Showing posts with label Destroys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Destroys. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Kim Kardashian DESTROYS Twitter Account that Criticized Kanye West

You can say more or less whatever you like about Kim Kardashian — she’s built her brand off of “scandals” that would ruin other careers. But you don’t talk about her man, apparently.

When a Twitter account that regularly reports on Kanye’s fashion line made a claim about Yeezy, Kim Kardashian went off. She supports her husband’s brand and, when she’s not eating noodles while naked, often wears Yeezy apparel.

She put them on blast in public. And she may have made some calls to Twitter in private. Yikes.

A verified Twitter account that calls itself The Yeezy Mafia tweeted that Yeezy buyers were invited to an empty showroom.

The tweet then went on to claim that:

“There won’t be any apparel or accessories for SEASON 7 as Kanye West couldn’t do what he wanted to achieve with this collection.”

Given Kanye’s reputation as an eccentric man who does things in his own way, that wasn’t the least believable thing that people had heard.

Kim was clearly incensed, and took to Twitter, quoted the tweet, and wrote:

“How can a verified account represent Yeezy with false information. You do NOT work for Yeezy and NOT affiliated. How are you gonna believe an account that posts fake color ways.”

Her accusatory tweet, which quoted The Yeezy Mafia’s now-deleted tweet, was followed by three identical emojis depicting a face laughing to the point of tears.

Kim was not done, however. Not even close.

“Season 6 was genius,” she writes.

Opinions are subjective, with some people loving Yeezy and others finding both the shapes and color choices to be off-putting or strange.

Kim continues, writing: “All of my Japan looks are season 7 & will be online soon.”

You can see a selfie that she snapped below. A taste of what’s to come.

She then clarified what she thinks that The Yeezy Mafia meant to say:

“Yeezy does not play by fashion rules. The show room was strictly shoes & always intended for that.”


The Yeezy Mafia deleted their original tweet, but they didn’t stop their bowing and scraping with that.

After being called out by Kim Kardashian herself, they tweeted an explanation:

“Apologize for saying showroom was empty, it wasn’t, there was boots.”

They offered up an explanation of how, really, Kanye wasn’t being a prima donna about his line and that they had been entirely mistaken.

“But they were already there and already ordered at the Season 7 showroom in Milan a month ago.”

They then apologized again:

“We didn’t use the correct words so sorry for that.”

Remember, folks — Kim Kardashian is the woman who helped derail Taylor Swift’s reputation. Taylor has yet to fully recover from that.

Kim has zero chill when it comes to defending Kanye.

Kim continued to sing the praises of her husband’s fashion line, tweeting:


The next time that someone tries to spread rumors that Kim and Kanye are in a loveless marriage, point to how hard she pushes his fashion line. That alone is a sign of real love.

(We’re not saying that only a person who loves Kanye could praise his clothing — his line remains polarizing, but it has plenty of fans who aren’t part of Kanye’s family)

Kim looks great wearing anything — or wearing nothing at all. Plenty of folks would love to see her in their clothes, but she often chooses to wear her husband’s. That’s so sweet.

Twitter’s response was entertaining, with some expressing that they were amused that The Yeezy Mafia reversed their stance so quickly.

“Kim got y’all sweating?”

“S H O O K.”

Others scolded fellow tweeters for making fun of the account, writing:

“Y’all act like people don’t make mistakes give them a break they always supply us with the best leaks and news before anyone else thank you mafia.”

One thing is for certain: Kim Kardashian can get much more intense on social media than when she’s just asking fans if they also watch This Is Us.

Anyone who has Kanye in their Twitter crosshairs should keep that in mind.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Taraji P. Henson DESTROYS Ryan Seacrest on Red Carpet

There were not many surprises at the 90th annual Academy Awards on Sunday night.

As expected, The Shape of Water won Best Picture and Frances McDormand won Best Actress, for example.

But the real action took place ahead of the annual show, as E! decided to let Ryan Seacrest interview celebrities on the red carpet…

… despite some sexual harassment allegations having been leveled against the omnipresent host.

(A former stylist claims Seacrest made inappropriate remarks at her and took inappropriate actions with her, such as pushing her head toward his crotch at one point.)

