Showing posts with label Chelsea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chelsea. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Jenelle Evans SLAMS Chelsea Houska"s Dad: Cram It, You Fat F-ck!

Jenelle Evans has never been a particularly even-tempered young woman, and at this point, there’s nothing surprising about the instability she demonstrates on just about every single episode of Teen Mom 2.

But we do sometimes find ourselves caught off guard when she tears into someone on social media, and we’re reminded that no part of the Jenelle we see on camera is fake.

She’s really like this, folks.

Last month, Jenelle attacked David Eason’s sister in a bonkers Facebook rant that reminded us that no one is off limits when it comes to the wrath of the Carolina Hurricane.

Most reality stars observe strict Mafia rules and refuse to go after their co-star’s friends and family.

Not Jenelle, who went on a foul-mouthed tirade against the father of her fellow TM2 cast member Chelsea Houska during last night’s episode.

In fairness to Jenelle (and we’re not thrilled about defending the eternally-enraged Ms. Evans), she wasn’t the one who started this particular war of words.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you’re probably familiar with Randy Houska.

Widely regarded as the among the most stable and supportive of the Teen Mom dads, Chelsea’s dad is often quick to rush to his daughter’s defense on Twitter.

Unfortunately, sometimes he offers his two cents on the other cast members, and … well, this time he was put in his place.

“It is good to scream at each other in front of the kids, it teaches them great things,” Randy tweeted during last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2.

“Hey fat f-ck, I am so sick of you commenting on my life. go tend to your own family. you don’t know a f**king thing i’ve been through,” Jenelle fired back, showcasing her usual wit and grace.

She later added:

“I don’t give two s**ts anymore. not any other parent comments about me negatively except randy. nothing positive, ever.”

In a rare conciliatory gesture, Jenelle later deleted the tweets, but in a recent interview with Radar Online, she stated that she stands by her remarks.

“I wish he would stop,” she told the site.

“He doesn’t know me or what I have to deal with when it comes to my mom. Yes, of course my mom brings out the worst in me so we are bound to argue sometimes, but it’s gotten better and everything is a lot more calmer on my end.”

She then proceeded to really go off on the poor guy, even referencing a storyline that last night’s episode that Chelsea says was fabricated in post production.

“He should be more focused on Aubree being ignored, since all they show is me yelling and if that’s true and that’s all we do 24/7…then I guess MTV is true about Aubree being ignored since Watson has been born,” Jenelle told radar.

We suppose in her own way, she was making a point about MTV’s editing practices.

But this is Jenelle we’re talking about, so she couldn’t resist going in for the kill:

“I’m not as bad as a person Randy thinks, but if he wants to spend his time checking Twitter daily like it’s his job, then so be it. He’s just now another creepy Teen Mom troll in my book,” she said.

“Maybe that’s why Aubree is ignored…his attention is dedicated to Twitter, not his family.”

Dammit, Jenelle, you almost came off looking sane in this one.

So close.


Chelsea Houska: MTV is Turning My Life to Sh-t!

Lately, even the franchise’s most diehard fans have found themselves wondering just how fake Teen Mom really is.

That speculation haunts every long-running reality show, but in the case of MTV’s most popular series, it’s spurred by some pretty reliable sources–the stars themselves.

Leah Messer was the first to call out the show’s editors for rearranging events and using out-of-context clips to create a false nartative.

Since then, most of the franchise’s other stars have followed suit, airing their grievances on social media following episodes in which they feel they were wrongly portrayed in a negative light.

Leah’s first husband, Jeremy Calvert, even threatened to host a weekly online series in which he would point out the inaccuracies and falsehoods in the latest episode of Teen Mom 2.

Of course, it’s not surprising that folks like Leah, Jenell Evans, and Farrah Abraham would be quick to attack the show’s editing staff, as they’re almost always depicted as unfit moms and unrepentant narcissists.

It’s when beloved fan favorites like Chelsea Houska cry foul that we really sit up and take notice.

If you watched this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, you know that Chelsea’s storyline centered around her desire for more babies, despite the fact that she spent much of the episode clashing with daughter Aubree.

