Showing posts with label Cover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cover. Show all posts

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Kanye West Will Put Mother"s Plastic Surgeon on Album Cover

Kanye West is putting the man responsible for his beloved mother’s death on his album cover — he says in an act of forgiveness … the beginning of what he believes will be world peace. West shared a text between him and someone named Wes, and…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Taylor Swift"s "September" Cover Gets Praise from Earth, Wind & Fire"s Philip Bailey

Taylor Swift’s new version of the Earth, Wind and Fire classic, “September,” might be getting slammed by haters, but it’s a hit with the group’s lead singer, Philip Bailey. Philip weighed in on Taylor’s acoustic, country rendition of their…


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Cardi B Defends Album Cover, The Guy Suing Me is Not Even Black

Cardi B has an answer to the guy who’s suing her for lifting the tattoo on his back for her album cover — she says the dude on her album is black, and the plaintiff is lily white. The album cover shows a guy giving Cardi B oral sex … his back…


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Christina Aguilera Stuns Fans with Bare-Faced Paper Magazine Cover

Quick, think of past Paper Magazine issues and tell us what comes to mind…

Nudity, right?

A great deal of nudity, highlighted by Kim Kardashian’s infamous 2014 spread, no?

Same here, don’t worry. You aren’t alone.

In the latest issue of this iconic publication, however, Christina Aguilera puts a unique twist on this naked theme:

She poses for a handful of extreme close-ups, all of which involve not a hint of makeup on her face.

Yes, that really is Christina Aguilera above and below, revealing almost more of herself in this manner that even Kim did three and a half years ago — or Nicki Minaj did when she got down and dirty in Paper.

Just consider:

How many times have you seen a celebrity’s butt or boobs?

It’s not all that rare, is it?

Okay, now consider: How many times have you seen a celebrity with no lipstick, mascara or eye shadow anywhere on her face?

It’s far less frequent, isn’t it?

Why did Aguilera take this bold step for Paper?

“I’ve always been someone that obviously loves to experiment, loves theatrics, loves to create a storyline and play a character in a video or through stage,” she explained to the magazine, adding:

“I’m a performer, that’s who I am by nature.

“But I’m at the place, even musically, where it’s a liberating feeling to be able to strip it all back and appreciate who you are and your raw beauty.”

Aguilera became known over the years for often changing up her appearance, going from a style that oozed sex appeal when she first struck it big to one that was a lot more retro in the 2010s.

“I can’t stay in a stagnant place for too long, which is why I think the position I was in with television just became very stifling,” she told Paper, referencing her six-season stint on The Voice.

She continued:

“I need movement, I need to go explore, be an artist, create and transform.”

Unlike past Paper cover subjects, Christina isn’t nude and/or hugging a pig for her pictorial.

But that doesn’t mean the artist doesn’t see herself as an innovator.

“Be fearless in breaking new boundaries and don’t be afraid to go against the grain of criticism along the way,” she tells Paper.

Isn’t she afraid of what people are gonna say about her online?

“There’s always gonna be those trolls out there or people that have their own definition and ideals of beauty, but I think we’re progressing to a place of pushback and more people coming out.”

This is an impressive display of self-confidence on Aguilera’s part, both her photos themselves and her affiliated quotes.

The star just hope she pass along similar traits to her three-year old daughter.

“I don’t want to inject too much upon her as to how I’m choosing to live my life and what I’ve done in my career,” Aguilera says, concluding:

“I just hope I can allow what I’m doing to influence her to be her own person. That’s truly what I hope for her.

“I really want to make sure my children are both very confident in the sense that they know who they are and that they won’t be easily swayed by outside opinion.”


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Kim Kardashian SLAMMED for Vogue India Cover!

Kim Kardashian can’t catch a break, huh?

Well, that’s not exactly true — if you think about it, her entire life is like one great big break.

Plenty of other people have made a lame sex tape with their boyfriends that later got into the wrong hands, but have those people been able to turn that awful experience into millions and millions of dollars?


But while she’s super rich and famous and beautiful and so on and so forth, one thing that might not be all that fun about being Kim Kardashian is that she gets so. Much. Hate.

