Showing posts with label Demi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demi. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Demi Lovato: Why is She STILL in the Hospital?

We have an update on the condition of Demi Lovato.

But it isn’t exactly a positive one.

Earlier in the week, multiple outlets reported that Lovato had agreed to check into a treatment facility at an undisclosed location, although the rehab stint would presumably take her far away from Los Angeles.

This was viewed as a favorable sign because it meant the singer was acknowledging that she is in dire need of professional assistance.

However, here we are… six days after Demi tragically overdosed on some unknown substance and ended up in the hospital.

And she’s still there. She’s still under the supervision of doctors.

Why is this the case?

According to TMZ, Lovato is very sick. She is running a high fever and has severe nausea and is simply not in any kind of shape to be moved at the moment.

Just how dire is the situation? Lovato is expected to survive, that’s for certain, but physicians are unable to provide a time table for when she might leave as a patient, considering her painful physical state.

Will this diminished state at least hammer home the point to Lovato that she needs to check into rehab?

Maybe not.

“We just don’t know where her head is at,” an insider tells TMZ.

As previously detailed, Lovato was found unconscious last Tuesday morning.

An assistant called 911 and, when paramedics arrived a short while later, they had to use Narcan, an antidote to an opioid overdose, in order to revive the artist.

This approach worked, of course, and the EMTs had no choice.

However, the use of such an antidote, along with the overdose itself and the question of how long Demi’s brain went without oxygen, could mean that Lovato will suffer long-term physical consequences.

We just need to wait, see and pray for the time being.

Meanwhile, Lovato’s friends are speaking out for the first time since her overdose last week.

Previously, close pal Dani Vitale asked trolls to please stop blaming her for what transpired, something folks out there were actually doing simply because Demi was out celebrating Demi’s birthday the night before she was discovered in her bed at home.

“I care about Demi just like all of you do,” Vitale wrote, expounding in a lot more detail;

“I have not said anything about this situation now because her recovery has been of the most importance. I was not with Demi when the incident happened, but I am with her now, and will continue to be because she means to the world to me just as she does to all of you.

“Like all of you, I have nothing but love in my heart for her.

“There is no need for any negativity towards the ones who care about Demi at this time. There is too much of it in this world as it is.”

Then, on Sunday, actpr Matthew Scott Montgomery, broke his silence on Lovato’s relapse via Instagram Stories Sunday.

This is what he wrote:

It’s been an incredibly difficult few days, and this year has easily been the hardest I’ve ever experienced.

I couldn’t figure out what felt weirder – posting or not posting about this.

I will miss hearing my best friend’s laugh, maybe my favorite sound in the world, in the audience for these final shows as she continues to recover.

Finally, Sirah, a rapper and member of Lovato’s inner circle, said on Instagram Stories that fans need to band together and stop pointing fingers.

Lovato just needs out support.

“I hope everyone will focus their energy into more productive things because God knows we need good energy being put forth into the world during a time like this,” she wrote, concluding:

“If I return back to the internet in the next few days as I try to continue on with my life, I hope that you guys will be able to understand that no matter what has happened this week it is important for me to live my life so I don’t also end up in the hospital [with] a mental breakdown.”



Paris Jackson: Headed to Rehab After Demi Lovato Overdose?!

Last week, Demi Lovato was hospitalized after an overdose. This came just weeks after she admitted to relapsing after six years of sobriety.

This was reportedly a huge wake-up call to Paris Jackson, whose behavior has apparently been a source of concern for those who love her.

Is Paris planning on checking into rehab before something like this happens to her?

According to RadarOnline’s report, Demi’s overdose shocked Paris Jackson into questioning her habits.

“Demi almost died,” a source tells RadarOnline. “And that was a big trigger for Paris to get healthy.”

Paris is very much into natural, healthy eating, but this insider alleges that she may have a lingering problem with certain substances.

“She was concerned about Demi” after Demi admitted to relapsing after having remained sober for so long, the insider says.

Paris was worried then, the source describes, “and in shock when she heard the news” that Demi was in the hospital.

Paris was troubled as a teenager — which is more than understandable after having lost her father at the tender age of 11.

She was hospitalized after a suicide attempt in her early teens, and had to enter rehab just a couple of years later.

According to the source, Paris sees Demi’s incident as a reminder of what could happen to her.

“She feels her problem could get bigger,” the insider claims.

Paris reportedly worries that her issues could worsen “if not dealt with appropriately.”

Just a month ago, Paris was mourning the death of her grandfather.