In a lengthy social media tirade, Chelsea argued that the portrayal was intentionally misleading and deeply unfair, writing:

I’ve tried my hardest to not say my feelings on this season. But after watching tonight’s episode and the numerous times they’ve turned sweet great moments into s**t, I can’t not say anything.

“They took out every time she was being a turd (aka a regular 7-year-old) and me correcting her. And turned it into A. Her acting out because of the baby or B. Me ignoring her because of the baby.

“Tonight’s episode they needed some storyline so we agreed to talk about having baby fever so soon.The scene I’m talking about they clipped and cut so damn much.

She adds that the party shown on last night’s episode actually resulted in fond memories for all (including Aubree) and she was outraged to see MTV transform it into some dysfunctional family moment:

“And what was actually a great ass time, they cut down to show me snap at Aubs. But did not show the 8000000 times she was not listening beforehand. They of course wanted to make it look like I wanted another baby, but was still overwhelmed and having issues with Aubree,” Chelsea wrote.

She added that Aubree likes to “show off and test limits” when the camera crew is around, a secenario that most parents with children that age can no doubt relate to.

“I’m so sick of filming great things and cute things and them trying to dig so deep and create something out of nothing by adding dramatic music,” she added.

“Cole and I made it an absolute #1 priority to always make Aubree feel like she was still everything. And we filmed so much to even show that. All they show it frustration and me telling Aubree to not do sh-t.”

Chelsea concluded with a criticism so scathing it left many wondering if her time on the show might be drawing to a close.

“I knew they were trying to make it into something more than it was,” Houska tweeted when the episode aired. “I felt like they were trying to make it into something that would make my daughter look bad. And I’m absolutely not ok with that.”

Any reality star could tell you that real-life events are often manipulated to make for more compelling drama.

But everyone has to draw the line somewhere, and it seems that Chelsea, seeing her fond family memories transformed into the stuff of lurid drama might simply be too much.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to try and guess what really happened … and what was authored by the folks at MTV.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Trying for Another Baby ALREADY?!

We"ve talked at length about how great Chelsea Houska is, right?

About how she"s absolutely adorable, how her family is equally precious, and how remarkably stable she is compared to the rest of the Teen Mom crew.

It"s easy to appreciate Chelsea and her family, especially when you see her cute little life in contrast to the drama of Jenelle Evans, Kailyn Lowry, and now Briana DeJesus.

And, judging by what goes down in this sweet little sneak peek from tonight"s episode of Teen Mom 2, her family could be getting even bigger — and therefore even cuter — very, very soon!

In the clip, Chelsea is chilling at home with her husband, Cole DeBoer, their baby, Watson, and of course darling little Aubree.

She tells them that it"s time to take Watson"s four month photo — every time he turns another month old, she"s been taking his photo on this cute little blanket and documenting his growth.

They get everything set up, and Cole looks at the blanket and says "How good would this blanket look if there was like two more babies on there?"

Sounds like someone has baby fever!

Chelsea asks Aubree if she wants more siblings, and she says she does, but only if they"re boys.

Because really, how many queens can you realistically fit it one home?

Finally they"re ready to take the picture, and Chelsea lays Watson down so everyone else can marvel at him.

"Doesn"t this give you baby fever?" she asks Cole.

"Yeah, we could stack "em," he tells her, gesturing at the blanket. "One here, one here. By next year, I was thinking we"d probably get three."

He"s obviously joking, because unless Chelsea is able to use her own sheer will to create twins, that would be impossible.

But there"s definitely some truth there, too.

"I"m serious though," she tells him. "Do you think by this time next year we"ll be having another one?"

"We"re gonna have more when Mom"s ready to have more," he says simply, which is a great answer.

Chelsea asks him "What if I was ready right now?", and he responds with "Well, then we"re ready right now!"

Can you even stand how sweet this whole thing is?

This conversation happened when Watson was four months old, and he just turned seven months old — meaning that if they took this conversation seriously, she could very well be pregnant right now.

And even if she"s not, it sounds like we can look forward to many, many cute babies from these two in the not-so-distant future!