Seacrest did not land nearly as many pre-Oscars interviews as normal, with many stars shunning him on the red carpet out of respect for the #MeToo movement.

But Taraji P. Henson did choose to speak to Seacrest.

And she also chose to destroy him on live television.

After being asked a question by Seacrest, Henson smirked at the possibly shady man in front of her and replied:

“The universe has a way of taking care of taking care of good people,” she said, as she touched the E! host on the chin. “You know what I mean?”

Seacrest said that he agreed, while social media unanimously agreed that Henson had just completely torched Seacrest on his very own show.

A few users pointed to Henson giving Seacrest a hug after the interview as proof that they are no hard feelings.

And Henson later told People Magazine, amidst chatter that she dissed Seacrest during their chat, specifically with the way she touched his face:

“I did it to keep his chin up. It’s an awkward position to be in. He’s been cleared but anyone can say anything."

Later, Seacrest addressed the situation on Twitter, writing that he had “nothing but love for his friend” and thanking her for “hanging out with us on the E! Red Carpet.”

Are you buying this, though?

Just watch this exchange!


Taraji p henson destroys ryan seacrest on oscars red carpet

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Toccara Jones Destroys Ashley Graham"s Twerk Video

Brace yourself, Ashley Graham … this might hurt a little — because her pal, Toccara Jones went full LMFAO after watching Ashley attempt to twerk during her S.I. Swimsuit photo shoot. We got the self-proclaimed “Queen of Thickness”…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Twitter Destroys New York Times Over Anti-Leggings Rant

In recent years, a lot of people rallied to the New York Times, giving them a level of subscriptions not seen in recent years — largely to spite Donald Trump.

The problem, however, is that the New York Times has … issues, and that"s not a newspaper joke. The sorts of content that they promote in their "Opinion" pieces can at times be absolutely horrifying.

Like "Why Yoga Pants Are Bad For Women," an opinion post that decries the wearing of leggings. Plenty of articles have tried to claim that leggings are "not pants" or shouldn"t be worn out and about, but this goes a step further by claiming that they shouldn"t even be worn while exercising.

Any sensible person knows that telling women how to dress — whether it"s to not wear bikinis or to not wear a hijab — is kind of the opposite of women"s liberation. The "right way" to dress is however you see fit.

This article, it seems, was not written by a sensible person.

Twitter took notice and got up in arms. 

Women who take yoga or simply have legs objected to the notion that they should let someone else instruct them on what to wear.

1. Here’s the tweet that earned so much ire

Nyt leggings response 01

Even without reading the article, you can see how the author tries to frame the argument as somehow pro-woman.

2. This woman’s ready to talk about wardrobes

Nyt leggings response 02

A lot of armor that women in movies wear is designed to be flattering instead of allow free range of movement. Leggings may be flattering or unflattering, but they don’t restrict you.

3. This tweet hits the nail on the head

Nyt leggings response 03

This kind of thing is bad enough when it comes from men. It’s worse when it comes from another woman.

4. Yoga pants are called yoga pants for a reason

Nyt leggings response 04

Lizard pose is … imagine holding yourself up like you’re doing a push-up. Now imagine bringing up one of your legs so that your knee is more or less at your shoulder and your foot is beside your hands.

5. This is a very accurate synopsis

Nyt leggings response 05

If you don’t like wearing a thing, don’t wear it. It’s so easy! Trying to project that choice onto others is wrong.

6. Athletes took issue with the article

Nyt leggings response 06

Sweatpants just aren’t cut out for the same job. Also, they’re warmer. They’re sweatpants.

View Slideshow

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Eagles" Jason Kelce Destroys Everyone In Fiery Super Bowl Parade Speech

WOOOO!!! Philadelphia Eagles lineman Jason Kelce just gave one of the greatest Super Bowl parade speeches EVER — blasting the team’s haters in an expletive-laden, WWE-style scream-athon. AND IT WAS AWESOME!!! Kelce was decked out in his full…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Brett Young Destroys National Anthem, Possibly Career in General

Brett Young sang the Star-Spangled Banner prior to the NHL All-Star Game on Saturday, and we know what you"re thinking:

There was an NHL All-Star Game on Sunday?!?

There"s still such a thing as the NHL?!?

