Showing posts with label Debate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debate. Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Donald Trump -- Drug Test Hillary Before Next Debate ... She Was "Pumped Up" (VIDEO)

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton should be forced to take a drug test before their next debate … claiming she seemed “pumped up” during their last face off.  Trump was in New Hampshire Saturday when he made the suggestion … comparing…


Donald Trump -- Drug Test Hillary Before Next Debate ... She Was "Pumped Up" (VIDEO)

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton should be forced to take a drug test before their next debate … claiming she seemed “pumped up” during their last face off.  Trump was in New Hampshire Saturday when he made the suggestion … comparing…


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

TMZ Live: Donald Trump: NBC"s Master Plan To Impact the Debate

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kim K’s Post-Robbery No-Show Beyonce: The Next Michael Jackson? Gabrielle Union’s War with BET Iggy Azalea Is Keeping Up With The Kardashians SKYPE US TMZTVSHOW TWEET US Tweet to @TMZLIVE


NBC -- Planned to Use Trump Audio to Influence Debate, Election

NBC execs had a plan to time the release of the Donald Trump audio to have maximum impact on both the 2nd presidential debate and the general election … sources connected with the network tell TMZ. Multiple sources connected with NBC tell us…


Monday, October 10, 2016

Melania Trump "Pussy-Bow" Blouse Raises Debate Eyebrows

Let us be clear:

We would love to focus solely on issues that truly impact the nation when discussing the Presidential Debate that aired from St. Louis on Sunday night.

But if the candidates themselves are not going to do so, well…

… here we go then:

Melania Trump wore a blouse to the event that was affixed with a “pussy-bow.”

This is not our language or our description. It is the official description of the item from Gucci, from whom Trump purchased the $ 1,100 ensemble.

Here. See for yourself:

We’re not being juvenile for the sake of being juvenile here.

Melania’s famous husband, Donald Trump, was forced to defend himself early and often at the debate when it came to a video that went viral on Friday afternoon.

It was filmed in 2005 and it depicted a conversation between Trump and Access Hollywood co-host Billy Bush.

As they drove to the set of Days of Our Lives, Trump bragged about his sexual triumphs and sexual philosophy to Bush.

Among the many lewd and disgusting comments Trump made at the time?

“When you’re a star… you can do anything [to women]. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”


So you can perhaps see why the Internet was up in shocked arms by the outfit Melania (who reportedly refused to do a TV appearance with her husband after the comments went public) chose to wear.

Donald Trump also boasted about attempting to seduce a married woman in the leaked footage; Access Hollywood has since identified as Nancy O’Dell.

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign told CBS News Sunday night that the former model’s shirt choice “was not intentional.”

Which is hilarious, that the campaign had to comment on the pussy-bow donned by its candidate’s wife.

Trump issued a defiant apology late Friday night after this video threatened to truly sink his campaign.

“I never said I’m a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that I’m not,” says in the following video.

“I’ve said and done things I regret and the words released today on the more than decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong and I apologize.”

Watch for yourself:

As for the Internet’s take on Melania Trump’s choice of shirts?

As you might expect, it did not disappoint…

And also:

Although Melania attended the debate last night, she did condemn her husband’s lewd remarks.

“The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me,” she said in a statement Saturday.

“This does not represent the man that I know. He has the heart and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology, as I have.”


Ken Bone Was True Winner of Second Presidential Debate

It’s the question you will be hearing all day on Monday, and very likely throughout the upcoming week:

Who won the second Presidential Debate?

Did Hillary Clinton remain calm under pressure and make it clear why she’s the most qualified candidate for the highest office in the world?

Did Donald Trump successfully shoot down all criticism of his “locker room” talk in the most notorious video to ever be part of a Presidential campaign?

We give readers a chance to respond to those questions and to voice their opinion on the debate victor in a poll below.

But let’s face it: we all know the identity of the debate’s true winner.

