Showing posts with label Dash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dash. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tiger Woods" DUI Dash Cam Arrest Video (LIVE STREAM)

Cops are about to release the police video of the Tiger Woods DUI arrest — showing the golfer zonked out behind the wheel. You will see it on TMZ the second it becomes available.  The footage was shot early Monday morning from a Jupiter PD…


Monday, May 1, 2017

Usain Bolt Would Lose To John Ross In The 40 Yard Dash, Says Ross" Ex-Teammate

Usain Bolt would get his ass kicked if he lined up against John Ross in the 40 yard dash … so says Ross’ college teammate and Packers draft pick Kevin King. TMZ Sports talked to King — a CB selected by Green Bay with the 1st pick of the 2nd…


Usain Bolt Would Lose To John Ross In The 40 Yard Dash, Says Ross" Ex-Teammate

Usain Bolt would get his ass kicked if he lined up against John Ross in the 40 yard dash … so says Ross’ college teammate and Packers draft pick Kevin King. TMZ Sports talked to King — a CB selected by Green Bay with the 1st pick of the 2nd…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Bad Night for the Kardashians ... DASH Store Vandalized (PHOTOS)

It was a rough night for the Karadashians Wednesday, because vandals and thieves were out to get them. Turns out the DASH store on Melrose in L.A. got an unwanted makeover … something people discovered on the TMZ Celebrity Tour Thursday morning.…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Premiere Recap: Time to Dash

Keeping Up with the Kardashians is back, and if Season 13 Episode 1 was any indication, we’re in for the most insane season in history.

What happened that would make us predict that?

What didn’t happen would be more accurate …

Well, actually quite a lot didn’t happen TBH.

While the previews for this season teased so many big events in the Kards’ lives (namely Kim’s robbery), the premiere included none.

When Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 13 Episode 1 got underway, the “Big Three” traveled to Miami and faced a big decision.

A major department store made an offer to acquire Dash, prompting Kim, Kourt and Khloe to ponder the future of their clothing boutiques. 

Yes, the Dash stores are still a thing.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you’ve seen E! try to convince us that the family has real jobs for years on end.

Meanwhile, Khloe faced the challenge of keeping Kim in the dark about her new relationship, while Kourtney faced the challenge of …

Scott Disick. In general.

First, let’s talk about Dash, which EVERY fan of the show is dying to talk about (even if they just remembered these stores existed).

In a tour of the New York location, Kourtney and Jonathan Cheban were not impressed, lamenting that back in the day, these were a thing.

Self-awareness at least.

“It’s so 2009. I don’t even have the words to explain,” she says, as Kim, Khloe and Kourt head to Miami to check out that store as well.

Kourt could use a break from Scott Disick, with whom she just completed a marathon family trip to Disney (but they’re not back together).

Khloe, meanwhile, just completed a vacation in Mexico with Tristan Thompson, and trying to keep the new romance on the DL. From Kim.

“We’re an intense family,” she says of her older sister. “We all know not to tell Kim anything unless you want to tell her every last detail.”

In Florida, Kim reveals that a big-time department store wants to buy them out of Dash and put their clothes/brand inside their stores.

Kourtney, somehow, is resistant to this idea, wanting to pour her time and money into rebuilding what they have instead of getting out.

Would seeing the Dash Miami store change her mind?

“There is no way to salvage any of this; its horrible,” Kim says, as she and Khloe are firmly on the side of selling and bailing on Dash.

“The store is really past putting any money into it.”

Kourtney still isn’t convinced it’s the way to go.

“We’re making moves. I’m about to do a big revamp,” she says, later admitting to Kim that a big part of this is their sentimental value.

Dash is something that the three built after their father died, and it means a lot to her. Kim gets it, but still wants her to be open-minded.

In advance of Kanye West’s concert, Khloe makes arrangements for Thompson and some of his crew to come to the show with them.

Scott, meanwhile, decides to come to the concert as well after initially bailing due to the constant awkwardness of things with Kourtney.

Of their often uncomfortable social interactions, he asks her “Is there a solution to this?” Scott asks, and Kourtney shrugs, “I don’t know.”

“I don’t think we need to do everything 24/7.”