Watch the adorable exchange in the video below:

Chelsea houska trying for another baby already

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See Her ADORABLE Son Say His First Word!

Chelsea Houska is considered by many, many fans to be the best mother in the entire Teen Mom universe.

And sure, it"s mostly because she"s one of the few moms who came from wealthy families, and because her father, Randy, was there for her emotionally and financially in a way most of the other moms didn"t experience.

And yes, she definitely had her questionable moments — mostly the way she refused to let Adam Lind go even after he repeatedly proved to her what a terrible, terrible person he was (and still is).

Remember when he called her a "fat stretch-marked bitch" and told her he wanted to give up his rights to their daughter, Aubree?

Who, by the way, he actually referred to as "that mistake."

So yeah, Chelsea has some lovers, but she also has some critics.

But none of that will matter when you watch this painfully adorable video she was kind enough to share on Instagram.

In the video, Chelsea is tending to her second child, little bitty Watson Cole DeBoer.

It seems like just yesterday that she gave birth to him, but he"s actually seven months old now!

And, as you can see in the video, he"s ready to start talking!

We see her coaching him, making a "ma" sound over and over …

And it pays off, because with her help, Watson technically says his first word: mama!

As she explains it in her caption, "He may not know what it means yet … but I"m gonna go ahead and count it as his first word."

And we don"t blame her one bit.

Check out Watson in action in the video below!

Chelsea houska see her adorable son say his first word

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Chelsea Houska to Adam Lind: You"re a Drug Addict! Stay Away From Our Daughter!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, you know that, as always, each of the ladies is dealing with a considerable amount of personal drama.

These days, Chelsea Houska is enjoying the most stable home life of all of the moms, but she’s still tormented by the mistakes of her difficult past.

And the chief architect of that torment is her douche bad baby daddy, Adam Lind.

Back in April, Lind tested positive for meth just before a scheduled visit with his youngest daughter, Paisley.

Not surprisingly, Paisley’s mother, Taylor Halbur is now fighting Lind for full custody and seeking to have him stripped of all visitation rights.

The court case has resulted in a number of disturbing revelations, including the fact that Lind frequently boasted about hard drug use in public social media posts.

As far as we know, Chelsea has yet to take any similar legal action to protect daughter Aubree, but as we learned last night, the issue of Lind’s fitness as a parent is very much on her mind.

Asked by a TM2 producer if she was aware of the extent of Lind’s drug use, Chelsea replied:

“Yeah, it’s very serious—and it is scary.”

She elaborated:

“If I had my choice, I don’t want [Aubree] in the house because he’s doing drugs.”

Referring to the fact that Lind’s visits with his daughter are supposed to be supervised by his parents, Houska added:

“Obviously, he’s probably doing them at his house, you know? I mean, hopefully, his parents were doing their supervision…so that she didn’t see much.”

Chelsea went on to say she’s stunned by Lind’s behavior, as he showed no signs of substance abuse during their time as a couple:

“He was not on drugs when I was with him or knew him,” she said on last night’s episode.

“But that’s the thing is I can’t picture it—it’s just crazy to think that this person is doing that. It makes me sad for Aubree. The last thing you want to give your child is a drug-addicted father.”

Again, Chelsea didn’t reveal whether she plans to seek a family court intervention.

But don’t be surprised if she files legal documents in the very near future.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Chelsea and Adam’s turbulent relationship.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Chelsea Handler"s Dog Tammy Dies After Struggling With Kidney Failure

Chelsea Handler bid farewell to her rescue dog, Tammy, which she affectionately called Bear, on Friday and her send-off was a total tearjerker. Handler posted a picture of the fluffy mutt on Instagram saying she was forced to put her down because…


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Chelsea Houska Blasts Teen Mom 2 Again: Is She Done Filming?!

If you follow any or all of the Teen Mom crew on social media, you know that most of them have a love/hate relationship with the show that made them famous.

They love it because it gives them lots of money and prevents them from having to get traditional jobs, and they hate it because … well, they hate it for lots of reasons.

Some of them get upset with MTV for giving them “bad edits,” when in reality the crew just films them doing bad things and then airs the footage.