It was Kenneth Bone.

Nearly 90 minutes after Anderson Cooper pressed Trump on his strategy of sexually assaulting beautiful women and Clinton tried to compare herself to Abraham Lincoln, Bone was handed a microphone.

He was one of the undecided voters chosen by Gallop to sit in on this town hall and ask the candidates a question.

Dressed in a bright red sweater and khakis, Bone calmly inquired of Trump and Clinton just how the nominees would address the country’s energy needs … while keeping jobs and the environment in mind.

And he immediately became an Internet sensation in the process.

Perhaps you can understand why:

Many compared Bone to Zach Galifianakis, wondering if the St. Louis resident was the actor’s long-lost cousin.

And when Bone was spotted after the debate snapping pictures with a disposable camera, well… the Internet pretty much lost its mind.

“I think we can all agree that Ken Bone has brought Americans a little closer. Thank you #kenbone,” one viewer Tweeted.

“Don’t let Ken Bone fool you. He knew he was going viral tonight,” another wrote. “You don’t go white tie and disposable camera unless you know it’s your time.” 

That may end up being the most intriguing question to come out of the debate:

Just how real is Ken Bone? Did he plan this nerdy outfit just to become semi-famous for 15 minutes? Do people like him really exist in the world?

The answers to these questions are far more pressing than what Donald Trump would do in Syria. (Answer: Donald Trump isn’t sure whqere Syria is.)

A parody account of Kennenth Bone quickly popped up on Twitter and had garnered nearly 2,000 followers shortly after the debate ended.

The first tweet? “I’m Kenneth Bone. Welcome to the Bone Zone.”

It’s also worth noting that a parody Facebook account now exists.

“This is an official fan page for Kenneth Bone,” it reads in its description, adding that Bone is “a wonderful man who asked a question in the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on October 9, 2016.

“Just look at that stache.”

Heck, even CNN wrote an article last night that was titled “And the winner of the presidential debate is… Ken Bone.”

Between the red cardigan, the white tie and the black-rimmed glasses, it’s hard to argue against this statement, isn’t it?

Thank goodness Bone rocked such an amazing look; between his ensemble and the pussy-bow worn by Melania Trump, debate viewers found a couple reasons to smile on Sunday.

Because the candidates themselves gave us plenty of reasons to vomit for most of the evening.

“Was so sad and ashamed throughout the entire spectacle but then KEN BONE rose like a Phoenix from America’s ashes and there’s laughter again,” wrote another Twitter user.

Yet another speculated that all women should want a husband like Ken Bone, writing:

“I bet Ken Bone brings roses to his wife randomly. Just because. What a gem.”

Indeed, you could learn a lot from Ken Bone, Donald Trump.

Okay, though. With this fun out of the way, it’s time to ask what we are obligated to ask:

Which candidate won the second Presidential Debate?

And the Winner is?

Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Which Presidential candidate came out on top in the town hall debate? View Poll »


Hillary Clinton -- Pretty Fly Debate Performance (PHOTO)

Hillary Clinton apparently forgot to request a no-fly zone at the presidential debate.  A fly landed on her face for a quick second and later again on her blouse. That’s one way to bug Hillary. 


Presidential Debate, Town Hall Style: Who Won?!?

Well, this sure was interesting, wasn’t it?

There were no shortage of hot button topics for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to delve into during their second Presidential debate of 2016, which was held on Sunday night and hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

It was conducted in the style of a town hall, with the candidates surrounded by supposedly undecided voters, each of whom lobbed questions at either Trump or Clinton.

But this wasn’t your typical debate.

These weren’t your typical topics to discuss.

Yes, Trump and Clinton debated such issues as the economy and foreign policy.

But the entire world has been abuzz over the past few days with video footage of Trump talking to Billy Bush back in 2005.

Released by The Washington Post on Friday afternoon, the video featured Trump bragging to Bush (unaware he was being recorded) about how he tried to sleep with Nancy O’Dell and how he simply kisses beautiful women whenever he sees them.

“Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said of his approach to the opposite sex at times, adding that “when you’re a star, they let you do it.

“You can do anything… Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Trump later apologized for these remarks.

But, as you can see below, he also built anticipation to Sunday’s debate by saying he would be touching on Bill Clinton’s sexual history with women and his wife’s response to it.

There was also the issue of Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches to various financial institutions over the years.

Via hacked emails released Friday by Wikileaks, the world has received a look at excerpts from these speeches (which Clinton gave prior to running for President), one of which featured Clinton’s call for “open trade and open borders” in a speech to a Brazillian bank.

Trump brought up this quote during the debate.

Similar to the first debate, this one was at times entertaining…. nauseating… fascinating… hilarious… and depressing.

But who came out on top? Who helped him or herself the most with voters, considering Election Day is less than a month away?

VOTE below and let your voice be heard:

Did Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump with debate number-two?

And the Winner is?

Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Which Presidential candidate came out on top in the town hall debate? View Poll »

You can also leave a comment below and expound on your opinion.

Trump may even mention you by name! We all know he loves to cite online polls in the hours and days after debate is held.


Monday, August 15, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Latest Instagram Pic Fuels Pregnancy Debate

For months now, there’s been one question on the minds of Teen Mom 2 fans:

Is Jenelle Evans pregnant with her third child, or is she actually being honest (for once) when she says there’s no truth to the rumor?

Yes, despite a wealth of evidence to the contrary, Jenelle is still denying she’s pregnant.

Normally, we would believe any woman who repeatedly insisted that they’re not knocked up.

After all, why start lying about something when you know you won’t be able to conceal the truth for very long.

But there’s one very important thing that you have to bear in mind in any discussion about Jenelle:

She is a bonafide crazy person.

Jenelle lies like most people inhale and exhale, and there’s a good chance she would have no qualms about telling the world she’s not pregnant while simultaneously tweeting photos of her sonogram.

So naturally, TM2 obsessives have decided to do some digging to see if they could come up with any hard evidence that Jace and Kaiser are soon to have a sure-to-be-oddly-named sibling.

Here’s what they came up with:

It may look like a photo of Jenelle hanging out at a salon (which it is), but the Jenellites of Instagram are convinced that it’s also evidence that Evans has a baby on the way.

Why, you ask?

Well, it seems they feel that her ankles look slightly swollen.

As others have pointed out, this phenomenon usually doesn’t occur until toward the end of a pregnancy, but the Jenelle pregnancy truthers will not be dissuaded.

We’re beginning to think they might be every bit as bonkers as she is.

Mind you, we’re not saying for sure that Jenelle is not expecting, but we are saying this photo proves nothing.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to revisit Ms. Evans shaky history with the truth.

Jenelle Evans: Latest Instagram Pic Fuels Pregnancy Debate

For months now, there’s been one question on the minds of Teen Mom 2 fans:

Is Jenelle Evans pregnant with her third child, or is she actually being honest (for once) when she says there’s no truth to the rumor?

Yes, despite a wealth of evidence to the contrary, Jenelle is still denying she’s pregnant.

Normally, we would believe any woman who repeatedly insisted that they’re not knocked up.

After all, why start lying about something when you know you won’t be able to conceal the truth for very long.

But there’s one very important thing that you have to bear in mind in any discussion about Jenelle:

She is a bonafide crazy person.

Jenelle lies like most people inhale and exhale, and there’s a good chance she would have no qualms about telling the world she’s not pregnant while simultaneously tweeting photos of her sonogram.

So naturally, TM2 obsessives have decided to do some digging to see if they could come up with any hard evidence that Jace and Kaiser are soon to have a sure-to-be-oddly-named sibling.

Here’s what they came up with:

It may look like a photo of Jenelle hanging out at a salon (which it is), but the Jenellites of Instagram are convinced that it’s also evidence that Evans has a baby on the way.