Apparently, yes and yes. We"re as shocked as you are by both of these answers.

But the surprising existence of professional hockey isn"t the point right now.

Instead, the point is the existence of the following video.

It features the aforementioned country music artist possibly damaging his career permanently by utterly destroying his country"s theme song.

Following a perfectly strong rendition of the Canadian national anthem, Young steps up to the microphone and sounds like he"d rather be anywhere on the planet that center ice at that moment.

His version of this beloved song is slow and stilted. It lacks emotion of any kind.

It seems in certain places as if he"s unsure what the next lyric is.

As you can see, we aren"t the only people who thought these mean thoughts.

One Twitter user wrote that Young sang the anthem as if he was performing at the funeral, which is an apt assessment.

It felt like it took foooooorever for the song to finish, even though Young clocked in at one minute and 50 seconds, which is 10 seconds fewer than the over/under currently set for Pink at Super Bowl 52 this Sunday.

So the performance wasn"t actually that long.

It just felt that long.

So as the pressure turns to Pink and the most-watched Star-Spangled Banner of them all in a few days, take a couple moments below to watch Young totally butcher the famous track.

We"re sure he meant well.

We"re just also sure it didn"t turn out well.

(Young"s anthem starts around the 2:10 mark below.)

Brett young destroys national anthem possibly career in general

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Twitter DESTROYS Megyn Kelly Over Jane Fonda Rant

Megyn Kelly ratcheted up the most random feud of the decade this week, going after Jane Fonda on Monday after the actress gave Kelly a hard time for asking about her plastic surgery procedures.

Several weeks ago, Fonda appeared on Kelly"s hour of TODAY and responded unkindly when Kelly inquired about the work she had done over the years.

In response, Kelly went after Fonda yesterday, bringing up her history of protesting the Vietnam War and calling the long-time star our as an agitator and a hypocrite.

It was quite the scathing few minutes, which we summed up HERE.

After watching this unexpected horror show unfold, countless social media users jumped online and went hard after Kelly, slamming the ex-Fox News host and vowing to never tune in for her program again.

Check out the most savage takes below:

1. You Sure You Want to Bring Up Someone’s History, Megyn?

You sure you want to bring up someones history megyn

Seriously, do you even recall what you used to say on Fox News? Every single night of the week?

2. This Would Be So Fetech

This would be so fetech

Honestly, ratings couldn’t get much worse. Why not try it?

3. Embarrassing, Petty…

Embarrassing petty

These were just two of the words Twitter attached to Kelly’s misguided rant.

4. Was This Just a Ratings Ploy?

Was this just a ratings ploy

Lord knows Kelly could use it. Perhaps this was the equivalent of a clickbait article online.

5. A Dark and Sinister Turn

A dark and sinister turn

Granted, not as dark or as sinister as everything having to do with Matt Lauer. But still.

6. You Insisted That Santa is White!

You insisted that santa is white

Viewers never forget, Megyn. Especially when this happened, like, two years ago.

View Slideshow

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Eminem DESTROYS Donald Trump, Jokes About Murdering Ivanka on New Album!

Eminem has made it abundantly clear that he’s not a big fan of our current president.

(And seriously, how heartbreaking is it that we still have to refer to Donald Trump as “our current president”?)

He slammed Trump in a song he released in 2015, and in another he released in 2015, but his harshest criticism came in October when he shared a little freestyle at the BET Hip Hop Awards.

He touched on the controversy surrounding the professional athletes that have chosen to kneel during the national anthem before games as a form of protest and Trump’s ridiculous reaction to them.

“Now, if you’re a black athlete, you’re a spoiled little brat for trying to use your platform or your stature to try to give those a voice who don’t have one,” he rapped.

“He gets an enormous reaction when he attacks the NFL, so we focus on that instead of talking Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada. All these horrible tragedies and he’s bored and would rather cause a Twitterstorm with the Packers.”

Then, to his massive fan base, he stated “Any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his, I’m drawing a line in the sane. You’re either for or against, and if you can’t decide who you like more and you’re split on who you stand beside, I’ll do it for you with this.”

He then flipped off the camera, making it clear that he’s not interested in sharing fans with Trump.

It was all pretty intense, right?

But it looks like he was saving even more vitriol for his new album.