“Paris has refused to talk to her family,” in the aftermath of his passing, the source claims.

“She was embarrassed and saddened,” the insider reports. “That more wasn’t done for her grandfather when he died.”

She was with him towards the end, holding his hand in the hospital bed.

The source says that Paris’ frustration with her family mounted “and she had enough.”

One report claims that Paris appeared to be both high on marijuana and perhaps even intoxicated when she picked up some items from a Calabasas compound.

“She was stumbling a bit and clearly high or drunk,” the insider claimed.

That could be worrisome, if true. Though as those who have lost family members can tell you, not uncommon in the weeks following a sudden family death.

Different people cope in different ways.

Apparently Paris’ family fears that “her friends aren’t good for her and they take advantage of her.”

“At the end of the day,” the source predicts, “Paris will have a breakdown and it won’t be good for anyone unless she goes back to rehab.”

Honestly? It sounds like a lot of this is speculation, or perhaps an attempt to urge her to seek help.

If the report that Paris is planning ot enter rehab is true, it doesn’t look like she’s there yet — or, if she is, it’s one of those very rare rehabs that allows you to remain active on social media.

As of Tuesday morning, Paris is still active on Twitter.

Truth be told, it’s easy to confuse someone coping with a family tragedy for a few weeks with someone with a serious substance abuse problem.

We sincerely hope that Paris is doing just fine.


Paris Jackson: Headed to Rehab After Demi Lovato Overdose?!

Last week, Demi Lovato was hospitalized after an overdose. This came just weeks after she admitted to relapsing after six years of sobriety.

This was reportedly a huge wake-up call to Paris Jackson, whose behavior has apparently been a source of concern for those who love her.

Is Paris planning on checking into rehab before something like this happens to her?

According to RadarOnline’s report, Demi’s overdose shocked Paris Jackson into questioning her habits.

“Demi almost died,” a source tells RadarOnline. “And that was a big trigger for Paris to get healthy.”

Paris is very much into natural, healthy eating, but this insider alleges that she may have a lingering problem with certain substances.

“She was concerned about Demi” after Demi admitted to relapsing after having remained sober for so long, the insider says.

Paris was worried then, the source describes, “and in shock when she heard the news” that Demi was in the hospital.

Paris was troubled as a teenager — which is more than understandable after having lost her father at the tender age of 11.

She was hospitalized after a suicide attempt in her early teens, and had to enter rehab just a couple of years later.

According to the source, Paris sees Demi’s incident as a reminder of what could happen to her.

“She feels her problem could get bigger,” the insider claims.

Paris reportedly worries that her issues could worsen “if not dealt with appropriately.”

Just a month ago, Paris was mourning the death of her grandfather.

“Paris has refused to talk to her family,” in the aftermath of his passing, the source claims.

“She was embarrassed and saddened,” the insider reports. “That more wasn’t done for her grandfather when he died.”

She was with him towards the end, holding his hand in the hospital bed.

The source says that Paris’ frustration with her family mounted “and she had enough.”

One report claims that Paris appeared to be both high on marijuana and perhaps even intoxicated when she picked up some items from a Calabasas compound.

“She was stumbling a bit and clearly high or drunk,” the insider claimed.

That could be worrisome, if true. Though as those who have lost family members can tell you, not uncommon in the weeks following a sudden family death.

Different people cope in different ways.

Apparently Paris’ family fears that “her friends aren’t good for her and they take advantage of her.”

“At the end of the day,” the source predicts, “Paris will have a breakdown and it won’t be good for anyone unless she goes back to rehab.”

Honestly? It sounds like a lot of this is speculation, or perhaps an attempt to urge her to seek help.

If the report that Paris is planning ot enter rehab is true, it doesn’t look like she’s there yet — or, if she is, it’s one of those very rare rehabs that allows you to remain active on social media.

As of Tuesday morning, Paris is still active on Twitter.

Truth be told, it’s easy to confuse someone coping with a family tragedy for a few weeks with someone with a serious substance abuse problem.

We sincerely hope that Paris is doing just fine.


