Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Little Boy Reacts with Epic Tears to Twins Announcement

Be still my heart.

One dad in Brazil recorded his young son watching an ultrasound from his mother"s check-up.  

According to Mashable, the boy was captivated by the video, until his dad told him that there were two siblings in mom"s tummy.

"I can see the baby"s face," the kid siad, clearly having no idea what he was looking at.

"Can you?" the dad asked.

"Yes, I"m seeing it."

Dad called his bluff.

"Do you know what it is?"


"Your sibling."

"Is it?"

"And they"re two."



"Holy cow, dude," the boy said before slowly starting to tear up.

"What"s happening, boy?" the dad asked.

Wait for it, because this is friggin" adorably.

"I"m touched," the little guy said through tears.


Recording reactions to moments like these are the antidote to the Hot Mess Express train humanity is forced to ride on these days.  

For every video of Donald Trump either threatening assassination against his opponent or making fun of a disabled journalist, there are little moments like this one that make us smile.

The smiles don"t stop there.  Remember the little girl who didn"t want her brother to grow up, so she bawled her eyes out in protest?

And then there was "Charlie Bit My Finger," which instantly became a viral hit.

I hope the little Brazilian boy gets everything in life his little heart hopes for, because he reaction to having not one, but two younger siblings was nothing sort of beautiful.

What a lovely way to respond to becoming a big brother.  He"s psyched about his growing family, and there is no way you can fake those kind of tears.

Good luck to you, little boy, and your growing family.

Now if you"ll excuse us, we"re going to have ourselves a good cry.

Little boy reacts with epic tears to twins announcement

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Dwayne Johnson Hits Out at Fast 8 Co-Stars in Epic Rant!

Dwayne Johnson is not someone to be messed with. 

The star has always been one to speak his mind when the opportunity arises.

If you thought the cast of Fast 8 got on swimmingly, it’s now clearer than ever that they most certainly do not

Johnson took to both Instagram and Facebook to hit out at some of his male co-stars in a surprising rant. 

“This is my final week of shooting Fast & Furious 8. There’s no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one. An incredible hard working crew. Universal Studios Entertainment has been great partners as well. My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em.”

That sounds pretty nice. Right?!

It’s the next part of the post that had alarm bells ringing. 

“My male co-stars however are a different story,” he went on.

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses. When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling — you’re right.”

Okay then. 

“Bottom line is it’ll play great for the movie and fits this Hobbs character that’s embedded in my DNA extremely well. The producer in me is happy about this part. Final week on FAST 8 and I will finish strong. #IcemanCometh #F8 #ZeroToleranceForCandyAsses.”

It’s unclear exactly which of his male co-stars he is referring to, but the post is really surprising. 

Throughout production on the previous movies, the cast and crew seemed like a close-knit family.

Dwayne Johnson Rips Fast 8 Male Co-Stars

What could have changed this time round?

This is the first movie in the franchise without Paul Walker in it. 

Walker was killed in a freak car accident while production on Furious 7 was underway. 

Of the new additions to the cast this time round, Scott Eastwood is probably the most notable. 

Could this be about him?

We’ll probably never know the answer, but it’ll be interesting to watch the movie to witness just how annoyed Johnson was during production. 

If his acting is really that off in some of the scenes, there’s a good chance they won’t make the final cut. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Dead Worm in Cucumber Leads to Epic Customer Care Exchange

We don"t want to build too much anticipation for the following story, but…

… it may be the best thing you will ever see on the Internet.

Told via snapshots of a Facebook exchange, the back-and-forth began when a customer of British supermarket Tesco issued a complaint over having found a dead worm in his cucumber.

This led to a funeral for the animal, a couple of poems and an ode to former band Oasis.

Confused? Intrigued? Both?

Scroll down to better understand, and to laugh for the next few hours weeks:

1. Excuse Me, Tesco?

Excuse me tesco

It’s never a good sign when references are made to these these banana spiders.

2. A Quick, Understandable Response

A quick understandable response

Tesco didn’t blow off the complaint, that’s for certain. Can this customer service rep get a raise?

3. Things Escated from There

Things escated from there

By which, we mean that Wes organized and executed a funeral for the worm.


Funeral update

Don’t worry. Wes supplied the supermarket chain with more than just a photo of the sad event.

5. An Ode to… Oasis

An ode to oasis

We did NOT see this coming.

