Showing posts with label Carson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carson. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tom Bergeron SLAMMED for Comments About Witney Carson!

Tom Bergeron made an "odd" comment on Dancing With The Stars, and he"s taking some serious heat for it.

This started with Carrie Ann Inaba praising Witney Carson and Frankie Muniz for their waltz. 

"So far for me, that was the closest thing to perfection. I mean, you are so exquisite when you dance."

Pretty standard fare stuff for Dancing With The Stars. Inaba continued: "It"s just so clean. I look for mistakes, but I don"t see them — except for when you almost lost control of Witney there."

This is when Tom Bergeron decided to chime in with one of his attempts at humor. They never go well, but this time, it was especially bad: "I"m guessing he"s not the first guy who"s lost control of Witney." Yikes!

Witney Carson looked shocked, and a lot of viewers felt the same way.

At worst, this was an implication about her personal life that may very well amount to sexual harassment. At best, it was a dumb joke and attempted compliment and Tom Bergeron just failed to communicate that. Which would make him a not-so-great TV host.

Witney says that she"s just going to "brush it off," which is totally her choice and an effective way to avoid further controversy.

Below, you"ll see fan tweets slamming Bergeron — but you"ll also see a few defending him.

And you"ll see what Tom Bergeron had to say when he finally addressed the issue.

1. Like we said, Bergeron is getting slammed

Dwts 01

This tweeter was not the first or last to mention #MeToo and the inappropriate things that so many women hear in the workplace.

2. This one’s nice and concise

Dwts 02

Some aren’t sure if it was sexual harassment, but most can agree that whatever Bergeron was trying to say wasn’t appropriate

3. He really stepped in it this time

Dwts 03

Another #MeToo reference, though perhaps we should let Witney herself decide if this is a #MeToo situation

4. This one has a good sense of empathy

Dwts 04

Weird comments are bad enough at work, but at work on national television? Yikes.

5. We’re always here for a good Saved By The Bell reference

Dwts 05

But seriously, folks, we wonder what was going through Bergeron’s mind

6. Some wondered if they misheard

Dwts 06

It’s a little unlikely that everyone “misheard” the same thing

View Slideshow

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Rockstar Pete Wentz Says Eagles" Carson Wentz Has His MVP Vote

Tom Brady? Russell Wilson? Nah … the NFL’s 2017 MVP trophy belongs to Eagles QB Carson Wentz — so says last-name bro Pete Wentz. We got the other celeb Wentz fresh off a trip to Philly — and the Fall Out Boy bassist told TMZ Sports his honorary…


Rockstar Pete Wentz Says Eagles" Carson Wentz Has His MVP Vote

Tom Brady? Russell Wilson? Nah … the NFL’s 2017 MVP trophy belongs to Eagles QB Carson Wentz — so says last-name bro Pete Wentz. We got the other celeb Wentz fresh off a trip to Philly — and the Fall Out Boy bassist told TMZ Sports his honorary…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Carson Kressley Says Gays Are Healthy and Cute So Let Them Donate Blood!!!

Carson Kressley says gays check every applicable box when it comes to donating blood … and that’s why it’s time to change the law restricting them from doing so. The ex-‘Queer Eye’ star was in Bev Hills and told us he’s proud of his…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

L.A. Sparks" Essence Carson: WNBA Finals Protest Is NOT About the Flag!!!

L.A. Sparks player Essence Carson is telling TMZ Sports why the team walked off the court for the national anthem during Games 1 and 2 of the WNBA Finals this week … and why it’s NOT about the flag.  FYI, the Sparks were booed in Minneapolis…


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Samuel L. Jackson Advises Ben Carson to Skip Apologies, Just Quit (VIDEO)

Even though Samuel L. Jackson destroyed Ben Carson for his controversial comment about slaves and immigrants … he’s not interested in an apology from the new HUD Secretary. You can tell in this video, Sam was still angry when he…


Samuel L. Jackson Advises Ben Carson to Skip Apologies, Just Quit (VIDEO)

Even though Samuel L. Jackson destroyed Ben Carson for his controversial comment about slaves and immigrants … he’s not interested in an apology from the new HUD Secretary. You can tell in this video, Sam was still angry when he…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Ben Carson Said WHAT About Slaves?!?!?!?!?!?!?

In his first official speech as Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Ben Carson made a few controversial remarks while addressing HUD employees in Washington, D.C. on Monday.

What sort of controversial remarks?

The sort that make you wonder how Carson has lasted this long as a human being…

… let alone how he was confirmed as a member of a Presidential administration.

"That"s what America is about, a land of dreams and opportunity," Carson said as part of his rambling speech, adding:

"There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less.

"But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters, might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land."

You may want to read that second sentence again. And maybe again after that.