Demi Lovato So Ill Rehab Hasn"t Even Been Discussed

Demi Lovato is in no shape to talk about going to rehab, even though friends and family say she needs it to save her life. Sources with firsthand knowledge tell us the people in contact with her have not even broached the subject of rehab, because…


Monday, July 30, 2018

DJ Khaled Says Love is Key to Demi Lovato"s Recovery

DJ Khaled is confident Demi Lovato will be back entertaining fans before too long because she’s getting better, according to him. We got Khaled Monday in NYC where he was pumping up his new track, “No Brainer,” hard. His mood shifted…


Demi Lovato Still Hospitalized with "Complications" 6 Days After Overdose

Demi Lovato is still at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center … where she’s been since OD’ing on drugs last Tuesday. As for why, we’re told Demi is very, very sick. Sources with firsthand knowledge tell TMZ, she is suffering extreme nausea and a high fever,…


Demi Lovato Still Hospitalized with "Complications" 6 Days After Overdose

Demi Lovato is still at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center … where she’s been since OD’ing on drugs last Tuesday. As for why, we’re told Demi is very, very sick. Sources with firsthand knowledge tell TMZ, she is suffering extreme nausea and a high fever,…


Demi Moore Trolls Bruce Willis with Harvey Weinstein Joke at TV Roast

Demi Moore trolled the hell outta Bruce Willis with a Harvey Weinstein joke at his ‘Roast’ that might have some people asking … too soon? The actress made a surprise appearance at her ex-husband’s “Comedy Central Roast”…


Demi Lovato BFF Dani Vitale Begs Fans to Stop Sending Death Threats

In the aftermath of Demi Lovato’s overdose and hospitalization, her backup dancer and bff Dani Vitale received death threats from Demi’s own fans.

See, fans think that, because Demi was partying after celebrating Dani’s birthday, that Dani and other friends are somehow to blame for her relapse and overdose.

Dani has finally broken her silence and is imploring Demi’s fans to stop sending death threats to the ones who love Demi the most.

Demi Lovato’s guitarist thinks that Demi’s friends are to blame for her relapse and overdose. Dani Vitale says that no, they all love and care about Demi.

“I care about Demi just like all of you do,” Dani writes on Instagram.

It’s worth noting that she turned off comments on the post. We can only imagine the sort of vitriol that she might otherwise receive under her words.

“I have not said anything about this situation until now,” Dani acknowledges.

Just because you don’t write about it on social media doesn’t mean that you don’t care. Obviously.

Dani explains that her silence is “because her recovery has been of the most importance.”

Dani Vitale message to Demi Lovato fans

“I was not with Demi when the incident happened,” Dani clarifies.

She shouldn’t have to defend herself, of course, but perhaps that explanation will put people’s minds at ease.

“I am with her now,” Dani writes. “And will continue to be because she means the world to me just as she does to all of you.”

Danie emphasizes: “There is no need for any negativity towards the ones who care about Demi at this time.”

“There is too much of it in this world as it is,” she explains. She’s right about that.

Dani’s heart goes out to Demi’s fans, many of whom are young and have never dealt with such a sudden health crisis in a pop star.

“I know you’re all feeling lost without her at this moment in time,” Dani writes.

“Remember,” Dani implores them. “That you have always been a community of Lovatics who LOVE.”

Sometimes, a lot of people forget right and wrong when they’re looking at a screen instead of a person’s face.

Writing a message on social media is not the same as screaming into a void.

Dani asks: “Please remember that when you take out your phones and start typing.”

That’s good advice for anyone, not just for Lovatics.

“Remember that we all love her more than we can ever put into words,” Dani reminds the world.

“Please,” Dani concludes. “Continue to send her love during her recovery.”

Of course.

The sad truth of the matter is that there are cases in which friends are at least partly to blame for an overdose.

Factors like peer pressure aside, if someone provides the wrong dosage or the wrong drug, or if they simply fail to check on a person, that person has not been a good friend and may even bear some responsibility for an overdose.

When people who know very few of the facts of an overdose decide that they know exactly what happened, that’s a problem.

To make matters worse, well, they really should not be sending death threats. To anyone. They should not be bombarding Demi’s loved ones with hate now or at any other time.

And, again, Dani literally wasn’t even there for the overdose.


Demi Lovato"s Backup Dancer Defends Herself after OD Criticism

The backup dancer who has been attacked online for allegedly bearing some responsibility in Demi Lovato’s overdose says she had nothing to do with it.  Dani Vitale posted her denial after some of Demi’s fans claimed she was a bad influence on…


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Demi Lovato Didn"t "Suffer" an OD, She Caused It Says Interventionist

Demi Lovato didn’t “suffer an overdose” — she caused it — so says a famed interventionist. Jeff VanVonderen – who appeared on the A&E show “Intervention” — says Demi’s alarming relapse resulted from choosing to stop using the…