6. And… Here Goes!

And here goes

All hail Rob, the greatest customer care person in the history of the universe.

View Slideshow

Dead Worm in Cucumber Leads to Epic Customer Care Exchange

We don"t want to build too much anticipation for the following story, but…

… it may be the best thing you will ever see on the Internet.

Told via snapshots of a Facebook exchange, the back-and-forth began when a customer of British supermarket Tesco issued a complaint over having found a dead worm in his cucumber.

This led to a funeral for the animal, a couple of poems and an ode to former band Oasis.

Confused? Intrigued? Both?

Scroll down to better understand, and to laugh for the next few hours weeks:

1. Excuse Me, Tesco?

Excuse me tesco

It’s never a good sign when references are made to these these banana spiders.

2. A Quick, Understandable Response

A quick understandable response

Tesco didn’t blow off the complaint, that’s for certain. Can this customer service rep get a raise?

3. Things Escated from There

Things escated from there

By which, we mean that Wes organized and executed a funeral for the worm.


Funeral update

Don’t worry. Wes supplied the supermarket chain with more than just a photo of the sad event.

5. An Ode to… Oasis

An ode to oasis

We did NOT see this coming.

6. And… Here Goes!

And here goes

All hail Rob, the greatest customer care person in the history of the universe.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Woman Shares Epic Photo of Husband During Labor

Giving birth is hard for women, let’s be clear.

It’s, like, the hardest thing they’ll ever do, considering the size of the baby and the size of the area from which the baby will enter the world.

We won’t go into any more detail, don’t worry.

But do you know who else child birth is difficult for?

The men who have to witness it!

Once again, we won’t get too detailed here. It’s okay. We’ll keep this site mostly family friendly.

But guys who are trying to be supportive and sit by their partner’s side during this life-altering experience can sometimes have their lives altered as well.

There’s just a lot going on.

There’s a lot to hear. There’s a lot to think about. And there’s an awful lot to see.

Some fathers-to-be clearly handle the ordeal better than ever, and it’s safe to say that the man featured above is not one of them.

While in labor recently, Alisha Baxter took a break from pushing in order to snap a photo of her husband, Jive Ria, reacting to the intense moment.

She shared the hilarious expression on his mug via Facebook and wrote as a caption:

“I thought I’d share this photo of my partner while I was in labour. Every time I look at his face and how squished his fingers are I crack up.”

Same here!

Don’t worry now, fellas. The bar for how you ought to behave while your wife is having a child has now been lowered: just avoid looking like THIS!

In his defense, Ria wrote the following:

“Us blokes go through a lot of pain as well. As you can see in my face haha.”

To date, the photo featured here has garnered over 24,000 Likes and been shared over 2,000 times. It’s easy to see why!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Jenelle Evans Fires Manager, Goes OFF in Epic Twitter Rant!

Jenelle Evans isn’t exactly known for her level-headed demeanor.

Even so, every time she spews her blind rage all over Twitter, we’re amazed by just how wild the Carolina Hurricane’s temper really is.

For once, Jenelle isn’t attacking MTV and the producers of Teen Mon 2, but she’s still biting the hand that feeds her by declaring a tweet beef on someone who’s important to her business interests.

Manager Johnny Donovan shared the news that he is no longer working with Jenelle on social media yesterday.

Naturally, Jenelle is handling the end of their business relationship in the calm, reasonable fashion we’ve come to expect.

Just kidding, she went completely bonkers on Twitter and tore Donovan apart in a series of scathing tweets:

“I dropped u…u didn’t drop me,” Evans tweeted at Donovan.

Get it right lmao you’re a groupie, think u know what u r doing but u don’t.”

And if you thought the crazy would stop, there then you don’t know Ms. Evans:

“Or what about cat calling celebs in public?! What about using my IG solely for all your hookups?

“Steal money from me and I’ll [scissor Emoji] u off and never speak a word to you again. You’re in the wrong so you’re not the victim, stop acting like it!”

Obviously, Jenelle Twitter rants are nothing new, but she sounds particularly angry in this one.

She also makes some pretty valid points about why Donovan was a terrible manager – assuming she’s telling the truth.

That’s always a big “if” when it comes to Jenelle.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself just how shaky her relationship with the truth has been over the years.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Mom Gets Fat-Shamed for Wearing Shorts, EPIC Response Goes Viral

No matter how many posts we write about body-shaming and how much it sucks, some folks just don’t seem to get it.