It’s hard to co-parent and be best friends one minute and yet living separate lives the next … especially for bad communicators in general.

As for the Dash merger, Kim warms to a compromise idea of closing down New York but keeping Miami open, to Kourtney’s happiness.

Next week: Paris robbery time.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Plies DUI Arrest Dash Cam Footage, Chillin" "Home Alone" T-Shirt (VIDEO)

Plies was arrested for DUI by some pretty stonefaced cops, because it’s borderline remarkable they didn’t lose it as they gazed into the horrified eyes of one Kevin McCallister. TMZ obtained the dash cam footage of the Florida rapper’s January…


Monday, January 23, 2017

Stacey Dash Gets Fired from Fox News, Twitter Celebrates

Megyn Kelly isn’t the only big name to be leaving Fox News.

Stacey Dash is on her way out, as well.

The network has confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that it has chosen not to renew Dash’s contract, a decision that was actually made last fall but which has only gone public today.

Dash has not appeared on the channel since September.

The former actress and occasional author has made all sorts of headlines ever since debuting on Fox News in 2014.

In July of that year, for example, she suggested that Kanye West should go get locked up in Riker’s Island so that he can “know what rape is.”

A few weeks later, sticking with the theme of sexual assault, Dash implied that only “bad or naughty girls” become rape victims.

In 2015, Dash was suspended briefly from the network for swearing on-air in a rant about President Barack Obama in which she said he “didn’t give a sh-t about terrorism.”

Then there was the time Dash pushed to end both the existence of BET and Black History Month, arguing in January of 2016:

“We can either have integration or segregation. If we don’t want segregation then we need to get rid of channels like BET… If it were the other way around we would be up in arms.”

The 5-year old Clueless star then inspired backlash again in June 2016 when she made transphobic comments while discussing Caitlyn Jenner during an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

“Go [to the bathroom] in the bushes. … I’m not gonna put my child’s life at risk because you want to change a law,” she said of transgender individuals wanting to use different bathrooms.

In response to the news that Dash is no longer welcome at Fox News, Twitter basically held a #StaceyDashSucks party.

“Stacey dash lost her fox contract, and suddenly that ‘career’ of being the black who hates black isn’t gonna pay so well anymore,” one user wrote.

Another chimed in with the following:

“Before you laugh at Stacey Dash for losing her gig at Fox News, just remember this means she’s now available for a cabinet appointment.”

That’s pretty good, actually.

Here’s a look at what some other Internet users are saying about Dash:

dash tweets

Will you miss Stacey Dash on Fox News?

Were you even aware that Stacey Dash had not been on Fox News in months?

And are you wondering whether other Clueless cast members are these days?

Well… wonder no longer!


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Kardashians" DASH Store Hit by Thief (PHOTOS)

Kim Kardashian has a new crime to deal with — this time it’s her family’s DASH store that was hit, and it went down shortly after the Paris suspects got busted. Law enforcement sources tell us a woman strolled into the Melrose Ave…


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Kardashian"s Dash Store Sued -- I See You Don"t Like Blind Customers

The Kardashian’s Dash store refuses to do business with the blind … treating them as second-class citizens … so claims a blind man who’s suing the joint. Andres Gomez says he’s legally blind and uses screen reader software to access the…


Friday, July 1, 2016

Stacey Dash: Jesse Williams is a Hollywood Plantation Slave!

Safe to say Stacey Dash was not a big fan of Jesse Williams’ impassioned, viral speech at the BET Awards last weekend. At all.

Dash called Williams racist … and didn’t stop there.

“You’ve just seen the perfect example of a HOLLYWOOD plantation slave!” Dash wrote on her blog, excoriating the actor’s remarks.

“Sorry, Mr. Williams. But the fact that you were on that stage at THOSE awards tells people you really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Just spewing hate and anger.”

Williams stars on Grey’s Anatomy and is also the executive producer of the documentary Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement.

At the BET Awards, he delivered a poignant, and at times pointed, speech about the still-prevailing racism in today’s volatile society.

Citing examples of police brutality and invoking images of slavery as well as the Black Lives Matter movement, Williams earned raves.

“We’re done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people out of sight and out of mind.”

“Extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment … ghettoizing and demeaning our creations, then stealing them, gentrifying our genius.”

Accepting his humanitarian award, Williams added, “The thing is, though, just because we’re magic, doesn’t mean we’re not real.”

Dash, however, saw it a bit differently.

From her standpoint, Williams’ speech was divisive rhetoric, another obstacle keeping America from coming together as a united nation.

“That chip on the shoulders of people like you will weigh you down and keep you from flying free,” she wrote. “But true freedom is never free.”

“You have to know how to fly. If anyone is making you feel this way its you. Living in a psychological prison of your own making.”

“If anyone is GHETTO-IZING anyone, it’s people like you letting the BETs and other media outlets portray us in stereotypes.”

Her beef with the network is ongoing.

During last winter’s #OscarsSoWhite controversy, Dash stated on Fox & Friends that she couldn’t grasp why BET still existed.

“I think it’s ludicrous,” the 49-year-old said. “We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration.”

Dash says it’s all a double standard:

“If we don’t want segregation, then we have to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards, where you’re only awarded if you’re black.”

Dash also incurred the wrath of Twitter for comments about Prince not being a black artist, so in certain situations she really is clueless.


Friday, April 22, 2016

Stacey Dash: SLAMMED for "Black" Comments About Prince

While the world is reeling over the death of music legend Prince, numerous stars have expressed their heartfelt sentiments to honor the man.

Will Smith"s tribute was poignant. Justin Timberlake"s was heart-wrenchingly beautiful.

And then came Stacey Dash.

The Fox News correspondent and all-around ignoramus eulogized Prince during a segment on the network and, unsurprisingly, fans are outraged over one particular comment.

In what seems to be her attempt at a compliment, Dash superfluously brings race into the matter.

"He was an icon," she started, a statement we can all agree with. 

She went on to describe how he was an innovator who transcended time before dropping the fateful race card.

"You didn"t look at him as a black artist or an artist of any color, he was just Prince," she said.

Fans went ballistic over hearing this comment, questioning why she had to bring up race at all.

What if you did look at him as a black artist, Stacey? Would that have negated any of his talent or accomplishments? 

Not to mention, Prince was a black artist, and trying to strip him of his identity in this manner left many rightfully angered.

Critics swiftly took to Twitter to express their discontent.

"Lord if you"re listening we"ll gladly swap Prince for Stacey Dash," wrote one user.

"Why has no one punched Stacey dash yet?!" quipped another. "Such disrespect for the deceased. Prince was an advocate of black lives matter. Yes he was black."

Dash has long drawn the ire of the black community by dissenting from its collective views on racism.

Earlier this year, the Clueless actress called for an end to Black History Month and the BET network, which caused Black Twitter to hit the roof.

As one user put it:

""Self-hatred (self-loathing) is an extreme hatred of oneself, or being angry at or even prejudiced against one"s identity." #StaceyDash"

Listen to her comments below:


Stacey dash slammed for black comments about prince

Monday, March 21, 2016

Stacey Dash to Join The Real Housewives of Atlanta?!?

Stacey Dash was not exactly expected to show up at the 2016 Academy Awards. We remain perplexed over what she was doing there.

But now a celebrity gossip website is claiming that the former Clueless star may soon appear someplace even more unexpected:

On Bravo!

As a Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member!!!

According to MediaTakeOut – one of the least reputable sites on the entire World Wide Web – producers are getting ready to give Kim Fields the boot after just one season on the show.

In her place, the series has allegedly made the “BIGGEST signing in Atlanta Housewives history” by agreeing on terms with Dash.

Moreover, Dash will supposedly get paid so much money ($ 2 million per year!) that the other cast members will need to “take a pay cut” in order for the network to afford her.

If true, this salary would make Dash the highest-paid Housewife in franchise history.

Why would the program even consider it?

Love Dash, hate Dash or really, really, really hate Dash… you cannot deny that she would be amazing for ratings.

This is someone who once said only bad girls get raped and who has made a living by saying pretty much anything on Fox News and other outlets.

She would be unafraid to speak her mind, that’s for sure.

Will this signing actually take place?

Producer Andy Cohen appeared to shoot down the rumor on Twitter over the weekend, but crazier things have happened.