Eminem released the album, titled Revival, yesterday, and he dedicated an entire song to Trump. The song is called “Like Home,” and it features vocals by Alicia Keys.

He kicked off the very first verse with “Someone get this Aryan a sheet, time to bury him, so tell him to prepare to get impeached. Everybody on your feet.”‘

“This chump barely even sleeps, all he does is watch Fox News like a parrot and repeats while he looks like a canary with a beak.”

“Why you think he banned transgenders from the military with a tweet?” he asked. “He’s trying to divide us. The sh-t’s like a cult, but like Johnny he’ll only unite us. ‘Cause nothing inside drives us like this fight does.”

He admitted that “our spirits’ crushed” and it’s “hard to deal” with things right now, “but there’s always tomorrow still.”

“If we start from the scratch like a scab, get the scars to heal and band together for Charlottesville, and for Heather [Heyer, the woman killed in Charlottesville], fallen heroes.”

In the second verse though, he really went in on Trump:

Didn’t wanna piss your base off, did ya? / Can’t denounce the Klan, ‘cause they play golf with ya

You stay on Twitter, way to get your hate off / Nazi, I do not see a way y’all differ

And all you got are race cards / Better get the swastika with your name carved in it / Should be your trademark, ‘cause hate’s all you played off / And you just lick the plate off

So I guess it pays to feed off of chaos / So basically, you’re Adolf Hitler / But you ain’t ruining our country, punk / Or taking our pride from us, you won’t define us

‘Cause like a dictionary, things are looking up / So much, got a sprained beck, know we would rise up against this train wreck and take a stand

In the bridge, Alicia Keys sings “I won’t give up on my home, that so many died for, you already know that I won’t give up.”

It’s actually pretty emotional.

It’s also not the only time he mentions a Trump on the album — on a track called “Frame,” he gets a little less realistic and a lot, lot darker.

The song is all about murder and just awful, violent crimes — the point is that just because he says terrible things in his songs doesn’t mean he actually does them. It really is pretty dark.

In the second verse, he raps “Woke up, it was dawn, musta knew something was wrong. Think I’m becoming a monster ‘cause of the drugs that I’m on. Donald Duck’s on as the Tonka Trunk in the yard.”

“But dog, how the f-ck is Ivanka Trump in the trunk of my car? Gotta get to the bottom of it to try to solve it. Must go above and beyond, ‘cause it’s incumbent upon me, ‘cause I feel somewhat responsible for the dumb little blonde.”

So yes, it seems pretty safe to say that he has a whole, whole lot of anger for this entire family.

Do you think Eminem is going too far with these new songs?


Alyssa Milano Destroys Matt Damon Over Sexual Harassment Comments

When it comes to the debate on sexual harassment and misconduct in Hollywood, Alyssa Milano has just made it very clear:

She’s the boss.

The actress – who has been as responsible as anyone for promoting the #MeToo movement and who has been a vocal supporter of every woman who has recently spoken out – took to Twitter on Friday night and straight up owned Matt Damon.

The typically beloved star has been criticized mightily over the past 24 hours.

He spoke to Peter Travers of ABC News this week and made far too many attempts to parse the differences between various acts that have gotten men in trouble of late.

From Al Franken resigning from the Senate for grabbing the butts of women… to Louis CK admitting he masturbated in front of women… to Matt Lauer being fired for alleged rape and other heinous behavior, countless stars have gotten in major trouble for treating women with disrespect.

Asked about this watershed moment in the country, Damon initially told Travers:

“I think it’s great. I think it’s wonderful that women are feeling empowered to tell their stories – and it’s totally necessary.”

But then he kept going, sticking his foot deeper and deeper into his mouth.

“I do believe there’s a spectrum of behavior,” he said, stating the obvious and missing the point of the #MeToo movement.

“There’s a difference between patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation, right?

“Both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they shouldn’t be conflated.”

Minnie Driver, who co-starred with Damon in Good Will Hunting, immediately shook her head over Damon’s comments.

“There are so many men I love who do NOT frame the differentiation between sexual misconduct assault and rape as an excuse or worse- our problem. Such bollocks,” Driver Tweeted.

But Milano went even further.