Why, you ask?

Well, it seems they feel that her ankles look slightly swollen.

As others have pointed out, this phenomenon usually doesn’t occur until toward the end of a pregnancy, but the Jenelle pregnancy truthers will not be dissuaded.

We’re beginning to think they might be every bit as bonkers as she is.

Mind you, we’re not saying for sure that Jenelle is not expecting, but we are saying this photo proves nothing.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to revisit Ms. Evans shaky history with the truth.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Miley Cyrus Ring Photo Stirs Debate: Is She Married?!?

Congratulations may be in order for Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth.

Then again, they may not be.

On Sunday afternoon, the 23-year-old artist posted an Instagram photo that depicted herself and a friend lounging by the pool.

Not big deal, right? Just you wait…

Cyrus donned a bikini emblazoned with pictures of Seth Rogen, marijuana leaves and other things she likes; along with a conspicuous new addition to her ring finger.

Yes, her RING finger.

“Pool daaaaaze,” Miley captioned the photo, not even commenting on the piece of jewelry.

But take a look at that ring finger, folks! Cyrus is clearly rocking a gold band that appears to be set with small diamonds.

And she must have known it would be the focus of everyone looking at this image, right?

Cyrus reconciled with former fiance Liam Hemsworth this spring.

Neither side has confirmed that the couple is engaged again, and certainly neither side has said a word about any kind of surprise wedding.

But Miley did share a picture of Liam and one of her dogs last week, writing as a caption: 

“So much love in one pic.”

It was one of the few times she’s commented at all on her romance with The Hunger Games hunk.

For all the ways critics hate on Miley for how she supposedly craves attention, no one can accuse her or Hemsworth of milking their relationship for any kind of publicity.

They scarcely ever talk about it, in interviews or on their own social media accounts.

Cyrus, though, has been offering up cute hints here and there, such as the tattoo she recently got in Liam’s honor.

The singer and the Australian actor dated for years before he proposed in 2012.

The stars called off their engagement and broke up a year later, but have reconnected in recent months.

“They have been very close for the past few months,” an insider close to Cyrus told People in January. “They just wanted to keep their relationship out of the spotlight while they figured things out.”

We can respect and understand that.

And if Miley and Liam have, in fact, gone ahead and gotten eloped, we can also send them our best wishes.

Good luck, you crazy kids!

Miley Cyrus Ring Photo Stirs Debate: Is She Married?!?

Congratulations may be in order for Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth.

Then again, they may not be.

On Sunday afternoon, the 23-year-old artist posted an Instagram photo that depicted herself and a friend lounging by the pool.

Not big deal, right? Just you wait…

Cyrus donned a bikini emblazoned with pictures of Seth Rogen, marijuana leaves and other things she likes; along with a conspicuous new addition to her ring finger.

Yes, her RING finger.

“Pool daaaaaze,” Miley captioned the photo, not even commenting on the piece of jewelry.

But take a look at that ring finger, folks! Cyrus is clearly rocking a gold band that appears to be set with small diamonds.

And she must have known it would be the focus of everyone looking at this image, right?

Cyrus reconciled with former fiance Liam Hemsworth this spring.

Neither side has confirmed that the couple is engaged again, and certainly neither side has said a word about any kind of surprise wedding.

But Miley did share a picture of Liam and one of her dogs last week, writing as a caption: 

“So much love in one pic.”

It was one of the few times she’s commented at all on her romance with The Hunger Games hunk.

For all the ways critics hate on Miley for how she supposedly craves attention, no one can accuse her or Hemsworth of milking their relationship for any kind of publicity.

They scarcely ever talk about it, in interviews or on their own social media accounts.

Cyrus, though, has been offering up cute hints here and there, such as the tattoo she recently got in Liam’s honor.

The singer and the Australian actor dated for years before he proposed in 2012.