Just so very much hate, from so many people, on a regular basis.

Sometimes it’s deserved, and sometimes it’s not.

You just wait and see what you think about her latest move, OK?

Earlier this week, Kim announced that she’d be appearing on the cover of Vogue India, and the magazine also released the images of her two covers.

She looks great, which makes sense — that’s sort of what she does.

Kim Kardashian Vogue India Cover

But people aren’t so much upset by the actual photos as they are by the fact that she’s on the cover of Vogue India at all.

“This is just disrespectful af to all the brown skinned Indian women who don’t get any exposure because @vogueindia is obsessed with white beauty standards,” one such person wrote on Instagram.

Over on Twitter, someone wrote “So I guess there was not Indian models/actors available for his cover. Where is the Indian representation in mainstream media? Has it only become relevant when white girls at coachella are rocking a bindi?”

How’s that for some real talk?

“So many pretty Indian models out there and Vogue India somehow chooses kendall jenner and kim kardashian for their covers,” another person commented. “How hard is it to have Indian women represent Indian culture?”

Kim Kardashian Vogue India Cover 2

Oh, because in case you’d forgotten, this same exact thing happened not too long ago with Kendall Jenner — she was on the cover of Vogue India, too, and nobody was happy about that one either.


Several people claimed that Kim Kardashian isn’t even famous in India — apparently there are many there who don’t even know who she is.

But while tons of social media users are just upset as can be over Kim’s cover, lots of others are totally cool with it.

“Dumb girls really putting so much energy into this #VogueIndia hate,” one of those people tweeted. “Kim can still purchase you, it’s not that deep, the magazine is getting all the attention it wants.”

“Focus on REAL representation issues. Thanks.”

Another popular argument is that Kim is Armenian, so it shouldn’t be too big of a deal.

It’s a complicated issue, to say the least.

Do you think Kim deserves to be on the cover of Vogue India?


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Danielle Herrington: Who is the 2018 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover Girl?

Danielle Herrington has reached what many consider to be the pinnacle of the modeling business:

She has been named the 2018 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover girl.

And it’s pretty easy to see why…

Herrington is only the third African-American woman to grace the front of the legendary issue, something she touched on in a statement released shortly after the above photo went public.

“Two of my role models are Tyra Banks and Beyonce, so the fact that I get to join this incredible group of women as I become the third black model on the cover of SI Swimsuit is a dream come true,” Herrington says, adding:

“I am so excited to be part of this iconic brand that has long given identity and voice to women of all shapes, colors and beliefs.

“I hope that young girls who look at this cover are inspired to dream as big as I did and work hard to attain all their goals.”

Harrington posed for this issue for the very first time just a year ago.

She went from being a 2017 rookie to the star of the 2018 edition.

And she said previously that this was the path she always dreamed about, she just didn’t know if it was realistic.

In a 2017 interview with Fox News, Herrington talked about how she aspired to be just like Banks, who appears on probably the most iconic cover in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit history.

“I just remember Tyra Banks being on the cover and that’s where it all started for me,” Danielle said.

“That’s what really made me pursue modeling. SI was a goal from that point, from seeing Tyra on the cover. It was love at first sight… everything happened naturally.”

What else is worth noting about Danielle Herrington?

She’s 24 years old.

She grew up in Compton, California.

She majored in Psychology and would have been a child psychiatrist if she had not become a model.

Sports Illustrated is the first magazine she has EVER posed for.

“I am beyond speechless,” she wrote on Instagram after this cover was revealed.

She added:

“I dedicate this to all the young girls out there. Work hard, surround yourself with good people who believe in you and YOUR DREAMS WILL COME TRUE.”

For this cover shot, Herrington was shot by photographer Ben Watts in Harbour Island, Bahamas.

“Last year, Danielle was a rookie, and yet already an exemplary model,” said SI Swimsuit Editor MJ Day, gushing in more detail:


“She’s an extra hard worker and a natural brand ambassador. All those things separately don’t guarantee a cover, though. Danielle was a shy girl, who went from taking her first photos last year to showing up this year a completely different person.