And it’s not as if Dash has a large number of offers she’s weighing at the moment.

Would you be more or less likely to watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online if Dash were a cast member? Would you be sad to see Fields go if she really has been fired?

And can you believe just how many douchebags have existed on reality television?!?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Stacey Dash Reads Mean Tweets About Herself

Stacey Dash is determined the milk her ongoing 15 Minutes of Fame for all she possibly can.

The Fox News contributor made one of the strangest appearances on television in the medium"s history Sunday night, walking out on stage at the Academy Awards after Chris Rock introduced her as "the new director of our minority outreach program."

Dash, who believes Black History Month ought to be eliminated, proceeded to cackle and tell an audience of millions:

I cannot wait to help my people out. Happy Black History Month.

No one really booed. No one really cheered. Everyone just sat there in stunned, confused silence.

Rock was likely playing a joke on Dash, but the former actress is trying to get the last laugh.

She actually went backstage after her appearance and stole Jimmy Kimmel"s idea of having celebrities read Mean Tweets about themselves.

“No one likes you,” Dash reads from her phone in the following video, quoting one critic on Twitter.

"You sucked on the Oscars like you do on Fox News. Pointless," reads another.

Dash doesn"t seem to comprehend that it"s not funny when a truly unpopular star reads a bunch of insults from people who represent the majority opinion.

But, then again, Dash doesn"t seem to comprehend a whole lot in the world.

"I do what I do because I want to do it,” Dash says, adding:

"And because I believe in it. It has nothing to do with race, and I wish you would stop saying that. Everything I do is because I believe in it and I believe we are all equal …  I’m very happy about what I did and I’m proud of it."

Stacey dash reads mean tweets about herself

Monday, February 29, 2016

Stacey Dash Offers Bizzare Explanation for Bizarre Oscars Appearance

While certain moments from the 2016 Academy Awards left us crying and/or cheering, one moment left the television universe in absolute befuddlement.

Early on in the ceremony, Stacey Dash was dubbed the “director of our minority outreach program” by host Chris Rock.

The former actress and current Fox News contributor than walked out on stage, gave some kind of maniacal laugh and simple said:

“I cannot wait to help my people out. Happy Black History Month.”

No one in the audience laughed.

But everyone in the theater and everyone watching at home wondered the same thing:

What the heck was Dash doing there?!?

This is the same Stacey Dash who recently slammed the controversy over no African-Americans getting nominated for any acting awards at the Oscars… while campaigning against Black History Month and BET.

It would have been one thing if Dash made some kind of joke at her own expense.

But she didn’t do anything of note or or humor at the event. She just came out, uttered two sentences and walked away.

Following the incident, Dash took to to explain the “Why” and “How” of it all of her very odd cameo.

After reminding readers that she recently spoke out against both Black History Month and the #OscarsSoWhite controversy, Dash added:

When they added ME to increase the diversity, I’m sure many black people rolled their eyes. I’m not “black enough,” they say. But guess what?

I’ve heard that all my life. I would rather be a free thinking, black than a cookie cutter black who thinks – and votes – just like all my friends.

That statement doesn’t really strike us as an explanation for “Why” or for “How.”

But it does jibe with the confusion of the entire thing. So we guess it makes sense in that regard.

Relive the most memorable moments from the 2016 Oscars below:

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Stacey Dash: Most Awkward Oscars Moment EVER?

Chris Rock killed it in his opening monologue at the 2016 Academy Awards. He left the room in tears from laughter.

But the host then followed up this segment by leaving the room in total and utter confusion, as he returned from commercial break to introduce the "new director of our minority outreach program."

Enter… Stacey Dash?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

The former Clueless star and controversial Fox News contributor then walked on to the stage; cackled; and said:

"I cannot wait to help my people out. Happy Black History Month."

And then that was it. She exited the stage and some members of the audience clapped out of habit, while most were left befuddled.

Dash, of course, made news a few weeks ago when she questioned the existence of Black History Month.

She said on air that it contributed to a segregationist mindset and that, along with BET, it ought to be eliminated.

So now Rock decided to give her a platform to… what… make fun of herself? Even though she made the point with the utmost seriousness and never backed off of it?