(Looking at you, Jenelle Evans.)

Other cast members take issue with the editing in general and how things are spliced together to create drama that actually never did exist.

And believe it or not, there are some folks on the show who just aren’t loving how very, very famous they’ve gotten.

For Chelsea Houska, the golden child of Teen Mom 2, it’s mostly those last two things.

Just last week, Chelsea complained that MTV had taken a comment she made and edited it into an entirely different conversation out of context.

She also expressed some frustration that the moms weren’t able to approve episodes before they aired.

It’s understandable for her to be upset by those things — especially when they concern her entire family and how they’re portrayed on national television.

And it’s also understandable why she was bothered again by something that happened on this week’s episode.

It was Briana DeJesus who first did some ranting about the most recent episode.

“Lol why am I still getting heat for saying white girls…” she wrote on Twitter. “I’m sorry my daughter doesn’t understand ‘caucasian girls."”

She’s referring to the conversations she had with her daughter, Nova, in the episode.

Nova, whose father is black, told Briana that she wanted to have her hair straightened, and Briana and her family had a big talk with her about it.

They asked her why she wanted her hair like that, and precious little Nova said that she’d never been able to have long hair, but they told her that “white girls” couldn’t braid their hair like she likes.

That was how the conversation went, and that is what Briana is apparently “still getting heat” for.

And when she let that be known in her tweet, good ol’ Chelsea wasn’t down with it.

“Welcome to being back on tv lol…..” she tweeted to Briana. “People will literally rip apart anything you say. They always gotta find something!”

Briana replied that “it’s the worst thing ever,” which seems a little dramatic.

But it’s interesting, because Chelsea’s words of wisdom are just another example of why it seems like she’s getting sicker and sicker of being a reality star.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Adam Lind Is a Meth Addict!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, then you witnessed one of the saddest scenes in the series history, which is really saying something.

We’ve known for several months that Adam Lind tested positive for meth shortly before a planned visit with his youngest daughter, but it was one thing to read about the news and another to see Chelsea Houska’s stunned reaction.

Like pretty much everyone else in Lind’s life, Chelsea doesn’t believe her ex’s drug use is a one-time thing, and she fears that he’s developed into a full-blow addict.

“You don’t just do meth and get off of it,” she told an MTV producer.

“You get hooked. The fact that he was doing it knowing he had to take a drug test every other week…It means he probably has a problem.”

Lamenting the hard road ahead for her daughter, Aubree, Houska remarked:

“I wish she didn’t have a drug addict father, obviously.”

At the time of his positive test, Lind was preparing for a visit with his daughter from his relationship with Taylor Halbur, and not surprisingly, Halbur is now fighting Lind for full custody with vitrually no visitation rights.

Her lawyers argue that Lind sqaundered those rights with his persistent hard drug use, and only when he’s able to prove that he’s sought treatment and gotten clean should he be permitted to visit his daughter Paisley again. 

It remains unclear if Chelsea will take similar action, but based on last night’s episode, it certainly seems that she’s deeply concerned for her daughter’s welfare.

Fortunately, there’s plenty of good news in Aubree’s life these days.

Houska married Cole DeBoer back in October, and based on what we’ve seen, he’s been nothing less than the ideal steapfather.

In January, Houska and welcomed her second child, and Aubree seems to be loving life as a big sister.

Of course, while all of this may serve to soften the blow of having a negligent drug addict for a father, Aubree is no still profoundly affected by her father’s idocy.

Here’s hoping that either Lind will find the help he needs ASAP … or Houska will do what she has to in order to protect her daughter.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to be reminded of just how atrocious a person Adam really is.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Kailyn Lowry and Chelsea Houska Put MTV on BLAST: Stop with the Editing!

For a while now, it’s seemed like complaining about MTV has become a favorite pastime for each and every Teen Mom cast member.

Which is weird, considering that MTV is paying this girls hundreds of thousands of dollars to just live their senselessly dramatic lives.

We’ve seen Farrah Abraham lose her mind at producers because her contract stated she couldn’t do certain other gigs and she disagreed with it (after signing it).