Demi Lovato Didn"t "Suffer" an OD, She Caused It Says Interventionist

Demi Lovato didn’t “suffer an overdose” — she caused it — so says a famed interventionist. Jeff VanVonderen – who appeared on the A&E show “Intervention” — says Demi’s alarming relapse resulted from choosing to stop using the…


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Video of Demi Lovato Hours Before Overdose

Demi Lovato showed no real signs of trouble — at least visually — hours before she overdosed. This video was shot Monday night at Saddle Ranch on the Sunset Strip, where Demi and others celebrated the birthday of Dani Vitale … one of Demi’s…


Video of Demi Lovato Hours Before Overdose

Demi Lovato showed no real signs of trouble — at least visually — hours before she overdosed. This video was shot Monday night at Saddle Ranch on the Sunset Strip, where Demi and others celebrated the birthday of Dani Vitale … one of Demi’s…


PewDiePie Apologizes for Offensive Demi Lovato Meme

PewDiePie has issued a mea culpa for being a misguided, insensitive, offensive moron.

Three days after Demi Lovato was hospitalized for a drug overdose, the YouTube star thought it would be funny to make fun of the singer and her situation.

How could it not be, right?

This is a young woman who has batted self-esteem issues and mental health issues for years… who had admitted to having suicidal thoughts at the age of seven… and who nearly died after a night of hard and dangerous partying this week.

Talk about prime material for a joke, right?!?

Yes, according to PewDiePie.

Shortly after news broke about Lovato’s overdose, PewDiePie (what kind of name is PewDiePie?!?) shared a meme online that depicted the trouble artist asking her mother for money in order to buy a burger.

After receiving the money, however, Lovato turns around and buys heroin instead.

Here is the since-deleted image:

demi meme

demi meme

A couple of quick thoughts come to mind:

FIRST, this simply isn’t funny. Like, at all.

If you’re going to go out on an offensive limb to crack a joke, you better make sure it’s a funny joke.

This is just dumb and non-sensical. (Why would Lovato need to borrow cash from her mother? The whole thing makes no sense.)

SECOND, what the heck is wrong with you, PewDiePie?!?

We weren’t the only ones asking this question, as the YouTuber was forced to take down his stupid meme and then issue a statement in the wake of severe backlash.

“Deleted meme,” he wrote to start his apology, which concluded as follows:

“I didnt mean anything with it and I didnt fully know about the situation. I realize now it was insensitive, sorry!”

PewDiePie says

Please, dude.

You knew that Lovato overdosed on heroin (it has since been reported that the substance actually was NOT heroin) and you went ahead and posted that meme.

What misinterpretation about the situation are you claiming here?

Lovato, tragically, was found unconscious by her assistant around 11 a.m. on Tuesday morning.

This assistant then dialed 911 (listen to the call HERE) and paramedics revived the star prior to taking her to the hospital.

It is believed that Demi will soon head to a treatment facility somewhere far away from Los Angeles, but this has not yet been confirmed by the singer or anyone close to her.

It is simply what various anonymous insiders have reported.

In the meantime, practically everyone in Hollywood has sent his or her best wishes, as an entire industry worries about a young woman who has been so open over the years about her substance abuse issues.

We are all just praying she gets better.

And hoping she knows how many folks out there love her.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Wilmer Valderrama Visited Demi Lovato in Hospital After She OD"d

Wilmer Valderrama looked worried sick when he visited Demi Lovato at the hospital. Wilmer hit up Cedars-Sinai in L.A. Thursday afternoon and stayed with her for about 5 hours. He also visited Demi Wednesday … a day after she was…


Wilmer Valderrama Visited Demi Lovato in Hospital After She OD"d

Wilmer Valderrama looked worried sick when he visited Demi Lovato at the hospital. Wilmer hit up Cedars-Sinai in L.A. Thursday afternoon and stayed with her for about 5 hours. He also visited Demi Wednesday … a day after she was…


Dani Vitale: Demi Lovato"s BFF Receives Death Threats From Angry Fans

It’s been three days since Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that nearly claimed her life.

Friends, family, and fans of the singer are still reeling from the news, and unfortunately, some have chosen to lash out in destructive ways.

Earlier this week, Lovato’s guitarist, Mike Manning, blamed her friends for the overdose and threatened to “expose them” as addicts.

To be clear, it’s understandable to feel a confusing mix of emotions at a time like this, but unless it turns out those friends held her down and stuck a needle in her arm, it is 100 percent not okay to blame or shame Demi’s fellow users.

If this situation has taught us anything, it’s that addiction doesn’t discriminate, and the addict begging for change on the street deserves to be treated with the same dignity as a multi-platinum recording artist.