The stars called off their engagement and broke up a year later, but have reconnected in recent months.

“They have been very close for the past few months,” an insider close to Cyrus told People in January. “They just wanted to keep their relationship out of the spotlight while they figured things out.”

We can respect and understand that.

And if Miley and Liam have, in fact, gone ahead and gotten eloped, we can also send them our best wishes.

Good luck, you crazy kids!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Game of Thrones: Possible Season 6 Spoilers Spark Fan Debate

As we reported earlier this week, HBO recently released a treasure trove of information about the final three episodes of Game of Thrones Season 6.

In fact, just the titles of the final two installments were enough to have some fans whining about spoilers on social media.

In case you missed it [Spoilers lie ahead, obviously.] the penultimate episode is entitled “Battlle of the Bastards,” which seems to be a pretty clear indication that Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton (bastards, both) will clash over Winterfell – and that Ramsay will probably be killed in battle.

(Someone’s gotta die, and they ain’t gonna kill Jon again, ya know?)

The season finale is titled “The Winds of Winter,” which is not only the title of George R.R. Martin’s forthcoming novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, it’s also a pretty clear indication that after six seasons of constant memes, winter will finally arrive in Westeros.

Some believe it’ll bring with a cold front of angry White Walkers, but that’s a discussion for another time.

Today, we’ll focus on a pair of potential new spoilers that were not released by the network, but rather ferreted out by eager internet sleuths.

First, as you may recall in last week’s episode, Arya was left in a sorry state after being attacked and stabbed by the Waif.

However, this screenshot has raised some doubts about what really happened:

Arya, Game of Thrones Screenshot

As book-readers can testify, in GRRM’s world, the Waif is very much a real person.

In the Seven Kingdoms created by David Weiss and D.B. Benioff, however, it’s possible she’s some kind of murderous Tyler Durden.

She’s in Arya’s imagination, or she’s the physical embodiment of Arya’s desire to “kill herself” and become “no one.”

We’re not really sure, but it’s hard to believe that with the attention to detail on display in every scene, Weiss and Benioff would have Arya walk by a girl who looks just like her moments before she’s violently attacked by a shape-shifter.

Of course, they could just be messing with us.

Speaking of messing with us, many fans eagerly anticipated the return of Catelynn Stark as Lady Stoneheart after she was murdered at the Red Wedding in Season 3.

Three years later they’re still waiting.

However, a recent reveal from a bit player on the show has given Stoneheart lovers hope.

The friendly-looking fella in the middle is an actor named Johannes Haukur, who confirmed on Twitter last week that his character’s name is Lem Lemoncloak.

Without getting too deep in the weeds, we can tell you that in the books Lem is a member of the Brotherhood Without Banners, who eventually collaborate with Lady Stoneheart in her quest for revenge.

We’ve seen the Brotherhood on the show before, but they weren’t this murderous, which has led many to believe that they’re on a mission to hunt down the Hound for the former Lady Stark.

Further fueling the speculation, Haukur recently tweeted:

“Dawning on me that some of you guys might hunt me down if that bitch doesn’t show up. I can’t say either way!!! #LadyStoneheart #GoT”

Both of these possible spoilers have sparked lively debates amongst GoT’s most fervent fans.

Some say the writers wouldn’t go against GRRM canon (though they’ve done so many times in the past) in order to get so abstract and … well, just plain weird with the Waif.

Others say the show abandoned the Lady Stoneheart storyline seasons ago, and there’s no goping back now.

Frankly, with the number of curveballs we’ve been thrown this season, we don’t feel comfortable making any predictions.

Well, except for the fact that Ramsay is gonna die and winter is coming.

We’ve been waiting on those two events for so long that we may riot if the show doesn’t deliver.

Watch Game of Thrones online in order to get caught up in time for what promises to be thrilling run of episodes.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Donald Trump to Boycott Republican Debate, Is Scared of Megyn Kelly

Donald Trump is a man of his word.