We’ve seen Jenelle Evans insist that editors make her look bad, when really we know that it’s Jenelle that makes herself look bad.

Really, most of the moms’ issues come down to editing — either they feel like they’re portrayed in a negative way, or their scenes get spliced together for the sake of a juicy storyline.

And this week, both Kailyn Lowry and Chelsea Houska are taking issue with the latest episode of Teen Mom 2.

Chelsea started the conversation — so far on the show, her storyline has mostly been about welcoming little baby Watson and the adjustment it’s been for the family.

Aubree in particular has had a rough time getting used to the new addition, which makes sense. After all, she’d been Chelsea’s only child for a long, long time.

But at one point during the episode, she made a comment about the situation which seemed a little odd.

And, as she explained on Twitter, the comment wasn’t about that situation at all.

“Just a little something that irked me about the show tonight,” she tweeted. “There’s a part where I say ‘I feel like it’s taking away from Cole’s experience."”

“And that was taken out of context from a different convo and added in that scene for some reason.”

She added the hashtag “Reality TV probs,” because hey, what can you do?

Not much, she clarified — when someone asked if they got to approve episodes before they air, she answered “Helllllll no lol that would be amazing if we could haha.”

Kailyn replied to Chelsea’s tweet about taking lines of context, saying that MTV did just that several times throughout the episode.

She even said that they “provoked the scene with Isaac crying at dinner!!! And I lost my mind!!!”

She also wrote “Let’s talk about how bad the timeline is off tonight. Peep the wall paint and how it flips from mint to yellow back to mind.”

If this is true — and honestly with something as noticeable as the paint on the wall, it’s easy to believe the rest of their claims — it’s pretty sad.

Especially the thought of provoking sweet little Isaac into crying over Kailyn and Javi’s divorce over dinner.

But then again, these ladies have to realize that MTV is running a business, and they know what will attract viewers to the show.

Lots and lots of drama, if you weren’t aware.

If they don’t care for it, they have the option of quitting, but if the income is too important to them, it looks like they’re just going to have to deal with it.


Monday, July 31, 2017

Tomi Lahren Claims Victory Over Chelsea Handler at Politicon

Tomi Lahren 1, Chelsea Handler 0 — at least that’s how Tomi had her liberal-conservative showdown scored. We got Tomi leaving Politicon in Pasadena, and asked her if the debate — really more of spirited convo — moved her ever so…


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Tomi Lahren & Chelsea Handler"s Healthcare "Debate" at Politicon

Chelsea Handler and Tomi Lahren’s debate wasn’t as contentious or bitchy as most had hoped — but it did reveal Tomi hasn’t fully fled her parents’ nest. The liberal-conservative showdown Saturday afternoon at Politicon was less debate, and more…


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See the Most ADORABLE Moment Between Aubree and Cole DeBoer!

If you watch Teen Mom, chances are you really, really love your trashy reality television — and hey, there"s nothing wrong with that.

Most people can"t look away from a good train wreck, and, for the most part, that"s what Teen Mom is.

But in between all the relentless drama, between Jenelle Evans having meltdowns and Farrah Abraham yelling at literally every person she comes across, it"s good to have a palate cleanser.

You know, a cute moment, something to lighten the mood.

And Chelsea Houska"s life has become the sweetest palate cleanser there is.

Sure, she"s still got some Adam Lind drama, but we don"t see as much of it as we used to on Teen Mom 2.

These days, it"s pretty much just baby stuff, sweet scenes with Aubree, and Chelsea and Cole being #relationshipgoals all day long.

If you"re not quite sure what we mean, just check out this new sneak peek for Monday"s episode.

In the clip, which is seriously so very, very precious, Aubree and Cole are hanging out while Chelsea tends to little baby Watson.

They decide to make some ghost spray, or as Cole calls it, "Aubree"s Powerful, Butt-Kickin" Ghost Spray."

He helps her make the label and mix the formula — it looks like the ghost spray consists of mostly glitter — and then instructs her to spray him once "so I can have protection."

Yes, Cole, a grown man, lets Aubree spray him with glitter.