Texas mom Brynn Huffman was feeling pretty good about herself when she went out to run some errands the other day wearing a flowy white top and mid-thigh denim shorts.

Huffman admitted it took a bit of courage to don the shorts.

“My legs, while tan from swimming and muscular from dancing, are (1) not where I would like them to be and (2) are not up traditional beauty standards (read: Photoshopped) because cellulite,” she wrote in a Facebook post that has gone viral.

Sounds like the thoughts of a great number of American woman, amiright?

Unfortunately for Huffman and humanity as a whole, some jerk in line at the UPS store thought it appropriate to confirm the mom’s worst fears by making a snarky comment about her attire.

Huffman says that after a pleasant exchange with the woman in front of her, she turned to the patron behind her and smiled.

In exchange for the grin, the woman started with a compliment, as if trying to negate the unspeakable rudeness that would follow.

“‘Your hair really is amazing.’ ::cocks head to side:: ‘You should probably rethink the shorts though,"” Huffman wrote of the woman’s response.

And the most incredible part? The shamer wore a shirt that read “COEXIST.”

Huffman said her face immediately turned red – not with embarrassment, but with rage. She then hurled back a zinger that couldn’t have been more perfect.

“You should probably rethink your shirt.” 

Ooh, ya burnt!

Yet even after the epic comeback, Huffman said the insult still made her want to go home and change her clothes, and that made her even more angry.

The encounter inspired her to write the post, which has garnered more than 400,000 likes and 163,000 shares.

She concluded with a message we hope all will consider before launching unsolicited criticism to strangers.

“Listen, people. Especially women.

“Plus sized doesn’t necessarily mean unhealthy. Plus sized doesn’t necessarily mean lazy. Plus sized doesn’t mean ugly or undesirable or untalented or uncoordinated or LESS. THAN. HUMAN.

“You might have an issue with my body. I don’t. And I’ve worked very hard past judgmental family and friends, past divorce, past depression to NOT have an issue with my body.

“Women. Do not tear each other down. Celebrate each other. Every day.”

SLAY, sister.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Beyonce Inspires Most Epic Prom Entrance of All-Time

Azja Frazier has officially raised the prom bar.

In a video that has gone viral for totally awesome and understandable reasons, this high school student eschewed the concept of simple photos with her prom date prior to the pair leaving for their big dance.

Instead, she adorned her porch with black and yellow column balloons… she rolled out a red carpet… she called a huge audience to her yard… and she enlisted two of her friends to imitate the choreography from Beyonce"s "Formation" music video.

The footage was shared on dancer’s Floyd D. Wimberly Facebook page and has racked up over three million views in just a couple days.

Wimberly is at the center of the footage, emerging through fringe in white pants and a black top.

After several seconds, he launches into Bey"s "Formation" choreography, nailing every move perfectly, prior to walking down the steps to make room for a second dancer.

Eventually, Frazier herself makes a smoke-filled entrance.

And it"s awesome!

The teenage, who lives in Illinois, told BuzzFeed News she hired Wimberly after seeing some of his dances online.

According to his Facebook page, he"s done the "Formation" prom entrance at least twice before, and has also performed Bey"s "Diva" for a sendoff.

"I wanted something to entertain my guests while they were waiting on me to come out," Frazier told BuzzFeed.

"Also, I loved the song and I felt like it was a moment when I slayed … I felt like it was my day to shine."

It totally was, Azja. And shine you did!

Check out the impressive footage below:

Student makes like beyonce for epic prom entrance

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Snoop Dogg Honors Anniversary with Epic Throwback Photo

Call him Snopp Dogg. Call him Snoop Lion.

Call him Mr. Weed Smoker Extraordinaire.

Just make sure to call him a romantic sap, as well.

In honor of his 19th wedding anniversary, the rapper (whose real name is Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr.) shared a truly epic photo on Instagram this week.

It features himself… and his wife… and it was snapped over 19 years ago.

At the couple’s senior prom!

So we assume, at least.

The location and date of the picture is unknown. But it isn’t from this decade or last decade, that’s for certain.

“19 Years today @bosslady_ent Happy anniversary been a1 from day 1 thanks for my kids,” Snoop wrote as a caption to the above throwback image, referencing wife Shante Broadus.

The couple started dating long before Calvin turned into Snoop D-O-double-G.

He and his high school sweetheart got married in 1997.