“All the good things about her seemed to be magnified.

“She owned every single second of her shoot. She had an enthusiasm and effervescence about her – I felt like I was meeting her for the first time.

“Last year she showed up never expecting to be there; this year she showed up completely claiming her place and status as a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model.”


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tyga Defends Explicit New "Kyoto" Album Cover

Tyga’s got a message for haters of his new album cover — check your delicate sensibilities and enjoy it for what it is … art. We got the “Rack City” rapper Tuesday leaving Prada on Rodeo Drive in Bev Hills and asked him about his highly…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Hawaii Missile Alert Got One Thing Right, Duck and Cover Was Best Advice

The Hawaiian missile alert instruction to take cover wherever possible isn’t antiquated advice — it’s still the safest response in a real nuke scenario. As we reported … Hawaiians got a horrifically false alert Saturday telling them to “seek…


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Roman Polanski Seeks Cover in Switzerland

Roman Polanski would clearly rather endure the cold in Switzerland than feel the heat in the U.S. … as he remains a fugitive from justice for raping a 13-year-old girl 40 years ago. The famed director of “Rosemary’s Baby” and “The Pianist” sought…


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Harvey Weinstein, TWC Sued for Conspiracy to Cover Up His Sexual Predator Ways

The Weinstein Company’s Board of Directors, lawyers and consultants all conspired to shame and blackball Harvey Weinstein’s accusers … according to a blockbuster lawsuit filed by 6 women. The plaintiffs came into contact with Weinstein in…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Nicki Minaj Sets Internet Ablaze with Racy Paper Cover

Nicki Minaj has failed to break the Internet.

The artist claimed this was her goal in posing VERY seductively for Paper Magazine.

But while the Internet may still be intact, it"s also abuzz with chatter over Minaj"s pictorial.

See what folks are saying about it below:

1. This is the Cover

This is the cover

It speaks for itself, huh? And it says some very naughty things.

2. Lawd Hammercy

Lawd hammercy

This is our new favorite phrase.

3. Thank God

Thank god


4. She Didn’t Actually Break the Internet

She didnt actually break the internet

But joke still well taken.

5. All Bown Down…

All bown down

… before this living legend, times three.

6. Revenge is a Dish Best Served…

Revenge is a dish best served

… red hot!

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Friday, November 10, 2017

Newsweek Gets Blasted for Inflatable Penis Cover

For its November 17 issue, Newsweek has published a cover story that focuses on the #MeToo movement.

Focusing on the fact that women now feel empowered to speak out against famous men who have acted inappropriately over the years (from Harvey Weinstein to Kevin Spacey to Louis C.K.), the publication asks:

#MeToo is taking down powerful men in all fields. Is Donald Trump next?

But it does so alongside the photo of a pin popping a penis balloon, prompting many Internet users to ask: WTH?!?

Why must the implication here by that women are actively hurting men by simply calling them out for sexual harassment or assault?

Women don"t have some problem with penises. They have a problem with guys who act like dicks, basically.

Scroll down for a look at what people are saying about this controversy:

1. The Controversial Cover

The controversial cover

It’s not hard to see why folks have an issue with this image, right?

2. So, the Problem is That Men Have Dicks?

So the problem is that men have dicks

And women should fix that problem by injuring said dicks? Is that the message here?

3. These Women Were Assaulted

These women were assaulted

They just want justice. Not revenge.

4. Tone Deaf… to the Max

Tone deaf to the max

This cover is just missing the entire point.

5. All the Nope

All the nope

This isn’t our favorite saying, but we agree with the sentiment.

6. BOOM!


This one says it all.