Focusing especially on Damon’s assertion that men are being punished these days because we live in a “culture of outrage,” the actress took the actor to school.

She also explained why rape and the occasional sexist comment may be different, but they contribute to the same thing.

“Dear Matt Damon, It’s the micro that makes the macro,” Milano wrote to open her response.

milano tweet

Continued Milano:

“We are in a ‘culture of outrage’ because the magnitude of rage is, in fact, overtly outrageous. And it is righteous.

“I have been a victim of each component of the sexual assault spectrum of which you speak. They all hurt.

“And they are all connected to a patriarchy intertwined with normalized, accepted–even welcomed– misogyny.”

We really can’t say any of this better than Milano, so we’re just gonna let her keep going…

We are not outraged because someone grabbed our asses in a picture. We are outraged because we were made to feel this was normal.

We are outraged because we have been gaslighted. We are outraged because we were silenced for so long.

There are different stages of cancer. Some more treatable than others. But it’s still cancer.

Sexual harassment, misconduct, assault and violence is a systemic disease. The tumor is being cut out right now with no anesthesia. Please send flowers. #MeToo

BOOM, right?

Game, set, match, Alyssa Milano.

Most people seem to agree that Damon meant no harm with his comments and that he was just trying to be understanding.

The thing is, he was trying to be understanding of the men, not the women.

The best thing men can do in this climate right now is simply listen.

The worst thing they can do, even the well-intentioned ones? Pretend they know best, as Damon did here.


Friday, December 15, 2017

Blac Chyna Destroys Future Tattoo with New Dream

Blac Chyna ruined her future … and she did it on purpose. BC’s showing off the new tattoo she got over the one she partially erased – Future’s name. In its place, she put her daughter Dream’s name. That relationship should last…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Deion Sanders DESTROYS Tony Romo, "You Ain"t Won Nothin"

Deion Sanders destroyed Tony Romo. There’s really no cute or punchy way to put it. The guy opened up his Hall of Fame mouth and ate the soul of Romo live on television. It happened because Tony dissed Deion’s tackling ability again, calling out…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Eminem Utterly Destroys Donald Trump in This Rap

Eminem has a few things he would like to say to Donald Trump.

At last night’s BET Hip Hop Awards, the rapper made a surprise appearance in a pre-taped freestyle cypher that made it clear he"s been paying VERY close attention to the Trump administration.

And he has a few critiques.

For instance:

“We better give Obama props ’cause what we got in office now is a kamikaze that’ll probably cause a nuclear holocaust," Eminem says in reference to Trump"s insane responses to North Korea of late.

What about the fact that Trump hired known white supremacist Steve Bannon as a strategist?

And that he basically defended neo-Nazis after their protest in Charlottesville this summer?

“From his endorsement of Bannon, support for the Klansmen, tiki torches in hand/For the soldier that’s black and comes home from Iraq and is still told to go back to Africa."

Of late, meanwhile, Trump has been attempting to please his base by slamming athletes who do not stand for the national anthem.

And Eminem has thoughts on this ridiculousness as well.

“Now, if you’re a black athlete, you’re a spoiled little brat for/Trying to use your platform or your stature to try to give those a voice who don’t have one…

"He gets an enormous reaction when he attacks the NFL, so we focus on that/Instead of talking Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada/All these horrible tragedies and he’s bored and would rather cause a Twitterstorm with the Packers.”

Practically out of breath, Eminem pauses to say the following:

“This is for Colin/Ball up a fist."

At one point, Eminem also calls out his own fan base.

And any fan of mine who"s a supporter of his/I’m drawing in the sand a line/You"re either for or against/And if you can"t decide who you like more and you"re split/On who you should stand beside/I’ll do it for you with this.

He then raises a middle finger to the camera.

Is Eminem the first celebrity to attack Donald Trump? God no.

But he doesn"t speak out often, so his words carry an impact.

Moreover, he has a MASSIVE online following: the rapper"s official Facebook page has more than 90 million Likes and his personal Twitter account has 21.3 million followers.