Back in 2004, Snoop actually filed for divorce, firing “irreconcilable differences,” but the two eventually found their way back into each other’s arms.

“I was trying to get a divorce, but I went back home and I fell back in love with my wife and kids. A lot of times you get cloudy,” the artist told MTV at the time.

“This music industry is a mother, man, and it’ll take your vision and blur it. But God is good, so I understand that I need my wife and my kids in my life – so I threw the papers away. I don’t want to get a divorce.

“So if you hear about a divorce, it’ll be my wife divorcing me. It won’t be me divorcing her…And I made a mistake, so I’m trying to get back right.”

Later on, Snoop told Larry King that he used “a whole lot of begging and pleading” to win his woman back over.

The couple, who has four children together, renewed their wedding vows on January 12, 2008.

Here’s to 19 more years of bliss!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Kris Jenner Has "Epic Meltdown" Over Rob Kardashian"s Refusal to Get a Prenup

If there’s one thing Kris Jenner loves, it’s money.

And her kids. Yeah, she totally loves her kids, too.

So when her kids’ money is threatened? Whoa, Nelly.

The momager is reportedly beside herself fretting because Rob Kardashian refuses to make his fiance Blac Chyna sign a prenup.

“He refuses to get a prenuptial agreement with Blac and it infuriates Kris so much that she had an epic meltdown,” a source tells HollywoodLife.

“She shed tears for Rob, and for herself,” continued the insider. “All her daughters have her wit, her business smarts, and common sense.”

“Rob, on the other hand, doesn’t. And Kris blames herself.”

We’re not sure why she’s taking all the blame, but we can’t fault her for her concern.

Rob and Blac have been together for less than a year, and while everything may be rosy for them now, thinking it will remain perfect is naive AF. 

“She doesn’t want him to get hurt, and she sure as hell doesn’t want him to be shelling out millions to Blac should something go awry in their relationship,” added the source.

“They have a child on the way and Kris only wants her son to grow a pair and get smart fast.”

Funnily enough, last year Blac seemingly suggested Kylie Jenner throw a prenup at her then-bae Tyga (who, of course, is Blac’s baby daddy). 

Wonder what Blac thinks of the idea of a prenup now?

Kim Kardashian reportedly advised her brother on the necessity of a prenup as well, but rebellious Rob just laughed it off.

“She told him that if he’s going to get married, at least get a prenup,” a source revealed.

“He just mocked her like a child and taunted over and over ‘I’m not gonna get a prenup.’ The way he was saying it incensed her.”

At this rate, it appears that whatever his mom and sisters want for him, Rob is dead set on doing the opposite.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Gigantic Tornado Paves Way for Epic Prom Photo: This. Is. AWESOME!

We thought we’d see it all when Jaden Smith wore a dress to the prom.

And then we really thought we’d see it all when a few students in Colorado carried some guns and held up the Confederate Flag for their promo photo.

But then Ali Marintzer and her boyfriend, Charlie Bator, came along.

The couple got all dressed up for their big night out, only to pose in one of their backyards and get shown up by Mother Nature.

As you can see above, Ali and Charlie ended up standing in front of a massive tornado, one that makes that twister in The Wizard of Oz look like a wuss.

This natural disaster started as a small funnel… but then quickly developed into a much larger one.

Fortunately, the couple was nearly three miles away and knew they were safe, allowing them to pose for a couple memorable shots.

Tornado Snap

Wrote Ali as a caption to the first image shared above:

“Since it was on the news and apparently it’s going viral.. And I love him a lot!”

She included a diamond ring emoji with the picture as well… so these two might have some even bigger news to share soon!

But we somehow doubt their impending engagement will go more viral than these photos have gone.

No offense to Ali and Charlie, of course. But couples get engaged everyday.

They don’t snap the perfect photo of tuxedo and tornado very often, however.

Friday, May 6, 2016

15 of the Most EPIC Celebrity Meltdowns in History

Being a celebrity comes with a great number of benefits – but with it comes a great deal of pressure as well.

Some handle it with aplomb, but others have a harder time dealing and just go off the deep end.

Here is a list of stars who cracked under pressure.


1. Charlie Sheen

Charlie sheen in chicago

You could almost say Charlie Sheen’s entire adult life is a meltdown, but he peaked in 2011 when he declared himself a “warlock” with “tiger’s blood” who was totally “winning.” He wound up cussing out producers on his show Two and a Half Men, which led to his dismissal.