Those words may be racist, sexist and hollow, but hey. He’s still a man of them.

Following his memorable clash with Fox News host Megyn Kelly during an August debate, Trump Tweeted this week that he would boycott the Republican debate on Thursday if Kelly was one of the moderators.

The network has confirmed that Kelly will be one of the moderators…

… and Trump has responded by standing by his boycott.

On Tuesday evening, the GOP front-runner’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, announced that her client “will not be participating in the Fox News debate on Thursday.”

And it’s all because Trump has beef with one of Fox’s most recognizable and respected faces.

The billionaire businessman’s problems with Kelly stem from her asking him during the August debate about how he’s referred in the past to women he doesn’t like as “fat pigs” and “slobs.”

Trump took offense to this line of questioning and went on a media blitz in the days that followed, slamming Kelly as a “lightweight,” as a bimbo and implying she was on her period during the debate.

Really, Trump said this.

Earlier on Tuesday, Trump told supporters on social media that having Kelly as a moderator was a “pathetic attempt by @foxnews to try and build up ratings for the #GOPDebate. Without me they’d have no ratings!”

He also shared a video on his Instagram account stating:

“Megyn Kelly is really biased against me. She knows that. I know that. Everybody knows that. Do you think she can really be fair at a debate?”

Kelly has stood by her questions for Trump from August and is yet to commend on The Donald’s debate withdrawal.

The question is whether or not Fox News will bring it up at the debate itself.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Alyssa Milano and Wendy Williams Go At It Over Breastfeeding Debate

Alyssa Milano has been a staunchly vocal advocate for public breastfeeding, but Wendy Williams does NOT agree.

The two had quite the heated discussion on the topic during Milano’s appearance on The Wendy Williams Show.

The Charmed actress discussed the backlash she received after posting photos to Instagram of herself breastfeeding daughter Elizabella.

“It was kind of shocking that we were that, um, sort of opinionated about something that is supposed to be so incredibly natural.”

That’s when the talk show host jumped in, telling Milano, “I’m opinionated.”

“I don’t need to see that,” Williams told her. When asked why, she said simply, “Because, I don’t want to.”

Well Wendy, I don’t want to see mimes on the beach, but, you know, that doesn’t mean they don’t have a right to be there.

Milano challenged Williams by asking why it’s okay for Miley Cyrus to flaunt nearly every inch of her boobies in public, but a mother who’s nourishing her child is somehow taboo.

“I think people are more comfortable sexualizing breasts than relating them to what they were made for, which is feeding another human,” Milano explained last year in an interview with ET.

Williams, who breastfed her son, said that because breastfeeding is only necessary for a limited amount of time in a woman’s life, she sees breasts more as “sexual things.”

“They’re fun bags!” she exclaimed.

Milano, of course, didn’t change her mind. “You’re lucky the baby’s not here. I’d whip ’em out right here and feed her on your show!”

Looks like these two are going to have to agree to disagree.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ted Cruz OBLITERATES CNBC For Biased GOP Debate Questions

During last night"s Republican Presidential Debate, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz went OFF on CNBC for its questions to the candidates earlier in the debate.

Cruz derided the moderators for lacking in substantive questions … ironically, as a non-answer to one of the more substantive questions of the evening.

It was clearly a premeditated move ripped from the playbook of Newt Gingrich in 2012, in which Gingrich deflected attention from a personal controversy.

Newt took CNN to task for grilling him about his ex-wife, earning thunderous applause and riding a wave of momentum to a primary win in South Carolina.

Cruz wasn"t in the hot seat for any particular crises, but when asked a perfectly reasonable question about problem solving and the debt limit, went OFF.

Unlike Jeb Bush"s failed hit on Marco Rubio, Cruz played right into the hands of his conservative base and likely came away with his desired objective.

"Let me say something at the outset," Cruz said. "The questions asked in this debate illustrate why the American people don"t trust the media."