Watch his full takedown of Trump below and then prepare for the President to respond on Twitter in 3… 2… 1…

Eminem utterly destroys donald trump in this freestyle rap

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Jags" A.J. Bouye Destroys 5-Foot Box Jumps

Here’s video to prove you never had a chance to be in the NFL (despite what your dad says) … Jaguars player A.J. Bouye jumping 5 FREAKIN’ FEET like it’s nothing. A.J.’s apparently been a camp standout for the Jags so far, and we can see why –…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Blac Youngsta Posts Mock Crucifixion, Internet Destroys Him

Blac Youngsta put himself on a cross, and now he’s actually getting $ 10,000 offers … to delete the damn photo. The rapper/master s**t stirrer posted the pic Monday of himself fully mocking the crucifixion with Tupac’s lyrics, “HAIL MARY COME WITH…


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Lonzo Ball Destroys Rim in Pre-Draft Dunk Video

Attention, NBA GMs: Above the rim, Lonzo Ball is a BIG baller. ‘Zo got waaay up for a couple off-the-backboard hammers in a video posted on draft day … a convenient reminder that he’s one of the best athletes on the board. Ball gets…


Friday, June 2, 2017

D. L. Hughley Destroys Kathy Griffin Haters, Where Was Your Outrage for Ted Nugent?! (VIDEO)

D.L. Hughley’s strongly defending Kathy Griffin’s beheading photo of President Trump – saying all these haters were dead silent when Ted Nugent threatened President Obama. The comedian was at LAX Friday when he labeled most of Kathy’s haters…


Kevin Durant Destroys Cavs, Stares Down Rihanna. Hard.

The first game of the NBA Finals is in the books, and the feud is officially on.

Between Kevin Durant and LeBron James? Not really.

Not after the former lit up the Cavs for 38 points, eight rebounds and eight assists to lead his team to a 113-91 victory.

(James played fine, scoring 28 points on 9-20 shooting, but it will take a lot more from that from the future Hall of Famer for his squad to have a chance in this series.)

As for Durant and Rihanna, however? Oh boy. This rivalry is only just getting started.

A noted fan of the Cavs and James, Rihanna sat courtside for the opening game in Oakland on Thursday night, causing commentator Jeff Van Gundy to stop analyzing the action at one point and to start verbally drooling over the singer.

But Rihanna truly made an impact later on, first by screaming "BRIIIICK" and then by trash talking some Golden State fans, clearly dabbing in their direction.

Both these actions are caught on the video below.

And both also appeared to have been caught by Durant, who nailed a three-pointer in the fourth quarter and then turned out to stare Rihanna down.

Why might he have been especially annoyed at her cheering for LeBron?

Consider this Tweet sent by Durant in 2011:

The All-Star led his team to a dominant Game One win and only needs three more in order to take home his first NBA title.

But the Internet is talking more at the moment about Durant"s love life than his jumper, considering we"ve also learned he dated The Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay in college.

Who knew?!?

What does KD have to say about her or about Rihanna? Not much apparently…

Please. No one believes you, Kevin.

Just consider the following footage as evidence of your RIhanna disdain:

Kevin durant stares down rihanna engages in unexpected nba feud

Friday, April 14, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Mom Debra Danielsen DESTROYS Teen Mom Stars!

As much as we like to imagine that Farrah Abraham isn’t an actual human being but perhaps an alien experiment meant to test how dumb an organism can be while still surviving, it’s simply not true.

She’s a person, just like the rest of us, as tough a pill as that may be to swallow.

And, like many of us, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree — yep, Farrah’s just a product of her insane, delusional family.

If you had any doubt at all about that, then all you have to do is sit back, relax, and check out this new interview with Debra Danielsen, the woman responsible for birthing Farrah.

It’s an eye-opener, that’s for sure.

Debra randomly appeared on a Facebook Live video with some website, and she answered tons of questions about Teen Mom OG.

For instance, while talking about some “mind-blowing” things that go down in the new season of the show, she referred to Farrah as “the most gorgeous one” of all the moms, and the “most talented,” too.

Girl. Stop.

She did say that we’ll see a lot of growth in terms of her troubled relationship with Farrah, and though they may fight, they still always love each other at the end of the day.

She describes what filming is like for a bit — sometimes they’re asked to re-film things that the cameras missed, but everything that goes down is always rooted in reality.

She also touches on her rap career, bless her heart, and mentions there’s a new video coming out soon!

But then we finally get to the good stuff.

