go to that extent to turn my life around."

Sometimes, you have to hit rock bottom before you realize that you"re out of control.

"But it"s OK and I"m OK with that."

Luann de lesseps and a friend

By the way, Luann stepped out with a dapper man on her arm.

The guy looks like some sort of fusion of Liam Neeson and Jonathan Cheban (no shade!), and they seemed to be getting along well.

That said, Luann says that the two of them are "just friends."

Though she did follow up by saying: "Just friend … for now."

Good for you, Luann.

Brandi glanville gives good tv

Luann de lesseps i cant wait for you all to see me get arrested

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Eric Dickerson Would Stand For Anthem, "Can"t Please Everybody"

Eric Dickerson says the fact players now have a choice to stay in the locker room for the national anthem is a “good thing” … but says he would stand if he was still in the league.  “This gives you a choice. I think that’s a good thing,”…


Friday, May 25, 2018

James Caan Says We"re in Strange Place Where Men Can"t Hit on Women

James Caan says society is in a strange place … because it’s nature’s way that men and women are supposed to be attracted to each other. We got the movie legend Thursday night in WeHo leaving Craig’s, when our photog asked about sexual misconduct…


James Caan Says We"re in Strange Place Where Men Can"t Hit on Women

James Caan says society is in a strange place … because it’s nature’s way that men and women are supposed to be attracted to each other. We got the movie legend Thursday night in WeHo leaving Craig’s, when our photog asked about sexual misconduct…


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Fans to Jill Duggar: You Can"t Love Trump AND Latinos!

Jill Duggar is in a tough spot.

She’s committed to both her dense husband, Derick Dillard, and the ultra-conservative values of her upbringing, but at the same time, she seems well aware that the core tenets of both often come into conflict with her compassionate tendencies and her belief in Christian charity.

Jill has attempted to live comfortably in both worlds by distancing herself from Derick’s comments, while simultaneously standing by her man.

She’s implied that she doesn’t share all of Derick’s views, but she also quit Counting On as a gesture of solidarity after he got fired from the show.

Unfortunately, it seems that Jill has struck a compromise that pleases no one.

Her more left-leaning fans remain unimpressed by her refusal to speak out against Derick more directly, while her conservative followers feel that Jill is undermining the beliefs she was raised with by suggesting she sometimes disagrees with her husband.

It’s a conflict that keeps resulting in tense debates in the comments of her Instagram page.

And Jill’s latest post has resulted in a full-blown battleground:

Jill posted the above photo yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“Congrats to my little Aivah on her kindergarten graduation!”

She added the hashtag “#proudmadrina,” and many fans pointed out that “madrina” is Spanish for godmother.

The photo comes on the heels of a series of a post in which Derick praised Donald Trump and joked about his eldest son helping to build “the Wall” along America’s southern border.

For obvious reasons, many of Jill’s followers were struck by the sharp contrast of the spouse’s recent social media activity.

And some went so far as to call Jill out for hypocrisy:

“You’re with Latinos but you want that wall to be built… y’all funny as f–k,” wrote one follower.

“Funny how Derick taught Izzy all about the Wall to keep people out, and here you are showcasing your ‘brown’ friends. Oh the hypocrisy,” commented another.

“That whole ‘I can’t be a bigot, cause my bffs neighbors, cousins nephew is gay and I have no problem with him,’ schtick,” remarked a third, adding:

“What mixed messages poor Israel must be getting. Racism at home and facades in public.”

Of course, Jill also found some support from those who agree with her family’s more conservative views:

“Typical liberal hypocrisy, intolerant of others who don’t share their beliefs,” wrote one follower.

“We ‘brown’ people have been in their lives for years now, no hypocrisy,” commented another.

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinions about everything. That’s what makes us all unique.”

Obviously, as is always the case with this sort of thing, nothing was resolved, and no one changed their mind.

And yet, the debate rages on.

We’d say Jill should just avoid posting about politics, but we’re pretty sure that’s what she’s trying to do.

Unfortunately for her, it’s 2018, and literally everything is political.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Doubles Down That Trump Can"t Be Indicted Even If He Shoots Someone

Rudy Giuliani said there’s no room for interpretation – Prez Trump can’t be indicted … even if he shoots someone. We got Giuliani arriving at Reagan National Airport on Thursday and reminded him what Trump said in January 2016,…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Dad Thomas to Undergo Heart Surgery and Can"t Attend Wedding

Thomas Markle is not going to walk his daughter, Meghan, down the aisle Saturday, nor will he travel to England, because we’ve learned he’s dealing with something far more serious … major surgery. Thomas tells TMZ, he will go into surgery at 7:30…