2. Britney Spears

Britney spears o face

Britney shocked the world in 2007 when she went into a salon and shaved her head completely bald. Word has is the hairdresser refused to do it, so she grabbed the clippers and did it herself.

3. Kanye West

Kanye west in lax

Kanye West’s rants are stuff for the ages, but his Twitter tirades in 2016 led friends to suggest he needed mental counseling. After going off on Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose, Kanye declared himself $ 53 million in debt and asked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for a loan. Shortly afterwards, he threw a widely publicized tantrum backstage during an appearance on Saturday Night Live.

4. Amanda Bynes

Amanda bynes walking the street

Amanda Bynes alarmed fans by engaging in deeply erratic behavior starting in 2010, insulting other celebs on Twitter and announcing her retirement from acting. She was arrested after throwing a bong out the window of her New York City apartment and her mental health was questioned. Her mother finally assumed conservatorship over Bynes when she was placed on a 5150 hold.

5. Mel Gibson

Mel gibson smirks

After Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving in 2006, the actor unleashed a slew of antisemitic statements against Jews and called a police officer “sugar tits.” Later, Gibson’s ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva released tapes in which he admits to abusing her and makes a number of sexist statements, racial slurs and even death threats against her.

6. Tila Tequila

Tila tequila smiling

Tila Tequila is another celeb whose mental health has been a concern, particularly in 2016 when she posted bizarre tweets claiming the earth was flat and that she had an alien brain. At one point, she begged for rent money on the social media platform – and actually got it.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mother"s Epic Airport Tirade: Caught on Camera!


An irate mother of two was caught on cell phone camera going off on American Airlines staff members after her flight from New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Miami was delayed for 12 hours… and then canceled, thereby affecting the start of her Disney cruise vacation.

The incident took place on a night of awful weather, although passengers were initially told that the delay was due to a mechanical problem on the plane.

"I"m sorry, you lied to me. You lied to me," the woman is heard screaming.

"I"m sitting here since 8 o"clock with a nine-year-old who"s waiting for her vacation and my 13-year-old and me. And you"re telling all this sh-t to all these people! If there"s no flight just say: "There"s no flight!""

We typically run these sorts of videos to make fun of he subjects… but we can sort of see where she"s coming from in this case.

It was recorded by a fellow frustrated passenger at 2 a.m.

“Don"t give me this sh-t anymore,” the lady yells. “And you"re all going to pay for my Disney cruise and you"re going to pay for everything else here.”

Police were eventually called after airline staff was confronted with even more angry passengers.

But this footage definitely captures the angriest.

Check it out now:

Mothers epic airport tirade caught on camera

Mother"s Epic Airport Tirade: Caught on Camera!


An irate mother of two was caught on cell phone camera going off on American Airlines staff members after her flight from New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Miami was delayed for 12 hours… and then canceled, thereby affecting the start of her Disney cruise vacation.

The incident took place on a night of awful weather, although passengers were initially told that the delay was due to a mechanical problem on the plane.

"I"m sorry, you lied to me. You lied to me," the woman is heard screaming.

"I"m sitting here since 8 o"clock with a nine-year-old who"s waiting for her vacation and my 13-year-old and me. And you"re telling all this sh-t to all these people! If there"s no flight just say: "There"s no flight!""

We typically run these sorts of videos to make fun of he subjects… but we can sort of see where she"s coming from in this case.

It was recorded by a fellow frustrated passenger at 2 a.m.

“Don"t give me this sh-t anymore,” the lady yells. “And you"re all going to pay for my Disney cruise and you"re going to pay for everything else here.”

Police were eventually called after airline staff was confronted with even more angry passengers.

But this footage definitely captures the angriest.

Check it out now:

Mothers epic airport tirade caught on camera

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Leah Messer SLAMS MTV Editors in Epic Twitter Rant!

Leah Messer has had one craptastic week.

Fans came at her like fanged animals after she was seen denying her daughters breakfast during an episode of Teen Mom 2.

In the scene, she was portrayed in a highly unfavorable light as five-year-old Aleeah complained, “I’m cold, and I don’t have nothing to eat. You never get us up for breakfast.”

Matters were made worse when Leah quipped back by saying, “I’m not cooking breakfast when we already have to get up at 5 o’clock.”