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Friday, October 27, 2017

Cardi B Sued by Model On Her Album Cover

The guy going down on Cardi B on her mixtape cover is pissed off because he claims he never posed for the photo, and never signed off on his image being used in such a sexual manner. Cardi’s “Gangsta Bitch Music Vol. 1” cover shows a shirtless guy,…


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Jonathan Rhys Meyers Rebounds, Snags Best Actor Award for "Damascus Cover"

Jonathan Rhys Meyers has had a rough time of late … his wife had a miscarriage earlier this month, he relapsed and ended up again in rehab for alcoholism, but he’s just snagged a huge honor … Best Actor at the Boston Film Festival. Jon was…


Jonathan Rhys Meyers Rebounds, Snags Best Actor Award for "Damascus Cover"

Jonathan Rhys Meyers has had a rough time of late … his wife had a miscarriage earlier this month, he relapsed and ended up again in rehab for alcoholism, but he’s just snagged a huge honor … Best Actor at the Boston Film Festival. Jon was…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Taylor Swift Album Cover, Release Date: Revealed!!!

The mystery is over.

The excitement can officially begin!

Days after unveiling a couple of creepy snake-themed videos on her Instagram page, fueling speculation that she’s set to make a musical comeback, Taylor Swift has made it officially:

That is most definitely her plan!

The superstar went ahead and set the Internet on fire this afternoon by announcing:

  1. The name of her upcoming studio album.

  2. The release date.

  3. The cover art.

You can check out the third item listed above, while we can now confirm that the record will be titled “Reputation” and it will be available to purchase on November 10.

We think we speak for all readers when we say the following in response:


Based on previous reports, Swift may very well release the first track off this album on Thursday night.

Moreover, she may release the video for its at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday, which will be hosted by arch enemy Katy Perry.

As you can see at the outset of this post, the cover for “Reputation” features a black and white photo of the artist dressed casually in a loose-fitting shirt, sporting wet hair and standing amid a backdrop of fake newspaper headlines and articles.

They all containing repeats of two words, “Taylor Swift.”

Might this be her way of responding to basically a year’s worth of negative stories?

Swift’s reputation (there’s that word!) took a mighty big hit last summer after Kim Kardashian basically exposed her as a liar.

Frequently EVERYwhere on social media and at awards shows, Taylor has been incredibly quiet ever since.

Her last single, the Zayn Malik collaboration “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever,” appeared on the Fifty Shades Darker soundtrack and was released in December.

Expect all this to change over the last quarter of 2017, however.

Expect Taylor Swift to once again rule the music and gossip universe.

Also, expect this album to once again be of the pop song variety, with one insider telling Us Weekly:

“The [new] single is very different. It goes from very soft, to hard, to soft again. Taylor is overhauling her image.”

Moreover: “The video is definitely eye-catching.”

Another source close to the situation tells E! News that there’s a reason Swift hasn’t been making much news of late or splashing photos of her and her new boyfriend around the Web:

She’s been very busy.

“Taylor has been writing and recording her new album in Nashville for the last several months,” this source told E! News in May.

“She has been working on it around the clock and will be making an announcement soon. She is really excited about her new music and can’t wait to share it with her fans…

“She has been entirely focused on that and not much else. She has been 100 percent dedicated to making music the last few months and that’s it.”

Similarly, we are 100 percent psyched to hear it!


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik SLAMMED for Offensive Vogue Cover!

Doing a photo shoot for Vogue is a very, very big deal, and landing the cover is even bigger.

But we imagine that landing a cover that ends up getting bashed for being offensive and ridiculous isn’t quite as much fun.

Still, that’s the situation Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik have found themselves in presently.

See, Vogue decided to do a feature about gender fluidity, and so they got typically adorable couple Gigi and Zayn to pose for the accompanying photo shoot.

This is the first issue: why not get models who are actually gender fluid instead of one of Taylor Swift’s squad members and the guy who used to be in One Direction?

In the shoot, Gigi wore all kinds of suits, and Zayn wore some clothing items with a floral print, and some with lots of embellishments.

In the interview, she said that she wore his clothes all the time, and he added that he wore hers sometimes, too.

“I like that shirt,” Zayn said about one particular piece in Gigi’s closet. “And if it’s tight on me, so what? It doesn’t matter if it was made for a girl.”

“Totally,” Gigi agreed. “It’s not about gender. It’s about, like, shapes. And what feels good on you that day. And anyway, it’s fun to experiment.”

She also said “If Zayn’s wearing a tight shirt and tight jeans and a big, drapey coat, I mean– I’d wear that, too. It’s just about, Do the clothes feel right on you?”