Because Ben Carson really did refer to slaves – the same slaves who were violently snatched from their homes, chained up, tossed into a ship and then forced to do a white person"s bidding – as "immigrants" who wanted to come to America and who simply worked hard for a low wage.

Shortly after the video below went viral, celebrities jumped on Twitter in shock and the opposite of awe.

“Ben Carson..please read or watch Roots, most immigrants come here VOLUNTARILY, cant"t really say the same about the slaves..they were stolen,” Whoopi Goldberg wrote in response, while Samuel L. Jackson added:

“OK!! Ben Carson….I can"t! Immigrants ? In the bottom of SLAVE SHIPS??!! MUTHAFUKKA PLEASE!!! #dickheadedtom."

We know it"s difficult to believe that anyone would utter these words.

But it really happened!

See for yourself in the following footage:

Ben carson refers to slaves as immigrants who worked for low pay

Monday, March 6, 2017

Samuel L. Jackson Blasts Ben Carson Over Slave Ships, "Muthafukka Please!!!" (VIDEO)

Samuel L. Jackson just skewered Ben Carson for suggesting slaves were simply hardworking immigrants … in the most Samuel L. fashion ever. If you missed it, the new HUD Sec. gave a speech Monday where he said, “There were other immigrants who came…


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Carson Kressley Says New "Queer Eye" Can"t Be As Fab As Ours (VIDEO)

The original leader of the ‘Queer Eye’ fab 5 says the new show won’t ever have that same old twinkle … but does know a guy who can help it come close. We talked to Carson Kressley — the former star of “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” — who gave…


Carson Kressley Says New "Queer Eye" Can"t Be As Fab As Ours (VIDEO)

The original leader of the ‘Queer Eye’ fab 5 says the new show won’t ever have that same old twinkle … but does know a guy who can help it come close. We talked to Carson Kressley — the former star of “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” — who gave…


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Carson Daly: Good Genes or Good Docs!? (New Years Edition)

Carson Daly’s good looks are worthy of NYE kiss! Here’s a 25-year-old version of the ‘Total Request Live’ host posing for a pic back in 1998 (left) and 18 years later … the New Years Eve Host – in Los Angeles back…


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Carrie Fisher and Garry Shandling Appear Together on "Johnny Carson" (VIDEO)

Carrie Fisher and Garry Shandling shared a stage together on late-night once upon a time … and we got a clip of the rerun that’s re-airing this week. Antenna TV will be running an old episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” Wednesday…


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Jared Goff"s Dad -- Dak & Carson Have Raised Expectations ... But He"s Ready (VIDEO)

It’s hard enough for a rookie QB in the NFL, but with Dak Prescott and Carson Wentz killing it, the expectations on Jared Goff are even higher than normal … so says Goff’s dad.  We spoke with Jerry Goff who tells us he’s super excited to…


Friday, November 13, 2015

Donald Trump Compares Ben Carson to a Child Molester

Donald Trump has taken a break from insulting Hillary Clinton"s hair.

He"s stopped threatening a Starbucks boycott for a few moments.

He"s even giving the anti-Muslim rhetoric a breather, at least for about nine minutes.

Because that"s how long Trump took this week in Iowa to focus on Republican rival Ben Carson, who has surged to the lead in some Presidential polls and who has therefore earned Trump"s wrath as a result.

In his autobiography, "Gifted Hands," the neurosuregon describes his past as a troubled youth, writing that he had a temper that led him to attack a number of his friends and even his mother, prior to turning his life around.

Trump honed in on the word Carson used to describe himself back in the day (pathological) and pounced… like only Donald Trump can.

"If you"re pathological there"s no cure for that folks… if you"re a child molester, a sick puppy, you"re a child molester, there"s no cure for that," he said.

"There"s only one cure, we don"t to talk about that cure. That"s the ultimate cure. No there"s two, there"s death and there"s the other thing. 

"But if you"re a child molester there"s no cure, they can"t stop you. Pathological, there"s no cure. Now he said he was pathological, okay."

You really need to watch this video. Trump also goes off on how he would bomb ISIS and acts especially unhinged.

Yes, even for Donald Trump. Now there"s a scary thought, right?!?

Donald trump compares ben carson to a child molester

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ben Carson Rap Song is Something That Actually Exists

Move over, Donald Trump.

Ben Carson is here to prove that you may not be the craziest candidate in the field of 2016 Presidential nominees.

The Republican hopeful, who is now leading many national polls among the GOP, has released a new 60-second campaign ad… which comes in the form of a rap song.


According to ABC News, the $ 150,000 radio ad buy (titled “Freedom”) will air for two weeks in Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Detroit, Birmingham, Alabama, Jackson, Mississippi, Memphis, Tennessee and Little Rock, Arkansas.

The spot is meant to appeal to young African-America votes, featuring rapper Aspiring Mogul on the main vocals.