And even though she didn"t say anything here that was really self-deprecating in any manner?

This was one of the stranger, more random and most awkward segments in awards show history. Heck, in television history.

Take a look at Dash"s cameo below and try to decide what the heck was going on here:

Stacey dash appears in most awkward oscars moment ever

Friday, January 29, 2016

Janet Hubert Slams Stacey Dash as "Media Ho"

Is it totally on between two women the public stopped caring about decades ago.

Janet Hubert – who starred on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air way back in the day and who made news this month when she called out Jada Pinkett-Smith for wanting to boycott the Oscars – spoke on Friday to The Huffington Post about Stacey Dash.

You remember Stacey Dash, right?

She appeared opposite Alicia Silverstone in Clueless… and that"s about it.

She"s since gone on to say really dumb things on Fox News.

Most recently, Dash reacted to the controversy surrounding all-white nominees at the 2016 Academy Awards by saying we should abolish BET and Black History Month because they promote segregation.

Where does Hubert come down on these comments?

"Somebody needs to slap the little bit of black she got on her off of her, okay?" Hubert says in the following video.

"Because girlfriend has worked on BET more than most actresses have. I think she"s just saying this kind of bull because she wants sensationalism."

It is true that Dash appeared on The Game awhile back.

And now?

"She"s working for Fox, and she needs a job, and she"s making a check, and she"s bringing controversy to herself. Stacey is a bit of a media ho," Hubert declared.

In conclusion, this washed-up actress has the following to say about her fellow washed-up actress:

"I don"t feel anything for Stacey because she absolutely puts the struggle way back, way back. It"s just rude and wrong."

"If we didn"t have BET, if we didn"t have those kinds of awards, we"d have nothing. We"d have nothing to honor those wonderful performances…

"And as far as Black History Month is concerned, I don"t even need to touch that because it"s so stupid."

Janet hubert slams stacey dash as media ho

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The View Slams on Stacey Dash: Sell Out! Hypocrite!

Slam! Wham! Bam!

The ladies of The View came out swinging today when the hot topic of Stacey Dash was brought up.

The Fox News contributor stirred a great deal of controversy on Wednesday when she cited a "double standard" upon criticizing anyone who would boycott this year"s Oscars over its lack of diverse nominees.

Dash went on to call for the end of Black History Month and of the network BET because they feed into a segregation-based mindset, she argued.

The View co-host Sunny Hostin was first to jump all over Dash for taking this point of view.

"I think it’s the height of hypocrisy that Stacey Dash would say that there should be no BET when she had a recurring role on the BET series The Game," Hoston said, something BET itself pointed out in a pretty awesome Tweet yesterday.

"I just think it’s incredible that she would give up whatever values she had in the first place to pander to an audience that is sort of angry and scared of people that don’t look like that," Hostin added.

"[Dash] is doing it for the dollar. When you compromise your values for money, you know who you are."

Ouch. Pretty harsh words, huh?

Paula Faris then tried to play Devil’s Advocate, stating that “racial tensions are at an all-time high,” and perhaps BET is creating a “divide” among people.

"[Black History Month is] not taught as it pertains to America. American history holds all of us – and [Dash] is right in that – but we"re not all treated like Americans," she said.

"And one of the reasons there is a BET is because networks wouldn"t take a lot of the shows that have an all-black cast."

Check out the full exchange here and weigh in with your… well… view.

The view slams stacey dash sell out hypocrite

Stacey Dash Pushes to End BET, Black History Month

As if, Stacey Dash.

Such is the response of millions of Americans after the former Clueless star and current Fox News contributor jumped in yesterday with her take on the 2016 Academy Awards nominations.

Because not a single person of color is up for any major category, stars such as Jada Pinkett Smith and Spike Lee have said they will boycott the ceremony this year.

Asked on Fox and Friends Wednesday about the issue, Dash cited a “double standard” within the industry, explaining her point thusly:

“We can either have integration or segregation. If we don’t want segregation then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the Image Awards].

“If it were the other way around we would be up in arms.”

Some people might argue that the scarcity of African-Americans being nominated for what is universally recognized as the most prestigious awards ceremony in the world, is exactly why we do need the BET Awards.