Debra’s friendly interviewers decide to play a game in which they hold up a photo of someone, then Debra shares a special message for that person.

First, they show a photo of Jenelle Evans, to which Debra says “I would advise Jenelle to reset her priorities in life. Just sayin’.”

For beloved Barbara, Jenelle’s mother, Debra reveals that Teen Mom crew members told her that she’d been saying mean things about Farrah, so she simply said “don’t do that anymore.”

(Real quick: can we get a Debra Danielsen vs. Barbara Evans cage match sometime? A Teen Mom special, perhaps?)

Next up is Catelynn Lowell, who Debra called “two-faced.”

When she’s shown a photo of Simon Saran, she simply says “Oh dear god,” then took his photo and put it on the table, saying “This is like RIP.”

Good ol’ Deb gets really nasty for Maci Bookout, to which she advises “Maci, well, I would recommend that if we’re gonna get pregnant anymore, we cut back on the beer consumption.”

Last up is Amber Portwood. And while you’d think Debra would have the harshest words for her, since she’s the one who took a swing at her daughter last year, she’s surprisingly pretty kind.

“I’m actually very proud of Amber,” Debra says. “I think she works really hard. I think she’s been through a lot in her life that would cause anybody tremendous pain. But I think she’s an overcomer.”

We’ll give her this: she may have her own issues, and she may be out of line with some of her comments, but she’s more gracious and reasonable than Farrah ever thought about being.


Sunday, April 9, 2017

Alec Baldwin Returns to Saturday Night Live; Destroys Donald Trump

It"s been just about a month since Alec Baldwin came to Saturday Night Live to do his lovely Donald Trump impression.

And, in case you missed it, a lot of things have happened with Trump in the past month.

He bombed Syria, for one, but he also had that massive Trumpcare disaster. Throw in the constant rumors that Melania refuses to move to the White House with him and a bunch of general discontent …

Things haven"t been going too great for ol" Donnie.

And so in this skit, Baldwin"s Trump did just want the real Trump does — he met with his supporters so he can feel good about himself.

Stopping at a little gathering down in Kentucky, Trump gave a short speech about all the "good" things he"s been doing lately.

"The media is saying nice things and no one is talking about Russia," he said. "Wow, what a difference just 59 Tomahawk missiles can make."


Trump was asked questions about new jobs, healthcare, the federal rehab program, afterschool programs, and his answer to all the problems!

To just get rid of all of it, of course! And through pain and anger and tears, the people still told him "You"re my president!"

"See, that"s why I came here," Trump said, "you people stand by me no matter what. It"s like you found a finger in your chili, but you still eat the chili because you told everyone how much you love chili. It"s tremendous."

See SNL"s Trump in action in the clip below:

Alec baldwin returns to saturday night live destroys donald trum

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Destroys Donald Trump: You Got Swamped!

Remember when Donald Trump slammed Arnold Schwarzenegger for diminished ratings on this season of Celebrity Apprentice?

Arnold Schwarzenegger remembers.

And he just flipped the script on the President of the United States.

In a 40-second Twitter video, the former Governor and reality TV host clapped back at Trump for the Commander-in-Chief"s historically low approval rating, which sits at 37% in the latest Gallop poll.

And that poll was taken before the FBI confirmed that Trump was under investigation for treason.

“Oh Donald – the ratings are in, and you got swamped,” Schwarzenegger says in the following video. “Wow. Now you’re in the thirties?”

The action star goes on to bring up the latest budget proposal by the Trump administration, which has come under fire for how many social programs it wants to cut.

“But what do you expect?” Schwarzenegger asks in the footage, explaining:

“I mean when you take away after school programs for children and meals on wheels for the poor people, that’s not what you call ‘making America great again.’ Come on.”

To his credit, Schwarzenegger concludes by not just slamming Trump, but offering him advice and assistance.

“Who is advising you? Let me give you some advice: go to a middle school — the Hart Middle School, right in Washington, six miles away from the White House.

"I’ll take you there, so you can see the fantastic work that they’re doing for these children. Let’s do it, huh?”

Watch the full swing Schwarzenegger takes at Trump below. We can"t wait to see howPOTUS responds!

Arnold schwarzenegger destroys donald trump makes potus an offer