“With social media, the world’s gotten very small,” Zayn explained, “and it can seem like everyone’s doing the same thing.”

“Gender, whatever — you want to make your own statement. You know? You want to feel distinct.”

And all that is fine. You can wear whatever clothes you want, sure. Do what makes you happy.

But the issue is that being gender fluid isn’t exactly about being a woman and wearing a suit, or being a man who feels cool wearing floral prints.

And Twitter has been doing an A+ job of calling Vogue out for this mess.

“Zayn and Gigi are profiled in this piece on gender fluidity because… they borrow each other’s clothes sometimes?” one person wondered.

Another wrote “My bf and I share t-shirts, that doesn’t mean we are gender fluid. Jeez louise Vogue, all ya had to do was Google the definition.”

As one reasonable Twitter user pointed out, “I believe Vogue should have called it ‘Androgynous’ and not gender fluid. Seems like just an excuse to put them on the cover.”

Violet Chachki, incredible drag queen and winner of season seven of RuPaul’s Drag Race, even got into the debate.

“There’s an entire marginalized community that actually deals with the problems and joys of being visibly queer day to day,” she wrote in a post on Snapchat.

“Ya know people that wear gendered clothing different than the gender they were assigned at birth, not only because it’s cute and fun but as a means of survival.”

Vogue received so much backlash for the issue that they’ve already made a public apology.

“They story was intended to highlight the impact the gender-fluid, non-binary communities have had on fashion and culture,” their statement read.

“We are very sorry the story did not correctly reflect that spirit — we missed the mark. We do look forward to continuing the conversation with greater sensitivity.”

As of now, neither Gigi or Zayn have commented on the controversy.

Do you think Vogue was out of line with this? Sound off below!


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Justin Trudeau Poses for Magazine Cover with Legs Spread

Justin Trudeau knows what he’s got … clearly. The Canadian P.M. posed for the cover of Delta Airlines Sky Mag … the July issue. The shot is perfectly framed … making his crotch the centerpiece. It’s a little Sharon Stone “Basic Instinct,” a…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Ivanka Trump"s Magazine Cover Gets the Meme Treatment from Twitter

The Trump family might not be making too many people happy these days, but they sure are providing the internet with a lot of entertainment.

This time, it"s Ivanka who"s spawning Twitter memes.

In an almost comical ploy for sympathy and brand distance, Ivanka Trump appeared on the cover of Us Weekly with 

The headline, "Ivanka Takes A Stand: Why I Disagree With My Dad," was a beautifully giftwrapped present that Twitter opened with great alacrity.

Sure, some people just mocked the headline, referring to it as "Daddy, You"re Hurting My Brand!" But others got a little more creative with it.

From reimagined versions of the cover to references to popular culture — particularly when it comes to parent-child conflicts — Twitter had no shortage of fun parodies of Ivanka"s headline.

But first, the original magazine cover.


1. Nice Try, Ivanka

Ivanka us weekly cover

More like “Why My Brand Needs Distance From My Dad,” right?

2. Spot The Difference …

Ivanka us weekly memes 01

This one’s almost the same, but just a bit more honest.

3. Star Wars Reference Number One

Ivanka us weekly memes 02

What’s more quintessentially Star Wars than disagreeing with your dad? And don’t say lightsabers …

4. If She Doesn’t Get What She Wants …

Ivanka us weekly memes 03

This one might actually be TOO accurate. Ugh.

5. Nice Game of Thrones Reference

Ivanka us weekly memes 04

Does this one technically qualify as “potty humor?”

6. Star Wars Reference Number Two

Ivanka us weekly memes 05

A second dose of Star Wars dad-disagreements; this time with Carrie Fisher feels.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

"Love & Hip Hop" Cast Donates Money to Cover Graduates" Costs (PHOTO + VIDEO)

The cast of “Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta” put a pause on their TV drama to help out some high school seniors … by picking up their their graduation tabs. Sources close to production tell TMZ … Karlie Redd, Rasheeda, Mimi Faust, and Sierra Gates…