"This is not a cage match. And you look at the questions … Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain? Ben Carson, can you do math?"

"John Kasich, will you insult two people over here? Marco Rubio, why don"t you resign? Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?"

"How about talking about the substantive issues!"

Reminded that he did not answer the question, Cruz doubled down on the media and kept the attack going. "Let me be clear," Cruz said.

"The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense, than any participant in the Democratic debate."

"Nobody believes that the moderators have any intention of voting in a Republican primary," Cruz said as the moderators tried to interject.

"The questions being asked shouldn"t be trying to get people to tear into each other, it should be what are your substantive solutions to people at home."

Eventually, he was cut off, at which point he clashed with the CNBC panel further for not allowing him to answer the actual question.

Wild. All we can say is that Donald Trump won by shortening the debate … otherwise, an actual cage fight might have broken out.

Ted cruz obliterates cnbc for lack of substantive questions in r

Donald Trump: I Win So Much I Shortened This Dumb Debate!

Donald Trump is so good at negotiating, according to Donald Trump, that he personally trimmed a 3.5-hour GOP debate down to just two last night.

Suck it, CNBC!

During his closing remarks at Wednesday"s Republican rumble in Boulder, Colo., Don lamented that America doesn"t win anymore. Like at anything.

Well, if Trump"s surprisingly resilient presidential campaign loves to remind us of anything (besides its own admittedly robust poll numbers), it"s this:

Trump"s mere existence will make us winners again because the White House, Congress and entire political system, frankly, are all losers right now.

He WILL get what he wants, the Art of the Deal author says, pointing to none other than this specific event, which he apparently threatened to boycott.

Trump says he and Ben Carson almost ditched the CNBC event because the last two GOP debates ran over three hours, which they did not like.

Donald said he negotiated with network execs to bring the time down to two hours – at a great loss of ad revenue to CNBC – because he"s Trump.

Those are the skills that can "make America great again" … or at least spare us from another hour in which Mike Huckabee will speak at least once.

Debate moderator John Harwood countered that the debate was supposed to run just two hours from the beginning, but we"re not sure we buy that.

Almost immediately following the previous GOP debate, the Trump and Carson campaigns began openly griping about the three-plus-hour durations.

There were numerous media reports of the two men – first and second in every GOP poll – threatening to walk if the event length wasn"t shortened.

When and why CNBC made the call and what went on behind closed doors, we can"t say, but it"s likely Trump wielded some influence, directly or indirectly.

So Trump isn"t completely talking out of his arse here; whether it makes him Commander in Chief material is another story, and a subjective topic.

Donald trump i win so much i shortened this dumb debate

Friday, September 18, 2015

Hot Debate Guy -- Maybe I"ll Be an Actor Now (VIDEO)


Gregory Caruso, the guy who stole the show during the 2nd Republican debate is keeping his options open since becoming instantly famous, and he’s considering acting. 

The 24-year-old has a connection to Patrick Schwarzenegger. They both went to USC and Patrick owns a pizza joint at The Grove, the famous mall owned by Gregory’s dad, Rick Caruso.

And that brings us to how Gregory got the primo seat in the debates. Rick Caruso is a huge Republican force in California, pouring money in various campaigns. In politics, money buys access and in this case seating.

Gregory’s working on a documentary about American-made merchandise for men.



Monday, September 14, 2015

Donald Trump -- Face-to-Face with Replacement Arnold Schwarzenegger at Debate




Mark Burnett is a genius … not exactly news, but the timing of the announcement that Arnold Schwarzenegger will become the new host of ‘Celebrity Apprentice‘ couldn’t be better, because we’ve learned Arnold will be front and center at Wednesday’s Republican debate. 


We’re told the former California governor was always planning to attend the 2nd debate at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, and the timing of the announcement is not accidental.

Our sources say there will be some contact between Donald and Arnold … likely a handshake and a short conversation that will not be picked up on mic.