Manning hasn’t launched his horrendously ill-conceived campaign yet, but the misdirected outrage from fans who are desperate for someone to blame has already begun, and predictably, it’s made an awful situation considerably worse.

In the hours before her hospitalization, Demi was spotted doing shots at an LA bar.

Sources say she and several friends were celebrating the birthday of Dani Vitale, Demi’s longtime friend and backup dancer.

Little is known about what took place in the hours after the group left the bar, but since Demi was last seen celebrating Dani’s birthday, several foolish fans have decided to exacerbate whatever guilt of grief she might already be feeling by harassing Vitale online.

Insiders claim Vitale has been receiving non-stop hate messages and death threats.

This, despite the fact that she Dani is a teetotaler who has reportedly been a much-needed source of strength for Demi in the dark days following her overdose.

“Dani spent the whole day at the hospital with her,” a source close to Vitale told Radar. “Dani and Demi have known each other for a long time, and are very close.

“She’s very upset about it,” the insider added.

“She is very straight; she doesn’t do drugs.”

Despite the fact that Dani has apparently devoted herself to ensuring that Demi receives the best care and treatment possible, hundreds of fans (many of them tagging the vigilante Manning, of course) have spent their weeks hurling non-stop vitriol at Vitale.

“Fake friend…. f-ck you bitch is toxic,” one such psycho wrote today.

“I’m about to beat this bitch up,” reads another comment on Vitale’s Instagram page.

“Ima brake ur legs if i see you,” a third Demi obsessive commented.

Guys, we don’t know Demi personally, so we hate to speak on her behalf, but we’re pretty sure she’d agree that there are better ways to spend your time and express your concerns than issuing physical threats to her best friend.

Just sayin’. 


Cheat Codes Replaces Demi Lovato in Atlantic City and Dedicates "No Promises"

Demi Lovato’s presence was felt even in her absence … thanks to the Cheat Codes. The EDM trio — best known for their hit song “No Promises” featuring Demi — replaced Demi when she was forced to cancel her headlining appearance Thursday in…


Demi Lovato Overdose: Yes, She Nearly Died

In a newly-released 911 call, an assistant for Demi Lovato calls paramedics and tells them that the singer is unconscious in her bed.

This unnamed assistant comes across as surprisingly calm while talking to the dispatcher, as you can hear in the following video:

HOWEVER, a new report wants to make something very clear.

No matter how reasonable this assistant may sound in the call and no matter what you may have read about Lovato’s drug overdose on Tuesday morning, do not be fooloed.

Lovato nearly killed herself.

The artist is very lucky to be alive right now.

According to a TMZ insider, if the 911 call had taken place even just a short period of time later, or if the EMTs had been delayed in arriving at Demi’s house, “she could have died.”

Lovato was not conscious and just barely breathing when she was discovered at around 11:30 a.m. and the the above call was placed.

As previously detailed, Lovato was given a dose of Narcan to counter the effects of whatever opioids she was on, which is a common maneuver for someone discovered in the singer’s troubled state.

Once she awoke, Lovato was reportedly uncooperative.

She refused to tell the paramedics or doctors exactly what she had ingested.

Multiple outlets have confirmed that Demi was out partying the night before at a bar in the Los Angeles area, throwing back shots with some shady friends.

A group of these same friends then made their way back to Lovato’s residence and continued the party until around 4 a.m.

It’s unclear whether any stuck around and were present when the medical technicians arrived hours later.

But it does seem clear at this point that those especially close to the singer have been urging her to find help for a long time now.

“Her family has realized they are not out of the woods yet and are very concerned that she doesn’t see the severity of her issues and are worried because she thinks she can control her addiction,” a source tells Entertainment Tonight.

This source explains that Lovato’s relatives feel this way even after the overdose.

They are still unconvinced that Demi is ready to commit to rehab in the way that she needs to.

Lovato had been candid with fans for years about her history with addiction and also with eating disorders.

She was sober for six years prior to relapsing this spring, even confessing to the said relapse via the lyrics in the song “Sober.”

“There was a sit-down talk with Demi and her team about a month ago to address her no longer being sober,” another insider tells ET, adding:

“Demi’s team has been down this path with her before and, although hesitant at first, she agreed to go to rehab.

“However, it took her manager, Phil McIntyre, and others saying they’d walk away from her if she didn’t get the help to convince her.”

Let’s all continue to pray that Lovato soon sees the light and is willing to begin on her path to sobriety once again,