But his spit-out verses are interspersed with portions of Carson’s stump speech.

"America became a great nation early on not because it was flooded with politicians but because it was flooded with people who understood the value of personal responsibility, hard work, innovation and that’s what will get us on the right track now,” Carson says between Mogul’s rap.

He later adds:

“I’m very hopeful that I"m not the only one that’s willing to pick up the baton to freedom.

"Because freedom is not free and we must fight for it every day. Every one of us must fight for us because we are fighting for our children and the next generation."

The aim of the this commercial ad is to motivate the urban market, with Carson believing he can take down Hillary Clinton is he wins 20 percent of the black vote next year.

“Reaching them on a level they appreciate and follow and see if we can attract their consciousness about the election,” Carson campaign spokesman Doug Watts told ABC News.

“They need to get involved and express their voice through their vote.”

This is a real campaign ad.

We are not making it up.

Ben carson releases rap song as campaign ad

Carson Daly: Stop Asking Me About Gwen and Blake!

Man alive, is this the best picture of November 5th, 2015 or what?

Carson Daly, he who is on the Ryan Seacrest plan of having hundreds of different jobs in different time zones at the same time, knew it was coming after Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton officially confirmed their courtship.

Daly, who hosts The Voice, and works alongside Stefani and Shelton, had Stefani on his radio show on November 2nd to talk about her life after splitting with Gavin Rossdale.

“I don’t have anything to hide,” she told him, according to CBS.

“Everybody knows that I was married forever and now I’m not. So, could you imagine what my life is like right now?”

Last night at the Country Music Awards, Shelton performed his new single, “Gonna” to an audience that included his ex, Miranda Lambert.  Reports claim that Stefani was going to join him at the ceremony, but she was nowhere to be seen…

Stefani and Rossdale finalized their divorce on on October 25th.  

Stefani went on Seacrest’s radio show recently, and refused to directly answer any questions about Shelton, EXCEPT FOR THIS:

“I’m not going to answer that right now, Ryan. I think I’ve given enough of myself this morning to you. But I think he’s hot, don’t you?”

Well played, Stefani.  Well played.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Kanye West: Ben Carson Won"t Talk to Me & Sweatshirts Are the Future

He may have all the stage presence of a can of Spam and the same bigoted views on Muslims as your drunk uncle, but it seems Ben Carson has been making some undeniably smart decisions during his presidential campaign.

For example, he refuses to have anything to do with Kanye West. We know this because Kanye West said so.

As you’ve probably heard, Kanye announced that he plans to run for president in 2020 during his stoned, rambling speech at the VMAs last month.

The world assumed (and hoped) he was kidding, but Kanye confirmed his candidacy in a recent interview with Vanity Fair interview.

He also revealed that his efforts to get in touch with current candidate Carson (to ask for pointers?) have failed miserably.

“As soon as I heard Carson speak, I tried for three weeks to get on the phone with him,” says Yeezy. Apparently, Carson wouldn’t take his calls, which makes sense, because:

  1. He probably didn’t want to be on the receiving end of a 45 minute rant about the importance of sweatshirts, and

  2. Kanye’s wife, Kim Kardashian, supports Hillary Clinton, who is also running for president, and who disagrees with Carson on just about every issue there is.

Oh, and that rant about sweatshirts? That’s not hypothetical. 

In the same interview in which he revealed that he’s super serious about running for the highest office in the nation, Yeezus went off about how sweatshirts are about to change the world. He then compared himself to Mark Twain, or something:

“Sweatshirts are f–king important,” Kanye said.

“That might sound like the funniest quote ever. How can you say all this stuff about running for president in 2020 and then say sweatshirts are important? But they are. Just mark my words. Mark my words like Mark Twain.”

Can someone tell Kanye that when Mark Twain said something funny it was intentional? That’s a very important distinction.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

GOP Candidate Ben Carson "Absolutely Would Not Agree With" America Ever Having A Muslim President

This is disgusting.

Ben Carson, a Republican party candidate for president, went on Meet The Press on Sunday morning and made some awful and flat-out ignorant comments about Islam and the presidency in the United States.

Related: Donald Trump Wants To Remove All Muslims From America

Answering a question during the broadcast, Carson alleged that a president’s faith ought to matter, and that it should reflect the values of Americans:

“I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.”

So much for that whole religious freedom thing, apparently.

Ibrahim Cooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said of Carson’s unbelievable comments:

“To me this really means he is not qualified to be president of the United States. You cannot hold these kinds of views and at the same time say you will represent all Americans, of all faiths and backgrounds.”

The Constitution of the United States, of course, specifically prohibits religious tests for public office, so what Carson is talking about is ridiculous, wrong, bigoted, and, oh yeah, blatantly unconstitutional.

What do U think??

[Image via Ben Carson/Twitter.]