The love must be so real.

She then uses some of the spray on Chelsea — just her legs though, since she"s feeding Watson — and she also squirts some around the living room.

When she"s done, she gives Cole a hug as he congratulates her on a job well done.

And just like the Grinch, our hearts grew three sizes by watching this.

So go on, treat yourself by watching the extremely darling video below:

Chelsea houska see the most adorable moment between aubree and c

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Chelsea Star Kenedy Booted from China After Offensive Posts

Here’s the blueprint on how to get kicked outta China … courtesy of Chelsea soccer star Kenedy. Before Kenedy even took the pitch for his team’s Asia tour, the 21-year-old Brazilian posted 2 videos last week on social media: The first contained…


Chelsea Star Kenedy Booted from China After Offensive Posts

Here’s the blueprint on how to get kicked outta China … courtesy of Chelsea soccer star Kenedy. Before Kenedy even took the pitch for his team’s Asia tour, the 21-year-old Brazilian posted 2 videos last week on social media: The first contained…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Chelsea Houska Shares Photo of Baby Watson; Fans Lose It

If you watched the Season 8 premiere of Teen Mom 2 Monday night, you know that while much has changed in the original four moms’ lives since last season, their personalities remain very much as we remember them.

Jenelle is still angry; Leah is still exasperated by the constant drama in her life; Kailyn is still … well, she’s also pretty angry, come to think of it.

As for Chelsea Houska, for many fans, she remains the living definition of #LifeGoals.

Of course, the show filmed several months ago, which means fans can currently live vicariously through Chelsea both on TV and on social media.

Houska is currently on vacation in Florida, and photos like the one above have been a big hit with TM2 fans.

The focal point these days, of course, is not Chelsea or her husband, Cole DeBoer, or even her daughter, Aubree.

No, what fans seem most interested in is the startling growth rate of Chelsea and Cole’s son, Watson DeBoer.

Chelsea welcomed Watson just six months ago, and the little guy is growing up much too fast for some fans.

“Oh my gosh, Watson’s leg rolls,” one Instagram user commented on the pic.

“What a big beautiful baby! Soon enough he’ll be carrying you!” jokes another.

Your circle is complete! Take it all in and enjoy your blessings,” wrote a third fan.

Longtime fans of the show witnessed how much Chelsea struggled as a result of her relationship with her first baby daddy, Adam Lind.

These days, Lind may be soon to lose custody of both of his kids as a result of testing positive for meth shortly after a visit with his youngest daughter, Paislee.

So it’s not hard to see why fans are so protective of Chelsea and so happy to see her doing well:

Many fans have experienced similar difficulties clearly identify with Houska, and it seems she’s become an aspirational figure to some:

“I don’t know if you will read this but you’re such a incredible mother,” one fan commented on the photo.

“You always put your babies first and I’m so happy for you and your family. You so deserve to be happy and have a loving supportive husband like Cole.”

She certainly does.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the bumpy road that brought Chelsea to where she is today.


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Is Her Daughter Too Jealous of Her New Baby?!

These days, Chelsea Houska, Teen Mom 2"s greatest treasure, is a mother to two precious kids: her daughter, Aubree, and little baby Watson.

And all three of them, along with Chelsea"s husband, Cole DeBoer, are just as cute as cute can be.

As we"ve seen on the show, Chelsea and Aubree have always been super close, and when Cole joined the family, he really stepped up as a father figure to Aubree.

But back in January, Watson entered the picture.

And as we learn in this new sneak peek for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2, his birth changed things up quite a bit.

In the clip, we see Chelsea cruising around with Aubree and Watson in the backseat, and she tells Aubree that she needs to talk to her.

"Your attitude has been so bad lately and so negative, and I don"t even understand why," she says. "Why do you think you"ve been so, like, crabby?"

"Maybe I"m just tired sometimes but I don"t feel it," Aubree suggests.

At that Chelsea says that maybe she should try taking some naps, "because I don"t even know what to do. Why did you just start thinking that you don"t have to listen anymore?"

Precious little Aubree starts to shut down, but then Chelsea says that "I think things changed after Watson was born. That"s when you started being crabby."