BET itself, meanwhile, responded to Dash’s comments with a screenshot of her appearing on the network’s The Game, wriitn as a caption:

“Soooooo @REALStaceyDash can we get our check back… or nah?”

Game. Set. Match, BET, wouldn’t you say?

But Dash wasn’t finished.

The actress, who once said only bad girls get raped, thinks Black History Month doesn’t actually celebrate historical figures of color.

It simply acts as a vehicle for segregation.

“There shouldn’t be a Black History Month. We’re Americans. That’s it, period,” Dash said.

After a dig at President Obama and the “Hollywood elites” who funded his campaign, Dash did get to the heart of the main issue here, asking:

“There are not very many roles for people of color. How can that be and why is it just now being addressed?”

What do you think of Dash’s “double standard” argument? Should we do away with Black History Month?

Monday, November 9, 2015

DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 8 Recap: Major Shake Ups at DASH!

It’s. About. To. Go. Down.

DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 8 marked the inevitable moment when the fit hit the shan amongst the Kardashian hangers-on and someone paid the price.

The season finale of the Keeping Up With the Kardashians spinoff marked the end of its inaugural run on E! and with it, Melody’s run on the show.

No longer able to fulfill her responsibilities, which are truly immense as occupational roles go, she suffered the consequences and got booted out.

Melody had been enjoying a boost in her modeling career, but with that came a loss of time and time management, and the other Dolls were pissed.

Khadija was forced to cover for her more frequently, and because Khloe Kardashian had warned them about this, Khadija and Malika had to tell her.

The boss lady then brought the hammer down on Melody, as you’ll see when you watch DASH Dolls online. She sure can be tough when need be.

It wasn’t personal, of course, but that’s the way it goes in business. When Mel broke down in tears, everyone in the DASH house felt bad for the girl.

Elsewhere, Stephanie and Colin decided to call it off once he got sprung from jail and she immediately found out he was using drugs again. Yikes.

In an attempt to save the relationship, she took him to counseling and eventually staged an intervention, which sure happens a lot on TV it seems.

Bottom line: Colin chose drugs over his girl. Good riddance in that case, but here’s hoping he pulls it together before he wastes his life on this path.

Durrani and Shalom also reached a breaking point when her brother Abdullah visits and is shocked to learn that his sister is dating a Jewish man.

Abdullah reluctantly agrees to meet him, but the tension is palpable and Abdullah tells their parents about the romance, at which point they cut her off.

Shalom and Durrani have a long talk about the future, though, and she says she may even convert to Judaism for him. This is serious stuff, people.

We’ll see if it lasts … and if the show does. Tell us, do you think DASH Dolls should be picked up for a second season?! Discuss in the comments!

Monday, October 26, 2015

DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Bring Out the Waterworks!

On Sunday’s DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 6, Stephanie got her boyfriend arrested, while Caroline took her romance with Ronnie to a new level!

Can you even handle the excitement? The passion!?

If you watch DASH Dolls online, you know they are no strangers to drama, but man alive, Stephanie brought out the waterworks in last night’s episode.

When boyfriend Colin left rehab to visit the doctor, she tried to sneak in a meeting with him, but that ended up triggering a violation of his probation.

Devastated, Stephanie broke down in tears.

While Malika, Durrani and the other Dolls offered their support, none of them addressed the fact that maybe she should not be dealing with Colin.

You know. Just an idea.

At the same time, Caroline brings Taylor and Melody along to see Ronnie’s rock show in New York … and decides to ask Ron about their “status.”

The verdict? He’s willing to start dating!!

Phew. Elsewhere, Melody deals with her mom’s disapproval after she agrees to pose in the nude for a famous fashion photographer, Nigel Barker.

We’ve already seen Malika Haqq nude this season, and as an aspiring model, Melody knows that the photo spread is kind of a can’t-miss opportunity.

As expected, her mom does not like the fact that she went all in with the nudes. But she sticks to her naked guns and green lights their publication.

Finally, Kim and Khloe Kardashian made a cameo to commend the Dolls for their work and hopefully keep the ratings high enough for an E! renewal.

Will they earn one?!