The reality star later defended herself by explaining that her daughter was being a “drama queen” and that the kids have their morning meal as soon as they get to school.

Unfortunately, the PR damage had already been done, and now Leah is accusing MTV of crafty editing to make her out to be a monster mom.

Due to Twitter’s 140-per-tweet character limit, her rant was spread out over 13 posts, but we’ve pieced them together here for your reading pleasure.

She first responded to a supportive fan, who wrote the following:

“There is no amount of money that could make me continue filming after the way people bash @TM2LeahDawn … Idk why she does it … #teamleah”

This was Leah’s response:

“My point exactly. It’s so sad how the person behind the editing can even live a happy life by editing to manipulate the audience watching. It makes me feel like my story just isn’t enough.

“I DID hit rock bottom but I come out of it and I was willing to air it ALL because if just ONE person watched and reached out for HELP even when they feel so ALONE that’s all I cared about because I could NEVER imagine ANYONE feeling the pain, hurt, depression AND anxiety that I WAS suffering from.

“It would break my heart! I wanted to bring awareness and HELP others and if MTV couldn’t share that then I will do it on my own the way God wants me to!!!!

“As hard as it was to go through. I know there’s reasoning why I went through it. AND It hurts to feel BETRAYED by the ones I THOUGHT I could trust with my story.

“It goes to show you how ‘THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD’ really is and I guess everyone will see where I REALLY am starting EPISODE 4. #SUCHASHAME when others that is suffering could ALREADY be reaching out for help.

“It just BREAKS MY HEART!!! It’s NOT okay but I KNOW that I am NOW in such a AMAZING place and I LOVE YOU ALL!

“I hope to continue to share my story but I REFUSE to allow it to be twisted for the benefit of a NETWORK!”

We all know how reality TV works. They take hours of footage then pick out the juiciest parts that tell the story most likely to attract viewers, and sadly for Teen Mom, that usually means portraying the stars as incompetent parents.

We’re just surprised that Leah doesn’t know this by now. She’s been part of the franchise for years, and that’s pretty much the drill.

The difference may be that in the past, she truly WAS a hot holy mess, and now she’s trying hard to clean up her act.

Shows like Teen Mom are referred to as “trainwreck programming” because audiences love to watch people with screwed-up lives.

MTV couldn’t give a damn about drumming up compassion for its stars – or even depicting some semblance of their reality. It’s all about ratings.

We’re not saying Leah shouldn’t be mad, but if she doesn’t want her actions scrutinized by millions of citizens, she may want to consider bowing out of the show, because it’s unlikely to change.

Oh, but that paycheck, though!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

12 Most Epic Meltdowns in Bachelor History

Some folks out there may watch The Bachelor online or on television because they want to see two people fall in love.

Others may find the star very attractive.

But still others would likely make the following admission: they tune in each week with the hope that one of the scorned suitors will totally lose it on national television.

With that in mind, here"s a rundown of the most epic meltdowns in series history:

1. Total, Complete and Fake Panic

Total complete and fake panic

On Season 19, Kelsey was known as “the Black Widow” because she openly plotted about when she’d reveal to Chris that her husband was dead. She then broke down in a crazy panic attack, which most viewers believed was a total con job.

2. How Dare You Let Me Go?!?

How dare you let me go

On Season 5, Trish got the boot… but she then proceeded to check into the same hotel as Jesse Palmer and the three final contestants, actually interrupting his overnight date with another woman to tell him he’d made a serious mistake in letting her go.

3. The Eyebrow Has It

The eyebrow has it

Remember on Season 17 when Tierra LiCausi said the other women would never take away her “sparkle,” even in the face of a rogue eyebrow?

4. Get Them Drunk. See What Happens.

Get them drunk see what happens

This basically sums up the philosophy of the producers, and never did it play out better than on Season 18 when Victoria got very cozy with a Champagne bottle and had one of the drunkest on-camera meltdowns in the history network television. She locked herself in the bathroom and then got send home.

5. Who is Juan Pablo Anyway?!?

Who is juan pablo anyway

The finale of The Bachelor Season 18 was highlighted by Clare in tears, angry with Juan Pablo for turning out to be someone other than who she believed him to be.

6. A Bachelor Meltdown

A bachelor meltdown

Move over, ladies. On Season 14, Jason Mesnick proved that men are capable of losing it, as well, after he broke down because he dumped Molly. The pair ended up married and have a child together, though.

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