And it all makes sense, doesn"t it?

Aubree was Chelsea"s only child for a very long time, so jealousy would be a totally normal thing when Watson came along, right?

Wrong, actually.

"It"s just because that he"s so cute and when I have to go to bed you guys get to be with him and I have to be trying to go to sleep," she explains.

"You get to have fun with him while I"m just sleeping and bored."

So she"s not jealous of her new little brother, she"s jealous that Chelsea and Cole get to stay up with him while she has to go to bed?

If that"s not the sweetest thing we"ve ever heard …

After that, Chelsea launches in to the classic "you"re the kid, we"re the parents, so you have to listen to us" speech, and Aubree agrees that she has to start listening more.

But still, this may be one of the cutest Teen Mom 2 clips of all time.

See Chelsea and Aubree"s darling conversation in the video below:

Chelsea houska is her daughter too jealous of her new baby

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See Footage from Her ADORABLE Baby Shower!

Don"t you just adore Chelsea Houska?

While you"re watching Teen Mom 2, seeing Jenelle Evans fighting with anyone and everyone, Kailyn Lowry"s endless drama, and Leah Messer"s personal tragedies … well, it can get tough.

It"s hard to watch clip after clip of sadness and awfulness, you know?

But thanks to Chelsea, we always know we"ll get to see at least a little happiness in every episode.

All the Adam Lind nonsense aside, that girl has a happy, healthy family, and it"s a welcome change on the show.

And if you need an example of the kind of thing we"re talking about, think back to all the Teen Mom 2 sneak peeks we"ve seen this week, then check out this new one.

Instead of Leah being blamed for her ex-husband"s breakup or Jenelle having yet another meltdown in front of her children, we have this pure clip of Chelsea"s baby shower.

Or, sorry, her "diaper keg."

When Chelsea was pregnant with adorable little Watson, she wanted to have a party to celebrate, but not a traditional baby shower.

So her family and friends gathered together and … well, you"ll see how it goes.

In this darling footage, we see Aubree being just as cute as ever, and Chelsea and Cole are #RelationshipGoals just like always.

We also see Chelsea eating a cupcake and twerking while very pregnant, so there"s that.

And instead of traditional baby shower games, some of the guests chug baby bottles full of beer to see who can finish the fastest.

As if we weren"t excited for this new season already …

Check out the baby shower shenanigans in the video below:

Chelsea houska see footage from her adorable baby shower

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See Her Son Watson"s Teen Mom 2 Debut!

If you"re a fan of Teen Mom 2, then prepare to be very, very excited.

Actually, if you"re kind of whatever about the whole Teen Mom thing but really into cute stuff, then this is a story for you, too.

Because, OK, remember Chelsea Houska, the most beloved Teen Mom of them all, gave birth to her second child in January?

She and her offensively attractive husband, Cole DeBoer, welcomed a little boy that they named Watson, and as we"ve seen in the photos they"ve shared, he"s just the sweetest little thing.

Like, seriously, seriously cute.

But now that a new season of Teen Mom 2 is all set to begin airing next week, we have some new sneak peeks to dive into.

And in Chelsea"s sneak peek, the MTV crew meets little Watson for the very first time.

Brace yourselves, your heart may not be able to withstand seeing this family of four in action.

As the clip begins, we see producers and crew members pull up to Chelsea"s home, looking very, very excited.

Which is fair — goodness knows we"d be pretty pumped to have this experience.

Chelsea and Cole give out hugs as the crew files into the house, then they bring them into the family room where Watson and Aubree are waiting.

She picks up Watson, who, by the looks of him here, can"t have been in the world very long at all.

She tells him to say hi, her producer starts crying, Aubree chills on a couch with an iPad … all normal things here, we imagine.

Then Watson starts to get fussy and Chelsea pulls out a cover so she can breastfeed him.

"If a boob comes out," she warns the crew, "I still … I don"t know what I"m doing."

Oh, Chelsea, we"ve missed you so!

Check out the adorable clip in the video below:

Chelsea houska see her son watsons teen mom 2 debut

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